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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 2.13 MB, 1855x1200, __pipkin_pippa_phase_connect_drawn_by_sen_jou__b11f96973ccd34c6f4e8678f10c43e1f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47754243 No.47754243 [Reply] [Original]

I don't care what people say, Pippa's new outfit is great, it speaks about her creativity and originality when it comes to change. Unlike other vtubers, who try to stick to their first model, Pippa embraces change, which makes her trailblazer in her field.

>> No.47754325

who? i don't know your shitty indie.

>> No.47754389
File: 318 KB, 1152x2048, 1681935120409985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You see the beauty of Pippa is that her raw Giga Stacy energy and competitiveness demands that she puts herself in the most difficult of situations, hence her pandering to an autistic userbase with untenable interests and pursuits, allowing her the sense of satisfaction to say that not only can she completely slay when performing her normative socially affirming public roles in her real life but can also slum it up with mouth breathing pornography producing chronically online undesirables such as those that populate /pcg/.

This proves that Pippa is more of an idol than suisei, sora and the rest of hololive combine, but /vt/ doesn't want to admit it

>> No.47754451

how pathetic do you have to be to write something like this

>> No.47755912

Why is Pippa an Azur Lane now?

>> No.47757181
File: 228 KB, 800x800, 1681591915059003.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Although she isn't quite as based as I would like, she is more than based enough, and I still love her to death. She's a sad girl with too big a heart, what did you expect?

I still pick my Pippa. Do you join me?

>> No.47757603

id rather dig my eyes out with a spoon than watch her let alone that

>> No.47758634
File: 864 KB, 789x523, s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it speaks about her creativity and originality

>> No.47758713
File: 185 KB, 220x220, stop-it-get-some-help.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have seen you on multiple threads

>> No.47758862
File: 247 KB, 500x253, 14679271642130925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Unlike other vtubers, who try to stick to their first model

>> No.47759022

So other vtubers are copying Pippa? She really is setting records.

>> No.47759135

If it weren't for the hair color change it'd look basically the same as her original model but with some shipgirl guns tacked on

>> No.47759479


>> No.47760347

are you dumb?

>> No.47760909

why do people still care about this grifter?

>> No.47761551

because she is le based u idioit

>> No.47761781
File: 28 KB, 227x222, pffft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47763958

>is now literally just a react andy
Are you as retarded as Henri?

>> No.47764732

yes yes we all know her rebrand was a flop that killed her growth, no need to make threads coping about it.

>> No.47764879


>> No.47764977

Middle top and bottom left are the two best designs by far, but top left wins the soulympics

>> No.47766944

Is Pippa wife material.

>> No.47767651

She is a flesh streamer material

>> No.47770157

Don't tell anyone, but she is actually really entertaining.

>> No.47770333

Tangible desperation for (You)s. Damn anon, get help.

>> No.47771105
File: 2.09 MB, 1203x1155, 1679981515606626.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think its great but it has no contrast which makes the skirt look a bit plain. I think part of her skirt should be white, pic related.

>> No.47771972

I like it, but it's brought down by the fact that the guns don't have any rigging connection into her (I'm referring to shipgirl rigging, not vtuber rigging)

>> No.47774243

Refute what I said, anon. You can't because I'm right.

>> No.47774708

Some of us VTubers stick to our original models because that shit was over $7,000 lmao.

>> No.47774989

>normative socially affirming
Look, I enjoy the yabbit, but I'm pretty sure she doesn't do much that's "normative" or "socially affirming."

>> No.47775173

Ok but why is everyone want to "change" to be more boring?
From pink hair to black hair? From sweater to dress?

>> No.47775308

whats with EN vtubers and making new outfits that look nothing like them

>> No.47779401

Pippa herself is pretty entertaining and actually pretty funny. Not to mention a role model for other aspiring western vtubers.

>> No.47782014

Pippa doesn’t play Chinese games. She’s paying respects to Kancolle.

>> No.47785318

>Not to mention a role model for other aspiring western vtubers.
How is she a role model

>> No.47785619


i will marry pippa her ring size is 58

>> No.47785965

>Not to mention a role model for other aspiring western vtubers.
a donttu andastandu yo language

>> No.47787082

Lolita fashion is great all I have to say on this

>> No.47788067

I don't think Pippa has lolita fashion

>> No.47789470

Shush, we don't tell em

>> No.47790106

Pippa the Ripper.

>> No.47791203

>I don't care what people say
good for you

>> No.47792098

How is that good? He's going to get mocked by other people.

>> No.47792192
File: 36 KB, 308x308, korosmug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine caring what other people think,

>> No.47794035

Pippa should have had Gura’s numbers. She deserves that much.

>> No.47794528

No she doesn’t. She’s lucky to have the numbers she has.

>> No.47794806
File: 73 KB, 225x225, pisskinpissa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who are u

>> No.47796095

How does it cost that much.

>> No.47796906

Is he wrong? Pippa is all of that and more. Nothing wrong with saying it.

>> No.47798830

Pippa love! She's so based and cringe and sweet and deranged. Simply perfect.

>> No.47800938

Pippa is a lot of fun

>> No.47801071

I want to impregnate her in the mating press

>> No.47801179


>> No.47802722

I used to like Pipkin but now I've realised the truth. She was never based and intelligent, she just repeats everything from this site and Kiwifarms. She's literally rebranding now. If she'd pull a Nyanners and go full backstabber for more clout, she will.

>> No.47804913
File: 39 KB, 211x185, 1682002828940361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>I don't care what people say
then why complain for it in a social site?

>> No.47805013

We get it, you need to be rich to be an Indie, stop rubbing it in you faggot

>> No.47805129

its an inflated price just like bitcoin the amount of work is really low for that price
you could argue that the time and effort to learn the skills necessary to build an avatar like rigging and drawing would inflate the price

>> No.47807109

i dont like her proportions in that art
pippa is a malnutritioned pale slanderman, not a shortstack, and her normal avatar fits her since its as spider like as she is

>> No.47807781

This looks like somebody tried to generate ironmouse in stablediffusion 10 times

>> No.47811124

Thats lolita fashion there are army/navy style designs

>> No.47811409
File: 202 KB, 500x672, 3-500x672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not exactly the same but there are some similarities

>> No.47813409

That looks cool.

>> No.47815156

But Pippa is a short stack.

>> No.47817659
File: 337 KB, 1800x2400, 1681602368103246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God, I love her so much. I wish she got the recognition she deserves. She’s better than those whores on Hololive, and isn’t always trying to be the next fad.

>> No.47818631

Pipa just like tenma was ok untill she started pampering retarded part of her fan base and focused her work on idiotic reaction videos and screaming for 80% of time.
New outfit will not help when most of her fan base is literally cancer and she spoil them with low quality streams.
I really hope she will go down slowly and go back to be miserable as maybe then she realize that being a sell off is not best for long term job in media business
From comfy retarded pink rabbit she went to negro of vtubers that lick her own feet because few fans like that...

>> No.47819721

>idiotic reaction videos and screaming for 80% of time
But that's the good part of her streams.

>> No.47821603

You need better taste.

>> No.47825264

Dude, you were robbed.

>> No.47825544

This is a militaristic style
pippa's is a walmart maid outfit with ship guns attached to her ass like a buttplug

>> No.47827552

How is Pippa cringe? She's just a normal girl beneath everything else

>> No.47831872

She pretends to be something she’s not. A far-right Vtuber and it’s fucking cringe whenever she tries to lean on that image.

>> No.47834297

No you don't, this guy's just an idiot.
I only cost $30 to be incarnated.
I just saw a new guy go from png to only mild paperface in a week for free.

>> No.47835550
File: 126 KB, 268x303, ironlung text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry but you have to have 40 different models now

>> No.47841717

Why would anyone need 40 models.

>> No.47842538

Im 90% sure that she doesnt even own a gun, she is just too pathetic to get one

also her feeble worm fingers cant even lift a pistol, pulling the trigger is whole different story

>> No.47844711

Cope, she's right about the world government.

>> No.47846236
File: 75 KB, 1280x720, retard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism : Autism could be cool. 4chan is basically autist and we like it. Sadly, Pippa only kept the unsufferable screetchy screams from it. Also she surely has the very heavy autism, the one you don't wanna show to people and even less listen to.

Stupidity : But usually autists at least have lot of knowledges. They can tell you all the frame datas and mechanics of a game just from memory, or explain to you complex scientific phenomenons none cares about, but they're the only ones able to learn that much and it's at least impressive. But no, Pippa is autistic which makes her hyper cringe, but she didn't get that bonus. She's stupid as fuck and has no knowledge on anything. Bad RNG I guess.

Uninteresting : All she can do during her lives is ranting endlessly about subjects none care. Literally drunk hobo vibes. She has a screeching voice on top of that that achieves the already bad substance with a terrible form.

Worst community : her community is literally formed by kiwifarmers, you know, those fat losers doxxing everybody online because they're nolife. Imagine you're such a piece of shit all you can do to entertain yourself is doxxing people. Lmao. Oh yes, and her community is that retarded they consider she's "Chad" "based" and "Stacy" lmao. Are they all 14 or what ?

Grifter : That leads us to the next point. She's not even based. If she was, she wouldn't even be able to stream lol. Her chat would be invaded each time she put on OBS. Oh but no. She left a notice : "Don't harass people. Boohoo. I was trolling troons but when they fought back I cried and begged everybody to be kind.". She kneeled.

Double standard : and here comes the best to me. The fuckin' cognitive dissonance in daylight. Despite her community being composed of toxic losers doxxing people as a hobby and insulting other communities over ANYTHING "Oh that person did that ? That community really sucks lol" enjoy your cherrypicking, chud. Heh, it already means a lot for retarded losers who're amazed by a ranting brainless autist. For you it's just a sophism, for them, it's pure gold beverage, some exquisite mead for their handicapped brain. So yeah despite being composed by toxic doxxers who insult any community over anything, she has the nerve to ask for tolerance about autism like the wokest uni student. Hmmm. Damn. So based you said ? "Muh le autism le sad, plz be patient I have autism, le ill, be tolerant. But fuck everybody because they suck lol everybody is stupid, what a shitty community." so your Grifter is also a begger, Ok I guess ? Very based.

kys Pippa, you bitch. One day you'll take the shitstorm on Twitturd for your sins because internet never forgets and we'll here you announce your graduation, and nobody but your cringe community will cry about it. I hope you'll graduate from existence as well at that time.

>> No.47846521

Absolutely seething groomer.

>> No.47846967

The delusion lmao
He needs a brain…
Keep coping lmao, you'd would explode if you read my block kek. You're not ready facing reality. Keep enjoying your screaming retard, braindead.

>> No.47848504

>Also she surely has the very heavy autism
this word has lost its meaning looong time ago

>> No.47849542

wowww these people are right-leaning? wow they've gotta be so stupid, imagine getting your information from anywhere without twitter checkmarks. glad i'm not a dumb 14 year old like them.

>> No.47851439
File: 325 KB, 1200x994, 1678325779171950.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell if you troll or are genuinely retarded enough to miss me calling them Twitturd, but anyway kys

Also it's not because it's shit that listening to a retard hating on them like a drunk hobo during entire hours is some good content lmao

>> No.47851498

it's literally just a lolita dress

>> No.47851585

Post your oshi's lolita dress faggot

>> No.47851774
File: 413 KB, 1048x1228, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's your original design

>> No.47853833


>> No.47853918

I only come to 4chan to vent about the woes of being a VTuber, ain't no way I'm gonna out myself. People have been cancelled for less.
The artist who drew my model has worked with Holove in the past. The rigger is from Iron Vortex.
Do you have a job? When I first learned what VTubers were I started working a second job and working longer hours in order to save up money to buy all my streaming equipment, model, etc.
No need to get mad at someone for your inability to work and save up money.
You can't find quality artwork and rigging work at a cheaper price. I don't settle when it comes to quality.
This "girl" is not an idiot, I care about quality and if you want the best quality you have to pay more. As stated above, I saved up money and worked another job and extra hours in order to afford what I wanted. I was not going to settle with an ugly VRoid model that's for damn sure.

>> No.47854746

The fact that you put "girl" in quotes makes me unironically more ready to believe you're actually a woman. I can respect the guts it takes to dump several grand on what amounts to a gamble, at least. Keep on keeping on, femanon.

>> No.47855237
File: 116 KB, 390x615, d29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you want the best quality you have to pay more.
>Wage slavery is the way anon !
>my 7k$ vtuber model is fire and will make me rich !
The copium amount is critical !
>No way I out myself !
>proceeds to reveal who did her model
Your career is over before beginning.
Owari da.
Omae wa mou… shindeiru.

>> No.47855297

It is a gamble but honestly I don't regret it. I'm happy with the model I saved up tons of money for and I'm happy I started streaming because the best feeling is having people watch me play some of my favorite video games and them not knowing a damn thing about the game but staying to watch and getting invested in the game too. I wouldn't trade that feeling for anything.

>> No.47855362


>> No.47855576

This isn't really the "gotcha!" moment you think it is.
Yes, if you want something done better you have to pay more that's how the world works. For example my microphone is roughly $500 because I wanted better sound quality, no way in hell I was gonna be satisfied with a $30 microphone that makes me sound as if I'm playing Call of Duty.
I can tell you are extremely young and/or have never had a job before. You do realize that if there's something I want I have to work for it, right? I decided to go out, get a second job and work more hours in order to get more money so I could save up and buy the things I want. If you think that's an issue then I feel real bad for your parents who you seem to be mooching off of.
Nowhere did I say my model would make me rich lmao. I was not going to settle for an ugly and low quality model so I spent my own money I worked for to get the quality I desired. There are plenty of people who have quality models who are total failures and that's because they don't have the talent.
If you think you can use what I said to find me then good luck! Hope you make a dedicated thread to me on 4chan with a lot of incoherent rambling.
Also I don't consider streaming a career since I have a full time job lol. I love playing video games in my free time and being able to have a few people watch me play video games is the greatest feeling and makes me feel fulfilled in my life.

>> No.47855860

Until she shows me her pipussy then I will continue to not care.

>> No.47857435

>Pippa's new outfit is great

>> No.47858797

Pippa was never political though.

>> No.47859941

chat GPT wrote this I can smell it

>> No.47860129

Love Peepa

>> No.47860396

A good mic is very important to appeal to viewers, but the model can be ugly and janky as hell, as long as it has a character to it.

>> No.47860431

I'm gonna stream with a stick figure png and mog you.

>> No.47860575

When Pippa just debuted I sent her a marshmallow telling she sounded like shit, her screams were awful on her awful mic and it just made them sound like distorted painful noises.
Shortly later she got a new mic and now she sounded much better and her screams also got much better.
Today Pippa's screams are one of her trademark charm points on her streams.
And I like to believe I helped her get this far, just a little.

>> No.47862508

The art and rig quality of my model was important to me, which is why I worked and saved up money for it. I personally did not want to look like someone on DeviantArt drew me and I damn sure didn't want to have a god awful VRoid model. So what did I do? I worked and saved money to buy the quality I wanted. Not sure why people take issue with how I work and spend my money.

>> No.47862533

>You see the beauty of Pippa is that her raw Giga Stacy
>raw Giga Stacy
Stopped reading right there
Im a Harine and I know this is bullshit

>> No.47862971

Yeah yeah, anybody mocking your pretentious autistic blocks monologues never worked in his life and is a waste disappointing his parents, got us ! Damn, you missed your dream career, you better would have been mentalist instead of chuba huh ?
>blabla my 500$ mic that doesn't sound like a 30$ one, Call of duty sound lmao am I right boys ?
Who asked ? Literally none care. Zzz
>Good luck to find me !
You'll laugh less when you'll start seeing some messages about 4chan in your chat and under your twitts lol. Internet never forgets. Asks Dwarf-chan, retard. Either you're a fuckin' larper and your life is pathetic, you can mock people all you want you're worse lol, or you said the truth and your shitty career is already btfu before starting. Check Twitturd. Either way I'm smugging af.
Imagine the delusion. Sad.

>> No.47863049

This is an extremely reasonable post.
But 7k for a model is a lot.
I guess you really, really had very high standards for what you wanted, or really wanted your debut to be strong.
So I can see some of the arguments against it. You spent a lot of time and energy getting a model that could have been spent streaming.
Not saying it's wrong just that 7k is a lot.

>> No.47863195

I want to spend all night having bareback sex with Pippa and stay with her to raise the child
Hope she reads this, love you Pippa !

>> No.47865084

Pippa would never have sex before marriage.

>> No.47865329

Who's heart is bigger, Pippa's or Lia's?

>> No.47866782

I want to fuck this vtuber!

>> No.47866842

Relax, she's a good girl you seething nignog

>> No.47866888

Yeah? Was it not implied we would get married?

>> No.47867012

Do you ever fantasize about being gangbanged by your adoring viewers? I'm assuming you do but won't say it, especially not live

>> No.47868704

>Pippa embraces change, which makes her trailblazer in her field.
Ok now what do you think of the rest of Phase?

>> No.47868773

It’s hard to understand your post but I’ll try to reply anyways.
My dream career is not being a VTuber, it’s actually being a teacher and as of last year I am officially a teacher so that goal is achieved.
Considering I have my dream job, a wonderful husband and a child on the way I think my life is quite the opposite of pathetic. But again, I really wish you luck in finding me considering it’s not possible.
I do have high standards, it’s how I was raised but I was also raised with the idea that hard work is everything. I spend a lot of time working hard for the things I want.
If you think $7k is a lot I implore you to research in your free time, it’s actually quite a normal price for models.
I am happily married and have been for 7 years now so you’ll have to find someone else.
Some of my viewers have their actual faces as their profile pictures and often post pictures of themselves when I drop new merch. If I was not married that would be a hard pass because they look exactly how you would imagine a VTuber fan to look like.
I’m there to play my favorite obscure video games for whoever wants to watch, I’m not there to pretend to have a relationship with anyone.

>> No.47870567

Reaction streams are far more entertaining than x video game stream.

>> No.47872668

they like her

>> No.47873503

Do you like her?

>> No.47873872

Do they know you're taken?

>> No.47874424

>One day you'll take the shitstorm on Twitturd
oh nyyyoooooooo

>> No.47874584

Radically altering design for outfit is the norm outside of corpo.

>> No.47876212


>> No.47876432 [DELETED] 

Another pippa thread.
Guys look at these epic clips from Pippa's stream


>> No.47876844

Anon, that doesn’t matter and it’s sad that you think it does.

>> No.47878886

That’s why Corpo vtubers are soulless

>> No.47878972

Pimple plisskin stream ?

>> No.47879038

Pippa, anti-posting yourself to fish for compliments only works for Kiara.

>> No.47879155


>> No.47880444

Some English only whore who knows not the concept of pure idols

>> No.47880519

A redditor is born every day

>> No.47880765

>She’s better than those whores on Hololive
Is there even a single Holo who has sucked more dicks than this retarded southerner?

>> No.47881733

Suisei, Sora, and other false idols.

>> No.47881821

They've gone past 30 dicks? Got any proof faggot?

>> No.47882375

We all know the answer to this one kek

>> No.47884133

She’s just like me.

>> No.47884395

What makes you think Pippa sucks cock let alone 30 cocks?

>> No.47884659

Because she's a Western female? You're lucky she's not a troon

>> No.47887728

Because it's fun. Someone in vsj+ tried counting how many models Mouse and Zen have had and it's pretty fucking wild how much money they pour into it just for variety on stream. >>46288353

>> No.47888451

To that vtuber lady in thread yes its your money but putting all that into model is a waste especially since you said fun hobby.Theres a lot of cool things you can do with vroid and people who have free models /models you only have to pay maybe like 40 bucks on....Vtubing isn't just about fancy model thats nice you worked hard for but you're missing point of why people are doing this it makes me sad this is what indies think at times

>> No.47889757

I agree but the models look kino af
and she is there for the model in the first place
everyone has a different goal in their mind

>> No.47890090

I want to sex shipkin shippa

>> No.47890586

Yeah,I do understand those ones will be top notch or they should be with the amount your paying. But yes everyone has different priorities for what they want to do with vtubing I might have written a bit much

>> No.47891787

Writing an essay about how much you hate Pippa to show how mad you aren't

>> No.47895411

He’s in denial.

>> No.47896609

Yes they do because my husband shows up on stream a lot.

>> No.47896894

You’d rather I do it for fame and money? This is just a hobby of mine, I have fun being an anime character and playing my favorite games in my free time.

>> No.47899492

Lot's of people here love Pippa

>> No.47901047

There’s plenty of reasons to love Pippa.

>> No.47903239

You need to get out more.

>> No.47904850

I mean that's not what I said ,what was written is if you are indie and not serious about doing don't need to buy lots of exspensive things. Other vtubers when they started were just having fun and not the best quality stuff but people still had a good time with them,some do make into a job but thats not what I'm implying here even if that was the case still start small.

>> No.47905188

>So other vtubers are copying Pippa?
Lol anon, turned out pippa worst than them.

>> No.47907537
File: 55 KB, 261x223, 1681532143856004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you once ask yourself why you feel the need to tell your personal life to strangers on 4chan to explain how you're great, happily married, and have such high standards, when none cares or asked ?

>> No.47908030

No, and even if she was, I don't care since she's a retard. Admiring a retard would make me someone worse than they are. It would make me a retard like you.

>> No.47908910

This mentally unstable retard would be so depressed she would literally cry on stream to explain how bad she feels, how people are mean and how bad it is for her mental health (she already did it), so I find it pretty fun to read you acting smuggy, kek.

Unfortunately she would never delete her from existence and leave the chuba world a little bit cleaner, but only cry about it, begging for more money and emotional support retarded nolife like you would be happy to provide in a second.

>> No.47908979

i don't mind her new outfit, but this artwork unironically doesn't even look like her. what's with the face?

>> No.47910746 [DELETED] 
File: 346 KB, 220x263, retarded-bitch-face-reveal.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO implying that bitch has 1/10 of the vocabulary used in that block or the mental capacity to write such a long essay…
I-I-it's obviously some paint, since it has the same dark red color than on her eyes and arm…
>to show how mad you aren't
Strawman, appeal to motive, kys
I just said the truth in an argumented and rational block. Stay mad, keep coping, seething and taking your meds, loser.

>> No.47912235

Yeah, what the fuck is up with femanons posting their fucking life story every thread? There's always one every bait thread, followed by a sea of replys treating them like each one is unique every time.
Newsflash, this board has a lot more women then you think. Stop enabling all these attentionwhores.

>> No.47914490

>what's with the face?
it's like looking at a angel

>> No.47916050

Are you telling me she's a troon too?

>> No.47916460

yeah that face is pure fetal alcohol syndrome

>> No.47917218

She's just diet airi now lolmao

>> No.47919604

Kantai collection....

>> No.47920544

Best post hope someone screenshots it for future users

>> No.47920955
File: 265 KB, 375x523, 1675574442386188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47921094

I don't remember making this post

>> No.47921346

She's just libertarian

>> No.47921650

I mean similar esl, but that might just be a southern thing

>> No.47921773

how is she so perfect

>> No.47921810
File: 77 KB, 410x482, 1675408163443307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon

>> No.47921863

Was her second outfit really a kancolle outfit?
Also, every vshojo (and affiliated vtubers) have outfits that drastically differ from their original ones.

>> No.47921919

I like her because she's a retarded because it's very relatable because I'm a retard too

>> No.47922033

This is like the containment for cappipis anon

>> No.47922979
File: 46 KB, 776x452, pol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>She pretends to be something she’s not. A far-right Vtuber
Can you give some examples of her pretending to be far right? Because when I ever hear her talking about her politics it's stuff like pic related.

>> No.47923834

when is she ever political, show me

>> No.47924331

When will she collab with Z@x again?

>> No.47924461


So how much they paying you for that? Because man that's a shitty rigging that's amazingly uninspired. I'm presuming she's supposed to be some sort of interwar destroyer but even then I'd consider her to be worse off then even something like a Clemson.
She doesn't even got a mount for torpedoes!

>> No.47926783

never, since she doesn't collab with men.

>> No.47928103

Didn't she collab with n*usagi?

>> No.47931895
File: 123 KB, 374x423, 1682031076591294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't mind pippa, but holy shit I can't take more than an hour of her streams. It's not even the screaming that annoys me it's the constant fucking sub/donation sounds. It's like I'm on a fucking chaturbate stream. Why does she insist on having those? Also just read the supas after the stream like a normal vtuber.

>> No.47932274

It's not just the interruptions, it's that for every interruption you have to consciously accept that her audience is a reddit infestation

>> No.47932654

literally addicted to the pink woman's streams.

>> No.47935344

you might be right

>> No.47936010


>> No.47936615
File: 1.61 MB, 1248x864, 1678111008218758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pippa love

>> No.47937030
File: 330 KB, 1856x768, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goth gf Pippa or trad wife Pippa?
