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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 235 KB, 484x451, 1665466117147112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47607100 No.47607100 [Reply] [Original]

So Hex was suspended
NOT for grooming underage girls on twitter
NOT for holding up a dildo on stream
NOT for being a creepy leech

He was suspended.....
for angering twitter lesbians because he subtly implied that lesbianism was an inferior option to heterosexuality.
THAT is worthy of a suspension.

NijiEN is hypersensitive to the opinions of twitter women and will only take action against a talent if the twitter women get into a tizzy.

>> No.47607194

hex was suspended?

>> No.47607223

I’ll have to #cut4hex in his absence. Real sisters know that lesbianism is a fake trend that whores used to attract men. Hex can save them.

>> No.47607285

Considering they fired zaion over a dark humor joke she cut off halfway through because even she realized it was too much yeah, this tracks.

>> No.47607302

I don't follow him (or anyone from the last two EN waves really), proof of suspension?

>> No.47607399

No he wasn't. OP is making shit up.
And you're retards for believing them.

>> No.47607415

If a niji stopped streaming out of nowhere after some negative attention from twitter he probably got suspended

>> No.47607445

yeah anon, it's not like Nijisanji outright admited they did stealth suspensions during Zaion's temination announcement or anything

>> No.47607542

Of course he should have gotten suspended for that. The other stuff is still mostly rrats as far as we can tell, the girls whose pics he liked are all over 18; still a pink flag, since maybe they’re lying on their profiles, but that’s why it’s not an immediate suspendable yab
Implying that a whole subset of gay people are better because the porn of them is better is obviously a suspension-worthy yab. Almost any normalfag corpo would punish you for that.
I mean, I think there is a good chance there’ll be a bigger yab in the future because of something more serious, but there’s nothing weird about Hex getting suspended for this because that’s a fucking stupid thing to say if you’re a corpo vtuber.

>> No.47607593

>Said lesbians are hot and fags are disgusting
>Twitter backlash
>Goes on break

>> No.47607613


>> No.47607645

>bringing up zaion for no reason
Nice job outing yourself.

>> No.47607670

>No reason
I'm sorry the truth hurts you anon

>> No.47607693


>> No.47607701

>source: the voices in my head

>> No.47607727

> grooming underage girls on twitter
Based king

>> No.47607771

Oof, strange timing for a break and he didn't even give a good reason for it. It's definitely a stealth suspension. I wonder what it is though, there's no way it's about the lesbian shit, it's too milquetoast.

>> No.47607821

>Grooming is when liking adult pictures on twitter
How low do you have to stoop to make up problems to fill your want for drama?

>> No.47607848

>"I believe it so therefore it happened!"

>> No.47607887

Damn didn't know Hex was based

>> No.47608002

Thanks to Zaion, we know that Nijisanji does use stealth suspensions. Whether this is one of them is speculative.

>> No.47608071

Stealth suspensions happen immediately and without any announcements no? This doesn't look like one.

>> No.47608109

>2nd strat in the nijinigger handbook, deflection.

>> No.47608128

My tinfoil theory is that the whole
>underage likes rrat
Is a double bluff by nijjsisters so people fixate on the underage part and after finding out they're not underage they dismiss the whole thing.

Underage rrat aside it's still fucking weird to like selfies of your fans, if they're cosplays or pics at a con or something related to your character (wearing merch, posing with a display, etc) then it's OK. But just random untagged selfies? Yeah that's weird.

Imagine a Nijigirl or a Hologirl liking random guy thirst pics on Twitter, she'd be called a whore or more countless shit.

>> No.47608168

Success breeds jealously. These retards will never get the amount of women Hex has fawning over him in their lives, so they lash out like twitter trannies trying anything to cancel him.

>> No.47608171

No zion said she was going to visit her grandmother or something while she took the "break", in the termination they stated that she was suspended because of misbehaviour during that time.

>> No.47608177

Hex is a cutthoart, the only way he would stop streaming is if management forced him to.

>> No.47608226

>Unironic hex dixk sucker

>> No.47608314

>makes his content for 18+ audience
>explicitly states his content that his content is 18+, and that minors should stay away
>"he's a groomer!!!!"
This shit is pathetic, and you should feel ashamed for even trying to push this.

>> No.47608326

He's not liking random pictures but stalking his fan's profiles which I'm not sure is better or worse.

>> No.47608334

You have to announce something. Otherwise people are going to ask questions why a talent disappeared for a month or two.

>> No.47608371

Yeah? What are you gonna do about it?

>> No.47608375

I’m going to cut 4 hex and there’s nothing you can do about it, because I love him. He’s like Corpse Husband but waaaaaaay coooler. He makes me tingle.

>> No.47608412

Trying way too hard.

>> No.47608415

That's fucked up if they're making them lie about receiving stealth punishments

>> No.47608430

You know grooming is not exclusively towards minors right? Cults groom their members all the time and those can include grandmas, parents, young adults, etc.

Stop grabbing your definitions from tiktok.

>> No.47608501

Shipsisters smoked this nigga

>> No.47608505

Am I? I feel like I’m posting just as retardedly as his fans.

>> No.47608548
File: 121 KB, 634x633, 1679448217453986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this what lesbians use...?

>> No.47608627
File: 133 KB, 640x426, 1622204563454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's grooming his underage fans!!
>okay no, but they look underage!!!
>okay, maybe they're lying on their profiles!!
>grooming doesn't stop at minors!!!
Anything else you want to add to the list?

>> No.47608674

>I feel like I’m posting just as retardedly as his fans.
No, I think you were always retarded.

>> No.47608701

Your posts are so fucking cringe, Jesus Christ. Stop making them, you have to be over 18 to post here.

>> No.47608712

Mother fucker you were the one that conflated grooming with minors, I only called you out on your stupidity. This is like if you implied only women can be raped.

>> No.47608763
File: 83 KB, 300x300, Zp6qY-j0GKaI_9EP_oeEwA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Break hes been planning for nearly a month
>Break coincides with him upgrading his PC at well
>Joke was done literally a day or so before he went on break
Catalog monkeys should be gassed.
Ever since that person scratched his name into their arm, sisters have been all over Hex, its fucking weird, to the point that fake accounts have been made claiming they cut themselves cause of him, sourcing images from other twitter users
Dude has unironically done nothing wrong

>> No.47608866

>you were the one that conflated grooming with minors
Stop playing dumb. You retards were the ones saying he was going after minors, then proceed to move the goalpost after that shit was proven wrong. You would be going along with the bullshit accusation if I wasn't here calling it out.

>> No.47608893

You wouldn’t get it. I want Hex to cummy in my tummy. I want him to grab my wrist scars and twist them. I want him to be my dommy daddy because I just love him so much UvU

>> No.47608954

So does that mean I pass as the average Hexfan? Ty sis. Let’s go schlick to one of his VODS together sometime, ok?

>> No.47608973

Nigga this
>>47608128 is me. I never gave a shit about the underage part because it was clearly bs. That doesn't mean he's not a creepy asshole. Tons of perverts go for legal women.

>> No.47608982

And also Millie after the 4chan stream. And Vox after he fapped on stream.

>> No.47609007

Those lesbians are also men in drag

>> No.47609022

Holy kek an unironic hex sister

>> No.47609047

In your dreams, dipshit.

>> No.47609076

>Stealth suspensions happen immediately and without any announcements no?
Nijisanji management needed a few days to decide on the suspension. Hololive management does the same thing before they announce a "health" break. After Ina said that she dislikes revealing outfits her streams for that week got canceled and it took 5 days to announce her 3 month radio silent break.

>> No.47609136
File: 872 KB, 2303x4096, 1681827841461459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. If he was suspended, it likely wasn’t just one time thing but ACCUMULATION of lots of stuffs and the lesbian thing was the straw that broke camel situation. It’s the same with Zaion. Her suspension only happened one month later after she already fucked up multiple times like the modded rom thing on her 2.0 debut stream, played Kotoka’s cover on stream without copyright permission, and she already got several VOD privated. Niji is actually really lenient as a company. They never instant suspend over just one issue unless it’s serious like copyright/permission related or something. They usually talk to them behind the scene and give them multiple chances but if they keep striking out then they get put in time out.

>> No.47609185

niji EN is the twitter woke company, there is no denying it at this point

>> No.47609244

So you won’t hold my hand while we’re both bouncing on our Hex Dildos? Sounds like a fake fan to me.

>> No.47609281

So liking fan posts is a bad thing now? And I don't know where the "grooming" comes into play.
>I never gave a shit about the underage part because it was clearly bs.
So you're looking for another schizo ratt to fall on since you apparently see it as bullshit. You're not give up on this? You gonna obsess over him can keep accusing him of shit that's not even true, hoping that maybe he'll fall.

>> No.47609392

You can go fuck yourself, but you already seem used to that.

>> No.47609433

You sound deranged. IT IS creepy to go on your fans profiles and like untagged pics. And if you don't see how creepy that is then you probably do some creepy shit too.

>> No.47609439

Anon, you'd have to be very naive or have Riku specifically as your oshi to trust a damn thing that comes out of the company's mouth.
All Zaion's suspension and termination did was confirm rumors that people suspected about the company for a while now, that stealth suspensions are indie a regular practice. It's only a matter of time too before he eventually gets the boot, and then they'll pull a NijiEN by announcing a list of termination reasons to sic their fans on him.

>> No.47609564
File: 275 KB, 800x450, 1679965434405010.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>angering twitter lesbians because he subtly implied that lesbianism was an inferior option to heterosexuality.

>> No.47609580
File: 95 KB, 486x330, 1457929623799.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"You sound deranged"
>"it is creepy because.... IT JUST IS OKAY!!!"
>"proceeds to accuse me of shit that's not even true"
Yeah, I see how it is.

>> No.47609622

Yes sister, you and me both. To the next Hex ASMR? I’ll be there, and I know you’ll be there, and I’ll be thinking of you the whole time. We’ll both be fucking our selves to Hexdaddy, but at the end I’ll think of you with a smile on my face. You will be my release, and Hex’s sexy voice will be my shepherd.

>> No.47609629

the funniest part about all this is literally only one of his fans has ever typed like this.
You picked the lowest denominator to try and imitate.
You're below the average retard that follows him, which is already sad in itself.

>> No.47609695

The fact that you have to have it explained says everything. Do I have to explain to you why it would be creepy to approach a random woman on the street and take a pic too?

>> No.47609703

You don’t get to decide how I type as a fan. Your gatekeeping is cute but I think I’ll type how I want, and cum how I want. And god do I want to cum to some Hex.

>> No.47609794

You're right, I don't get to decide how you choose to falseflag.
Continue pretending to be even more retarded than the retards following him. I'm sure one day someone will give you a pity updoot on leddit.

>> No.47609835
File: 133 KB, 500x500, xlhAYd_uMoPR8gSusLCYDA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fake twitter accounts
>Hes grooming underage, actually they look underage(but aren't)
>Someone is now DMing his fans pretending to be his RM
I have never seen such relentless hate campaign against someone.

>> No.47609876
File: 523 KB, 720x525, 1571515330619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hex schizo so deranged, they become a off-brand copy of his fans
What a sad state of affairs.

>> No.47609888

YAASSSS you sure showed that chud gurlll, let's cut for hexy wexy in our little pisscord server!


>> No.47609951

Usually I like to backseat and peak in on whatever drama is going on but I dunno now.
This shit is so weird...

>> No.47609952

god please be a troll....

>> No.47609977
File: 8 KB, 228x221, 1610242401030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you call us the deranged ones.

>> No.47610022

>schizo sister ramblings

>> No.47610083

Hex is hot so she doesn't mind. If it was a dude she found unattractive he'd be reported for looking at her.

>> No.47610126

I'm sorry that your oshi got fired for being a retard who couldn't follow the rules. But that doesn't mean everyone is going down the same route.

>> No.47610129

SISTERS QUICK! deploy the gura bait therads, we must defend the honor of our hexy!

>> No.47610146

I swear this board is legitimately braindead.
This right here detailing that Hex would be on break from Friday last week was posted on April 11th before he said anything about lesbians. I mean use your fucking brain the thing he said in the first place to offend them was that it was ok to kiss other girls when he was on his break but not other guys. Planned break that anyone who cares to look into it for 5 seconds can see. Unless you think he preemptively put "break" on his schedule because he intended to insult lesbians and get suspended.

>> No.47610279

Nina hates lesbians!!

>> No.47610295

Why would I get upvotes on Reddit if I only post here?
I think I might just become a fan if it means I get to hang out with the classy ladies who are also watching him like you in the chat. And his voice is pretty sexy, and you can really tell he isn’t faking it like Corpse Husband. I think I’m selling myself on Hex. Ladies, I think we got off on the wrong start.

>> No.47610330

Look at this thread dude.
Sanity left the building a long time ago, or perhaps it was never here in the first place.

>> No.47610346

nice discord image sis! keep it up!

>> No.47610452

It's pretty amusing watching the same schizo type like how he perceives to be a hex fan when literally just 1 is like that and the rest are somewhat normal women.
Everytime hex is brought up, the schizo appears, almost like he's refreshing catalog constantly to appear in the next thread.

>> No.47610507

Based. Homosexuality is the ultimate form of degeneracy, and the gateway to transexuality.

>> No.47610513

>bringing up zaion specifically because her termination notice confirms stealth suspensions are thing in nijisanji
ftfy nijinig

>> No.47610524

Hex drove past my house and shot out my front window with a BB gun, and the police aren't doing shit about it >:[

>> No.47610544

You're pathetic. How are even typing your horseshit without cringing.

>> No.47610576

>4chan is one person

>> No.47610611

>anon talking about stealth suspension which was confirmed by management itself
>retardsis going on about firing
Why are nijisisters so mentally stunted?

>> No.47610612

>every time someone goes on break it's a stealth suspension now
I can't believe Gura got suspended for over three months

>> No.47610627

>deploy the gura bait therads
She'll need to start streaming first for material.

>> No.47610660

You wouldn’t understand. Once you fall in love with someone, and you really care about them, you’d type like that for them too. If you aren’t going to stand up and cum for your oshi then why even bother?

>> No.47610686

Hololive ain't niji

>> No.47610716
File: 514 KB, 2782x1112, zaion break.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> """break"""
kek nijikeks will keep believing

funnily enough this only applies to Nijisanji as it's their "official" policy.

>> No.47610738
File: 1.95 MB, 730x700, gift cards.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes YES! keep it up sisters, deploy your best bots. this will show those chuds, don't forget to pick up your giftcards

>> No.47610756

>Marine/Miko 'break' after the BL doujin issue
>Lamy's 'break' after the janitor thing
Are you sure?

>> No.47610787

>still no twitter
>still liking fan art and photos
So much for the "stealth suspension".

>> No.47610852

He just tweeted today.

>> No.47610897

So you randomly quoted people without reading.
Very nice. Keep it up. Maybe one day you'll read the part about how the break was scheduled in advance and how the lesbian thing happened after the break already started.

>> No.47610928

Proof next thread?

>> No.47610982

Holy fucking hell, you're hopeless!

>> No.47611028

Holy shit, another graduation??

>> No.47611089
File: 297 KB, 480x480, 165806763402969.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice edit sister

>> No.47611142

No one has ever loved you, so how would you know what likes to give love?

>> No.47611154

Unless you unironically think Hex has supernatural powers and can see into the future then yeah it's break. He had a schedule posted with his break on it before he said or did anything to offend lesbians.

>> No.47611219

Thread should have ended with this. OP was too lazy to check before he made his bait thread.

>> No.47611220

you can really type anything about nijisanji in the catalog and holotrannies will believe it and keep pushing the narrative

>> No.47611373

We wish.
Terminated more like

>> No.47611417

Why do you think anyone would get suspended for holding up a dildo on stream? That's literally a hololive tier joke. Coco sticks her butt plug up people's asses in 3D.

>> No.47611529

Unironically saw a comment from one of those /vt/ videos that popped up on my YouTube page that basically said they knew nothing about Nijisanji but because of the rrats here they now dislike them. Then again I figured the majority of Niji antis don't watch their streams and just lurk threads here and twitter.

>> No.47611659
File: 279 KB, 1200x815, 1679667199036693.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the absolute state kek

>> No.47611664

Falling for bait and not even knowing the sarcasm behind the “proof next thread” meme, you need to lurk more. Fucking hell you’re hopeless sis.

>> No.47611818

Hex loves me. And you can love me too. I won’t stop you. I don’t know why you’re being so hateful.

>> No.47612024 [DELETED] 
File: 478 KB, 1080x1707, Screenshot_2023-04-19-00-49-59-124-edit_com.android.chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I guess doxxsis suspect he got suspension and on the termination line

>> No.47612046

I'll love your asshole

>> No.47612196

Okay baby. Only if I get to love yours back. Hex wouldn’t want us to make this a one way street. Now let’s start stretching.

>> No.47612509

>But that doesn't mean everyone is going down the same route.
Yeah, you're right. I should've made my oshi someone like Millie or Enna, they never get into trouble.
Oh, wait.

>> No.47613435

>He still believes the janitor rrat
Leave this place from time to time anon, 'tis bad for your mental health

>> No.47613591

they should totally do another stream to try and own the haters

>> No.47613749

so now we have to pretend to like hex?

>> No.47614471

Kyo said that gay men were all pedophiles and he's not on suspension

>> No.47618849

Anykara can't touch Kyo. The threat of being called racists is way too much.

>> No.47623411

This motherfucker gives me the creeps. Even if all of it is a rrat, I won't be surprised if some scummy stuff comes out against him in the future.

>> No.47623960

>so now we have to pretend to like hex?
Nice try, but Hex was always a creep so no, not at all like the reasons people liked Zaion.
Also, the fact Hex dared play the victim card to pile on Zaion means this is karma for him. He deserves the same treatment.

>> No.47627846

why are lesbians even watching hex
be like me and just watch kotoka or some shit

>> No.47631202


>> No.47631647

Back to the doxx site, doxxsister

>> No.47631742

The Zaion style break is going to be common from now on

>> No.47632467


>> No.47633831

The rightfully extermination of catalog watchers is going to be deserved now.

>> No.47634415

Didn't realize this board had so many hexcutters

>> No.47635151

Once Hex gets officially labeled as a bad man by corporate the sisters will all turn against him as their brand loyalty demands. Until then though, gotta pretend his grooming is ok behavior.

>> No.47636357

You can make any thread shitting on nijisanji and the nijiniggers will crawl out of their hugbox to defend their precious company

>> No.47637058

Shut up bitch. Go lay in the pig pen like the fat ugly whale you are

>> No.47638280

Shut up fucker. Hex did nothing wrong, we are just telling the truth. No one is a white knight here.

>> No.47640744

So true sis! Let's cut together to support Hex!

>> No.47641516


>> No.47642483

I kinda like Hex, if only for all the drama he makes. I just want to watch his cult develop and then reach the end game of mass suicide.

>> No.47646612

God I wish

>> No.47647107

I wouldn't even doubt it if the girls were actually underage, but when they found out that people were aware of him being weird and stalking their profiles, they started saying they were 18 online so he wouldn't get into trouble. These people literally carve his name into their arm

>> No.47647654

if only he actually talk about psychology stuff like he said he want to
but nooooooooooooooo

>> No.47651294

Nijisanji does stealth suspensions yes

>> No.47651361

hiring flips was an absolute mistake

>> No.47651622

imagine if they hired an actual black american

>> No.47655142


>> No.47657085

Is he actually a flip, they are gross and no one likes them.
t. flip

>> No.47657972


>> No.47658414

I hope you are at least getting paid, cash or steam gift cards, like catalogniggers.

>> No.47658484


>> No.47659248

>He doesn't get paid

>> No.47660609

Its been common for a while now.
Zaion just made it more obvious.

>> No.47660800

So true hexsister. #cutforhex

>> No.47660881

Is that really what she got done in for? Feels like a joke Vox would've completed with an added "and that's why you always date the hambeasts", his audience would be split between "omg vox you can't say that xd" and "haha good one m'lord" for 30 seconds before being lost in time

>> No.47660987

Wtf I love Hex now?

>> No.47661061

You are trying to reason with mentally ill.

>> No.47661091

Joking about Raid Shadow Legends sponsorship was worse.
Biggest crime was imply she plays FFXIV with tools that used by 99% of the playerbase but officialy are grey zome howerver

>> No.47661165

They've been doing it on NijiJP side for a while now. Basically these days Nijisanji only announces suspensions if someone lost them sponsorships.

>> No.47662498

Oh no

>> No.47664183

Gotta look good for the investors amirite?

>> No.47666397

I'll take your word for it

>> No.47667655

Vox makes a shit ton of money. That's why he can get away with that shit.

>> No.47668110

Holy shit what a based take.

>> No.47669411

He is now my oshi

>> No.47669870

He didn't even imply that, and the best part is that they all exploit fujobaiting and fetishizing gay relationships, yet Hex gets called out for uttering a sentence in RP that most of us guys wouldn't even see problematic in any way whatsoever. Who gives a fuck? This is just a PsyOp by Anykara to let him being a weirdo and breaking bounderies with his fans blow over by artificially creating nothingburger drama.

>> No.47670007
File: 551 KB, 800x450, 4611634304cb6f3f8159c2f0356cdc41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>milk dumb chinese women for $$$
>make retards seethe
>promote lesbian sex
>make twitter cry

Holy based. I'll never watch solo male but best wishes king.

>> No.47670312

Don't forget to cut for hex, sister!

>> No.47670427

anon, zaion and yugo are going to always be brought up whenever nijiEN management is being discussed

>> No.47671673

I do wonder when we are gonna bring up Niji management in general because its been proven that the entire company's management is utter ass.

>> No.47673291

I found the Niji intern

>> No.47674142

This and many others like too many privated VODs, and showing someone else's premier cover on her channel, etc. It was the joke, it was too many infractions, IMO. Even if she made money, I feel as though she was doing too many infractions at a time to justify keeping.

>> No.47674472

How many times will you spam threads

>> No.47674530

Here's hoping his cult will end up like the Branch Davidians, that would be pretty cool

>> No.47675300


>> No.47678764

She didn't play with mods, that's unironically fake news
