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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47879132 No.47879132 [Reply] [Original]

never thought of this analogy before. holos (35) are students of an all-girls school and niji are just from a coed school.
Just because they are from an all-girls school doesn't mean there's zero male interaction, other girls like Laplus and Towa just actively does enjo kousai and mixers.

>> No.47879327

And what are girls like Mori or Kronii doing ?

>> No.47879831

Don't ask questions you don't want to hear the answer to.

>> No.47880179

they can do whatever they want, just don't expect people to pay them for it. if they don't care about money, that is great for casuals like me as well. i will watch anything fun, even holostars, but paying for memberships and buying merchs is only for those that take the efforts to cater to you.

>> No.47882738

Gang bang with the stars

>> No.47883243

>Niji stocks at all time low
>suddenly they start collabing with Hololive
How much did Niji CEO paid Yagoo for this shit

>> No.47883458

Sneak out after school to hang out with the bois

>> No.47884768

comments are already full of collab begging, some with Shiba too kek.

>> No.47884926

3 collabs with the bois

>> No.47885402

they are newfags isn't it?

>> No.47887697

A lot of the holos who don't engage with males aren't doing it because of money but because of her own idol standards, because they genuinely don't care about streaming with males, because they know their fans prefer they don't or because they are above any potential drama given how respected they are (Sora).
You can be a fulltime lying grifter whore in hololive, still get rich and Cover will still protect you and push you above everyone else without deserving it (laplus).
You can just give zero fucks about everything and everyone and just show up to shill merch and do sponsored streams (ayame), all of that plus playing valorant with males fulltime, rejecting every invitation to any holo event while larping as depressed (shion).
You can even soft-retire, do one mengen stream per month to keep the membership alive and maybe an extra stream just because (aqua).
If you are in hololive you will make money no matter what. If there are members doing more than the bare minimum is not because of money but because they genuinely feel fulfilled with what they do and care about their fans.

>> No.47887789

>>47887697 (me)
With Sora's case I meant that she does collab with males but she's too respected and too essential to hololive to the point she's kind of a special case.

>> No.47887842

t. "I haven't take a bath in a week".

>> No.47894004

they sold the yacht, stay tuned for actual maritime streams from your favorite water-themed holos

>> No.47894442

>Sora is immune to stars collab since she IS Hololive.
>Ayame, Shion and Aqua all built up their fanbase and were hard working BEFORE going part time.
>Laplus got fucking humbled by the fanbase, sure she can still earn a decent living but definitely took some income loss. And she seem to be one of the holos that did care about money. (not anymore, not that she got a choice.)
Income is still important because of the fucking taxes, youtube's cut and Cover's cut. Noel for example keep going into red because she brought equipments, Ollie told us she work a real life job in addition to vtuber. Any COVER or original songs are also out of pocket and Watame went into red for that. If i remember correctly, 3D lives also cost money now.

>> No.47895738

>Noel for example keep going into red because she brought equipments
He doesn't know...

>> No.47895808

You now realized this analogy?

>> No.47898601

faggot why don't you tell me and get yourself banned? that way you can stop copy pasting the same comment like a retard. that thing she do need to pay tax too, high income are useless when you have high expense.

>> No.47898915

>Ollie told us she work a real life job in addition to vtuber.
that's surprising, isn't the cost of living pretty low in her country? unless she has a very well paid job, in which case it makes sense to not want to let go of it, but it's surprising to me that she would need it just to pay her bills and buy food.

>> No.47899361

According to herself she is the breadwinner of her family, it is a part time job and her little sister is entering competitions trying to win prize money to help her out. From past streams we know she has an older brother and parents, not sure what they doing.

>> No.47899485

respectable, but kind of fucked up to let her pay for everything herself if she needs two jobs in order to do that. I also have to pay for everything in my home, but I only have to work exactly as much as I would if I didn't have to.

>> No.47899795

i was very surprised too, i thought her vtuber job would earn enough for her. i know her numbers isn't what it used to be, but it shouldn't be so bad it need her to work a 2nd job. Seem like there are more to it.
