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47595798 No.47595798 [Reply] [Original]

>Homobeggars don't exi-

>> No.47595855
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That's popular demand! Implement it!

>> No.47595866

it's like 2k more than your average tempus CCV

>> No.47595872
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>> No.47595884

It's like fantasy football booking, we know that shit ain't gonna happen but we can still dream.

>> No.47595890


>> No.47595894

3537 people should kill themselves

>> No.47595923

That should be consider anti behaviour at this point

>> No.47595952

>avoiding Gura
Kek even they know who not to touch.

>> No.47596018


>> No.47596231

>no gura
hahaha coward is scared of the cumshart brigade

>> No.47596339

More like they know Gura doesn't stream, so why bother including her on the list?

>> No.47596401

I do think a Mori/Bettel collab would be hilarious to see. But yeah, I don't see anything else there worth watching, let alone entertaining the thought of.

>> No.47596473


>> No.47596523

Bae x Flayon SEX

>> No.47596527
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>> No.47596555


>> No.47596600

absence due to getting railed hard

>> No.47596615

I think the Spanish/German collab would be really interesting. Too bad Kiara is too scared to lose her incel KFP.

>> No.47596642

Proof next thread?

>> No.47596747
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Also, big boobs

>> No.47597084

Coping that hard is not healthy for you, Oboretai.

>> No.47597104

Hime purging the filth and keeping us safe from the homo plague.

>> No.47597469

Homofags supporting the cause.

>> No.47597509

More like nightmare.

>> No.47597550
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For (You)

>> No.47597564

Sure buddy.

>> No.47597583

why do you even have KevinChum on your feed?

>> No.47597645

Ah, there it is.

>> No.47597657

>Regis and Fauna
>Two passive-aggressive secretly menhera yandere bitches
Would be kinda funny.

>> No.47597676
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>"they can collab with anyone they want!"
>she doesnt want to collab with guys

>> No.47597722

Am I supposed to get frothing mad over some random Twitter post and send them death threats now? Who cares?

>> No.47597742

Pretty embarrassing tweet but quickly checking out his twitter I see this is the guy who made that smol ame platformer they played early on. These are the actual people who are a "threat" to your oshi, they have an actual skill that is of use to the girls, they don't sperg out like retards
and cry and moan at the whiff of males, even tempus.

Who knows how the big three tech guys felt about holostarsEN happening but even if they didn't like it they continued providing value beyond being a paypig and as such they get to actually interact with the girls behind the scenes, for hours and hours in the case of Kanauru, nullrefpro, seafoamboi as Ame confirmed in that stream going over her halloween collab. Even Gura talked about meming with seafoamboi over dms when she was talking about the christmas tree ornaments they had him do. Kanauru vagueposted about meeting one or more of the holos when he was in Japan.

Anyone who actually wants to have a chance with their oshi should be doing what these guys do instead of gnashing their teeth over the anime boys.

>> No.47597865

>Gura confessed to sending memes back and forth with a male who can actually do stuff for her
No wonder chumcucks protest so loudly. It’s literally already too late and they want to pretend it isn’t.

>> No.47597890

>Anyone who actually wants to have a chance with their oshi
You're under a severely misguided impression if you think this is the reason people dislike collabs with dudes.

>> No.47597966

Not what I said but yeah at the very least these guys are friend level with the girls by now
Not relevant to you or any of the people who just don't want to see males on stream but don't pretend there isn't a large contingent of fans that sperg about any male interaction - IRyS and her rigger, Kanauru potentially meeting the holos all got plenty of people worked up and my post was mainly addressed towards those kind of fans.

>> No.47598108



> secretly menhera

>> No.47598149

The rigger thing was always blown out of proportion, especially given Huke’s situation in the past. My suspicion is that IRyS having said that beggars should look elsewhere made a few of them very, very mad.

>> No.47598261

>plenty of people worked up
The IRyS thing were obviously false-flaggers. Her split was just "oh they're friends on Switch" with one or two people "complaining" about it while out of nowhere there was a bunch of threads about it and every time someone wants to shit on her they bring this up, so I guarantee you none of them were IRyS fans to begin with. For Kanaru I only saw one thread about and I didn't pay much attention to it so can't really talk about, but since this is the first time I see someone bringing this up in a while I'm inclined to believe not a lot of people care about it either. A huge portion of the "unicorns" are blatant shitposters and calling them fans is just stupid.

This. Beggars always go for the girls who talked about not being interested in collabing with the Stars. IRyS and more recently Kanata were target heavily by these people with a bunch of so called "unicorns" joining the shitshow to air their grievances as "fans".

>> No.47598269

Oh I have no doubt that the forced drama over that included plenty of homobeggars seething that she would play with her rigger but not the boys but there were actual fans upset too, same for Huke ostensibly it was because he cheated in an item but we know what the real reason was for a lot of people.

>> No.47598283

Breasts tend to become bigger if you're pregnant.

>> No.47598311

>Reddit spacing

>> No.47598519

And a lot of people didn't want him there because he was a non-Holo in their MC server. I know a bunch of vtubers, Hololive included, interact with their papas/mamas and often times play with them but that doesn't mean they should be allowed to enter in a place that's shared with other members of the agency without some a guide, and maybe if he wasn't allowed free access and didn't add a hacked item the situation would've been different. There were people who complained about Kiara's mom as well and while it wasn't as much of a shitshow, either because she's a woman, a parent or Kiara acted like a proper guide this time, it still doesn't mean that people wanted Huke out solely because he's a dude.

>> No.47598567
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This is likely true

>> No.47598790

I don't entirely disagree and it would have caused other problems down the line so it's probably a good thing that stopped, although I liked Kiara's mom being around and was sad when that came to an end, I can't imagine anyone other than the egg having a problem with her being there.
>it still doesn't mean that people wanted Huke out solely because he's a dude
Hacked item or no, that was causing far more tension than Kiara's mom ever did and in my opinion it was primarily because he was a dude and was seen as being too casually friendly with the girls and not having a professional distance.

It was the same exact reason some in IRyS's split freaked out about the rigger, I was there at the time they settled in to the "So what if they are friends on switch?" mindset relatively quickly because of a tide of falseflaggers trying to turn it into a cuck situation but there were a lot of people genuinely annoyed at the time over a perceived lack of professional distance and I don't believe the falseflaggers caught on to it immediately.

>> No.47598868

>we can still dream

>> No.47598874

Magni and Ame have collabed. Of the rest I could only see Bettel and Mori collabing. And it would be kind of a mess. I think Mori is best collabing with dudes.

>> No.47598875

It is though

>> No.47599951

They do certainly exist I see them all the time in chat and sometimes in the comments until they get ratio'd beyond hell.
Thankfully the ones I watch don't want anything to do with male collabs, but it still doesn't stop homobeggars from requesting and harassing them about it.

>> No.47600088

If Huke was escorted by Kiara things would be much different. Some people would be mad? Yes, but the fact that he had free access to the server to the point he was able to edit in items was a much bigger issue, and while I don't disagree that him being a guy made it even worse anyone doing what he did would be met with a similar reaction. And the IRyS thing was extremely short lived, and in no way "a lot" of people were mad at it. When the notification appeared a few anons started talking about it but the thread instantly resumed to discuss about the stream and only after a decent while a bunch of people came in to concern troll about it and a couple of thread popped with the screenshot. If you still want to believe they're her fans that's on you, but considering it happened just after her saying she "wants to chill" when asked about collabing with Tempus I think it's pretty obvious to deduce the intentions of the people mad about her having her rigger on her friend list.

>> No.47600115

The smol Ame guy? He literally had a schizo attack when Ame didn't invited him for her project group he is a fucking sperg, just because someone products stuff doesn't mean that they should be always trusted even seafoamboi was doomposting one of Mori's announcements as if just because he worked with the girls he knew something about it, these people are just as schizo as the fans

>> No.47600213

No one cares about cheating in Minecraft. The JP have infinite diamond from the sport festival command blocks and they give themselves materials for construction competition.
It was always 100% about it being a male collab. Exacerbated by false flaggers and Kiara antis that were much more active back then.

>> No.47600222

I don't know how many times I have said this but nobody actually gives a shit about 'male' collabs. This 'unicorn' problem did not exist before Tempus debut.
The fake drama and unicorn sperging only happens when any of the girls collab with Tempus or NijiEN males(which hasn't happened but it would create more drama) because it is the easiest tool for trolling/shitposting and farming (you)s.

Nobody gave a shit when Kiara collabed with Gigguk, Tales of ambassador, Dokomi catboy or even the recent Neurosama collab. Similarly when Mumei and Bae had that gartic phone collab with StarsJP, nobody cared.

TLDR: Collabs with tempus or NijiEN are the easiest tools for shitposters and discordtrannies to farm maximum (you)s and so they will pretend to larp as a unicorn fan of the girl. The actual unicorn fans (a small minority) only spergs out if they have offcollabs or impromptu guerilla VC collabs or frequent collabs and talking about a specific male regularly in streams like they are best friends/boyfriend

>> No.47600264
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>> No.47600311

That's some wild fanfic you posted there

>> No.47600376

Truth right there.

An easy test to verify that is to ask those "unicorns" who’s their oshi. If they’re so afraid of men, surely they’re in love with one of the girls in particular. They never answer. They do not have an oshi, they’re all shitposters.

Even when it comes to """big yabs""" like Kronii, she only angered like 3 unicorns, one became a KFP kek

>> No.47600382
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>He wasn't there

>> No.47600479

>There was one autistic minecraft fag in 2020
>This is totally the same as the nuclear shitostorm that had real consequences such as Huke being banned from the server
No more than 5 autistic kids ever cared about cheating in Minecraft*

>> No.47600520

Remember the absolute faggot cringelord that self inserted himself into that Haachama platformer she played on screen?

>> No.47600530

Having free materials for the sports festival isn't the same thing as putting a hacked item in the game, you fucktard. And the festival is something the talents to it themselves and don't haven an outsider helping them. The absolute lack of intelligence in your post is astounding.

Nobody cares enough to stay mad for months and keep making thread on /vt/, true, but to think everyone is perfectly fine with male collabs is delusional. The majority people who don't like them won't watch, downvote the stream and if it keeps happening they'll just move on to another vtuber.

>> No.47600628

>for the sports festival
I’m not talking DURING the sports festival, I’m talking AFTER the sports festival. The command block are still there, Miko (I think it was Miko..) played with it after the festival was over. No one fucking cared. And they DO give themselves stuff for building competition and they generally don’t wipe their inventory afterward. Again, no one cares.

>> No.47600642

I kinda remember that but I only actually caught the part where Haato was weirded out/trying to change the topic or something. What actually happened anyway?

>> No.47600751
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If you are talking about that Alexander Babski guy, then he got cucked again.

>> No.47600787

LMAO, I didn’t see that.

>> No.47600848

So no one cares when the talents do it themselves. What makes you think people should be fine when a complete outsider does the same?

>> No.47600854

>Kanauru vagueposted about meeting them IRL
Now this sounds like made up bait. There's no reason for them to meet IRL, so why would they risk it?

>> No.47600978

Then he apparently tried to smear Vedal with sexual assault allegations kek

>> No.47601065

You mean like A-chan’s god mod and flying? No one cares.
NO ONE CARES about videya to the point of harassing the very artist of a vtuber (who are generaly highly regarded). The ONLY point was the male collab. And mostly from falseflaggers because KFP never cared, only antis want to use any ammo available to strike down Kiara.
There isn’t an army of minecraft autistic kids ready to assault everyone on Twitter. At most maybe 3 of them will complain /here/ and won’t act on it. You cannot explain the smear campaign against Huke simply by game enthusiasts. That was never their goal.

>> No.47601158

Who knows, like I said it was when the girls were in Japan and unlike most of the "I met x" tweets he made he never said who it was and people speculated, not saying it definitely happened just that some of the more schizo fanbases got bent out of shape about even the possibility and even global called him out for attention seeking when the tweet got posted.
As for the reason, do they even really need one? He has acted as surrogate holo staff over these last few years it's not outside the realm of possibility that they trust him enough to say Hi in person.

>> No.47601211

You're really not that smart, huh?

>> No.47601226

Holy Schizo
/swarm/ I kneel...

>> No.47601233

that sounds about right

>> No.47601285
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>> No.47601421
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>This 'unicorn' problem did not exist before Tempus debut.

>> No.47601440

>People are very serious about cheating in vidya
>Except sims, it’s not Minecraft that’s ok
>Except for giving building materials in competitions, that’s ok
>Except when managers do it, that’s ok
>Except when managers have to teleport UmeSea for their collab, that’s ok
>Except during sports fes, that’s ok
>Except when Miko steals elytra and diamonds AFTER the sports fes, that’s ok
>But when Huke does it, it’s bad, very bad. Let’s start a smear campaign and harass him on Twitter

>> No.47601512
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Based schizo exposer
I hate them so much

>> No.47601690

isn't that the faggot who had an absolutely embrassaing meltdown after Ame played his shitty game in a charity stream?

>> No.47601692

Yes, and you are also supposed to become absolutely ungovernably livid when someone as much as mentions they don't mind mixed gender collabs, too. Not that they insistently demand them, they don't mind them.
Thankfully you won't do that because you're at least 18.
Not to mention anyone who watched vtubers pre-2020 knows how perfectly normal these collabs were. But now they're "problematic".

>> No.47601750

So true sister! It’s alright when we seethe the over Vox’s rape asmr session getting called though! Our axe wounds were just about to climax but that whore had to ruin it!!!

>> No.47601839

5 of your points relate to the talents or Cover employees and one is a completely different game. How any of this is the same as letting an outsider have free access to their server and have permission to edit in hacked items?

>> No.47601893

>They only care when it’s a male outsider
I accept your concession

>> No.47601902

NijiEN already exists

>> No.47601939

Holy shit, I actually like the Hakka/Kiara idea.

>> No.47602054
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Pretty much. Though that problem did exist before, it just wasn't as prominent since shitters don't have any ammo against them due to language barrier. Also I wouldn't say that nobody cares. I'm sure there are some actual corns that do or really invested people who don't like the change of flow, but some random rare collab from a holo that doesn't pander to corns specifically? I doubt that.
Shitposters will answer you with who their "oshi" is, usually something like Gura, Miko, Korone, Koyori. The usual safe choices of popular holos that don't do that kind of stuff and don't have much or anything at all to criticize, less likely Gura nowadays maybe. Even if what they're saying is true, they are still getting outraged and start harassing holos on behalf of others. Ironically, these monkeys will call everyone they don't like "twitter trannie" even though they act exactly as those leftypol retards that harass everyone over nothing and try to cancel everyone. It's extremely ironic whenever some "unicorn" starts sperging out and making calls to raid while calling others "twitter trannies".

>> No.47602115

>Shitposters will answer you with who their "oshi" is, usually something like Gura, Miko, Korone, Koyori.
Yes, they could just lie and shitpost even further. Yet no one ever reply to me with this simple question.

>> No.47602141

Fauna is my oshi and I want the homos to graduate

>> No.47602185

I forgot to add Fauna. For some reason she's like the second most popular choice after Gura among EOPs. No idea why her specifically.

>> No.47602236

So true sister, how many times did you cut for Vox btw?

>> No.47602283

Or maybe Tempus and NijiEN's males are just terrible people? Roberu is a good guy and I wouldn't care about anyone from EN collabing with him, but Tempus/NijiEN are all objectively terrible people.

>> No.47602308

You are a genuine chumbud I reckon. I've had more time to lurk on this board in the past 2 weeks and you are here in nearly every bait thread, especially Gura ones, always seething about homos and talking about Hex or Vox. Calm down.

>> No.47602348

What I've heard is that a lot of ex-teamates have switched to Fauna. I personally was already watching Fauna more than Ame when Tempus came due to Ame's tummy hurt burnout at the time, but it made me commit to the switch

>> No.47602352

in the past i thought Reimu was the GFE niji-en, only to later realize she tried hard to be Vox sidekick or something like it idk, then i dropped her.

>> No.47602397

Point me a single female outsider who was allowed as much access as Huke had. Kiara's mom was only allowed in if Kiara was with her, even off stream, and she was the only outsider who played in their server since them and wasn't allowed back when they linked the servers.

Wasn't it Botan who said there are other options for people who want this sort of thing when she was asked about collabing with the Stars? I still don't get why people just don't watch NijiEN if they want mixed collabs that had. Hell, the Stars already collab with some of their female members, so why don't just watch those streams?

>> No.47602423

This thread reeks homobeggar and women
People who wrote wall of texts are women and Obiretai

>> No.47602504

This is the weirdest cope that sometimes gets thrown around. People watch hololive for cute girls, of course there will be complaints when a bunch of homos get shoved in

>> No.47602644

>everyone is like me, everyone only watches for cute girls and everyone saying the opposite is coping, also everyone I don't like is a woman or a tranny, every post is made by that one person I don't like
Nope, doesn't work that way. Also I haven't seen homos being shoved anywhere. Some twitter retweet or rare collab from a holo that doesn't care in the first place is rare and I wouldn't call it shoving. @ me when top JP holos or Gura starts telling others to go watch them or start redirecting to them, then I'll wholeheartedly agree with you.

>> No.47602878

Sorry, but hololive is popular because of cute girls. That's the main draw for the vast majority of the audience. I don't think the situation is that bad these days, but there was plenty of reason for complaint last fall when collabs were happening weekly and EN management was shilling them constantly.

>> No.47602941

>why people just don't watch NijiEN
Forbidden fruit tastes sweetest.
Reminds me of how back then near debut normalfags were so thrilled by Kiara swearing, having the time of their lives going off endlessly about Yagoo's dream being broken and being real and whatnot...then they realized it was the norm for her and lost interest. Meanwhile other ENs who refrain still get FAQ spammed in chat to this day.

>> No.47602997

Yeah, this is literally the only reason I don't like the tempus collab and wish they didn't happen too. It completely ruins the board with shitposting for hours, maybe even days.
I don't actually care if the girls have male friends that the play video games with once every 2 months, or not, literally who the fuck cares?

>> No.47603227

>holostars are actually part of HOLOLIVE productions t. Omega
>your wishes have been granted your voices have been heard, here's a bunch of homos
>don't miss the tempiss debut watchalong on the hololive en channel! >It's also the first stream on that channel!
>Due to overwhelming demand the collab ban has been cut short for Mori and Ame to spam collabs with them when holostars jp are busy with other stuff
>EN3? What's that? here's more homos for ya

>> No.47603419

>gura doesn't exist

>> No.47603432

Some rando who is dead
once in a lifetime ignorable stream
>lifting collab ban
Lifted by one week. Without the earlier lifting everything would've happened a week later, basically changed nothing
>collab spam
Couple of collabs from holos you don't watch.
There's like 3+4+1 of ENs, is that not enough? Maybe there are no good applicants. Either way ENs debuting has nothing to do with homos, no one is stopping them from debuting more holos. Anything else? Nvm, I ain't reading this thread anymore and there's no point in arguing with you downies from /#/.

>> No.47603513
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I respect chumbuds for combatting the homo menace.

>> No.47603579

That only makes sense when it's the talents doing themselves, and a lot already talked about not liking people forcing them to do stuff they don't want to. But I guess beggars couldn't give a shit about the talents wishes.

>Either way ENs debuting has nothing to do with homos
Tempus was the first ever Holostars gen that debuted without any Hololive gen close to them. If you think this is a small coincidence you're fucking retarded.

>> No.47603867

You obviously do not watch hololive en if you think the current amount of members is enough. Things have calmed down now, but the homo shilling was relentless when they debuted, so it warranted backlash. The collabs were done weekly for a while, a lot more than holojp had done in years. You can safely return to /mans/ now, sister

>> No.47604805

The main problem was no one wanting holoEN became like nijiEN with collabs everyday and literally becoming a dating center, but at some point that turned into "I don't wanna even hear a mention of them" and the massive ad campaign by management made it worst

>> No.47604951

At least they admit Mori fucks up every stream she's in. This person isn't all bad.

>> No.47605941

>I haven't seen homos being shioved anywhere
>Literally locked down "Hololive" reddit when Tempus2 debut

>> No.47606206

>lifting collab ban
The point is that it showed a clear agenda for Tenpus, first of all they barely used the Holostars branding. They used it yes but they strictly called themselves Tempus over and over again. Uproar still calls themselves Holostars. Then the collab ban was lifted for the first time ever and the first time since.

It was clear that the early messaging was that Tempus was going to become extremely mixed with HoloEN. This is also reflected in the whole pushing of
>HoloPro fr fr

>a couple collabs
Now you revealed you weren't even here back then or you're trying to revise history because for the first 3 months HoloEn and Tempus has more collabs than HoloJP and StarsJP in that year. We had daily collabs, Guerilla appearances and even some days multiple collabs a day. I think one day had 3 collabs with some Mori or Bae collab, Ame worms and then Gartic Phone. If you used to watch Hololive as a whole back then it would've been impossible to avoid the homos. You had to basically just skip whole days.

The whole thing was on track for off collabs with some of the homos going to Japan at the same time the girls first went. But suddenly everything stopped. Collabs slowed down and "weirdly" the guys and girls that were in JP at the same time never mentioned each other.

We still have collabs right now, but for those first 3 months HoloEN was basically a mixed branch.

>> No.47606322

>literally becoming a dating center.
You can give thanks to Kronii, Ame and Kobo (yes she's ID but she's the most blatant of them all) for thirsting after one or even multiple of the guys.

>> No.47606411

>daily collabs
>guerilla appearances
Now I know you’re lying, because this literally NEVER happened. The shit you’re talking about took place over weeks, not a single day. And “guerilla appearances”: can you show me a SINGLE stream where this happened?

>> No.47606442


>> No.47606712

>these people want you broke, dead, your oshi raped and brainwashed, and they think it's funny

>> No.47606953

No >we don't.

>> No.47606975

Kronii did show up to the wheel of tempus collab as replacement for Axel unannounced and the homos have appeared in many of the girls chats and call ins, but there's yet to be a full on niji style guerilla homo collab in a girls channel yet iirc. It sure did look like holoen was heading that way for a moment though, I'm glad there was pushback

>> No.47606990
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>> No.47607026

More like Fag/Got
