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4797978 No.4797978 [Reply] [Original]

Your welcome Pomudachi’s

>> No.4798010

Niji EN seems pretty sovl

>> No.4798024

My welcome?

>> No.4798046

thanks boss anon

>> No.4798065

What kind of job does she even have

>> No.4798069

all me, enjoy

>> No.4798081
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Please give Pomu a raise boss-sama, she is literally dying and needs the money.

>> No.4798143

Some average job. Regardless, she just needs it for the company’s insurance to help pay for her health issues right now

>> No.4798156


>> No.4798305
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>> No.4798330

What average job allows that. Is her health in such bad shape that they're treating her like a child?

>> No.4798371


>> No.4798408

anon she's probably joking about the Minecraft part, but it isn't that unreasonable for your boss to let you go early if you give a reason. She could've said she had a doctor's appointment, or she had to pickup someone from the airport, etc.

>> No.4798460

Sorry I'm too autistic for jokes

>> No.4798472

This is cute but terrible opsec

>> No.4798514

hardly, people scam out of work early all the time. Like me, right now, to play minecraft

>> No.4798544

She works in customer support.

>> No.4798552


>> No.4798602

Anon, the US healthcare system is bad

>> No.4798617

She told her boss she has an important webinar to attend to

>> No.4798647

>you will never be Pomu's kouhai that she dotes on
Why the fuck should I keep living? One chance at life and my boss is a bald indian dude

>> No.4798670

damn I really want to rescue her but I cannot

>> No.4798716

I tell my manager at least twice every week that I have to leave work early to pick up my mother from her dialysis appointments.

She isn't diabetic.
I don't even have a drivers license.

>> No.4798741

Any sort of bullshit office job in America. There's generally not that much to do.

>> No.4799501

At how many subs can she quit and still live comfortably?

>> No.4799541

she must give really good blowjobs

>> No.4799553

Her boss is a Pomudachi right?

>> No.4799555

Doesn't matter, preventative surgery for a future possibility of cancer and needing regular checkups and scans will cost a shit ton without insurance.

>> No.4799569

She's only staying at her job until after it pays for her preventative cancer surgery

>> No.4799601

The US healthcare is fucked and she needs the insurance so probably never.

>> No.4799619


>> No.4799704

Don't look into average hours for the military, I work like 2 hours a day max some weeks

>> No.4799794
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>> No.4800279

So does that mean she does not have it atm?

>> No.4800308

How about moving to another country? You can do streaming from all over the world.

>> No.4800350

She does not, she has a gene that makes her predisposed to developing cancer though.

>> No.4800384

Imagine if your female coworker was secretly Pomu

>> No.4800419

She has some kind of precancerous cyst/growth. 60% chance to be cancerous. So it's not really in the "hey maybe you should get that mole removed" category and more the "you have an extensive family history of this type of cancer and are showing early signs of possible development".

>> No.4800440

There is a nonzero chance I could have met someone like Pomu because I used to work for a company much like the one she works at. She is very relatable to me and that's why I get attached to her easily.

>> No.4800529

Subs don't actually matter that much anymore, in fact virtually everything else matters more. She needs high view counts and high image retention, and of course if she can get a ton of superchats/memberships that would all be helpful. As for when she can quit, really depends where she's living. For some reason all these content creators like living in LA or NYC which are literally the most expensive places in the country despite them not being bound to any area. If I was in their shoes I'd move to a quiet suburb an hour or two away from a major city.

You don't need to get insurance through your employer, it's just usually cheaper than the alternative. If you're making good money though then you can definitely afford insurance.

For as many faults America has if you are upper middle class or better there's pretty much no reason for you to ever leave. Pomu seems to have an alright job and as long as she doesn't live in a very expensive place or spend extravagantly I'm sure she's doing ok financially. Moving to an entirely different country just for healthcare seems pretty drastic to me

>> No.4800764

>there's pretty much no reason for you to ever leave
Well unless you wanna leave your home without fearing to get shot, that is.

>> No.4800821

Maybe the job she works for just has good insurance with good coverage

>> No.4801726

I was amazed at how little people actually do in American offices. They spend at least 50% of the day fucking around and chatting

>> No.4801784

Are we talking about America or Pakistan?

>> No.4801975

boy wait until you hear about japan

>> No.4802063

You're, or you are, not "your"

>> No.4802174

For as soul crushing as japanese office work sounds it's basically 90% not doing anything, just pretending to work or working on something completely pointless to appear productive.

Out of all the G8 countries, Japan is the least productive per worker, even worse than France and Italy with their constant union strikes and reputation for lazy workers who slack off.

>> No.4802244

When I had my office job I was on my phone 80% of the time unless my boss asked me to run to the store or made up something for me to do. He never minded either. We had fancy donuts every Friday. Shit was comfy.

>> No.4802301

This is why ppl should work from home

>> No.4802304

If you actually have skills you don't fuck around, and actually a decent American company is among the best places to work because of the frank business culture and emphasis on informed personal initiative. Replaceable shitters get stuck in pencil-pushing positions and are forgotten about, but that's true of every country.

>> No.4802317

Won't be long until en vtuber twitter raises up a stink about nijisanji not giving her health insurance.

>> No.4802319

I doubt a white collar office worker lives in the hood.

>> No.4802594

I agree, it was quite a waste of money and energy

>> No.4802765

I spend half my day posting on 4chan and watching streams during my office job and easily get everything done. Nobody cares as long as you make an effort to at least appear like you're working.

>> No.4803049


>> No.4803726

It's great, redditor.

>> No.4804007

>gets home
>starts punching elira
>gets killed by elira twice

>> No.4804211

Genuinely asking, how come that's not the case? Niji offering health insurance that is.

>> No.4804223

MY fucking welcome?

>> No.4804284


>> No.4804801

Most jobs are just a different form of welfare.

>> No.4804806

They don't even offer a salary (which is something everyone is aware of)

>> No.4804885

I bet she sucked his dick, lole.

>> No.4804920

she showed him her pomus

>> No.4804934

>puffing the pomus
what does that even mean?

>> No.4804956

Can a foreign company offer health insurance? For most Niji's it's just a hobby anyway.

>> No.4804996

I dunno, why don't you look up some insurance companies and call customer support?

>> No.4805035


>> No.4805253

It's like when you beat your pillow to make it all fluffy again before you sleep on it. You have to beat the Pomu!

>> No.4805265

Talking to Pomu on the phone!

>> No.4805398

Means getting high on fairy dust.
Either that or it doesn't mean anything and is just a play on her name (Rainpuff). I prefer the fairy dust theory.

>> No.4805417

>Hi, I'm Pom...uh...[REDACTED]

>> No.4805438

Well, time to call every insurance company in the US and ask to speak to customer service.

>> No.4805512

>D...do you guys c-cover low PP energy...?

>> No.4805613

I can tell you she is not a workers comp adjuster in mt laurel nj, because none of my coworkers left early.

>> No.4806076

>For as many faults America has if you are upper middle class or better there's pretty much no reason for you to ever leave.
This is pretty much true for literally any country barring the worst of the worst shitholes. Hell, I'd even say it applies more for the higher end shitholes, because that class status can give you more benefits than in America or other first world countries.
>Moving to an entirely different country just for healthcare seems pretty drastic to me.
You suggested they drastically change their lifestyles and move to a suburb, where life is a lot more different than it would be going from a city to a comparable city in another country, just to save a couple of tens of thousands of dollars a year. But moving to a similar city in a different country, to avoid having your life literally on your employer's hands or having to pay hundreds of thousands—to millions in bad cases—of dollars, is too drastic?

>> No.4806205

bros I don't mean to be a numberfag but how do we boost their views? I want pomu to be able to leave her job and comfortably live off of just streaming, but as it is they're basically at the same level as successful indies.

>> No.4806344

No. Her fanbase is fine right now and free of cancer. I want to treasure and preserve this cozy feeling before it all takes a turn for the worse.
Streaming is not a long term sustainable situation. Eventually we all have to return to reality.

>> No.4806708
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>> No.4806857

This is all thanks to Elira's connections that got her the beta of Minecraft 2.

>> No.4807115

IMAGINE being Pomu's boss and you knowing what she does but she's unaware that you know

>> No.4807239

She's spoken to him about it before. She knows he supports her webinar series.

>> No.4807526

the US healthcare is world leading in every field. Availability and cost are terrible but the actual care is by far the best in the world

>> No.4807574

Pomu's boss knows how important her webinars are to her, that's sweet.

>> No.4807629


>> No.4807724

Why does it matter if the actual service is good if most people can't afford it? I don't get this logic.

>> No.4807781

>but the actual care is by far the best in the world
American healthcare is great, but not the best in the world in every field, and definitely not by far.
And it being among the worst in availability and cost in the developed world makes how good it is a moot point.

>> No.4807784

I can't afford to eat at a 5 star restaurant but it's certainly better than the burger van I do eat from.
There will always be better care for those that pay, in the USA it's actually largely more accessible due to more infrastructure while in yuope the private hospitals are essentially for the hyper rich only

>> No.4807812

Anon sorry to break your bubble but that is literally 90% of office jobs in the entire world. When I was working as a excel slave in Japan me and like 12 other people would be just fucking around pretending to do work until the time to leave came.

>> No.4807848


>> No.4807901

when I worked in an office doing data entry I was sat reading shit on tvtropes and watching youtube videos most of the day.

>> No.4807912


>> No.4808036

As much as the wagie life sucks, her job seems pretty cushy. She's mentioned talking about idols with her coworkers and being told she can sleep on a couch if she needs to. She'll be fine for as long as it takes.

>> No.4808090

I don't think she said anything about talking to idols with coworkers. In fact, she said she hides her powerlevel.

>> No.4808105

talking about*

>> No.4808138

Didn't she say she was told it's ok to cry or something at work when one of her oshi graduated?

>> No.4808166

Yeah, I remember her saying exactly that

>> No.4808274

Immigration is a bitch in most cases, and a lot of countries take your health status into account when you're immigrating so that you don't become a burden on their HC system (like someone who needs expensive preventative cancer surgery for instance)

>> No.4808462

Immigration is a bitch, but not so much to bring it off the table, I would know. Specially if you're immigrating from the US, which is a lot easier than from most countries.

>> No.4809506

I found Pomu when I accidentally discovered Nijisanji EN. For some reason she reminds me a lot of MikePanoots. She's a pretty entertaining streamer for someone who supposedly is new to streaming.
