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File: 210 KB, 1499x1200, E3SWHr8VEAIdmBw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4743855 No.4743855 [Reply] [Original]

Still sad that she can't play NKODICE edition

Next stream (Minecraft w/Lamy and booze) - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5vtFuCQciCs
Accomplishments - https://github.com/Laus4Deus/nenechi/blob/main/Cute..
VARK Cinderella Switch (June 26; Nene/Polka) - https://lp.vark.co.jp/futaride_miru_hololive/
First Youtube Sololive - NENEIRO LIVE (June 12, 8 P.M. JST) - no link yet
Menherafflesia (VN game about yanderes, Nene is voicing Nenene) - https://enoshima210.work/2021/06/05/mfa/

>> No.4744389

Watching the archive, her voice seemed lower today. In a nice way, though.

>> No.4745042
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>that minecraft stream title

>> No.4745993

She also said that the Suisei karaoke is tentatively scheduled for 6/25. Can't stop won't stop Nenechi.

>> No.4746238


>> No.4748002

I bought VR for VARK, I can't wait for this concert.

>> No.4748052

imagine the grime

>> No.4751589

I love Nene!

>> No.4753172

GEH! Momosuzu Nene!

>> No.4753670

Another one for the copypasta.

>> No.4758318

I really really wish they'd make Nene's Jacket for sale.

>> No.4760898

Stop muddying the copypasta.

>> No.4761365

Can't tell if you're joshing or not but it's just Japanese mate.

>> No.4762262

at first glance I thought that was a greek flag

>> No.4762464

Just google "hololive nene cosplay"

>> No.4763532
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>> No.4768083

I've had DANCING CARROT in my head all day.

>> No.4768603
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, 1622851573204.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Manager-san let Nene play too....

>> No.4768737

Ah! This is...this is totemo kawaii. Very very cute.

>> No.4768898

Her persona is really of a 10yr old kid that has big boobs. All of her Senpais don't want to lewd her. Matsuri and Marine won't even. I don't think the managers will ever let up. Not unless she becomes a guest to one of the holos that will play it. That will be a good leeway. Like Towa or Matsuri

>> No.4768944

He's not actually playing it. From the title it says he's imagining himself playing it, whatever that means.

>> No.4769353

>imagining himself playing it,
aaah another imagination stream, his imagination galgame was fun. he would make up the story on the go and try making drawing along for it

>> No.4770201

yes, he is drawing dice in MS paint
maybe nene can do the same?

>> No.4770480

Despite Cover's best attempt to become more and more soulless, Roberu will not be stopped

>> No.4772887

i fucking hate google translate for being so shit. i thought Nene was saying she broke her leg. i was so worried.


actual translation is “I'm exhausted......[Feels like my] legs are about to burst....” according to this guy https://twitter.com/kyunich1_/status/1402139243787427852

>> No.4772989


>> No.4773721

what’s the OP image mean? and what does this most recent Nene tweet mean? https://twitter.com/momosuzunene/status/1402136730166206467

>> No.4774945

that was amazing, Nene, come on, you can draw even better dice!

>> No.4775022

OP image is about the game NKODICE which she wanted to play, but couldn't because HoloPro management doesn't want their idols (males and females alike) to play it (there's a lot of "dicks" and "cunts" involved). Thus we have an imaginary game stream from Roberu >>4768603
Her recent tweet is partly caused by that pic, as it contains "chi", a part of "chinchin", and Nene really likes to joke about "chi~n" in her streams (and then jokingly blame Nekkos for being lewd, as if she is any better).

>> No.4776154

Another interdimensional photo

>> No.4778304
File: 41 KB, 294x424, 1334228028896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK this bear garbage! She should have embraced the seal memes and gone full seal! Prove me wrong... you can't!

>> No.4778734

she loves bears tho and now seals, thanks to memes and Matsuri sending her seal videos all the time

>> No.4778804

You should be groveling at Nene's feet for embracing the seal memes to the extent she does already.

>> No.4778853

How did Nene's Husband collection initially happened? I've always see Nene as a younger person that has relatively little romantic experience, it's just baffling to me her Hololive schtick is collecting husbands, kek.

>> No.4778903

wasn't that the usual "be my waifu" spam in the chat folk? and instead of "nah, I'm everyone's idol, I can't be" she just okayed everyone?

>> No.4779518

>Her persona is really of a 10yr old kid that has big boobs.

lol didnt Matsuri say literally that in their 3D collab?

>> No.4779563

her first appearance in Hologra had "男子小学生" as her description...

>> No.4779711

well that’s quite different than the english translation subtitle. In english it says just “bratty-brained” which doesn’t encompass the same idea of “like an elementary schoolboy.”

also keep in mind that most people here cannot read or speak japanese.

>> No.4779854
File: 15 KB, 421x92, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she is in the chat

>> No.4781225
File: 125 KB, 542x839, nene.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gentlemen, i need you NENEs. Please post your best.

>> No.4781494
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>> No.4781596
File: 714 KB, 813x564, hfh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

S-see you guys in 3 months...

>> No.4782077

this is something many of the hololive members do. that isn’t stream that will eventually happen upon it’s set date, that is just a thing for viewers to chat in the chat section. in 95 days, that wont be a livestream in that URL.

>> No.4782358

I had a dream about Lamy bros wtf

>> No.4782507
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>> No.4782841

Sorry gays, but MAGAMAGAMAGA!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.4782938

The paizuri hole and heart shaped pupils are starting to get to me

>> No.4783127
File: 3.22 MB, 2504x2590, 1622988989976.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Her persona is really of a 10yr old
I don't think 10 year olds do shit like trying to sell some armpit water, sniff their senpai's hair and make shit like this
But I could be wrong

>> No.4783684

It comes from the same sense of juvenile humor that 10-year-olds enjoy.

>> No.4783752

>i fucking hate google translate
use DeepL it tends to be better

>> No.4783962

メンヘラフレシア フラワリングアビス bei Steam https://store.steampowered.com/app/1549420/
So my fellow Nekkos, did you already add the game to your steam wishlist?

>> No.4784686

Not just Hololive members, it's pretty much a standard thing all vtubers do.

>> No.4785929
File: 752 KB, 720x480, gomen[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flzhqg2.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao Lamy's tearing Nene a new one

>> No.4786141

Is it cheating on Nene if I listen to Lamy ASMR sometimes?

>> No.4786223

Not really
I was fapping to Pekora last night and I don't consider that cheating

>> No.4786787

Many many cheese! No pineapple!

>> No.4787677
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>> No.4787975

okay that's a good Miko impersonation

>> No.4788677
File: 1.49 MB, 1324x745, 1618745379025.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine impregnating this angel

>> No.4789147

why would you do that.

>> No.4789233

why wouldn't you?
not everyone is gay anon

>> No.4789677
File: 1.66 MB, 2342x1674, lovu lovu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, the usual light blue "can you be my wife???" superchat made her say "yes!! husband!! also you are husband. And you!! Everybody's wife!!"

>> No.4789733

meanwhile, there's currently zero braincells working in magamaga collab

>> No.4789855
File: 2.23 MB, 1705x2048, selfie nene (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really hope you nekkos can increase the greentext but to date I've recieved zero (0) pull requests

>> No.4790370


I tried clicking the link to look at it but I got a 404. Maybe that's why?

>> No.4790469

you should just use a different name, at least without the dot...

>> No.4790632

the github 404s for me

>> No.4790715

because it's "Cute." with a dot

>> No.4790762

Yes. Also listened to the OP for a while on repeat, it's nice (I'm a sucker for emotional songs).

>> No.4791333

What does matanene mean?

>> No.4791391

what does Nene’s pinned message in chat mean

>> No.4791438

nice, its not even that long until it comes out. i wonder what kind of character Nene will play

>> No.4791455

Matane means "see you later"

>> No.4791636

nanani go spoken out which would mean "what is your name?"
i think. dunno if she is going for a numbers pun or not

>> No.4791856

it was the coordinates for something in Minecraft

>> No.4792114

I think she is some ojou-sama, like a CEO's daughter. Nene said she was excited about it because it was something different than she was used to. She was originally planned to audition for a genki girl, but felt spiritually called to the character named "Nenene". I'm excited to hear her yandere voice.

>> No.4792204

this music really is perfect

>> No.4792225

we might get Nene Ojou laugh.... bro i am not ready for it

>> No.4792304
File: 100 KB, 270x255, 1615768414944.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4792747

I'll make a new file without a dot...

>> No.4792781

Oh I can just rename the files. Based github

>> No.4793204

Nene is taking quite the beating today

>> No.4793288

I really hope you guys know Japanese and were watching the collab just now.

>> No.4793362

>were watching the collab just now.
>know japanese
uuuh at a N7 level. i did get that Nene pushed hard enough to get Lamy to tell her to shut up

>> No.4793390

I was watching the beginning but I had to start work. Will catch the rest as an archive.

>> No.4793461

I think, Lamy is not going to agree to any more drinking collabs with Nene after that...

>> No.4793658

what happened? I'm qt work

>> No.4793689

I really hope she just forgets this. Their collabs are too strong.

>> No.4793780

At the end of collab, when they were quite drunk, Nene kinda hinted that she removes hair in her crotch area, and Lamy really freaked out that she was even hinting about that. The whole banter seemed to be more friendly than serious, but still, I hope archives remain, Lamy remembers that Nene talks about everything, and everything is still okay.

>> No.4793846
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>the end of collab, when they were quite drunk, Nene kinda hinted that she removes hair in her crotch area,
N-nene-chan? I mean I guess she's drunk but wow

>> No.4793921

Nene can talk about that stuff even while sober ("you don't wear pants? well, then just scrub your hand over there and tell us how it smells like"), so yeah. I like that about her, but there will always be people that go >but idols!, and I think Lamy was worried about that most of all.

>> No.4794050

She didn't hint, she outright said she depilates ("but I didn't say where"). They were talking about the spa visit and Lamy complained that Nene kept trying to show her body off while Nene defended herself by saying she did the same she always did. Lamy said that she remembered Nene trying to draw her attention to something, to which Nene said she wanted to show the depilated area to Lamy because she doesn't have anyone to show the fruits of her effort to.
Nene then kept defending herself from Lamy's verbal and physical (in minecraft) assaults as she talked that depilation is normal, gets talked about in fashion magazines, gets streamed by *some* people and that when she was in high school the girls compared the state of their hair and one of the girls even had it shaped like a star as Lamy loudly shouted at her to stop and that it wouldn't be any of her fault if Nene's manager got mad at her.
After the call ended, right before ending the stream Nene said that she drank milk and an anti-intoxication medicine before the stream started so she was in an entirely sober state of mind.

>> No.4794115


>> No.4794493
File: 1.82 MB, 2552x2424, 20210607_121603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine shaving Nenechi's pubes for her

>> No.4794658

I wonder if hers is shaped like the dancing carrot or a peach

>> No.4794661

I love my CEO. I can't wait to catch up with this.

>> No.4794703

She said what it's shaped like - like nothing, because she depilates it.

>> No.4794834

No, she specifically referred to the state of it as "整った" so I think she shapes it.

>> No.4794858

Oh... oh.

>> No.4794862

I want to imagine this is revenge against her manager for not letting her play the lewd dice game. God I love Nene.

>> No.4794909

God I hope it's a cute landing strip.

>> No.4794929

If she gets the bootleg version of NKODICE from Oga via Fubuki, that is 100% right.

>> No.4795551

It's a fade.

>> No.4795963

s-so... "In magamagamagamaga, she started talking to Ramirez about depilation and outright said she does it "but I didn't say where" however, her wife complained that Nene kept trying to show her "something" during their spa visit and my wife defended herself by saying she is...

oh god I am too ESL for this. I can't condense such a lore-heavy entry in english. Please someone do so, I'll put it in the github. Don't forget to mention Nene's remembrance to her highschool years and that *some* people do it live in stream

>> No.4801921
File: 509 KB, 1158x1637, E3MnzkoUYAE14JW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4803024

did this exchange between nene and lamy towards the end of the stream get actually heated and mad at each other? Or was it light-hearted?

>> No.4803222

I have 4 hours of the archive left to watch, I'll let you know after.

>> No.4803340

For Nene it was light hearted, but I think it crossed a bit of a line for Lamy.

>> No.4803440

crossing the line in terms of the stuff Nene was talking about being so embarrassing or in terms of Nene being rude or disrespectful?

>> No.4803499

Lamy thought Nene was being too open about things you normally don't say out loud. Fine if it was just them talking to each other, but not something you would broadcast on stream.

So mainly embarrassment. Lamy thinking Nene should be more careful with what she says.

>> No.4804782

ah okay, that’s a relief. i thought the embarrassing talk escalated the point where Lamy and Nene ended up being too mean to each other and the mood turning serious.

>> No.4805090

I’m happy that my wife Momosuzu Nene tells us about the state of her pubes. she is making sure that our sex fantasies about her are accurate.

>> No.4806274

>Nene said she wanted to show the depilated area to Lamy because she doesn't have anyone to show the fruits of her effort to.
okay in all seriousness, that is just adorable.

>> No.4806419

I didn't like this talk of waxing and NKODICE. It seems that Nene is forcing a lewd personality.

>> No.4806691

some will say “but Nene’s always been like this! it’s how she really is! she has the mind of a 12 year old boy!” which is kind of true, but there are also times where it does feel like she’s doing it intentionally.

>> No.4806818
File: 1014 KB, 480x270, nene dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she always says forced stuff. All the wakimizu jokes are just *off* and they have turned into a strong character trait of my wife. I wish she didn't had to resort into those just to be funny. You are fun as is, nenechi!!!


>> No.4806863

in cases like these where Nene is with a friend or genmate like Lamy, if Nene is forcing the lewd talk, i think it could be because Nene is just trying to embarrass her friend on stream for fun.

>> No.4807179
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>> No.4807231

it's cringe.

>> No.4807979

it’s funny to see their reactions. girls teasing other girls is never not awesome.

>> No.4808508

I like ya cut Nene-G!

>> No.4808933

i want Nene to deposit her used tissues that she used to blow her nose directly into my mouth.

>> No.4808961

why not suck her nostrils? tap into the source

>> No.4809033

good idea. fresh as can be

>> No.4809605

Nene said she wanted Matsuri’s snot so I’m willing to bet Nene would sell her own idol snot and add that to her list of items she sells alongside her armpit water

>> No.4809688

she better sell her shaved pubes instead of throwing away those precious treasures as if it’s worthless trash.

>> No.4809873 [DELETED] 
File: 1.30 MB, 1752x971, lamywtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look at my bald pussy lamy!
>just look at it!!!!!
>lamy! look at my hairless smooth pussyyyy!!!!!

>> No.4819471

How does Nene produce such an optimistic image in her streams? I wish I had the energy to be able to keep up that kind of personality of caring, sometimes I can barely even keep up the energy to get out of bed

>> No.4821481

Nene will rise up from the power vacuum! Thank you, Nene!

>> No.4821629

Nene never got to be on meme review...

>> No.4821783

There's still 3 Sundays left

>> No.4822271

Nene is superhuman; we've been trying to tell people that and they keep mistaking it for a bit.

>> No.4823568

I'm starting to like nene a lot, polka is my Oshi but there's something in nene...
She's so stupid...

>> No.4824890

she sincerely loves it. it’s so fun for her to stream and interact with fans.

>> No.4825610

there were some anons defending chinks in the last thread and i hope they lose their internet forever

>> No.4827498


>> No.4828018

Are we all Nene's husbands?

>> No.4828137


>> No.4829108

I'm 100% sure it's something chuuni as hell
