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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47794347 No.47794347 [Reply] [Original]

Does she really have to put the others down to prop herself up?

>> No.47795630
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>i gave this guy ptsd HAHAHA
>meanwhile, in reality...

>> No.47797373

Remember when anons here praised her for being normal and not having any dramas and yabs.
Look where we are now, Oh how the mighty have fallen.

Can't blame her tho, she did so good at the scrims but so shit at the actual tourney.
Selen Choksuki with le plays.

>> No.47797597

Anon, being frustrated at videogames is mot drama / yab.

>> No.47797703

Why are homosisters seething so hard at everything purple dragon does?

>> No.47799661

When people go around bragging about how their vtuber is unyabbable or whatever people get desperate to make anything into a yab on them.

>> No.47799777

Didn't you ennafag and nijien hate her even before vsaikyou.

>> No.47799813

boosted bitch

>> No.47799819

Jesas. I thought this girl is chill. Did she have a bad period or something?

>> No.47800048

I don't think it's a homosis. Axel has been supportive before and after the finals, even if he did tilt.

>> No.47800253

Nice try nijisister, kill yourself

>> No.47800294

Even if he is, doesn't mean sisters are. Women who come here are just as schizo as the men and they take it outside to nyfco and twitter.

>> No.47800359

>co-opting ME ME ME to draw attention away from their narcissistic whore
Absolutely pathetic, KFP.

>> No.47801191

Are you really expecting something good from selen? This bitch is one of the worst people in NijiEN, she's competing with Enna for the human garbage stall.
The only positive is that selen is entertaining to watch, not like enna

>> No.47801332

So true Nijisis, slay them!.

>> No.47801485

>memoryhole how /nijien/ hate her because she honorary holo and not into cliques
Yea sis, it totally homosis.

>> No.47801541

No Tempus fan I’ve seen even remotely dislikes Selen, she’s cool and was really nice to them. Dunno where the Selen antis are coming from but it’s not them.

>> No.47801711

Why do nijisisters love projecting the things they do onto others?

>> No.47801888

>anons are getting mad at a bit of gaming trash talk
Either you're pretending or you've been watching women streamers for too long

>> No.47801970

Tempus fans aren't mad at Selen dude.

>> No.47802036

/nijien/ is also full of seething roasties. What is your point here? Selen has shit from homosisters and luxnoc whores.

>> No.47802085

I don't give a fuck. This woman thinks she is some kind of pro-gamer or some shit like that?

>> No.47802094

i thought this was a Kiara thread
stop making misleading posts OP

>> No.47802220

She killed the biggest pro Apex streamer and made his team drop to #11 while top10 were advancing to grand finale.

Also guy refused to collab with her in the past LOL

>> No.47802430

No one else was watching their arc to shitpost about what she did or didn't do during streams on /vt/. Or care about her ""hurting"" axel.

>> No.47802613

It’s catalogfags latching onto whatever the newest drama is to get a reaction out of people. Axel doesn’t care about Selen “””hurting””” Axel, what are you even talking about?

>> No.47802841

To be fair, they were doing fine during the scrims.
Selen uncharacteristically ruined the vibe of the team on tourney proper. Maybe the big audience numbers got to her head and took the chance to stand out. Regardless, she was being ungrateful for being invited, which is kinda sad for everyone involved including the fans.

>> No.47803065

Holy threadwatcher.

>> No.47803128

She always freaks out under pressure in comp games.

>> No.47805352

She also did something similar to this to Bonbon btw
She has always been lowkey spiteful to her collabmates

>> No.47805439

Sister, time to go back to Twitter

>> No.47805823

Because being "the chicle that is good at apex" is the only thing that Selena has. It not even malicious, is just a business choice to keep herself relevant.

>> No.47806247

nice try catalog tranny.

>> No.47806399
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>> No.47806403
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Why are women so attracted to authority figures?

>> No.47806610

needs one of the best players & IGL in the world to do well in a tournament.
she's never beating the boosted bitch allegations

>> No.47806621

Did you even watched the stream?.

>> No.47807115

To end this once and for all, Selen needs to do a bronze to pred marathon. I saw someone on twitch did it, took him 48 hours I think.

>> No.47809842


>> No.47810044

oh nyo nyo nyo nyo, why is vtuber not still sad

>> No.47810546

this is what happens when your entire personality is a game

>> No.47812198

Imperial Hal?

>> No.47813279

Solo Pred is almost impossible in Apex. You need a team or really good luck. A prominent Apex streamer did it a few seasons ago. It nearly killed him and he quit the game shortly after.
Honestly, Selen just needs to jump ship. She's got enough basic FPS skills that she could easily convert to a different game. The trouble is finding a game to convert to, because every other AAA FPS currently being supported is trash in its own way.

>> No.47813337

I would like to see her play Fortnite. I find it more fun lately

>> No.47813396
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Drop FPS. Switch to Brood War.

>> No.47814912

>Selen is bad at apex!!!
>*Posts clips of her still being better at apex than others*
essentially the name of the game

>> No.47816800

She's in Nijisanji. She is probably constantly on edge that every single flaw will be secretly picked apart and flaunted by her co-workers, that every minor slip up of any kind will be harshly punished by Anycolor, and that any form of deviance from absolute perfection will justify hate campaigns in the eyes of Niji's constantly seething tranny terminally twittered 'fans'

>> No.47816860

Compare to the Holo members who are going "Well, sucks we didn't win but I'm glad we've all got each others backs and we're happy to participate"
The recent Pekora yab (??) pretty much exposed everything, as if we didn't all know Niji was a hostile environment to be in anyways

>> No.47816997


>> No.47817509

tl;dr: Pekora was talking about how Hololive are nice to each other and how management talks with them about random stuff, and the two Nijis acted confused like they'd never had human interaction with their managers in their entire lives.

>> No.47818277

>bronze to pred
even the top of the top pros have difficulty with this, solo master is ok because there is a set RP you need to reach, pred starting RP only goes up as the season progresses. Honestly the ranked system is just a giant grind.

>> No.47819656

>bragging to be a clipfag
opinion discarded
