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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47236609 No.47236609 [Reply] [Original]

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present.】
WACTOR is also known as:

"META-MUSIC" as a musical project
"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project
"noVas" as an English language project
"Starship Research" as a Chinese language project

Previous thread >>47204915

Vampire edition.


Charo Nemurime

Mireille Kuuma

Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.47236781

Himea love

>> No.47237842
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>> No.47238689

Funny how we talk shit about Lily and our wife Sezia praised la mexicanita

She said she was watching Lily’s truck simulator stream

>> No.47239287

>our wife Sezia
good joke anon

>> No.47239919


>> No.47241324

you can't stop the inevitable

>> No.47242139

Nisha + Ferpurafil = Love

>> No.47242933

Eru, be smart. Befriend Lily before it's too late

>> No.47243801

Sezia is just my cumdump, not my wife by any means.

>> No.47243990

I don't watch schizo bullies with annoying laughs.

>> No.47244124

>enter /wactor/
>no stream discussion
>only shiposting
Yeah no wonder /esp/ exist

>> No.47244462

Fuck off sedaishill, no one is going to use your shit thread.
Fuck off and take you harasser whore with you.

>> No.47244498

I miss my silly wife so much.

>> No.47244508

cope and seethe

>> No.47244671

Struck a nerve, bitch?

>> No.47244735

Ofeb-anon, is pal doing well in numbers?

>> No.47244769

>Mentions /esp/
yeah, i totally struck a nerve, onee-san

>> No.47244931

I'm just politely telling you to fuck off, like any civilized anon would do for a blatant retarded shill like you.

>> No.47245106

>"I'm just politely telling you to fuck off"
>"Shit thread
>"harasser whore"
how about you take your pills, not my problem youre on your period anon-kun

>> No.47245398

If I wasn't clear enough, that's all the kindness a shill like you deserves.
Now back to your containment thread.

>> No.47245764

I'm staying to make you mad, now take your pills before you mom told you to shut the fuck up, isn't like i'm mantaining this thread alive for 2 months via shitposter already lmao

>> No.47246057

You don't have the power to make me mad, boy.
Do as you wish then and keep bumping the thread until anons wake up.

>> No.47246177

sure anon, isn't like i want this thread to dissapear, in fact, rolling it on shitposting is the plan

>> No.47246377

>sedaishill outing himself as a shitposter

>> No.47246496

Now kiss

>> No.47246503

If you had any doubt on who keeps the general alive and why

>> No.47246529

i'm actually a Lia gachi

>> No.47246642

Wow Nico, you surely love vegetables.

>> No.47246727

>Not a single stream or girl discussion
>Off topic shit

>> No.47246858

Nisha loves Ferpurail

>> No.47246913

Good morning, I'm deeply deeply DEEPLY in love with Himea and can't stop thinking about her...
Nothing will change this.

>> No.47246981

Whatever you want to talk about something do you expect other people to start the conversation?
Make a difference and change he topic.

>> No.47247048

Are you nuts? I don't want shitposters to target the girls, I'll rather have them tear each other down.

>> No.47247117

See >>47247048

>> No.47247340

Do you also avoid going out because you fear someone could insult you on the street?
What kind of pussy allows shitposters to ruin his enjoyment?. You are giving those retards more power than what they really have.

>> No.47247367
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a juicy fruit ready to be eaten

>> No.47247399

Yeah, just ignore the thread and watch streams, isn't that hard

>> No.47247422

this, splitniggers are validating the shitters instead of ignoring and doing the needful

>> No.47247461
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Breeding Sezia while Ayato watches.

>> No.47247556

Childbearing hips.

>> No.47247582

those shitters is just one liafag without meds tho

>> No.47247636

Sezia... Sezia... Sezia...

>> No.47247660

you are just obsessed with liafags or you are one of the shitters yourself

>> No.47247692

She's taken by Ayato

>> No.47247742

The shitter is the liaschizo tho

>> No.47247762

I pointed it out because is more a inner /wactor/ shit than raids from outsiders, hence why no discussion can happen without seething about one girl or off topic shit.

>> No.47247824
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>inner wactor shit, not raids from outsiders
how new?

>> No.47247846

He switch his hobby from watching stream to being a botanist, please understand.

>> No.47247908

before it was twitter memes so it was way worse

>> No.47247913

It's ok, he can raise our white children.

>> No.47247964

Seizafags are cucks....

>> No.47247991

>Yumi gordita is canon

>> No.47248113

Yumi wants to be empress of china

>> No.47248135

no wonder he seethes at brotecitos

>> No.47248159

Proof? Architect bros can't keep winning...

>> No.47248163

Are you relatively new? That shit never worked. The only reliable way of stop shitters from targeting a girl is to make her invisible to them.
>How did nonstop shitting on Hina stop?
>Misopitas left of got silent
>How did Luna nonstop shitting stop?
>Lomitos left
>How did Nateyo nonstop shitting stop?
>Discussion about her was abandoned
>How did Himea nonstop shitting stop?
>Her fans went to their own general
And so on.

>> No.47248222


>> No.47248268

Latest stream, she said she trying to lose weight and started watching exercise videos and now she bombarded with loses weight ads

>> No.47248283
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>she wants a court of eunuchs

>> No.47248291

so what are you doing here then if its not to talk about the girls? joining the shitters by shitposting?

>> No.47248359

>what are you doing here then if its not to talk about the girls?
To report shitters and hopefully get them banned

>> No.47248430

He's doing demoralization campaign to kill /WACTOR/ so fags go to his shitty general.

>> No.47248476

>Smartest /wactor/ user

>> No.47248486

How many euros cost 10 pulls in Genshin?
Yumi throw like 100

>> No.47248792

I don't play genshit, but according to google 300 genesis crystals cost around €4,99

>> No.47248848

And she throw 50 euros previously for a Loli

>> No.47248953

So she became a Vtuber to pay for her gacha addiction...

>> No.47249065

Bootleg Himari(maybe og one)
What could be
Also Ippe and some Ars fags in chat

>> No.47249253

>3rd molars usually grown between 17 and 25 years old
That Yumi age range

>> No.47249298

Himari was way better at singing.

>> No.47249336


>> No.47249392

>Yumi is a cunny chad

>> No.47249441

>Shitter is a Zonafag
Color me surprised

>> No.47249470


>> No.47249547


>> No.47249566

It's always one fag, try to reply to him about Lia's lies and he will mald.

>> No.47249609

>Lia's lies
You are full of shit too

>> No.47249621

>Liafag being pro clippers
Are you retarded?

>> No.47249634

Oh, I don't care about what happens in your shitty general. Keep all that shit contained there and don't bring it up here.

>> No.47249766

Ok Zona

>> No.47249781

i didn't say anything about being a pro-clipper, just about being a shitter

>> No.47249821

The clipper shitter is the same shitting on Lia

>> No.47249857

>/esp/ fags are the shitters

>> No.47249859

>its okay if i shit on this specific girl! doesnt mean im one of the shitters!
hypocrite nigger

>> No.47249873

I'm not sure about it >>47249705

>> No.47249894

That jiggle... It's hypnotic

>> No.47249924


>> No.47249948

Oh yeah, reading compression doko?
My bad

>> No.47249972

and then you talk about communityfags

>> No.47249982
File: 198 KB, 349x334, 162200321256215.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are we supposed to have a decent discussion /here/ when you /esp/ niggers keep spilling your pestilent blight in our general?

>> No.47249988

Reminder explicador/akipt/ozuni constantly shill latam chuubas, now you know who're the /esp/ fags and that they're the ones who come to shit this general.

>> No.47250048


>> No.47250080

The faggot literally admitted that his objective is to fill this place with shitpost and kill any discussions about the girls to make anons migrate to his shitty general no one gives a fuck about.

>> No.47250128

Charo cute

>> No.47250148

I don't care about /esp/, the fact you're talking anything but the girls is enough for me, more even thank for the crossboard shitter in /esp/ now lmao

>> No.47250186

Ok Zona

>> No.47250242

As always, quality thread just talk about the girls ffs

>> No.47250244

I didn't even knew what that retard was talking about until he brought it up here.

>> No.47250281

nisha having hard sex with fer purafil while merol watches

>> No.47250310

That wasn't me, he did it himself like a retard

>> No.47250472

Why Japs are so autistic with Apex?
Also Ageha cute

>> No.47250948
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>sezia after debut
>i'm not shot, ackshually i'm the 2nd tallest after himea
>sezia right now
>i'm not old i swear, i'm still young
She better be ordering another tank, she's running low on copium

>> No.47251012

>Short, Chubby, Wide hips, large breasts and Hag
My dick, oh my god!

>> No.47251059

My puni puni 1.58cm hag wife...

>> No.47251129

I thought she was 1.65
She perfect for manhandling

>> No.47251287

Himea: 165 cm
Meica: 165 cm
Lia: 162 cm
Yumi: 160 cm
Miu: 160 cm
Sezia: 158 cm
Ageha and Mahiru: 155? cm
Can someone complete?

>> No.47251428

She's too heavy for that.

>> No.47251519

Nisha said she's 1.53

>> No.47251531

charo is made for princess carry

>> No.47251544


>> No.47251575


>> No.47251588

Yes anon we get it you have no muscles

>> No.47251644

Eru: 170cm

>> No.47251682

Someone(me) please breed Sezia and Reyu they need it

>> No.47251942

Good morning, I don't watch choripaneras™

>> No.47251943
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>Meica: 165 cm
fuck off

>> No.47251984

My bad sorry, that why I was asking for fill ups

>> No.47252148
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I desperately need Sezia to sit her big brown ass on my face and BRAAAAAAPP

>> No.47252290

sezia's fanarts with her hair down...

>> No.47252357

Luna is right, Euro vtuber scene is fucking dead

>> No.47252444

oof I'm glad lunita recommended this anime, it really makes you think kek

>> No.47252463

Don't worry, spicchads can save her

>> No.47252567
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>> No.47252586

It really caters to the modern woman mindset. No wonder its shilled so hard by vtubers

>> No.47252804

Is she trying to indirectly brainwash us into having that mindset?

>> No.47253092

she's just making you take the redpill anon

>> No.47253139

She talking about me

>> No.47253323

That man?

>> No.47253359

The cuckpill

>> No.47253375

/vt/ in a nutshell

>> No.47253453

Well they better know I won't be paying for her expenses when the guy who fucks her should be doing that.

>> No.47253623


>> No.47253939

You're already doing it lmao

>> No.47254091


>> No.47254191

Now I remember what I hated from her fanbase. Monkeys are obsessed with "out of context"

>> No.47254217

anon, this all oshi and fan shit is just a facade, is a act you don't have to take seriously, i might watch Oshi no Ko, seems like the perfect anime for the current times

>> No.47254436

That's why I carefully choose who to oshi.

>> No.47254515

>he doesn't know

>> No.47254581

Sezia said she won't have a bf while she's a vtuber, that's enough for me. She explicitly said it.

>> No.47254666

Are you unironically an unicorn?
That's the only reason you support her?

>> No.47254679

do you take everything face value?

>> No.47254688

Nisha + Ferpurafil = Love

>> No.47254740

I like her too, but that statement sealed the deal for me.

>> No.47254805

She's a grown woman who knows is better to not lie.

>> No.47254898

first, holy ESL
second, we all lie anon, nothing wrong with that, the fact you're taking this as "the truth" is pure schizophrenia.

>> No.47254917

/WACTOR/ had always been the place the community unicorns hangout ever since 2021, since they're shunned everywhere else.

>> No.47254977
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>knowing better

>> No.47255060

one thing is being a unicorn, other thing is being retarded and actually believing the girls are not fucking around, isn't like you're 100000% loyal to a girl either, so the lies falls appart anyway.

>> No.47255074

>when (you) discover the truth
kek this anime is perfect to make unicorns seethe

>> No.47255127

When I commit to a girl I stop watching other girls and stop looking for irl woman, so I take this seriously.

>> No.47255154

>we all lie anon
>nothing wrong with that
Liying is wrong, and even worse if you lie to someone that cares for you and puts their trust in you.

>> No.47255182

even if she is lying to your face? holy kek

>> No.47255288

Isn't like your family lied to you so you can grow up in a more sane enviroment or because you didn't need to know things at certain age. So are you telling us that we should tell the kids how fuck up the world is at age 7 because "le lying is bad?".
>"and even worse if you lie to someone that cares for you and puts their trust in you"
They didn't ask that for you, that's a thing you made up in your head to get into the talents

>> No.47255347
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vtubers approves

>> No.47255393

>we all lie
speak for yourself

>> No.47255470

Ok mr honest, you can say in the name of god, your mom and your oshi that you never told a lie in your life?

>> No.47255721

Avoiding certain topics ≠ lying
We are not kids aren't we?
I will always prefer the hard truth than a sweet lie
>They didn't ask that for you, that's a thing you made up in your head to get into the talents
That's basic ethics, something you don't get for whatever fucking reason.
Next thing is you trying to justify something dishonest, like thievery.

>> No.47255779

Are you a mecatard trying to cope with the fact your oshi is a liar?

>> No.47255791

I can't stop thinking about Yumi

>> No.47255805

Dont project your dishonesty on others. Unless someone is putting a gun to your head theres no reason to lie if you are not a selfish shitter

>> No.47255896

>No answer
i accept your concession

>> No.47255962

kek no, she lied, the consequences of that are on-going

>> No.47256030

I dont have a reason to lie because im not trying to take advantage of others.
Again, you are projecting

>> No.47256092

>They didn't ask that for you
Not that fag and not quite the same topic, but my girl wants me to have eyes only for her, so I do. And I expect her to be loyal to her fans too. It's a mutual thing.

>> No.47256143

Yes, you're right, avoiding the topic is always the best, in the case of Seiza, if she told people "i'm not going to have a bf during my v-tuber carreer" she didn't avoided the topic, she outright said it, meaning now is up to people to believe she's right or not. The rest you wrote is coping, the best way to be in the v-tuber world is just not taking anything as face value and enjoy the content.

>> No.47256228

Who is saying about taking advantages of others? Are you that afraid of someone taking your time for nothing? White lies and hurtful lies exist for a reason anon.

>> No.47256358


>> No.47256360

this is the thing, you only see your own pov in that relatioship, you don't know how it works after she ends the stream
>inb4 rm
even then, she might have a irl account where she does everything else you don't need to know, if the v-tuber is avoiding those topic, that's ok, shen ever said something about so you can expect whatever, now if she told you about certain things but outside the character and rm, her irl, as a human being does the opposite, she's lying, but the question remains, how do you know she's not lying? asnwer, you don't

>> No.47256408

I don't have something against her, I just don't like her new humor

>> No.47256536
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You can save her from shitty jobs by not pulling out and fertilizing her eggs

>> No.47256569

>if she told people "i'm not going to have a bf during my v-tuber carreer" she didn't avoided the topic
Yeah, and if she made a promise she's was not willing to fulfill in the first place she's a dumbass.
> the v-tuber world is just not taking anything as face value and enjoy the content.
You are talking like being a liar is requisite to be a content creator or something.

>> No.47256651

>Yeah, and if she made a promise she's was not willing to fulfill in the first place she's a dumbass.
Glad we agree, she put herself in the rope anyway
>You are talking like being a liar is requisite to be a content creator or something.
Yes, that's a true, you know the word "acting" is?

>> No.47256674

Would she be a good housewife, or she'll act "empoderada" like her mom?

>> No.47256711

>white lies
a lie is a lie

>> No.47256750

Has she ever said what she studied?

>> No.47256807

Again kid, get a dictionary because you have your concepts all messed up.
Playing a character is not the same of lying, if it wasn't obvious enough.

>> No.47256823

Is that a case, you're killing 90% of the females v-tubers carreers, and the 10% probably are just lesbians anyway

>> No.47256957
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I get a dictionary, now what? Get in the line, cuck

>> No.47257117

I trust. Simple as.

>> No.47257179

Now that is a better answer, hoping you don't get lied because i sense you're too sensitive about it

>> No.47257209

>the /esp/ contianment thread is secretly /sedai/

>> No.47257217

I think she studied marketing or communication

>> No.47257245

go back fag

>> No.47257275

Synonyms have nuances that make them different, they don't portray the same exact definition.
Actor doesn't has a negative connotation like deceiver.

>> No.47257314

Once her motherly instincts kicks in who knows?

>> No.47257335


>> No.47257358

>some cases

>> No.47257420

>fuck all books and dictionaries, this is the true by: ME
jesas anon, need more copium? They're v-tubers, they play a character, and it's her job to make you fall for her, that's all has been since Kizuna Ai, heck Kizuna Ai did the biggest lie and you don't see people angry about her, but isntead supported her in the beggining. You're the fag who takes everything in a negative aspect. Your depression isn't my fault

>> No.47257463

Hina was a actress or a deciver?

>> No.47257466
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You seem to be trying really hard to justify lying for some retarded reason.

>> No.47257559

Sedai has a history of astroturfing and paid shills btw.

>> No.47257613

Maybe he's a clinical liar trying to cope with the fact not everyone need to lie to be successful?

>> No.47257629
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why are you using the Yahoo Answer of burgers? Get better sources fag

>> No.47257686
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Do you think Nisha shaves?

>> No.47257718

>he doesn't know...

>> No.47257740
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Himea is just too cute

>> No.47257752

>anon discovers how entertainment works
really tourists still here?

>> No.47257786

Not brown enough

>> No.47257809

impressive right? I wonder if they think that Di Caprio went to Sierra Leona to get diamonds.

>> No.47257830

I like her the way she is

>> No.47257839

i dont know but i home himea and sezia not

>> No.47257872

I always wondered how he survived Titanic

>> No.47257975

Entertainment is all lies and selling you about something, in all media, from games to music, not even drama or "realistic" fiction can portray reality in anyway. The question is you actually buy it or not

>> No.47258087

Oh right, or when Hina Misora said she was moving to the city when she actually went to argentina with her groomer.
All acting by the way, all part of her character totally not a lie.

>> No.47258123

>t. failed groomer

>> No.47258174

Hi groomer, you failed, and you should go to jail

>> No.47258382

hi fakito

>> No.47258640 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
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>> No.47258642

Sezia’s a shut in who just started going out because her psychiatrist told her to after the shitfest, so no chance she’s sleeping around lol

>> No.47258671

Me on the left

>> No.47258686

Me on the left, Nisha on the right.

>> No.47258738

literally me

>> No.47258780

blue board.

>> No.47258836

sexual tension is the most effective way to calm down her problems

>> No.47258869

he is holding a hotdog with his left hand though

>> No.47259008

Hello fer

>> No.47259126

>Yumi know about vocaroo

>> No.47259206

>Eru reads all the posts here
Why are they like this?

>> No.47259337

I don't follow Eru, so you will have to back up that statement buddy.

>> No.47259483

eru? who?

>> No.47259618

Sezia told her to use it when she couldn’t post voice recordings on twitter

>> No.47259619

mating press

>> No.47259724

With all the things she said on ig last night, it was like she was quoting the entire thread from yesterday. But it's nothing new that she reads /here/

>> No.47259844

Not only that she reads /here/ but that she reacts almost immediately. Do you get the implication?

>> No.47259946

eru and himea browse naked on their beds as soon as they wake up

>> No.47259949

>Sezia, Himea, Nateyo, Eru, Nisha, Lily.
The fuck have anons to attract girls this badly?

>> No.47260066

I don't think she can get any good out of coming here all the time, especially now that she's in therapy.

>> No.47260087

I guess only here they can read what they ans think, but they can't say anywhere else.

>> No.47260195

Well, the post about her growth kinda coincides with what we were discussing last night.

>> No.47260378


>> No.47260642
File: 276 KB, 427x444, 16320235212502362.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine her biting your shoulder while leg locking you.

>> No.47262026

I miss Himea...

>> No.47262315

let her go and let her be happy.

>> No.47262445

I think she's feeling better today.

>> No.47262584
File: 85 KB, 266x248, 16320232652125421502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She'll be back tonight, hopefully.

>> No.47263116


>> No.47263616


>> No.47263866

Not me, I don't watch choripaneras

>> No.47264045

Good, go here fags >>47260886

>> No.47264089


>> No.47264147

There you have it choripaneros, go to your containment thread and miss your whore there all you want

>> No.47264150

>He doesn't know

>> No.47264216
File: 940 KB, 1024x1024, 1679542944423656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Splitniggers should be gassed.

>> No.47264410

choripneros splitted themselves retard, so by that logic, do us a favor and gass yourselves

>> No.47264457

Never thought I would suffer this much missing a girl, and not even a week has gone by... What has she done to me?

>> No.47264468

no one cares tribalnigger, keep seething and malding

>> No.47264506

What did the cute culombiana schizo say?

>> No.47264548

First you have no idea what that word means kid, so you better stop using it.
Second I never agreed with that retarded OP, so stfu.

>> No.47264560


>> No.47264685

>Choripaneros are tired of their own voluntary isolation


>> No.47265002

What did you say anon? Can't see you because of my filter.

>> No.47265071

>faggy filters
kek what a bunch of crybabies

>> No.47265328
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>moans If I stay
>moans if I leave
Man, the fact my sole existence makes you seethe this much feels good.

>> No.47265362

Wactorkeks are women confirmed, no way they would cry so much over a fucking 4chan thread

>> No.47265976

>here comes a new challenger

>> No.47266025

What's the point of watching Meica tho,
Aren't Nimu/Hana just better?

>> No.47266179

Discount nara.

>> No.47266180

Wrong thread bud

>> No.47266304

Hana became unwatchable due how she gets easily triggered and and how she hates on spics even if they are her biggest (and only) audience


>> No.47266350

top kek
also friendly reminder

>> No.47266409

Meica is a burraca that dropped her niche to be a generic latam vtuber wannabe.

>> No.47266475

Based, fuck "muh golden japanese corportare vtubing style" faggots

>> No.47266542
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>> No.47266561

There are a lot of better options to watch that kind of content.
She dropped the things she's best at to be a mediocre chuuba of a mediocre content type.
Soon enough she'll notice her decline.

>> No.47266859
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>> No.47267043

And?, the blue dorito exists and yet you are all here watching 2 views and other mediocre chubbas for whatever reason

>> No.47267239

Eru and Sezia, befriend Lily and save yourselves from the decline of Meica and Nisha

>> No.47267530

>Gets bullied

>> No.47268224

Miu love Miu love Miu love

>> No.47268412
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>> No.47269024

No other place offers the same thing as wactor, not even now.

>> No.47269125

...and that is?

>> No.47269237


>> No.47269613

Parasocial girls small enough you get noticed, not so small you get stressed, in Spanish.

>> No.47269656

Are you talking about Natamo?

>> No.47269721

>t. groomer

>> No.47270413

Hey Gonza.

>> No.47270599



>> No.47270670

I don't watch scammer's employees

>> No.47270686

>T. Grommer

>> No.47270903

Yumi is so retard kek

>> No.47270969

It's fun how at this point, Sezia doesn't give a shit about admiting she is Mexico, meanwhile Nisha...
>posts wall.txt

>> No.47271372

I actually liked the cultural pot that Wactor became, Hina history of latam and the girls figuring out that Latam isn't a big jungle was peak kino
Miu and Ito latam tour was pretty nice, Yumi current Geoguesder streams are fun like nothing else

>> No.47271388

Gonza only targets 2views and 1views, I stay with 3views.

>> No.47271497


>> No.47271583

not true lmao fucking schizo
It was because she saw some anime that got her emotional

>> No.47271679


I'm just listening to this stream, so did Sezia pretty much confirmed she was going to be Neon and vice versa?

>> No.47272030


>> No.47272961

Miu Miu Miu Miu Miu

>> No.47272983

I don't watch scammers

>> No.47273156

would you stop? you have 0 proofs to say that, she is a victim of the midgets retardation too.

>> No.47273186

if that's the case, then >>47270670

>> No.47273507 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.47274342

Nisha the one and only larper
Nisha la mentiroshisha

>> No.47275882

Miu doesn't lose her talent and doesn't burn like others...

>> No.47276170

she does burnout, but instead of doing streams playing apex/valorant for hours she just does something else off stream

>> No.47276689


>> No.47276902

>fill this place with shitpost and kill any discussions about the girl
fagots like you have been doing that for months /esp/ has been in existence for about a week
no vengas con tus mamadas anon
and even if we all went to /esp/ what is the problem? If with that there is a place to talk about vtubers in spanish again
this general only serves for meicafags to throw shit at Nisha, Sezia and Himea, no more talk about the rest of the girls, much less what's going on when one is in stream

>> No.47277101

Go bump your contaiment thread faggot because that shit is dying >>47251273

>> No.47277535

more like twitchwhore with avatar

>> No.47278020


>> No.47278041
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>> No.47278169

Nishabros.... we were the cucks all along?

>> No.47278237

Is it just me or this girl looks very similar to Hina Misora (q.e.p.d.)

>> No.47278297


You are just baiting me to get a 3day vacation, aren't you?

>> No.47278738

Ok, I get it, you don't like Lily because you feel threatened, but could you please stop using the term sidosas? It's pretty dehumanizing. Thanks.

>> No.47278808

>XDD le epic anti sthitposting
what this place had become, just a pathetic chispatard infested shithole, i'm tired, filtering /esp/ and /wactor/, fuck spics.
bye faggots.

>> No.47278919

See you tomorrow.

>> No.47279006

she does not exceed the fifth month as a vtuber

>> No.47279436

yes, you are being cucked by that argie choripanegro of fer

>> No.47279722

Is NIsha schizo that desperate? KEK

>> No.47279825

He's been at it the last few days, replying to himself too.

>> No.47279886
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>> No.47279991

just ignore him
he tried to shit on nisha with nix and result to be his brother so he's trying with a random fan now

>> No.47280075

So the shitter all this time was Fer
Who would say
Choripaneros, choripaneros, they just want attention...

>> No.47280387

whats the point of insist doing these threads why there is no streams and fags don't care about takas anymore?

>> No.47280455

Yesterday he came yelling at the stream that he was late, at that very moment the spam started /here/. I don't think it was a coincidence.

>> No.47280818

my cute sisterwife ageha

>> No.47280932

Stop being retarded, it's time

>> No.47281089

sorry, wrong link

>> No.47281134

the Queen is streaming

>> No.47281173

im trans btw

>> No.47281195

CULOmbian time

>> No.47281233

The queen of not being paid to speak Spanish.

>> No.47281343

New thread when?

>> No.47281424

let it rest and wait for tomorrow

>> No.47281427

you have the choripaneros one for himea, so there

>> No.47281620

New thread

