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47477614 No.47477614 [Reply] [Original]

>considered the "Tetris god" in their company
>both lose to some beans
tetrisbros, I don't feel so good

>> No.47477678

It's rng anyway. Who cares really.

>> No.47477685

they should collab. suisei is open to mixed gender stuff now, as we can see from the roberu collab that she did recently.

>> No.47477705

Suichan and literally who??

>> No.47477731

>both blue
really activates the almonds

>> No.47477773

Puyotetris isn't normal tetris anyway.

>> No.47477828

They don't realize you have to use entirely different tactics against Puyo. If you play as if you're playing against Tetris you get your shit pushed in.

>> No.47477969

There's no clear 'Tetris god' in Niji like in Holo but yeah, Leos is pretty good, don't know who he lost to though since I didn't watch Niji's tournament

>> No.47478045

He lost to patanee, she's pretty good at puyo.

>> No.47478119

>They don't realize you have to use entirely different tactics against Puyo
How? Is it something like trying to interrupt them early instead of building huge combo against them because Puyo's combo is way stronger?

>> No.47478249

Leos is not good.
Suisei could/should have won though. Tetris players rule this game when they know what they're doing and Suisei seems speedy enough to make it work.

>> No.47478361
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They both lost to a big tiddy red head too

>> No.47478583

They nerf Tetris main weapons like tspin, combo and perfect clear. Tetris cannot win against puyo on an equal ground. They need to rush them as fast as possible with b2b.

>> No.47478671

They balanced the game for tournament play but fucked it up for everyone below that level.

>> No.47478932
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Couldn't tournaments of a game like this simply involve having to play both games? It's impossible to balance like this, and you're really just playing half of the game.
The way it's handled now feels like doing a triathlon except everyone can choose whether they want to do just the running, just the cycling or just the swimming part.

>> No.47479062

It should have been fucking SWAP, not Tetris vs Puyo which is fucking unfair for low-mid skills.

>> No.47479068

It's funny because this game is basically impossible to balance since it's two different games with two different flows slapped together in a single package. This game is basically worthless for tournaments, and is only fun at lower levels.

>> No.47479170

Tetriscope can't block any longer against PuyoGODS

>> No.47479358

Well look at this >>47479099 just see how easy Poyo does as much damage as a Tetris or even the dreaded T-Spin while doing far less damage while Poyo attacks do damage in full lines

>> No.47479432

Even though the Devs had to give them a huge buff to even keep up against Tetris. If this was PoyoTetris 1 then well Marine's a crater because the damage formula was different.

>> No.47479845
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Puyochads rise up

>> No.47479927

It is the best thing they have because permission shit prevents them from playing on a better and free client.

>> No.47479936

Real Puyo still play Tsu and not Sega Puyo trash.

>> No.47479939
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Koyori at least got to the finals with Tetris.

>> No.47480000

Retarded shitposter newfag.

>> No.47480374

Yeah, and it was obviously pushed by Sega too since we got "coincidentally" both a Niji and Holo tournament in the same month all of a sudden.
It was fun for a change, but Puyo Tetris is objectively a shit game and I don't want it to become the Apex of puzzle games. Especially since people here don't understand how those games work and their shitposts are even more unbearable than usual.

>> No.47481554

Suisei vs Marine is all fair game. It is what it is but both of them show their strength of their game.
But Nene can counter Koyo's elaborate setup by throwing puyos against the wall. That is stupid.

>> No.47483869

Bless pata-nee

>> No.47484348

It's because Tetris has a higher technical skill cap but puyo has higher potential for bigger combos and the way the game is setup combos determine who wins and loses.

>> No.47484591

it's like the universe is trying to tell us something

>> No.47485104

There's nothing fair about the meta in this game since it's asymetric. It's broken in a fundamental way because both games don't play the same, and it's broken in favor of Puyo for beginners, and Tetris for experts. The most Sega tries to balance it, the worse it gets. It's basically not a good game unless you just want to screw around.

>> No.47485332

Leos was doing 4-wide against all of the Puyo players in the tourney and destroyed some of the weaker ones. He lost to Lain because she was more competent than every other Puyo player in the tournament, and he made some sloppy mistakes. He knew the counter strat, he just couldn't execute.

>> No.47485623

This is cope, being good at tetris means being adaptable and knowing how to deal with the RNG, if you can’t do that then you aren’t actually good at tetris

>> No.47485671

I watched him and he had the right idea, but not the level of execution. He sets up T-spin as well as I do (not a compliment).
Suisei just played as if it was Tetris99. Don't know if it was arrogance or she just didn't give a fuck.

>> No.47485705

Inb4 she declines like literally every single holo who has done male collabs since the company started leaning towards idol culture, maybe when that happens you faggots will finally have to admit that holostars is viewership poison

>> No.47486663

She didn't know well how to counter it. She played as if it was a Tetris vs Tetris.

>> No.47487508

"Tetris god" among scrubs doesn't mean shit anon, i don't know the niji guy name, whoever that guy is i saw his play from links anon share and he is very mediocre (some random seriously learn Tetris for few months would be at his level) and for Suisei she is above average at best, real high level player are the pros or someone who can hold up against the pros, Suisei is not one of them she can hold against pros with badge advantage in her Tetris stream and any relevant opinion from the pros the people who actually know and play the game will say it is Tetris that got advantage over Puyo any other opinion who said otherwise is just a cope

>> No.47487666

IIRC, they banned 4-wide for the holo tournament. There was a strat that was banned for the puyo side too, though Marine doesn't use it.

>> No.47487810

It was GTR, and she was practicing it. But yeah, banned. In the end since both weren't allowed, you could say we're back to square one and it's "fair".

>> No.47488295

Seethe and cope that these vtubers are better than you.
Keep calling your "pros" as cope but nobody cares about them nor do they care about you.

>> No.47488815

not sure what's making you so mad anon
in the end you watch them because they're celebrities, not because they're "gods" at the games they play

>> No.47488986

Who is seething and coping here ? just pointing out that you anons should stop giving your opinion on something you obviously don't know about, isn't even Suisei said that Tetris has advantage over Puyo ?

>> No.47489777

>as we can see from the roberu collab that she did recently.
She literally gave zero fucks about holostars like every other holomems for years until she noticed Roberu and Aster despite her not minding mixed gender collabs, she only collabs with her circles that just happens to be quiet big unless its someone recommended by her friend or if it benefits her business and work wise

>> No.47490521

The real virus is the 2020troonicorns who don't even like vtubing showing up and shitting up this hobby.

>> No.47492670

Is there rule like that? i think i still saw marine using GTR

>> No.47496118

>playing tetris in 2023


>> No.47496256

what tf is wrong with his shoulders

>> No.47496853

The best Tetris player in Nijisanji is Kenmochi Toya.

>> No.47496910

She only collabs with safe choices like the cuck roberu

>> No.47496962

You speak as if that's something to be proud

>> No.47497126

I thought the tetris god was Azura.
And everyone is happy she beat Doppio because of how beyond chunni he would have been if he got the title 'god slayer'

>> No.47497165

Being good at normal Tetris doesn't mean you're good at Puyo Puyo Tetris. It's like assuming that someone who's good at CG:GO would be good at every FPS. Sure you know the basics and the skill will translate at some degree, but they will still miss a lot stuff.

>> No.47497247
File: 2.61 MB, 640x360, suisei loses twice in under 30 seconds.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Suisei only lost because Puyo is overpow-

>> No.47497275
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Leos is not the best Tetris player in the rainbow.

>> No.47497321

Nah, she just got lucky with her bracket (didn't fight Maria and Leos), despite her rematch arc with Aster in the semifinal. Still a good fight against Pata-nee though, most people can't even fathom how to counter her 3+ chains opener

>> No.47497880

Ah my bad, checked again and I think she just said it'd be hard to do it with Sui-chan but it wasn't really banned. I could be wrong.

>> No.47497963

She was playing against tetrus's top player while using a playstation joystick, something she's not used to.

>> No.47498088

>controller cope again

>> No.47498282

>ignoring she's against the top 2 player in the world

>> No.47498486
File: 717 KB, 564x517, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dt-cannon, into another double tspin into tetris combo drops two lines of trash onto a puyo board
>One puyo board combo does this
Koyori had like 2 lines of blocks and no trash before Marine executed it.

>> No.47498552

If you let your opponent set up a full board combo that just means you already lost before they execute it. That's just how Puyo works, you're supposed to stop them BEFORE they can build the combo.

>> No.47498641

If the only way to beat an average puyo player is to be a literal professional tetris player, that means puyo is extremely overpowered.

>> No.47498926

GTR is just a transition, one with really obvious flaws that Marine stayed away from since it's weak to how fast Tetris can harass and messes up the rest of your build.
They shouldn't have banned 4-wide. Pekora probably believed the game would devolve into memorizing openers but it's better to accept TvPP is just flawed. She should've made it a Swap tournament instead.

>> No.47498953

You don't have to be a professional to stop someone from filling the entire screen while you sit and do nothing to try and block it. You just have to change up your strategy.

>> No.47499055

>beat an average puyo player is to be a literal professional tetris player,
Well Marine isn't average and Suisei is pro. They're of equal skill so you have to actually think and use appropriate tactics to beat the other. Marine was using Tetris counters that guard against Puyo's weaknesses while Suisei was using her usual playstyle that does not work against Puyo.

>> No.47499231

It's not fair, being on the left side of the screen is overpowered.

>> No.47501064

>hoshicucks coping their oshi isn't perfect at everything
Feels great to see them slapped with reality with how much they pride themselves on their oshi being "above" hololive

>> No.47501262

I don't like suisei but it's true that Puyo has a big advantage in the lower 99.99% of matchups.

>> No.47502959

Do you not see Puyo's inherent weakness here? To build up chains you inherently make your board more dangerous/less stable. It's why, once you get the hang on building chains in Puyo Puyo, you have to watch your opponent and match their timings or else your trigger gets blocked.

>> No.47503298

homobeggars are catalogfags and almost never watch streams, shocking
you are right but the fact that tetris player has to not play tetris "properly" to not get slaughtered shows how problematic puyo is
what was sega even thinking by letting 2 different games able to fight 1v1, thats impossible to balance

>> No.47503409

Did they nerf tetris in PPT2? I remember everyone saying it was impossible to win as Puyo in 1

>> No.47503701

>Suisei is pro
She isn't.

>> No.47506950


>> No.47507070

puyo is meme mode

>> No.47507097

>Using clear game imbalance as a way to make drama posts

>> No.47507168

And the very fact that flippin LAIN won using puyo is all you need to know. It's Lain, the cute baka, gambler.

>> No.47507294

>Tetris is rng
The fuck, no it's not

>> No.47507457

Guideline tetris is very stable, that's why openings are as prevalent as they are.
If your game has 0% chance to throw 5 S-Pieces at you in a row, don't tell me it's dictated by RNG.

>> No.47508572

if puyo chain is smaller like 3-5 chain, it will only about half screen, then decent tetris can still play his own set-up and be able to use those garbage to attack puyo player by chain clear instead. while garbage on puyo side is pure garbage that only disrupt puyo set-up
If it's between decent player let's say 1500-2000, it would pretty balance but most holomem are only 800-1200 at most and they don't really play tetris in the pvp way

>> No.47508833

it's time for Red&Boobs to defeat the Blue&Flat tirany
Bae/Irys vs Gura soon

>> No.47509128

destroying mid tier and beginners in tetris is easy for them. beans vs tetris needs another mindset in the first place
that was a 9 combo, you can say it's not fair but that's the game. Might as well complain about mario kart item drops.

>> No.47509127

Not adapting to the enemy is now a "problem"
that's literally a skill issue
same shit happened on Selen's tetris-puyo tourney, faggots kept playing tetris like they are playing against a tetris opening making big lines instead of doing small combos to mess up the puyo chain

>> No.47509917

Small combo does nothing in pvt. It is incredibly difficult to combo the garbage line and actually is the most rng part.
They nerf tspin and pc damage. I'm so surprise that tetris opener doesn't work here.
The game is the "problem". It is impossible to balance. They are cucking tetris in every way and still fucking lose in a competitive level. They should consider removing a hard drop.

>> No.47510846

the universe supports fat tits and hag supremacy.

>> No.47510856

Tetris is more powerful than puyo is in the game, seeing retards crying it's unfair is hilarious

>> No.47511011

They should just go back to NESTetris rules at that point

>> No.47511115

That's a bait post. Puyo basically plays itself. 4 grey blocks that will remove themselves via a combo isn't the same as 4+ stacks of grey wall coming up on the tetris side of things.

>> No.47511603

Marine made like 10 mistakes a match and still won. Well balanced game.

>> No.47512406

It looked like a good fight until you realized that Patanee was playing blind because her screen was blacked out. After she fixed the problem, Azura didn't have a chance to fight back

>> No.47513923

Good job with the bait post anon. Make them unicorns seethes when seeing the word "male"and "collab".

>> No.47514883

They nerfed Tetris massively, but the issue is that it only made Puyo too strong EXCEPT for high-level play where Tetris still rules. So "casuals" complain Puyo is too strong, while tourneyfags complain Tetris is too strong.
It's a fun game because of the novelty, but not good for competition.

>> No.47515425

Yeah, that's true. It was such a cruel bait, give 2 wins to Azura, then proceed to obliterate her

>> No.47515916

It's a niche game anyway and like streetfighter it is "balanced" for the competitive scene because they buy the game. The casual player won't care too much about it and just play for fun or beat up an friend that never played the game before.

>> No.47516290

Amemiya no longer #1?

>> No.47516580

Sui is beginner level by her own words (is she comparing herself to the pros)

>> No.47517033

Only in ppt too. Most top non Japanese players don't recognize ppt tournaments. They are active on tetr.io and jstris.

>> No.47517092
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Based quads

>> No.47517519

>It's a niche game anyway and like streetfighter it is "balanced" for the competitive scene because they buy the game.
No, modern fighting games are incredibly balanced. Unbalanced gameplay is the death to any competitive scene, and because people will abuse the shit out of it and make it unbearable.
There's a reason people style play with the Puyo Tsu ruleset 20 years later, while Puyo Tetris 2 will be forgotten as soon as a new one arrive.

>> No.47518100

that's what i said. It's balanced for the top. the competitive scene. A "weak" char at casual might be a monster in tournaments because the casual doesn't fully understand the char. pvt might seem unfair but at the top tetris is still winning even with all the handicapping.

>> No.47521265

Suisei is a hack
She's a pure hype job, never have I seen someone with so little talent being held up as a multitalented genius

>> No.47521477

Intangibles can be a talent. She obviously has something good going for her even if she's not #1 in anything.

>> No.47522212

A great final between them would be kino.

>> No.47522313

if it's so easy then you go do do what she does and become Suisei

>> No.47524663

Remember that time when Suisei got beat by the #1 Tetris player and it wasn't even close? I loved that because it put that egotistical snobby bitch in her place

>> No.47524862

What's your APM and PPS?

>> No.47526981

Can we finally achieve unity through hatred of puyopuyo mode?

>> No.47527102

Holy shit...

>> No.47527356

I don't know, I don't remember if he was 1st or 2nd. That's why I said top 2 too.

>> No.47527471

you should die

>> No.47527479

was the #2 ranked player at the time actually. the #1 was in her chat. Not easy being as popular as suisei

>> No.47527512

If that's what it gets them to release them as separate games again I'm all for it.

>> No.47527585

Nobody will buy puyopuyo.

>> No.47527844

>People hype up someone
>Anon thinks the person in question thinks highly of herself
Many such cases.

>> No.47528146

Yeah anon, you should never be considered good at a game if you can only consistently beat all of your friends and have good matches against a majority of it's player base. If you can't compete with the top players in the world you're actually trash and shouldn't even bother playing. This is what actual brain damage looks like.

>> No.47528189

Imagine thinking women can compete with me, especially retarded wetbacks in Vidya. Imagine typing that out. Now imagine how hard is must be for Calliope Mori to tie her shoes.

>> No.47529615
File: 156 KB, 1289x921, excuses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is actual brain damage too.
I think Suisei absolutely knows her level, but her fans are embarassing.

>> No.47529797

>you're not good in a game if you're not the top 0.00001% players in the world.
The cope of losers in the lower half of the spectrum.

>> No.47529923

>someone who's good at CG:GO would be good at every FPS
funny enough, that's what happened with the homo team in the Apex tournament. Altare was a newbie in apex but performed the best because he used to be a pro(or semi-pro?) in CoD

>> No.47530147

I'm not debating that her fans overestimate her ability, although that mainly is because within the Holo ecosystem she has been strong for a long time. I was responding to anon who thought it was a flex that she lost to literally the best player in the world.

>> No.47530200

PvT damage table is a worse point scam than King being 7pts.

>> No.47530345

How do you get this good at Tetris?

>> No.47530352

Plenty of her real fans including the foreign ones are stronger than her and always came to play to join in her Tetris lobby, those that overestimate her are often grey names and clip watchers. Her fans unironically burst out laughing seeing her getting bullied by Amemiya and they know that means she is gonna grind out Tetris or any competitive game on stream so they're usually are the ones happy about it

>> No.47530603

She 100% knows when she plays rated 1v1 PPT2 games. She is around 1800 rating for a reason. Top players are 3000+, good players are 2400+. PPT2 is so much about b2b play, and hers is honestly really poor for how long she has been playing. And the less said about her DT opener the better, this isn't 2020 anymore.

>> No.47530749

It's called PCO, not that good on on PPT2 anymore after the TD PC meta took over. You can learn PCO in a few hours and with some practice you'll get fast at it.

>> No.47531853

What's a good opener anyway? I've only played PPT1 and even then I didn't even look up good openers or anything. Also is the latency better in PPT2? Playing with Japanese was pretty painful in 1 cause for some reason the game wants to be in sync instead of just letting you play and adjusting with your opponent's progress.
