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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 249 KB, 1306x640, Pippa whyyyyy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47369367 No.47369367 [Reply] [Original]

Every time this happens anon, you're one step closer to ruining the fun for everyone. I know it's funny to make the pink rabbit say "white power" and join in your dog whistles, but like nothing is going to change and the only consequence will be Pippa being less fun.

>> No.47369512

>making fun will mean less fun
Just fuck off. We see you and we know your game.

>> No.47369619

are you going to cry when Pippa tells you to stop again?

>> No.47369726

I'll repeat it in case you didn't hear. We see you and we know who you are. You will never have what you want.

>> No.47369741
File: 476 KB, 680x759, meds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>know it's funny to make the pink rabbit say "white power"
She didn't say that. You trying to lie about out of context things is what is ruining fun and nothing else.
You are the one who is doing it. You are the one who is at fault.

>> No.47369842
File: 390 KB, 443x488, Autism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some real schizo posting in asserting that noticing the dog whistles is the problem.

>> No.47369867

Don't take your meds and always throw up romans in Pippa's chat.

>> No.47370041

What's your problem with dog whistles? Aren't they good?

>> No.47370044
File: 69 KB, 591x1000, 1650328452628.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really I'm just tired of Vtubing teetering on the verge being ruined by a bunch of racist dumbfucks who think being proud of their cringe in front of 2d waifu is doing something. Do us all a favor and keep that shit to yourself. Ur literally inserting dumb political shit into a place that doesn't need it.

>> No.47370126


>> No.47370140


>> No.47370193

O boy, the /pol/ tourist scout platoon is here to establish a beachhead one year in advance
Who are you going to wage your shitty site-wide proxy war on this time? DeSantis? Kennedy? Trump? stil Sleepy Joe?

>> No.47370248 [DELETED] 

What's cringe is not embracing racism. Do you know where you are? Like I said, we know who you are. We know where you're from. Go back there.

>> No.47370280

Its just reaction to the bullshit going on in the world. People are acting more based in reaction to tranny preschool story time. Still nobody should be pushing these thing in chat if it might cause Pippa problems. Ok maybe she did do some outsider art involving antique farming equipment windchimes but theres no reason to bring it up all the time

>> No.47370368

Who? and why should I care?

>> No.47370503 [DELETED] 

She said white tower btw

>> No.47370539

way to announce you're fuckin old

not everyone here is retarded like you, anon

Yeah there is bullshit going on in the world but the point is to dog whistle. Not just throw out there in the open.

Shutup deadbeat

>> No.47370543

She literally said it unprompted. Cry about it on twitter, tranny.

>> No.47370611

>not everyone here is retarded like you, anon
Whatever you say, anti-racist.

>> No.47370645

>experiencing what this site became during the 2016 and 2020 elections is now being old

>> No.47370752

Reminder that you're still a newfag if you came here any later than 2006. If I had the image I'd post it.

>> No.47370778

Unless it gets her banned on YouTube and yes typing that in chat can if it’s reported or just flagged by the bot

>> No.47370968

Stop living on your knees, anon.

>> No.47370989

Be the change you want to see, join yubicraft today, you don't don't have to buy minecraft to play

>> No.47370999
File: 312 KB, 1364x767, 167123513087982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you bringing it to the catalogue? Let pcg know. Oh wait they encourage it lmao.

>> No.47371243

Pippa's tweet after girlbossing the Hogwarts stream was objectively the right thing to do, and yet I know a whole bunch of you saw it as "living on your knees." If you want to keep your le heckin tradcore rabbit in the climate, you need to be a little bit wise.

>> No.47371299

Being a reactionary is based. Make progressives knock their creepy ass globohomo shit off and I'll stop being so racist and phobic and scary.

>> No.47371335 [DELETED] 


>> No.47371817

>Ok maybe she did do some outsider art involving antique farming equipment windchimes
Huh? Is this code for something?

>> No.47371830

It is extremely shocking to me that you would have that opinion. Unbelievable. I did not account for this at all. That you would think that Pippa pleading with her new audience (you) and throwing us chuds under the bus was a good thing. I know who you are.
Honestly though, if your wise is to have Pippa or whoever else disappear trying to play the game by it's rules, then you've already sacrificed everything that matters. If we do that we lose from the get go.

>> No.47372115
File: 22 KB, 273x272, lookin at a bunch of fags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that there is a noticeable rift between Pippa's community and everyone else on this board is proof that there is a real problem. I hate to repeat the age-old mantra but times have changed. the culture of /here/ isn't ubiquitous. Otherwise Pippa, would be one of the most subscribed vtubers.

>> No.47372291

He's kind of right. I won't say it was the correct thing for her to do, definitely not the most based thing to do, but it was the smart thing to do.

She's an incredibly smart person, has a talent for knowing what she can just barely get away with, and when it becomes too dangerous.

Trust the yabbit and try to be smart with her.

>> No.47372452 [DELETED] 
File: 938 KB, 638x845, 1664091900146706.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kindly consult the attached image for instructions on how to proceed.
Nobody cares about your ilk anymore after the Anheuser-Busch debacle.

>> No.47372524

>Trust the yabbit and try to be smart with her.

>> No.47372598

Actual literal unironic genuine fed

>> No.47372653
File: 942 KB, 1242x1394, 1681541176954.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47372683

Holy shit, an actual schizo. Or maybe just a cringe chuuni. Who the fuck is "We" and "you" in your swiss cheese brain?

>> No.47372687
File: 260 KB, 1992x1120, Fm-xKNfWAAAoMGA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This shit right here is what will kill PC. They understand this. They will abandon you to protect their company, which is ultimately the talents livelihoods. Don't get it twisted.

>> No.47372732

Just have some self-discipline not to bait your favourite chuuba into saying white tower, anon. That doesn't mean I'm in favour of sterilising kids.

>> No.47372750
File: 17 KB, 480x466, 1678417688559480.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay mad.
Stay losing.
Stay dilating.

>> No.47372780

What the fuck are you even referencing, nerd? Just come out and say what you mean.

>> No.47372831
File: 58 KB, 948x1200, The Devil.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it kills it then so be it. It was never meant to be in the first place.
>nooooooo stop being outwardly transphobic!!!! What are you a fed?
I'm just living true to /here/ culture and chud values. If that kills PC then let it be damned.

>> No.47372909

No. Fuck off.

>> No.47372951
File: 50 KB, 633x791, 1655887302460051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm saying this thread is a bait thread made by trannies seething at their dwindling relevance. Everybody can see through their games at this point. The turnabout is already happening IRL. I give it a few weeks before vtweeters start dropping pronouns and "trans" rhetoric as normies turn against the ideology.

>> No.47372964
File: 49 KB, 200x200, Kizoonaw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's the weeds like you that need to be rooted out of the Phase Connect community. There are more important things than the personal desire to be anti-trans or racist in public in front of your oshi.

Like even if that oshi were to hypothetically agree with you, you're just bringing them closer to the end of their career.

>> No.47372972
File: 470 KB, 1388x1144, 62719852_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pathetically easy to influence retards get their minds wiped and replaced with the ramblings of terminally online schizos. Zoomers have zero IRL / net separation.

>> No.47372988

Not him, but I think that anon is implying that you're pozzed and potentially troonpilled.

>> No.47373010
File: 152 KB, 490x706, 1681541710229.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your posts glow like hell, shitass
stop shitposting on vt and go do your job
i heard another thug shaker central "kiddie" "leaked" your "top secret" intel again

>> No.47373117
File: 19 KB, 944x227, 1651151162170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are more important things than the personal desire to be anti-trans or racist in public in front of your oshi.
Let me say this with as much clarity as I can. NO. There is not. There really isn't.

>> No.47373188
File: 620 KB, 1032x758, 1673696792415252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47373200 [DELETED] 

I honestly don't get what anyone is trying to say in this thread

>> No.47373224

Anon the feds aren't allowed to pretend to be anti-trans anymore.

>> No.47373279

>destroys her old company for chud validation
Holy based! If only other PC girls would show this level of commitment.

>> No.47373280

for retards:

>stop dog whistling ur oshis/baiting ur oshi into dog whistling. it will kill the fun.

retarded opposition:
doiii~ I like saying nigger in chat

>> No.47373285

White Tower

>> No.47373370

Hylo kind of did, I guess, just not intentionally.

>> No.47373462

Thought you guys wanted talent freedom

>> No.47373463

The glowie/fed meme is just used now for when someone says something chud-like and some pozzed tourist, or actual fed wants to curb their behaviour away from that.
>hahaha remember to hide your power level fellow anonymous
>in fact better yet why not avoid expressing it in any way
>what are you a fed trying to bait me? don't say problematic things!

>> No.47373619

>you're one step closer to ruining the fun for everyone
That's the point for these people. You telling them just emboldens them.

>> No.47373648

Found the fed

>> No.47373691

It's really boring. Why can't you be less boring?

>> No.47373891
File: 395 KB, 1024x909, 1662075875778676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47373956

The problem is the fact that creators get in trouble for people they can't control
The fact that pippa may get in trouble for some completely random person she doesn't even know is whats wrong
So literally the jews

>> No.47374038

Don't say anti-semitic bullcrap like that around Pippa. You're risking her livelihood.

>> No.47374122

I think the "opposition" are actually Pippa antis in disguise. I wouldn't be surprised if Henri or Chase were ITT trying to drag her name down.

>> No.47374179

Pippa fostered this community and now she's trying to get rid of them. She deserves to have her livelihood ruined because we're not going anywhere.

>> No.47374235

It doesn't kill the fun in any way. It is the fun and I will continue to say nigger in chat.

>> No.47374239

The problem is that she could have stopped her fanbase from becoming like this.
She chose not to.

And unfortunately, it's quickly reaching the point where she won't be able to turn it around.
She's already nearing persona non grata in the wider vtubing community, because everyone can smell the stink on her and don't want to risk having her fans hop into their chat.

And the bigger Pippa gets, the more attention she receives, the riskier her fanbase becomes to her career.

>> No.47374246
File: 250 KB, 584x585, 1673776824473046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God I hope Pippa sees this thread

>> No.47374289

>becoming like this.
Why are you here?

>> No.47374340

>What's your problem with dog whistles? Aren't they good?
They are good and bad. Bad because their very existence shows how very oppressive things have become politically that nobody can actually say what they mean or tell the truth about most issues, they have to hide behind euphemisms or get the ban hammer. Including on this very board. For example, you can't say what the crime problem is or the solution of locking up people so instead internet commentators start going off about thugs in urban areas and probably say something about Democrat run cities just so they can further deflect from what they really mean.

>> No.47374358

To talk about vtubers.
Why are YOU here?

>> No.47374401 [DELETED] 

Is this what schizophrenia looks like?

>> No.47374424

Can you stop being a retarded newfag carebear manager? Pippa has been telling chat to not be racist or to cool it with the antisemitism for almost 2 years now. She knows what she is doing and is pretty good at towing the line.

>> No.47374461

I get it. You'd rather Pippa try to disentangle herself from here so that she can maintain good relations with popular streamers like Hasan Piker.
Her popularity is the most important thing, even if it means a complete rebrand away from her chud-pandering past.

>> No.47374509

>You're risking her livelihood.
Translation: Pippa can't grift as well if she doesn't have access to powerful people and their money. I really don't care personally.

>> No.47374559

Isn't he the faggot who retweeted mean things about Pippa?

>> No.47374632

There are other places online where you can talk about vtubers. I'm here because this website by it's nature is against most of the censorious talking around what you really mean and showing undue reverence to things that don't deserve it. That's why I'm saying you seem a bit out of place.
I talk about vtubers here. Why can't you tlak about them somewhere else?

>> No.47374681

>And the bigger Pippa gets, the more attention she receives, the riskier her fanbase becomes to her career.
>You're risking her livelihood.
Nigger her audience is boosting her up to the top 10 earning vtubers in the world. What risk? The people paying her are the people who support those right leaning ideologies. Her growth will mostly be with people who are similar and support the same ideas. If anything her saying more far-right statements would boost her career.

>> No.47374689

Schizophrenia is good. Being a chud is good. Taking your meds is bad.

>> No.47374692

Are you just now finding out that she used you to climb out of 2-view hell and never supported your viewpoint? If anything you should be grateful that she's letting you know now, none of your pundits believe the shit they feed you either. Make sure you buy a ton of their supplement powder though or you'll be the low-T femboy you were genetically destined to be.

>> No.47374732

Pippa isn't the first online personality to court a fanbase from 4chan.
We know what happens when they eventually, inevitably realize it was a bad idea.
I'd rather Pippa be spared that fate. But at this point, it's probably unavoidable.

>the censorious talking around what you really mean and showing undue reverence to things that don't deserve it
The fuck are you talking about

If you can't see how much of a problem this can become for her moving forward, ESPECIALLY as a company vtuber, then you might actually be retarded.

>> No.47374766

peak projection from a deranged mutt

>> No.47374839

I've known that she's been trying to filter me since last year. I'm trying to get it through other people's heads here.
>none of your pundits believe the shit they feed you either. Make sure you buy a ton of their supplement powder though or you'll be the low-T femboy you were genetically destined to be.
Better to buy into that than to buy sports bras and tampons advertised by and for men and expensive mutilating surgeries that leave you infertile.

>> No.47374870

You don't know because you're a tourist.

>> No.47374881

>If you can't see how much of a problem this can become for her moving forward, ESPECIALLY as a company vtuber, then you might actually be retarded.
Pippa is the one of the largest and most successful vtubers in the world in terms of income. She has never once been in decline and is still growing. Her audience is fiercely loyal and dedicated, and spans across all kinds of fields and includes other vtubers. As she grows she gains more long term members, more donators, and more people to buy merch. The vast majority of whom support her and like her for what she is.

Face it, la creatura, you people lost. Pippa has absolutely nothing to fear from continuing on her current path and will only see further success. I can understand why you're angry having to pander to retarded leftists and trannies. If you can't see that there's no problem whatsoever with this moving forward, ESPECIALLY as a company vtuber, then you might actually be fucking retarded.

>> No.47374889

>stop bringing politics into vtubing!
>pippa: white tower
why are chuds like this

>> No.47374941

I'd rather she not be spared that fate. You don't choose your family, and you don't get to disown them when it becomes convenient for you.

>> No.47374972

because we still have souls

>> No.47375000

To be fair boomer posters discovering /vt/ would be fucking hilarious

>> No.47375009

What happened to being against "talking around what you really mean?"

>Her audience is fiercely loyal and dedicated
We'll see about that.
>if you don't pander to /pol/aks then you have to pander to leftists
Did you ever considered that maybe you can just not have politics in your entertainment, at all?

As a matter of fact, I quite enjoy that so much of vtubing is completely divorced from the constant culture wars that have absorbed the rest of the Internet.
It's nice. I am happier to be rid of it.

>> No.47375095 [DELETED] 
File: 88 KB, 1280x1116, 1671029889876522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Did you ever considered that maybe you can just not have politics in your entertainment, at all?
You niggers injected your gay and tranny politics into all my hobbies. Now I hate you and want you all to kill yourselves and fuck off.
>I quite enjoy that so much of vtubing is completely divorced from the constant culture wars
I hope you're talking about JP vtubers because EN vtubing is infested with faggotry and gender politics.

You retards started this conflict and have no grounds to complain when people like me fire back.

>> No.47375113

>We'll see about that.
Your newfag is showing. Why do you think in todays Karaoke she sang a song for a fucking /vt/ thread? Pippa already went through enough drama to sink multiple careers and her core audience stuck with her no matter what.

>> No.47375178

Like some anon earlier in this thread already said, websites where you have to use dog-whistles, or are outright banned from showing anything but reverence towards protected groups seem like they would be more your speed.
This website is centred around the idea of anonymity, which by it's nature is opposed to reverence for identity groups. That's why it ostensibly became normalised to call people niggerfaggots here, and in recent years to shit on the transgender ideology (which holds self-ID as a sacred cow).

>> No.47375244

Antique farming equipment is code for black people. I'm not sure about the rest but given the context its probably related to the obsession mutts have for african penis

>> No.47375324

>You niggers injected your gay and tranny politics into all my hobbies.
Don't put that on me you faggot. I never wanted politics of any sort in anything.
I was right here with the rest of you in 2014.
And I'm fucking sick of it. From both sides. Get it the fuck away from me.
>because EN vtubing is infested with faggotry and gender politics
Escape the /vt/ bubble

>anonymity, which by it's nature is opposed to reverence for identity groups
Anonymity is neutral. It is not opposition to identity, it is absence of identity.

>> No.47375408

>You retards started this conflict and have no grounds to complain when people like me fire back.
You never would have heard of this "conflict" if it hadn't been trumped up to distract you from actual problems.
Take the real red pill, assassinate a billionaire.

>> No.47375418

>And I'm fucking sick of it. From both sides. Get it the fuck away from me.
>the ones telling the globohomos and trannies to fuck off and stop self inserting themselves into everything are just as bad as the globohomos and trannies self inserting themselves into everything
If you were more self-aware you might realize how things ended up as they did.

>> No.47375433

If you think that this website is neutral towards identity then you're too far gone. I don't know who or why you're trying to convince anyone about that.

>> No.47375523

Oh look, it's a just as bad fag.

>> No.47375597

>just as bad
I didn't say that
I said I'm sick of hearing about it
I don't care, and honestly I never did. I grew up apolitical, and I'm trying to go back to that.
Back to when I could actually enjoy my life.
You're all annoying, and I don't want to hear your incessant bleating anymore.
Take it to /pol/. This is a board for vtubers, and vtubers are not politics.

>> No.47375614

cry about it leftoid

>> No.47375628

Learn to read

>> No.47375703

Ignoring it is not how you bring an end to this. That's how they gained such a foothold in the first place. I'm sorry, but the reality is you're going to be hearing about it until the job is done.

>> No.47375756

If you aren't lying like a faggot, which you most likely are, let me break this down for you.
>I grew up apolitical, and I'm trying to go back to that.
You cannot argue a neutral position with a radical. Your viewpoint will always be one of compromise and admission because you have nothing to fall back on. If you want things to turn in the opposite direction you need to pull them from somewhere further past where (You) are comfortable with. Otherwise, you stall out in negotiations where your opponent will always demand more.

(You) and those who share your retarded ideology have effectively surrendered and retreated from every fight. Now they're at your doorstep and suddenly you've nowhere left to run.

>> No.47375887

Everyone who just wants to grill and be left alone is passively enabling the problem, because by doing nothing you are accepting anything they do to you. If your response to leftist radicals isn't NOTHING TO THE RIGHT BUT THE WALL then what the fuck are you even doing.

>> No.47375909

Oh boi another Pippa anti thread. It like you have nothing else to talk about other shitting on the pink rabbit.

>> No.47375916

Pippa is only filling a forgotten niche market
There is no such thing as true neutrality
The filter is for everyone

>> No.47375929

I don't care about "bringing an end to this"
I care about actually enjoying my fucking life
In 50-60 years I'll be dead and none of this will matter, spending it being a miserable piece of shit talking in circles about trans this and phobia that isn't going to make me happy.

Stop doomposting you insufferable cunt
Talk about vtubers instead

>> No.47376014

God damn you are a pathetic culture warrior loser.

>> No.47376082

t. troonlover

>> No.47376119

rent free, huh

>> No.47376125

You're happy to shrink back and surrender the dominant culture to retards who value the primacy of self-ID and identity groups. I'm not. I can't live, or make good in that world.
I won't suffer retards like you trying to drag us back into complacency when we've seen and are on the verge of some major push back against this madness. We can go back to being apolitical later on, but not now.

>> No.47376146

All I want to do is play video games and watch vtubers.
I've got no business doing anything else.

>> No.47376245

Well then, you're not a chud.

>> No.47376275


>> No.47376281

then leave

>> No.47376305


>> No.47376350

Well, I'm not leaving either. So get used to me. Get used to sharing a space with chuds.

>> No.47376367

Just don't bring up politics where they don't belong and I won't have a problem with you

>> No.47376381

It doesn't. The boogeyman you're afraid of never existed.
As long as she isn't breaching TOS it doesn't matter.
Imposing responsibility for the actions of an audience on an entertainment medium is insane and always has been.

>> No.47376384

I will throw up romans in Pippa's chat and you will like it.

>> No.47376397

I won't even see it because I don't watch Pippa

>> No.47376435

What the fuck, you can't just call him that. Where are the mods?

>> No.47376447

Well then, I'll say TTD in whichever pc girl you watch in her chat. And in these threads.

>> No.47376462

If we were living in a right world that would be an insult.

>> No.47376479

>Imposing responsibility for the actions of an audience on an entertainment medium is insane and always has been.
Doesn't change the fact that it happens.
The whole reason Youtube started flagging shit with an algorithm that throws false positives half the time is that people were trying to sue them for shit people uploaded to their platform. Fucking Google is held responsible for what their customers do with the medium and you don't think Pippa will be?

>> No.47376493

Anon, you're conflating ISIS propaganda with a pink rabbit.
Take your fucking meds.

>> No.47376497

Surgery performed by a professional surgeon as part of a treatment plan by a trained physician is not mutilation. Why do you believe you have a greater understanding of the appropriate medical treatment for gender dysphoria than someone who has spent upwards of a decade studying medicine? What education do you have on this topic?

>> No.47376498

I'm fine with her being held responsible. I'm not fine with her adapting to this.

>> No.47376499

White power isn't even a dog whistle. It's a fucking trumpet.

>> No.47376525

I'm sorry they took down your favorite channel but most of it was pirated shows and movies, actually.

>> No.47376532

I don't even know what that means

>> No.47376604

He heard it from a legitimate journalist. Ignore the part where they dodged defamation suits by testifying in court that their show is parody and no reasonable person could take them seriously.

>> No.47376624

>gender dysphoria
they are mentally ill schizos and should be put down

>> No.47376628


>> No.47376630

Medical practice has engaged with all sorts of quackery throughout history. The removal of healthy reproductive organs, and the grafting of flesh from other parts of the body to form non-functioning cosmetic approximations of the opposite genders genitals, that are prone to infection and other medical complications, is definitely 100% mutilation.

>> No.47376648

it means total trans death

>> No.47376650

Holy fucking cognitive dissonance. Literal fake anime women who yuri bait and talk about sex ALL THE TIME and you're here acting like it's some sort of purity test.

Corpos and smart vtubers will always schill to the largest audience possible if they want to succeed and here's a hint it isn't chuds. Ever. Pippa will hit that wall at some point and either lose her job or pull the trigger and shit that shit down. Your brand is dying quickly because you self destruct over the thought that you can't be racist as fuck in public.

Get the fuck off the internet and talk to a real person. You will never be japanese. Vtubers hate you and you'll never see your white utopia.

>> No.47376649

nonono only other people's politics need to be kept out of things, mine are le heckin' basederino and you're a jew-glowie for even suggesting it

>> No.47376715

Who are you talking about and what does this have to do with mentally ill men and women cutting off healthy body parts?

>> No.47376744

Let's ignore the success of YouTubers like sseth, e;r etc

>> No.47376841

How does it feel to dedicate so much of your limited lifespan on being miserable

>> No.47376871


>> No.47376877 [DELETED] 

>The fact that there is a noticeable rift between Pippa's community and everyone else on this board is proof that there is a real problem
Yeah the problem is you guys are the intruders. Go back

>> No.47376920

>See Pippa with short hair in OP image
>Feel confusion, because Pippa's never had short hair
>Check out channel
>Oh she got a new outfit
>Literal upgrade from her base design apart from the short hair and the floppy ears
Why do vtubers love short hair, I thought their model was a way to experience a personal fantasy?

>> No.47376970 [DELETED] 

Why are you gay?
The short hair is just a toggle

>> No.47376997


>> No.47377005

What about what I said implies that?

>> No.47377051

Literally the entire conversation
Not a single word from you suggests you feel any significant joy in your life

>> No.47377067

Oh thank fuck.
I wish pink rabbit well, and hope she uses that black hair outfit with her normal ears more often. You guys are blessed with perhaps the cutest rabbit in the world

>> No.47377087

ah yes, sseth, you mean mr. "betraying my discord to shill the us mental health 'treatment' apparatus" sseth? mr. "i steal vods from other players to pass as my own gameplay" sseth?

>> No.47377099

so instead of
>you said the nword please stop that
you want
>some loon just killed trannies please say trans right are human rights or your a bigot

>> No.47377123

Are they vtubers? Or are you unable to read. Also who?

>> No.47377189

Two edgy review youtubers that break the mold in a way that infuriates the usual segment of twitter.
Content versus character friendo.

>> No.47377253
File: 71 KB, 400x400, bun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47377337


If they didn't use veiled wording, double entendre and carefully not say the magic hate words they would be done in a second. Happens all the time it's a matter of time til they implode. You mix open chud brainworms into any commercial success on the internet and your brand implodes to advertisers and sponsors overnight.

>> No.47377581

>i am fine with hypocrites that pretend to fight for my views as long as they get to validate my opinion
>i am fine with them actually betraying the movement for clout once push comes to shove
ok sseth
or is this sargon of akkad?

>> No.47377661

You know Sargon can't read or write

>> No.47377860

>it's a matter of time til they implode
The bare minimum seems to be not directly denigrating any group or endorsing nazis. Anything else is just twitter noise.
>fight for my views
They make funny videos I enjoy. Simple as. The 'everything is political' crowd has a screw loose.

>> No.47378004

Fucking lmao. The axe wound trannies get will never be normal. Gender dysphoria, if it even actually exists, should be treated as a mental illness. If a schizo wanted to cut off his leg, would a doctor do it? No. You would lock him up and give him treatment for his illness. All trannies need to be institutionalized and should be given treatment to be more normal. That or just kill them.

>> No.47378214

You RNF's don't understand. We WANT you seething. We WANT the hate threads. We WANT the mobs of twittards squealing.
Every one of your hate posts are a sweet sweet love letter to us.
We don't expect or want your support however you will thank us in the end.

>> No.47378389

>Pippa anti threads are honeypots

>> No.47378773

Go back to where you came from, you massive retard.

>> No.47378819

Being a reactionary has been retarded in every era it's been in. Learn to accept that you'll keep losing, or just neck yourself already.

>> No.47379385

Sorry princess, we aren't going anywhere.

>> No.47379952

no, these are static morals you're pushing up against. nothing reactionary about it.

>> No.47382221

This is making all the right people mad, good job.

>> No.47385827

Thanks Pippa
