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47487340 No.47487340 [Reply] [Original]

>One whole month of nonstop training
>57th place out of 60
Joblen Chokesuki

>> No.47487560

flirting with homos and talking about sucking dick for hours isn't training, anon.

>> No.47487641


>> No.47487745

Deflection thread

>> No.47488094

yeah pretty much

>> No.47488194

she got over it, faggot

>> No.47488272 [DELETED] 

Based homos tanking their own scores to embarrass this fat Chinese chick

>> No.47488282

more like watching homos flirt with each other while she jerked off

>> No.47488341

How do you train for Apex without sucking dicks?

>> No.47488374


>> No.47488375

whatever her fanbase called absolutely ETHERED

>> No.47488600

You are a fraud.

>> No.47488735

It didn't affect her. She's still going strong in apex >>47488202

>> No.47488873


>> No.47489625


>> No.47489855


>> No.47493695

one trick apexfag lying about quiting apex
no shit

>> No.47493970

Honestly we're used of her choking at this point. The main problem is when she chokes she started whining like crazy and bringing down her teamates moral with her own.
I get that her mental isn't that strong but how can she start tanking the rest of the team EVERYTIME. She hasn't improved on that point at all

>> No.47494045

Pomu carried Selen.

>> No.47494221

99% of people cannot improve their mental.

>> No.47494313

You guys probably don’t remember when she went full menhera after Reimu, Elira and Finana beat her in a race to 50 kills in a friendly competition . She gets down so hard on herself that it’s impossible for her to be a top player

>> No.47494355

in other words it’s a skill issue lul

>> No.47494443

Yup, doesnt matter how much you train when you have the attitude she gets in tourneys. Its why she may have once been a pred but never shows it when it counts.

>> No.47494563


>> No.47494596

The thing is she doesn't have to. When she chokes hard she just has to shut up instead of audibly seething and influencence her teamates negatively.
Just make your calls, 2-3 positive jokes and shut up the rest of time.
She still hasn't learned how to do even just that

>> No.47494692

where do i find this. arent they literally bronze and pomu cant even slide jump?

>> No.47494731

I didn't really care for her before the tourney but her bantz with the boys were funny
esp when her fujo tendencies spilled out
maybe I'll watch her team in the charity thing she's doing

>> No.47494863

>>47494692 https://www.youtube.com/live/CqnEOeQ6yzE?feature=share
Pomu wasnt part of this, go to 3 hours. She had a members stream after this with the breakdown but i dont have it saved.

>> No.47494910


>> No.47495026

It's also worth noting she removed the parts of the stream where she was seething hard.
Those parts might still be on the other participants' streams

>> No.47495094

Maybe she's just getting older.
I was one of the best players in the world at a certain FPS way back in the day (about 15 years ago).
Every now and then I go back to it since it's still somewhat alive and I still do fairly well, but nothing like I used to. I could clear out entire servers by making people on the enemy team rage.

>> No.47495108

>>47495026 https://www.youtube.com/live/ZG7CLGqT5S0?feature=share

Yes that is also true but im not willing to look through all of the footage to prove what i saw live.

>> No.47495442

Oh myb i misread Reimu and Pomu. Reimu is actually pretty good so thats some competition. Thanks for link

>> No.47495528

Towa last place deflection thread.

>> No.47495584

What happened? I thought she was decent.

>> No.47495634

Farmed to death by men

>> No.47495659

It drove me mad to see that game 5.
>Lets fucking do whatever because our mentals are gone
No bitch, if you played properly for game 5 you could have had a way better placement.
Axel even mentioned that he still wanted to play to win but the other two already fucked off.

>> No.47495788

what did you expect

>> No.47495849


>> No.47495875

I bet if they just did Selen does igl for game 5, they would have done much better than literally game 5 strat just throw lmao

>> No.47495961

With selen's mental at that point? No. I'd rather listen to Altare shotcalling because Axel's useless even though he wants to win and Selen's mental boomed over one valk ult back in game 2.

>> No.47496477


>> No.47496613

He didn’t want to be one, but Altare probably would have been the best pick for IGL if he had known the game.

>> No.47497028


>> No.47497160

This is literally any vtuber fan ever when viewed from the outside lmao.

>> No.47497174

Last place makes it sound better than it was. Their team got TWO points across all 5 games. Towa got 0 of those points. The 2nd last team got 11 points.

>> No.47497299

has there ever been a single decent female fps pro player?

>> No.47497309

Damn is the tuna that much of a fraud

>> No.47497378

Tuna also got 0 points, the 2 points were from Beni.

>> No.47497542

Wasn't Beni worth the fewest points in their team lol

>> No.47497705
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Yes, Beni is plat. Tuna is an actual fraud.

>> No.47497795
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Holy onions...

>> No.47497866

what the fuck matsuri is actually good?

>> No.47497971

Not really but she's good enough and her team did alright

>> No.47497981

>average damage: 50

>> No.47498075

Unreal how shit Selen did, she really is completely worthless outside of pub stomping

>> No.47498127

By playing a character where the optimal play is to not shoot a vast majority of the time, it’s why posting this chart without context looks retarded, if you want to flame anyone, it should be Tsuna for not playing to her supposed level.

>> No.47498245

Yes, 50 average damage in 5 rounds is a matter of context issue. Get fucking real.

>> No.47498344

Still better than Towa holoshit rumao

>> No.47498381


>> No.47498410

Yeah, my bad. I’m sorry the character where the optimal play is to sit back aiming at a wall to track players instead of peeking resulted in her not doing damage and is entirely her fault for not doing damage.

>> No.47498633

So I take it she was the ONLY person there playing said character? Why did no one else have that little damage?

>> No.47498698

Yeah, it was a lame way to end things after they trained so hard.

>> No.47498903

Watch the game they got those kills, Tsuna did most of the damage for those kills but yea they just get killed so fast. Probably the worst performance of a team I've seen in Vsaikyo. For a game like APEX its important to see the context of the kills and damage. High damage just because you poke randos running past your spot isn't as impressive as high damage from slaughtering dudes.

>> No.47498948

What fucking character was she playing, the firing range dummy?

>> No.47498950

She wasn't the only person, but playing on a poorly performing team contributes to the issue in the first place. Their supposed carry worth 10 points only did 213 average damage. If your team dies extremely early every time by bad calls from your supposed leader and carry who gets one clipped instantly in a fight, of course you're gonna end up doing less damage than the people that lived longer. It's why I said context matters, it isn't a great performance regardless, no shit, but the odds of doing damage decreases the sooner you die on top of a character who is always gonna be the last one to enter the fight, it might be surprising to you as someone who didn't watch the tournament, but that's how the game works.

>> No.47499015

It's Seer. You're always gonna be the last one entering the fight as you call out positions of other players with your passive and Q and depend on your teammates do the brunt of the damage.

>> No.47499049

>cope cope cope cope

>> No.47499089

She's been better than Towa and the weaker VSPOs for awhile. She's way too autistic about APEX except slightly less compared to Chihiro.
You both can just watch the VODs to see how they die. It won't take long. They just die with maybe one part of Towa attempting to rat. There's not much to analyze, they just get destroyed.

>> No.47499166

The secondhand cringe was so strong I had to look around and make sure no one was filming me, hot damn

>> No.47499176

I gave you the context and explanation for the low damage, it is her fault at the end of the day, but it's not like the odds were in her favor of doing damage. It's "cope", I guess, I'm not excusing doing that bad of getting last place, but it's retarded to say it's entirely dependent on her not shooting good.

>> No.47499219

The issue is that Towafags don't actually watch her play APEX and think that she's good among the other vtuber and streamers in VSaikyo and CR Cup. I question how many of them actually watch the CR Cup wins with the way they speak about them in relation to Towa.

>> No.47499223

Tuna was exceptionally shit but 50 damage is less than 3 flatline body shots.

>> No.47499235

>Ex top 500 pred
>Carried by homos

>> No.47499347

Nigga if you hit a q that does 50 damage

>> No.47499352

Again, I'm not saying she's absolved of blame of doing bad, she obviously did, but what do you expect from a team on pace for a last place performance damage wise?

>> No.47499461

Seer Q does no damage.

>> No.47499537

much better than fucking 50 dmg, pretty sure it's the worst performance in Vsaikyou history

>> No.47499646

To have more than 20 bullets hit across 5 games.

>> No.47499769

I know you guys can't read, it's fine, you're in a bait thread after all, but I don't know how many times I have to say it, she isn't absolved doing that little damage, but there's more factors at play contributing to why she's so low on damage, I'm just explaining why things came to such a point.

>> No.47499772

That valk ult made Axel silent and Selen doubting everything. Then game 3 also went bad and everything fell apart.

Valk ults ruined half of scrims games for them it was a bad pick.

>> No.47499818
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>> No.47499877

Inspired by all the seething I just went and watched how Towa did so 'badly.' While some games looked like her team just walked into crossfire positions and get melted, I had to laugh when she caught the kraber shot that lead to a quick wipe.

>> No.47499921

Selen was never a pro. Being a pro is literally becoming a fucking slave to one game playing this shit 12+ hours a day. There is a reason why all those pros are becoming vtubers now.

Also there are plenty of decent female players now. Even ignoring that champion team was 3 girls you have entire VSPO and a bunch of Twitch streamers like Dtto.

>> No.47500135

Apex is a very random game where bad ring or Kraber can ruin best players in the world. All those fags acting like they know shit about the game is fucking hilarious.

>> No.47500150

Is Dtto not a pro player? I thought she was in the same team as RPR

>> No.47500560

APEX faggots are even worse than numberfags. I wish they'd just all quit playing this shitty game.

>> No.47500967

Their "team" is one of those modern esports orgs who employ a revolving door of randoms as "content creators"

>> No.47504302


>> No.47504546


>> No.47505848

she's a streamer for the org

>> No.47506308

why do people put unrealistic expectations on themselves and then suffer because they failed? is it autism?

>> No.47507050
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>> No.47507206

You look like that and do that.

>> No.47507544
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>giving a shit about some no name random tournament
Whatever faggot show us her performance in some real shit with actual real professional players inv-

>> No.47507611

she didn't get over shit
this clip was from the tourney stream itself
she was reflecting on the fact that her teamates WERE right that she is just a boosted bitch and never deserved her top 500 rank. she announced her retirement shortly after

>> No.47507781

What was even the point? I think I read something about it giving Altare higher ground for his snipes but idk if any other character can do that.

>> No.47507797

whether you're a pro player or not only depends on whether someone is willing to pay you money to play
in that sense, all streamers are pro players

>> No.47508199

This is hilarious. Ty for sharing this.

>> No.47508381


>> No.47509539

I don't like the content creator role. a small streamer I used to watch was really excited to join their favorite team only to never be involved in anything important

>> No.47513860


>> No.47515599

Ren from VSPO is one of the strangs picks. Pretty sure she even said she only watched esport and never played the games. Yui from Neo Porte is pushed as singer, got to do an anime ending song in her first year but her fps skills...

>> No.47515999

It's 100% this guy >>47488374

>> No.47516131

It doesn't help that the two men on her team were behaving like women.
They should have been stoic emotional anchors keeping the team focused on a win, but they folded just as hard as she did.

>> No.47516223
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Kek, fpbp.

>> No.47516280

Crying Selen is so cute bros, I can't take it

>> No.47516283

Trannygoon or Fagoon.

>> No.47516319

he is literally me frfr

>> No.47516328

I gotta get a new hobby

>> No.47516432
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Literally me with Pekora, kill yourself. Mock his virgin physic, not what he's doing.

>> No.47516726

Relax, it's staged.
Not for you though.

>> No.47517028

Looking at the setup it's obviously some streamer

>> No.47517163


>> No.47517220

You do not need to be a streamer for that setup.
Maybe the wall mounted monitor but that's it.

>> No.47517234

Maybe she should of laid of the Taco Bell, fat bitch

>> No.47517243

If you have 7 minutes you can see how manly Nijisanjis livers are. Wanting to drop out of a tournament an hour before it starts and that guy is an absolute Kamen Raider otaku. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v2y3MJS99HQ

>> No.47517371

I stopped watching her months ago but after the first tournament I realized no one actually looks like they're having fun in these

>> No.47518090

It ended up being a shounen moment since they actually got a champion.
Selen's team was just sad with no payoff...

>> No.47518305

Nijifags really can't stop taking Ls rumao

>> No.47518613

Doesn't excuse his behaviour. Nice for them to get a champion but that's how CR and Vsaikyou plays out. Camping and praying they stay alive untill the end.

>> No.47518701

Towa got last place.

>> No.47518776

surely you didn't expect anything else anon? you're not that retarded, right?

>> No.47518833


>> No.47519347

Look at Towas team dude, meanwhile champion has Deron

>> No.47519670

thank god i moved on from my cringy holoniji phase, i was probably exactly like this kid but now i just watch indies whenever im bored and need background noise

>> No.47520112

Deron can follow orders. I haven't watched Jewel Box POV but that's just bad (btw Beni still had that # on her anniversary stream)

>> No.47520701

go watch it, it's fucking depressing how bad it was

>> No.47520847

No not at all. Pro players have quite the pressure on them to perform or they'll be booted. That's a world of difference from a streamer who just plays a lot

>> No.47521996

selen gets too doomer
other teams (usually) have fun

>> No.47523349
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I don't even care but APEX is always peak cringe

>> No.47523561

Towa-sama... 20th place...

>> No.47523799

Thanks, I actually feel better now knowing I'll never be one of these faggots

>> No.47524270

None of them would get with her, she's fat. If you notice, a lot of fat girls like Selen and Ollie go over the top with males because they can't get them in real life.

>> No.47524276
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Selen should have sex with me as a reward for losing

>> No.47524299

Because she's a woman. I love all these girls who stream these 1st person shooters, acting like they are good or experts but when you put them up against males they always lose, lol.

>> No.47524316

My god her vtuber model is so ugly lol

>> No.47526545

Fuck you faggot she's cuter than your oshi

>> No.47526750

lmao nijinig OBLITERATED

>> No.47528013

There's hidden MMR even in unranked, Selen grinded to Masters on that account so she's going against much more skilled players than Reimu or Elira. It's why she and a lot of streamers have a smurf account for collabs, otherwise they'd be bringing their newbie collab partners into fights against Predators.

>> No.47528051
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The winning team was literally all women, stupid faggot. Go back to whatever thread you crawled out of, you don't know shit.

>> No.47528100
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>> No.47528398
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>> No.47528441

If her hands weren't so fat she would do better

>> No.47528655

>Probably the worst performance of a team I've seen in Vsaikyo
close they are actually 2nd worst. The worst one was holostars team fucking around with controller in vsaikyou s1 with 1 point

>> No.47529617

Jewelbox is the worst team ever.

>> No.47529972

>Participants are Virtual Youtuber in Japan only.

>> No.47530033

its a joke

>> No.47530323

timestamp of this? sounds funny

>> No.47530756

Man, I kinda feel bad for the guy. He's clearly got nothing going for him, and has clung onto vtubers for his emotional support.

>> No.47530936

>Ollie go over the top with males because they can't get them in real life.

is that a joke or did you miss that stream collab when she got fingerblasted live?

>> No.47530974

Tsuna/towa have both won tournaments before and they are ranked right next to Selen.
Sometimes youre just unlucky

>> No.47532932

... no

>> No.47536549

that's not her masters account. What's the excuse now bud?

>> No.47541752


>> No.47542077

>trap up a building
>wait for 20 minutes
>everyone dies
>the team with the most luck wins
How the fuck is this an e-sport?

>> No.47544087

what do you consider esport? turteling alwas worked be is sc,wc,cs,dota. Even in real sports you see teams go passive and run the clock once they think they have the upper hand.

>> No.47544416

opinion disregarded
