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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47457982 No.47457982 [Reply] [Original]

No hate
Just discussion

>> No.47458078

Luxiem didn't do well as expected

>> No.47458109

>6k is bad now

>> No.47458134

They succeed. It just wasn't never ending success.

>> No.47458136

The most hilarious thing is the clique stole their concert. Yes, the Malaysian 2d stream is more of a karaoke than a real concert, but still.

>> No.47458166

Not only their CCV but also their SC plummeted
I'm just confused

>> No.47458194

Parasocial yabs, stale videogames content that disinterest women, not even a flick of innovation, still default avatars, cockblocked concert

>> No.47458247

>still default avatars, cockblocked concert
Lends credence to the idea that the clique has real power in the branch where they managed to destroy Luxiem's momentum and made them wait their turn for new costumes instead of logically jumping ahead of Ethyria.

>> No.47458280
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>nijikeks and their lies

>> No.47458397

>The clique destroyed the comfy Lazusydia days that the OG fans loved.
>The clique destroyed the rising star males that new female fans loved,.
Can we put aside our differences and fight the real enemy here sisters?

>> No.47458487

Guess Elira wasn't kidding when she implied she was gonna force management to give them a concert. didn't expect to see it exclude luxiem at the time though kek.
I have no complaints though. luxiem getting shunted to the side like second class citizens while the og girls take over again means nature is healing.

>> No.47459028
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>The Clique™ smack down management, force them to go in order for 3Ds instead of jumping ahead to Luxiem
>The Clique™ smack down management, force them to give Ethyria outfits before Luxiem
Uh, BASED much?

>> No.47459052

Didn't Vox top the SC charts recently? I guess one could bring up he did charity and whatnot and that was a boost from the norm.

>> No.47459066

The results of education

>> No.47459100


>> No.47459141

A certain document that has gone into circulation but the source is removed

>> No.47459180

Except for the fact like clique encourages the cucking of fans to an obsessive, spiteful degree and Ethyria getting a big break like with their costumes isn't exactly something to brag about. Luxiem going first would at least indicate that numbers come before what psycho cunts want.

>> No.47459190


>> No.47459364
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>Going in order for outfits is ok until it reaches a group I don't like, then it's "what psycho cunts want"

>> No.47459387

Proving the point Aloucreep.

>> No.47459433
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Vox's career took a nosedive when he let Reimu keep taking shots at his fans and his fans didn't like it. Had to step in and lost many fans for defending the bitch. Had a mental breakdown when he discovered he had a mental condition.

Mysta is a menhera that decided he had enough success and stopped caring about becoming more popular. Bought his mother land, got together with Mika and settled down for mediocrity.

Ike is a workaholic that doesn't have anyone on the same wavelength with the rest of the wave. Takes frequent breaks and burned out.

Luca is a manchild that let his ego get the better of him and is a homophobe stuck in a group of people being gay for pay. Prefers interacting with the girls and his popularity suffered for it.

Shu is the most pathetic excuse of a man to ever be in a corpo vtuber scene. No projects, constantly whiny, refuses to stream, doesn't even pretend to like his fans. Overall the biggest waste of a slot. If he was in any other debut group, he would not be even a fraction as popular as he is now.

Also they got in a fight with management over things like merch, cover song permissions, cancelled AR live, direction and general incompetence. They even hinted that the cancelled concert excuse was a lie, so they stopped getting the preferential treatment. We used to get Luxiem merch every other month, now they are a lot less focused.

>> No.47459468

I mean the issue is, they used to stream much more while having higher numbers.
Both is down.

>> No.47459560

This is pretty accurate especially when it comes to Shu. tbf we always see tons of people getting success handed to them.
It's just extra annoying because Shu was a Nepo hire

>> No.47459641

Those original fans are long gone by now anon and never coming back. And the sisters don't trust "chuds" enough to break branch unity, even when their boys get screwed over by internal politics. Even this thread is already astroturded by whatever cucks are currently in the male side of the fandom.
The dream is dead, move on already.

>> No.47459685

Vox had that one incident about his mother. Apparently that was really controversial in CN or something.

>> No.47459735

they turned the viewbots off

>> No.47460554

I noticed it aswell, and when they do stream its mostly collabs, asmrs, genshit, valorant spams.
Which would get very tiring to watch after so much.
And don't forget about the controversies they keep getting on.

>> No.47460670

>they turned the viewbots off
Did Youtube getting a new CEO have something to do with this? I saw some catalog threads whining about "cullings" happening to NijiEN.

>> No.47460683

Imagine giving a fuck

>> No.47460684

>all of them losing to kiara in ccv
idc about the SC rankings but losing to kiara of all people in ccv is so fking bad.
Also baelz and mori carrying them EN girls hard with their streams.

>> No.47460740

It became much more secured, you can always tell with the ratios in their ccv and likes count.

>> No.47461060

Man this makes me appreciate Tempus more,

Regis is still a mystery character for me, it's like he is to reserved and not showing his real self.

Axel has the Singing talent and the Bridge of EN to JP stars but desu I feel like he is a pest which is why other than ID holoEN don't like collabing with him.

Magni is the Comedy man of HQ and so far has the most creative streams among the entirety of Tempus, I don't have much problem with him aside from being to addicted to Sonic and Fortnite lol.

Vesper is the favorite due to his personality being relatable to Male fans and has is very engaging when talking, His issue is him very introverty or just straight up Menhera.

Bettle is the Funny man of VG and is Very good in it and is even better than Magni, not much problem with him aside from the games he plays I don't Vibe with.

Flayon initially was my pick since his potential is high due to his voice acting skills, I quickly fell of cuz to me like Regis he ain't being Genuine and is still reserved.

Hakka is currently my Favorite Holostars EN talents due to his Superior singing prowess and his open and fun personality.

Shinri is very pleasant to listen to and is a good to listen to and he makes you engage with the game he is playing with him, my bet on why he is underperforming is because he was expected to be the Vox and Hex but he didn't give that.

>> No.47461107

I think YT is more resilient against Chinese view farms running hundreds of smartphones now.

>> No.47461239

What Bogus is this? Council is Carrying the EN Branch for Months now Myth only has 3 people streaming and they all get Floored by Council

>> No.47461247

I don't disagree with a lot of this but management really do seem incompetent to not take advantage of the success they had, viewbots helping with that or no. Making them do all that prep work for the concert and then canceling it because they expanded it too much was a very shitty move.

>> No.47461263
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>> No.47461272

Tempiss arent any better faggot

>> No.47461386

Fake data. No way an ID and fucking Bae of all people beat all of luxiem

>> No.47461514

Brief (botted) success of NijiCN made some actually think that they are somehow Hololive level. Delusional.

>> No.47461534
File: 273 KB, 828x487, viewbots.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every reason in this thread is cope. The answer is and has always been viewbots.

The only question is who was using them (chink fans? chink investors?) and why did they stop (moved onto other virtual male prostitutes? died of chink flu? new youtube restrictions?)

>> No.47461561

Only thing Luxiem has over Tempus is Numbers and being frontiers, other than that Tempus's are better entertainers you Cumdumpster faggot

>> No.47461632
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In March Pippa is now Selen-tier

>> No.47461640

That’s just susan’s fuckery, nothing to do with “botting”

>> No.47461656

You retards are arguing which flaming turd is better.

>> No.47461682

No, NijiEN is actually fucking collapsing. Pomu and Enna are now struggling to break 2k without raids. Luca can't break 4k solo anymore.

>> No.47461725

Nice cope tempissfag. The numbers don’t lie, and tempiss are at the bottom of the barrel. It doesn’t matter if they are the best entertainers if they aren’t worth shit

>> No.47461756

>tempus stole viewers
>women got tired of yabs
>no interesting content
>boring men who don't try hard at anything

>> No.47461847

Also, biggest reason is bots

>> No.47461932

Is it? Their donors are collapsing too

>> No.47462193

chinks are collectivists by nature. When the bots are turned off, the illusion of popularity fades and they stop being viewed as desirable.

>> No.47462218

>Tempiss tribalist
Lmao, why would anyone do this?

>> No.47462267

are you fucking kidding those niggers shill in /nijien/ constantly

>> No.47462294

shit belongs in the toilet

>> No.47462319

so they should be over in /#/

>> No.47462363

We will see which one is gonna Remain in the end Cumdump Faggot

>> No.47462436

Easy, the Enna clique took complete control of EN management and started sabotaging Luxiem, they always resented how the males got all the promotion and merch, this was obvious after the concert cancelation, it was just going to be Lazulight and Luxiem but Ethyria forced themselves into it resulting in a logistics nightmare.

>> No.47462673

go Kiara go!

>> No.47463135

/NijiEN/ loves talking about numbers too. Or maybe not anymore? lol

>> No.47463234

There wasn't anything really bad about them ngl, but their company image was really falling apart

>> No.47463273

Tempus talked about standing on their own feet and working together with the JPStars only for 3 of the first 4 to immediatly ditch that idea and latch on to a female holo.
Also they had the first formal suspension of the entire EN branch after less than 6 months after their debut.
Axel is the only good one from Tempus 1 and it doesn't matter how good Tempus 2 is since literally no one wanted them, not even Tempus fans.

>> No.47463446

only fagoons

>> No.47463529

I feel like they just don't really work that well together. Too many drama queens. There's a reason most of their best streams are when they're paired with the girls. Unicorns aside you can't tell me that Vox doesn't have better chemistry with Reimu than he does with any of his guildmates.

To be perfectly honest, I still like them more than the later groups. Luxiem may not work well together but individually I can at least understand people choosing to follow them. The newer ones are all just weirdos that act legit schizo.

>> No.47463796

I watched tempus practice apex with selen and they seem essentially the same, they even fujobait

>> No.47464186

>I still like them more than the later groups.
Even Shu, seriously? Sonny or Rin would be better Shus.

>> No.47464255


>> No.47464973

unironically all the chinks left, I watched vox collab with doppio yesterday and there were pretty much 0 chink characters or usernames in chat. As for why they left all of a sudden I have no idea, maybe yugo graduating was the last straw or something, but I hope they stay gone

>> No.47465394

>Not only their CCV but also their SC plummeted
>I'm just confused

Turns out women are way worse unicorns than men are and do not reward disloyalty. Big surprise.

>> No.47465625

So no 3d? That basically just a karaoke like holo does in meet and greet and you even need to pay for it?

>> No.47466686

wow, when most of niji fucked off to japan

>> No.47467735

I know this is cope because hakka is one of the worst singers to be pushed by ANY corpo. His karaoke is ridiculously out of key for every song and just genuinely sounds like shit. The robot singing for him has to go into overdrive in every cover song

>> No.47468033

>tempus stole viewers
At least tempiss did something right and dragged nijicn to the grave with them.

>> No.47468262

frankly I don't think tempus has anything to do with it unless they got a bunch of new chink fans

>> No.47468519
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Latina pussy was too good

>> No.47469735

There’s no definitive reason anon. Maybe the Chinese viewers were banned from the west due to a new wave of VPNs being blocked, but theres at least a few more possible explanations.
>Drama began to take its toll. Between Yugo leaving and other situations throughout the year and into February, some viewers just silently left.
>Maybe some talents just showed their mask off moments in membership streams or something and it just killed the illusion for fans.
>constant breaks for some members. Basically pulling a Myth and resulting in fans just leaving and looking elsewhere
>shift in content. Some leaned real fucking heavy into BFE until they decided they no longer wanted that audience. Obviously there’s some fans that still enjoy their content, but they aren’t there to watch them play vidya either.
>NijiENs talents are competing against themselves for the same small viewerbase. It isn’t growing or expanding.
>Like how HoloMyth was baby’s first EN vtubing group, the same was true for Luxium. The novelty wore off for some, and those dedicated are sticking for the long run.

>> No.47469769

Because they didn't pander hard enough to their female fanbase with all the mixed-gender interaction unlike Plave who has garnered the attention of female fans in such a short time.

>> No.47470123

Tempus is the biggest nuke in the corporate Vtubing history. It killed competition and HoloEN. Well done Yagoo.

>> No.47472085

>they even fujobait
thats why regis and dingo are the bottom of the barrel in vcc from the first batch of tempiss

>> No.47473446

Luxiem at their peak were basically Niji royalty and got what they wanted, Anycolor's investor notes loved boasting about them and predicted them to keep growing into the next quarter.
Their sudden crash/downfall in late January probably has management rethinking their strategy of pampering Luxiem and giving them preferential treatment (especially since they were dicks about it).
It's my own rrat, but I think management killed the concert as a punishment to the EN branch and now they're labeling a glorified 2D karaoke at some mid Malaysian con as their first ever concert. What a joke.

>> No.47473690

To be honest (not insulting the holobros), I think women are less forgiving. Luxiem and Myth current status, is pretty similar. But Myth has a lot of yes men that still forgive a lot of shit.

>> No.47473749

How about March, then? >>47461632
They didn't reach 6k, be it median or average either

>> No.47473885

Women tend to be more forgiving if male idols' fans are any indication. No idea why, or if, male VTubers' fans would be different, though

>> No.47474048

Difference is that the majority of their fanbase were Chinese women. Male vtuber fans are whipped as fuck, just look at Kronii.

>> No.47474383

>It's my own rrat, but I think management killed the concert as a punishment to the EN branch.
So, concert planned by EN management, signed off by Anycolor HQ, announcement vid drops, something comes up internally in the weeks that follow that causes AC HQ to do a reversal and can the whole thing as a punishment to the entire branch?

>> No.47475158

Citing "Covid" as the reason for killing a fucking stream only concert while not even a day later announcing 5 real life concerts is just a slap on the face.
The cancellation happened just a bit after Millie's "/vt/" stream iirc.

>> No.47475381

Felt like AR concert being canceled killed alot of their momentum. Shouldn't have been canceled and stuck with whatever that initial line-up was. Terrible business.

>> No.47475437

>male vtuber
ok idc

>> No.47477186

From what little I saw I saw of Axle when they choked in the tourney, I feel fucking vindicated I never gave these faggots a chance.

>> No.47477434

Are you supposed to make us agree to the management? If anything this makes the management look like incompetent hacks and the livers suffer because of them

>> No.47478065

I dropped Pomu when she showed up in Luca’s Bday stream to suck his cock. Whore whore Whore Whore Whore Whore

>> No.47478270

But enough about you

>> No.47478491

Council did better than expected

>> No.47478560

I'm sure you did. Just like you dropped her when she off-pakoed with a male in a sex hotel or whatever, right?

>> No.47478589

I can’t take Shu seriously. Dude is a giant Elira simp and it shows and shows and shows. He’s the NijiEN equivalent of “Anything for a crumb, M’lady.”

>> No.47478850

Based Millie taking Luxiem down with her. Sasuga Retarded Filipina

>> No.47479003

I was fresher then…. A newer fan. My first experience into NijiEN. I forgave her… and I ignored most of her cocklust. Then she went on a vacation but she showed up on Luca’s stream to be a whore so I cut it loose. Not everyone drops at whatever you consider the right time. Also with the hotel shit. I coped because Uki is a massive faggot.

>> No.47479602

Poor shitpost. The newer someone is, the less likely they'd stay around after a "yab", because they'd have less attachment to the vtuber.

>> No.47479610

The bugwomen they 'captured' as audience were unironic coomers and unicorns. It's always been like that. Vox rape asmr streams get TRIPLE that of his gaming streams. And yeah, women can be unicorns too, just like /vt/, constant female collabs with flirting in between sours audiences of both sexes.
Oh, and post-nut clarity, I guess. Even his asmrs are getting shit numbers nowadays.

>> No.47480031

Pandering to the Chinese is not a successful long-term business model

>> No.47480058

Anyone surprised by it doesn't actually follow shit. Women are more loyal than men when it comes to their obsessions, but Luxiem are so fucking stupid
>Constant drama
>Shitting on their fandom
>Telling people they're just gaybaiting and to stop drawing gay art of them
>Don't do any actual work
>Loud, sexually provacitive constantly even to collabmates
>Hate eachother so they never collab together for some reason
>Constantly go on breaks
>Mysta can't stop being a coomer, Ike overworks himself off-stream, Luca won't stop collabing with women or being in their chat, Shu won't fucking stream nor seems to enjoy doing anything and Vox is the king of drama

>> No.47480174
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I’m selectively schizo about this kind of stuff. Half unicorn half not. Like I dropped Kiara after she acknowledged the Tempiss boys on twitter, but I watched Selen play Apex with the same guys lmao. I think I just despise Luca more than I like Pomu enough for that to be the last straw I needed to drop her. It doesn’t have to make sense to you. For I am a schizo island.

>> No.47480234

I remember when I thought Vox would be the first Male Vtuber I would give a chance because we are both brothers in OSRS autism… but the coomer pandering man…. Jesus Christ.

>> No.47480324

Don't forget the "your mums a whore thing" when American's don't fucking realize is that people do in fact, love their mothers and CN people got pissed that he was stupid enough to do that to an Australian who wouldn't even get the reference/joke

>> No.47480376

I bet we could get Shu to stream/appear more if we got Elira to do more watchalongs and drop in collab type games. If he gets a whiff he’ll come running.

>> No.47480660

I don't know how women feel about it but Mysta lost me completely when he said he'd stop numberfagging then started doing those bait thumbnails + titles that don't fucking say what he's even doing. That shit is so embarrassing

>> No.47480791

Unironically, too many female collabs. Back around debut months whenever a female would enter the VC randomly, their viewership would drop bu the hundreds, sometimes over a thousand. The fans got tired of tolerating it so they just left for good. They still have most of their paypigs but it's not as many as before. Now they're focusing on more single-gender collabs but I'm not sure if those fans will come back. They're still pretty popular though, just not as many people show up to live streams. They had plenty of sold out merch in stores here in the west, and their meet and greet tickets all sell out when they're up.

>> No.47481125

That was Vox's british humor, Americans are just the ones that defended him.
>an Australian who wouldn't even get the reference/joke
Sonny later defended him when retards bought it up in his stream and told them it was just a joke and to chill out. Vox never apologized for the joke either (based of him, funny jokes are more important than bugs' feelings).

>> No.47481533

>Tempus talked about standing on their own feet and working together with the JPStars only for 3 of the first 4 to immediatly ditch that idea and latch on to a female holo.
This is the biggest reason why Tempus was a failure. They lost out on a lot of potential female fans despite their ugly designs by becoming accessories to the holo females. But they were meant to appeal to male fans anyway so maybe they wanted that and decided to collab with them in the first place.

>> No.47481949

>Unironically, too many female collabs. Back around debut months whenever a female would enter the VC randomly, their viewership would drop bu the hundreds, sometimes over a thousand.
I don't remember that lmao. Post proof?

>> No.47482162

The girls didn't enter the guy's VC randomly, it was the other way around. But it is true that girl-guy collabs would have less ccv than if the guy was solo.

>> No.47482202

they abandoned their girl fans to defend the niji girls, when Vox did his ''I'm not your boyfriend'' stream I already knew it was fucking over for Luxiem

>> No.47482939

Actually he did address the issue anon

>> No.47483182

“I’m not your boyfriend, but PLEEEEEEAAAASE tune in to my jerkoff rapeplay ASMR. Also I love you all. I love my fans so much, I love you chat. Boyfriend ASMR next week ok? Oh, and buy my merch!”

“I’m not your boyfriend, but I’ll play into your delusions and take your money. I’ll just get upset when you get too invested.”
I swear Vtubers like this are whores and should know their place.

>> No.47483346

Trash, not even Shinove in their lines can save this faggots.
proof: the travel they mde recently to japan after their concert got covid was to meet with him and it's why they are also chummy withthe JP homos

>> No.47483420
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I laughed when I saw the title.

>> No.47483436

Vox still get bug bucks frim them.
But isnt getting new viewers and his inage is so rooted into coomin asmr fuckboy that jmhe can nevee gain any normal fanbase that will watch him.play games. Even tried to collab with one fleshstreamer and couldnt even break 4k.

>> No.47483562

God i still remember him milking his mental "sickness"
What a fucking dram fag just because the dctor told then he had adhd just to not see him anymore.

>> No.47484288

We should learn more from women.

>> No.47484325

We already now the man unicorns are faggot cucks.

>> No.47484356

So that was Omega's master plan all this time: to kill the competition and take over the CEO office.

>> No.47484954
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I mean, his karaoke did get suspended. He had to make a new frame

>> No.47485508

They unironically got too cocky. They started as BFE but once they got on top they started treating their fans as the third wheel between them and the Collab nijigirl of the week.
They may say "parasocial fucks gtfo" but the truth is women are as much of unicorns as men, and Luxi basically made a bait and switch.
You can see this with Gavis, who has stayed pretty consistently away for female vtuber and now is the golden goose of Holostars, because, like it or not, unicorns are the ones dropping money at their oshis. I would know, I membered my then oshi even when my country's economy is a meme

>> No.47487112

All of vangard stays mostly away from females except the odd kobo or ollie collab. Hakka and Shinri have even less 1 on 1 female collabs than Bettel. Bettel is popular because he's funny. The stars don't have enough female unicorns to prop them up. Look a Flayon, tailor made to appeal to femoids. He hard filtered the male audience and now his numbers are the lowest in all of tempus.

>> No.47487820

Various unrelated small drama here and there
Shiny new toy lost its luster
More men to move onto
So on

>> No.47487912

hasnt she been inclining?

>> No.47490051


>> No.47490390
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>The dream is dead, move on already.
They took Pomu from me. I will hate them forever.

>> No.47490447

What the fuck are u talking about, pomu still streams like 50 hours a week

>> No.47490552

>he thinks it's remotely the same as it was back in 2021

back to the pit with you

>> No.47490712

NTA but pomu is a shell of her former self right now

>> No.47492380
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>> No.47493362


>> No.47494345

[Thing] before better than [thing] now, obviously

>> No.47495975

That's because of Metal Gear Solid, not because of women that watch vtubers.

>> No.47496211

