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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47871810 No.47871810 [Reply] [Original]

Just think about it. She can sing. She can dance, She is extremely experienced with streaming and otaku culture,she also have experience with hololive audition before, She has a boyfriend too. She has every quality a Hololive talent needs!

>> No.47872008

Sorry you need to apply to Hololive.
Breastlet should apply to T3mpus instead.

>> No.47872037

yet another holobeggar thread

>> No.47874415
File: 267 KB, 585x564, 1621205422724.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She already failed auditions twice, third time's a charm?

>> No.47874544
File: 1.20 MB, 792x1192, pomu_rainpuff_lighter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She has a boyfriend too
yeah, me

>> No.47874627

Luca's whore

>> No.47874667

Porno Sexpuff will never be a Holo

>> No.47875131

I want whatever you're smoking.

>> No.47875201

Why would a founding member of the biggest EN vtuber group want to join hololive's shitter EN branch? She makes more money than the shark.

>> No.47876032

That was Tempus, Yagoo clearly gave up on female ENs after Councils performance

>> No.47876281

Only if she can keep the model and name. It's SOVL.

>> No.47879781

And that's a good thing

>> No.47879936


>> No.47882261

of all people you can be salty she's shipped with you choose him?

>> No.47884962

>m-mito is totally her oshi because she watched clips when she applied xD

>> No.47885003

luca's cocksleeve

>> No.47885094

*Sonny's woman

>> No.47885122

How did she fail auditions twice when only Myth auditioned before Lazulight? Dipshit.

>> No.47885326

She's not just "shipped with" Luca, they actively flirt all the time.
She even invited him to underwear shopping.


>> No.47885535

That's not flirting you dumbass. How do you catalogshitters have the least charitable interpretation of Pomu? She's so sweet and nice to people. She's just playing along with Millie's question and teasing Luca about his manbreasts.

>> No.47885583

She would jump through hoops to somehow suck Luca’s dick on stream even as a Holo. No thanks

>> No.47885605

Pomu nearly quit NijiEN because she doesn't like being a corpo. She just wants to relax with chat while being an indie. I don't see why she would join another company.

>> No.47885760

I haven't watched her in a while.

>> No.47885801

Reality is whatever I want it to be nigga

>> No.47885897

>teasing Luca about his manbreasts
That's what flirting is you autist

>> No.47886003

Pomu is the biggest niji otaku of all time. Why would she want to quit nijisanji?

>> No.47886150

Calling me the autist when her own words about Luca is that she sees him as the otouto she never had.
If >>47885605 is accurate then it's probably partly cause of schizos like you.
First of all Petra mogs her. Apparently it's from her opening up on Monday. So I guess none of us watch her in this thread except for

>> No.47886249

Because, to be quite frank, things are getting really whorish over there. It's becoming some kind of weird sex-romp. Why is she associating herself with that garbage?

>> No.47886371

>the otouto she never had
Guess she wants to fuck her brother then

>> No.47886458


>> No.47887144

Pomu would easily be one of the strongest if not THE strongest HoloEN member.
She's cute, fun, high energy, charismatic, great at interacting with others, has a lot of creativity and a talent for original interesting content, is not great but still decent enough in games to make her playthroughs engaging because she actually gets better as she plays more, yeah a top tier singer. She's also enough of a lesbian to do proper yuribait.
Seriously, she'd be easily one of if not THE biggest HoloEN and there's no one that could challenge her.
Mumei and Fauna are too low energy. Ame and Mori have fallen off hard. Ina and Gura don't stream anymore.
Bae Irys and Kiara are forever low tiers. Kronii is committing career suicide.
Now here's the catch, Pomu is making decent money on NijiEN and bigger subs/ccv aren't necessarily a better thing, many vtubers prefer CCV under 3,000 because chat is more readable and people act more as entities, wherea's fast chats devolve to all caps single word statements and emote spam.
She also gets to hang out with some NijiEN males that she clearly has a crush on.
So overall it works out better for her.
Pomu would make HoloEN better, but HoloEN would not make things better for Pomu.
The branch is basically falling apart and stagnating right now, and yeah NijiEN is as well and Pomu has likely hit her peak there tho HoloEN's decay is the result of neglect. Honestly any decent vtubers would help HoloEN at this point just desperately needs a gen 3 to revive the whole branch. Pomu would be one of the best candidates for it but she's fine where she is.

>> No.47887406

>biggest niji otaku of all time
That's depressing considering she's barely above a clipwatcher

>> No.47890442


Only if Wuca the Gwoomer joins Holostars!

>> No.47890787

Because manjisanji is shit for women

>> No.47891016

>bigger subs/ccv aren't necessarily a better thing, many vtubers prefer CCV under 3,000 because chat is more readable and people act more as entities, wherea's fast chats devolve to all caps single word statements and emote spam.

holy cope

>> No.47892166

To be blunt, NijiEN isn't the same branch that it was when it was just Lazulight and Obysidia. For better or worse, things were much simpler then.
The entire month of February to early March this year was almost nothing but drama happening constantly, like no talent could go a few days practically without stepping on a landmine of some sort. Any fun that she had being a company vtuber up to that point probably went away almost instantly, especially with the increased demands that come with being a vtuber of a publicly traded company.

>> No.47892399

I've been saying this forever, she could unironically be Gura-tier or above. Instead she's stuck languishing and dying in this shit-ass branch. She's gotta take a chance or she's gonna die there.

>> No.47893476

keep begging
you're the problem if you refuse to watch anyone without the blue dorito logo, simple as

>> No.47896556

>She also gets to hang out with some NijiEN males that she clearly has a crush on.
I got one and I don't count Luca. Who else do you have?

>> No.47897193

Luxiem and the following waves turned nijiEN into a powerhouse. Pomu should be proud of that. Quitting now would just make her look like a bitter loser who is jealous of Luxiem's wild success.

>> No.47897626

>She has a boyfriend too
lol. Guess doxsisters don't mind friendly fire when it's one of the girls, huh?

>> No.47898899

What cope?
Many vtubers have expressed a similar sentiment from Gura to Pippa.
Money earned is not directly related to CCV. That's why many smaller vtubers still manage to make a good living because they have more dedicated fans and Pomu has an extremely hardcore base.

>> No.47901300

Its like asking if projekt melody can jojn. Most likely not

>> No.47901321

Luxiem made things worse for Lazulight and Obsydia and the last two mixed gens were complete failures. They pretty much grew at the cost of everyone else.
The only girl who has managed to handle the post luxiem ecosystem decently has been Selen and the only one that actually did well in it was Enna.
Everyone else got either hit a peak or even lost CCV and fans.
I remember girls doing 3k now averaging 2k, girls regularly going 2.6k now on 2k at most. I often see many of them at mid 1k's.
Shit is looking very bad for them.
What a coincidence HoloEN also saw a similar 30%-50% loss after Tempus debuted. Just like everyone predicted, adding guys to a female agency gimps the girls.

>> No.47903288


>> No.47903595

>the last two mixed gens were complete failures
Scarle and Hex completely BTFO HoloEN when it comes to superchats.

>> No.47904114

Hex is a guy so he's not affected by the male debuff.
Scarle came out after the guys so we have no point of reference to know her real potential without them around and she's an outlier among the last two gens.
Her CCV is still shit tho. I don't know the real background behind her superchats and there has to be a good explanation for it. I've seen some small vtubers carried by a couple of very rich autistic whales which isn't related to their size and just kind of RNG and it's not indicative of a branch's relative performance, just that one streamer that might have won the lottery.

>> No.47905226
File: 674 KB, 1268x905, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hex completely BTFO HoloEN
I'm sorry, could you repeat that? I couldn't hear you over Hex getting BTFO'd by Fauna and PIPKIN FUCKING PIPPA of all people.

>> No.47906028
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Maybe Irys should get a beanie for her model.

>> No.47908257

Most western vtubers saw a similar dropoff
Vtubers only ever boomed in the west due to covid and once lockdowns ended you could see most of them starting to recline

>> No.47909020

> I remember girls doing 3k now averaging 2k
Who? Enna, Selen, Pomu? They're the only ones I can think of that would break 3k with any regularity.

>> No.47909648

Finana, Rosemi and Elira were both 2.5k+ at one point and Pomu 3k+
Enna actually started below 2k and managed to make her way up, she's the only one to my knowledge that actually thrived in the post males ecosystem.
But she found a good niche providing GFE NTR so that makes sense.

>> No.47911261

Sana's graduation killed EN3. Yagoo doesn't want to invest in ungrateful bitches anymore.

>> No.47914618

It really sounds like she's disenchanted with the corpo she's in but she admits she doesn't want to leave her friends there.

>> No.47918263

how is the east still inclining then?

>> No.47919590

>titless freak
No thanks, once a whore always a whore.

>> No.47919731

She's never going to join your Holo, beggar.

>> No.47919798

IRyS mogs your entire company Pomu, stop self posting you are a fucking failure.

>> No.47921165

Irys is doing worse after her redesign, how does that make you feel?

>> No.47922188

For a bit. The problem is that while Luxiem grew fast, their audience also only really watch them, not the other NijiEN people as much. So it’s a weird mishmash of two different fanbases that don’t get along well.

>> No.47924207

>Management turned to shit
>Most of her co-workers are now gross whores and normalfags
>Co-workers can't stop causing drama
>NijiEN is now attracting twitter freaks and chinks rather than otakus and geeks
>viewership are dropping
>streaming is less fun and more stressful as a result
There's probably a lot of stuff behind the scenes that we don't know about either.
