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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47656749 No.47656749 [Reply] [Original]

So this is how Kizuna Ai's legacy ends, huh? Is this the ultimate fate of all corpo vtubers?

>> No.47656831

>Kizuna Ai anime
>She's just a side character

>> No.47656838

I wonder who will be the first modern corpo vtuber who's brand is too big to let go that they will just replace her VA instead of letting the character graduate. Cause that will happen.

>> No.47656908

>niche gamer

>> No.47656978

Cover already brought Vedal into the fold. Add some deep faking of speech patterns, and Gura will be streaming regularly again.

>> No.47657010

What? Unless he means the ultranewfags that dont even know who kizuna ai is, pretty much everyone knew that kizuna ai would be used to sell nfts

>> No.47657041

>vtuber board
>nobody watching the vtuber's anime
That's her legacy /here/

>> No.47657487

Your gamebu reps?

>> No.47657529

>viewers were suprised
So the viewers didn't know much about "Kizuna Ai" hmm?

>> No.47657711

Just as Kizuna Ai defined the do's of the medium, she will also define the do-nots of the medium

>> No.47657735

fake and gay

>> No.47657744

What is this, 2022?

>> No.47657764

More like 2021

>> No.47657852

Isn't it hilarious the way AI voice/image bros of today talk just like NFT shills did back then
Now to see if the "AI" industry also crashes and burns 2 years from now

>> No.47657887

AIs have practical uses, NFTs don't

>> No.47657908

It won't because AI is already everywhere. It's not even remotely similar.

>> No.47658229

Makes me happy with how parasocial Kronii is because there's no way another VA or even AI is going to replicate her just randomly name dropping her more active members during streams.

>> No.47658258

Her company really like to fuck her brand over and over huh.

>> No.47658407

Doesn't she own it?

>> No.47658662

Well then she either has bad business analysts or she has bad targets.

>> No.47658702

This is a holoboard

>> No.47658735
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Lol no that's always been cope spread by aifags desperate to convince people that pic rel didn't happen and everything actually turned out well you guys

>> No.47658823

>Now to see if the "AI" industry also crashes and burns 2 years from now
NFT never really took off, meanwhile AI is already penetrating every industry I can think of, reaching target markets beyond what NFT did.
Just in gaming alone : You release NFT, you get clowned like Ubi and SE did. AI? Nobody clowned game devs from implementing DLSS and Frame Generations to their games. The potential alone is enough to make NVidia go 180 and throw Cryptobros away like garbage with one hell of a statement.

>> No.47658835

The major difference is AI can and should be free and run locally with no strings attached, airgapped
If you're paying for a service to run it you're getting ripped off

>> No.47660931

Someone fix her

>> No.47661046

it happened a couple of times before 99.99% of this board got into vtubers after seeing their first Holoclip

>> No.47662039

I watched it though. It's unremarkable. It's a poorly done Aikatsu Planet with very little going on in episodes. Even by idol show standards it's bad and forgettable. Kizuna Ai is used as a plot point but is hardly in most of the episodes. The show is just using her name and nothing else.

>> No.47662118

How fucking new are you. It happened multiple times and destroyed the company every time. No Jap company is going to try it again. It basically happened with Kizuna Ai too when they hired two more Ai's to pump out more videos.

>> No.47662149


>> No.47662208

Cover, please, poach her already...

>> No.47662207

emphasis on modern, anything before Covid boom may as well be the equivalent of historical events in B.C. years.

>> No.47662409

Her legacy always was one of a corporate puppet. Modern vtubing as we know it was pioneered by Tsukino Mito.

>> No.47662442

japanese media is completely soulless these days

>> No.47662474

>tsukino mito
>not a corporate puppet
come on, now

>> No.47662701
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>> No.47665633

>She's just a side character
What a great choice!

>> No.47665690

With Chinks you lose!

>> No.47665754

anime dies as pachinko
vtubers die as NFTs

One Last Cashgrab.

>> No.47665772

nijisanji is doing fine

>> No.47668047

It didn't happen, you retarded nigger. Retard confuse Gamebu scandal with Active8's Ai clone. Active8 doesn't intend to replace Ai but making another Vtuber who just look somewhat like Ai and marketed to Chinks and other as another new individual. But retard who went panic mode thanks to Brave retard and their Gamebu fucked up thought Active8 is going to replace Ai just like Brave Group replacing Gamebu VA. But that is not what Active8 trying to do. They just merely create another new Vtubers. That's all. Thanks to dumb rrat, not only they destroyed 2 new vtubers but also the Queen herself.

>> No.47668656

AI is cool but is still a niche thing in real practice, companies uses it as a marketing buzzword
>check our new BINGCHILLING search engine powered by AI
and it's just a search engine worse than what they already have

>> No.47668709

AI has been around much longer. It's just that it's gottan powerful enough now that it's frightening the public. It will only end when public fear grows so high that people will protest and then AI will be regulated and neutered.

>> No.47668799

One of the mascot vtubers like Crunchyroll hime. When the VA drops out they won't scrap the character and make a new mascot they'll replace the VA with someone else. This is the only case it would be viable because the vtuber only exists as a promotional tool.

>> No.47668890

AI is incredibly useful in all sorts of industries, the technology behind NFT has some potential applications but nothing as sweeping as AI in general.

>> No.47668908

You already use AI everyday when you browse social media or use a search engine.

>> No.47668942

>Kizuna AI was already shilling nfts
>Faggots are surprised she shilled them here
These people are newfags pretending they care.

>> No.47668950

>Chinese trying to rewrite history
Why are they always like this?

>> No.47668957

yesterday they were called algorithms, as I said marketing buzzwords

>> No.47669085

This is a twitter talking point if I've ever seen one.

>> No.47669182

Yea this isn't a valid comparison. NFTs are hyperlinks on a blockchain that you can own. AI is a tool that you can use to do something or get murdered by.
Not even close.

>> No.47669250

It's not a similar comparison, your job will not be replaced by NFT's

>> No.47669261

You dont own shit. Your NFT image can be altered by the real owner at any point to whatever he wants

>> No.47669299

You know something is actually useful when companies want to HIDE that they're using it. While the NFT idiots want everyone to buy in because it's useless without enough people, Chinese gacha corpos are trying to obscure the fact that they've laid off 90% of their artists while using the remainder to vet and correct AI art.
No one who has developed an actually good AI trading algo would ever tell anyone about it. They'll just say they have really good traders.

>> No.47669320

Did you literally not read what I said? I said the NFT is a hyperlink on a blockchain. You own the actual hyperlink. You don't own what it points to, be it an image or a porn website.

>> No.47669345

You need to get off twitter anon

>> No.47669506

You really just own a registry entry with a specific company that says you own that hyperlink right? If that company goes under or someone else somehow gets access to the hyperlink then you can't really do anything about it.

>> No.47669686

>Your NFT image can be altered by the real owner at any point to whatever he wants
Unless it's content-adressed
Still a completely useless technology

>> No.47669742

No, you own the actual hyperlink, that's what's stored on the blockchain to create the NFT. It is possible to make a NFT where you own the actual image too by having the image data on the blockchain, but that's ridiculously expensive so it's always only a hyperlink.
Anyway, you'll still own the hyperlink even if the data it points to is deleted or compromised. It's just even less useful when it points to a 404 error or some uncouth picture that you didn't sign up for.

>> No.47669933
File: 308 KB, 433x467, krc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thats why you dont keep supporting a corpo that replaces a VA like it was nothing, japanese are stupid enough to fall in this scam because its yankee shit so i am expecting to see some artists doing the same (and end up getting fk by it) from now on like a certain bitch already did.

>> No.47669944

>Now to see if the "AI" industry also crashes and burns 2 years from now
That's absolutely not happening.

>> No.47669955

>imagine being surprised by something her new VA announced herself
damn, this is excellent bait.

>> No.47669999

NTA, but to clarify, the one main advantage of a blockchain is that by decentralizing data with millions of copies spread across disinterested parties, coupled with the difficulty of factoring large composite numbers, you can prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that you are the one who is associated with a particular piece of data, and be assured that that record cannot be deleted or modified.
In short, the blockchain solves an arguably near completely-irrelevant problem for most people where, say, a bank can freeze your assets because the only one who can prove you own those assets is that bank, or something like Google can delete your data if they don't like it. There ARE theoretically valid uses for a blockchain if you stretch believability, like storing the MD5 of an executable so people know FOR SURE that's the legit copy of the executable - but again, it's all shit that no one really cares that much about in the end.

>> No.47670226
File: 352 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Kizuna no Allele - 03 (1080p) [42CBA509].mkv_snapshot_11.08.835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm watching it it's meh but girls are cute. And they were hardly promoting it just explained what it is.

>> No.47670345

>throws around insults and slurs
>ESL as fuck

>> No.47670399
File: 317 KB, 488x760, GuraSick.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gura cloning project didn't work out after they all developed downs syndrome. AI Gura is the next bets option.

>> No.47670413

see >>47662207

>> No.47673490


>> No.47673729
File: 2.28 MB, 640x512, skill issue polka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i've been using an AI to make NFT on my free time and i've already amassed an inmense fortune (11 and a half dollars)

>> No.47673959

How are you this retarded?

>> No.47674002

has already happened several times, do your reps

>> No.47674114

And it's already working 1000x better than NFT or Crypto buzzwords

>> No.47674139

In case anyone is wondering, NFT is a fucking scam, the only one to profit is the one who made it, you are only there to bump up the price so he can sell at your expense. This has been proven again and again, you got to be pretty dumb to still invest in it.

>> No.47674208

Have you been living under a rock for the past 9 months or what?

>> No.47674448

it's remember your paypigs, pretty common, kronii not the first in hololive. it get more difficult if you have large member fanbase, but kronii won't be having that problem. Hell Marine probably remember Lamy when Lamy send superchat as a viewer or Lui as clipper.

>> No.47674547

IIRC the japanese govt is giving tax breaks to companies that promote things like NFTs or other types of crypto
its why alot of game devs are suddenly making worthless mobile games that only serve to promote their own brand of NFT

>> No.47674548

Ah we have chosen the 2020 timeloop today, very good sir. Might I pair it with a covid lockdown and a stimulus package? As you know, the 2020 vintage was one of the most profitable years for corporations.

>> No.47674862

>pioneered by Tsukino Mito
*destroyed by Tsukino Mito

>> No.47674894

>multiple yabs in months
Who are you fooling?

>> No.47675176

>Well documented yab that got rewritten by EOPs
Actual deflection holy shit.

>> No.47675462

>difficulty of factoring large composite numbers
only until quantum computing becomes a thing in the next 10 years, just like AI is now

>> No.47676109

Ignore when someone says that. Literally every holo remembers their members or consistent sc. Kiara stalks some of them. Hell if they read them consistent enough even you’ll remember these fans.

>> No.47676674

I feel like she'll never drop out.

>> No.47677007

Jesus Christ, do Newfags really?
Also it's hilarious that Westerners don't understand how popular NFTs are in East Asia just because here in the West we mostly hate them.
incredible bait.

>> No.47677847

It's just an example people here might be familiar with. As mascot-style vtubers proliferate some of them will eventually be fired or leave for their own reasons (like getting a more prominent position elsewhere or wanting to make and control their own avatar) and we'll see how those companies handle it.

>> No.47677895
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Lets be real Kizuna has been dead for years now. NFT bullshit aside, I don't even want to watch this show.

>> No.47679015

They were [algorithms] run by [AI]. For some reason [algorithms] was more popularly used over [AI], until recently, possibly because of the strides of progress AI had had in other sectors

>> No.47679025

>Ai has been a unashamed shill from day one
>Activ8 tried to sell Ai NFTs during the peak of the bubble before she went into a "hiatus'
>she herself mentions in the hiatus announcement that they are gonna keep on making NFTs
>people are somehow surprised that the Kizuna Ai anime turned out to be just an NFT ad

>> No.47679350

this sounds exactly like something elon musk would say who can't even define what a stack is in programming

>> No.47680872


>> No.47684763


>> No.47687744

>thats why you dont keep supporting a corpo that replaces a VA like it was nothing
Active8 is not Brave Group. Also point me when Active8 did that.

>> No.47687799
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I honestly enjoy this anime but even I have to admit it objectively sucks. I hate to use the word but I'd describe it as "comfy".

>> No.47688173

Anyone that paid attention knows the chuuba empress already rests in peace. Whatever is done to her corpse and her claim can’t be worse than the death they forced upon her.

>> No.47690264

idk if you are trolling or just retarded.

>> No.47690653

I'm fucking serious. Point when and who Active8 ever pull a Gamebu on any of their Vtuber. Protip: you cannot.

>> No.47690826

>it doesn't count because they got caught with their pants down and had to back off, nevermind the extra VAs they hired for the main channel that they never acknowledged and tried to handwave away with the "stop saying Ai was replaced video"

>> No.47691284

Huge deal for SEA

>> No.47691470


>they got caught with their pants down and had to back off
You mean schizo rrat that somehow become viral?
>nevermind the extra VAs they hired for the main channel
Those were new Vtubers. Not extra VA. They are just addition to Ai project. Not intended to replace Ai.
>"stop saying Ai was replaced video"
Yes. And you dumbfuck never listen. You just killed the Heavenly King, rratfag. Ai blood forever in your hands

>> No.47691858

>ultimate fate of all corpo vtubers
Just replace them with an AI. Soon nobody will be able to tell difference. Expect a lot AI assassinations of public figures soon. By the time anyone figures out something is wrong with you it will too late.

>> No.47692818

Look at all the idiots that commented the exact same way to your comment the NFTards replied back in the day and they still think they're are any different. Roru rumao.
>Nooooo this time for real! this time is different! you can't say that our thing is definitely not a snake oil for morons!

>> No.47692904

Niw this is some high-grade copium

>> No.47693070

>Those were new Vtubers. Not extra VA. They are just addition to Ai project. Not intended to replace Ai.
Yes, that's why they were streaming on the main channel and using Ai's model until several months after the fact

>> No.47693204

some level of corporate is good though. somebody gotta keep the hoes in check, so to speak

>> No.47693422

What's with the ESL insect running damage control on a dying product?

>> No.47693886

You are posting on a board with not 1 but 4 aitrash containment threads

>> No.47694108

Anon, we are on 4th Gura VA right now

>> No.47696476

Why Holotrannies like this?

>> No.47697607
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I'm a smallcorpo/indiechad, projectionchama.

>> No.47699628

First time meeting the board's resident Activ8 inter- I mean Aifag?

>> No.47699724
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