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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47736902 No.47736902 [Reply] [Original]

>if a chuuba stops streaming for a long time, their average viewership will drop
So that was a fucking lie.

>> No.47738029

It did drop.

This stream would probably be 30K ccv if Laplus hadn't fucked up in as many ways as she did.

>> No.47738201

>it would've been more wahhhh
What a fucking cope, holy shit you retard.

>> No.47738440
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>> No.47738933

Nijinigger, shouldn't you be on your way to buy those new voicepacks instead of seething in here?

>> No.47738967

male fleshstreamer buff

>> No.47739151

Shit guys we shitposted that 4chan and 5ch hated her for months and yet nothing happened
What do we do now?

>> No.47739258

All you need for a bait thread to be active is one dedicated poster and for the others to keep replying

>> No.47739424

you are saying it like 4ch and 5ch are relevant, combined you have like what 2k people at most?? that's like nothing, instead of 17k it becomes 15k wow big difference

>> No.47739734

>you are saying it like 4ch and 5ch are relevant
Nta but since most corpo, chubba and niji shiling their shit here than reddit, yea it seem it more relevant than other place.

>> No.47740223

Holy shit, Niji collabs and now this. What the fuck is happening in Hololive? Things have been going to shit and I don't know what's the cause.

>> No.47740594

They only shill here because it's free and there's 0 consequences. They don't cater to here because this place is in the minority, but free views is still free views.>>47740223

>> No.47740606

loli buff

>> No.47740639

qpi-chan is an angel :3

>> No.47740858

I will now watch Laplus.

>> No.47740977

she took over the mother role from dtto

>> No.47741524

nevermind dtto is still the mum, qpi is the cool aunt who takes her to do sin like gambling

>> No.47741605 [DELETED] 

First thread about this and you don't even talk about how the males in the server have been creeping on her since she got there and she keeps trying to ignore them.

>> No.47741633

Anon,have you heard of first time buff?

>> No.47741715

The buff period is long over. This is her "new normal".

>> No.47741780

she already returned for like a month and now she is finally playing a buff that isn't fucking apex, her streams are normally around 10k even if cover acts like she is first army

>> No.47742232

She's definitely gonna get flamed for being spotted on the server off-stream, chatting it up with men like Stanmi or RPR (off-stream too, of course).

>> No.47743440

rpr is a safe male

>> No.47743467

Astel is there too, not to mention the plethora of literal flesh male streamers

>> No.47743784 [DELETED] 

she was also with nippleman and gave him her phone number

>> No.47743871

I want that brats phonenumber too :(

>> No.47743880
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>> No.47747655

This is a pretty big deal, why is no one talking about this? I thought this board would be on fire since Laplus literally talked to a male Niji

>> No.47747694

bad presentation
Catalog fags have to squint to see that it's a RUST stream and be aware that there are males in the VCR RUST server.

>> No.47747794

Unironically nobody is left to care about her anymore, at least not here. I don't know who these people in her audience are now, but there's definitely been a shift.

>> No.47748023

/vt/ doesn't care about La+ (which is a good thing). She's been enjoying vtubing a lot more since she came back, the last thing she needs are schizos attacking her again.

>> No.47748109
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We're not the only schizos on the internet.
This was from her stream today.

>> No.47748275
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Unicorn bros, we lost

>> No.47748535

>Laplus literally talked to a male Niji
She talked to many males, and random men voices were heard in the background as she walked around the server. So what? She's not my oshi, but I still watch ~70% of her streams, and during this stream she did her usual kusogaki things that she does with holomem in games like MC. I'm surprised that there are still people complaining or trying to stir shit about her playing online games with men. Ever since she got back from her break, she's been streaming consistently and having fun with various people from inside and outside the company, and that's all that matters to me as a viewer. Haters should just fuck off and find someone else to bother instead of picking on that girl.

>> No.47752662


>> No.47753545

Those are his usual numbers though?

>> No.47753741

She did respond to criticism. Even her fan clippers are defensive about 1 hour streams, her duplicity of not deciding where she stands with her gachi koi, missing gen collab events, missing birthdays, etc.

>> No.47753841

>the last thing she needs are schizos attacking her again
She joined Rust streamer server, so it won't be long till some fleshies on VC and nips went schizo to her again

>> No.47753909

That's fine she found an audience and became like Towa.

>> No.47753966

Fully expect Flesh streamer collabs

>> No.47754004

What is it with /#/fags and not being capable of complex thoughts?

>> No.47754029

Every fucking time this happens they get super high numbers for that specific stream because homobeggars and anti unicorn faggots are the vtuber equivalent of disaster tourists. They only tune in to watch that shit go down, then a few weeks later the chuubas views are in the shitter.
The ultimate proof of this being Mori now struggling to even get 4K viewers and Kronii being the only holo ever to extend the sale period of her merch. People only tune in when they homocollab. If you want to ruin your income, pander to them.

>> No.47754134

>the last thing she needs are schizos attacking her again
Then she just did the stupidest shit possible because Japanese fleshstreamer fans HATE vtubers.

>> No.47754176

its free, why wouldn't people watch? money is a different story.

>> No.47755238

she cute

>> No.47760107

This board doesn't really care about JP, they go schizo over EN nothingburgers for fun though

>> No.47760254
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find out how one alien demon pisses off a board with one simple trick!

>> No.47760477

Hololive is in expansion phase now. That means muscling into Nijisanji's turfs and forcefully converting their viewers. Also it helps that this new Rust server is better moderated and seems to be catered to the Vtubers-friendly crowd instead of the usual drama-seeking streamers like last year.

>> No.47763547

because shes my daughter thats why

>> No.47763945

>muh their average viewership didn't drop
>says their average viewership did drop
>u-uh that doesn't count

>> No.47764753

Except it didn't drop

>> No.47765621
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this is the current collab
ina just came back from a break again
kiara is hailed as some non stop hard working idol in en

>> No.47766273

Or maybe there's no correlation and you're just talking out of your ass. There are other reasons that Mori's viewership declined.

>> No.47766751

>buffed stream
doesn't count
KYS homobeggar

>> No.47766945


>> No.47767001

She streamed on Twitch some

>> No.47767570

You’re right because jp and en isn’t 1 to 1. But why do you people say other reasons but never give said reasons?

>> No.47767700

bad comparison, kiara's always been a runt, that's like comparing subaru to matsuri

>> No.47768960

you're just moving the goal post now
the point of the thread was:
>if a chuuba stops streaming for a long time, their average viewership will drop

>> No.47769054

5ch is relevant. 4ch isn't. Why do you think she stopped streaming for months?

>> No.47769174

Most of her audience are literal japanese zoomers who are fps and eceleb addicts just like her. Well, she's not really an fps addict since she plays them only to get herself into eceleb's circles.
Her audience is the equivalent to the audience that fortnite streamer called ninja has.
I follow many jp fans and the only ones who geniunely care about her are the zoomers who even try to get other holos to play fps while the older guys either only care when she does lives or only care superficially but don't watch her ("lapu-chan okaeri!!!" then proceed to neither watch nor buy anything nor mention her at all).

>> No.47769296

anon, have you seen what rpr looks like?

>> No.47769335

The better streamer

>> No.47769678

It's funny how the only cope unicorn defenders have is numbers but ESPECIALLY when their numbers are lower, like just be like the "homobeggars" get your oshi to GFE harder and raise her numbers consistently, you can't because in the end your kind is a lot smaller than you think and times are a changing

>> No.47769731

People will always lap up cunny

>> No.47769742

Did Ayame’s existence not clue you in?

>> No.47769766

Because nobody on /vt/ is an actual social media analyst even if they pretend to be.

>> No.47769775


>> No.47769948

This isn't 5ch or /hlg/.

>> No.47770126

She still needs a tardrangler. Why did she even join Hololive? She'd be happier being an indie again and hanging out with Dtto.

>> No.47770373

>Why did she even join Hololive?
Easy money and clout to meet male e-celebs and go to offpakos with them. Do you think high tier e-celebs will even give her a look if it weren't because she is in hololive?

>> No.47770813

Pretty much what >>47738029 said
She was massive before going menhera and taking that break.

>> No.47771137

Why not? Nothing she does goes against what you can do in Hololive.
fuck off schizo

>> No.47771860

proof or cope

>> No.47772095

You're right being a lying grifter isn't against the rules of hololive. What that anon said was right though. How many of her fellow hololive girls were in the rust stream lol?

>> No.47772995

Yeah because that rust stream is all of her content. If she didn't care about being in hololive, she wouldn't be in hololive.

>> No.47773243
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>fucking cope
anon i dont think you know how the cope thing works

>> No.47773561
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>Laplus literally talked to a male Niji
she killed her unicorns a long tiime ago, she is an oficial whore, same as Matsuri, kronnie, Amelia, Mori, Fubuki, Holo ID, the Rrat.
Now if Kanata, Lamy, Orca; Noel, Miko, Aqua, Pekora or Luna collab with males, that's the final YAB you are looking for

>> No.47773812

Really dumb post

>> No.47774103
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>Now if Kanata, Lamy, Orca; Noel, Miko, Aqua, Pekora or Luna collab with males, that's the final YAB you are looking for

>> No.47774258

Even if true she is still comfortably mid tier and in contention for strongest in HoloX.

>> No.47774366

They must be dying watching Rust streams given how many vtubers, from Niji, VSpo, indies, etc., are in that server. Actually, most of the streamers I know whose audience hates vtubers, like Kato Junichi, are not even in the server. It's partly held by Crazy Racoon, a pro esports organization whose members regularly play games with vtubers.

>> No.47778241

not for long

>> No.47778794

Dude nobody keeps their post debut numbers.

>> No.47778861

Almost like antis are a tiny minority.

>> No.47783700

So true sis #Cut4Hex

>> No.47787783


>> No.47787962
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