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47827277 No.47827277 [Reply] [Original]

>Talks about playing games with her girlies
>Invites a male member of her clique
Can't make this shit up!

>> No.47827433

Just the average #GirlsNight in nijisanji

>> No.47827483

So... proof? A video or clip link perhaps?

>> No.47827484

I'm used to elira disappointing me

>> No.47827546

Uki joined the all girls collab just now

>> No.47827570

Literally go open the stream

>> No.47827571

>Meanwhile in reality Finana literally said that Uki asked to join. Nobody invited him, all of the girls were just too nice to turn him down live on stream.
Literally having Elira rent free in your head at this point, holy fuck, imagine having her of all people as your big bad evildoer.

>> No.47827569

shes not your friend, theres nothing to be disappointed about since she owes you nothing

>> No.47827643

Sorry Elira, but I'm done trusting you not to invite males to your "all girls" shit

>> No.47827670
File: 3 KB, 189x172, girlsnight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe that faggot should read

>> No.47827669

>Joins your all girls collab
>Says nothing
>Refuses to elaborate
Based fag

>> No.47827699

You must be new if this surprises you at this point. I always go into Niji streams with the expectation of some random faggot joining in any second killing the mood.

>> No.47827708

Typical Nijisanji though. The boys rule the roost. One of the good things about how Hololive handles stars and Tempus is that they don't let guys just roam around hopping onto the girls streams at random. I'm not a unicorn and do enjoy the guys, but there's nothing I hate more than some dude barging into a girl's stream at random.

>> No.47827783

Well, then. Either the girls are lying, or NijiEN’s culture is so fucked that the males can just screw over the girls by barging into their collabs, and they’re too afraid to tell him to stop fucking with their income stream. I’m genuinely inclined to believe it’s the latter.
Either way, what the actual fuck?

>> No.47827844

He's 100% gay so it's fine

>> No.47827899

this is why niji is known as the cuck company

>> No.47827923

being gay doesnt make you a woman sorry

>> No.47827967

I know anons like to bring this up as a shitpost, but actually, seriously, genuinely, what the fuck is it with these dudes just screwing over the girls in one of the few genres of content where being a girl isn’t a debuff? It’s not even Tempus or anything (not that they’d ever do that). The males in NijiEN are more popular than the girls already, so what’s the purpose of doing this?

>> No.47828021

Never trust any nijiEN title that mentions it only being girls
"Girls Night", "Girlies with Guns", "Girls only slumber party"
Every single time one of the boys will join mid way through. This time it was Uki but usually it's Luca.

>> No.47828096

>Girls only slumber party
That happened multiple times though and there weren't any males

>> No.47828406

Yeah I mean it also shows how arrogant the niji guys are. I don't think it's normal to just have the confidence to barge in on other people's streams. Even the girls in EN in hololive rarely rarely do it. The fact that these dudes are sitting there in boxers watching a stream and are just like "oh I want to call in"--it's crazy. Really makes you wonder what the culture is like at NijiEN behind closed doors. And how comfortable everyone ACTUALLY is with all of it.

>> No.47828476

oh yeah, the fag is in. I guess he is a girl now lmaooo

>> No.47828503

Nice try Elira

>> No.47828548

you could've convinced me this was still girl only, Uki is such a non-entity. Why join a colab if you're going to stay silent the entire time?

>> No.47828577

I guess he just wanted to play Valorant

>> No.47828634

And just like that, he's gone

>> No.47828661


>> No.47828680

didn't even say a full sentence in the entire time he was there, what a pointless sperg out

>> No.47828701

Given what the fans are like, I can just imagine how it would go…
>“Look, I know we’re supposed to dunk on unicorns and shit, but can we please just label the streams that are cross-gender collabs and the ones that aren’t?”
>*proceeds to ostracize said member until minor yab happens and talent gets suspended*
>“Sisters, I hate to say it, but Elira’s problematic. I’m pretty sure she’s /here/!”

>> No.47828763

It really is sad how a male always somehow ends up joining most of NijiEN's "girls only" collabs.

>> No.47828837

It’s probably not worth seething over, but it’s at least a mildly dick move to barge into a stream that’s all but labeled “girls only”. It’s basically in that gray area of “kind of shitty but you look like an asshole if you call him on it”. And I’m sure we’ve all had acquaintances or coworkers who were like that.

>> No.47828871

It’s because since the Lazulight days they set the expectation and culture that at anytime anyone could join your stream and make it a spontaneous collab (Open VC culture).

>> No.47828984

It does seem to me like it would be a faux pas to ask for an invite to a collab that's already started in general. It's not like he couldn't have said anything on their collab Discord beforehand if he really wanted to join.

>> No.47828988
File: 1.34 MB, 1292x883, eliralol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Opens stream
>Doesn't see anything out of the ordinary
Either OP lying or fag fucked off after being told girls only.

>> No.47829081


>> No.47829087

You can just say “uki? We’re in a collab right now”
And if he asks can he play you just say “next time!”
It’s really not hard if it was a big deal

>> No.47829098

Uki sucked more dick than all of them, he is more girl than actual girls

>> No.47829105

He didn't troon out so they kicked him

>> No.47829123


>> No.47829228

That's what they did, he's no longer on the stream.
OP is just a faggot, that is all.

>> No.47829324

Based? Based on what?

>> No.47829367

>“uki? We’re in a collab right now”
he clearly know they have discord voice channels for ongoing collabs, but at the same time they are 4 playing valorant, so no surprise a valo-addicited guy would join

>> No.47829453

sounds like typical nijiEN and why I stopped watching

>> No.47829548

On a ranking from 1 to 10 of dick moves to your coworkers, I reckon it’s probably a 2 or 3 at best. Which isn’t that bad, but also at the level of “that was kind of unnecessary”. What I’m about to say next is the most charitable interpretation I can think of:
People who want to be vtubers are more likely to be bad at social interaction. This might be a case of not reading the room. Sure, Lazulight “normalized” impromptu collabs, but just because you can doesn’t mean you should.
Take what happened after Reimu interrupted Vox’s ASMR. An attempt to shit on the yumes, followed by quick backtracking. If you want to tell “parasocial fucks” to “educate themselves”, then fine, but at least be consistent.
So, right now, we have a situation where the girls see collabs between the guys, and for the most part they go, “Oh, it’s targeting an audience that doesn’t want to see our non-male asses on stream, I can just wait until the stream’s over to hang out over discord chat,” while Uki apparently hasn’t gotten the hint from the “girls only” all over the stream title.
Maybe he didn’t notice that/kind of watched for a moment, realized how awkward his presence was, and bowed out. If so, good on him.
But it doesn’t say a lot of good things about the company culture if the girls feel intimidated about impromptu collabing on boys-only streams while the boys don’t.

>> No.47829570

Imagine being such an incel that you feel threatened by a turbo gay dude talking to your oshi.

>> No.47829630

>feel threatened
tranny speak

>> No.47829651

Elira is NOT your friend nijiniggers. Please open your wallet for her as she cuckolds you with uki on her all girls stream

>> No.47829758

Valorant is a 5 player game.
He saw 4 people, didn't know it was girls only, joined and asked if he could play, got a no because girls only, and left afterwards.
It doesn't require this amount of speculation when the answer is simple.
>he should have known it was girls only from the start
Are vtubers in the same corpo expected to know what everyone else is doing all at once? I know someone (not necessarily you) is gonna ask this and I'll pre-emptively say, no, I can bet my entire life savings that Koyori for example wouldn't know what every single holoJP is doing at the exact moment.

>> No.47829813

He got a yes, joined and played

>> No.47829816

Remember when Reimu called into Vox's asmr stream and unisisters went insane? How often do girls invade all male collabs in niji?

>> No.47829877

Where is he?

>> No.47829955

>Uki apparently hasn’t gotten the hint from the “girls only” all over the stream title
A gay man thinking "girls night" includes him? the shock
I expect some snark remark clip from him about being excluded or some shit

>> No.47830001

A very long time ago, I remember that Elira said that the reason why sometimes people would show up on collabs uninvited is because they have a discord room for collabs, and that room is also used for totsus and chatting, anyways, it is a room where everyone was welcomed to join, which is why impromptu collabs were so common on NijiEN.

Regardless, my point is, that everytime someone you don't like joins a collab, you shouldn't blame them, you should blame your whore oshi for hosting the collab there.

>> No.47830006

Anyone who seethes because they think Uki’s gonna fuck their oshi can kts for being a parasocial cuck, educate themselves, improve themselves, hate themselves for not having any female friends, and all that shit. Sure.
Let’s flip the question on its end, though. Do you really think if NijiEN had a legit, no-joke, gold star lesbian who barged into a Luxiem stream that the backlash wouldn’t be massive?

>> No.47830052

Based on Rosemi's thick thorny futa cock you fag

>> No.47830118

>all male collabs
except reimu was just a women moment?
It was his bfe asmr and she knew she shouldn't
retarded latina literal outloud says to herself and chat "they gonna kill me" and does it
the worst part is she wanted to know something about whatever fnaf she ended she could google but insisted in asking the guy walking his rabid dogs

>> No.47830190

Doesn't really matter as far as I'm concerned. Pathetic people are pathetic. Doesn't matter if their neighbor is just as pathetic.

>> No.47830206

Why do you fucks care? It's nijisanji, you faggots are blithering retards for getting upset at this shit. Honestly shouldn't be losing your shit regardless of the company because that's fucking pathetic but the niji name should be the biggest fucking warning that they don't give a fuck and will have a MALE show up. You fuckers acting like this is why other boards on this godforsaken website make fun of us. Grow a pair and stop acting like beta bitches. Uki is a huge faggot though, can't stand that cock gobbling flamer.

Not enough, I love seeing chink sisters rage.

>> No.47830297


You can be disappointed that amanda bynes was the hottest chick 15 years ago and is now just any other dumpy post-wall woman that has given up.

>> No.47830847

I disliked the stream. I did my part, FAGGOTS OUT.

>> No.47830903

Another one of those threads where OP lies blatantly and everyone falls for it.
>i was pretending to be retarded

>> No.47831060

You do realize that once the vod is up you will be grudgeposted for 300 posts right? Why do this to yourself

>> No.47831155

I will join into their game and spam slurs in ingame chat so that the VOD is taken down just to save that anon

>> No.47831315

Why wait for the vod? Point out to me where this fag is right now? >>47828988
>he left
Wowwwww so OP jumped the gun.

>> No.47831449

He's only playing the long con, pretend to be gay then strike at the right moment

>> No.47831506
File: 754 KB, 1152x648, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but I have dvr enabled and it looks like he played a game with them and then left.

>> No.47831539

Damn that must be some real good pretending if he's been fucked in the ass by his bf before.

>> No.47832642

elira the liar like reimu, probably finana invited him like the offcollab with pomu

>> No.47833209

Men always, no matter how homosexual, change the dynamic in a gaggle of women
Women have completely different conversations when men are around and it just ruins the whole reason why we watch this shit to begin with
All female or all male group collabs have always been superior to mixed gender collabs

If I wanted to see awkward mixed gender group interactions I'd join a D&D meetup

>> No.47833229

>A faggot
that is still a woman

>> No.47833404

I honestly want to see that
People say Aia is a lesbian but she already filters people by her voice and personality and I don’t think she’s a lesbian
I’m sure it’s possible though, I belieb

>> No.47833419
File: 228 KB, 564x444, 1671415236255536.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girls only
since when did these whores pander to unicorns again? do they need better numbers now that the paraosical fucks left

>> No.47834239

Always see this “not your friend” shit thrown out at Elira, what’s this about? Never saw a clip of her saying that, did she say that on twitter? I can find 300 clips of Ame’s “improve yourself”, but none of Elira

>> No.47835326

She pander to liar, we love liar in niji family.

>> No.47835481

I will also pretend to be upset about whatever this is about

>> No.47836423


>> No.47836546


>> No.47836652

Some random fan gave Elira a horny SC and she responded by telling her chat that she's not their friend, that's about it.

>> No.47842780

It amazes me how Elira manages to be unlikable even for supposedly routine things such as this

>> No.47843107

Go tell them sister

>> No.47845486
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>> No.47846174

Elira, Pomu and Reimu already did this with Shu
At least Uki is gay
desu though they're both girlboss energy

>> No.47847138

>Elira already did this with Shu

>> No.47847332

I still don't get why they even invited Uki for one game. Did they just stop caring when they realized they probably scared a lot of their fans off either by playing valorant or just in general?

>> No.47847423

>it just ruins the whole reason why we watch this shit to begin with
It ruins the reason why you watch this shit. You got the impression from your ironic weeb friends that vtubers are supposed to be a generic Kirara manga

>> No.47847797

Unisisters unironically did nothing wrong. "Invading" an asmr is the most faggy scumbag thing someone can do. It completely ruins the vod. Nijisisters could have lynched reimu and I'd call them based on principle.

>> No.47848002

>a nijitroon calling others ironic weeb
stop projecting sis

>> No.47852506


>> No.47852677

Uki is actually NB so they couldn't tell HIM to fuck off it's girls only because that would have huwt his feelings, so they had to just let him in

>> No.47852780

Ah but that's the thing - Elira didn't host the collab there

>> No.47856529

you get it
