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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47958102 No.47958102 [Reply] [Original]

>phase connect having potential termination and yab happening
>Bannedvtmemes is spamming posts unrelated to everything, again
Getting really obvious. They keep doing these everytime phase connect is having a yab

>> No.47958205
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More like bannedphaseconnectshill.

>> No.47958211

Panko needs correction

>> No.47958234

who fucking cares about what some faggot on twitter posts about holy shit

>> No.47958334

Literally all the tourists that you see here. They make catalogs and shit up threads depending on what that account posts.

>> No.47958399

do they really count as tourists when they make up the majority of catalog and /#/ posters?

>> No.47958421

The same guy who makes fun of graduations but gets very concerned when it's about their shill chuuba

>> No.47958533

/#/ hates that account. The tourists usually make catalogs depending on what that account posts. Cant even call it a raid because they don't really organize it. The tourists moves on their own

>> No.47958633

lmfao sure
i'm sure its just a coincidence that the chief monkey who posts the stats keeps pointing out how great pippa is

>> No.47960601

Does anybody have a timestamp to Lia's yab with the male on stream? I only saw it mentioned here and there

>> No.47960758

Accelerate the isolation of Phase

>> No.47962496

Wait you're mad that a containment breaching twitter account ISN'T talking about something?

>> No.47962916

Don't try to understand /vt/ sisters

>> No.47962991

I'm late, what's the latest yab from PC?

>> No.47963113

They run the twitter account that shits on everyone else and ignores PC yabs/rrats. Also a bunch of PC interns are in this thread running damage control.

>> No.47963174
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Kill phaseniggers. Behead phaseniggers Roundhouse kick phaseniggers into the concrete. Slam dunk phaseniggers into the trash can. Crucify filthy phaseniggers Defecate in phaseniggers food. Launch phaseniggers into the sun. Stir fry phaseniggers in a wok. Toss phaseniggers into active volcanoes. Urinate into phaseniggers gas tank. Judo throw phaseniggers into a wood chipper. Twist phaseniggers heads off. Report phaseniggers to the IRS. Karate chop phaseniggers in half. Curb stomp pregnant phaseniggers. Trap phaseniggers in quicksand. Crush phaseniggers in the trash compactor. Liquify phaseniggers in a vat of acid. Eat phaseniggers. Dissect phaseniggers. Exterminate phaseniggers in the gas chamber. Stomp phaseniggers skulls with steel toed boots. Cremate phaseniggers in the oven. Lobotomize phaseniggers. Mandatory abortions for phaseniggers. Grind phaseniggers fetuses in the garbage disposal. Drown phaseniggers in fried chicken grease. Vaporize phaseniggers with a ray gun. Kick phaseniggers down the stairs. Feed phaseniggers to alligators. Slice phaseniggers with a katana. Impale phaseniggers with a spear. Bash phaseniggers skulls in with a maul or a mace. Judo throw phaseniggers into a factory sized meat grinder.

>> No.47963312

one of their talent is radio silent and is getting the same treatment as Zaion

>> No.47963350

All of Yuris shit is getting deleted from the internet, years of VOD archives on her youtube channel, her streamelements which is the main way she earns money, wiped all info about her on her twitter/twitch/youtube, gone from discord and her last 2 twitter posts read like graduation posts
Its a 1:1 of what happened with Yugo and Zaion

>> No.47963382

Doesn't that have like a week or two? I wouldn't call it new

>> No.47963757

Now we are getting threads about a twitter account that tweets about vtubers. Great. Thank you OP, very cool.

>> No.47963859

What >>47963350 said, but with the added weirdness of nobody saying anything. Yuri isn’t officially graduated or anything, and everyone’s wondering what the fuck is going on. I mean, a bunch of other people are just moving on until there’s more information, because Yuri was honestly one of the least active streamers already.
Also, Yuri’s menhera (like most of the corpo, yes), and people have been speculating over whether she’s going on a hiatus before preparing to make a move from twitch to youtube. Is that cope? Maybe. But it’s not like we have confirmation she graduated because nobody’s saying anything.
>tl;dr: nobody’s actually sure whether Yuri’s graduated or not, or why tf they would do all this shit without saying anything about it

>> No.47963938

Can they talk about what's going on with Yuri?

>> No.47964180

>people make posts /here/
>people take posts from /here/ and repost them on twitter
>people take screenshots of the posts from /here/ that were reposted on twitter and rerepost them here
It's re-re-ception

>> No.47964507

Woah, slow down there. The twitter tards stan Phase and said it publicly, but I wouldn't go as far as saying they're paid by the company to shit on other companies. That's a serious accusation.

>> No.47965159

Yes because they're being paid by fucking Cover to manage the girls but instead they're shitposting on twitter

>> No.47965578

That is debunked already

>> No.47965781

If you people just doxxed and killed that faggot this wouldn't be an issue, yet here we are

>> No.47971148

Vox you sensitive cunt

>> No.47971368

If she's not graduating then she deserves to get shit on for needlessly worrying her fans.

>> No.47972285

talk about pippa in # and you usually get strung up and called a phasenigger

>> No.47973148

You mean the cripple tally? Because Pippa usually gets a few bronzes every month and her name shows up there with all the HoloEN and NijiEN members? Do you know how much you actually have to search in order to actually find her name there?
Or are you talking about some other chief monkey, because /#/ hates everyone who’s not in Hololive (the people there who like NijiEN, because they definitely don’t give a shit about JP, are tourists who post the laziest bait, like “Tempus is reclining, holobronies get owned kek”).
They *hate* Phase Connect and Pippa. Almost as much as they hate Idol.

>> No.47976283

what the fuck are you talking about

>> No.47976938

Tell me what I already don't know. His thread raided /#/ last night too.

>> No.47977996

Oh man he's really gone menhera today

>> No.47978096

p-please don't think about phase right now! Have this two years old meme instead!

>> No.47978574

god he's such a loser lmao

>> No.47978769

Is that why there are five or six Fauna and Coco/Kson drama bait threads? I guess they do it because they know that /vt/ will fall for it.

>> No.47979510

>that mousey pic
this user truly deserves to be hit by a train wow

>> No.47979585

>falseflaggers blaming Nijifans instead of Phase
You fuckers are really insidious.

>> No.47979665

Phaseniggers literally wish Fauna and Mumei were in Phase so doubtful

>> No.47979797

unfortunately a large majority of vtuber fans are on twitter, that account actively seeks out to ruin the reputations of holos and nijis while promoting phase connect. worst part is some phase connect girls follow the account too

>> No.47980052

Also Kris the Homoprosimp fellates them at every chance he can.
Such a "Hololive fan" he is.

>> No.47980086

Why doesn't he dust off some Hitomi Chris shit while he's at it? lmao

>> No.47980256

What's the proof that they run it? Seems just like speculation

>> No.47980855

that's exactly what a mod running damage control would say, you nigger

>> No.47982231

>Seems just like speculation
Which of course makes it false and should be ignored, right?

>> No.47982450
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I love how every company besides Hololive is astroturfing this absolute hellhole just for a cumb of publicity

>> No.47982521

Phase Connive
Falseflag Connect

>> No.47982652

774, vspo, noripro, neoporte and many more don't need to do that
nijisanji doesn't have to either
that godforsaken millie stream was a mistake, though

>> No.47983158

>they're paid by the company
They are the company.

>> No.47985646

Right now

>channel info suddenly gone on twitch and youtube
>her contact link is dead
>took her vod channel down
>Youtubememberships closed
>Twitch subs closed
>Tiktok deleted
>Many videos unprivated on her YouTube, apparently even a few uploads of old content
>Left her friend's(Kaneko Lumi also from Phase Connect) discord server
>All of it in the span of one night
>Hasn't been active in a week
>Never said anything about taking a break
>No one else has said anything about her yet
>Last message on Twitter was "I love my fans thank you for everything"
>Stream elements donation link dead
>Carrd link is also dead
>Her discord isn't accepting new members anymore
you are currently here
here's what's left
>twitter closed
>youtube and twitch closed
>official announcement of her graduation

>> No.47985704

It's managed by multiple people.

>> No.47985709

Ever wondered who runs that account.

>> No.47986900

Paid(?) phase shills shitting every other corpo. One of the reasons why I will never open or check out a Phase stream ever

>> No.47987089

This is insane. Has he lost his mind? What the fuck this is unhinged behavior.

>> No.47987167

>Phase Connive
I lol'd.

>> No.47987410

kys bannedvtmemes

>> No.47987594

oh it's so over

>> No.47988527
File: 214 KB, 426x670, 1673695419973009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how are you going to correct her?

>> No.47989088

No new updates?

>> No.47989456

Not that I'm aware of yet.

>> No.47991520

Subtly shilling your own twitter again?

I feel kind of proud the copypasta text info dump I made ended up going vt viral, even though I made it just to shut up the guys on absolute denial over the "nothing burger" going on, it's funny that it kind of became an anti thing.

>> No.47991759

I'm happy you made it. Having all the relevant info in one place is good.

>> No.47991827

If she's going to HoloEN3 it'd explain why they are being so bitter and petty.

>> No.47991857

unless there's a youtube channel, you're literally grasping at straws trying to fight a fucking twitter cuck. do you know how many anti-hololive/vtubing people there are on twitter? dumb retards

>> No.47991863
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>> No.47992137

Most likely not related to bannedvtmemes, but there are already plenty of videos on Youtube with /vt/ posts here as the material. You can search it.

>> No.47993200

You don't understand /vt/ needs to blame bannedvtmemes for everything as their boogeyman and ignore that there are other more containment breaking accounts, even if they containment break harder than him, and even doxxpost

>> No.47993280

She is not going to HOLO3 holy fuck don't be silly.
She's not particularly talented, she has no big numbers, she has no connections to them.
Those are the 3 tickets into HoloEN.
The fact that she's menhera and unstable would further filter her out.
Plus we won't see HoloEN for at least 6 more months.
I doubt anyone would even poach her, she's not worth it.
She was starting to touch grass and kind of liking it. She might have impulsively decided to stop being a vtuber, or she's considering it and has her finger on the trigger.

>> No.47993440

kys. bvtm discord twitter cocksuckers and phase connect whores should all die in a fire tonight

>> No.47993562

Yuri stopped streaming after her 1 year anniversary stream, disabled subs/membership and deleting some stuff
vtuber contracts usually last for a year

>> No.47993657

He did one "yuuribros..." post and that's it.

>> No.47993998

Thank you for proving what I said

>> No.47994026

And after this thread pointed out the odd silence...

>> No.47994202

It was over a day ago lmao.
That being said, it's natural to be scared of shitposting about somebody who might see it if you don't have any actual ill will towards them.

>> No.47994299

still 0 graduations!

>> No.47994472

Cover is actually retarded and isn't making EN3, give it up.

>> No.47994529

Welp she’s gone

>> No.47994636

hololive doesn't need an additional member that doesn't stream

>> No.47994656
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spoke too soon LMAO

>> No.47994698
File: 64 KB, 588x569, 2023-04-24 01.24.57 twitter.com af47269371b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retweeted Mori horse art

>> No.47994700

anon that's just the termination notice

>> No.47994845

It's Yuri termination deflection posting

>> No.47995016

fuck fishman, fuck management
bring back the cat

>> No.47996204

Not looking good phase shills

>> No.47996430

>he still thinks ironwhore is on a deathbed

>> No.47997503

One retarded flip who's mad hololive is popular now

>> No.47997766

That's the only funny one

>> No.47997927
File: 16 KB, 414x282, erryproblem.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even know what phase connect is.

>> No.47999107

I'm not a dramafag like you so the only time I think about them is when you post their shit here

>> No.48000520
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The vultures are already circling, although I remember this guy actually helped Lisa get her channel remonetized so it may be legit

>> No.48000627

Who the fuck is this guy?

>> No.48000751

Hello just wanted to congratulate you for your post number because it pleases by ocd (except the 4 at the start)

>> No.48001129

Into the trash it goes.

>> No.48001411

Are you enjoying that the usual suspects who were shitting on Kawaii just last week are now squirming and defending le based fish man.
Because I do.

>> No.48001718

It's literally just Smugdoka and Xalamon astroturfing every thread.

>> No.48004097

He will recover

>> No.48004157

Watch your fucking mouth. That is the official kiwifarms vtuber and one of Pippas best friends

>> No.48004232

We've gotten through the checklist completely with the Termination.

>> No.48004998

>Attacked Nijisanji over Zaion
>Defended Kawaii over Gen 3
>Defending both Yuri and Phase Connect
Rate me

>> No.48005475

Jesus, this guy is repulsive

>> No.48005488

I hate that guy.

>> No.48005880

A rational person who can into nuance.

>> No.48005951

Ok get it. So who's this nigga?

>> No.48005969

wow how could Lumi do this
