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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 518 KB, 600x800, asp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47639865 No.47639865 [Reply] [Original]

Get me out of here edition

>What is /asp/?
/asp/ is a thread for vtubers to give and receive advice related to vtubing.

>Can I self-post?
Self-posting is allowed as long as you pretend you're not doing it.

>Should I stream on Twitch or YouTube?
Most people would recommend against streaming on YouTube if you don't have an established subscriber base from making videos.

>Is there an audience for X?
Would you watch someone do X?
Is someone already doing X?

>What video editor should I use for editing clips?
DaVinci Resolve if you don't feel like spending money, otherwise use Vegas Pro.

Open company auditions:
Hololive (Open indefinitely): https://audition.hololivepro.com/en

Useful links:
General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
Op-Sec: https://mauthedoog.medium.com/21-privacy-tips-vtubers-need-to-know-ce93082cd166
Twitter growth: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
What to avoid: https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Twitter branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Parasocial guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg

Stay grounded, stay hopeful.

Previous thread: >>47569208

>> No.47640019

>chuubas (at least indies) are the opposite of their IRL selves
Very interdasting... The last thread has given me a lot to think about...

>> No.47640037

Parseks is gen4

>> No.47640539

>College student, tall, likes green, likes birds
Definitely feel like I'm the same and at some point I have to figure out if I'm playing a character or not but that's a later conversation

>> No.47640697
File: 728 KB, 1280x720, babbykneekuu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dad, I'm a-
>I'm not a tranny, dad, I'm a babiniku vtuber.
>Well, the difference bein' one is a job, and the other's a mental sickness!
Babi or not, are you ever going to tell your parents/family/friends about what you do? If so, under what conditions? Your parents already know, son.

>> No.47640728

Its fun seeing the psychology behind people's designs. I've always found it adorable that Letania is scared of getting old and picked an immortal eternally young(ish) creature to represent her

>> No.47640775

My parents know. Ive shown them my model. They haven't ever watched a single one of my streams though, aren't even interested in watching one. Not that I necessarily want them to.

>> No.47641107

My family knows. My mom and stepdad might be more online than I am and are very supportive of it. My sister tunes in sometimes and even chats occasionally. My dad and stepmom are much more normal and don't entirely get it, but even they've tuned in a few times and think I can make something of myself doing this.
My last remaining IRL friend also knows I do it and tunes in occasionally despite also being much more normal than me. I'm moving to his city soon and hoping to meet some new people, and I'm curious as to how they'll take me being an anime character who streams on Twitch in my spare time.

>> No.47641283

Are you also a sex symbol in real life? Do strangers want you to step on them, to spit on them?

>> No.47641377

I'm not sure I really fit in, I came much later and I'm only a PNG
I do appreciate all the support people have given me though!

>> No.47641582

Both of these posts were Parseks.

>> No.47642202


>> No.47643024 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.47643271

Babis are doing that to an extreme

>> No.47644297

I'm glad I resisted my instinct to babi

>> No.47644774

was that spreadsheet anon ever going to do that write up?

>> No.47644785

maybe I would feel loved if I was a babi

>> No.47645009

I'm glad I was born female so I can't have babi urges

>> No.47645211
File: 215 KB, 651x575, sex.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

please have sex with me

>> No.47645294

Dm me if you have futa urges, though.

>> No.47645659
File: 274 KB, 1729x921, numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Attention everyone! I present to you... numbers!

>> No.47645696

Come on don't leave us hanging!
Give us your opinions on each gen4 design and what it says about them

>> No.47645766

God I wish I was a girl

>> No.47645775

Can you divide that by days since first stream or account creation so it is somewhat meaningful?

>> No.47645796

I don't know how to find account creation date

>> No.47646095

Isn't Zenya a /wvt/ reject who's been streaming forever and just posts here now like Sloth tried to?

>> No.47646109
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Passpartout2 is fun.
Who wants some of the Digby originals?

>> No.47646143

"hours streamed" might be a more useful metric than that

>> No.47646149

I don't know where to ask so I guess I'll just ask here
is there any tool to convert schedules to other timezones (like, you load the your schedule.png, select your timezone, fill up and position the times in your timezone, and it just generates the same schedule but for a bunch of timezones you select)?
it sounds like something useful and I wasn't able to find anything like this in my 2 minutes of googling
disclaimer, I'm not a vtuber aspiring or otherwise, someone I watch complained about having to manually do the conversions to post her schedules in multiple timezones and I decided to do something to automate it, and while I'm at it might as well make it so anyone can use it if it is useful

>> No.47646406

Runoxi mogging everyone, even people from Gen 3, its not even funny.

>> No.47646679

Parsex got his numbers pulled up because Coco forces his coomer audience to watch him.

>> No.47646688

>Herahera-chan not in last
You're using the wrong metric

>> No.47646826

I'll bite the bait, I've been in wvt as long as I've been here, which was since Feb this year - I really didn't know what I was doing and only since my "redebut" did I really start taking this with any kind of seriousness.

Should I have completely restarted and made a new channel to avoid this embarrassment? Maybe, but I didn't want to confuse things for my friends and few regulars who were still around, and I also genuinely did not think some schizos on the internet would make a fuss of my channel age

so what if i was a little silly when i was like 18 and just streamed randomly to my friends playing games that i liked? i don't care if my channel is fucking "old" at least I have the resilience to keep at this for 2 more years

>> No.47646829


>> No.47646891

yikers oomfie

>> No.47646908

All that talk about bass boosting last thread made me look up my mic's frequency response and it turns out it actually has a bass cut sloping down from 0db at 200Hz to -5dB at 20Hz.
I've already gotten sexposted at purely because of a vocaroo shitpost.

>> No.47647008

yeah but then you need to convert it and retype everything, my idea is to make the process as automatic as possible, you put the times once and the thingy sorts the rest by itself

>> No.47647087
File: 44 KB, 1157x979, account age.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay this one doesn't work since many of these people were using their twitch account long before they got into streaming

>> No.47647126

If Kankuro happens to read this, are you the chuuba that I spoke to for a little while before I got schizo'd out of /trash/? I was a design artist offering advice sometime last year. If so, great work!

>> No.47647355

Who is Sloth?

>> No.47647394

Oh this is twitter followers isn’t it

>> No.47647462

bro, freeofme ain't even Gen 1.
this nigga is Gen -4.

>> No.47647465
File: 41 KB, 1169x979, hours streamed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if these numbers are accurate

>> No.47647500

Unpopular opinion but mechanical keyboards aren't good for streaming.

>> No.47647526

twitch follows

>> No.47647530

Runoxi's account is that old? But she only debuted last month.

>> No.47647569

I'm mad because you tricked me, you gave me the illusion that I could groom you!

>> No.47647600

Kankuro also streams on youtube.

>> No.47647614

Dam Digbys growth is more impressive than I realised.

>> No.47647665

When was your redebut date?

>> No.47647671

Anyone who's keyclacks aren't audible across their entire home is a coward.

>> No.47647674

That's an unpopular opinion? I would figure the quieter the better wrt keyboards. I use a cheap wireless one.

>> No.47647795

Come to think of it I kind of want to rail Parseks senseless and force him to say AI art isn't art while he chokes on my cock.

>> No.47647921

account creation != first stream date
listen...i'm still mentally quite new and impressionable...
mid february? don't remember the exact date

>> No.47648115

>account creation != first stream date
But then it creates bias. Looking at the graph like that discredits Runoxi's huge growth in such little time.

>> No.47648136

Don't do it bro, if you enter his AI generation field then your dick's gonna become distorted and you'll randomly gain/lose digits.

>> No.47648168

Shut up Parsex, no one actually wants to be lewd with you, you are too openly whoreish.
The best boys to lewd are the ones that aren't open about it.

>> No.47648223

Such as?

>> No.47648290

Parseks here, I

>> No.47648341

Sun, Daiya, Dante, Kankuro.
I'll exclude Digby and Hakurai for being animals, and Fuzakerunah because his design isn't attractive.

>> No.47648372

All these graphs are biased, no graph can account for all factors. If it makes your oshi look bad the same is true with everyone else there. You dont need a fucking graph to validate your oshis success this aint a competition. numberfagging like this is fucking stupid.

>> No.47648413

We know

>> No.47648645

But Runoxi doing better than every single member is a fact.

>> No.47648699

I'm a /wvt/ native that's been lurking a bit the last week or so and I can safely say I'd never heard of her until like a month ago. And this isn't a knock on her (haven't been able to check out a full stream yet but the few minutes of one I caught in passing were nice) just a statement of fact; if she's "a /wvt/ reject" then that's news to me.

>> No.47648710

I often tell you to press the start stream button already but Runoxi's put in the prep time and that works.

>> No.47648773

Runoxi is probably gonna be another Randon.
In that she's setting out to grow very quickly via high quality assets and networking chops. Then get into an agency.
Girl clearly has money to burn on this

>> No.47648843

Why do seething ngmi's look at Runoxi's prep work as something bad?
She invested on her assets, she worked on her connections, and she has a good entretaining personality (no matter how much you spend on shit, if your personality is shit, no one will watch you). She did everything right and its paying off.

>> No.47648893

>money to burn
its called investing

>> No.47648917

No one said its bad? They literally said that it's working? God why are her fans so annoying

>> No.47648934
File: 253 KB, 840x827, dante_close_mouf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Griftlands was a ton of fun tonight too. It was nice seeing new faces in chat and trying something different.

>> No.47648944
File: 535 KB, 1920x1057, vts-2023-04-17_22h55_52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47648955

she should graduate to /wvt/

>> No.47648996

Isn't this the guy who posted a creepy vocaroo of himself masturbating?

>> No.47649042

If I remember right, that was kaiser.

>> No.47649049

Because its brought up as "the only reason she is doing better than everyone/me is because she wasted her money on assets and because she has friends who are big already, of course she is doing good", and that is oversimplifying her situation, and sounds like a cope. Everyone should look up to her and /asp/ire to be her.

>> No.47649107

I don't know the difference between them, honestly.

>> No.47649147
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>> No.47649157

All babis are the same shit, understandable.

>> No.47649201

They're babis?
I thought they were non-fem femboys

>> No.47649309

this all gets brought up only because you try to bring everyone else down by claiming how superior she is on her behalf when she probably would hate you for doing this
if you were less fucking annoying about this no one would care or comment, all you're doing is pushing people away from her

>> No.47649319

>non-fem femboys
what the fuck does that mean? that would just be regular boys

>> No.47649354

It's not bought up as the only reason why she's succeeding, and even if it was that would still be a good thing. It's working.

>> No.47649363

>non-fem femboys

>> No.47649470

femboy models, make no attempt to act or sound feminine

>> No.47649479

>all you're doing is pushing people away from her
Pushing who away from her? A bunch of NGMIs? Why would I give a fuck? Look at her streams, she gets raided by people bigger than all of you, she collabs with people bigger than all of you. Why would it fucking matter if you don't wanna associate with her?
"Stop talking about her success or I won't raid her with my 2 viewers!" Like it would even fucking matter. She's gonna grow with or without you.
You on the other hand? kek

>> No.47649527

is Beryl a non-fem femboy then? he sounds like a regular dude
also why would femboys even try to sound femenine, that would just be a fucking tranny.

>> No.47649534

I have never even seen Runoxi post here aside from that single one in this thread.

>> No.47649601

Because she doesn't. Fortune snapped her up immediately and her schizoid superfan has been trying his hardest to make everyone hate her here and /wvt/

>> No.47649618

Beryl is a fucking babi.

>> No.47649637

I need it, please

>> No.47649658

She was gonna do a collab with Denpa, right?
I remember people talking about it, and even called Runoxi a "leech", which is ironic since she ended up being bigger than her. I remember Runoxi talking in the thread during that.
I wonder why the collab fell through?

>> No.47649661

For someone who is supposedly IN fortune, she doesn't raid other fortune members often

>> No.47649667

>Doesn't post in /asp/
>is somehow /asp/

>> No.47649703

I don't think anyone told her how it works

>> No.47649707

And fortune members don't raid her either, so?

>> No.47649790

who do you think is the femcel schizo crab? maybe runoxi's still around
jokes aside she did it right, get what you need from the thread and don't linger
laine you will tie me to the radiator in your basement and use me as a living meat dildo

>> No.47649825

I've seen a few of them raid her

>> No.47649853

>Succesful streamer
>a crab
No way in hell. That femcel schizo crab is a ngmi girl, probably J00niper.

>> No.47649966
File: 620 KB, 915x1133, 1a1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47649967

When Runoxi moves to /lig/, I'll be there, wearing as a badge of honour the fact that I was one of her first fans.

>> No.47650016

She streams ahead of most if not all of the American schedule so its difficult for them to stream into her.

Operative. She's raided into Denpa, Digby and and Dante in the past.

>> No.47650044

pushing away any prospective viewer because you give a really bad first impression of what her community is
fortune/gen 4/whatever don't have any problem with her and i'm sure they would raid her if their times matched up, and she has raided some of them too
>>collabs with people bigger than all of you
who? mothman? some other random guy this week?

>> No.47650110

>who? mothman? some other random guy this week?
But they ARE bigger than all of the other Gen 4 aspies. Don't try to deny it.

>> No.47650123

from what website is this? google calc?

>> No.47650157

It's just libreoffice

>> No.47650173

Can you guys use my bread in a normal way and stop crabbing you're embarrassing me..

>> No.47650207

The numberfagging woke up ngmis and made the realize what they are, ngmis.
And now the thread is full menhera.

>> No.47650282

You can't gaslight everyone, femcel.
You are full of envy. You are so bitter and ugly.
You need to accept that people can criticize you and worship others.

>> No.47650326

Astounding levels of samefag

>> No.47650404

I have to assume the runoxi stuff is just a shitposter that realized acting like an obnoxious supporter is a thousand times more offputting than just being a regular schizo anti

>> No.47650431

Wrong. Better luck next time.

>> No.47650522
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>> No.47650609
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>> No.47650646

Because he's not me. I'll tell you how things work, first I make the trend or rrat. Most of the time it flops.
But sometimes anons will pick it up. It's a very weird feeling, like they're becoming me or going inside of me, filling me up.

>> No.47650721

Little Helper
Knight Chase
Killer Tofu
Yuusha Ouma
mary (nanahyaku7)
Auntie Abby & Poss Boss
HauntLich -
Madame Publié d'Publonâise
The Nue
juniper heartstrings
Parseks Vtuber
Dante Daedalus Ch.
Sun Albionis

>> No.47650788

This is Lancecord and Gen4cord mixed together.

>> No.47651103

As a babi, most of your fans would drop you the moment they find an actual female with a similar model

>> No.47651258

Beryl says his model is a guy in his description and on twitter. I think you’re just letting babis in your head rent-free bro

>> No.47651318
File: 737 KB, 1373x1079, 1675252824896953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no more brother wars

>> No.47651376

Is it possible to lewd a model that technically has no groin?

>> No.47651468

Someone I've been watching for a while check it out (PNG tuber)

>> No.47651589

You mean Coco?

>> No.47651791
File: 16 KB, 251x233, e269aebcfb0dd8c0a9bccee7be53bd63.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to try guessing who the femcel is but I don't want to destroy the illusion.
In my head she's a girl that's not traditionally appealing and has ignored most of her life, a bit like Tomoko from Watamote. She looks sickly but she's pretty cute if you take a closer look. The bitterness comes from the feelings of inferiority.
But I know that in reality she's probably a narcissistic whore like every girl.

>> No.47651914

Everyone is here!

>> No.47651918

the only dildo you're getting is going up your ass

>> No.47652033

Why do you assume it's all the same person or even a woman to begin with? Your horny ritual sucks. Nobody cares about your horniness for some made up person you've conceptualized to explain every negative shitpost. Are you sure it isn't your tulpa?

>> No.47652240

And that's why your vtuber lore sucks anon.

>> No.47653521

can you remove me im not in those servers anymore

>> No.47653697

>not in those servers anymore
>still lurking thread
but I know thats a bait post, here's your (You)

>> No.47653764

I like the thread but i dont like being in the server

>> No.47654351

Watch my malewife!!

>> No.47654503

And how do you feel about being in my DMs?

>> No.47654532

That's really not true she looks for Fortune streams to raid all the time. I think she's too good for us though. Just my opinion
She should focus on raiding into /wvt/ chuubas

>> No.47655227
File: 49 KB, 657x1024, 298f5d7f8fafb3cb7f75ccef3388d0e8de71e889r1-886-1379v2_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who's the Ryosuke Takahashi of /asp/?

>> No.47656171


Pardon the tism but he's from Initial D, right? Probably Kankuro.

>> No.47656296

I don’t know who any of the wacky characters that get posted about in /asp/ are anymore and the threads are much funnier to me this way

>> No.47656330
File: 2.08 MB, 1920x1080, Yuki Profile 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47656348

Yes, he's from Initial D. Ryosuke is originally one fo the biggest rivals, but eventually allies with Takumi to form Project D and beat every prefecture's biggest team. Not sure how Kankuro would be a good fit, nothing against him but he's a bit too new

>> No.47656418


Hmm, then I'm not sure. Asp cord seem to mostly get along. Sin could be the rival to friend, Ig? Or herahera-chan?

>> No.47656580

Who is this semen demon?

>> No.47656630

Honestly tho. Gen 3.1 hit hard. It's a shame this new season had shitty characters

>> No.47656639


>She's the other person on Chaos Foundry's channel.

> https://twitch.tv/chaosfoundry

>> No.47656711

The new gen is better in my opinion.
Sure they don't menhara as hard but they're not cringe

>> No.47656745
File: 22 KB, 557x550, 87954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The buff I get from having a vrm model with fbt is real

>> No.47656770


>> No.47656792

Yeah I take back what I said, the characters arnt shitty I'm just missing out on the menhera posting

>> No.47656813

It's because they've seen the previous gen and have learned from their mistakes to not menhara

>> No.47656856


> Not just converting .fbx to .vrm like a chad. A real buff is having Unity knowledge.

>> No.47656889

Overall I like the new gen, they're a nice seeming bunch.
Even Dante.

>> No.47656900


Menhera is like smoking. The previous gen menhera'd a lot, and told future gens not to menhera.

>> No.47656990
File: 1.93 MB, 1920x1080, ArchknightProfile1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>TFW they both glow.

>> No.47656992

Idk why I would need to do that. It's time consuming and most models look completely different with a retexture that nobody will complain about.

I think the real knowledge is being able to give your models custom clothes and toggles

>> No.47657031

Why are they in some shitass dungeon when there's amillion beautiful worlds on vrc

>> No.47657033


> Making assets in general is pretty pog.

You're pretty correct, anon. My mistake.

>> No.47657039
File: 279 KB, 800x1066, 2b0a41d3a7f7fa9ff974d898c1c0b6e7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cute piyo-chan

>> No.47657076


*cough* I think they um...couldn't be arsed since they use these as headshots for their site? *cough* But that's um, just what I hear tho.

>> No.47657108
File: 2.49 MB, 368x348, 1642632643230.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are so gonna make it

>> No.47657168

They couldn't even be arsed to weight paint the jacket on him correctly >>47656990

>> No.47657243


One day they'll get properly fixed models. One day. The artists they commissioned didn't care about weight painting.


>> No.47657502

No, the real strength is having someone you can dump all that work on.
Nobody has enough time to learn and do everything by themselves.

>> No.47657559


> Find a SO that makes all your assets with you.

>> No.47657619

Based. That's why I pirated all of it

>> No.47657731

I'm at 2.0 avg ccv and only hover at 3-8 viewers. Ngmi...

>> No.47658787

I told my parents that I sing on the internet. I don't think they understand streaming and I live on my own so I don't need to explain.
One of my brothers knows that I am a babi but he's queer so he doesn't think much about it. I also tone down the racism and sexism around him.

>> No.47659051

why do you all tell people you know irl about streaming?

>> No.47659169

Foozer here. I had a fantastic stream, and I hope you're all doing well. That is all.
Have a merry day, lurkers

>> No.47659759
File: 38 KB, 800x449, B348B62F-3317-499D-8FAA-B335061F44AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not gonna make it. I was never gonna make it.

>> No.47660006

>racism and sexism
Why are babis like this?

>> No.47660077

What does "making it" even mean? Getting partner CCV numbers? Getting into a corpo? Getting a certain amount of followers?

Personally I'd be happy with just above partner CCV numbers. I like interacting with chat and probably couldn't deal with chat going a million miles a minute.

>> No.47660645

Wow people really were going at me earlier in the thread huh.
Well today is a new day, maybe I'll get a TikTok out finally!

>> No.47660786

Fatherless behavior.

>> No.47661548

In my pov stop being vtweeter and start streaming=you make it
I hope you can do it, /asp/

>> No.47661567

Honestly being a vtweeter for a few weeks helped me, I had 10 people at opening, and even if they didn't all stick around it was validating to have some viewers

>> No.47662052
File: 1.84 MB, 924x863, yearning.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disagree, I stream consistently and I don't think I'm an /asp/ie anymore because I'm happy stagnating and I'm clearly not making it.
I'm happy playing video games and chatting with whoever shows up, if someone even shows up.
My definition of gmi is actively trying to grow. I am ngmi.

>> No.47662355


Making it means going full-time. The day one can look their normal employer in the face and go, "Fuck you boss, imma go be a catgirl on the internet FULL TIME!~"

>> No.47662990
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>> No.47663021
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>> No.47663063
File: 107 KB, 1832x642, youtube_02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47663091
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>> No.47663261

This is the appropriate place for a log scale

>> No.47663390

So I have a question regarding growth if anyone has experience. I have decided to stream fully on youtube and have been for awhile now, but I notice I get almost no new viewers from streaming itself.

Just some info, I get on average around 20 viewers, and stream for around 3-4 hours at a time. I am still growing, but all the growth comes from things like twitter or discord networking and such, none of it organically from streaming itself.

In fact I think the only time's I have been growing from streaming are when I have been pushed by youtube once during choo choo charles and got about 60 viewers, been raided by other streamers, or done collabs.

Has anyone else had this problem of having no growth from streams and had to rely on other means?

>> No.47663657
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>> No.47664074

These charts really show how much dante needs to update his microphone

>> No.47664497

>I'm curious as to how they'll take me being an anime character who streams on Twitch in my spare time.
Why would you tell people that you barely know?

>> No.47665432

Every last person here is like you, streaming to the void, hoping the number goes up. If you want real growth, create engaging content or make your viewers want to create content about you.

>> No.47665768


>> No.47666178

how do newer channels join the list ?

>> No.47666534

With very few exceptions, don't expect your voidstreaming to just be its own self-sustaining event. It can happen if you happen to just occupy the right niche or something at the right time. Some of the longest follows I have on fleshstreamers are just dudes I found playing the thing I play and maybe including some gimmick. All of your channels that are growing are either doing it because they're making use of off-site means to promote themselves, aggressively networking with and befriending other streamers in even vaguely adjacent communities, and/or making strong use out of short-form content. Uwo's stream recaps are red meat for that sort of thing. Just show a couple clips of himself laughing over lighting something on fire = instant engagement and draw to the stream. Denpa's been turning out a ton of shorts shotgun style and its pulling viewers to her particular style because they're all hand made and that makes them all very brand-worthy. Runoxi has been getting into making a few edited shorts as well but in the more traditional "big subtitle over funny noises" gag format that appeals very well to the zoomers (which incidentally, is her best target audience metric). There's a few from past gens who, if I'm not mistaken, skipped streaming entirely to do youtube video essay style content and they're seeing results from that with the style of branding that comes with it.

I wrote too much. tl:dr almost everyone that is advertising is doing it away from their actual streams and some skip streaming entirely.

>> No.47666982

It's not too much, just learn to paragraphs.

>> No.47667051

I'm almost in your same situation. My recommendation and what's been working for me is to find your own niche and try to work with that.
Don't aggresively start looking for it because you won't be able to find it right away, I accidentally found what was "my" thing on stream when people asked me for more.
One more recommendation is short form content, it may not impact your views on stream but it can help you grow and collab with bigger people without looking like a leech. It doesn't have to be stream clips, it can be anything.
Find a non-vtuber audience, or wanna-be vtuber audience, get away from those.

>> No.47667348

It was posted one or two threads ago iirc

>> No.47667765

another day, another list averted.
feels good man

>> No.47668737

/asp/ie with the best branding?

>> No.47668778

Im on a list in this thread

We are so back bros

>> No.47668995

I'd Coco has merch but she refuses to sell her mousepads. That counts right?

>> No.47669009

>wake up
>Think about my oshi
>Crank out my morning nut
I'm ready to take on the rest of the day. Tell me bros, who's streaming today?

>> No.47669066

>oops, sorry i contributed more to the thread more than anyone else
>lmao you write a lot, ur autistic
Seriously, what is this newfag shit I keep seeing? Is it from zoomers with rotted attention spans? Long posts are only bad if the length is unnecessary. It was once common for posts to be exponentially longer than they are today, even on fucking /b/, and many were some of the greatest posts of all time.

>> No.47669157

Mainly looking for GFX since I'm about to fully rehaul all of mine and wanted to see what others do

>> No.47669267

Wednesday is usually a pretty busy day for the new gen. I'm less sure about older gens.

Fuwacoco - Doom 2016 @ 8EST
Catsreturn - Majora's Mask @ 3EST
ZenyaHima - Looking at Zen's Old Stuff @ 8:30pm
DenpaFish (she streamed like 5 times yesterday so I bet she goes live at random times all day) - Karaoke Practice! @ 8EST

Anyone else I missed either didn't post a schedule or isn't somebody I follow. Sorry!

>> No.47669440

Laine just made a set of very cute bumpers for her stream. I don't remember if she has an overlay or anything. Kankuro has a pretty clean and functional overlay, Denpa has the more traditional chaotic artist overlay setup. I think the only fully complete stream packages are Runoxi and Denpa's though you can get a lot of good inspiration from parts of some of the others.

I'm looking at adding to, cleaning up mine as well but the set I have right now "fits" where I'm at right now as well so redesigning overlays and such is a little lower on my priorities.

>> No.47669465
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>> No.47669523

More of a response than I was expecting, honestly, so thank you! I hope you have a good day!

>> No.47669536

Good job trying to make things positive I agree with you, yeah it's hard dealing with these pathetic kids that prey on small streamers since big ones won't give them attention, we just gotta bash their retarded takes back and don't let this grow

>> No.47669647
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Im streaming DMC5 at 20:00 CET....

>> No.47669817
File: 67 KB, 232x201, h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do people really care about schedules that much

>> No.47669858

I mostly do guerrillas around 9-10 EST

>> No.47670313

It matters most if you do certain distinct content on certain days. It also alerts your followers that you'll be online certain days and not on others. That sort of predictability has been baked into our viewing habits since broadcast radio and television. Probably longer. Consistent scheduling helps build consistent viewerbases because they turn watching you into a habit.

For the chuuba they're important because they're a sort of written obligation and promise to go live at a consistent time on the days on the schedule. Even if nobody is strictly holding you to that schedule but you, that little extra push to be punctual and consistent every week can be all the difference, especially starting out.

Maybe when we're all bigger we can just go live at random hours of the day and pull 100 people to watch us pick our noses, but at least in the growth stage, schedules are pretty important.

I can't speak for others but my own schedule has sort of adapted when and where I do certain kinds of content based on when I get the best viewer response. That means fighting games on weekends for me. This week I'm throwing an affiliate celebration stream so that's something I want to make sure is on a schedule and announcement so people see it and know that its coming up. If I had a collab scheduled I'd want that to be on the schedule too so that people who are either very into or very against collabs can plan their viewing accordingly.

Do you have to have a schedule? Nah. Beryl refuses to get one no matter how much we yell at him and he does alright. Some have strong social media reach and will just pull random eyeballs all day.
If you want to get seen by TVGuide style posts like that one above? Its about the only place I pull from is people's posted schedules.

>> No.47670409

tl:dr has been a thing since 2004 and unnecessary length is arbitrary please undastan

>> No.47670993
File: 21 KB, 474x531, th-1906355990.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not welcome here and it's my own fault.
I say rude and insensitive things but I don't mean it, I don't realize that what I've said is wrong.
I have hurt so many people and hurt them further when I show apparant apathy at their offense.
When I keep silent, people think I'm a good person but then I remain locked in my shell. When I speak I drive people away and get shunned out of the community I'm in. I learn a little each time, the mistakes I've made, but the cost is so high. There is no forgiveness for my actions, they are too bad to be simply social awkwardness. I have become a bad person through my own ignorance of my own nature and do not deserve any kindness, but I only wish that I can somehow learn to be better.

You don't realize it yet, I have been mostly silent, walking on eggshells, but soon I will be gone and this thread will be filled with disdain for me.
But please just remember,
I don't want to be the bad person, I hope someday I will be better.

>> No.47671158

See you tomorrow anon!

>> No.47671172


>> No.47671199

I'm trying to figure out who this is and it made me realize the overlap between rude aspies and hated aspies is pretty small

>> No.47671226


>> No.47671240

I would never post a wojak

>> No.47671351


>> No.47671471


>> No.47671531

same oomfie

>> No.47671718

I see, thank you it makes sense, maybe "that little extra push to be punctual" it's what kept me from doing it because it would mean more responsability for me

>> No.47671917

One of the most effective paths to personal growth (and channel growth often follows) is making commitments and following through.

>> No.47672294

Yeah, and the response to tl;dr was to rapidly repurpose it as tool to give a summary of the most important information, while still providing full details in the main body of the post, so everyone gets the best of both worlds. The writer immediately gets their most important information across to as many people as possible, and the reader has a way of immediately using their own judgement to determine whether the lengthy post they see is arbitrarily/subjectively worth their time investment, based on their level of interest in the content of the tl;dr summary.

The difference between then and now is that I'm starting to see people chiding others for writing more than a paragraph, EVEN IF it includes a tl;dr summary. Some even do it to themselves, like the posts I quoted before. Unless I'm seriously missing something, if there's a summary, then there's no sensible reason to bitch about the length, is there?

>> No.47672442 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.47672512

I'm not mad about the tl;dr, I'm mad that the image doesn't use Yoda-speak.
>Too long, your post is. Read it, I did not.

>> No.47672573

I feel like the self-deprecating apology versions are more of a "sorry for being more verbose than necessary" and come off as humble because they're worried about appearing to ramble or take up too much of the reader's time.

>> No.47673351

It was originally a spanish meme, but the original also lacked the yoda speak, mucho texto is propper spanish but not the way yoda would say it

>> No.47674039

you read asper girl too, huh?

>> No.47674528

nigga shut the FUCK UP

>> No.47674776

You gotta start somewhere

>> No.47674935

Do those "Post your PNG/Post your twitch link so can raid you/Support Chain" post on Twitter actually help with exposure? Or are they mostly just click bait 90% of the time?

>> No.47674987

They promote the person making them

>> No.47675098

it's 100% twitter engagement bait so THEY grow from the mass amount of comments/retweets, but if they're already fucking huge and you're a literal nobody then even the one extra eye on you might be worth it even if it comes off as desperate and as a drawfag it's sometimes the best resource for someone's reference since they never bother pinning it or putting it in their bio

>> No.47675177

Parseks is doing it and it makes me cringe so hard, I'm considering unfollowing.
Maybe I'll just mute him.

>> No.47675241


>> No.47675249

I have stopped now, I just needed to get a base of followers up so I wasn't just sitting at 20

>> No.47675342

Good to know. Looking to promote my L2D reveal stream I have at least 1-2 people there in the beginning when I first show it, but idk what's the best way to do that.

>> No.47675378
File: 421 KB, 540x430, 156e9003082c57de209a78199d96bcc0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm on the list LETS GOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.47675523

People that follow you through "LIKE TO BECOME MUTUALS" shit are not gonna check out your streams.
At most, they might like your funny tweets if the see them in their timeline, but they are not gonna check out your stream because they are not following you for your personality, they are just trying to pump their numbers up.

>> No.47675564

Yeah the only point of those is to become a "big account" whatever that means.

>> No.47675746
File: 398 KB, 640x362, 1663742228868188.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It kind of hurts hearing people hate on me here

>> No.47675927

What budget webcam has the best face tracking?

>> No.47676005

Try being more likeable.

>> No.47676019
File: 271 KB, 715x600, Xemnas_Final_Form.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anger and hate are supreme

>> No.47676518

my wife Hinagiku

>> No.47676582

I don't know about 3d but If it's for live2d, a cheap 15 bucks chinese webcam does the job really well, even high quality webcams don't have the greatest tracking by themselves and the difference between them is barely noticeable.
If you want a real upgrade you either get an iphone for the ARKit technology or a gpu with RTX so your webcam gets better tracking (still inferior to iphone but with the advantage of it being both a tracking and pc upgrade).

>> No.47676701

Who are you? Maybe there's a good reason people hate you.
Maybe it's all in your head and nobody hates you. Maybe you're an attention whore like Parseks.

>> No.47677609

Does droidcam make for garbage tracking?

>> No.47677714

ARCore doesn't have the same features as ARKit, unfortunately and is too limited to give the same functionality as ARKit does to VTS or VeeSeeFace

>> No.47677762

I dont know or care about anything you just said just tell me if Im better off buyimg a cheap webcam or duct taping my phone to my othrr monitor

>> No.47677794

Depends on your phone, also note that if you capture your desktop (Which you shouldn't but you often have no other choice) clicking on droidcam will unhide the preview if you hid it before

>> No.47677810

If you're a girl nobody hates you. If you're a guy stop being so menhera because nobody really cares about you that much. If you're Laine I want you to hug me.

>> No.47677840

Cough... cough... I'm dying... cough...need... babi sex...

>> No.47677939

Throw yourself into a lake

>> No.47677946

I wanna be a girl

>> No.47678483

You can't let this anon die babis.
You could save a life

>> No.47678534


>> No.47678878

What no pussy does to a man

>> No.47678902

>>47654351 husband*

>> No.47679029


Best girl streaming!

>> No.47679251

I'm sorry the babi way was never for me.

>> No.47679429

Parsex is the biggest attention whore. That's why he hangs out with a literal whore like Fuwa.

>> No.47680024

Fuck off, Beryl can only get groomed by me.

>> No.47680070

>that guy's such an attention whore, I should make sure to give him as much attention as possible in every single thread

>> No.47680166

I don't remember writing either of these posts.

>> No.47680232

lil nigga is begging to be roasted

>> No.47680336

Don't bother being trans or babi, it won't work

>> No.47680351

hands whiter than Mori's wrote this post

>> No.47680552

Now that I think about it, Beryl also hasn’t posted here apart from that one time he asked for feedback, too. Do people here just get lumped together by association even if they don’t post here?

>> No.47680609

I typed this post.

>> No.47680775

this is an anonymous message board without names or tripcodes hope that helps

>> No.47680787

To an extent yes.
You got to remember some of gen4 are active in this thread. Dante is probably here right now and he does shill others.
I'm pretty sure it was one of them who made the gen4 tierlist for instance

>> No.47680856

I am not

>> No.47680909

People with already self-sustaining communities don't need to shill or talk here anymore.
The point is to grow to the point were you don't need /asp/ anymore.
People like Beryl and Runoxi.

>> No.47681102 [SPOILER] 
File: 209 KB, 1139x1500, FszhJ6aXwAcd4t4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hang in there anon

>> No.47681109

Bara hands typed this post

>> No.47681153

Mori doesn't even use the n-word.

>> No.47681218

conceptualize the aroma

>> No.47681339

I've done both itt, told people to not be menhera AND to quit smoking

>> No.47681715
File: 53 KB, 256x252, hbjnh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Streaming Nioh

>> No.47681782


>> No.47681790

brown boy sex

>> No.47681959


>> No.47682017


>> No.47682019

No one cares about you. You know that, right?

>> No.47682667

What’s so good about those two, anyway? One gets constantly talked about here while the other is only ever sparingly mentioned. Do people here even watch them or do they only care about numbers?

>> No.47682781

Schizos use them to crab on the remaining Gen 4 members.
It's like Gura posters, but for no views.
Those two shouldn't even be considered Gen 4 with the numbers, time, and money they spent on this.

>> No.47683047

Runoxi is doing well and had a good start. She started off with a solid networking job to gather people who know and like her and they showed up to her debut and early streams. She occupies a niche on the twitch categories that isn't contested by many hotter channels so she gets some organic catalog growth. Overall her demeanor and presentation is very clean and cute and she has some endearing mannerisms. She gets posted here a ton by a guy who I'm convinced only does it because he thinks that by being as overwhelming about her as possible it will piss people off or crab the other gen4s. Watching him fighting with Kuu's similar schizo over whose blue vtuber was best was probably the best part of the /wvt/ crossover episode.

Beryl is a softspoken, relaxed guy who's been around a while but generally got adopted by the other gen4s. He's going to get a schedule if I have to force him. I have absolutely no idea what the point of forced meming him is because he doesn't really overlap with anyone else in timeslot or content.

>> No.47683171

Parseks style post.

>> No.47683220

>Do people here even watch them
They have the biggest numbers, so yes.

>> No.47683379

Having large numbers doesn't mean those numbers came from here, anon.

>> No.47683382

>Parseks crabbing hard on all the femboys and self schizoing for attention
I could see it

>> No.47683423

So who are the runners up of gen4?

>> No.47683439

I am worried that a lot of people stream horror games already, but I like streaming them too. Should I find something else?

>> No.47683453

Does it matter when they mog your irrelevant ass?

>> No.47683488

oh so it was you lmao
I thought that post sounded familiar

>> No.47683499

what do you have to add besides screaming at a jumpscare?

>> No.47683582

There's nothing funnier than Reilong and Alva trying to gaslight the thread that they're relevant and have fans talking about them here, and then when you check their stream out, its just 1 viewer.

>> No.47683636

To be completely honest, I don't do stats ranking numberfag stuff because its not productive and I've discouraged the others from getting into the habit. The only metrics I really spend time on are more useful things like engagement sources and category rankings that drive other kinds of growth. /#/ was a mistake.

>> No.47683674

I don't scream at jumpscares, I'm very hard to frighten, actually. I like to talk about game lore and take in the atmosphere

>> No.47683699

to be fair. Runoxis screams are kino as fuck.
I've watched both Runoxi and Digby play horror games and both have a different appeal with the genre.
Runoxi panics and screams in a most delectable manner.
Digby meanwhile is a lot calmer and more strategic in his approach to the problems. But he whimpers a lot when he's stuck or scared.

>> No.47683711

I don't think you should give up on streaming horror games if that's what you're asking, but it couldn't hurt to find other things to stream alongside them. There's also nothing stopping you from being a dedicated horror game streamer besides your own insecurity, honestly. Just make good stuff on a consistent basis and advertise it to people who would want to watch it.

>> No.47683731

I'd happily help them out if they were in my timezone but I've got too much going on to go dig up vods.

>> No.47683805

Counting or not counting oldfags that shouldn't be in Gen 4 like freeofme and Zenya?

>> No.47683827

I want to pound Parseks femboy ass while he goes down on Coco

>> No.47683834

Hmm not counting I would say

>> No.47683878

I think there's a certain charm to the contrast. Femchuubas get a lot of mileage out of being scared by spooky games because it activates male viewer neurons.
Males get mileage out of being fearless so the stream is on edge for that moment where the mask cracks a little.

>> No.47683914

that'd be a good niche, while I do know a few other partner-tier chuubas that do more chill horror streams they definitely stand out in the sea of people screaming like banshees from some jumpscare in five nights or poppy's playtime or whatever the fuck the current fad is.
It's not a genre I know a lot about myself but my only real advice is to focus on more obscure games since that's also its own niche and while doubling up on niche interests can box you into a corner that corner's still better than nothing. and besides that there's no real rule saying you can't branch out later. Starting niche might be better for that even; you aren't gathering an audience that's only there to watch the flavor of the month and will seethe and bitch when you play something else.

>> No.47683958

Olga, Denpa, Laine, Fuwacoco, Lcolonq

>> No.47684014

>Starting niche might be better for that even; you aren't gathering an audience that's only there to watch the flavor of the month and will seethe and bitch when you play something else.
I'm still a complete scrub of a vtuber but can already tell that I made the right choice by only playing flavor of the month stuff that I'm actually interested in.

>> No.47684241

Even counting them, they would still be around the bottom of the list, considering they've been streaming for so long and still have low views.

>> No.47684249

Dante made this post

>> No.47684258
File: 328 KB, 1554x1782, potat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47684296

good to know, thanks
I really want to do a silent hill run in one go, and talk about how cities are creepy in general

>> No.47684427

Streamed to my 0 viewers today, how were your streams?

>> No.47684616

It’s kinda funny the only thing holding Beryl back is his lack of a schedule, apart from streaming at late, late hours.

>> No.47684663

and the fact he is a male and sounds like a male

>> No.47684700

My wife

>> No.47684721

unironically if you're doing any kinda networking and have at least a few people that stream at prime time following you, going at goblin hours is a boon since you'll eat up all their raids due to nobody else they know being live.

>> No.47684915

I love you

>> No.47684978

She is beautiful

>> No.47684997

Haven't streamed yet today. I hope that number goes up soon.

>> No.47685020

Complaining about males on this thread is like pissing in a sea of piss. Fact is he’s a dude and still getting decent ccv despite being male, with no schedule and shitty hours.

>> No.47686224

tier lists are better because they are forced to atleast make a comment about your design instead of outright ignoring your post.

>> No.47686366

or what?

>> No.47686591

Actually got raided today with 26 viewers.

We are so back bros

>> No.47686854

Streaming at my usual deadslot tonight so I expect maybe 2 viewers max

>> No.47687150

is anyone baking

>> No.47687356

god, she's so cute

>> No.47687431

nta but it's more obvious if you don't give someone their rating than if you don't follow, if someone posts their PNG and OP doesn't follow them, you can reasonably think "Oh, they'll do it later" if you even check follows again. It's even worse for Twitch follows as it's more finnicky to check if someone follows someone. On a "Post your PNG and I'll tell you what I think about your design/how fuckable I think you are/if we'd do X together/etc" if you see a few replies and no delivery you'll deduce "This is engagement bait, OP will not deliver", making the engagement bait uneffective

>> No.47687524

Streamed yesterday and got some new people stop by and chat for a bit but didn't stay too long, checked my stream settings and ads were set to 1 min breaks, turned that shit all the way down, hope it helps with retention

>> No.47687591


