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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4739280 No.4739280 [Reply] [Original]

I’m no rocket scientist, but if 90 percent of your gen’s problems come from two people...

>> No.4739317

Keep them because fuck dramafags

>> No.4739342

90 percent of my gen’s problems come from two
spammers who won't shut the fuck up.

>> No.4739382

It’s simple. We uh ignore the TakaMori

>> No.4739419

Fuck off, they can just graduate. They’re absolutely worthless

>> No.4739427
File: 190 KB, 808x1200, 1609549883503.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara isn't even malicious. She's just a fucking retard who doesn't know when to shut up.
Calli on the other hand...

>> No.4739489

>Both over 1 mil subs
>Great SC money
Worthless for you maybe, but not for cover, look forward to them staying around for a long long time

>> No.4739971

Fuck up, weeb.

>> No.4740485
File: 63 KB, 803x803, 1622289885287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are right op. its gone on for too long. I wont stand for it anymore! what are we going to do about
>mel and aki
or did you mean
>choco and shion
or did you mean
>flare and noel
or did you mean
>towa and kanata
or did you mean
>botan and lamy
or did you mean
>iofi and risu
or did you mean
>ollie and anya
or did you mean
>gura and ame

>> No.4740590

Half of these are right

>> No.4740828
File: 138 KB, 828x820, B417A88D-B4BC-4885-BD3C-68FEA828EDDE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also the two most attractive roommates conventionally. Used to getting their way, of either were a man they would be hated and gone long ago.

>> No.4740924

Okay real talk. Do you think Hololive would improve if they started graduating a few chuubas? Or is it just manager shit and we need the managers to stop being retarded and give the chuubas more freedom with collabs?

>> No.4741038

>gura and ame
you mean kiara and mori

>> No.4741091

The real problem here is you frogposting. Fuck off nigger.

>> No.4741316

It depends on one major thing: how strong the friendship of the graduating chuuba is with the rest of the company. I don't know how strong certain friendships are across the board, but if someone like Korone got graduated then I would assume the vast majority of the chuubas would feel down. The closer they are, the harder they would be hit.
Right now, I think the only gen that can get away with culling bad chuubas is with HoloEN due to how little they've interacted with the rest of the branches. Not saying that's good or bad.
So basically, Calli can easily be culled and improve the company. Kidding, people have blown the recent shit up to high heaven. Though if the next collab she does isn't as enthusiastic as the recent one, I'm going to start getting suspect of the thot.

>> No.4741384

Improve according to what? For /vt/ schizos no doubt graduation of certain chuubas would "improve" the company. But what about for Cover? There's no current chuuba unpopular enough to improve the company's standing by graduating, and plenty whose graduation will cause massive yabs more massive than any /vt/ thread catalog spams.

>> No.4741448
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you brainlets can not be serious. what are you getting out of "acting" this stupid? or could it be that you really are this stupid?

>> No.4741460

>Despite being 20% of HoloEN, Takamori are responsible for 90% of the violent yabs

>> No.4741472


>> No.4741486

>Also the two most attractive roommates conventionally.
Kiara, sure, but Mori's roommate is a hard butterface. Like, HARD butterface. No wonder she has so many issues.

>> No.4741525

>he doesn't know about Christine and Aloe Vera
It's something cover has done in the past anon. I literally was only saying there's no way it'll happen. If there was a possibility, you can only really find it in HoloEN but that's retarded.

>> No.4741575


>> No.4741599

You mean schizo narrats made up by /vt/ faggots

>> No.4741629

Nah dude, she’s hot

>> No.4741639

Chris is the only one who Cover terminated the contract of. The other one was so mentally wrecked that she choose to terminate her own contract which regardless of what people say was probably the best for her and Cover because she did not need to be dragged into shit like China stuff and eternal yab machine like other Chuubas are and Cover has proven they are not equipped to deal with hard menhera issues.

>> No.4741646

Kiara only has her body going for her. Her mouth could fit a whole corncob sideways. And her teeth look like they are imported from the deep north of Britain.

>> No.4741686

Kek. Nothing but the truth

>> No.4741694

>Imagine all she could fit in there

>> No.4741809 [SPOILER] 
File: 268 KB, 499x499, 1623084074027.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no current chuuba unpopular enough to improve the company's standing by graduating

>> No.4741817

There's more to being hot than big tits.

>> No.4741845
File: 662 KB, 724x724, 1622333545859.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chris was back when cover itself was a literal who, and aloe quit she was not fired.
if one of them were to quit, it would be completely unrelated to anything going on now, so you cant predict that it will be from EN.
sorry but nothing even comes close to actually getting anyone fired right now.
even if mori fucks connor and gigguk off stream and tweets about it and then says they raped her and posts the video as proof, cover will still not fire her.
the next graduation will be something nobody currently has predicted. there hasnt been a real high profile hololive graduation yet, because aloe doesnt really count.

except maybe shion, but flavor of the month rrats like hers come up all the time. they all seem to spell doom until the next week where they tweet about how they feel better now and everyone forgets about it.


>> No.4741861

Still not enough for my magnum amongchungus.

>> No.4741903

She's alright.
But she's just very... American. Like plain, nothing special, bog standard American.
And in todays climate, that just makes you ugly, because your outward appearance, is so extremely uninteresting.

>> No.4741974
File: 1.71 MB, 3269x2294, 1613544781258.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m no rocket scientist, but if 90 percent of your board's Kiara shitposts come from two people...

>> No.4741980

Yeah but she has big tits and men are fucking simply a for anything with a pulse. Throw in being a white girl in Japan and she has an ego to rival Kiara.

>> No.4742011

Problems? Oh you mean the whiney kids in /vt/. Who cares what they think.

>> No.4742023

Based on not adding the best gen Gamers because they have no weak links
Retarded because half of this is stupid as fuck, seethe all that you want but Shion has great viewership and SCs numbers, same with Flare, with Noel you are just being plain retarded, and in gen 5 you purposely picked the 2 good ones instead of the 2 weak ones
Also, only faggots dislike any of the 4th gen

>> No.4742044

She looks like that high school stoner girl that you see on a dating app years later with a half black daughter

>> No.4742049

That's a retarded view. That's like saying if you don't play Fortnite, you aren't a real MLG gamer, just a poser.
Stop basing your likes on other worthless cunts views.

>> No.4742062

This. Even if she's a standard amerimutt, her body absolutely dunks on the average femjap. Bovine steroids makes killer bodies if they do basic exercises. Also, white. So instant buff to men who want an exotic pussy.

>> No.4742099

It's literally the other way around, Kiara is the ugliest from EN.

>> No.4742149

It's like saying a WW Golf is a beautiful car. It's not, there is nothing interesting about a golf. It's just there.
Mori is the Golf of women.

>> No.4742254

But what it isn't is a broken down, scratched to fuck wreck. That means it isn't bad.
Just because something is better doesn't mean something else is bad.
I'm almost 95% certain you are American. Only Americans think like this.

>> No.4742333

Golfs are you overpriced and overrated shit just selling off the name at an inflated price though.

>> No.4742339

>Talks about the average American and how common she looks in America
>Damn, he must be American!
What lead you to this astounding conclusion, Sherlock?

>> No.4742382

I'm 95% sure he is European. If there is one thing Europeans love to do, it's shit on Americans.

>> No.4742435

>doesn't know everyone worldwide loves to hate on americans

>> No.4742452

I'm pointing out how fucked American culture is that multiple generations have been brought up to think that if they don't have the hottest, shiniest new X then you are "worthless and should kill yourself because you will amount to nothing!!!".
That was the point. I'm not shitting on Americans, inherently, just their fucked culture.

>> No.4742508

You third world bastards could never hate Americans more than Americans!

>> No.4742540
File: 178 KB, 463x453, 1613147146620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

STOP TALKING ABOUT DOX SHIT, im not involving myself in this conversation but all I have to say is american girls are ugly and always look like they have a big rash all over their body. WHY are american girls so red????

>> No.4742611

I’m no rocket scientist, but if 90% of this board’s problems comes from a handful of schizos like (You)…

>> No.4742653



>> No.4742726
File: 81 KB, 238x212, 1622246243791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nice im glad that faggot got dox but WHY reply to me when im the only one here not involving myself in dox shit? now im going to get banned with all of you. fuck!
but I am glad he got doxxed. he looks like a melted version of a normal chinese man.

>> No.4742854
File: 766 KB, 626x609, Screenshot_2021_0607_175147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thought it was a funny reply mate calm down.

>> No.4742926

More Americans are killed by Americans, that any other nationality in the world.
Even if NK nuked us, the death toll would be eclipsed at the end of a single night in Detroit.

>> No.4742968

Once again proving how based Americans are. Can't let any of your trash get the highest kill count against us.

>> No.4744283

No, all of them make more money than they cost, and forcing them to graduate when they have fans would hurt Cover image. People who actually want some Holo to graduate are a tiny minority. There is nothing to gain by graduating any Holo.
