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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47601196 No.47601196 [Reply] [Original]

> I will not be IGL, thank fucking god, because I hate being IGL
> I'd rather listen and frag
> "Selen doesn't want to IGL because she doesn't like the pressure and the stress of the position"
> You don't wanna argue against the IGL
> Because the moment you start giving a different opinion, the they'll start doubting themselves and no longer be confident in their decision making anymore.
> And I don't wanna do that to Axel

But during the actual games -
> Ignores Axel's call #1
> Countercalls Axel #1
> Countercalls Axel #2
> Just straight up starts calling their decisions
> Countercalls Axel #3, Regis gets confused and dies.
> To coach's question on their slow rotates : I called to go further, but it was decided to do the edge play, coz I felt uncomfortable. (Straight up says Axel's calls were shit)
> Calls for Valk ult herself, Axel just deferring decision making to her now
> Cancels the tether herself, separated from the team, dies.

This bitch is just as spiteful as Enna, she just hides it much better and deletes the VODs where she spergs the fuck out.

>> No.47601302

You cant expect someone that plays apex to not be toxic

>> No.47601324

How many times do we need to tell you that all Nijiwhores are the same? There's no exceptions to the rule and there never will be.

>> No.47601434

I understand she does not need retards on the team.

>> No.47601460

She WAS the retard and the runt of her team. Axel should have never invited her.

>> No.47601472

yeah. she hard carried those stars shitters. probably would have won the entire thing if she was teamed up with better players.

>> No.47601480

Imagine putting this together, lol.

>> No.47601491
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She's just toxic inside a fucking game, in a somewhat 'competitive' scenario as well so it's just second nature. Enna does it to her fans and people IRL just to feel like she 'owned' them. They're nowhere near each other's level.
>t. Former aloucuck

>> No.47601503

It's so cringe how seriously these bitches take the tournament. Like yeah you can say it's a competitionm but the tryhard seethe that comes with that territory doesn't belong in the vtuber sphere in my opinion. Who the fuck wants to watch anime girls/boys have genuine melty's over video games?

>> No.47601545

she is like that when she is not playing

>> No.47601550

Regis have consistent damage and he never even touch apex before, selen a wash.

>> No.47601577

I don't want to, that's why I don't watch her. My favorite is the dumb girl who is bad at 99% of games and constantly demands help in chat and I love her.

>> No.47601685

>girl is bad at video games

>> No.47601713

Did Selen get the homosisters from nyfco upset because who the fuck cares about holohomos?

>> No.47602343

She forgot how to get Apex Predator

>> No.47602506

No Niji can ever be as bad as Enna

>> No.47602856

I find it quite endearing how competitive she is, and how emotional she gets when things go wrong when she is playing apex. Fuck playing with her when she is in that kind of mindset and yeah she isn't the nicest to her teammates but it only really affects her and them and from what I saw dragoons were salivating at the possibility of a menhera members stream afterwards, who doesn't love a good menhera moment from a safe distance after all?
Enna is just abrasive to everyone no matter what she is doing, not the same, not as bad.

>> No.47603328


>> No.47603440

ogey sister or whatever troony creature you are who paid this much attention to the homos

>> No.47603603

Nijibabies discovering Selen has always been a arrogant bitch who built her gamer hype from being hard carried by others.

Very sure she is always the retard on the team.
With how disastrous these tournaments end out for her teams, it should be time to accept for folks that the issue is her. You can only have so many excuses and blame others on her teams when its always the teams she is on that are eating shit.
She is a fucking liability due to her pisspoor mindset.

>> No.47603881

Actual Tempus fans thought the Vsaikyo arc was fun and then promptly moved on, so who the fuck is this post for? Does Selen have antis?

>> No.47604032

Selen is 3x as bad as Enna...of you know what I mean *smug emoji*

>> No.47604067

OP, obviously.
Selen love

>> No.47604077

Their entire tournament day went wrong, I don't think anyone would argue with that, their mental was in fucking shambles since game 2. And the pressure breaks them all, in the end.

When was the last time your precious Enna participated in one of the biggest Apex tourneys on the planet while also streaming and playing against fucking monsters? I'm waiting.

>> No.47604117

So true sister

>> No.47604201

>Says this when a full girl group won the entire tournament
>hard carried those stars shitters
>while being 57th / 60 and Altare was 22nd / 60.

>> No.47606205

How will Selen ever recover?

>> No.47606741

Nice try Ennatard, but your whore is unironically unreachable.
Now stop trying to force your shit on Selen and go back to sucking Kyo's cock.

>> No.47606966

Axel's calls WERE shit. Only reason that homo is IGL is because he's more assertive and Selen is actually peak submissive and breedable, but between the two Selen has had way more experience, made consistently better calls, and before the hard choke on tournament day kept her cool better than the two males. Not saying Selen isn't washed up, just that Axel is still too much of a rookie and he doesn't recognize that, because he's challenged every coach they invited, even more so Selen.

>> No.47607253

Why does every team need an IGL anyway? Is it a hard rule for the tournament?
Unless you have someone that is clearly more experienced and is not afraid to shotcall, isn't it better to be a shared responsibility?
Axel just doesn't have enough experience to IGL and Selen didn't want the responsibility so it was a catch-22

>> No.47607741

>Is it a hard rule for the tournament?
And you could co-IGL, but you need to have properly planned it out and decided beforehand who has ultimate responsibility when shit hits the fan so you don't get paralyzed by indecision.

>> No.47608401

>isn't it better to be a shared responsibility?
Absolutely not. Any actual well functioning team needs one shot-caller who can focus the team's effort onto one axis.

>> No.47610478

he's slowly becoming my favorite stars...

>> No.47610483

The actual reason why the homo was the IGL was because Selen didn't want the added pressure of having to make decisions and call shots in game so the homo volunteered to do it himself so Selen could focus on her own gameplay. Of course she ended up being the 3rd worst player in the tournament by individual performance so maybe it wasn't really worth it in the end but they were counting on Selen's supposed predator skills.

>> No.47610892

That's just proof of what a joke Apex is.
A group of girls would never win a tournament playing a real game.

>> No.47610987

The tournament was for vtubers only so the skill level was super low in general

>> No.47611086

Towa last place deflection thread

>> No.47612245
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>> No.47612295

you're not the real selenposter

>> No.47612444

if you can't be toxic at least a little bit sometimes , just for fun.. then you're not really a vtuber or streamer, just some asshole with a webcam

being a lil bit toxic is fun when it's d
one with humor

fucking grow a pair budd

>> No.47612639

Why is Apex so full of drama?

>> No.47612858

it's less drama than the PPT tournament lmao

>> No.47612946


>> No.47612979

Apex is a stupid game full of cheaters anyway. Like half the fucking ppl that play on stream that are good keep getting caught using mods. I find most of the big games streamers play are shit games. There are tons of better games out there, there's around 10 new good indy games every week now. Bramble comes out next week. I bet you won't even see ppl play it but it looks fucking awesome . and Blight is coming out too.

>> No.47612996
File: 272 KB, 754x1116, selen apology.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she just tweeted.....

>> No.47613018

That's pathetic, you'll never be like the ennaschizo

>> No.47613071

It makes me happy to see two groups of people I hate at war with each other.

Regards, HoloChad.

>> No.47613090

omg shes cringe
Fuck that game

>> No.47614273

Anon get over yourself

>> No.47614408

Nobody is as bad as Enna and Millie. Not even after what she did at the tournament

>> No.47614515

Selen is in this thread, say hi!

>> No.47614625

Selen as you read this I am writing a fanfic of me and you using ChatGPT having kissy wissy gay sex together. Please DM me your email so I can send it to you.

>> No.47614628

Used to be a fan but seeing her drop the blame on her teammates while avoiding any responsibility the whole tournament turned me around on her

>> No.47614629

I don't even like Selen but imagine comparing someone getting salty in a game to the vindictive lying bitch that Enna is, kys right now

>> No.47614703
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>> No.47614785

I dont know what the problem is. She ranked above the tournament regular Towa

>> No.47615230

>least obvious ESL

>> No.47615681

>tweets out that she underperformed and was mentally weak
>she's shifting all blame to her teammates and coaches

>> No.47616058
File: 460 KB, 888x1111, 7F91F0F6-FFAD-4A96-A9DF-DBD001424CE5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If she really did throw he teammates under the bus it would be based because I hate those faggots.

>> No.47616466

Jesus Selen, absolutely do not take the role of an IGL when you do not have the mental fortitude for it. Who are these fucking retarded coaches and pros telling her that she should. Fuck them jesus. Just drop the fucking game already Selen. It's not worth feeling shit and losing your sanity for.

>> No.47616939

imagine admitting to understanding what literally any of this means. I will not play apex

>> No.47616961

Altare ranked higher than her despite being a min points player who doesn't play Apex. 5/6 kills on tourney days were his.

>> No.47617077

For her team she was the most suited for it, but she declined the role. Yes she did not have the mental for it, but the other options were a dingo and someone who doesn't play Apex. If she was going to override the calls to the point where the dingo just started deferring to her, she should have taken IGL. The other two could just focus on supporting her decisions instead of the confusion that happened on tourney day where she started arguing with the IGL then gave up last game.

>> No.47618029

Pomu, don't pretend like (You) don't have her email already.

>> No.47618115

Selen is bad at games
Enna is bad at human

>> No.47618149

The problem is she's centered her entire persona around being a gamer gurl, if she can't game then what is she?

>> No.47618482
File: 193 KB, 600x576, 1524626139835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did a shitty BR of a shitty franchise("m-muh titans are better than mechs!") published by the Great Satan develop this autistic "competitive" scene?

>> No.47618882

Didn't the guy who made that quote get fired over it? That said Battletech's a dead franchise. Been a shambler since the entire Wobbies lead to the stupidity of the Jihad era and now we got Red Dog ruling Terra.
Seriously WTF went wrong

>> No.47618967

Anon, not only champions of the competitve scene can be called gamers. The point here that the performance itself was very bad, the three of them just crumbled after the second game. They were a top 10 team, perhaps top 5, and the end was really bad.
She can call herself a gamer girl, specially by the low EN standards we have.

>> No.47619214

When Living Legends got shafted for the mediocre P2W game was the herald of the end times, for me at least.
On one hand an extremely mishandled franchise that could have easily had a TV show the likes of TNG, SG1 or Battlestar Galactica.
On the other maybe its for the better it never breached into the mainstream.

>> No.47620067

People were pointing out that Selen is disgusting when it comes to Apex like a year ago. I don't know how she is now, but at the time back then she's just wasn't fun to watch, because she got toxic as shit, and then beat herself up when she inevitably performed poorly.

>> No.47620266

Chat reflects the streamer, this has been coming for a long ass time.

>> No.47620277

Another glass cannon chink women btfo.

>> No.47620294

>because she got toxic as shit, and then beat herself up when she inevitably performed poorly.
that's basically what happened this time around too. She was even 100% aware of it

>> No.47620466

Is she really that emotional?

>> No.47620802


>> No.47621126

Is Petra the only non-menhera chink in EN?

>> No.47622042

enna go back to sucking kyo off

>> No.47622771

>Who the fuck wants to watch anime girls/boys have genuine melty's over video games?
Vspo exist you know. And Vsaikyo is actually the most popular apex tournament on the planet, for real

>> No.47622788

>Straight up says Axel's calls were shit
They were though, even the coach agreed that Selen's explanations to the team were generally correct on his stream. But I agree Selen should just woman up and be the IGL instead of running away from the position but then wanting that level of control later..

>> No.47622977

Could have just said she plays apex, to convince me

>> No.47623393


>> No.47624360


>> No.47624498


>> No.47624550

I don't know

>> No.47624614

The ones that aren't obviously menhara are the biggest menharas

>> No.47624703

wrong line retard

>> No.47624743

Can you repeat the question?

>> No.47624958

Yeah. You can't decline the role which by default leaves it to Axel and then mald later because you think you can do better calls. If that's the case she should have never declined.

>> No.47625856


>> No.47625955


>> No.47626340

Yeah lol they're mad at just about every girl with Hololive incel fanbase but they'll go on and on about respecting senior members
They're two faced as hell

>> No.47627060 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 600x733, jc fact.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you give some examples of Selen being an Enna-tier bitch outside of competitive apex?

>> No.47627391

You won't get any.
I used to enjoy spreading unfounded rrats but now that it's primarily the territory of SEAbeasts and - even worse - fujos, I've lost the will to do so. The last time a rrat I started gained traction they took it way farther than the shitposting mischief I was after. Women and turd worlders really do need to be reigned in.

>> No.47627428 [DELETED] 

You're not the boss of me now

>> No.47627580 [DELETED] 

Which one are you responible for? You wouldn't be the faggot that started the "Sana was arrested for animal abuse" shit would you?

>> No.47627960

The rrat about Selen being good at Apex

>> No.47628021

No, it was before that. I don't even remember what it was, it was some low effort asspull that some retard(s) posted in the catalog for a few days afterwards then never came up again, nothing memorable. All I remember is how distinctly unfun it felt afterwards.
>hurr are you nostalgiafagging for "old" /vt/, a brand new board?
Yes. There was once a time without EN males and when SEAposters were infrequent enough that every post with horrible English got bullied for it. Now I see regularly entire catalog threads that are 90% ESL English and no one commenting on it, and the homosisters' effect on the board (and the EN vtuber scene) goes without saying.
/vt/ has fallen..........

>> No.47628110

kys you retarded newfag, this board has been shit from the start, it was made as a containment board to get EOP shitters away from /jp/ and it has been the worst board on this website since it was created

>> No.47628523 [DELETED] 
File: 465 KB, 1077x1021, what in the goddamn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sana was arrested for animal abuse

>> No.47628806

>LARPing newfag ignores the greentext to tell me he's an ebin oldfag
There's not upboats here lil fella, your oldfag stolen valor doesn't last beyond that post.
/vt/ always being worse than the /jp/ threads has nothing to do with my post. I said that /vt/ used to have more entertainment value than it now does.

>> No.47628887

I've been here since 2016 nigger

>> No.47628906 [DELETED] 

>the "Sana was arrested for animal abuse" shit

>> No.47628921

Happens once every two months, without fail.

>> No.47629077

You should be embarassed of even bragging about that. Though the other anon should be embarassed too. All of you posting in this thread are an embarassment to the website.

>> No.47629864

She seethed hard on twitter when the gamer wave auditions were happening and people were bantering that it means she's not a real gamer

>> No.47629886

Selen was the retard anon, she's a complete hypocrite and after all these tournament L's she needs to stop taking this game seriously, it's done nothing but do damage to her character

>> No.47629962

Anon, the shitty blue haired fag completely carried her, Selen did jack shit in the tournament

>> No.47630038

alot of these threads are by dragoons that want her to give up apex because it's just bringing her down

>> No.47630122

>bragging about being an election tourist
dios mio

>> No.47630247 [DELETED] 

A long time ago there was a rrat claiming that the reason Sana took a month long break, streamed infrequently, and eventually graduated was because she was fighting animal abuse charges.

It only lasted a few days before people forgot about it, In some threads when it was brought up, some fuckers spammed pictures of black dicks and cheese pizza to get the thread nuked.

>> No.47630298



It's just like streamers that made their whole life LoL.
You are not a Pro player.
You are an entertainer.
Make entertaining streams.
That's all we care about.

Please, we are practically begging you to play other games, the small, potential tournament W is not worth all this shit

>> No.47630461

>been here since 2012 and never stopped feeling like a newfag because the hazing and lurkmoars lasted for years
>2016 redditors now consider themselves oldfags because the hazing was already dead by the time they arrived
pull the fucking plug

>> No.47630556

And it's going to keep happening again and again and again until she humbles herself.

>> No.47630715
File: 32 KB, 400x400, please stop playing apex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im so tired guys

>> No.47634556

>be woman
>try and take control
>get given control
I mean I could have told you this would happen

>> No.47634906

>get given control
She wasn't the IGL, retard-chama

>> No.47635612

>she has a bunch of other streams in these past 2 weeks
>remember 9/10 shitposters are not stream watchers but bored npcs looking for drama to fill their empty lives

>> No.47635708


>> No.47637554

Sure anon it was really fun watching axel tilt himself and the team into oblivion because Selen "pro gamer" choksuki couldn't keep her mental on straight

>> No.47639121

>Axel is a dogshit leader
>Selen is also a dogshit leader
>Both try to lead at once
>Neither succeeds
That's all there is to it, Hal shouldn't have invited them at all.

>> No.47640647

Maybe if Selen didn't deliberately leave the role to Axel before the game and then change her mind halfway through the match and put on her best starscream impression this would actually hold some weight

>> No.47640989

What you just said in no way conflicts with what I said anon. They're both retarded and incompetent was the moral of the story here.

>> No.47641402

Maybe if you stopped victim blaming to make your niji seem less bad you'd be taken more seriously

>> No.47641812

>>Both of these people are utter dogshit and neither should be anywhere near a computer again
Sister please...

>> No.47642398
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Funny she has so many simps here but unironically has BPD irl
Why do people keep forgetting this?

>> No.47642489

That's really the gist of it. If she's confident enough to make calls, she needs to step up as the singular shot caller, and reap the negatives and positives of that. If that's too much of a burden you have to be quiet and seethe afterwards if you give up lead to someone else and they make a bad call. Too many cooks in the kitchen never works out.

>> No.47642541

She does?
Damn, that would explain a lot.

>> No.47642626

>both sides

>> No.47642754


>> No.47642756

funnily enough just googling "selen tatsuki bpd" is enough to take you to the website with *relevant info
or at least on my google it does

>> No.47642789

Sister... Vox will stream tomorrow...

>> No.47643429

Really? I watched Selene like maybe 3 times max and even I know she clearly cant handle any type of banter or criticism well.

>> No.47643506

Tell that to the retards spamming > no yabs perfect chuuba with Selen's face a couple months back

>> No.47643834

Axel's call was shit during main day, but it was okay during early scrims. It started to degrade from last day of scrims but that is probably because teams started to play differently and he can't adapt to it.

>> No.47644155

Because it's true? She is still with 0 yabs compared to the rest of the branch

>> No.47644311

>that site
really now

>> No.47644365

Thin skinned Chinawoman thinks she knows it all. Yeah, that's typical.

>> No.47644453

Fuck him and "the cause".

>> No.47644485

like bipolar disorder?
if so then that explains a lot

>> No.47644580

I mean borderline disorder
I'm retarded

>> No.47644599

Did you expect anything else from nijien?

>> No.47644814

>Who are these fucking retarded coaches and pros telling her that she should
IPN and rpr

>> No.47644940

He took the fall for EN...

>> No.47645269

borderline personality disorder
can be super intense - and frankly very entertaining, i think the last month of streams is proof enough

watching her flame out on the last day was depressing desu, i gained more respect for axel (himbo as he may be) and altare, but without selen there wouldn't have been TSB and there woudln't have been a month of peak entertainment

maybe they can replace her with someone from vspo next time (i wish)

>> No.47645336

And compared to a polar bear I don't have alot of hair

>> No.47645454
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Why couldn't she just play Pathfinder? Who really cares about the meta in a Chinese cartoon tournament

>> No.47646958
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So which one is it, bipolar disorder or borderline personality disorder? Borderline personality disorder and cluster B personality disorder people are a fucking menace, especially women. Had to see the receipt myself and it checks out. She hides it well with the giggle girl act but it shines through when she is under real pressure. I'm honestly surprised but some of her behavior makes sense now. I'm left wondering if she will have some major blowup on stream because of it or if she knows herself well enough to know when to go on break when she is in trouble.

>> No.47647062

selen is a cute gamer girl that deserves to be in hololive

>> No.47647673
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No nijis allowed

>> No.47647734

A lot of people do
I don’t like seeing anyone rage at games, it doesn’t make me happy but I’m glad the people who like that content are getting fed

>> No.47647770

Why'd you accept Luna then Yagoo-san?

>> No.47647820

Because she's my niece, now fuck off

>> No.47647863
File: 562 KB, 1200x1121, E7095D06-3B1F-4C0C-A792-8B1FA1749E10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Selen is menhera over her competitive streak
>This is as bad as enabling antis for your own branchmates, constantly shitting on your fanbase, attacking your branchmates under the guise of a ‘role play’ collab, going batshit menhera over /vt/ posts, poverty-baiting when you make six figures, leeching people and dropping them like rocks, forming a deep association with a guy who was replying to doxx of his genmate on his alt, enabling the left wing mob and sucking its dick when it turned on you, encouraging your branchmates to attack their own fans, attacking other religions while shilling Chinese mysticism, engaging in fetishistic race-baiting straight out of a porn discord, and straight up admitting your persona for the first three to four months was a sociopathic grift to draw in gachis.

I feel like the few remaining aloucreeps are basically not even fans anymore, man. They’re shades of Enna, desperately trying to justify their sunk cost by dragging by everybody down to her level.

>> No.47647967

Not being toxic = asshole?

>> No.47648221

The fact that they are also posting their shit on the split, tells you something

>> No.47648227
File: 407 KB, 1280x720, 1644504676333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who the fuck even made this thread?
selen's yab is nowhere as bad as we have it on our sidebranch

>> No.47648354

It's not even a "yab", unless you consider being frustrated on competitive games being one
It started with Ennaschizo / sisters and then some shitposters joined the hate train

>> No.47648467

Hal was at the verge of actually increasing Altare's rating just because of how much he was carrying the team. TSB almost broke up because he started getting too good for his rating.

>> No.47648485

Don't forget Selen is ccp agent too

>> No.47648614

Axel made bad calls then started malding which made rpr and Axel talk about what he's doing wrong. At least Axel accepts it and he knows he's the one doing shit.
Imagine Selen in that position. I promise you her fans would immediately call RPR all the shit they can.

>> No.47648619

You think that stops anyone?

>> No.47648783
File: 115 KB, 1294x820, BestFPSPlayerInEN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is a pattern
Scroll down and read through comments
You'll see comments talking about and one timestamping a certain moment that got edited out of the VOD at the end of the stream
The moment that got edited out was her going on a menhera breakdown for the same reason as this tourney

pic related VOD ends at 3 hours 45 minutes but timestamp says she had a breakdown at 4 hours 2 minutes

>> No.47648852

Do your history reps Ameritard

>> No.47648872
File: 20 KB, 259x425, 1639915638724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. nice branch you got there nijibros.

>> No.47648945

Don't worry, I hate them as much as you do
I'm just happy that Selen was never involved in their "funny shenanigans"

>> No.47648956

*Altare carried.
Axel's team probably wouldve placed better with Magni and Shinri with an 8-6-6-point count over this 10-point "ex-pred".

>> No.47648967

Grab a history book once in your life.

>> No.47648983
File: 174 KB, 463x453, 1633795077272.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did ennaschizo jump to shitting on Selen now?
edurardo you fat fucking NEET you've been at it for 7 months now shitposting 18 hours a day, get a fucking job

>> No.47649027

> In mainland China, it is the lingua franca of the province of Guangdong (being the majority language of the Pearl River Delta) and neighbouring areas such as Guangxi. It is also the dominant and co-official language of Hong Kong and Macau.

You're totally right, how could I forget Cantonese was only Hong Kong
My mistake anons

>> No.47649100

oh nononono selenbros we got too cocky

>> No.47649141

HK and Taiwan will never be commie, Xi.
Ameriniggers winning WW2 was a mistake.

>> No.47649236
File: 91 KB, 885x516, Americans and Soviets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meet the retards who changed history for the worse

>> No.47649314

Hong Kong =/= Guangdong
Or are you saying they're the same because they're so close?
Does that mean Germany and Belgium are the same too?
Fuck off retard, YOU read a book for once in your nazi life

>> No.47649355

Off yourself GOLDBERG.

>> No.47649574

Rosemi is menhera?

>> No.47650209


>> No.47651255

she's chink too so no

>> No.47651919

Wtf is wrong with her

>> No.47652911


>> No.47654470

Selen once ragequit an Apex collab wirh rpr and some other guy because they said her damage was low LOL

>> No.47655597

Architect bros...

>> No.47655903

Is editing VODs common with vtubers? It's the first time I've seen someone doing it.

>> No.47655960

It is whenever they make a mistake they need removed, but that's typically permissions shit or potential dox shit, and it's not done often unless they're a moron.

>> No.47656017

Selen did it before too for the kill race stream, see here: >>47625273
her menhera rant should still be in Finana and Elira's vods

>> No.47656338

>half of that shit is inaccurate

>> No.47656422

For example?

>> No.47656574

>the tournament happens, she gets completely shit on
When in reality they were having fun until the organizers went full retard, making the tournament on patch day (ergo, servers are shit) to the point that half of the teams skipped it and they ended playing on Arena mode
Selen got more traumatized about the Bobon situation than the tournament itself
Sadly you threadwatchers cant even point out what is fake and what is truth

>> No.47656761

This is fagoon cope

>> No.47656817

nta but they did ended up playing on arena mode, how is that a cope

>> No.47656939

t.assblasted Aloucuck

>> No.47657881

t. assblasted fagoon

>> No.47658121

You are trying too hard Aloucuck.

>> No.47658922

You are trying too hard fagoon.

>> No.47659445

i just don't get where her hubris comes from? her yes-men community? this mentality makes sense if you're an absolute god at the game, like s1mple in CS etc, and even then it's toxic. she's not fragging at all though and by ignoring calls and counter-calling she's actively dragging her team down. like what the fuck? as someone playing CS at a high level where communication is super duper important i cringe hard listening to those clips lol.

>> No.47660336

She got carried to a high rank years ago and decided to make that her entire identity

>> No.47660654

Still waiting for proof, Nijitard

>> No.47661137

Proof of what retard

>> No.47661203

>She got carried to a high rank years ago
Still waiting for proof, faggot

>> No.47661693

fucking retard, you literally can search her pl in that usual dox site
and its true she is pred rank 500 IN HER PL
A lot of ppl starting to think that she just got carried to the pred which I think is plausible given how she performs in apex legend

>> No.47661771

>got TOP 500
>"She probably got carried!"
So no proof, now go back and keep sucking Vox cock faggot

>> No.47661795

Kill yourself Luxiemnigger.

>> No.47661840

>and decided to make that her entire identity
no, you stupid retards made that her identity. But keep shitposting discord tranny

>> No.47661955 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 562x356, 1658047777893.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bitch even knows that she is mediocre

>> No.47661983 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 557x136, Screenshot 2023-04-19 180809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wrong file

>> No.47662086

And... did you watched some of her streams when she was ranking to TOP 500?
Because it seems you didn't

>> No.47662858

No, thank god

>> No.47662915

Then I accept your defeat

>> No.47663182

damn, didn't realize selen was more menhera than VSPO and holo chicks

>> No.47664832

Always has been

>> No.47665674


>> No.47667651

Don't worry fagoons, tomorrow she'll enter a casual charity tournament with a literal professional player as her teammate and do well to prove everyone wrong!

>> No.47667789

>200 damage

>> No.47667854

Oh no no no bro don't make fun of her low damage or else this will happen


>> No.47669302

Nice cope fagoon

>> No.47670786

Holy shit lmao

>> No.47673106

Reminder if she tries to delete the vods Bonbon and Ban Hada still have theirs

>> No.47675161


>> No.47675255

embarrassing this dogshit thread is still getting replies

>> No.47675324


>> No.47678784

Oof feels bad.

>> No.47681523

I don't feel bad for her at all actually

>> No.47684209

Selame Fatsuki

>> No.47684590

They probably would've actually won with magni.

>> No.47686894
File: 62 KB, 1280x1280, 1678929702706530.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't watch any Niji so I guess my opinion is null. Don't think Selen deserves any shit for playing poorly though. Sometimes there's victories and sometimes there's losses. Hope she can forgive herself and leave this ordeal behind or whatever the fuck I dont know.

>> No.47688393

Jesus, why is her model so ugly? And she's fat irl too, lol

>> No.47689295

The fuck, she bragged about being an apex predator top 500 and she called her former teammates shitters because he called her a boosted bitch :^)

>> No.47689586

>least obvious threadwatcher

>> No.47689725

>holos losing their shit over puyopuyo
>nijis losing their shit over apex
what's wrong with you guys

>> No.47691541

Rosemi is not a chink

>> No.47694693

Same difference

>> No.47694723

ugly chinese girls collecting money from ugly chinese men.

>> No.47694742

They havent graduated?

>> No.47697231


>> No.47700360

not my problem
