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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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4726482 No.4726482 [Reply] [Original]

Why do I see people saying touch grass a somewhat regular amount on this board? What does it even mean? Is it some retarded normalfag meme insult or something? It sounds so unoriginal and passive aggressive.

>> No.4726496

Touch some grass

>> No.4726519

grass = 草

>> No.4726541

i saw it alot in children game. i guess it kind of a way to call someone NEET without getting ban.

>> No.4726555

>It sounds so unoriginal and passive aggressive.
Of course it sounds like that because that's what roasties usually say. It's probably a western roastie desperate for attention, just ignore her.

>> No.4726578

It's obvious bait by one person and you're taking it hard by making this thread.

>> No.4726601

touch grass = acquire 草
they're telling you to laugh and not take things so seriously

>> No.4726603
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This. They want you to laugh more. You should watch funnier chuubas, like Pekora and Coco

>> No.4726622

>grass = 草
>草 = wwwww
>wwwww = lol
>touching grass = touching lol
The absolute state of norm fag humor.

>> No.4726668

touch grass means leave your house and interact with the real world.
If you did in fact "touch grass" then you wouldn't need to ask what it meant.

>> No.4726672

>Doesn't even know what touch grass means
Sounds like it's time for you to go touch some grass, anon
It is a new meme that has gotten very popular recently, basically it's telling you to go outside (and stop being such an out of touch weirdo)

>> No.4726715

It's telling you to go fucking outside for once, you loser

>> No.4726772

So, in short its shitposters who don't actually watch youtubers or people pretending to be those sort. Got it

>> No.4726804

no, you need to improve your reading and comprehension.

>> No.4726903

normalfag way of telling someone to be a normalfag
basically, just get out of your house and have fun, it will solve all your issues XD
/vt/ is infested with redditors, seabook and normalfags

>> No.4726959
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>Why do I see people saying touch grass a somewhat regular amount on this board?
it's an indication that twitterfags populate this god-forsaken board and a great reminder to why you should stay on /hlgg/

>> No.4727051

No he's right.
It's a phrase that makes it very embarrassingly obvious you come from outside 4chan.

>> No.4727082

Girls do not post on /vt/.

>> No.4727103

>what is the nijimales thread

>> No.4727110

It's a zoomer thing apparently, like the amogus joke and other things. I noticed this board has an unusually high amount of very young people for some reason.
On the plus side it keeps me up to date with their obscure lingo.

>> No.4727142

It's a term you'd learn by interactin with zoomers on others websites, not something you'd learn by going outside.

>> No.4727163

Last time I actually had to touch grass was a week and a half ago while I was moving the lawn, and yesterday when I was inspecting the grass again to see when I should mow it. I still do not understand what this has to do with anything

>> No.4727649
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>> No.4727714

If you were a normal person, you'd agree with all my opinions, because I'm a normal person. As a normal person, I spend more of my time telling non-normal people on non-normal parts of the internet to agree with me, who is a normal person. This is a normal thing to do.

>> No.4727746
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>> No.4727747

>Is it some retarded normalfag meme insult or something?
yes, it's a twitter-speak, get used to it because this board has been flooded with unironic twitter trannies and reddit kids

>> No.4727769

Those ain’t girls in there peko. Them is hags

>> No.4727772

It's just today and literally just one person across many threads

>> No.4727845


>> No.4727883

>Is it some retarded normalfag meme insult or something? It sounds so unoriginal and passive aggressive.
the same people that tell you to touch grass also unironically use the word "chud" as an insult

>> No.4728003

does it show that you have not come from 4chan yes, but they said " don't actually watch youtubers" which is not the same thing

>> No.4728019
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yes, I name my images like these. What are you gonna do about it huh

>> No.4728063


>> No.4728162

Transgederism is 4chan culture
LGB normalfags not welcome

>> No.4728192

More twitter and reddit fags post on this board than anywhere else on 4chan

>> No.4728261

Oh now I get it, its the same as saying incel to anything, or using the word chud (I dont even know what that means). It seems like people who cant counter an argument or meet it head on just use cheap insults

>> No.4728295

Twitter trannies are not renowned for their ability to argue their point well.

>> No.4728298

call me a zhang

>> No.4728380

don't mind if i do, zhang

>> No.4728396

Is it a good meme? Not a normalfag meme. Is it a shit meme? Normalfag meme.

>> No.4728419

it's much worse actually
i'm a seanigger

>> No.4728462

It's the hot new maymay for zoomers and twitter faggots.
It's like "have sex", "incel!", etc. They attack the person rather than the argument. It's pretty sad, honestly. This kind of behavior is why there's no room for discourse between opposing sides

>> No.4728596

It's twitter shit. I still don't know how many people type like that ironically as bait and how much of it is genuine twitter scum posting here, I believe the former for the sake of my peace of mind

>> No.4728654

How about I call you based instead

>> No.4728730

It's correct though, they don't watch vtubers because they're too busy going out to touch the 草 instead

>> No.4728742

normalfag/zoomer vocabulary, I doubt anyone would use that seriously here unless they wanna out themselves as a tourist

>> No.4728757

There has to be twitter scum to even be aware of it. It's not like it's an intuitive statement - even reading through this thread I don't really get the meaning other than it's meant to be insulting.

>> No.4728778
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I truly wish there was some sort of middleground between this /hlg/ and this board, where I can enjoy a strong board/thread culture and gatekeeping but still discuss the ENs.
Dealing with all the newfagd, twitter niggers and redditors is getting unbelievably tiresome.

>> No.4729136

That doesn't exist on the internet. Read the comments of the collab video, even when people try to explain the critisim or the reason they didn't like the video, or just share their thoughts they get called incel or get told to touch gas. The logic of "if it's not 100% positive its 100% negative and should be treated as such" is cancer, that's why its best to limit your engagement and discussion

>> No.4729411

they never said vtubers, they said youtubers

>> No.4729972


>> No.4730036

Bitch i've been here for 15 years

>> No.4730101

I think it's one autistic redditor saying it repeatedly across several boards. i assume it means "go outside"

>> No.4730149

I've seen plenty using it lately

>> No.4730156

Unoriginality and passive aggressiveness? On 4chan?

>> No.4730204

spotted the twitter troon

>> No.4730228

literally just said i'm a seanigger
is your brain too smooth to not know how backlinks work
well certainly if you think coco is funny then there's something bound to be wrong with yours

>> No.4730404

It’s your typical reddit / twitter insult of the week so just ignore it.

>> No.4730469

Ah, there's the definitely original insult I've come to expect from this place.

>> No.4730660
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ah yes, truly an original reply

>> No.4731686

I tell you when I learn whatever the fuck cap means

>> No.4731733
File: 28 KB, 339x338, 1311213929779.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I-I can't call people virgins! That's too rude and disrespectful to our uwu virgin allies!
>I know! Incel! Incel's good!

>> No.4731771


>> No.4731785

I am, these fucking pansies don't even have the balls to insult anyone anymore.

>> No.4731807

Like "Bottom left" it's an absolute normie meme you will find mentioned plenty on Leddit, Discord and so on. It's an easy way to expose tourists and newfags.

>> No.4731927

t.hero hei

>> No.4732883


>> No.4732983

>I wishu to raff on the internet
>I wishu to shorten my raff so I typeu less
>haha rrat was reary, reary funny
>rait ra rinute, rrat rooks rike rgrass

>> No.4733012

Its fujos trying to troll you anon. They are raiding the board as we speak by trying to start drama over Mori and HoloEN shit.

Im a member of various radfem and femcel irc networks (trust me they exist) and they are absolutely laughing at all of us right now. Dont let them win!

>> No.4733597

there's no internet for old men, anon

>> No.4733987

Its the typical w*stoid way of telling someone to go outside since its in their genes to talk in the faggiest, most insufferable manner.

>> No.4734154

Touch grass

>> No.4734197

Newfag buzzphrase, sort of like "You will never be a x" or "NOOOOOO YOU CAN'T JUST-" or "haha x go y".
Anyone who posts it is both underage and new, ignore them.

>> No.4735002

it's probably literally one guy

>> No.4736244
File: 138 KB, 522x590, 4CA4BFEC-A60F-41CD-8AC6-B18C74DD3CCF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rev, we get it. you have a girlfriend.

>> No.4736306



>> No.4736344

Deadbraps really are tourists aren't they?

>> No.4736499

It's basically just "get out of your mom's basement and go outside" retooled to fit the ADHD-riddled minds of twitter.

>> No.4736660

The board should stop replying to people who just post, "touch grass, incel". It's obvous spam, especially when anons mass reply that and, "have sex", on different threads. It's a little annoying browsing threads on /vt/. It usually stops discussion, or they derail threads.

>> No.4737368

It really makes all too much sense that the fandom that uses "touch grass" the most also call anyone they see that are against them "incels" like they're fresh off the twitter boat

>> No.4737399

touch grass, ogey

>> No.4737543

Smoke weed?

>> No.4737622

it's one of the le epin secret club euphemisms that you're not allowed to ask about, like "roommate" and "graduation"

>> No.4737666

who do you think is perpetually shilling the girls in the western thread and the indies threads if not themselves?

>> No.4737673

It's just stupid because usually when people go outside they don't touch the grass with their fucking hands and the verb "touch" absent of context implies hand usage.

>> No.4737759
File: 19 KB, 273x417, 1623076670346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Touch grass

>> No.4737810

>he doesn't instinctively use his cock to feel things

>> No.4737987

Calling someone a NEET wouldn't get you banned. NEETs are losers and absolutely deserve to be called out and ridiculed.

>> No.4738192

I thought it's a euphemism for "kill yourself" since you can't say that on normalfag sites. I still mentally replace it with that whenever I see it because it makes it funnier.

>> No.4738281

it's the new zoomer way of telling someone to go outside.

>> No.4738338

Who's rev?

>> No.4738349

touch my big kusa

>> No.4738798

you could at least not act like you're still on reddiscortter while you're here.

>> No.4738839

It's the new latinx
