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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4800516 No.4800516 [Reply] [Original]

Think it's safe to say that Teamates are the biggest winners in HoloEn
>no drama
>no whoring
>good at games
>cares about streaming
>has enough numbers to stay relevant, not too many to be overwhelmed

>> No.4800550

That's a funny way to spell Takodachi

>> No.4800587 [DELETED] 

worst roommate

>> No.4800596

we love our gremlin detective, dont we folks?

>> No.4800604

what about amegeddon

>> No.4800616
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This stupid fighting amongst the English members reminds me of greekgodx or ice poseidon drama

>> No.4800625

Second best you mean

>> No.4800649

I'm a Teamate (really), Let me respond with what I see coming.

>no drama
Muh nier. Muh liar to her fans! Bitch!

>no whoring

>good at games

>cares about streaming
regularly cancels streams! OHNONONO TEAKEKS

>has enough numbers to stay relevant, not too many to be overwhelmed
Your oshi is getting gained on by Kiara and Ina!

But seriously I do agree with everything you say, OP. Ame is a wonderful girl

>> No.4800651

Bros, we are going with the trinity now to remove the most toxic elements of EN from the board, even if I am an InAme guy myself.

>> No.4800697

its just mori vs everyone now. theres no fighting.

>> No.4800709 [DELETED] 


Perfect Ame

>> No.4800715

>Good at games

It’s very entertaining watching her be terrible at Mario though.

>> No.4800728

The same could be said about all EN girls.

>> No.4800768

shes good at detective games

>> No.4800799
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>all EN girls.

>> No.4800825

KFPnigger hands types this post.

>> No.4800845

it’s all in good fun, I know she doesn’t actually suck at games. I can’t blame her really, Super Mario Sunshine relentlessly buttfucks most people. And it was very endearing watching her try.

>> No.4800877

It was conveniently removed from teamates memory so they can revel in retarded posts like OPs.

>> No.4800964 [DELETED] 

>he doesn't know about amegeddon

>> No.4800991

Literally nothing special about her..
But, she always do what best for her branch

>> No.4800997

It reminds me of why I generally avoided streamers pre-Hololive and post-the-early days. When gaming streaming first started no one used cams and it was just about the games themselves, having actual skill or interest in it, then cams entered and personality whoring, and it all became about drama.

>> No.4801012

>huge boobs
>blue eyes

>> No.4801212 [DELETED] 

like all rrats, theres no evidence for any of those rumors

>> No.4801347

Her only flaw is that she's the most distant from holo JP. I'd really like to see her collab with some of the JP girls. How bad is her moonspeak?

>> No.4801382

She has a ton of collabs with them despite having the worst japanese in the entire company

>> No.4801385

As bad as yours? Would you be comfortable livestreaming your interaction for hours with some random Japanese guy?

If you are competent with Nihongo, substitute yourself for someone who isn't.

>> No.4801434

Antis are bouncing back and forth between non-JP chubas grasping at ever straw they can. Amelia was the first EN yab

>> No.4801531

I must have missed them then. Can you point me to a good one?
>Would you be comfortable livestreaming
No, but thanks for the answer.

>> No.4801568

>no drama.
Holo Bass...

>> No.4801652

Pretty sure she literally has the second most, if not the most, JP collabs in her gen, newfriendchama. Her not being able to speak nip is just a handicap to let Kiara have a chance.

>> No.4801707

Mori Gura and chicken fails at the first step wdym

>> No.4801774


>> No.4801878 [DELETED] 

Not really.
loserbait, Darrell, brother Watson, her dogs. that girl has a lot of males in her life

>> No.4801976

This is just a bait thread to timeloop Amegeddon, Niergeddon, and Holobassgeddon

>> No.4802128

They still get salty about it just like gura's bf but this thread is about trinity so I'll leave them alone

>> No.4802184

>the most popular girls on this board have already been violated
>meanwhile Mori
double standards

>> No.4802279

>gura's bf
Never was confirmed one way or the other tho.

>> No.4802288

Easily most retarded rrat,would got in here better than any chubba

>> No.4802331


What even was amegeddon?

>> No.4802335

Nothing gets completely confirmed, you have to use common sense because even the chuubas themselves lie.
Unless you've been in a relationship you cant spot women lying so I dont blame you.

>> No.4802440

Girl did a decent job cleaning up what she could and did not fuck up later like others. So conjecture is all you have.

>> No.4802509

Absolute state of men in our society when I look at you.

>> No.4802548

>Girl did a decent job cleaning up what she could
well that didn't stop that one e-stalker from knowing about her friends and some of the games she streamed with the other guy. Chumkeks are lucky the HERfag channels haven't uploaded that shit, would break their little hearts that started to fall for the parasocial bs

>> No.4802549 [DELETED] 

I'll spoonfeed you once, when EN debuted a bunch of doxniggers went to work fast digging up everything about all the girls and Ame and Kiara were easily the worst offenders. Kiara still gets shat on by dedicated antis due to the stuff dug up about her but Amelia hate seemed to have died down. I'm sure the same will happen when EN 2 debuts.

>> No.4802553

You keep coming up with really weak excuses and nothing else.

>> No.4802696

Just sad how you couldn't take the win. I specifically said I didnt want to twist the knife into gura or ame regarding their bfs because I know you guys get salty over it. Why didnt you let me?

>> No.4802707

I am pretty sure this stuff you mentioned was on youtube since her debut and generated very little drama to the tune of "boo hoo she plays a game with a dude over VoIP, so IMPLICATIONS". Nothing concrete there.

>> No.4802862

i dont want to believe the "/vt/ dont watch vtuber" rrat, but it become harder everyday. pls anon protect my childish innocence! i dont want to be in a state of mind called blackpilled! i want to be 9 yr old again! i want to have hope and dream! i want to see good in people! pls anon i beg you pls pls pls dont do this to me i cant take it anymore pls stop it why are you doing this to me what did i do to deserve this i dont want to see the nightmare thats why i dont sleep but what the point if reality is worse than nightmare pla anon i beg you stop doing it it hurts anon pls no dont ma

>> No.4803026

You are offensively boring in your sad excuses when called out. That list of questions not yet Ame gave answers to is hardly a secret to anybody willing to dig just a little.
And for Gura you have even less.

>> No.4803078
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i love Ame

>> No.4803135

>Can you point me to a good one?
No... Not really... She's my favorite in EN, but unsurprisingly not speaking Japanese isn't very good for collabing with Japanese holos. I still like that she tries to build bridges with them though.
She's got one with Chammers later this week I believe

>> No.4803143

Whose Darrel

>> No.4803231

How much money did you spend on them for you to cope this hard?

>> No.4803246

Chill anon, I just don't pay that much attention to EN, but I occasionally watch random Ame streams and think they're very comfy for lack of a better word, which is why I thought I wanted to see her interact with JP some more, but apparently her collabs had just been flying under my radar.

>> No.4803304

So Amegeddon is nothing that actually involved her current incarnation and was just some /vt/ schizo garbage like most of the flavor of the week shit that clogs up /hlgg/?

Oh well.

>> No.4803345

>/vt/ schizo
I remember we had folks who weren't here during the /jp/ days

>> No.4803388

Not a cent. I just love watching you squirm, when your supposed sekrit knowledge turns out to be same old farms regurgitation laced with stale conjecture you can't confirm. Now provide more sad excuses.

Amegeddon specifically had Ame fucking up pretty badly, IIRC.

>> No.4803392 [DELETED] 
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>> No.4803456

Actually good advice.

>> No.4803463

this is now a doxx thread, time to drop the hammer meidos

>> No.4803480

This is before Amegeddon.

>> No.4803486

>i felt some sort of magnetic pull
holy shit teamates on suicide watch

>> No.4803520

they already were on October 1st 2020, no need to timeloop this when it's pretty much a unicorn thing to seethe over and the only legit virgin you have in EN is the girl everyone hates, Mori

>> No.4803588
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Amelia Watson stinks! And i don't like her!

>> No.4803593

Deez nuts

>> No.4803599

...Ina isn't?

>> No.4803645

Ina is the biggest whore in EN anon, and it's not particularly close. I'm sorry...

>> No.4803647

Funny story Ina had her own "male yab" but it was overshadowed by Amegeddon so no one really remembers it

>> No.4803686

Frankly Ina is the most likely not to be a virgin solely because she's actually a normal function human being.
Mori is too autistic to have sex, Gura doesn't leave her house, and Kiara is a volcel crazy cat lady.

>> No.4803813

Mori is surrounded by groomers tho. Being autistic might be a handicap for her hymen in that situation.

>> No.4803814

Princess is the saddest of all, if you think about it. Discounting all that accumulated rrat-tier garbage, she got so very close to her original dream.

Ina is the real adult of the group, yeah, and enough of that now.

>> No.4803835

Gura reminds me of my "internet" girlfriend i had in highschool. We played MMO's together, sent eachother cringy shit, tagged eachother with bby and shit but when i finally met her she was ridiculously shy and awkward, we barely held hands and hugged, we kissed once (not even tongue) and that was it. We were like 15 so looking back on it for me it was just one cringy thing i did but i still have her on my FB and she's still has anime or kpop pics as her pfp and seems to be still doing the same shit with another online bf 10 years later.

>> No.4803866

Revisionist groupthink in action

>> No.4803872

What was Amegeddon, seriously?

>> No.4803897

How about the fact that Ina has never left her parent's house? Wouldn't that slow things down on the romantic side? Meanwhile Kiara has been living alone for over a decade and even when she came back to Australia she moved to her own place even tho she could've just moved with her mom.

>> No.4803934
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You don't want to know...

>> No.4803942

Just people finding doxx info that caused Goslings all over the globe to commit sudoku.

>> No.4804005

yeah I do that's why I asked
So basically they found out that Ame wasn't some precious virgin flower?

>> No.4804011

I honestly dont understand why any mentally stable person would get upset about what 'x' vtuber did BEFORE they came a vtuber, do some people imagine that vtubers hatch straight from an egg into their companies interview rooms?
I get the idol culture thing but god damn, when some fans find out their oshi once went on a date or played a game online with another man their reactions make me ashamed to say I even watch vtubers.
If your brain cant seperate the characters from the girls behind the avatars who have ordinary lives you really shouldn't be allowed outside without a leash and a crash helmet.

>> No.4804022

If you know enough women, you know what a girl having cats while living alone means.
I have never met a girl in a normal relationship that had cats. In fact if they get a boyfriend cats tend to disappear from their social postings. If a woman has more than 1 cat and is actually a normal personal, she is probably married but couldn't have kids.

>> No.4804035

I don't know about that. I mean, look at cannur, isn't he a certified fruit? Nigguk will have his balls sawed off if he as much as even looks at some other female funny. There is this third one whose name I forgot, he also looks the most heterosexual of them, so maybe he is the dangerous one?

In Asia these things work a bit differently, anon.
Considering Kiara, I can sorta understand not willing to return to parents and all the pressure about making children. Come to think of it, the theme of female clock ticking and vtubing is waiting for its brave explorer. It just might be nigguk lol.

>> No.4804049

She didn't have cats while in japan tho.

>> No.4804077 [DELETED] 

sachiowo marshmallow anon. Do your reps.

>> No.4804091

> isn't he a certified fruit?
lol no. Just wait until all the rumors hit Twitter and he jumps ship.

>> No.4804094

>Frankly Ina is the most likely not to be a virgin

>> No.4804105

Do you know how fucking expensive it is to have pets in Japan? Shit is insane. Pet shops prices make cars look cheap.

>> No.4804147

Anon (you?) said girls with cats are less likely to have partners, but Kiara didn't have cats on japan. Why she hadn't wasn't up for discussion lol.

>> No.4804159

>normal function
this is the same girl whose roommate trapped herself in her house for almost two years playing FF14 and drawing 24/7, right? The same one whose roommate admitted was one of the worst kind of fujos, yeah?

>> No.4804207

Anon, please, in 2021 it is not worth one turn of a head. Fujo, really now?

>> No.4804367

Self-admitted. She's the one who trapped herself indoors playing an MMORPG for the better part of a few years.
Most of her work was just drawing gacha designs and submitting them.

>> No.4804483

As a fellow introvert, I find it hard to blame her lol. Especially if she can sustain such lifestyle not by leeching off parents but working legit job.

And it only shows she got serious about getting out of this shell in the end with EN.

>> No.4804486

God I wish Gurame was real.

>> No.4804679

Distance alone makes that impossible. I am truly sorry, anon.

Their relationship seems to extend beyond strictly professional, if that is any consolation.

>> No.4804737

It is, but only for Gura, which makes it even sadder

>> No.4804794
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Teamates are winning solely because their oshi is ame. No other reason is necessary

>> No.4804933

so ina was a huge loser, the kind that couldn’t get a job and lived at home, the asian parent’s textbook definition of a failure, and now she makes more money than her parents probably have in their entire lifetime all from her hobbies? that’s based

>> No.4804942
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I love ame!

>> No.4805134

She got a job allright, and got really high as a young artist. Her parents of course wanted her to also get a gud boi and produce grandchildren, but her plans were a bit different.

>> No.4805771

If my oshi was a former twitch thot, I'd just pretend to have another oshi.

>> No.4805823

she had/has a pretty nice job as a pro
the vtubing stuff is just extra

>> No.4806031

She said that the making grandbabies part is on her sister.

>> No.4806407

I can find hundreds of people like Amelia, she's the mostb basic twitch ethot without any particular talent. Not to mention she's stubborn and will not back down from garbage decisions she makes.
Dramaless and talentless, man teamates are so lucky!

>> No.4806506

t. seething deadbrap

>> No.4806530

find me one right now. i'll wait

>> No.4806724

Basically any of this https://www.twitch.tv/directory/all/tags/52d7e4cc-633d-46f5-818c-bb59102d9549?sort=VIEWER_COUNT_ASC

>> No.4806759

this is honestly depressing, how do these people see the literal ocean of other streamers with 0-1 viewers and then decide to do it themselves?

>> No.4806764

I randomly clicked on one and she seems cute https://www.twitch.tv/mintkirari

>> No.4806792

personally think the games she picks can be kinda garbage,but she's alright

>> No.4806827

>your local humanoid and breath mint
>breath mint
big kusa

>> No.4806835

You can make the same argument for anything, like writing, making music, etc.
Either they get too much praise from family and friends, or just believe that they're better than everyone else.

>> No.4806861

someone's gotta win the lottery eventually

>> No.4806882

Her, she only has 500 followers https://streamable.com/is3kqs

>> No.4806918

it might just be because I'm an autistic financefag, but I will never be able to understand why people don't think in terms of risk/reward. Yeah sure you *could* make it big streaming and become super rich, but the probability of that is essentially negligible. Why put so much time and effort into commissioning a model, setting up your layouts/huds/everything, etc. just for a minuscule chance of success when you could put all that effort towards a college degree or some other kind of bootcamp where you can very reasonably find a job after?

>> No.4806975

guys the breath mint tuber dropped from 4 viewers to 2 and i'm one of them. i can't be the one to put her back to 1, someone come and take my place

>> No.4807009

I feel bad but she had a chance to capture the attention of 3 anons and she didn't. It's a hard lesson but something she needs to learn.

>> No.4807021
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based, got out free of guilt

>> No.4807029

They probably have a day job/some financial security (living with parents etc) and stream as a hobby.

>> No.4807038
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>that's neat
the boringest in HoloEn

>> No.4807052

>college degree
Most are useless, and the ones that'll guarantee you a good job also require you to be really good at math/physics/some other shit.

>> No.4807057

send me the link anon

>> No.4807098

Plus college takes years.
Other things are faster, but do you really think that any of them want to learn how to a welder and then do it for at least 8 hours every day?

>> No.4807101
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True goslings know they can never have ame, but we still tune in anyway because she's amazing and we want to make her happy even if it isn't with us.
why is this doxx thread still up??

>> No.4807112

Yeah for the ones that work I understand completely why they would take the chance and stream, since they're have nothing to lose besides time and maybe sleep. Anyone who's just leeching off their family and attempting this kind of hail mary shit should be ashamed of themselves.

I disagree, I have a degree in finance which I guess is somewhat quantitative but nowhere near as math heavy as CS, engineering, physics, or similar fields and I managed to get a pretty high paying job with a big bank in NYC. College really seems to give you what you want out of it, if you have no drive and do no research into good fields then you'll end up with some dumb major like psych or bio which everyone does even though they have zero job prospects.

>> No.4807149

>>good at games
literally average tier

>> No.4807267

Not a big fan of her but she's alright

>> No.4807304

I think the point is that if Amelia in her previous life has been the one linked randomly in that fashion as a beginner when she had <10 viewers, most people would have had the same feeling.

>> No.4807308

>Not a big fan of her
why not?

>> No.4807335

nvm I'm retarde dI thought it was about the one linked a few posts above

>> No.4807455
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I just hate how they wasted such a godlike model and concept on a pretty average variety stream. She's not even british, has no interest in puzzle games or adventure games, overall just doesn't have the personality to fit her character at all and it's a damn shame because that could have one of the best ever.
Looks at Polka, she ge a totally new character and mangages to mix her personality with her character and does something great with it.
Amelia is just a basic stream with an anime avatar.

>> No.4807506

>wanting her to have that shit tier accent
tldr'ed after that actually die subhuman eu trash.

>> No.4807834

>couldn’t get a job
She has always had a job other than vtuber, but it's art-related so it's as good as unemployment in Asian household anyway.
>lived at home
Uh... You must either be a delinquent or an extreme poorfag to live separately from your parents in your 20s.

>> No.4808180

>Uh... You must either be a delinquent or an extreme poorfag to live separately from your parents in your 20s.

What? Isn't it the norm to move away for college and then just stay away when its finished?

>> No.4808219

shhh... he's still leeching off his parents

>> No.4808287

agreed, trinity is unity, trinity is strength.

it is not inaame, it is not amesame, it is inamesame it is trinity, it is unity. it is one.

>> No.4808341

He might just not live in the US. Pretty much everywhere else in the world it's not looked down upon to live with your family. The obsession with moving out the moment you become 18 is borderline a real estate psyop.

>> No.4808362
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Today I will remind them

>> No.4808415

Ice is irrelevant nowdays

>> No.4808416

In the US it's normal for kids to move away for college and then never move back in with their parents. I can't speak for european countries, but I suspect it's similar.

Asians (both east and south) are very different though, in that kids will live with their parents usually until they are married or in a very serious relationship (or they have to move for work). Nobody views this as leeching since the parents expect and want their kids to stay with them, but when you're talking to americans they find this concept alien and think it's a waste of the parents' money.

>> No.4808580

It's also because Asian kids are expected to take care of their parents when their older, unlike Americans who just pop them into a nursing home and call it a day when dad can no longer wipe his own ass.

>> No.4808612

This doesn't explain the "poorfag" bit. Where in the world its cheaper to move out than stay with your parents?

>> No.4808618

yeah I have no idea what he meant by that

>> No.4808722

No one cares anon, the crazy unicorns got filtered a long fucking time ago.

>> No.4808849

The numbers don't agree with your assessment. She's also a leech, who relies on gura way too much.

>> No.4808917

>relies on Gura
>when its Gura that is obsessed with her
If anything, Mori is the one that relies on Gura, since she did WAY more collabs with her recently than Ame.

>> No.4809108

that's more of a Cover corp. drama triggered by Ame's mouthbreather fans thinking some spergy fan's popular song made using Ame's voice means she's good at singing, thus asking for her to sing it.
Teamate here, but she legit has not improved her singing so why bother attempting it?

>> No.4809167

Sure thing, "Teammate"

>> No.4809272

Fuck this shit. I love all five of them.

>> No.4809502

what is this

>> No.4809575

Ultimate Unicorn Destroyer that cleansed Ame's fanbase of purity schizos.

>> No.4809643

that sounds fucking impossible. then again, she wasn't guilt tripped into getting disability checks because of a CHD.

>> No.4809807

you mean the most based

>> No.4809900

>t. condombeat

>> No.4809947

She's cute imo. At least recent stuff.
And she didn't change her personality at all after hololive so she's a genuine girl

>> No.4810036 [DELETED] 

someone found ame's roommate's curiouscat where she had answers from 2019 that mentioned a boyfriend who happened to also be an indie vtuber/small time streamer, the guy ended up streaming later that day and when asked if he was in a relationship answered that he was single, also someone DMed ame's roommate about it and she nuked all of her socials. a week later a second dox cemented that ame had broken up with him in late 2019

>> No.4810052

Mori doesn’t rely on anyone she has her music buff

>> No.4810089

And she's still getting absolutely destroyed by Gura with her music, 1.4M behind, and collabing with her every week, so...

>> No.4810136 [DELETED] 

Don't forget her roommate now has a banner confirming the doxx while also shitposting about it saying "Did you find what you were looking for, even doxxing Bubba's roommate

>> No.4810283
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>> No.4810329

>I mean, look at cannur, isn't he a certified fruit?
He looks and sounds like a certified fuckboy.

>> No.4810471

Amegeddon is the most stupid thing I read today. I don't even know how that could be controversial in any way

>> No.4811263

Ina attended college for 4 years so chances are… no

>> No.4812679

She collab'd with Roboco not too long ago.

>> No.4812968

Mori was an attractive white girl trying to get a break in the rap scene.

Do the math.

>> No.4813370

Expecting a 20 something year old woman to be a virgin in 2021, I dunno what to tell you. The only ones that are likely to make it that far without having sex are either morbidly obese or hideously ugly, and even then it's not a guarantee. Even autistic people have an interest in sex and for women it's easy to get.

>> No.4813497 [DELETED] 

>what you want out of it

Cope, fucking midwit.

>> No.4813606

Isn't gura pregnant with her father's baby?

>> No.4814155


For real? I haven't heard of this. Any clips?

>> No.4820861

if she was trying to get into regular rap sure, but she's a tall white girl that barely speaks japanese trying to get into jap rap

>> No.4821285


>> No.4822624

The only people who seem upset about it are the guys who don't get bad reactions out of it.

>> No.4822693
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You can solve everything with hats.
