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47594856 No.47594856 [Reply] [Original]

Suisei teaching someone how to beat Marine

>> No.47595014

this blue whore really can't accept defeats

>> No.47595059

Holy fuck I'm getting second hand embarrassment just from the picture alone. It's ironic how she's going around teaching people what she herself can't even do.

>> No.47595072

Jesus Christ, shut the fuck up. NOBODY in either fanbase cares, not hoshiyomi, not ichimi, not nousagi. Anyone actively getting "offended" is a fucking falseflagging faggot and should kill himself.

>> No.47595112

But even she doesn't know?

>> No.47595120

Beating the puyo player is all about momentum. You have to be continuously flooding them with trash so they can't set up any chains. That means you have to set up a center-well with t spins as fast as possible and continue to flood them over and over. It's about momentum, if you give them even a moment's rest they'll knock you out.

The problem is, the puyo player can build only one side of their board. This means that even if they get flooded with trash, they can still access their balls on the side. Once the chains start cancelling it clears away the trash automatically.
This is exactly what Marine did against Suisei and there was no way for her to respond except play faster.

Thus the puyo player has the clear advantage over the tetris player, unless you are playing at lightspeed.

>> No.47595138

It was before the tourney

>> No.47595155

And it was in puyo vs puyo

>> No.47595207

suisei please stop this is getting embarrassing

>> No.47595208

But how can she show how to beat Marine if she can't beat Marine herself?

>> No.47595277
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Sora cute! Thanks Suisei for making Sora a better Puyo Puyo player!

>> No.47595296

Tetris moves are heavily nerfed in TvP.
They have to play around with the change. MS2 damage is reduced by a half and Suisei kept using it.

>> No.47595303


>> No.47595390

>Sora makes a 3-chains combo very slowly
>Sui: "you are so good Sora, with that you could maybe win against Marine"
>*Marine casually making a 7-chains combo at light-speed just after
Yeah, I don't think anybody ever doubt about Marine's victory

>> No.47595842

You can pick up puyo in a week and be decent with it, you can pick up tetris for a year and might still lose to rando puyo player getting lucky chain lmao. Perfectly balanced as things all should be.

>> No.47595868

She has better chance winning against marine using puyo rather than tetris the game she played for year just let that sink in.

>> No.47595928

suisei already fought marine by then

>> No.47596512

MS2 is fine because you either take the PC and then 6-3 stack or just start stacking b2b after the TD. Both are very efficient and apply good pressure. Problem was Suisei's MS2 was slow as shit. She only recently picked it up and has been a DT cannon scrub for too long. Openers should be the fastest part of your game not the slowest.

>> No.47596737

Hey man, Buddhist monks who spend their entire lives in a monastery playing Tetris can beat Puyo players in competition therefore it's not the same thing as a bowling tournament where one side has the bumpers up. It's actually really balanced. Assuming you're a monk who spent your entire life practicing Tetris.

>> No.47596848

I love how despite actual high level player and the pros proving that it is actually Tetris that got advantage over Puyo yet anons keep coping and larping as is they know shit lol

>> No.47596980

They will not admit that Marine is better at Puyo than Susei is at Tetris

>> No.47597020

>suisei is an actual schizo

>> No.47597201

I wouldn't go that far, Suisei can beat Marine using 4-wide OP strat without that Suisei simply not good enough to beat Marine's Puyo

>> No.47597250

i saw a few rank game around 2k rating, puyo and tetris are pretty even there so it doesn't even need to be that fast
but you need to adjust strategy as a tetris player, instead of one big chunk like 3-line garbage, it is better to send 1-line garbage in succession but faster. this will stop puyo from preparing large combo
unlike when playing against tetris where it's better to send large chunk at once since garbage on tetris side sometimes even help tetris player for larger attack

>> No.47597301

And they can't accept the fact that suisei is average tetris player. Outside of side 4w, she lacks skills in all other apsects of multiplayer tetris. Speed, b2b, downstack, openers.

>> No.47597303

>"Punch her in the guts, Sora!"

>> No.47597451

It is still less efficient than TvT. She will have more ppm using straight-up 6-3.
I agree that Suisei needs to properly learn Tetris. She kept getting away with her speed downstacking in 99. She has no offense outside s4w.

>> No.47600764

>plays against the top 3 tetris players and can hold on against them
>she is bad!
You will always be a worthless human being

>> No.47601615
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Marine taught Azki how to beat Marine

>> No.47601618

Why not play on Swap? Marine has a 30 second delay timer if she starts on Tetris

>> No.47601803
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The Marine killer

>> No.47602637

I always laugh when people bring this up. You are referring to that Tetris 99 round vs Doremy. You’ve never played Tetris 99 or you would understand the badge system. Suisei had such a massive advantage with badges due to KOs it’s actually amazing she managed to lose. That system is built to give a players advantage so that rounds can end faster. I watched her be hard stuck at 1800-1900 rating PPT2 for 3 hours. She’s not good.

>> No.47602870
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>> No.47603166

Post Sora raping Marine now

>> No.47603202

Suisei and Marine had a training session together where they laughed at schizos who think they dont like each other

>> No.47603307

But Sora haven’t fought Marine in Puyo Puyo Tetris yet.

>> No.47603323

>Suisei had such a massive advantage with badges due to KOs it’s actually amazing she managed to lose
>it’s actually amazing she managed to lose

>> No.47604728

Suisei is not bad player but she not as good as people often try to paint her be and she can hold on against them due to badge advantage and if my memory doesn't fail me even Suisei explained it on stream and i think there is a clip of it in case you're EOP

>> No.47607115

this, she need to learn the meta of the game

>> No.47607127

Soratomo cares!

>> No.47607270

because Marine can't play tetris and it takes so much time to even be decent at it.
