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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47966857 No.47966857 [Reply] [Original]

*kills Coco’s reputation*

>> No.47966906

What reputation?

>> No.47966924


>> No.47966986

you're acting like she was forced to do that.
that was her choice. that's what she chose. so much for talent freedom.

>> No.47967029

at least wait until your first thread dies

>> No.47967050

go back

>> No.47967057

It was a mutual effort between her and Vshojo to be honest

>> No.47967112

what's with all these threads all of a sudden
what the fuck happened now

>> No.47967118
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>> No.47967199

>what the fuck happened now
A Phase Connect member might be graduating soon

>> No.47967233

Not really she chooses to be part of them not the other way around

>> No.47967297

More like shadow graduated

>> No.47967311

which one?

>> No.47967400

Wow, I've never seen that discussed on /vt/ before! Thanks for breaking the news!


>> No.47967500

She did that herself

>> No.47967545

The white hair catgirl apparently

>> No.47967555

You can still come back cocochi…

>> No.47967590

I just want her to make an onlyfans please, I need it so bad

>> No.47967888

nobody outside of /here/ gives a fuck

>> No.47968071

If somebody willingly jumps into a cesspool you don't say it's the cesspool's fault that they now smell of shit.

>> No.47968463

>vshojofags are considering phase as a treat now
Good to see the small corps inclining so much recently.

>> No.47968869

That's not what that said at all, but go off sister

>> No.47969161

Hololive fans are more loyal to the company that their chuubas, more news at 11.

>> No.47969269

What's that have to do with kson? Oh, nothing?

>> No.47969405

Yeah, it doesn't, which is why they made this thread

>> No.47969409

it doesn't have anything to do with phase connect either, but it's a very cheap distortion tactic. "deflection thread" is a thing. nothing new but recurring themes. zero effort. and given how fanatical phasefags are, i can believe that. i'm not saying that i do, but i can.

>> No.47969430

She has a successful stream and she's set for life with her hololive money. Why should she care what you think again?

>> No.47969594


>> No.47970347

Pretty much. If you're going to use that shitty phrase for anyone, kson fits. She's untouchable, even if she said "kill all niggers" on Twitter tomorrow she could just log off and have enough money until she's dead

>> No.47970546

Certified phase shill BVTM made 3 kson-related posts in a row yesterday

>> No.47973640

If being loyal to Hololive means they keep their talents from devolving into creatively-deprived degenerate hoebags like Kson, then yeah, I'm loyal to Hololive.

>> No.47974076

More like we saw Coco as a better, more capable/noble person than she ever was because she was cast as a tragic martyr from the chinese spam. Which is still true, she didn't deserve that at all and it fucked sucks it happened. However, even though the Chinese attacked her for some retarded reason, it doesn't mean Coco's actual content, attitude etc were great or better as a result.

Coco was really good at farming JP gachikoi as the exotic foreigner woman in Japan - she's very meaningful to the Japanese in specific. So naturally, being in Holo got her the greatest exposure to that market possible. Vshojo wasn't ever super well-known in Japan (despite their incessant shilling of it there) so it figures people there are like "vshojo? what's that" and don't really like what they saw. Not to mention Coco saying she wouldn't join a corpo and then doing it anyway, a year to the day after leaving Holo, just leaves a bad taste, like you can't really trust anything she says, none of this really matters to her and she will gladly forget about and replace you if someone else comes and pays money and takes your place. Her trying to just sweep Holo under the rug was a real fuckin stupid move. Vshojo is nowhere near equivalent to them, and several orders magnitude less relevant to the Japanese in specific.

>> No.47974228

>shilling here
What worldline do you exist in?

>> No.47974484

Reading comprehension doko? Japan didn't really know it that well, rather they've heard of it but it's nowhere near the fame level Holo is there and it's not even close. Oddly enough Veibae had a couple Japanese gachikoi years back, although I think that's all long gone now because she pretended to be much nicer back then.

>> No.47974605

Nah, they’re still around, they play mahjong in her discord

>> No.47980366


>> No.47980442


>> No.47980588

>makes nazuna more menhera than she is
yeah, i would hate them too

>> No.47980816

I mean you can't really blame them since Pippa is doing better than kson nowadays.

>> No.47981293

Pippa is balding and missing teeth

>> No.47981304

/vt/ worshipping Kson as an unwitting pawn in their little culture war against China and then panicking and dropping her the moment she went to VShojo, is almost as funny as the day or so of Fox News fellating Kanye for being Republican right before he started talking shit about Jews at which point they just pretended like nothing happened.

>> No.47981369

please fucking gas yourself you pathetic phasenigger

>> No.47981371


>> No.47981539

Sorry phaseshill we still don’t give a shit about you

>> No.47981639

we are still better than vshocancer :)

>> No.47981975


>> No.47982262

She killed her own reputation the moment she joined vshojo.

>> No.47982306

>You can still come back cocochi…
She will only come back if they also bring Aloe and Rushia back. Also increase the superchat share of all holos.

>> No.47982346

>vshojofags are seething at phase
Another good day for being PhaseChad

>> No.47982627

Did that to her self lmao

>> No.47982883

Your a delusional idiot always trying to seek attention from senpai, you know nothing about making seethe. Pay attention you might learn a thing or two, instead of running your mouth and seeking validation.

>> No.47983168

>He is till 'super' mad

>> No.47983224

>Your a delusional idiot always trying to seek attention from senpai, you know nothing about making seethe

yep, seething

>> No.47983310

Nice way to respond idiot, as expected

>> No.47983627

>Why was she hated by the twitch community?

Vshojo is an advertisement for male Twitch streamers. But she was not a twitch simp, has no interest in them.
She needs to stream APEX everyday. That's the only way to survive on Twitch.

>> No.47983731

Why are they seething at small corp vtubers though?

>> No.47984136

Nobody is seething, phaseshills just want somebody to pay attention to them

>> No.47984485
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That implies that coco had a good reputation, when in reality her reputation was always put on very thin ice. She ran meme review to the ground. She played very few good games, and she didn't have the biggest #'s out there. Everything vshojo is doing is amplifying the bad out of her.

>> No.47984512

Because Pippa outranks their kekson.

>> No.47985237
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>op is STILL seething
hope you get better m8

>> No.47985380

she fell off as soon as she became kuckson

>> No.47986024

>believe in a faggot anon who is probably a chink trying to rewrite history again or one in the japanese chuba
it's not hard to know who is right

>> No.47986200

Yes I get Asacoco. It did a very good job at getting people to care. However, i'm talking about her games. Her games (outside of fallout and kusoges and yakuza) were all meh.

>> No.47986402

coco's strength was always her zatsudan streams

>> No.47986670

She was kson before Coco retard.

>> No.47987046

nigga you were talking about her having a bad reputation and now you're telling me it's about the games she played.
there's not much to talk about with you. it really shows that you came here with the debut of holoEN.

>> No.47987184

no shit

as soon as she graduated she fell off

>> No.47987191

Okay so you believe that coco was a dominant force?

>> No.47987633
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She fucked up from day one, doing that shill stream about them. I know she likes Yakuza but I hope she doesn't win just so we can laugh at her failing to be relevant once again.

>> No.47987804

>shill stream
pretty sure that was just a stream to explain the situation to her regular viewers

>> No.47987999

Aloe left on her own because she realized she was a total menhera and couldn't handle it. There is no bringing her back.

>> No.47991899

Bar Coco was even less popular than her ARK streams.

>> No.47992615

>Is it easy to "ASHINUKE" too?

ASHINUKE meaning
‘Ashinuke’ refers to a call girl that runs away from her debts. The girls work in the Entertainment District as prostitutes, and they start disappearing.


>> No.47992926
File: 212 KB, 882x952, 1675507328436447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was fucking hilarious. The longer it went on the worse it got.

>> No.47994679

>Vshojo is not a company.
What a joke.

>> No.47997185

Not to mention she sold out her friend into a shitty contract for this crap

>> No.48001176


>> No.48001392

Literally how?

>> No.48001403

she said 事務所 not 会社
not her fault taishi is a retard

>> No.48003086

You sure?

>> No.48003290

(by doing absolutely nothing)

>> No.48003385

This makes SEAniggers seethe for some ungodly reason

>> No.48003439

reading picrel actually made me respect her more

>> No.48004607
File: 808 KB, 1365x2048, FuOoADMaMAEKUT4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/vt/ doing a 180 on a vtuber when it is convenient for them even tho they hated her and called her a whore numerous times? Naw, couldn't be this place.

>> No.48004891

it's not even /vt/, just disgusting abd joyless /vpol/fags infesting yet another board

>> No.48005009

Well, they DO have an office in San Francisco somewhere. Allegedly.

>> No.48005042

I don't even like Vshitjo but it's unfair to blame them for Kson's own poor decisions and shit content.She'd still be shit even if she had stayed indie, only difference is she wouldn't be such a laughable hypocrite.

>> No.48005086

I'm pretty sure there are plenty of /pol/tards in the vtuber fanbase anyway.

>> No.48007342

it was kson herself who did it

>> No.48007685

>/vt/ worshipping Kson as an unwitting pawn in their little culture war against China and then panicking and dropping her the moment she went to VShojo
Kek. What revisionist history is this? There was some disappointment when Kson went to Vshojo because she had promised she'd never join another corporation but then she went back on her word which was lame. Then her reputation kept deteriorating as she continued to do lame shit. Her fall from grace has been a gradual process.

You will never be a woman

>> No.48008029

You're a revisionist yourself

>> No.48008049

Well she went from being a martyr and a free agent to basically joining the trashiest rival around.
People who think normally change their opinion on things if the things change.
The alternative is people who stick to one side and then never change it which are basically just drones.

>> No.48008094

are you fags ever going to post proof of this "promise" that you pulled out of your ass?

>> No.48008137

not our fault you werent around for cocos graduation newfag

>> No.48008231

when i saw the graduation announcement i felt like i was going to throw up so you can go fuck yourself
now post the proof muhammed
