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4805002 No.4805002 [Reply] [Original]

jw* why are comments turned off in m*ri's latest video?

>> No.4805178

To shield her from legitimate criticism.

>> No.4805190

Chink insects ofc. Its the first EN collab with Coco so the management has been so careful about the Chink bug spam. They often spam in the JP comment sections. Not only in the chats

>> No.4805495


>> No.4805540

It's always weird ESL spam too. Chinks cannot stop dunking on themselves.

>> No.4805556


>> No.4805624

Most of the weird ESL and strange Japanese spam come from Chinks as well. They also use Russian.

>> No.4805659

>Mori will now use based Coco and her zhangs as an excuse for why she's hated
Alright that was a decent move ngl

>> No.4806014

The Zhangs man the fucking Zhangs at this moment Coco is the only one with anti-bot measures.

>> No.4806059

West Taiwan

>> No.4806170

last I checked before it was closed, it was hundreds of comments of chink spam sorting by new.

>> No.4806582

>criticize Calli
>accused of Chinosity

>> No.4806686

>writing spiteful shit

>> No.4806815

What happened to the "Zhang anti's won't touch holoEN" rrat?

>> No.4806855

Both can be true

>> No.4807033

>unironically using *
spell it out you pussy

>> No.4807086

idk about that but that must be a huge delusion of this board. dont trust any rrat here.

>> No.4807177

Coco elevates everyone she collabs with. This stream has done a lot to improve my opinion of both Mori and Ollie. They are right to fear Coco she is magnificent.

>> No.4807209

why are you a homosexual?

>> No.4807505

You used * to avoid my fucking filters didn't you? Stupid faggot
Go fuck yourself

>> No.4807528


>> No.4807558
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Can someone explain to me why the Zhangs are so relentless? It's been, what, 7-8 months? Yet every opportunity, every collab, every comments section and unmoderated chat they continue their spam. Coco apologized and took a 3 week break for merely mentioning Taiwan's existence, yet they act as if she went on a rant about killing chinks while taking a shit on the Chinese flag. I just don't understand how such a large group can brigade this long over literally nothing.

>> No.4807565

s**the l*l

>> No.4807617

K*kw L*l

>> No.4807635

Pretty big brain of Calli. Collabs with Coco so that every criticism of her will be ignored and deadbraps will use the chink card.

>> No.4807770

Sunk cost fallacy, circlejerking and spreading disinformation to unaware hive minded pings. There is literally one or two main guys who make videos, write essays, creating plans and mistranslating anything Coco says, how she feels, how is her situation on youtube etc. OF coure sthey translate it as "we are winning" manner. Bugs buying it cause, well, they are mindless drones, endorfins rising and propaganda is their feed.

>> No.4807925

This. People underestimate how much Coco's mere presence helped shape the hololive we currently know. Before 4th gen, the chemistry between the then members was poor. The atmosphere was unnerving. It didn't feel like hololive. Every hololive member respects Coco. she was the one who brought everyone together. Asacoco live brought everyone together. Everyone should kneel right now. Because if it were not for Coco, EN wouldn't exist. So in a few hours when Coco announces that she'll be graduating. I want you guys to kneel. You will kneel.

>> No.4808037

To my understanding there are very few left, but they are even worse than eggman level schizos.

>> No.4808116

It's not a large group, just a handful of extremely delusional schizos with access to autospamming apps.

>> No.4808127
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>circlejerking and spreading disinformation
>mistranslating anything Coco says, how she feels, how is her situation
>mindless drones, endorfins rising and propaganda

>> No.4808228

Is Coco really graduating or is this some low quality rrat?

>> No.4808267

Why did you censor her name? This isn't Twitter.

>> No.4808319

Something changed. They are now spamming everyone except Gura

>> No.4808389 [DELETED] 

simply insects only have a super small brain and once they are triggered by something, they become unstoppable to go one direction. its a literal bug behaviour. in chinkland, however, its not rare. chinks have always been like that. after being triggered, they also start to destroy their own society, and then a chink regime start to eradicate them. this is how great lead forward and cultural revolution were stopped. same goes for many historic events in chink land.

>> No.4808716
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heh, nice work mori. now people cant timestamp the f*rt.

>> No.4808827

They have a complex from being gangraped by the entire world for a lot of recent history. Century of humiliation.

>> No.4809011

Can you give us an example of what you would call valid criticism of Calli?

>> No.4809132

She's a jew, a whore, and she doesn't care about her genmates or fans.

>> No.4809337

The real problem is that one century of colonialism wasn't enough.

>> No.4809430

Fake new anon, the real new is that she is going to fuck Winnie the Pooh live on stream so warn the chinks to not watch because they might have an heart attack. You shouldn’t watch either anon, you might also have an heart attack.

>> No.4809603

Millennia of humiliation soon.

>> No.4809613

We should've let Macarthur nuke China during the Korean war

>> No.4809769
File: 108 KB, 1069x807, 1623167895787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To prevent bugs from spamming comments, they were seething hard mori has youtube new features subscriber mode chat to prevent their wheelbarrow.

Bug 1: Now i have to subscribe to all holos for weeks to spam them and help cover grow their subscriber count? We are becoming yagoo's tools.

Bug 2: cover bought bot accounts to increase subscribers and live viewers and now bought youtube to side with them coming out with new features. That's not fair!

>> No.4809834

Where did you get that from?

>> No.4809940

That was only about Gura, and more specifically her livestreams, which makes sense considering the speed of her chat. This also applies to big JPs like Pekora. Youtube personally designed new tech for Coco's stream but they still don't apply it to other streamers so chinks now spam whoever its live and its not over 15k viewers.

>> No.4810000
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Don't shit comments get buried anyway?
Who cares if there's chinks seething after scrolling down 200 comments.

>> No.4812611

I.. It's a joke right?

>> No.4813228

I dont like this post I made anymore

>> No.4817347

Coco can't save Mario party. It was so boring I couldn't watch it. Mario party is the most unfun collab game ever. You need cynical ironic humorists like Alpharad (tds aside) to make a party game for literal toddlers enjoyable. That, and Mario party gba was funny in its own right while this game is...disgustingly underwhelming. Trying to feign unironic wonder and interest just made the collab more cringe.

It's alright to make fun of shitty Nintendo games. Unless they're worried about permissions, in which case they should've played a more high intensity game that requires more skill and emotional investment like smash or Mario kart. That would've been fun to watch. This was just...for what purpose? It's a zatsudan game played by people who have no chemistry and thus can't yet do a good group zatsu together.

I don't think anyone really had a fun time. Not the holos. Not the viewers. The planning for this collab was dogshit. What does J-chad even do aside from collecting a paycheck? This was obviously suboptimal. Swap out Coco with their mutual friend and ollie's tardwrangler Reine, add Ina to the mix to tardwrangle mori, and just have them play something else. Even pso2. Anything but this shitshow. That's how you get a good mori collab, by not letting her decide anything for herself now that her judgmwnt's been shown to be complete ass.

>> No.4823651

Literal indoctrination and fear of not being seen as toeing the party line hard enough.

>> No.4823744

The fucking Zhangs they will attack anyone who collabs with Coco.

>> No.4823820
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West Taiwanese are very aggressive

>> No.4823933

Even Alpha is unwatchable on his mario party streams. Only the ones where he cuts 90% of the game are watchable.

>> No.4824110


They live their pathetic lives completely neutered and stifled by their party, and the only way they can express themselves is to lash out in a way they think the CCP would support.

>> No.4824176

i don't understand, apologize for what?

>> No.4824231

The cold hard truth

>> No.4824512

This is why the Zhangs needs to go extinct, they live in the hive mind country.

Don't get me wrong, my hatred against the Zhangs existed waaaay before Hololive.

>> No.4824812

And you thought 'subhuman' was just a rhetorical device.

>> No.4826183

Every post raises their social credit by a quarter of a point

>> No.4827835

>words words words
Okay buddy.

>> No.4832499

they have nothing else, china is on the brink of implosion

>> No.4835351
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Briefly acknowledging the existence of Taiwan, which in turn recognizes its sovereignty and the continued existence of 'Two Chinas' - the old Republic of China and the current People's Republic of China. The PRC has ruled mainland china for decades, but has no legitimate legal authority to simply claim Taiwan under its rule because its constitution asserts it is part of the Republic of China, so Taiwan is able to maintain a high level of autonomy and has adopted democratic governing policies over the years. In order to establish its 'legitimacy' over Taiwan, the PRC pushes literal lies through "one china" bullshittery and says the ROC does not exist, and has been trying to forcibly erase Taiwan's/ROC's sovereignty for many years by means of aggressive nationalist propaganda campaigns and leveraging its economic/political influence on the world stage to get countries to no longer recognize Taiwan or the ROC as a sovereign nation, much like Israel tries to pull with Palestine. In the past couple of years, Taiwan has seen growing support for a move toward complete independence from China, which is why the PRC has been especially aggressive lately in trying to quell that by bullying anyone who so much as dares to utter the word "Taiwan."

>> No.4836225

Because they know it works dumbass.
Now that she has caved into them other girls will be the new target.

>> No.4837667
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How did he know?

>> No.4840023
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