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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4777106 No.4777106 [Reply] [Original]

>/vt/ thinks it can make me stop liking Callil!

>> No.4777196
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because caring about what vt thinks about your favorite holo is where you draw the line right? man just think of what non-vtuber fans have to say about any vtuber. learn not to give a shit man.

>> No.4777208

Turns out all their attemps to bring Mori down Don't Mean Jack!!

>> No.4777212
File: 489 KB, 557x557, 1618139325340.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop calling her Calli you faggot.

>> No.4777229

It's not that I care about what /vt/ thinks. It's that the collective that is /vt/ thinks what it says matters. I'd rather just occasionally shitpost, remind them that it doesn't, and piss a few errant tourists off.

>> No.4777234

I swear to the almighty God if people make one more Mori thread I'm gonna lose my fucking mind. Fuck the haters, enjoy what you want, just let this board flush this shit down the toilet.

>> No.4777246
File: 438 KB, 1075x1192, 1622927673882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

detective watson on the case!
hmmm, op smells like onions sauce. and this post, hmmm... whats this? "Callil"?
oh! its a seanigger!

case closed. this is why im hololive's number one detective. thank you!

>> No.4777251

Not only will I not stop calling her Calli, I call her "dad" in her chat too.

>> No.4777266

watchama... your word filter reps...

>> No.4777365
File: 48 KB, 735x627, 1622939081295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its not fair. I meant the sauce, not the other kind of that.

>> No.4777369


>> No.4777384

Turn about is fair play, clipnig.

>> No.4777388

J*W, is that your dick size? 5% below the average?

>> No.4777417

I dont, Im just gonna laugh at you for being a cuck

>> No.4777447

You should like who ever you want anon.

But I'm going to keep shit posting and you can't stop me either.

Have nice day.

>> No.4777456

You're just jealous because my oshi is relevant and your oshi is some ignorable trash like Mel.

>> No.4777521

My oshi is the one who yours used to "prove the concept" a charity stream that she will talk about doing but never will. My oshi is the one who puts 14x more of her life into Hololive than yours. My oshi is the sunshine of Hololive and yours is a clout chasing rapper. Stay the fuck in your lane.

>> No.4777520

It can also be applied to the brain-dead Zhangs every time they spam someone from Hololive.

>> No.4777608

If your oshi is so amazing, why do you feel the need to defend her in a mental boom-laden tirade? It's almost like there's something there that only YOU see.

Oh, and daily reminder that my oshi hit a million before yours did. I hope it fucking BURNS.

>> No.4777616

there it is the classic cuck posting because you have nothing else to retort

>> No.4777632

You're a couple of dumbfucks who should kill themselves for arguing over something so fucking dumb. Are you both happy now?

>> No.4777651

I will only be happy when Calli hits two million and makes someone on /vt/ kill themselves.

>> No.4777654

In this case cuck is the appropriate word for 5%beats

>> No.4777657
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Then you will be purged

>> No.4777685

>hit 1 million before yours
There it is again. 5%ers were the real clout chasing numberfags all along. The fanbase reflects the artist. Do you actually like Mori for any reason other than her being popular?

>> No.4777686

Pfft. She loves it. She's just contractually obligated to act like she doesn't.

>> No.4777711

I get that /vt/ is under the delusion that numbers don't matter but they do, and they certainly matter to the streamers themselves. You think Ame would have gotten a new outfit if she had only 10k subs? Think she'd be able to commission that cool new background? Subs and donos are everything and you're kidding yourself if you think otherwise.

>> No.4777732

Yikes he really does only like her for the numbers.

>> No.4777746

I accept your surrender.

>> No.4777764

You can accept my surrender when Mori does that karaoke she keeps putting off. Until then keep paypigging 5%

>> No.4777866

You're a fucking moron for falling for such obvious bait

>> No.4777902

LOL the absolute fucking cope.

>> No.4777933

I'm not OP retard, just jumping in to say you're a fucking retard for falling for such obvious bait.

>> No.4778022

Alright which conspiracy group are you pinning the "bait" on now. Will it be Zhangs again? Or maybe Haatons this time?

>> No.4778066

No. Trolls. This is 4chan, what the fuck were you expecting retard?

>> No.4778152

holy shit, critikal just btfo all idolfags with this new song!
>lyrics and beat by calliope mori. big ups to her!
what did he mean by this?

>> No.4778348

as long as she has those fat milker’s she is the best vtuber.
not on my watch will i ever except this mori mommy milkers calliope slander, not on this board , not ever , not now.Do you see how fat her anime tits are?HOW DO YOU NOT FORGIVE EVERYTHING AFTER A JIGGLE OF THOSE SCRUMDIDDLYUPNTIOUS FAT ANIME HONKERS, HUH OP.
do you have an ounce of horny in you op? are you gay?
she is forgiven from ANYTHING and is absolved of any criticisim.

>> No.4778463
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Deflect as much as you like.
I have already won.

>> No.4778496
File: 1020 KB, 820x729, 1622743595982.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/vt/ hasn't realized they make up less than 1% of all viewers

>> No.4778542

when will a holo play warhammer games?

>> No.4778545
File: 166 KB, 614x568, The Trinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Repent from your sins anon, embrace the Trinity, they are the true and only way to salvation

>> No.4778574
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1622279793819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is what mori has done!

>> No.4778613

Don't speak for me nigger. Gura will NEVER be apart of that.

>> No.4778626

Trust me bro, Mori did not need to open that door, Ollie wouldve busted it down by force anyway

>> No.4778658

You are raging in a vacuum. 4channers have the attention span of pistol shrimp. This current Calli drama will be forgotten about in a couple of days and someone new will fill the void. It is inevitable.

>> No.4778710

>How new
And the next Mori drama will rage next week rinse and repeat like clock work.

>> No.4778796

Nah, I predict it'll be Suisei next. She's a drama magnet.

>> No.4778816

someone drop the fart thread screencap RIGHT NOW

>> No.4778893

/vt/ make me hates Hololive.

>> No.4778919

/vt/ makes me hate /vt/

>> No.4778932
File: 52 KB, 619x653, 1622621639057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ogey boss!
*drops the screenshot down and it rolls away and falls down a drainpipe*
I did it boss! I drop the screencap just like you said! uhuhuhuh

>> No.4778961
File: 861 KB, 735x507, 1621063435263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is the Gurhombus like this?

>> No.4778987

Well she does but the real reason she acts like she doesn’t is because all the other holos have daddy issues, she hates hololive and doesn’t want them to get closer to her

>> No.4781732

I don't see what's "daddy" about Mori, not only she's very young but doesn't act like it at all, clearly more feels like "bro"

>> No.4782160

She is also a woman. I don't understand the fixation on calling a woman who buys lingerie and collects plushies, and blushes and gets flustered at being called cute that her chat has. It's genuinely disturbing to me.

>> No.4782260
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VT? no but Xi? yeah

>> No.4782272

Her entire fanbase is feminized western beta males and femcels. Theyre all gays, cucks, coombrains, and trannies. Dont believe me? Check her chat next stream.

>> No.4782347

>buzzword buzzword buzzword
Fuck off back to r3ddit retard.

>> No.4782367

found the beta

>> No.4782397

Calli is not japanese

>> No.4782405

Eh, just like Coco she has quite a lot of girls in her fans too

>> No.4782415
File: 153 KB, 308x344, 1620105432641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice worldview you have there from your bedroom

>> No.4782422

She's not your fucking father, get help.
t. deadbeat

>> No.4782455

Damn that one really did some damage to you huh 5%beat

>> No.4782563

I too am a proud supporter of Mori and her male boyfriends!

>> No.4782785
File: 7 KB, 258x196, 1614664658979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically. And I say this a deadbeat. I have nothing but contempt for her fanbase.
Neither are you. Your point?

>> No.4782831
File: 975 KB, 2814x2814, EgdE1WkXkAEWz0h.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking despise all deadbeats. None of you deserve her grace or her heart.

>> No.4782833
File: 59 KB, 351x422, 1607723702850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this and tell me he's wrong.

>> No.4782968

Oh yeah and I forgot e-celeb worshippers, add that to the list. You know that rule that says dont discuss other streamers unless I bring them up first? Broken every 30 seconds when somebody talks about how she should collab with some western youtuber or twitch streamer.

>> No.4782985

F0und the retard.

Never called her that but nice projection. Clearly you don't have a father figure in your life.

Not really no. But my reply surely made you schizos mad.

He's wrong.

>> No.4782999

she mad lol

>> No.4783033

A woma-! oh wait, shit there's a penis again...

>> No.4783056

A literal circlejerk with community names in the fucking pre-chat. I opened up the fucking discord too and it's a den of filth of every kind.

>> No.4783415

Well yeah. It's discord. They all need to get gassed.
