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48140042 No.48140042 [Reply] [Original]

>final act in vshojo is to expose ironRAT as the fake, clout-chasing, snakey piece of shit that she is

>> No.48140124


>> No.48141396


>> No.48141491

Silver is the hero we didn't deserve. I kneel. Reminder that shills are going to attack her for telling the truth and only for that, they really hate it when people are honest.

>> No.48141548

She's just too based

>> No.48141609

conveniently ignoring the fact that she was in mousey's birthday concert and birthday stream 3 months ago

>> No.48141707

Everyone with a brain knew Ironmouse is like that. Which is why Mori is completely oblivious to it of course.

>> No.48142055

>says they haven't talked in 8 months, talked atleast 3 months ago and hung out in VRchat. Mouse is also known for being incredibly busy and constantly ghosting most of her friends because she always gets caught up in stream related shit, which she has admitted to on stream a milliion times and apologized for.
damn bro

>> No.48142257

>teehee she's just too busy making le ebin connections with super-star streamers like asmoncuck to talk to her """"friends""""
cope harder

>> No.48142310
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>> No.48142782

>concert and birthday stream
Stream = business, your coworker is not necessarily your friend

>> No.48143092

>Q: "Are you and mousey still friends?"
>A: "Umm... I dunno man."

>"Some people are not the people you think that they are."
Sums up all of Vshojo. I wonder how many of them are disgusting troon supporters who enabled the harassment for playing Hogwarts.

>> No.48143210

how does she have not time when shes bed ridden all day every da- .... oh i see.

>> No.48143396
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Not sure who else she's hanging out with in VRChat besides the girls but I've got her added and know every time she logs on.

>> No.48144489
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this is the gossip and drama I live for, vshojo I kneel

>> No.48144677

First clip doesn't lead to the second
It's obvious she's talking about Froot the backstabber

>> No.48144774

Wow so not only does this 100% confirm that Froot was malicious to her it implies management ignored everything deliberately AND that some of the others took froots side and thought silver deserved it, in particular ironrat who we already know thanks to her backing away from describing what a woman is the other day that she's high on the woke coolaid.

yep I'm staying the fuck away from anyone still in vshojo. these red flags could not get any redder.

>> No.48144862

>I wonder how many of them are disgusting troon supporters who enabled the harassment for playing Hogwarts.
Literally all of them except Silver+Vei (coincidentally, the two who just quit)

Ironrat got called the fuck out for staying silent on Silver's harassment and her only response was "harassment bad mkay, now stop bothering me" while making it explicitly clear that she does NOT actually support Silver and is NOT claiming she did nothing wrong.

>> No.48144951

She's also been trying to move into her new house for the past several months but kept getting delayed because of contractors and her health has declined.. Mouse didn't used to have an alarm set you could hear on stream every day at 9pm EST for her to take heart pills.
If anything this just makes Silver seem like an unprofessional bitch to me.. Mouse will just catch flak for this and not defend herself though because she avoids drama and conflict. Oh and here's a fun fact, Mouse invited Silver to go on SOTD on stream a couple months ago, the same day she invited Kiara.

>> No.48145512

Continually using her on going illness to excuse any wrong doing is top tier emotional manipulation.

>> No.48145571


>> No.48145617

So, what did she actually say? Why should I believe her (and Veibae's grifter ass)?

>> No.48146352

>Oh and here's a fun fact, Mouse invited Silver to go on SOTD on stream a couple months ago, the same day she invited Kiara.
And surprise surprise, neither of them have appeared yet. How many times has Kiara been "invited" now? 3 times? 4?

>> No.48146396

JUST this once
My Queen I KNEEL

>> No.48147205

>le ebin
kill yourself

>> No.48147264

She was like that when she had 800 viewers in 2020 before joining Vshojo. She gets nervous about messaging people back and puts it off until she doesn't she feels to awkward to talk to them again.

>> No.48147340

The concert stream he's speaking of was not actually on the concert though. It was VRchat celebration that was partially recorded and has never even been fully uploaded. It was just them all dicking around and we've only ever seen a supercut of it.

>> No.48147343

>ironmouse is a fucking liar
Every anon was right.

>> No.48147535

>bothering to consume Vshitshow content to begin with

>> No.48147591
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women are so retarded lmao. So fucking what if she didn't talk to you for 7 months? When men are friends, they can go literal years barely communicating and still hang out as bros anyway, totally unaffected by the time gap. Silvervale is just being a needy cunt here, overdosing on estrogen; her randomly saying this about ironmouse for no fucking reason is petty bitch behavior to the fucking max, I hope everyone who thinks this gossip girl shit is 'based' isn't actually male otherwise that's some actual faggot shit

>> No.48147691

What did IronMouse do besides not allegedly talk to her for a couple of months? People are saying she lied or is a backstabber but she didn't say anything specific that she did.

>> No.48147842

Ironmouse did nothing wrong. When I'm working, my relationship with my co-workers extends only as far as the job goes. I don't give a shit what they do in their off hours, nor do I want to talk to them or hang out with them in my free time. Whenever a co-worker quits or whenever I quit, we're guaranteed to never speak to each other ever again.
I don't expect my co-workers to be my friends, and they don't expect me to be their friend. Our relationships are entirely professional and that's it. Ironmouse isn't obligated to talk to Silver, and Ironmouse isn't obligated to hang out with silver.

>> No.48147889

her along with vshojo management did nothing to stop froot and her gang of ruffians from harassing her because she played a video game. also silver is a jealous stacy-lite attention whore so mouse is a convenient target to sick her audience on

>> No.48148044

holy based

>> No.48148061

Silver basically proved her immaturity by bringing up her lack of friendship with Ironmouse on stream. Peko and Miko clearly have had an issue in the past, but they have never discussed it publicly, because they are smart and mature enough not to let drama get in the way of their profession.
This is all just another case of American women.

>> No.48148129

>Leaves agency
>Immediately throws shade at the largest member to stir up drama
>Has been riding Asmongold's dick
Which one is a clout chaser again?

>> No.48148162

I received your message silver, I will unsub ironmouse as you wish

>> No.48148299

>sought help from the rat when she was under attack
>rat clearly put her on 'read' when things were going south

>> No.48148364

I never watched it but I think from what I gather back in 2018/2019 the proto-vshojo girls besides nyiggers lol tried to act all uwu cute girl before rugpulling their fans with twofaced behavior.

>> No.48148374

She arranged a VShojo group song with Silver in it. She bought Silver a smol/gremolin model for April Fools. She invited Silver to SOTD not long ago but probably got turned down. Clearly she's a monster.

>> No.48148420

As she said anything about Froot?

>> No.48148550

>Just because someone has terrible physical health doesn't mean they automatically become an angel
Amazing, it is almost like a human is still just a human, and still susceptible to being shitty sometimes

>> No.48148566

>tells everyone that shitty people are shitty two faced backstabbers
>she's just clout chasing
don't need to defend whores anon.

>> No.48148606

Vshitshow quite literally isn't a company and they were never co-workers, it was literally an invite-only organization formed by people who were already friends which is why Veibae and Silvervale are particularly surprised by the backstabbing bullshit by people they thought they knew before any of them ever decided to put together this shitshow.

>> No.48148649

>Be ironmouse
>Be antisocial as fuck
>try to make friends
>never talk to the friends you make
>the relationship slowly dies out and people wonder why
Sounds like me
I literally never talked to my friends after I graduated high school even when I was able to contact them
Just ghosted the fuck out of them
They never called me either
it is almost like friends aren't even real and people don't bother to interact unless they have to

>> No.48148761

do you also lie to your friends that you've contacted your other depressed friend in need just to look like you cared about her?

>> No.48148864

Stop being a fucking women, be specific about what you're refrencing goddamn

>> No.48148870


That only applies if life takes you down different paths to each other so you end up separated.
It's pretty fucking weird on the other hand to avoid ever interacting with a coworker or team member when not required by official business, unless you didn't like them.

>> No.48149016

>Ironrat got called the fuck out for staying silent on Silver's harassment and her only response was "harassment bad mkay, now stop bothering me"
Can you tell me more about this?

>> No.48149021

I see a lot of people are making this about ironmouse, which I suppose makes sense since she is the most popular and hence the name on most people's minds, but it's pretty clear that froot was the real bad influence behind most of what was alluded too in the stream.

>> No.48149112

maybe know what the thread you're talking in is about before talking about how you've convinced yourself that friends aren't real just to cope with your sad friendless, loveless life.

>> No.48149126

they never were friends they were networking

>> No.48149163

based dramatouist
let us bask in the afterglow

>> No.48149170

>literally dozens of clips of ironmouse saying to leave her alone
>staying silent

lol stay mad asshole

>> No.48149197

My friend lives less than 10 miles away and I don't call him or text him even once a month. We've been best friends for 15 years. I could talk to him or see him anytime I want. Neither of us give a shit. that anon is right, it's absolutely petty women and no man actually cares about this

>> No.48149273

Holy shit it's unbelievably refreshing to hear a chuuba actually say things like this instead of alluding to things under six hundred layers of ambiguity.

>> No.48149337

>Implying this wasn't under 600 layers of ambiguity

>> No.48149354

You're still talking about a case where you have different life situations and would not cross paths unless one of you went out of your way.
What we are talking about here is a case where you have to go out of your way to not cross paths.

>> No.48149394


>> No.48149446

Sorry, I use BBSs with real text editing features too sometimes.

>> No.48149479

Being co-workers means jack shit when the job is online, it's not like they walk past each other when clocking in for work
Despite having the same "employer" all of these streamers are separated by a distance of who-knows-how-far, each busy with their own business

>> No.48149826

>Ironmouse is a lying piece of shit that would gladly attack her "friends"

>> No.48149912

You're in a situation where there is zero 'barrier to entry' to networking, and doing so is all upside nominally. All it takes is an act of will.
The lack of will is itself a signal.
You're making it sound like they work at a software development firm or something instead of one of the most (para)social businesses that can possibly exist online. Creating that 'floating world' only becomes possible when there is genuine interaction between talents (and management) who can feed off of positive relationships with each other. Otherwise you get situations like this, or nijien, or [insert imploded smallcorpo no. 031 here].

>> No.48149933

link these clips, what I remember is mouse making a very vague non statement

>> No.48150152

Doesnt exist. In fact she tweeted at froot in support of the trannies that attacked Silvervale

>> No.48150441

I don't get why this clip is relevant. It's very innocuous.

>> No.48150616

Hard to say. But the Backstabbing comes down to an old, probably deleted stream where Ironmouse admitted that she threw Nux under the bus, and with Silvervale now coming out and mentioning her specifically in reference to people being different behind the camera, Nux probably wasn't the only one Mouse stabbed when convenient to do so.

>> No.48150827

I recall that she made a meandering statement on one stream to the tune of 'harassing people is bad', without mentioning anyone or anything by name, either to support or to condemn.
In otherwords basically the most non-committal boilerplate you can possibly put out. Noone was convinced either way, normal people would rationalize it as support, while the small group of funny gender people on twitter took it as tacit approval by omission ("harassing people is bad and playing video games is harassment so i am justified").
I got the impression she only said it to get people to stop asking her about it without burning bridges too badly, while not wanting to stick her neck out for her fellow either.
At least still better than the openly public blue-falcon'ing of froot though lol.

>> No.48150976

>All it takes is an act of will.
>act of will

Anon, are you really familiar with vtuber personalities? Have you seen how much stress they get from having to make a voice telephone call? From forgetting to reply to something for a day so they're too anxious to ever reply again? From thinking about having to reach out to people to do collabs that they want to do?

>> No.48151112

And they pay for it.

>> No.48151191

Only schizos here will take her over iron mouse. Iron Mouse is the only reason non vshojo fans care or know about it. Silver just can't handle being a side character

>> No.48151262

You talk like a female.

>> No.48151325
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I'd take Silvervale over Ironmouse. I never liked Ironmouse's voice or general vibe. Her character in general was boring at best. Meanwhile, I think Silvervale has a super cute voice and character design. I also really enjoy her reactions and commentary when playing games.

>> No.48151343

actually I didnt even know vshojo existed until Kson and Nazuna joined

>> No.48151366

Even if Mouse is actually a bad person (doubt)--who would you rather watch?

Silver and Vei are irrelevant and unprofessional. Who cares what they think?

>> No.48151396

Silver because she has a beautiful chest

>> No.48151417

>Even if Mouse is actually a bad person (doubt)--who would you rather watch?
Probably Silvervale

>> No.48151470

I don't think this retarded girl played her cards well.
She goes indie and first thing she does is trying to go against Ironmouse?
Is she fucking stupid?

>> No.48151605

Silvervale rides her emotions, if that wasn't already obvious enough over the whole Hogwarts Legacy situation and how she reacted. She wasn't concocting she big plan on her way out, probably just finally loosening the valve on emotions that have been building up for months and let them air out at long last.

>> No.48151613

I'd rather your garden variety simp succubus twitch whore than someone who backstabs her "friends" every time the smallest controversy comes up.

>> No.48151680

You're obviously in the minority. If the average vtuber fan were to hear vshojo they'd think of Mouse, Nyan, and Kson. No one else there is important to vtubing beyond Nazuna. But Nazuna's rm account is probably more famous, as well as her pl.

>> No.48151715

Why? Who cares if a whore backstabs another whore? Are you a female?

>> No.48151716

>3 shill posts in 20 minutes
Do you faggots have no shame when you are this obvious

>> No.48151855

>You're obviously in the minority.
Cite a study.

>> No.48151942

Look at the numbers. The awards. The collabs. Iron Mouse IS vshojo.

>> No.48151989

damn being attacked for playing hogwarts must have showed her who her true friends are

>> No.48152045

I feel like all streamers should've used the game to determine who's worth keeping around.

>> No.48152061

>And surprise surprise, neither of them have appeared yet.
Kiara told her she couldn't do it till after HoloFes and then Mouse was moving. She actually asked Kiara if she could be on next week.

>> No.48152084

>The awards
You mean the awards that clearly ignored Pekora and Gura and were clearly rigged by Ironmouse's influencer friends?

>> No.48152162

>hurr durr i can't find it so doesn't exist
it's 2023 stop being faggots and learn to google shit

>> No.48152308

it was literally a nomination system by the public stay mad that your hololosers aren't popular enough

>> No.48152405

Yes because the unwashed masses have genuinely good tastes and know quality when they see it amirite?

>> No.48152482

Reminder Asmongold won best MMO streamer and he only argues with Youtube videos while stunlocked by chat nowadays

>> No.48152497

it's a literal popularity contest, are you mad that a popularity contest was a popularity contest or are you mad that no one gives a shit about belle delphine shark and a 30+ year old shrieking rabbit

>> No.48152707

Didn't the numbers come out and prove Pekora is the most watched female streamer, let alone vtuber? You'd think by those numbers, Pekora would handily win a popularity contest. Only reason she didn't is because her fanbase is primarily Japanese viewers on YouTube and not westerners on Twitch with major western influencers backing her

>> No.48152716

Why bother defending them if they're just whores to you? I swear, drama on this board attracts the most retardard tourists every single time.

>> No.48152822

>Mouse says nice things about Silver and says they all get along behind the scenes but because she hasn't talked to Silver offstream in several months that makes her a terrible person
I really don't understand this line of reasoning. Friends drift apart, shit happens. They both have their own circles they play games with.

>> No.48152834

like any poll, you can get whatever results depending what sample you use.

So as you said, a heavy twitch streamer userbase is unlikely to watch jp content in the first place

>> No.48152838

it was literally voted on by the public, how hard is this for you to understand

>> No.48152851
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The nominee listing alone is enough to show how shit C tier these 'Streamer Awards' truly were. Probably held in some parking lot behind a Dennys in Las Vegas

>> No.48152933

ok then where were all the people voting for the "a list" vtubers?

>> No.48152963

How is she so based

>> No.48153106

Watching their oshis and not giving a fuck about ‘Trash Taste + Ludwig circle jerk awards’

>> No.48153147

ok then stop complaining you little bitch, they had their chance

>> No.48153202

God Silver i kneel so hard it will shatter the ground beneath me

>> No.48153267

>Lel silent majority

>> No.48153280

I bet she isn't even a cripple.

>> No.48153444

One knows how showbiz works.
The other one doesn't.
And yeah, its that simple.

>> No.48153467

I don't think it makes mouse a horrible person, or at least I don't believe that's what Silvervale intended. The clip directly addressed whether or not they were still friends. I'm sure Silvervale is just disappointed that Mouse never reached out to her privately over the Hogwarts harassment, but that's probably the long and short of it. More eyebrow raising is her bringing light to Mouse's relationship with Connor, she's obviously annoyed everyone dances around it.

>> No.48153692

For real vshojo obviously had no unity, is just a logo you stamp next to your name

>> No.48153750

vshojo is literally just a management team that pushes merch, i thought this was general knowledge?

>> No.48153762

I want to cum inside silvervale so bad bros

>> No.48153783

SHE is nod my boyfriend???
and that "i don't care" dosen't sound convincing

>> No.48153827

She means talk outside of work you fucking retard. Not the last time she has EVER interacted with mouse in any capacity

>> No.48153879

The problem is fucking ironrat with her fake unity bullshit

>> No.48153900

honestly she sounds like an absolute cunt in this clip, she's saying shit she knows she shouldn't say and it was just an honest question about someone who is close with most of vshojo.

>> No.48154049

God I'm glad she didn't let ironrat get away with the snakey bullshit she tried to pull in the HL drama arc

>> No.48154087

sounds like you have some deep unresolved personal issues if you think any different from

>> No.48154541

What does ironmouse 'honestly sound like' when she said that all harassment is bad in a subdued voice during the whole HL situation?

>> No.48154564

Only one worth a damn in that lineup is Lily and that's not saying much.

>> No.48154625

sounded like she was making a pretty clear statement of stop bullying to me.

do you think silver was the only person ironmouse knew that was being bullied? there were a dozen other vtubers including pikamee, which she was very close with, also being bullied at the same time. so what are you expecting? a personalized statement from someone not involved in the situation for each individual person being bullied? she mad it clear, don't be bullying people.

>> No.48154656

>retarded children's game caused 3 massive talent firings with an entire corpo credibility irreparably damaged
Well job everyone

>> No.48154665

>she's saying shit she knows she shouldn't say
Everyone who's anyone, says it without saying it. She was probably sick of that bullshit.

>> No.48154673

No Silver is someone who finally confirmed some rumors and said fuck you guys i'm out i don't take your bullshit anymore

>> No.48154729

Maybe stop saying you talked to her when you didn't?

>> No.48154829

maybe stop being a delusional whore that also says shit like "hasn't talked to me in months" when you literally publicly invited her to your talk show

>> No.48154887

because it wasn't her business? she can easily just ignore the question or just say something like "oh yeah connor seems alright, i don't really know him though". the comment was incredibly cunty and purposeless.

>> No.48155003


>> No.48155019

Yeah, saying it in your stream does not equal talking to them.

>> No.48155080

This so much, get tired of faggots at work and family reunions beating around the bush for the sake of fake and insincere unity facade. I've started a fight or two in the past in the family by blatantly airing an inconvenient truth that no one else wanted to touch.

>> No.48155149

Because a fucking work lunch is the same as a deep and personal talk behind the scenes. Maybe your ironwhore shouldn't be putting the fans ahead of her colleague if she truly cared about her colleague.

>> No.48155309

I think there is/was something between Silver and mouse/connor some sort of betrayal this "i don't care" is fake

>> No.48155363

or you know...she's a delusional cunt that's lashing out

>> No.48155477


>> No.48155549

Right. That is the kind of clout mouse has. Silver is a literal who

>> No.48155589

Probably the HL game showing they'd let her be harassed and not give a shit.

>> No.48155610

Ironlung has some of the most desperate defenders kek.
It's hilarious to see the amount of hoops they'll jump through to try and cover for her

>> No.48155661

Because you faggots are shitting up the catalog with this "Yass girl" nonsense for chuubas that we all hate.

>> No.48155665

>they'd let her be harassed and not give a shit
imagine being this delusional

>> No.48155692

In the end karma will win out and in a few years Silver will still be streaming and Ironmouse will be 6 feet under the ground due to shitty health

>> No.48155770

How would you describe it then? Since you don't like our descriptions, YOU describe YOUR take on how the rest of Vshojo handled and reacted to Silvervale and HL.

>> No.48155871

I mean it's true. Pretty much everyone saw how it all went down.

>> No.48155916

>who would you rather watch?
The girl who is both honest about what she is and doesn't take modern societies bullshit just for a few extra donos.
Silvervale if it wasn't clear.

>> No.48155928

I'd describe it as the following:

>Ironmouse made a very clear and very obvious statement regarding online bullying and harassment. It was intentionally not directed towards any specific people because several people she knew was impacted
>silver faggots are mad af because she didn't specifically say silver
>silver faggots keep thinking that just because people are in the same company that they're all the best of friends and each one of them has to sit down with each other one every single day and have a nice and lovely friendly chat with them.

>> No.48156007

>boob break in caption
i kneel

>> No.48156014

So Ironmouse gave a generic statement about harassment, and then never even bothered to message Silver if she was ok? Seems like she didn't give a shit.

>> No.48156018

>girl is honest about what she is

Yes, she is very clearly a 2.5D wolf girl in real life that has 10000 boyfriends that she makes lewd comments to and definitely not a totally dull ordinary person just trying to earn a paycheck

>> No.48156133

How will Kson damage control now? She has been shilling how Vshojo is perfect for months yet everyone is leaving now

>> No.48156191

but her bad health condition is actually a fake too...

>> No.48156199

Kson is Christ, she's saving the vtuber scene by sinking vshojo from the inside with no survivors

Nijisanji next pls

>> No.48156244

>in a few years
Dude, she's expected to live well enough into her 60's with current medicine levels, and it'll only improve over time. You fell for the le dying mouse meme

>> No.48156630

Holy fucking retard. Stop proving their point this easily.
>silver faggots keep thinking that just because people are in the same company that they're all the best of friends and each one of them has to sit down with each other one every single day and have a nice and lovely friendly chat with them.

>> No.48156709

I need to start watching this chick she seems based

>> No.48156739

You don't have to be friends to make sure your coworker is doing ok.

>> No.48156794

Are you fucking stupid or something? If a coworker of yours, which you had a regular podcast with at one point, is getting major harassment and you can't even be bothered to send a message saying "yo, are you ok?". Yeah I'm going to say you didn't give a shit.

>> No.48156822

Seeing how quickly the vshojo general turned their backs on her and all start shitting on Silver instantly is fucking poetic.
Ironlungs fans are going so hard in trying to save face with their reaction queen being a fucking snake. The oshi reflects the fanbase really is true huh?...

>> No.48156835

Silver claims she never did, doesn't mean she didn't. Silver claims a lot of things, a lot of those things have been proven wrong.
you also don't have to make sure your coworker is ok

>> No.48156847

Well shit, I might start watching her.

>> No.48156885

The "public" being westerner twitch viewers who originally only know of vtubing by passing, and Ironmouse is good at getting her name out in the most normie of anime podcasts, evidently because she's dating one of the hosts. Turns out, when the "public" in which you poll is limited to such a way where those polled have limited to no exposure of Hololive talents, you can get skewed results. That's like polling the folks in the reddest part of Alabama about their views on abortion and then calling it indicative of the national opinion on the subject

>> No.48156985

ok "silent majority"

>> No.48157008


>> No.48157028

What if you know that your coworker was warned that they would be harassed if they did the thing and they did it anyways causing unnecessary drama for yourself?

>> No.48157086

Stop leaving out the obvious point, Ironmouse didn't want to risk any skin in the game so she gave the most watered down scolding of the harassers NOT because of all the various parties involved but because she didn't want 'the mob' to come after her. She chose her own comfort rather than take a stand for her coworker. She is entitled to such a choice but let's not pretend that what she did was significant, it was minimal effort at its finest and showed Silvervale where she ranked in Ironmouse's eyes.

>> No.48157127

I wouldn’t give a shit if a coworker of mine was getting major harassment. They are my coworker. That’s it.
So well yeah, I guess when you put it like that, you’re right. She probably didn’t.
I mean I know I wouldn’t give a shit at least.

>> No.48157171

Even is someone else is just my coworker, I would totally say that death threats to family members pass the limits of "cancel culture" to become an actual crime.
Ironmouse statement was generic and bland.

>> No.48157386

>Silver claims she never did, doesn't mean she didn't. Silver claims a lot of things, a lot of those things have been proven wrong.
Yet we all saw how the Harry Potter thing went down. Plus the only way to disprove Silver's claims is for Mouse to show the message. But what she'll do instead is ignore it, like she did with the harassment until she got pissed at chat and gave a generic statement.

You are condoning the harassment at that point. Silver wasn't running around shouting "heil Hitler, gas the Jews!", no she played a fucking Harry Potter game, and if Mouse thinks that's fine for you to get harassed over, then she's a piece of shit.

>> No.48157494

i think it was funny that one time silvervale's chat mentioned playing a game with ironmouse and silvervale just lost her shit kek

>> No.48157537

>no one gives a shit about belle delphine shark and a 30+ year old shrieking rabbit
No one gives a shit, yet mysteriously Pekora is the most watched female streamer across youtube and twitch by a long shot, while ironlung doesn't even make the top 10. And why are you bringing up her age? You do know that ironlung is the same age bracket too right?

>> No.48157774

How does adding a name to her statement "risk skin in the game"? Are you fucking retarded?

>> No.48157778

So what I'm getting from these points is that Ironmouse doesn't care enough about Silvervale to check in if she was doing okay or chat with her regularly...
BUT Ironmouse is willing to use Silvervale's unfortunate situation as fodder for content by bringing her onto her show.
Nice 'friendly' work atmosphere you got there.

>> No.48157836

Clearly botted

>> No.48157912

You're a piece of shit and so is mouse. Stop defending her because you relate.

>> No.48157955

What you should be getting is ironmouse said everything she needed to say publicly. What was said behind doors is only conjecture and none of you idiots can prove otherwise. If silver wants to pretend like ironmouse never talked to her, then let her pretend.

Did ironmouse need to make a public statement specifically saying "I hope pikamee is ok and you should stop bullying pikamee" or any of the other streamers that were in the same situation? No, and why should this be any different simply because it happened to a coworker. Woman is busy being the most popular vtuber, growing her brand, and life stuff to personally sit down with every single person everyday and coddle them. This is clearly silvervale being a selfish fuck.

>> No.48158077

How do you know they had that issue if they never discussed it publicly you retard? You saw it in a dream or what? Or are you some kind of a superstar psychologist who can diagnose people through the warp without ever seeing them?

>> No.48158170

No one is calling out her most dagger like comment when she called out hololive fans for only liking hololive girls because they have the name hololive attached to them. I followed after that.

>> No.48158180

That's a cope and you know it

>> No.48158286

Ironmouse being number 1 vtuber is rent free in your head

>> No.48158312

>If silver wants to pretend like ironmouse never talked to her, then let her pretend.
Now this is telling. I'm guessing you have all the details then?

>Did ironmouse need to make a public statement specifically saying "I hope pikamee is ok and you should stop bullying pikamee" or any of the other streamers that were in the same situation? No, and why should this be any different simply because it happened to a coworker.
This doesn't help your argument you retard. This further confirms Mouse doesn't care about people getting harassed.

> This is clearly silvervale being a selfish fuck.
Your juxtaposition of you saying Mouse wants to grow her brand, which is why she doesn't speak out against harassment, and then calling Silver selfish is noted.

>> No.48158332

All im gonna say is as someone who knew one of the girls before vshojo I can confirm they are completely comfortable with ghosting you out of purely selective friendships. This is coming from someone who never pursued said person romantically and only gave them support as a friend till they blocked me after talking to them directly.

>> No.48158400

Do you make frequent public statements about how you and your coworkers are all one big "famolee" and you all talk and look out for and support each other?
>If silver wants to pretend like ironmouse never talked to her, then let her pretend.
This creates the same issue in reverse. For this to be true you generally need to assume that Silver is a horrible two faced bitch that lies about people and no one ever does anything about it. If anything, that's an even stranger situation, unless you can somehow convince yourselves Silver is some genius master manipulator and no one ever realised.
The solution is the same either way: stop pretending this corp is one happy family and admit that you're all just coworkers that sometimes collab.

>> No.48158405

>further confirms Mouse doesn't care about people getting harassed.

Didn't care enough to make a personal statement? Are you out of your fucking mind? She made a fucking statement, like seriously are you retarded?

>> No.48158408

Insane projection, kek
Do you have a link to when she said that? From a quick search all I can see here is a bunch of random clips and some commentary channels talking about some drama.

>> No.48158489

>For this to be true you generally need to assume that Silver is a horrible two faced bitch that lies about people and no one ever does anything about it.

Would this honestly be surprising? First see >48158332
Second it's fucking vshojo, a company started by a literal porn star and on the basis of being edgy.
Third, she's literally already been caught lying about the last time she talked to ironmouse.
Fourth, she's already just outing relationships out of spite.

She's clearly a jealous bitch.

>> No.48158512

She made a statement after chat kept badgering her about the situation. After which she told chat to now stop bringing it up. She would've 100% ghosted that shit if not for chat.

>> No.48158633

Iron mouse is lying out here teeth about her health problems though. I mean didn’t she have a literally child in her teens? I can’t imagine how much cock she’s got and is still getting

>> No.48158697

I Kneel

>> No.48158812

getting asked about ironcuck relationship status all the time would make anyone vent, especially a child hiding twoface snake

>> No.48158817

Ok so then answer me this, what if you got the statement YOU wanted, would have changed?


Ok glad we've established that

>> No.48158853

Women and their drama, my god.

>> No.48158890

0/10 bait. try coming up with something in 2023 not 2018
it's not her business and if she was as good of a friend that you pretend her to be, she'd just ignore it. you know how easy it is to just ignore shit chat says on twitch? it takes a literal 0.1s of thought to just go "ok i can't say anything nice i'll move on". so real bitch move

>> No.48158908


>> No.48158987

hi vei, does soda's dick smegma taste like soda?

>> No.48159024

ill say it again
>big titty brit
>big titty wolf
>big titty camwhore
>big titty TTS troon
>big titty latina
>big titty canadian
>big titty one that doesnt stream
>big titty whatever the fuck vei is
theyre all the fucking same

>> No.48159053

What do you mean drama? She literally said the most vague and obvious truths you could. The only thing I disagree with is the idea that if 7 months of no communication goes by, it's at all a problem.

>> No.48159058

My point is that this would mean everyone was still playing pretend for the sake of some corporate unity shit -- either way, you can shift the blame one way or the other, but the problem remains. Professionalism requires you not to drag down your colleagues, it in no way mandates that you make up how close you are. Silver herself is guilty of this, she's only just now saying otherwise after all. I just don't think you can cleanly headcanon this as one person being a master manipulator whilst everyone else truly believed the corporation was one big supportive family.

>> No.48159077

It would have shown that Mouse isn't a coward and fully stands behind condemning harassment. So that would've changed.
Silver would have very likely also appreciated the stronger statement, which may have lead to her not leaving and having kinder words for Mouse.
As it stands right now, Mouse comes across as a selfish coward, who'd rather put her brand over principles.

>> No.48159107

Do you really think everyone signed up to this because they're bestestsests friends? It's for the money you fucking mongrel

>> No.48159164


>> No.48159204

Maybe Silver just doesn’t give a fuck anymore? Why be courteous and give a fuck about people who don’t give a fuck about you.
>she does g—
Fuck off with your rose-tinted glasses. If you like ironmouse, of course you’re going to be biased.

>> No.48159222

including her children

>> No.48159243

/vt/ schizo's are easy to BTFO. You niggers are brand warriors on steroids.

>> No.48159284

ITT: autistic people try to explain what friendship is to each other
