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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4828524 No.4828524 [Reply] [Original]

I heard you guys like dragon girls.

>> No.4828778

Best EN vtuber and it hasn't even been three weeks.

>> No.4828841

She's cute but I won't watch her after the books she recommended

>> No.4828911

Only because she gets clips

>> No.4828948


>> No.4828970
File: 1.86 MB, 2401x2458, 1621649041925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doragon rabu

>> No.4828982

I like both of those

>> No.4829024

God no, I don't want those autists shitting up Eli's streams

>> No.4829137

No it's because she isn't autistic and can actually have proper bants with chat.

>> No.4829294

The fairy's better

>> No.4829568

Her interests align better with mine but I think she could do improve a bit at talking while playing games.

>> No.4829629


>> No.4829639

Holy based.

>> No.4829735

Lol I will never be nijiniggers

>> No.4829852

Is this a falseflag thread? Why would you want to bring attention to the wholesome NijiEN girls when Holofags are in a frenzy looking for someone to victimize?

>> No.4829926

> I don't want to stop streaming because then who will you watch?
It hits different now...

>> No.4830169

>Is this a falseflag thread?
Yes, obviously. A low effort one at that. Also kys tribalfag.

>> No.4830218

While I agree with you, you are a colossal faggot.

>> No.4830381

Someone spoonfeed me why is she associated with sweating? Is it because of the outfit?

>> No.4830876

Dragon deez nuts.

>> No.4831038

Is because she says so

>> No.4831180
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>> No.4831274

Holy shit. Okay, I will start doing my reps after I'm back from work.

>> No.4831362

Dragon Deez Nuts?

>> No.4831847

Smartest man in this thread
