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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48209923 No.48209923 [Reply] [Original]

>never watched ENs
>never betrayed my oshi when everyone were moving to ENs
>believed in the superiority of the main branch
>classic western dramas
>HoloEN in shambles
A toast to all my fellow JPchads
We won

>> No.48210010


>> No.48210019

You needed the branch to be sabotaged and ignored for years to compete. How is that a win?

>> No.48210133

Compete for what? JP were always the top dogs, look at their performance.

>> No.48210156

Classic ENcope

>> No.48210345

congrats! you want a medal?

>> No.48210380

Yeah if you ignore 80%

>> No.48210421

EN has reclined

>> No.48210425

In EN you have to ignore everyone except Gura

>> No.48210445

>EN starts tumbling down as soon as the pandemic ends
>JP keeps going up and are reaching new peaks
have you considered that EN just failed to maintain their popularity?

>> No.48210499


>> No.48210506

>Coco graduating because of Taiwan yab
>Rushia getting herself terminated
>drama around Marine in the competition
and the list goes on. There's drama all the fucking time in JP land you larping retard, it isn't any different (in fact it's worse), you only think it is because you don't understand japanese

>> No.48210564

The only ones who think the top CCV of the day competition matters is you braindead faggots in your general

>> No.48210592

Only Gura can pull off a 18k stream.
The rest of EN can't even get to 10k

>> No.48210657

How's that Council sub count looking?

>> No.48210738

i mean.. who you think is the more popular one? the one that can get 40-50k views constantly or someone that struggles to get 16-17k? Yeah CCV isnt everything, there is SCs and merch too, but still is a good indicative to interest

>> No.48210739

>ina proves you wrong

>> No.48210770

And ?
They don't have the same consequences anyway because most of them are just dumb drama created by antis while EN dramas legit make fans upset which make them leave

>> No.48210825

Not when the metric has been proven to be broken multiple times

>> No.48210926

>nothingburger around Marine in the competition
fify, if it was really a drama there would be some consequences and people would still be talking about it, also
Yes, depending to what you refer
>rust server
nothingburger too
>not showing up to their gen anniversary, RM activity and 3 months gone
those things yes, but its been more than 4 months

>> No.48211012

okay then, what metrics you use for comparison?
>hard mode: no sub count

>> No.48211117

Even if he says sub count you can bring up Council which completely destroys his narrative.

>> No.48211306

Don't know and don't care

>> No.48211358

Sperm count

>> No.48211401


>> No.48211620

chumbud it isn't 2020 anymore people don't mean "Gura" when they say EN nowadays
please wake up
the accident wasn't your fault

>> No.48211701

Well this thread makes it clear the JP "chads" of the board are just #fags jacking off at numbers

>> No.48211875

You will never ever be Japanese.

>> No.48211962

Numbers are the best tracks to notice people interest
If half of your viewers stop watching that usually means something happened

>> No.48211979

Yes i won't.
But i will always prefer japanese entertainment over western woke culture shit any day.

>> No.48212035

EOP retard.

>> No.48212039

Oh so you're trendhopper. That's even worse

>> No.48212092

>Numbers are the best tracks to notice people interest
ESL faggot. Kill yourself.

>> No.48212132

Go back to >>>/jp/. Oh wait, dead board. lol.

>> No.48212137

So sensitive

>> No.48212173

Cheer mate
Its funny to see EOP mad because we can learn anothers languages

>> No.48212602

And I will never be English

>> No.48212724
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Cheers to all the JPchads

>> No.48212848

Most of the JP girls and the ENs who can talk to each other get along pretty well thought. And nearly all the JP girls want to fuck Mumei.

>> No.48213045
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>> No.48213284

4 million subscribers

>> No.48213456


>> No.48213526
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not trying to be

>> No.48213653

>and he's an AI fag
roru rumao

>> No.48213976

Japan will be completely underwater by 2050.

>> No.48214014

>>JP keeps going up and are reaching new peaks
If they could put more effort into their birth rate instead of watching anime women play games then I'd actually kneel to nipponese glory

>> No.48214040

lmao can you get any more pathetic

>> No.48214050

>Numbers are the best tracks to notice people interest
>Bots can also inflate those numbers

>> No.48214261

I started with EN myth branch and i moved over to JP only, feels fucking good having streamers to watch all around the clock

>> No.48214511

>metric is broken
>everyone’s views are always broken so we can never use them for comparisons ever
Lol retard.

>> No.48215812

SEA thread

>> No.48216018

>if you don't like being cucked while having one stream a week you are a SEA
Burger mentality

>> No.48217476

Baby shark subs

>> No.48217683

EN really fucked up, they could've capitalized on what they had but instead wasted it all.

>> No.48219019
File: 132 KB, 955x1080, neeoutfit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain mommy.

>> No.48219609
File: 2.91 MB, 384x540, hopeless EN cucks.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get a load of this nigger.

>> No.48220069

EN Branch have only a bunch of fake people

Pekora is a hikikomori.

Suisei made her own vtuber 3d model because she really wanted to be a vtuber.
