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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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48028860 No.48028860 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present.】
WACTOR is also known as:

"META-MUSIC" as a musical project
"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project
"noVas" as an English language project
"Starship Research" as a Chinese language project

Previous thread >>48012916

Wine edition.


Himea D'Almaria

Sezia Haruma

Eru Nabura

Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.48028938

Good day, I don't watch choripaneras™

>> No.48028971

You really have autism to still want to link Himea to that name.

>> No.48028977

no matter how much shitpost they do, it doesn't take away the fact that nisha overlap eru in her debut

>> No.48029049

Reminder that everyone here is a woman.

>> No.48029050

Hope she reads you (she will) and dms you with nudes bro

>> No.48029074

I know what you're trying to do, you can keep trying nothing's going to change

>> No.48029079
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>> No.48029106

calm down you fucking clown

>> No.48029128

Are you going to bump the thread for free sopitard?

>> No.48029170
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A degenerate

>> No.48029216
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>Reminder that everyone here is a woman.
>In a way or another

>> No.48029222

the retard was that meicatard, no surprise

>> No.48029239

That's actually a good strategy, one of the times Miutomo OP was about to quit was because he couldn't keep up making 4 threads a day.

>> No.48029345

Go back to your Discord, shitter. The only thing you will get is that Argentina get range banned and Himea won't be able to post anymore

>> No.48029348

it also made shitters mad cuse it ruins their shitposts

>> No.48029436

Sounds like paradise.

>> No.48029473

>Whoretomo OP ragequitting
no way...

>> No.48029561

wich it reminds me that auto spam bot form /vg/ that obliverated GW2G from the existence, it literally, every single time someone made a new thread it starting spam at full force from different ips and making the thread unusable

>> No.48029755

Try it, fag. You're only going to get range banned. I'm busy right now but later I will post the MiutomoOP-3000 to make new threads.

>> No.48029817

>splittards whine about no discussion
>while praising imagespamming at the same time
I knew they were hypocrite shitters. Im also sure they never talk about streams either

>> No.48029828

I wonder if I ever called Himea a faggot...

>> No.48029939

Nisha tummy ToT

>> No.48029968
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They complain about no discussion, but they don't contribute with any discussion either...
STFU crybabies and just post your oshi retards.

>> No.48030117 [DELETED] 


>> No.48030147


>> No.48030226

I care about Nisha, Meica, Eru and Sezia.

>> No.48030267

My burraca is starving in hambrentina...

>> No.48030331

fuck off

>> No.48030419

No girl is perfect. Don't idealize them. I was disappointed yesterday but I'll have to move on.

>> No.48030429

>This post if off-topic
>Trolling outside /b/
>This post is extremely low quality
pick your favorite and ignore the shitter.

>> No.48030697

Is puyo puyo free like tetris?

>> No.48030891

>Nisha last stream lenght: 4 hours and 40 minutes
just fucking why?

>> No.48030993

Her nishadows are her mental suport, i am super worried again now

>> No.48031168

Fiu last night sex was wild, Nisha and i have fun until dawn. how are you doing anons?

>> No.48031205

Can't wait for the PNG gang to do collab even if Nisha hates Eru

>> No.48031238

Eru, I know you're reading me.
You're a fucking bitch.
I'm sure you've heard about all this and you're doing absolutely nothing to make those messages towards Nisha stop. It's not like it's your fault that rotten people are like that, but you definitely could have posted some story saying you're against bullying or something, since you like to drop hints so much all the time.
And yet, you still dare to put girls on "emotional support" in your debut.
You're a big piece of shit and you are definitely not better.

>> No.48031296

she has been depressed recently with very dark thoughts, she said she really needed to talk and distract herself, so yeah

>> No.48031463

Do you think she isn’t hurt by the sudden actions of her “friend”? It is definitely not her fault as you said, weren’t anons saying “remember they aren’t in a company anymore” yesterday? Or does it only apply to when it benefits Nisha?

>> No.48031476

>nisha's debut and post-debut thumbnails
>eru's debut and post-debut thumbnails

what kind of stacy moves are this

>> No.48031526

even so, she is a hypocrite and is no better than Nisha

>> No.48031548

she deliverally knew that Meica and Nisha had a stream scheduled from that time and also knew that they had a break on saturday

>> No.48031652

They are either one of these groups:
1. ignorant newfags who doesn't know about the scandals and the reasons WACTOR is a black company. These people are fed lies and propaganda by (2).

2. groomer/clipper/mod diehards who don't care about anything other than their position and will support and defend actual doxxers like Akira/Maid-chan until the bitter end.

>> No.48031710

Eru is just as guilty and bitchy, but some anons are still too into the honeymoon phase or just fucking conveniently blind

>> No.48031747

lmao Eru has no shame

>> No.48031794

So true sister

>> No.48031893

Sup Nisha, still mad?

>> No.48031964

I don't think what she felt was anger, tho. Kinda annoying you think that is her only state always.

>> No.48032015

Lmao are you really going to try to pin this on Eru?

>> No.48032046

What?, Colombian? wasn't Eru/Neon?!?!?!
Ewwwww,, fucking dropped

>> No.48032112

Now in eigo please

>> No.48032122

I'm just saying she's a hypocrite for daring to put them on "emotional support" when they are lynching one of her "friends" for apparently a misunderstanding and she hasn't been interested in offering any emotional support to her at all. Have some decency, ffs.

>> No.48032197

Fuck off nisha

>> No.48032227

>But friendship is more than RTs!
Friendship is also more than public statements, maybe they talked it through privately

>> No.48032332

Considering that Nisha has made it public that she is receiving people saying they want her to make a hero, if they are such good friends it would be nice if Eru would write something too, since the people who have been shitting on her here were complaining about overlapping Eru, so I should assume those were Eru's fans? That just makes her fandom look like a bunch of assholes and she should stand up.

>> No.48032402

not fans, is a couple o shiters that always try to make conflict, the nisha squizo

>> No.48032523

Eru is just as bad a friend as Nisha

>> No.48032572

>Antiposting already
based discussion bros

>> No.48032588

Comfy thread

>> No.48032595

A fag in chat even said that Eru was streaming.

>> No.48032626

It'll never happen and you know it

>> No.48032683

I don't consider this anting, as an anon said yesterday, I say the bad things about girls as well as the good things, I'm not going to go around kissing any girl's ass, it's necessary to point out when they do something bad too. I'm just saying things straight up, I'm not going to sugarcoat anything.

>> No.48032696

very comfy indeed, let me add more comfiness to the thread Lia is a whore and please dirty chileans for money

>> No.48032712

and? should they stop streaming halfway just for someone else?

>> No.48032749

keep going, you're making the thread better

>> No.48032800
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The thought of Akira doing dirty things to Lia's vegetable body made me horny...

>> No.48032835 [DELETED] 

those niggers are fucking dreanged (yes from that diskek)
>twitter doxx
>tried to impersonate her YT
>that nigger clips
>the diskek shitstorm
>le epin twitter shitposting
>retards using the moment that she told she was from Spain to antying her on clip comments
>and now this shit
she can't have a moment of peace

>> No.48032842

That's not the point. The thing is that there is no way she didn't knew about Eru's debut.

>> No.48032966

In fact, it is possible. We don't know to what extent they talk privately these days, since we don't see them as much and know much less about them than we used to.

>> No.48032971

Anon, if Eru could post about that, Nisha too could posted about Eru's debut. Also, Eru wanted to do the debut on Sunday because it was a special date (Neon birthday) and she posted 1 week ago about that, so Nisha and Meica knew about Eru's debut. WTF about Nisha's stories about "No sabía de eso" C'mon, even Meica did RT and Nisha could see that.
P.S: Eru really thinks that Meica and Nisha are her friends, Eru isn't a hypocrite

>> No.48032985

remember the discord shit when the faked being expulsed from the server to reclute people

>> No.48032987

>falsefag both as a anti and fan
holy schizo

>> No.48032998
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I have no context of the cat fight you are discussing rn, I'm just watching Eru's debut and pic related, what happened then?

>> No.48033024

Just Eru being a hypocritical liar

>> No.48033062

the shitter is trying to make a tribalfight, and he's so obvious about it

>> No.48033064

Why delete this post? is the truth and does not go against the rules

>those niggers are fucking dreanged (yes from that diskek)
>twitter doxx
>tried to impersonate her YT
>that nigger clips
>the diskek shitstorm
>le epin twitter shitposting
>retards using the moment that she told she was from Spain to antying her on clip comments
>and now this shit

And i remember Akip was one of them

>> No.48033077

How new?
You won't find intellectual honesty in this place.

>> No.48033083

nono but anon we dont shit on the girls /here/, must be the twitter trannies!

>> No.48033119

It's not just any stream, it's a debut, if the roles were reversed, we'll throwing shit at Eru too

>> No.48033139

It's not like they have to live on social networks constantly, I sometimes don't know shit about very close friends who post on networks because sometimes they work like fucking shit unless you activate the notification bell.

>> No.48033178

the thread have literally yt drama schizos, no matter how much you falseflag, Lia won't come back

>> No.48033187

That's not true and you know it, literally here they always treated some girls as if they had an armored shield to criticism because they simply put a blindfold on their eyes when it suits them.

>> No.48033192
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>> No.48033272

>"it's the twittertrannies!"
>"it's the discordfags"
>meanwhile in reality

>> No.48033282

That comment is in the debut? If she leaves that message and let them make a thread of replies, she's definitely a bitch

>> No.48033309

Good afternoon, I don't watch nisha's putisha

>> No.48033336

>t. choripanero

>> No.48033346

Vaya, vaya...

>> No.48033386


>> No.48033388

It is already night time in Spain and there is still no sign of life from Nisha. Keep going, guys, I think we can make it.

>> No.48033440

KEK that fag is here

>> No.48033481

hi nisha

>> No.48033563

Nice cognitive dissonance

>> No.48033574

Just because eru faggs are whiny bitchs doesn't mean they're immune, if eru messes it up, we let you know.

and that rule applies to all

>> No.48033585

>posted fanart with Neon
could this get her in trouble?

>> No.48033598

Shouldn't you be doing your /g/ stuff while larping as a femboy, Arturo?

>> No.48033597

but i didn't jump like Lia, you lack vegetables

>> No.48033612

this coment was deleted or it was never there

>> No.48033640

I hope so.

>> No.48033669

Dunno, let me ask the manlet about it

>> No.48033680

fuck you

>> No.48033768

daily remember that thanks to this place, Lia retired.

>> No.48033788


>> No.48033797

There are those 2 known antis calling everyone a shitter while at the same time shitting on a girl on the same post.
Mental illness

>> No.48033824

this fucking cesspool is hopeless

>> No.48033844
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Nisha LOVE and LUST!

>> No.48033894
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I desperately need Sezia to sit her big brown ass on my face and BRAAAAAAAPP

>> No.48033911

of course is hopeless, but you keep being here like a retard

>> No.48034042

Your posts fall on deaf ears or gets ignored because you are a pussy. There's still people in that server like that "Lucy" guy who could easily get insider info on their shenanigans. If there are no schizo exclusive channels in that server, I don't think they are responsible for this shit. There were plenty of regulars and known people who would call them out if they knew about it

>> No.48034051

nisha apologize to eru, fucking gremling

>> No.48034054

fuck you antifag

>> No.48034065

and soon Nisha too

>> No.48034115

fuck off Joteador

>> No.48034137

I'm sure she already did

>> No.48034193

Nisha is a fucking retard but definitely I don't think she had bad intentions

>> No.48034195

What kind of subhuman call himself "joteador"? kek

>> No.48034207

Is Arturo a Nisha groomer or what?

>> No.48034271 [DELETED] 


>> No.48034331 [DELETED] 


>> No.48034336

So, does nisha want to create her own meme agency? lol

>> No.48034385 [DELETED] 
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I am not an archiver so i dont have much, these were from "supremacia lunar: when the nisha closed the discord, there are more in the archives shit like this always hapen

>> No.48034432

But liaschizo told me nisha antis were liafags. Dont tell me he lied again because of his hateboner

>> No.48034440 [DELETED] 
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>> No.48034445

if she makes a hero she won't

>> No.48034527 [DELETED] 
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>> No.48034568

you don't have a herb to fridge, Akira?

>> No.48034575

Reminder they refused to post the uncensored ones, and after Nisha said the mods were from her family and no mod was kicking people out they became silent because they were discovered in their ploy.
They faked it because they wanted to seed distrust between she and her mods, little did they know those mods were family.

>> No.48034634

Every fucking time...

>> No.48034678

I just thought about something. What if Akira himself also made a hero due to how broken he became and talents are working by themselves right now with Nana's advice?

>> No.48034722

>a hero
an hero

>> No.48034764

>Rent free
Fuck off Liatard
I never said that and this is my first post of the day

>> No.48034766

ogey but answer

>> No.48034844

He didn't.

>> No.48034857 [DELETED] 
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And this, akip was the one who doxxed her in twitter

>> No.48034933

oh, now that you remind me, she said she want to suport others girls that want to join the business
KEK yeah the same way she supported Eru?

>> No.48034998

>yt dramafags
yeah, this thread is pure cancer

>> No.48035036

who would support that boring hypocrital bitch?

>> No.48035082

pure kino

>> No.48035105

Believe it or not it seems he's actually moving his ass working and helping the girls.
Still it isn't his main activity afaik so he isn't doing it full time.

>> No.48035123

DO IT fucking faggot

>> No.48035148

You are not the only one, attention whore

>> No.48035183

He always moves his ass when something bad and big happens and then he relaxes again. I'm not expecting too much from him desu...

>> No.48035196

It's more likely for Wactor management to be transferred to the chink staff instead of Nana.

>> No.48035217
File: 233 KB, 1462x2048, Fknux5HXoAIA-st.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seethe, el profe is cooler than all of (You)

>> No.48035309

he will fuck off soon, source Leo

>> No.48035339


>> No.48035359
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Retards, wrong link

>> No.48035432


>> No.48035450


>> No.48035455

Miu will announce her graduation next month. Mark my words.

>> No.48035458

Yeah, until he decides to dox, impersonate, and force a talent to read a shitty announcement again.

>> No.48035480

then nisha was always the villain, she planned it all since she talked about de wator.
It was very strange that Misorra, being such a burraca, ended up with wactor.

>> No.48035554

vaya, vaya...ya veo...typical culombian move

>> No.48035585

There are no villains here, only flawed people.

>> No.48035606

You can keep wasting your time shitter but Lia will never comeback, Akira will keep watering her and the girls will keep streaming successfully and happy
Seethe faggot

>> No.48035611

Let me double the bet, Miu announcement + doxxing lawsuit

>> No.48035615

>the mental gymnastics

>> No.48035645

B-but then who will Sezia obsess for then? She can't live without muh male collabs you know? She NEEDS to shove them down you fucking throat somehow.

>> No.48035668

Don't worry, since they are dating they have their rm contact.

>> No.48035699


>> No.48035725


>> No.48035839

Fuck you Nisha

>> No.48035860

How? Miu is the doxxer

>> No.48035940

Eru, if you are so grateful and supportive, go talk to Nisha and ask her how she is doing. Show her how it is done and give her a lesson in friendship, also prove you are not an hypocritical bitch.

>> No.48036031

You know, i love how is just a liatard making this threads over and over, both falseflagging as a anti and a fan just to spite in the girls now that Lia is gone forever and a fucking autistic retards made his world fall appart.

what do >we learn from this? never go deep in the rabbit hole, is your sanity vs your happiness

>> No.48036053

Eru, if you are so grateful and supportive, suck my dick

>> No.48036092

stupid newfag

>> No.48036116

Holoes anytime soon, am I right?

>> No.48036129

Again someone is deleting the evidence, they are traying to control de narrative, again
Fuck you supremacia lunar

>> No.48036136

yeah, keep going forever, isn't my time, but yours

>> No.48036150


>> No.48036147

Get the fuck out of my secret elite club you jealous roasties

>> No.48036166

Stop with your anting retards Nisha is just 11

>> No.48036197

Eru, if you are so grateful and supportive, let me spank your good shaped culombian ass

>> No.48036199

take your meds, hypocrite subhuman

>> No.48036244

go on please, waste your time for me Lia won't come back

>> No.48036253
File: 471 KB, 814x611, 8ce4bd9b763023edc469a7efe4f6b1d3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me watching nisha-eru catfight

>> No.48036272

Eru should be thankful for never have been the target of serious sustained shitposting.

>> No.48036284

i find repulsive that faggots antiying girls here are the same faggots that on streams tell the girls that they love them

>> No.48036324

A fucker from supremacia Lunar managed to become a janitor /here/

>> No.48036333

If Nisha comes back after this and refers to having received encouragement from Meica but says absolutely nothing about Eru, I'm done with Eru and I'm going to assume that she's fine with them doing this to her. Remember when Meica's words caused WACTOR girls to be harassed and she never took it back? It's the same shit.

>> No.48036349

Do you really believe they even watch streams?

>> No.48036381

that's the thing they weren't fan in the first place, they just want power or stir up shit i mean, all this Nisha-Eru shit is nothingburger

>> No.48036409

i hate those faggots too but thats not the reason they are getting deleted

>> No.48036430

No, deleting discord screecaps is standard procedure in /vt/

>> No.48036443

That's the only entertaining thing Eu can produce.

>> No.48036473


>> No.48036492

>I will shitpost until Lia wakes up!

>> No.48036540

I've got a feeling she still uses Twitter but she just gave up the character

>> No.48036542

How are you so sure about that?

>> No.48036591

Because he respond to ever Lia shitpost i made

>> No.48036605

you are replying o a retarded schizo

>> No.48036617

>subdural hematoma and polytraumatism
Doubt she can even talk

>> No.48036643

They are using shitpost as fertilizer.

>> No.48036662

I'm still waitnig for proof about that

>> No.48036668

just wait for eru's inevitable male collab and she'll get a sample of a serious shitpost

>> No.48036690

And how are you so sure that's the OP?

>> No.48036693

best thread in a while

>> No.48036699

that rrat was debunked last week, she lying once again

>> No.48036706
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>> No.48036715

theres nothing, he got btfo the other day

>> No.48036765

She already collabed with males in wactor

>> No.48036771

>Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.
He never changes his habits

>> No.48036839

And your proof?

>> No.48036901

How does that make him a liafag?

>> No.48036915

The one posting about her being in a coma is a shitter anti.
Pathetic obsession

>> No.48036949

So Lia isn't in coma? why she lies so much bros....

>> No.48036983

least retarded liaschizo

>> No.48037072

It was a mandatory and group collaboration and eru didn't have so many fans

>> No.48037084

samefag btw

>> No.48037210

She neither her family said she was in a comma, that was made up by shitters too.

>> No.48037226

>now even her issues isn't seriously taken here
fuck you antifags, leave Lia alone

>> No.48037304

>The first time that Nisha fucked up a debut everyone blamed Akira

>> No.48037332


>> No.48037348

Learn english and go back to your Discord

>> No.48037355

Neither she, or her family Akira said anything a bout a coma, the fag that came with the info he supposedly took from 2ch said she was "catatonic".

>> No.48037449

fuck off shitposter, you made everything worse for Lia

>> No.48037456

Those things should be dealt by management before they happen even if the members themselves are retarded enough to not look it up.
But that is almost non existant in wactor

>> No.48037613
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>> No.48037740

The midget was so incompetente that he had to interrupt streams for le shitty Taka debut, i still mad for that time he forced Misora to close the Stream for one the debut that i could care less

>> No.48037797
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Dont be too rough on eru and nisha for some overlapping. At least they are streaming, you dont want them to become more depressed for some retarded sister drama

>> No.48037826

Learn english before write shitty rants fag

>> No.48037859 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.48037864

I am a Lia anti and I debunked that shit too

>> No.48037873

I antied Misora for that fyi

>> No.48037972

Meica my beloved

>> No.48038064

The first post about it was a Liafag

>> No.48038088

Why does eru have red eyes on the schedule's thumbnail? Is that supposed to be some lore thing being able to change the eye color?

>> No.48038095

>what is a falseflagger

>> No.48038111

shuts down a kino luna and sopita shrek 2 watchaalong just to rush the debut of a taka png nobody gives a shit. No wonder on why the company's current state

>> No.48038149

Who cares about that bitch

>> No.48038157

the only posts i see nowadays about that are from her antischizos

>> No.48038226

>now is falseflagging
kek keep changing the story fag, you can do the archive reps

>> No.48038246
File: 99 KB, 1242x1241, 1620148854788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>eru streaming at 3am

>> No.48038374


>> No.48038387

that's /wactor/ in a nutshell tho

>> No.48038405

It's fan art from before she did an official reveal of her model, that's why some things are off. She mentioned that on stream.

>> No.48038500
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, 1632500215412551201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STFU and come watch Yumi before she dies from tetanus

>> No.48038533


>> No.48038548

I don't watch scammers employees

>> No.48038573

i missed that part, thx

>> No.48038580

Annons my chest hurts for Nisha, I fell hard...damn it

>> No.48038598

the company is in its current state because Lia and Miu sucked all the time and money from it to try to be idols in Japan when their best talents and audiences were chinks and spics

>> No.48038671

give me an answer

>> No.48038796

I'm amazed at how entertaining are Yumi's streams doing free talk

>> No.48038822

Yumi giving me a blowjob while y'all shitposting.

>> No.48038965

>can't waste not even a drop

>> No.48039361

Meica and Nisha actually conditioned their support for Eru in exchange for dropping everything on wactor
that's why they are mad at Eru
a vengeful woman is one of the most dangerous things

>> No.48039397

Yumi can lick my milk flavored popsicle

>> No.48039539

archive anon i'm sorry for you
but get some sleep, you can still support her

>> No.48039641 [SPOILER] 
File: 508 KB, 540x304, 002220.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.48039730

Is Yumi horny today?

>> No.48039841

>only today

>> No.48040126

They're probably angry she still talks to Sezia.

>> No.48040194

For someone that reads so much she sure is a fucking brainlet

>> No.48040248

Yumi searching "Youtube Orange"

>> No.48040956
File: 63 KB, 404x227, 1682053696519132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post cute and funny images

>> No.48041049
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>> No.48041315

>Your only job is asking for permissions and commissioning art and costumes
>Have at least 3 persons that are printing money by just existing(Hina, Laila, Suzu)
>Somehow it's too difficult
>Destroy your company twice

>> No.48041777

It was 3 times actually but Wactor was so small back then that the lost wasn't anything big

>> No.48042332

this makes sense, let's remember that Meica privately sent her grommers and most faithful followers to organize attacks against wactor and the girls that were still inside

>> No.48042600

Go back to your Discord faggot

>> No.48042610

well deserved

>> No.48042791



>> No.48042868

Proof retard?

>> No.48042876


>> No.48042883


>> No.48042885

hello anos
why the disappearance of wactor has left a long lethargy in the latam vtuber community ?
and when i mean vtuber latam i mean the VTUBER not that twitch shit.

>> No.48042913

not to mention that Meica hates Himea just because she is argie by birth

>> No.48042945
File: 680 KB, 1080x1695, 1682374084117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now what is going on in Argentina?
Was 420 last week

>> No.48042975

Misora x Luna forever love

>> No.48043006

Wactor was the closest thing to blue dorito in spanish we ever got

>> No.48043116

until Hololive launches its branch in spanish in august

>> No.48043157

it does not matter, there is already a worse one in venezuela.
why do you take this subject?
Meicago will vote for Cristina to maintain the status quo , Milei threatens her stay in that country.

>> No.48043180

Weekly delusional spic holodrones coping thread

>> No.48043292

holodron holofag holoputo facefag

>> No.48043322


>> No.48043363

Fuck off Nisha, I try to check all your stream archives but almost 5 hours is just too much

>> No.48043370

Hi Reimu

>> No.48043950


>> No.48044013

At least they have 3 world cups.

>> No.48044446


>> No.48044449

can she vote?

>> No.48044555

meica in some latam country trying to escape inflation in argentina.

>> No.48044723
File: 122 KB, 1200x965, IMG_20230412_233530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seethe nijinigger the reason wactor was successful is that it was a taste of the authentic Vtubing that was born with Hololive

>> No.48044793 [DELETED] 

Miu ya ni se esfuerza en escribir en español... extraño los tiempos en que fingía estudiar.

>> No.48044890

Damn, this Mai bitch is a massive literal whore.
And she's Meica's "advisor"...

>> No.48044935

sister in law*

>> No.48044958


>> No.48044961


>> No.48045031

>Damn, this Mai bitch is a massive literal landwhale
fixed for you

>> No.48045105



>> No.48045109

how I miss that little atorranta face

>> No.48045238

Yuu, I listened to your kokoro odoru cover like 100 times, I'm not even exaggerating. I like your songs.

>> No.48045330


>> No.48045355

sex with yuu

>> No.48045363


>> No.48045398

Ya estoy podrido of vtubers i´m out bye Meica and Nisha and especially YOU

>> No.48045421

Why are you here?

>> No.48045508

Because I still I watch scammers ex employees

>> No.48045648

Wait, Himea is also going to show her new room today? What about the Sonic game?

>> No.48045668

>spic or google translator post
>larping has a oldfag

>> No.48045797

I enjoy Sezia

>> No.48045821

If Himea has a castle because she's a princess, then Sezia should get a brothel because she's a WHORE.

>> No.48045832

I enjoy Sezia's farts

>> No.48045838

sezia is so inviting...

>> No.48045867

Sezia is so cute...

>> No.48045892

why did she choose this gfe theme for the room reveal? is she ovulating?

>> No.48045943

We're moving to our new home after I got her pregnant.

>> No.48046018

Nisha is mentally still a child, Meica is just retarded

>> No.48046025
File: 1.03 MB, 1118x632, g.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how can someone that collabs with males be so good at gfe

>> No.48046056

>hurr not all chuubas have to do gfe, Sezia is not like that so it's ok for her to collab with males!
Which is it then cuckdins?

>> No.48046064
File: 65 KB, 229x236, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel Sexia

>> No.48046105

so her future asmr will be all about gfe and mommy roleplays?

>> No.48046126


>> No.48046132

>una foto de yumi para motivarme cuando sienta que ya no puedo

a true friendship...

>> No.48046164

You get horny for her, not attached. Or you will regret it

>> No.48046167

We were heading to good times, Fucking dwarf

>> No.48046208
File: 30 KB, 297x513, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hina misora
>luna rurine
lmao i didn't see this kek

>> No.48046219

kek nice pic

>> No.48046230

>Fags poster

>> No.48046259

so going by the stream roleplay you get to fuck her and live with her but at the same time you have to see that poster when you wake up

>> No.48046265

She was practicing giving Ayato the true gfe while she gives you the leftovers.

>> No.48046286

>She shows the bed
>Yo quiero el lado derecho

>> No.48046351
File: 675 KB, 547x625, ga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they are there too...

>> No.48046352
File: 25 KB, 132x123, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48046397

miu impregnation!!!

>> No.48046442
File: 2 KB, 81x51, 02221.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, why is this bitch so obsessed with those fuckers? They have nothing to do with her branch.

>> No.48046446

The jps have a poster for every wall because they are smaller. Sezia thinking over the small details so no one is more important than the others...

>> No.48046473

Man, she's so good at this. Even if it's all kayfabe. It has it's own charm.

>> No.48046500

that wall needs a gosling pic so bad

>> No.48046525

Did Himea ever show that pic in full resolution?

>> No.48046535

Neither the Wactor Gamers and they're there too. She just didn't want to leave anyone out.

>> No.48046537

It's weird, some areas look hand draw (left side) but other look like photos (right side, especially the bed)

>> No.48046566
File: 3.36 MB, 1920x1080, why cant all the girls be happy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that smile...

>> No.48046576

Why is it fine to put an image of a member who escaped but there's no reference to Neon if she did the same as Leo? I thought they were friends.

>> No.48046643

Because it's a photo of the bed I made her pregnant.

>> No.48046664

Going by what she did for eru yesterday and the jar stream she wants to be that bond that keeps everyone together even if its futile.
She tries to avoid conflict and hates tribalniggers for sure

>> No.48046684

Wait, that's it?
A new background?
Is Wactor this fucked now?

>> No.48046723

>t. newfag to vtubing

>> No.48046819

Now this is UNITY

>> No.48046873

I want to caress Sezia

>> No.48046899

Show me another 2 streams from Wactor girls like this one

>> No.48046921
File: 46 KB, 229x100, c.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>from now on my collabs are going to be mostly girls

>> No.48046955

>A partir de ahora mis colaboraciones van a ser mayormente con chicas

>> No.48046965

Look this newfag

>> No.48046970

>shitting on shipfags

>> No.48047006

So you're new to vtubing Indeed.
New personalized rooms are a big deal in classic vtubing.

>> No.48047017

Sezia listening /here/ AGAIN
what a pathetic bitch
don't you have your own opinons?

>> No.48047018

Are there other wactorettes that received a new background like that?

>> No.48047049

Is Akira forcing her to do this or is Sezia just desperate?
Her voice cracked a little saying this

>> No.48047069

GFE chads can't stop winning.

>> No.48047115

Too late Sezia, I don't care about you anymore.
Now go and choke on that ayato fag cock all you want.

>> No.48047127

Seethe, girls want to be loved by anons.

>> No.48047125
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>> No.48047147

Fuck off hag, you'll never be a idol

>> No.48047174

So you have nothing, got it

>> No.48047241

she said it was because shippers were causing trouble

>> No.48047256

Doesn't matter it didn't happened in wactor, it happens in Hololive JP, the gold standard of vtubing.

>> No.48047272

>yesterday anons talking about sezia having a boyfriend and that it was going to come out to light soon
>anons start saying that ayato is sezia's bf
>today sezia announce that she will not colab with boys anymore

pathetic cow, how much are you going to crawl for anon's approval

>> No.48047294
File: 92 KB, 361x252, sa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is the floor so dirty

>> No.48047317
File: 13 KB, 720x81, Screenshot_20230424-182748~2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.48047326

Even nijishit does that.
He's just a newfag whose only experience with vtubing was Nimu.

>> No.48047329

how are anons so powerful?

>> No.48047338

watch the stream sister if you want the actual reason and stop being that much of a roastie

>> No.48047347


>> No.48047357

>the best way to kill male-female collab is by shipping

>> No.48047359

Seethe, Sezia is one of our dears now. (Except that one faggot)

>> No.48047379

That's where she was having fun with her dog just before the stream.

>> No.48047388

stupid threadwatcher

>> No.48047391

i made her squirt

>> No.48047393

I'm still waiting for the evidence, would the spy anon have died?

>> No.48047395
File: 25 KB, 490x160, sheiswatching.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nana is watching btw

>> No.48047405

of course she's not going to say that shes doing this because she read it HERE fucking idiot

>> No.48047456


>> No.48047459

Sezia my beloved.

>> No.48047467

imagine being mindbroken by a general

>> No.48047483

I don't even want that landwhale to take my advice. That's only for girls with true potential who deserve success.

>> No.48047494

At least she knows she belong in the ktichen.

>> No.48047522

We're not yesman pussies, and when we love, we love passionately.

>> No.48047537

What the fuck is wrong with that retard?

>> No.48047587

Fuck Wactor is dying and desperate and Sezia will be trapped in that dead corpse for 2 years

>> No.48047665

Not really, we're healing.

>> No.48047682


>> No.48047689

Fucking newfag. A bitch that collabs with males is not qualified to be /ourgirl/

>> No.48047734

So Himea flirting with the nipponese chud is okay?

>> No.48047835

That was not a collab, and she listened, unlike that Sezia bitch.

>> No.48047854

Only Akira and Lia hate tho

>> No.48047865

she is now, keep coping

>> No.48047899

Sezia is willing to listen tho, so she has my approval.
Same as Himea, in fact I used to diss her a lot back then.

>> No.48047928

It wasn't a collab because she did it offstream with him, so it was worst because it was a date

>> No.48047944

What will Sezia's room smell like?

>> No.48048025

Pure raw unprotected baby making sex.
And flowers.

>> No.48048064

Pusheen rancio

>> No.48048079

Sezia, /here/ is not your boyfriend. Stop that parasocial relationship.

>> No.48048086

[Spoiler]Tofu[/Spoiler] sex

>> No.48048103

>no es amor, lo que tu tienes es obsesion

>> No.48048150

sezia's farts

>> No.48048153

There's no evidence they actually did it, the chud was just trying to make as if they had already done it as a flirting attempt.

>> No.48048174

Dog cum.

>> No.48048197

hi himea maybe you dont know but im your husband

>> No.48048218

Don't larp as me.

>> No.48048242

Can we make Himea and Sezia catfight for /us/?

>> No.48048257

stop, you are not me

>> No.48048259

I didn't wrote this because she actually knows I'm her husband.

>> No.48048290

I appreciate Sezia and all, but I just have eyes for Himea. Wanted to clarify this.

>> No.48048323

>people talking about the stream
>nooo you are all antis its your fault nooo
this tranny is mentally ill

>> No.48048433

They already are on it.

>> No.48048504

Only Akira hate, but I tolerate him while he works and help the girls.

>> No.48048549

they need a groomer in common to sezia reveals her true colors

>> No.48048673

I remember Sezia cringing like crazy when that was first posted here. Cute.

>> No.48048733


>> No.48048844



>> No.48048856

We killed Hina's desire to collab with guys by shipping her btw

>> No.48048864

holy based

>> No.48048889

Does Sezia have any designated gachis?
All the fags I'm seeing also support the other ES girls.

>> No.48049036
File: 120 KB, 1000x714, Akirashobby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup Akira
Don't you have something to do?

>> No.48050843

Putisha, gargle my cum
