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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47475126 No.47475126 [Reply] [Original]

When did shitting on your fanbase become a virtue in vtubing? It happens so often now. I barely even realized until I watched JP hololive. Most of them don't take jabs at their fanbases and even the one's who occasionally do, don't beat a dead horse.

I'm starting to get tired of it. I get vtubers have antis and antis are shit, but your entire fanbase is not antis. At the very least, if you're going to trash your antis, why not reward your loyal supporters? Why do so many vtubers have such a deep resentment of their fanbase? It seems palpable at times.

>> No.47475227

Proof. 3 evidence/timestamps

>> No.47475255

>being self aware is bad
avarge 4chan user

>> No.47475337

Another reason why jp is superior. No wonder EOPs spew hate all the time when even their oshi hates them

>> No.47475358

Who are you thinking of besides the usual suspects in holoEN? The few indies I watch all appreciate their audience quite a bit.

>> No.47475388

>unfortunately because idol culture is a thing

>improve yourselves

>parasocial fucks

>Toxic by Moona

>Iofi's art meltdowns

I could go on but I think you get the point

>> No.47475409

>When did shitting on your fanbase become a virtue in vtubing?
When EN became a thing
Anyone who's watched fleshtubers before Vtubers knows how common this is
That's why you only watch JP

>> No.47475464

Indies can't afford to shit on their fanbases, that's why. It's always the big corpo ones.

>> No.47475490

laplus i forgive my viewers darkness says hello.

>> No.47475550
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Hate is just another form of love and support.
She's my oshi (barely) but god fucking damn i hate her guts sometimes...

>> No.47475688

Who says it's about you, why the fuck you need to lob yourself together with others? The idea of fanbases are fucking retarded, just because i like X vtuber doesn't mean my entire being is being that X fanbase or sharing it with their lowest common denominator. Do i need to be into piss to like Suisei? Being a schizoid to like Gura?

>> No.47475718

I genuinely forgot she exists until you mentioned her.

>> No.47475949

JP's aren't perfect either. That's the only lesson you need to remember.

>> No.47476276

There a lot of bad ones in JP but the average is still good.
We have like 75% good holos to 25% bad holos.
Unlike EN where only Gura, Fauna, Mumei, Kiara and Ina are good but Gura gave up forever and Kiara is annoying as hell... Literally the opposite of JP

>> No.47476347

I'm aware they're not perfect, I wasn't denying that.
But the ratio between the two is heavily imbalanced.
It's not impossible but I'm much less likely to walk away from a JP stream feeling like I was shat on compared to an EN stream.

>> No.47476376

What are your problems with IRyS? She's a unicorn, loves her fans, and streams fairly consistently for an EN member.

>> No.47476405

Cope, just admit you are wrong.

>> No.47476415

I've learnt that Kiara is good but you have to take her in dosages.
Too much and you'll start to find her infuriating.

>> No.47477143
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That's why I from Moona fans became anti her, after she had enough time to make songs for the haters while continuing to lie to the fans

>> No.47477322

The defendant's dock was empty, yet you decided to plant your ass there.

>> No.47477323

people in en sphere generally have a lot of self loathing related to their hobbies and vtubers are merely feeding into it
you can't just be a fan, you are a simp etc.

>> No.47477349

Forgot her. My bad

>> No.47478044

Who's patient Zero in Hololive bad behaviour chuuba, in terms of acting like a twitch thot to some degree.

>> No.47478152

either mori or ame

>> No.47478254

Ame mostly

>> No.47478392

Ame is just slightly unfit to play the role. Mori actively pushes back against it.

>> No.47478458
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Because this board has too many idiots with mental illnesses (dominated by #'s, /hlgg/ and the western idiot shills), so you get dumb "wars". The retarded "marineschizo" is the worst where he bitches about marine every time and say's what a "horrid bitch" she is, despite being one of the best members for hololive's support. This board is living proof that SEA has some of the dumbest people on the planet.

>> No.47479550

nice try marineschizo

>> No.47479661

Being self aware is kind of really gay and reddit if you haven't noticed yet

>> No.47479726

Exception proves the rule you big big faggot

>> No.47479968

All holos are good. You're just a fragile little bitch.

>> No.47480200
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>All holos are good

>> No.47480683

It's entirely a Chumbud problem

>> No.47480833

This thread smells like dogfuckers out of their containment board
Go back

>> No.47480895

The irony is that it was /jp/ that kicked out half of this board to begin with

>> No.47481044
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>be /jp/
>be overrun with people talking about English language streamers
>kick them out
>somehow become labelled the villain
It's all very confusing.

>> No.47481584
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Blame simps, which seem to be a sizable portion of vtuber fans.

These fags will sit and watch a streamer openly disrespet them and they'll spam "BASED" and throw money at them. They've learn that they can say and do whatever they want and their legion of simps will still defend it. Elira said this straight up in one of her Idol manager streams

I don't know how every cuck thinks but I imagine it's something like:
>Streamer-chan called us a bunch of micro dick faggots and said to kill ourselves again
>All the weaklings will get filtered but not me!
>If I put up with this maybe she'll love me back
>I'll send an akasupa to show my support!
>OMG she said "Thanks for the cash, you retarded nigger" I love you, Streamer-chan!

Extreme example, but still. They shit on their fans because their paypigs allow it. The average fan won't stick around, but as long as the whales stay it won't matter.

>> No.47481982

Because EN's fanbase consists of a heavy amount of zoomers that are still too young and incapable of admitting any fault

>> No.47482010

I talk about ID/EN in /hlg/ and JP in global. And no one has a problem with either.

>> No.47482198

The JP side is rather complicated, some would say it was Matsuri back when she began her crippling Apex addiction, others would suggest Rushia with her extremely volatile unicorns at the time whiteknighting her for the sake of her approval... it's a huge hole to dig in.

For English its got to be Gura and her "can't blame me I'm cute" behavior. On top of that, her fanbase became the biggest pieces of shit during the Taiwan yab, raiding and bullying Fubuki around the time she sided with the reddit dragon. The wigger enabled a lot of garbage into the vtubing scene but Gura was the main catalyst.

>> No.47482212

/jp/ didn’t want people to have fun, they just wanted more retarded threads like yasaka kanata giantess thread #641 and boobhu thread #19461

>> No.47482303

Blame beta, bitch, simps, with no self respect for themselves. Soon as the "step on me mommy" crowd shows up in chat I'm outta there faster than a cat in a dog pound.

>> No.47482546

Literally all of those are only calling out a specific minority part of the fanbase, not the fanbase as a whole. Why should you tolerate retards shitting up the place?

>> No.47484167

Because EN culture started getting screwy after post-modernism and now it's completely inverted into self entitled hyper materialism. They think they're lowering themselves by catering to people and it offends their ego that they have to perform and not just get money by default. It starts as a small cognitive dissonance of wanting the money and disliking the people who are giving it but over time it irritates them more and more until they're full on shitting on the people that financially support them.

>> No.47487038

They have no lives.

>> No.47488438

>Toxic by Moona
>Iofi's art meltdowns
qrd? i thought ID loved ID

>> No.47488716


>> No.47489051

It's weird if you think about it, these girls people worship are considered complete losers by the norm world. In any place outside the weeb sphere they'd get laughed at.

>> No.47489906


>> No.47490047

I wish I was as deranged as the marine schizo.

>> No.47490214

I agree some femanon wrote something like this the other day and she was 100% right

>> No.47490252

No, I think it's weirder that misogynists attach themselves to the thing they hate. That's why I like vtubers, because I like seeing people who have my interests continue to pursue them.

>> No.47490335

always. western.

>> No.47490442

Hope she sees this

>> No.47490602

> I'm not like those other people. I see the TRUTH. I can read between the lines. I know the harsh reality.
Basically counter culture hipsters.
And posts like this are just counter counter culture.

>> No.47490926
File: 71 KB, 1280x720, Breaking_Bad_S04E01__Box_Cutter__-_Denny's_Scene_0-25_screenshot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.47491011


>> No.47491150

Post membership, what a fragile faggot

>> No.47491353

Westoid woman syndrome, many of them joined because they heard nerds would give them free money. Most of them are mediocre chicks who believe they're hotter than they are. Just look at airbrushed 18yos (or 28yos who claim to be 18yos since no one is checking their birth certificate kek) on instagram, tinder, etc. they've all got "send me money to get pics" like some basic bitch at the pool is worth a lot of money. They've all got whore mentality, severely overrate themselves and aren't all that fun to talk to.

>> No.47491400

ID stands out since they blatantly want to be bankrolled for existing by an army of simps. I don't know what's wrong with them.

>> No.47491408

I think hers was a more specific "i forgive the dudes who sent me death threats". I very much doubt that they were viewers.

>> No.47491452

>educate yourselves
>I'm not your friend
>'stream' and 'schedule' are banned
>losers watching anime girls
>just don't watch if you don't like (my SEAnigger sex pest) coworkers!

There's more once you start digging into indies and small corps. NijiEN has become completely psychotic with dunking on the poor idiots who are still their fans, but HoloEN has had a couple noticeable mask-off moments, particularly (funny enough) the original trinity of Ina/Ame/Gura.

Also there's definitely a cultural element to it, see >>47477323 and >>47484167.

>> No.47491562

Coco. Dont get me wrong, i liked some of her more edgy content back in the day but she did do and say some things that lowered the bar. And I'm not talking about the chink drama. To be honest inviting in the reddit/western audience with her meme reviews was more egregious.

>> No.47491609

>I'm not your friend
Who said that?

>> No.47491634

>ID/EN in /hlg/
> And no one has a problem with either
rumao. Keep the fuck out of /hlg/ and /jp/.

>> No.47491641

That's because you don't speak Japanese, you fucking shitbrain weeaboo.

>> No.47491695

definetly, she earned the nickname reddit's dragon.

>> No.47491717

>inviting in the reddit/western audience with her meme reviews was more egregious.
That shit was so bad, people on r/hololive were actively begging her to stop

>> No.47491736


>> No.47491796

Oh okay. Nothing of value was lost. Carry on then.

>> No.47492301

I thought Reimu was the true affectionate one until i noticed she was just Vox sidekick and would bring him up all the time, dropped her real fast since then, such a waste tho....

>> No.47492462
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>Nothing of value was lost.
To you, maybe.

>> No.47492481
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Didn't Gura literally sing for Coco around the time she was suspended though? I think you're confusing weird chinese people who like the shark loli with the greater tide of chudbuds.

Hitomi Chris but she was easy to remove. Later Suisei came and she acts like she wants to be 'blue taylor swift'. Matsuri, Towa, Coco. I don't think Haachama is a thot but she's friends with all the thots and would be one if she could be one/less autistic by japanese standards. Really it's not a matter of contagion but inevitability, anywhere there's money you'll get vulture extroverts and the types of introverted actual otaku (as opposed to 'shy' girls who are not shy at all) become few in number as many of them avoid getting too big.

>> No.47492608
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It's actually a bit disturbing to be honest. I noticed it a lot and I'm glad someone mentioned it because it's really pathetic honestly.
For example, a western vtuber would make fun of someone for never having a gf or something. Instead of finding that remark bitchy and rude, they'll just be like "haha yeah...we're pretty pathetic" or even worse, literally donating money and saying goofy shit like TSKR for being insulted.
I'm not saying JP is perfect, but I'm never going to go into a Mio stream and see Mio shitting on her audience because she's bad at a game and bringing up random personal attacks.

Basically what i'm saying is, take the JP pill

>> No.47492662

I'm sorry you were hurt like this dragoon...

>> No.47492757

> Later Suisei came and she acts like she wants to be 'blue taylor swift'
Meds please. Suisei's behaviour has been nothing but professional for cover from the start.

>> No.47492888

So glad i don't have to see those awful reddit meme reviews popping up like crazy on youtube.

>> No.47492978

Imagine what it was like visiting there and having a fucking panik meme popping up every literal minute...

>> No.47493106
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>So glad i don't have to see those awful reddit meme reviews popping up like crazy on youtube.
Meme review was fun for the novelty of seeing a japanese member see how someone interpreted you from overseas. The first time was fine. The twentieth time I just wanted out

>> No.47493201

The JP member reacting was the only good thing about it and in a vaccum it would have been fine with just that but even that didnt justify the sheer wave of reddit/western autism that was invited into the wider vtuber fanbase with it.

>> No.47493230

It was a great drinking game at least

>> No.47493342

My friend tried that and nearly died.

>> No.47493438

this basically, it got old pretty fucking fast.

>> No.47493517

>Iofi's art meltdowns
Huh? If you want to bring up yopi in this context at least use a proper example. Like her publicly calling out a very creepy and delusional fan that wrote several sexually graphic messages about her on her video comments.
Since the ID girls have smaller community, drawing the line when someone goes too far is very important I think.

>> No.47493575

Its the result of a culture that never holds women accountable for anything. I remember watching a Marine clip where she was making fun of people drawing art with alternate proportions or something and the immediate response from chat was "its fantasy so we can draw what we want, dont lecture us" and she immediately apologized.

>> No.47493659

You have to realise something like that takes time. First it is "i like streaming would be nice if i could make a living of this" than you becomme bigger "holy shit it works i made it, this job is way easier than my old one and the money is better i love my fans" than you get used to it "i have so much money now but not the time to spend it how i want it i feel a little trapped here" than it goes "i hate these loosers i would like to do someting else but where do i find a job with that pay and low houres and no quallification these sick fucks holding me hostage here. I witnessed it first hand a friend of me started her Vtuber career as a small german indie and all that happent with in a year she is a cam-girl now

>> No.47493720

To be fair, that was fucking stupid that she had to apologise for that to begin with.
it's not just women either though because you have a few of the male NijiEN's doing the same shit.

>> No.47493753


>> No.47493780

>I witnessed it first hand a friend of me started her Vtuber career as a small german indie and all that happent with in a year she is a cam-girl now
Can you tell me who that is? I feel like I might know but I want to be sure.

>> No.47493798

Its not stupid because she's a doujin artist herself. She was attacking her male viewers for being perverts despite being a pervert and rightfully got told to shut the fuck up in a polite but firm way. And she was smart enough to realise she was being dumb. A western woman would call the chat incels because they didnt agree with her hypocrisy

>> No.47493845

Because people accept it. Look at Kronii, Nyanners, Mori, Ame, Gura, Ina. These girls can insult their fans, ignore them, blow them off, and they still get tons of money.

>> No.47493872

How do I become a dedicated vtuber anti?

>> No.47493969

I know this is a retarded bait thread but saying Towa brought "bad chuuba behavior" or "twitch thot behavior" is fucking retarded. The most "egregious" things she's done is play with other FPS streamers and has kept that distinctly separated from the rest of hololive. She's still part of plenty of events and helps host many, there is no reason to ever list her here in terms of bad behavior.

>> No.47493971

Meme review was 100% management's fault. First they kneecapped Asacoco and then they killed it completely. And it's not like Coco would have been allowed to take memes from 4chan or even Twitter. No, Cover only allowed shit from the Hololive reddit which they controlled so naturally you got the weakest gayest shit.

>> No.47494046

But the worst part of that is that there were memes posted there that were actually funny.
I know the copyright shit couldn't be used but there was actually things with effort there.
But the 1054th "always has been" meme got picked every time.

>> No.47494051

>literal nobody suddenly gets the attention and love of many people
>suddenly feels a surge of power which they weren't prepared for
>is now entitled to everyone's unconditional love and respect
Humans are weird. Also, its not exclusive to vtubers

>> No.47494097

Misogynists wouldn't give out money. I think your theory is off .

>> No.47494186

No sorry i don't risk it nothing against you personaly

>> No.47494224

>But the worst part of that is that there were memes posted there that were actually funny.
No there really weren't.

>> No.47494402

The people who worship them are even bigger losers

>> No.47494422

Understandable. I got the rest of your point though. It happens in steps and then eventually it reaches this point where they resent you and sometimes be completely open about their resentment.
I experienced this when I literally worked for someone who was actually inclining, got on great with fans and was doing well, then made fuck up after fuck up, refused to adapt, kept treating their audience and mods like garbage and now he's the joke of the internet.

>> No.47494473

2 funny posts out of 100+ unfunny posts are still 2 funny posts.

>> No.47494481

bog hog?

>> No.47494499

Suisei and Matsuri thing is calling out gachikoi which is funny in Matsuri's case since she has no gachikoi but acts like they harass her constantly

>> No.47494580

Matsuri is full of shit and baits gachikoi constantly...when she feels like it. She calls membership her boyfriends and says that buying memberships is like introducing your girl to other guys. But then she also does all her other shit which is why people are pissed at her. She wants it both ways. She wants the money from gachikoi but isn't willing to stop openly thirsting over Homos/Hoshikawa for even a second. Meanwhile Suisei has never given gachikois an inch.

>> No.47494638

OK show me the two funny posts, bonus points if they are actually Reddit originals and not just copied from here.

>> No.47494716

>When did shitting on your fanbase become a virtue in vtubing?
When western whores came along.

>> No.47496107

I am not going back to sieve through literally thousands of posts to get to that specific time in 2020 to prove a point.

>> No.47496246
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Unironically this.
You have only yourself to blame, you should have listened.

>> No.47496393

>>Toxic by Moona

>> No.47496467

You could just use the search function to find those two posts. But you won't because there aren't any.

>> No.47496586

Don't be all dog fucker. Ame (pre Tempus) was good. Then her contrarian nature flared up and she wanted to collab out of spite. Mumei and Fauna are both okay and seem to genuinely like their fans. Really the only ones who actively shat on their fans were Mori and Kronii. You could make an argument for Ina MAYBE but she mostly keeps it hidden.

>> No.47496796

Anon. When I said there was at least a couple that were funny, I also said there were 1000+ that were unfunny.
I am not giving myself brainrot and looking through multiple panik memes to prove a completely semantically point no one but you gives a fuck about.

>> No.47496879

Laplus is the same.

>> No.47497497

nta, yeah not worth it at all. also glad she left to express her ´´talent freedom´´ *pukes*

>> No.47498168

Because women. The men that do it are feminine men, bitchy as fuck and emotionally and mentally fragile just like a woman. They all feel entitled to earn fucktons of free money AND shit on the people giving them said money and if you complain the fans call you an anti and defend the streamer that shits on them. To me, it just seems like collective insanity. Leave it to women to turn something as simple as streaming into some weird cult-like thing.

>> No.47498314

>I'm never going to go into a Mio stream and see Mio shitting
why even live?

>> No.47500572

>Still has the size sticker on his shirt

>> No.47502562

Coco used meme from 4chan several times if they also posted in Reddi.

>> No.47502894

This thread is pretty low quality desu

>> No.47504105

>Unlike EN where only Gura, Fauna, Mumei, Kiara and Ina
that's 50%...

>> No.47504930

The vast majority of /vt/ threads are low quality.

>> No.47506637

Elira didn't actually say that. Some faggot sent her a creepy Super Chat and she calmly responded by reminding him she is a real person with real feelings.
An anon summed up her message as "I'm not your friend" and threadreaders took his words out of context and ran with it.

>> No.47506810

>JP hololive
doesn't exist, it's just Hololive. EN and ID are side branches.

>> No.47508507

These posters just hate women and will rationalize it anyway they can.

>> No.47508656

Fauna is the most popular Holo in /hlg/ lmao

>> No.47508658


>> No.47508792

Post in /hlg/ regularly

>> No.47508990

Yeah it's the dogfucker containment breach.

>> No.47512641

this anon used the advanced "respond to a false statement with another false statement" technique.

>> No.47512711

because you fags just take it.

>> No.47512953

That anon are just retarded not to know moona always sing avril lavigne and she want to make one.

>> No.47513073

>nijien shitting on their fanbase every day
"but my hatred for holo, i just want to shit on holo"

>> No.47513168

>lyrics written by Ari Renaldi and Arina Ephipania from Mocca
>retards: it's obviously about me

>> No.47513237
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I forgot, this is consider good for you anon.

>> No.47513414

>fagelira and inhaling a gallon-sized copium tank while asking for seconds
name a more iconic duo

>> No.47513417

Sound like a /jp/ retarded problem then, since global talk a lot during id/en/jp stream, nobody got thrash except for homo.

>> No.47513608
File: 21 KB, 199x128, 1645291104964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Have an oshi
>Oshi betrays you
>Become her anti to cope

>> No.47513716

That's worse.
But if you think all holos are good here's a reminder: Rushia.

>> No.47514160

JP has better chat banter.

>> No.47518598

Are you?

>> No.47518859

It's a western women thing. You want the actual chuuba experience you are gonna have to learn Japanese.

>> No.47519942


>> No.47520327

Or better yet don't, but watch JP anyway. The language barrier is actually a buff. Zero drama, and they'll never say anything to upset you.
