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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47886640 No.47886640 [Reply] [Original]

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>> No.47891629

The funny thing is, all of this is stuff she's actually said or done.

>> No.47891809

Anon this forum is for shitposting and rrats, not providing accurate information. Please tell down picture.

>> No.47893464

Wait, is Enna the leader of The Clique™ or is it Elira?

>> No.47893550

The picture is a giant comment you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.47895013
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There can be several, you dingus.

>> No.47895675

unironically amazing advice about how to absolutely decimate within the workplace hierarchy.

>> No.47896307

>Don't work so hard, obligations cause stress
How many orisongs and covers does your oshi have again?
>Create a nasty clique that excludes others
Tell me again about this clique, are they in the room with us now?
>Make drama and attack people
Surely you have proof of this...
>Pretend to be depressed for attention
Literally every woman ever.
>Mock your own family for views
Are you telling me you're dumb enough to fall for vtuber kayfabe, Anon?
>Be second best
Even for a shitpost, this is reaching.

>> No.47897017 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.91 MB, 2037x2149, 1675045795389179.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How many orisongs and covers does your oshi have again?
5 and many covers, she ain't a particualrly good singer either
>Tell me again about this clique, are they in the room with us now?
Most likely, pic rel ;)
>Surely you have proof of this...
Her name used to be Zaion
>Literally every woman ever.
Dunno man, i know some who love what they do, dunno about your oshit.
>Are you telling me you're dumb enough to fall for vtuber kayfabe, Anon?
So i'ts only kayfabe when is something negative about your oshit? noted
>Even for a shitpost, this is reaching.
I agree, she's hardly noticeable apart from an american idol white girl like voice.

>> No.47897150

kek, opinion discarded.

>> No.47897200

Haven't really kept up with the Zaion stuff, verifiable timestamp of Enna making drama about Zaion and attacking her on stream?

>> No.47897284 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.02 MB, 1812x1826, 1678670062369399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Concesion acepted ;)

>> No.47897358

So true sister. We stan cliques here.

>> No.47897514

Sorry, I really haven't kept up with the Zaion stuff. Verifiable timestamp of Enna making drama about Zaion and attacking her on stream?

>> No.47897567

Hi bannedvtmemes, do your reps, toodles.

>> No.47897640

So basically, no timestamp? That's too bad.

>> No.47897755

Go off sis go off. Clap back fr.

>> No.47897812

We got a Cuck in our hands here Bois lol

>> No.47897866
File: 322 KB, 1140x558, my-image (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Umm, am I based or what?

>> No.47898576

>the only one on the list more insufferable than Enna in bestie
far from based

>> No.47898586

I mean if it actually happened, it shouldn't be that hard to prove. I'm just interested in the drama, and I thought you might have a timestamp of Enna attacking Zaion on stream.

>> No.47899014

there should also be a rule about no cucking

>> No.47899842

>How many orisongs and covers does your oshi have again?
Mori writes her own music. Enna has a songwriter called Diego who she flirts with on twitter.
>Tell me again about this clique
You realize Enna created a group called "NijiUK" which was just Ethyria minus Nina. It was only later that Nina bent the knee to Enna that she was allowed into their little gossip circle.
>Surely you have proof of this...
Oh yes, dozens of timestamps. She does this all the time, pretty much every stream she is kicking up some new drama. Like when she insulted Ver, insulted Doppio, said Shu was a school shooter....etc. She is constantly attacking her fellow members or starting some new drama all the time. She literally watches The Kardashians and tries to model her behavior after a reality TV star.
>Literally every woman ever.
She directly copied Mika's phony-depression act pretending she was so lonely and so depressed, and later admitted this was a complete lie. Even Mika admitted her act was a lie too.
>Are you telling me you're dumb enough to fall for vtuber kayfabe, Anon?
Anon, she literally talked shit about her stepmom, while her stepmom was in the next room, knowing that she couldn't understand her because she doesn't speak English. Calling her the Devil, saying that she hates her and can't stand her, and only puts up with her for her father's sake. Oh and she mocked her father too, calling him a "dirty old man" because she's paying the bills now. And mocked her infant brother so badly her chat revolted on her.
>this is reaching
She LITERALLY said that almost word for word. "Be second best so that you can get away with things"

>> No.47901433

>Mental fanfiction is true..... Just because!!! LolPWNED

>> No.47901742

All of these things actually happened though.

>> No.47901748

That's about as close to based as a f*male can get.

>> No.47901801

Still no timestamp btw

>> No.47905674

nta but enna is kind of a cunt. While these yabs might not line up with that anon's claims, these are all sourced.

>> No.47906822

>Beat up her bully
That's based. The rest seem pretty schizophrenic to get mad about (tweeting at someone in all caps?). I'm still waiting for the other anon to get back to me with the timestamp of when she was attacking Zaion on stream. I'm sure it's just taking him a while to find the vod.

>> No.47906933

>Mika's phony-depression act
False. Proof or STFU
>Even Mika admitted her act was a lie too
Mika said Enna depression was an act? When? Where?

>> No.47909270
File: 58 KB, 587x413, 1672577022312134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mika basically admits her depression act is overplayed and isn't real
Also talks about hanging out with friends at nightclubs and shit
Yeah super depressed and lonely alright.

Enna basically copied the depression act from Mika. Enna's depression act literally never made any sense, because every other stream she's talking about all the IRL friends she hangs out with. When she's in her "Mika persona" she says "I only have like 3 friends and I'm super lonely" but other times she's freely discussing all the IRL friends she hangs out with all the time, and her Friday night parties and stuff.
In this stream she gets really bitchy and talks about having a "hierarchy of friendships" and if you question your place on the "priority list" you are booted out of her friendship. Extremely cuntish behavior
More mentions of having many IRL friends
"she was like, he was like" pretending her friend is female before dropping the act.
She also did this with her roomate, always calling her roommate "she" but accidentally using a deep voice to imitate them. In her earlier streams she called her roommate "he".

Also if that's not enough for you, pic related. She literally admitted that her lonliness was fake

>> No.47911060


>> No.47914118

these posts are psychotic

>> No.47914624
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I love it when people bring receipts.

>> No.47914733

>wouldnt marry millie
many such cases, more millie for me ig.

>> No.47914974

Asian women are terrible. What did you expect out of a ugly chink.

>> No.47915397

>gets receipts
"Yeah, well, I was wrong, but you're insane for proving it."

Get fucked on Ennafags

>> No.47915919

Never go full Ennaschizo

>> No.47917031

Very based

>> No.47918166
File: 725 KB, 1209x915, 1682221669626.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luv Enner
Luv chink feet
Ate Ennaschizo
Simple as

>> No.47918903
File: 120 KB, 529x337, 1680473100958257.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>False. Proof or STFU
>Anons provide proof
>You're psychotic for providing the proof I asked for.
Face it. Your oshi is a bitch and doesn't deserve you defending her honor.

>> No.47919277
File: 42 KB, 400x400, 0CY3NJWN_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahem Enna is a piece of shit and everything wrong in vtubing. Thank you for coming to my ted talk.

>> No.47919820

the state of aloukeks

>> No.47921820
File: 66 KB, 500x500, 1660633003114706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kekd and based. Thank you sir

>> No.47921981

The absolute state

>> No.47924414

>No comment
please comment

>> No.47927831

I thought the weird niji-sisters went to that other website where they primarily circlejerked over the shittier Nijis. Why is the alou defense force even here for. Even if it was true that she's not as bad as people say she is, why bother coming here to defend my'ladies honor here of all places?

>> No.47927982

>writes her own songs

>> No.47928138


>> No.47930197

If she was in holo, she would be hated more than mori and probably put on multiple "breaks" by now
If she was an indie, she would be hated as a typical twitch thot and blacklisted on hiring list of any corpo
only nijifags' standards are low enough not only to accept trash like her but also defend it

>> No.47930653

You forgot to mention one thing- Enna has friends in Nijisanji and she only got hired because of them. She can get away with almost anything while others get punished.

>> No.47930963

>that pivot
what a pathetic worm you are.

>> No.47932500

Hope this idiot learns after being spoonfed this hard

>> No.47934125

Im still bitter that zaions design was killed of. Such a great model

>> No.47935303

I don't know what is more pathetic enna or the people defending her

>> No.47935448

Your "Marry" section is trash. None of them can cook. Actually switch the whole section down to cuddle and put Maria and Pomu there in Marry.

>> No.47935702

Fish is for brutal painful anal correction

>> No.47935810

Is this true? I'm not a nijifag, but I was under the impression Scarle could cook?

>> No.47935985

>Female streamer
>Good at cooking
That's a damn unicorn. As in it pretty much doesn't exist, unless that's their whole content.

Also back to enna. One of her fans got screenshotted by Jordan Peterson. Even her fans are fucked in the head.

>> No.47936091

As I post this Meloco does a cuddle asmr stream. I was right.

>> No.47936132

>One of her fans got screenshotted by Jordan Peterson.
show me lmao

>> No.47936328

I thought there was no way. Then I had to google search the persons pfp and it is Enna fanart...

>> No.47936369

The average Aloucuck on the left

>> No.47936518

If only he knew how much cuckenings the aloucreeps had to endure, he'd screenshot them a lot more.

>> No.47936977

my oshi does shit like this too and i hate it
>i'm so lonely...
>oh did i tell you guys about what i did with my friends
>i love my friends! oh, and you guys too of course
at least with mika she fessed up and at least with enna she's not apologetic about this shit just being willful delusions
im being misogynistic again...

>> No.47938184

Based on her to succeed with the least effort, amazing how she achieved this all by being a mediocre

>> No.47942573

Based, honestly

>> No.47946015


>> No.47949835

This bitch single handedly (or mostly) destroyed NijiEN's reputation. All of its problems roots back to her. Fucking asshole
