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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47585086 No.47585086 [Reply] [Original]

>Believes wholeheartly Tempus will be super popular
>Flops into 3 view shitters
>Saviourfag desperation sets in
Sucks to be Ame right now. It's like investing in a business that never takes off.

>> No.47585240

I'm glad

>> No.47586144

>she crippled her viewership for tempiss

>> No.47587130

Gotta admire how far she went for them though.
This woman truly takes no shits, but alas she's in the wrong company.

>> No.47587490

Honestly don't understand the hate for them or males in general. I grew up watching DBZ and cool dudes doing cool things and never stopped liking that shit then all of the sudden it's current year and everyone fucking hates men and wants to watch girly ass anime that seems like it's for little girls and exclusively want to watch some egirls in anime girl clothing. Just seems like the shit trannies do. I just don't get it. I get the entertainment of some hag speaking in cute broken japanese but not to the extent of autistic shit fits of NO MALES. This shit wasn't even around when vtubing first started, nobody cared about this shit back in 2016. I get dudes being annoying faggots but looking at tempus that's like only one of the guys and he's just a literally gay sperg meant to appeal to shota fag woman (and failing). You fags can scream WRONG COMPANY but they clearly can and are trying to move into other markets. It's like people flipping shit because pepsi got into the chip market with fritolay, makes no sense. I guess if your angry they show in some girls streams that might be the reason but at that point just click off until they go away man.

>> No.47587549

Well we did say Ameway right, sometimes it just doesn't work

>> No.47587590

>suicided her own popularity for dick
>they flop
>theyre also gay or into kronii

>> No.47587736

She can get Axel though, that guy is willing to put his dick in ANY female.
He just won't commit because he wants a harem.

>> No.47587791

Stop putting Goku and Piccolo on the same level as male vtubers, you are selling Goku and Piccolo short. These are guys that play video games, not masters of martial arts and shit. I can like female vtubers and DBZ at the same time without wanting men to collab with the female vtubers or having all the cool anime turn into faggy twinks.

>> No.47587896

>4chan autist
hes gay too he just doesnt know it yet

>> No.47587915

>>Believes wholeheartly Tempus will be super popular
when did she say/imply this?

>> No.47588049

Hololive got popular at the start of the lockdowns with providing cgdct content. I watched tempus for a bit, but when Ame, Mori and Kronii decided to spam collabs with them after the collab ban was lifted early due to "popular demand" and at the same time omega and the rest of en management can't stop mentioning "holopro en", I stopped watching them. I am not going to support omegatranny's crusade for holopro unity. And then there's the obvious favoritism shown to them and them being shilled heavily on every social media account cover has while EN3 is nowhere to be seen

>> No.47588130

>cool dudes

>> No.47588135

Sure you watched them buddy

>> No.47588200

Schizophrenia, I see at least 3 catalog threads daily posting the same shit over and over. No idea how they don't get tired of it unless it's mental illness

>> No.47588308

Tempus will never be on the level of Yamcha, let alone Piccolo or Goku.

>> No.47588459

I was not a huge fan or anything, but I watched Vespers zatsus and the occasional Magni stream. I actually quite liked the collabs between Vesper and Altare even though I couldn't watch Altare's solo streams due to his voice. Interesting that they apparently ended up having some beef. I was a teamate at the time so you probably can understand that the sudden shift to weekly tempus collabs soured them for me a bit

>> No.47588533

>>47588459 (me)

>> No.47588567

>Believes wholeheartly Tempus will be super popular
I don't think she ever believed that, they knew it would poorly received but the girls or so insanely rich that they could afford to take the hit and live as 4 views. they want to filter their incel unicorn audience for a more mainstream NijiEN audience.
then you get faggots like this who are so blatantly in the minority it's not even funny, the vast majority of Vtuber fans want CGDCT, this is fact, sure they might not throw a shit fit but like he said they can and already have left.

>> No.47588579
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>Hololive got popular at the start of the lockdowns with providing cgdct content.
No, they provided all sorts of content. But their most popular content was them being not seiso, the entire reason why yagoo's dream became a running meme and everyone called themselves seiso. They got popular because they were funny and did off the wall things which would be unfitting of a traditional idol but still did idol things like singing and dancing. If you're gonna get mad about the lack of CGDCT in Holo you can pin most of that blame on Coco.

>> No.47588683

Cgdct and being non seiso aren't mutually exclusive

>> No.47588790

The main appeal was never cgcdt. One of the most beloved and viral holos fbk does male stuff sometimes and no one cared back then. Only schizos and they've grown with the en audience.

>> No.47588879

Niji EN always had the sanest viewers because they are not schizos in love with the girls.
They were never "idols" either like some Holo girls pretend to be.

>> No.47588890

Dude have you been watching animes that came out after DBZ? Shit’s been way different in the industry since then, there’s been a phase where animes would just have high school girls doing shits with other girls with no men other than the ones in the background. After that phase died out animes that feature one protagonist and a whole truck of girls who just love that one guy. Not talking about mainstream animes like chainsaw man or titan shit here btw, talking about the ones that specifically target weeb fanbase. No weeb/otaku has seen more than one relevant male in anime for past twenty years or so and they are the target demo for vtubers at least in japan and it is probably true for weebs in other countries too. Can’t blame em for hating dudes because in their mind the only dude in the game should be themselves. That’s what the whole industry’s being feeding them their whole life.

>> No.47588896

Yeah that's why they have segregated branches for male and females. Wait a sec that isn't right, if they didn't want the girls to stay with the girls and the boys to stay with the boys they would mix their gens wouldn't they? Funny that.

>> No.47588957

Sure, there was the popular Matsuri band-aid clip and the like. Coco also got popular by doing a lot of that type of content, but there was also Fubuki's shitposts and Korone's scuffed english streams that were just as if not more popular. But even the yabe content never included men and could still be cute like Luna saying curse words.

>> No.47588979

Nobody bring up the Chinese women or the harassment party against fired talent

>> No.47589073

Not reading that
Not watching homo collabs

>> No.47589542

Is that why Reimu got death threats from Vox's fans for calling into his boyfriend asmr stream?

>> No.47589548

I don't know how your point relates to anything, retard

>> No.47589579

>Men like cool dudes that do cool shit like in DBZ and shonen animes
>Streamers are all unquestionable faggots who provide entertainment by being retards
>This is a boon for a cute anime girl
>This is a double curse for a faggy bishonen
It is not hard to understand. Nobody gives a shit for things like Korone singing alongside an old man or Pekora with a hypnotist, because they are respected entertainers

>> No.47589785

Most people's problem with the homos now is that they're forced into every place possible where they could be shilled in places build up by the girls. Fubuki doing a couple collabs with the homos out of a group of 20 wasn't seen as a problem, because it was easy to ignore

>> No.47589809

>the main point was never cgdct

>> No.47589989 [DELETED] 
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This isn't your fucking blog, you faggot. Jiggle on back to tumblr, you cock-gargling man-whale.

>> No.47590166

The two branches doesn't prove that. If it was then collabing would be forbidden. Also I see you ignored my whole point about no one caring when fbk did it

>> No.47590232

I mean, most things here reinforce what I said. They got popular because they're funny and enjoyable entertainers. Their popularity stands on the quality of their content, might it be cute, funny, scuffed, or totally unseiso. HoloJP has a wide berth of talent that specializes in all forms of content, that was always the goal of Hololive. To have something for everybody, it never focused on CGDCT, or honestly anything in particular because having about 30 talents all fighting for the same audience is an issue and just plain fucking retarded.

>> No.47590289

The new tempus gen hasn't even collabed with the EN girls and we only get occasional stuff like the monopoly collab which numbers show most people love. Nothing warranting the constant seethe about them here daily when they're doing their own thing

>> No.47590400

>most people love
With a 4 person collab you should get more numbers than that

>> No.47590456

You answered your own question, anon. I too love me some DBZ, JoJo, etc. Cool dudes doing cool shit. You know when I don't want that? When I'm watching K-On or Azumanga Daioh or something. That's when I want to watch cute girls being cute. If those retarded tempus fucks would have stayed in their lane and dine their own thing they would have been infinitely more successful. It might have been a slower start, but the ceiling would have been far higher. The way they did it, they gained a lump sum of casuals at the start, but forever poisoned the well and made antis out of most hololive fans. It was shortsighted and stupid.

>> No.47590460

>most people love
Yah the tourists love that shit. It’s always nice to see a big homocollab and afterwards the boys don’t grow and the girls and boys both get shit for it. Lmao

>> No.47590464

Nigga comparing DBZ Shounen anime to vtubing. What in the fuck

>> No.47590511

I think the main problem with tempiss 2 is that they debuted like 5 months after the first when EN3 has been expected since last summer. It's obvious that they decided to focus on the homos at the expense of EN3

>> No.47590525

You can't put the cat back in the bag. They revealed themselves to be grifters and leeches, no amount of time will make people forgive and forget.

>> No.47590552

No you don't, look at the recent snot collab or the Easter one

>> No.47590559

I've literally seen most of their underwear. And Magni while it was the only thing he was wearing. I've seen the way their fans talk about them on that one site and here in /mans/ and /cbdct/. I'm not even gonna give them a fucking chance anymore, 'cause anyone who would literally looks the one gay guy in the cheerleading squad. Even if they were cool guys and suddenly lost all their cringe, it's not something I would ever want to be a part of anymore. You can like whatever the fuck you like, clearly we're watching vtubers for different reasons, but if you're wondering why the rest of the guys don't watch them, maybe take a look around in your fandom.

>> No.47590611

Ayo, same here I was genuinely into them and didn’t even care about the Mori/Bae collabs. But after the Ame duet and Kronii’s dumbass Members stream and the fallout, really ruined it for me. Not an anti but I do not watch them or Timeduo anymore. Still watch bae since she’s hella professional and barely even collabs with them surprisingly.

>> No.47590642

Easter, you mean the one that was barely advertised and on a day where most people were spending time with their family? I don't even remember what the last snot collab was, but it was after kronii shot herself in the foot.

>> No.47590682

Why blame them for something ame or kronii did?

>> No.47590722

There's no 4 person collabs with much better numbers than that. Keep coping.

>> No.47590741

The mysterious audience that shows up for those collabs obviously doesn't watch the homos or even the girls looking at Mori's numbers. Is it really worth it to pander to an audience that only shows up for mixed collabs and that don't buy merch or superchat?

>> No.47590761
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I watch vtubers because they are cute anime girls playing games I like and talking about interesting stuff and it's like a cute girls doing cute thing anime in real life, the existence of guys isn't a thing in their world.
It's basically unscripted anime.
If I wanted to watch guys I'd watch male streamers, there are many, they are more talented, there are more options, they don't have bullshit Cover rules, they can be edgy and say whatever the fuck they want.
And being able to see their faces and real self is better than some fujobait anime boy avatar.
I put up with the anime avatar because a girl is cuter as anime but why the fuck would I want a guy to be anime?
What the hell do I gain from turning a guy into a fucking 2D PNG that moves?
So why the fuck would I want these guys to invade the cute girls doing cute thing space?
It just ruins the whole mood and the atmosphere.
Some things just don't combine well.
Maybe some people can like it, taste is subjective.
Mixing guys and girls is good for shipping and teasing and it's like watching a romcom anime I guess.
And some people are into that, and Nijisanji exists for those people.
I don't watch it and I am not bothered by it, they're in their lane and I am in mine.
That's how it was for years, Hololive was for girls only. They might have an odd episode where a guy shows up once or twice a year but those are like special episodes with a guest showing up, they are fine.
But trying to insert guys into the regular experience of Hololive is the equivalent of killing Hololive, because it ceases to be what it is.
If Hololive was defined by its description, "it's just girls" was one of the most important factors, if HoloEN is not "just girls" it's no longer Hololive.
That's the main issue.
The normalization of males on HoloEN was equivalent of killing the entire branch. Nijisanjification as some call it is accurate.
Ironic that in the end Cover managed to kill HoloEN, sorta, through sheer negligence and disregard.
It's been nearly 2 years and still no Gen3, talents are feeling burnout, fans are lacking anything new, the roster of girls is too small to have consistent collabs, they need something fresh to bring back life to it. Hololive (JP) debuted new gens at a 6 month cycle early on until it had like 50 members. It's first years it added members very fast, up to the third gen. HoloEN barely has like 10 members total.
Cover prioritizing filling HolostarsEN led them to neglect HoloEN and sealed the deal of its current decline.

>> No.47590777

Prove it, put together every single 4 or more collab that exists for hololive en and holostars

>> No.47590817

They're men, they should have been smart enough to take the high road and stand on their own merit. Instead they let the idiots like Ame and Kronii sabotage both themselves AND them. They knew better, they knew exactly how fans would react, and went for the quick cash grab anyway.

>> No.47590852

It takes 2 to tango. They could’ve declined. I was really hoping at least one of them was the anti Gura and completely ignored the girls. Would’ve supported the hell out of that nonexistent guy.

>> No.47590860

She hoped to use them as an excuse to get close to her StarsJP oshi

>> No.47590871

>The normalization of males on HoloEN was equivalent of killing the entire branch. Nijisanjification as some call it is accurate.

Where the fuck is this happening? It's not even close to niji you mentally ill fuck

>> No.47590914

It's on you to prove for saying a 4 person collab should have better numbers

>> No.47590924

I have 0 problems at all with male content creators. Hell, i started to become addicted to online entertainment thanks to male content creators.
HOWERVER, I watch vtubers exclusively for the girls. It's a nice break from the sausage fest that is online entertainment.

>> No.47590950

>Honestly don't understand the hate for them or males in general
Ever heard of a Host/Hostess Club? This vtuber market thing is a lot like that. You can have women catering to men or you can have men catering to women. Mixing the two together makes you just another club, and there's a million fucking clubs out there. The clientele don't adhere to reason. They like what they like. If you don't want to cater to them they'll go somewhere else. Just the nature of things.

>> No.47590964

It's literally just butt hurt niji fans mad EN isn't a dumpster fire like them.

>> No.47591015

I don't understand why two of you are replying to be but the post said they were ok with bae/Mori collabs with them and that ame and kronii were dumbasses for those incidents. Both didn't directly involve the homos. I can understand dropping ame/kronii because of what they dud though

>> No.47591020

Yeah I bet you'd like it to get that bad.
Then you will just say it's too late so why even bother complaining, it's better that way.

>> No.47591023

You're the one saying they are a success and that most people like them, you made the assertion in the start, you have to provide the proof

>> No.47591138
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This has to be like the fifth anti-homo thread with an Ame OP I've seen today alone. Go outside, OP. Or neck yourself since you're probably some third worlder SEAnig and outside isn't any better than your mud hut.

>> No.47591145

You made the statement saying it's already accurate when they sure as hell aren't having impromptu collabs or barging into collabs and if anything the frequency of them is only going down since tempus2
You said 20k was bad for a 4 man collab yet it should be trivial for you to disprove. Not gonna waste time on your sad cope

>> No.47591179

>they'll go somewhere else
No they don't, they'll literally sit in the same fucking spot bitching and moaning about the singular male Collab that happens not even once a month. People just want something to shit on others with. Anyone who ever actually had pure distain for males wouldn't even have made it past 2020 because every single member has had some form of male interaction but schizos will forever cope and go >it doesn't count!!!
So they can recycle their shitpost forever.

>> No.47591191

this is a vtuber board, fuck we'll discuss vtubers
I can smell the estradiol from your breath btw

>> No.47591204

It was heading that way before people started complaining.

>> No.47591246

>can't prove it so just says cope
Whatever homobeggar, jump off the nearest tall building

>> No.47591249

I didn't say the female viewers of Niji EN are sane, only the male ones.

>> No.47591252

Board rule #3, SEAnigger

>> No.47591255

>when they sure as hell aren't having impromptu collabs or barging into collabs
Niji could easily drop that knowing how many viewers hate it.

>> No.47591341

There's thousands of jp vtubers that adhere by hololive guidelines. EN is just twitch with avatars.

>> No.47591366

Because they allowed it.
Obviously they would try to get into their pussies anyway, i just thought Hololive would be more professional.

>> No.47591382

And now you're changing points. They now have more of their own branch mates to collab with so the ones with the girls are more sparse, tempus2
unironically helped cgcdt enjoyers
Couldn't I say the same to you not being able to prove it? Also funny how you mention kronii bringing numbers down in snot so it should equal footing with the uno one since they both have kronii

>> No.47591386

Suisei is the biggest idol star of the JP Holos and she doesn't adhere to your "hololive guidelines" lmao.

>> No.47591393

I said the term is accurate for the process that was taking place, not that the process was taken to its full extent.
If things had gone differently, in a different timeline, or in a distant future it's possible that Nijisanjification could go even further.
There was a big backlash against it despite how much moderators on reddit fought against it, and discord mods fought against it, and simps tried to shut everyone talking about it.
Enough that its impact can't be seriously downplayed.
We do not know how far it might have gone otherwise but it still went pretty far, a full month or two of nonstop collabs was a lot.
It's either something they for no reason stopped or they planned to keep going and the backlash made them reconsider.
And they still have them sometimes anyway.
Half the members of HoloEN having semi regular collabs with the guys is a pretty advanced state of Nijisanjification.
HoloEN has never shared the constant collab culture of NijiEN so with less collabs overall every single one of those male collabs has a higher per collab rate value.
It's still a very high rate of male collabs for Hololive standards, the Nijisanjification didn't reach complete integration with Holostars but regular collabs with half the branch is still a big deal.

>> No.47591458

You made the assertion at the start, you have to prove it faggot. You tried to pull the burden of truth card on me without understanding how it worked, either put up or shut up.

>> No.47591497

It must've taken you a lot of studying to graduate from special Ed

>> No.47591636
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>I grew up watching DBZ and cool dudes doing cool things and never stopped liking that shit
>I just don't get it.
It's simple. Hololive is about cute girls doing cute things. As such men don't belong anywhere fucking near it and Tempus is a malignant tumor on it. You're under the impression that unicorns hate men and that's completely wrong. Unicorns just hate it when men are put in places they shouldn't be.

>> No.47591697

Unicorn is nothing about that larper. The two cgcdt queens would be disqualified by the definition

>> No.47591713

there was at least a 10 year gap between DBZ/manime and cute girls doing cute things and the harem stuff that followed

>> No.47591774
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I watch DBZ for the badass dudes.
But i also watch Yuru Yuri for cute girls only and no males allowed ever.

How i wish vtubers were the same.

>> No.47591785

I like DBZ and I don't want the fucking Holos showing up in it because when I watch DBZ I wanna see DBZ shit and when I watch Hololive I wanna see Hololive shit. Homofags are not what I watch Hololive for.

>> No.47591793

Dbz was mainstream just like the shonen shit that is popular now, what are you on about

>> No.47591837

So true sister

>> No.47591920

You overestimate any impact retards here had on it. One or two schizo supers didn't change shit. What really happened was the girls getting ready for holofes and the guys now having more of their own to collab with basically all the time

>> No.47591994

Why do you think it was only people here

>> No.47592085
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86 / 5 / 32 / 2
lol samefags

>> No.47592113

This place is the only place I see shit up the catalog about it 4 tlmes a day when when nothing is happening. Even if there was something other sites the point will stands. The girls were getting ready for birthdays and anniversaries at the start of this year which led into Japan into holofes and tempus 2 meant the guys had other people that they could easily collab with whenever

>> No.47592460

those seiyuus have sex tho

>> No.47592502

Do i care about the seiyuus? I don't even know their names

>> No.47592615

do your reps ;)

>> No.47592671

Baffling post

>> No.47592694

>go to mans
>every other post is “I want to fuck Vesper, I want Altare to bend me over, I want Axel to make me his slut
Tempus was a mistake.

>> No.47592748

He won’t answer this because he knows that “most people like them” is fucking cope because they are clearly tourists or literal homobeggars who only watch the mixed collabs.

>> No.47592765

Meanwhile go to any Hololive girl general:
>I want to drink her piss!!!
>Let me save her eggs!!!
>I want to marry her so bad bros
Double standard much?

>> No.47592772

Seek help.

>> No.47592819

Sounds like people like things separate and go for specific genders of vtubers, should probably keep them separate then

>> No.47592827

>no argument

>> No.47592871


>> No.47592893

it's always the same antis with a hateboner

>> No.47592947

It’s a double standard surely. I just wish the Tempiss half didn’t exist in the same company and their vocal fans disgust me.

>> No.47592956

Unironically, seek help.

>> No.47593031
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>loserbait is Omegatroon is Altroon
The rabbit hole goes even deeper.

>> No.47593059
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>> No.47593093

Touch grass + L + Ratio

>> No.47593095
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>> No.47593103

Oh no...

>> No.47593124
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>support the cause

>> No.47593137

>still no argument
Why aren't you even trying to articulate an argument? Could it be that you can't?

>> No.47593140

Popular Demand doko?

>> No.47593173
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>Dripping with genderfluid

>> No.47593208
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>Omegatroon Dilates

>> No.47593280

After failing to insert himself as the leader of Council the faggot licks his wound for 4 months before transitioning to the leader of Tempiss in a new skinsuit.

>> No.47593314

/jp/ days were truly the golden days

>> No.47594870


>> No.47595966

Seriously, where the fuck are all of those people coming from? They're clearly not fans of any of the individuals involved in the collab

>> No.47596047

They are literally gimmick twitterfags who only watch these streams to “own the incels” and support the cause. Afterwards they return to twitter and continue not watching streams.

>> No.47596148

didn't you retards already doxx altare as some Korean twink

>> No.47596363


>> No.47596554

They did. Dude's so fucking twink, even loserbait has less issues growing a beard.

>> No.47596838

>the existence of guys isn't a thing in their world.
Why are you so painfully new?

>> No.47596867

Back to /MANS/ faggot.

>> No.47596916
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>> No.47597003

The biggest fuckup from cover was calling the boys Holostars and putting them under holopro. Honestly should've gone with a completely different name and brand.

>> No.47597156

They’re tourists who only show up if something new or interesting pop up and twitterfags who want to prove that male/female collabs are popular. Also those people don’t show up if it’s only Mori and Tempus.
Just like how 16k people showed up for Kiara’s Neuro-sama collab during EU hours.

>> No.47597323

fritolay doesn't hurt the reputation of pepsi anytime someone decides to bring a pepsi and a bag of lays together anon... that's the difference, tempus actively hurt the reputation of hololive EN, not only with the collabs but with the explicit favoritism they were shown in spite of their lackluster viewership (I.E, delaying EN3 for two seperate male gens), so your analogy doesn't hold up

>> No.47597443

Anon, the reason why un-seisoness in hololive pops off so much is because everyone knows they're expected to be seiso. Or, to be CGDCT content.

Literally all you need to do to prove this is look at Nazuna or Kson's current popularity and compare it to what they achieved in Holo.

Point I'm trying to make is, most people who watch Holo wouldn't do so if the girls just acted like complete whores 24/7. It's because they don't, because they're usually CGDCT, that it feels special when they do something unseiso.

>> No.47597743

Hey! I know those, I think. Didn't they belong to that one company that suspended one of their chuubas for chasing boys on stream?

>> No.47597766

Shounen anime is a retarded comparison. When some fujo anime with generic bishounen designs comes out no one is delusional enough to claim it's targeted for straight males. You can always watch nijisanji for that fag experience.

>> No.47597808

Cute girls being funny and entertaining is still CGDCT. Males didn't do it.

>> No.47597825

>look at Nazuna or Kson's current popularity and compare it to what they achieved in Holo
anon...branding has nothing to do with this

>> No.47598330

Girls with anime avatar are cute
Men with anime avatar give cringe
Imagine you get over that barrier and give them a chance, but then a bunch of bullshit starts popping up like the collaboration ban being lifted prematurely and they start aggressively invading every stream they can, add to that the obvious preference of the management by them and the release of tempus 2 just five months after their debut despite the fact that the girls have not debuted for a long time, add everything up and see how the hatred rises

>> No.47598459

yeah this is my reason, people will say
>holoJP did collabs with male nijis in the past
yes they did... and then they stopped and for good reason, they found their own niche and started leaning into that

>> No.47598649

>aggressively invading every stream they can
This has still yet to happen

>> No.47598730

People that want to watch only gender are fine and CGDCT is obviously a major part of the hololive fanbase. It crosses over into insufferable once some of those fans anti talents because they collab with males every now and then. It's obviously stressful for all talents involved, it shits up the fanbase and it reduces the amount of collab partners the talent have. If you don't want to watch a mixed stream then skip it, a skipped stream doesn't prevent CGDCT in 90% of their other streams. It's not the males' fault the females aren't collabing together more. The females could organise more all-female collabs whenever they want, the males don't prevent this. If you're someone who seethes because your streamer has talked with males then get professional help.

>> No.47598851

Seek the rope, homobeggar

>> No.47598885

No. NijiEN showcases what happens when you just ignore problem and act like nothing happens. The mixed collabs just increase, overtaking any other content. Flirting becomes new norm. Not voicing complains is just letting culture change.

>> No.47599274

nijisanji never had the gender divide in the first place, EN being all female was the anomaly not the other way around

>> No.47599324

All the more reason to protect the walled garden.

>> No.47599333

>It's not the males' fault the females aren't collabing together more.

>> No.47599362

it unironically isn't

>> No.47599374

You're right. Blame women. 100% punish the women.

>> No.47599409

>143 posts
>49 IPs

>> No.47599436

They don't even happen that often in NijiEN

>> No.47599458

they can barely get 3 of them to play fucking block game, the girls just put not effort to hang out with each other

>> No.47600422

>Cover prioritizing filling HolostarsEN led them to neglect HoloEN and sealed the deal of its current decline.
That was the most retarded move they could've done. A lot of people waited for something fresh for HoloEN and instead they debut Tempiss2, a gen so incredibly unnecessary and unwanted, that even casuals and normalfags went "Yo wtf?"
That that and other things HololstartsEN are getting shilled via the Hololive channels, twitter, subreddit, etc. to this day when they have their own version of all of those things is also the saddest shit. The entire way they got presented from the start was as something Cover was aware not a lot of people actually wanted for their own sake, which is just a weirdest approach. People who don't care about them or even dislike them will do the very opposite of changing their minds when EN management are constantly trying to "sneak them in" via the side of the branch people are actually there for.

>> No.47601319

Unless male vtubers start to beat the crap out of each other with little to none female interfere you dont get to compare them to DBZ.
CGDCT its comparable to whats popular, your take isnt.

>> No.47601406

>Unless male vtubers start to beat the crap out of each other
I think boys are at their best when they do stupid shit

>> No.47602546

The Altare is Omega rrat is still one of the funniest rrats that spawned from here

>> No.47603690

This. Love how nobody replied to you because you were just too reasonable on an anti-fan circlejerk hate thread btw.

>> No.47604666


>> No.47606743

Male vtubing is in a weird place. I don’t think it’s at a level where it’s flourishing with talent yet. The top vtubers are people like Vesper and Bettel who can appeal to a wide audience but aren’t as entertaining as the top twitch streamers who are content machines on their own. The current meta for male vtubers is to be BFE and play games that women like like Genshin Impact. The moment you see a male vtuber be as entertaining as Pekora or Filian is when male vtubing will be at its peak.

>> No.47606792

Meant to say specifically in Holostars*

>> No.47607961

They never "spammed collabs". There were like 5 of them in a month.

>> No.47608042

Japanese fans are ok with male collabas as long as the men are old or ugly

>> No.47608365

i'd watch a homostars collab with Filian
