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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4756238 No.4756238 [Reply] [Original]

They will always be there for their queen not matter what happens. The rest of you would turn against your own oshi if she even mentioned a male

>> No.4756286


>> No.4756295

ogey, brrrrrap!

>> No.4756299

touch grass

>> No.4756311


>> No.4756402


>> No.4756409
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The hivemind /vt/ opinion means absolutely nothing. Today they hate Calli; yesterday they hated Kiara and Ollie. Tomorrow they'll hate whoever else decides to do something "disagreeable".

>but but but 5%!!!1

>> No.4756467

We've been hating calli newfag. Off yourself

>> No.4756544

Five days is a drop in the bucket, redditor. You'll chase a new oshi the second she steps out of your arbitrary lines.


>> No.4756586

Deadbeats are the most retarded holo fans because they're somehow incapable of noticing how little Mori cares for them even as a collective.

>> No.4756623

This shit has been going on since debut. She just stopped being talked about because she hunkered down with her mediocre content

>> No.4756679

>I don't watch her streams but let me tell you how she really feels and what you should think...

Fact: Deadbeats are the strongest race.

>> No.4756695

Touch grass you fucking incels

>> No.4756699

You can say that about literally every single one of them. None of them see you as anything more than a loyal paypig and you're fucking deluding yourself if you think otherwise.

>> No.4756727


>> No.4756728

I've got some news for you about corporo vtubers anon

>> No.4756805

None of them care about fans on an individual level but some at least give a shit about their fans as a group. Being edgy isn't the same as being realistic anon.

>> No.4756895

Unlikely. Give any one of them an equally steady income with none of the bullshit collectivism and they'd drop streaming in a heartbeat. If you don't believe me, just look at Mel and Aki. Money is the only reason why those two boring, uninspired cunts still boot up OBS each day.

>> No.4757364

Deadbeats are reaching KFP levels of schizophrenia and it's been less than 48 hours since the yab

>> No.4757417

I am a deadbeat and the only grass I touch is the grass my queen Mori or her male friends steps on

>> No.4757431

Only 5% of grass in the world is touchable.

>> No.4757440

Fight schizos with schizos, a tale as old as time

>> No.4757548

What yab?

>> No.4757550

is 5% enough?

>> No.4757576

>ok I’ll be back in just a minute guys, I’ll be right back
>toilet lit clinks shut
>plop plip plop

>> No.4757579
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We honestly don't care at this point, they can't even reach 2k dislikes so they are no less than 2%

>> No.4757605

at least kfp are fun schizos
deadbraps are just butthurt cucks

>> No.4757658

I would ditch my oshi if she mentioned a male. Because that's not what an oshi does.

>> No.4757665

stream reps, onegai

>> No.4757670

You know how YouTube metrics work, right? A downvote is still a view, and a view is worth more than the practically pointless upvote/downvote system. Calli gets your AdSense either way.

>> No.4757696

That's called being a beta orbiter not a chad

>> No.4757705

t. kfp

>> No.4757761

I'm not an incel I fuck 5% of the women I talk to

>> No.4757854

5% of 0 is still 0
You really set yourself up for this one

>> No.4757899

yeh but i was thinking they would do better than that because they were really 10+ anti boards dedicated to her even 20% of zhangs overpowers /vt/ in general lmao

>> No.4757922

Touch some grass incel

>> No.4757930
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holobased roast fren! i bet hes smhing his head right now!

>> No.4757994
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>> No.4758030


>> No.4758036

I like how deadbeats bait Calli haters with this and they fall for it everytime.

>> No.4758082

they don't like word incels coz it hits home

>> No.4758084

anon, u pay her to fuck e-celebs, u are beta

>> No.4758128

>browses /vt/

>> No.4759891

why would I ditch my oshi over a guy? I want her to get past her troubles dealing with people. if she can avoid panic long enough to get a date that'd be good news.
I don't watch these chicks for their personal lives, I watch them for entertainment.

>> No.4760166
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>> No.4760194

That's a funny way of saying cuck.

>> No.4760279


>> No.4760456

I'd piss in your throat for comparing Mel and Aki to your ungrateful pink bitch. Go watch Mel's last 3D stream then Aki's letter to her fans from 1st gen concert, then kys

>> No.4760501

>mentioned a male
Must be why there was an equivalent shitstorm when she collabed with Rikka multiple times. Oh wait. Not only was there no shitstorm, but people praise her for collabing with him.
I don't quite understand if this is ignorance or an attempt to obfuscate what people are actually concerned about when she collabs with Westerners.

>> No.4760600

>Must be why there was an equivalent shitstorm when she collabed with Rikka multiple times.

Rikka is part of Cover so no one would care you dumb fuck.

>> No.4764635

Wow it's almost as if he was part of cover, hmmm

>> No.4769899

Neck yourself Deadcuck

>> No.4772124

Touch the braps deadcuck

>> No.4772167 [DELETED] 

The reason why there are so many shitters today is because a US senator went to Taiwan. Chinks are sperging across the world right now.

Death to China

>> No.4772230
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>Cause when this red runs black I'll ask you was I everything you Imagined
>when my times finally off the sun's coming down I'll turn to stone again

>> No.4772322

>what people are actually concerned about when she collabs with Westerners
I don't watch twitch, so I genuinely don't understand the concern. Would you care to explain please?

>> No.4772345

>they're somehow incapable of noticing how little Mori cares for them even as a collective.
Every one of them don't care they just want the views, subs & money.

>> No.4775942

Lay off the copium

>> No.4776035

I must have missed the part where that criteria was established by OP. Oh wait, it wasn't. Retards.
And 100% nobody will care if she collabed with some Japanese male chuuba, or even a Japanese male streamer like Matsuri does.

>> No.4776055
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Can't wait for the Hbomberguy collab Deadbraps!

>> No.4776078

>the wife stays with her husband no matter how much he beats her

>> No.4776137

When are you purityfags going to kill yourselves? Is it going to be before or after you become homeless?

>> No.4777050

the cuckest*

>> No.4780105

why dont you take your own advice after watching your oshi dicked by Gikguk

>> No.4784150

Your oshi has had sex with men before and will have sex with more men in the future

>> No.4785363

Joke's on you! My oshi has collabed with men. Mori gets shit on because she happens to have shit taste in collab partners and normally doesn't even seem to care about how she carries herself on stream.

>> No.4786167

go back Jojofag

>> No.4788161

I can touch 5%

>> No.4794965

that's the least chad combinations of words

>> No.4795091

Leftoids truly are a hivemind, damn

>> No.4795128

>implying we do not hate them anymore

>> No.4795684

Can somebody explain why the 5% comment makes people angry?
I hontestly do not get it.
Not even trying to defend her. I think she is shitty for other reasons, such as her collab choices and bad stream preparations.
But that 5% comment was just her being honest and it is true for most people who have a life outside of streaming.

>> No.4795787

Nobody is angry. People are laughing at Deabeats for being worth 5% of their Mori time while responsible for 95% of the cope for her.

>> No.4796414


>> No.4798558

>N..No all hologirls hate their audience, it's completely normal, it's totally not just Mori that hates us.
Not sure this is the defence 5%ers think it is. I'm starting to unironically believe there's an element of findom here and deadbraps get off on it.

>> No.4798762

mori has always been wigger trash and i've never liked her at all

>> No.4798849

5% of cuckbeats have a sense of humor.

>> No.4799241

even that hero hei faggot is fucking seething about people bashing her. i love this arc.

>> No.4799396

keep working hard cuckbeat dont forget to akasupa all your money and hopefully she will give 6% of a fuck about you soon.
