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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47233508 No.47233508 [Reply] [Original]

Here we discuss 4 talents: 2 of them already had their debuts in the past, but some of them are only about to start their journey. Come join us, let's have a good comfy time.


Elia Stellaria

Airi Viridis


Previously on /sage/:

>> No.47233943

GezuGezu - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCJGTtJdw1gtJKyMm0Fq2eng

Elia Stellaria - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UC0lSxKAt9osiA29vnk1R4sg

kirispica - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UC58Ng5nTN3aiVveus4DEEDg

Airi Viridis - RagTag archive: https://archive.ragtag.moe/channel/UCFcdX8we6-tSndu6w4bwnag

>> No.47233995

I hope StellarBanana will have a nice and giggly personality.

>> No.47234325


>> No.47234401

>2 threads

>> No.47234434

btw why are we still using
instead of

>> No.47234597

The other one was created second and seems to be someone who didn't like that he didn't get to create the thread and tried to create his own, there's only one IP in that thread LOL.

>> No.47234779

OP of that thread here. When I was cooking it there wasn't another thread in the catalog yet, but I guess I took too much time amending the text in the post according to the current state of affairs. Personally I don't really care which one stays up, just pay a bit more attention to the OP next time you cook it yourself.

>> No.47235783

Banana could be one of the funniest vtuber related memes ever.
Ba-NA-NA hahahaha get it guys? Omg Aletta is so funny man.

>> No.47235940

Go back, we love Elia here

>> No.47236039 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself Menace

>> No.47236087


>> No.47236114

If I want to hear a Britbong say "chicken borger," am I in the right place?

>> No.47236192
File: 14 KB, 386x149, 2023-04-13 114647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, guess we're gonna have to change that now

>> No.47236278

>gremlinfags BTFO
fucking based

>> No.47236317

ah yes my favorite ex-kawaii talent, the orange haired m***** p**** themed after a fruit
also we're /peas/ now i guess

>> No.47236347

I guess it's a moot point now considering the name change, both threads would have been outdated. Next time whoever makes it will be sure to get it correct.

>> No.47236352

>>47236317 (me)
or /same/ because i can't actually tell if she's using japanese name order there or not

>> No.47236367

What about /same/?

>> No.47236480

Yeah, using the Japanese word for shark... I'm sure it'll be fine.

>> No.47236484

Or /esam/, in honor of the world's greatest Pikachu player.

>> No.47236543

Doesn't matter that much since we're already using a short form of Kirispica. As long as it sounds nice.

Choose your new name former Embuds

>> No.47236552

Kill yourself gezu

>> No.47236723

My vote goes to /apes/

>> No.47236820

I like it, it's not like Gura's general is using it anyway.

>> No.47236844

It's hilarious how close that name is to Morino Peari.

>> No.47236902

Kinda symbolic too considering everything is the same even though the girls have started a new life.

>> No.47237264

Adding your own options is enabled.
I don't expect anyone to vote for most of these, I just wanted to be exhaustive.

>> No.47237590


>> No.47237621

Click the button and add it to the poll yourself, Pichi

>> No.47237718

excuse me, don't deadname her
she goes by mozzu now
also western order, first name mozumi last name pichi

also I can't add more option since I already added /banana/

>> No.47237752

Kinda sad she decided to change the name too (even though she literally announced it in her first tweet after coming back). But now...

>> No.47237818

>>47237718 (me)
for some reason I thought you said Gezu
so much for jokes

>> No.47238222
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>destroys the company's reputation and 3 other girls careers
nothing personnel kid

>> No.47238253

I'm just going to call her "the fruit" and I'm also going to call Elia "the fruit" because of her banana shtick and it will cause extremely small amounts of chaos which is what I live for

>> No.47238445
File: 605 KB, 1172x267, 2023-04-13 125425.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New banner, you can see Mozzu's head a bit better here

>> No.47238486

why double Z?

>> No.47238500
File: 315 KB, 840x400, peggle 2 announcement.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sava... TWO!
I love it

>> No.47238511


>> No.47238676
File: 24 KB, 600x158, С2023-04-13 130330.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47238806

could have said streamer, dumb green woman

>> No.47238845

Chiggin' boiger with BA-na-na

>> No.47238859

kill yourself menace

>> No.47238976
File: 2.11 MB, 1125x1507, 54f159f7-4f75-4603-9919-e82a6892882f_300-mobile+(10).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> activate menhera mode. Gen destruction sequence initiated.

>> No.47239016

>Elia watching and liking oshi no ko
oh no no no unicornkeks...

>> No.47239161

Someone post THAT page kek

>> No.47239167

doctor said usually it's a couple of hours, but since you're a woman, forever.

>> No.47239206

She did say that she won't be able to talk for 5 days 5 days, but the surgery will take place only in May

>> No.47239336

>Elia recreates Oshi no Ko irl with Nick and Prospect

>> No.47239413

What is it about btw? It's gonna be quite some time til I can watch it myself.

>> No.47239448

lmao you are all going to crawl back with you wallets drained

>> No.47239500

I love talent freedom

>> No.47239674

it's shit but I'm sure it will be popular with western casualfags

>> No.47239917

>likes Alban
>likes Shu's banana gimmick so much she uses it for herself
What do you, think, bros? Is she in?

>> No.47240019

the Gura killer...

>> No.47240065

It's by the Kaguya-sama writer and it's basically all about how shit the idol industry is, so depending on where your opinion falls on that spectrum you will see people with vastly different opinions on it.

>> No.47240182

Is this the same mangaka who wrote a femcel power fantasy about some roastie destroying a "le evil incel's" life and his family's and cucking him because he likes 2D and refused sex with her kek

>> No.47240291

Elia Pendoa...

>> No.47240352

aka is a hack, yes
idol culture bad is such an easy thing to write and he managed to fuck it up anyway

>> No.47240624

Aka dedicated his entire career to "own" the otaku and purity fags

>> No.47241115

all me

>> No.47241326

I bet $5 his wife cucks him and he's coping

>> No.47241387

Heh. You people are in for a shock.

>> No.47241448
File: 218 KB, 605x437, Screen-Shot-2018-12-04-at-14.11.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Compliments from Elia Stelaria

>> No.47241549

What happened again...

>> No.47241630

yeah, me

>> No.47242232


>> No.47242422

consensual sex with Airi

>> No.47242686

I wonder if we get any MsPaintAiri artwork here. I really loved that dude's pictures, they never failed to make my day a tad better.

>> No.47242837

Pretty sure I saw him in Airi's chat

>> No.47243423

Glad he found her (which wasn't all that hard but still).

>> No.47244722

Okay, from next thread onward we're /same/, thanks to everybody who voted, next OP with amended links and everything is on the stove

>> No.47244828

my compliments to the chef

>> No.47244868

Aren't you supposed to bake in ovens

>> No.47245207

We're cooking a different kind of meal here!

Some extra basil for you!

>> No.47246025

Donating off stream is as most attention faggy as it gets

>> No.47246118

Are you dumb?

>> No.47246143


>> No.47246229


>> No.47246236

Mozu love

>> No.47246339

I don't like the new name and I'm 100% sure I'll accidentally call her Gezu or Sava soon

>> No.47246405

Mozu is almost like Gezu anyway, you'll get used to it soon.

>> No.47246569
File: 273 KB, 1920x1080, mpv-shot0408.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean?

>> No.47246779

You remember the screenshot posted a few days ago of someone going "they're too big, yknow" to her temp model reveal, that was him

>> No.47246843

Based cunnyCHAD

>> No.47246950

>hehe I'm so special I did le epic secret dono teehee

>> No.47247324

So you're dumb then?

>> No.47247393


>> No.47247572

Shame his tweets are mostly gacha-related bot ones with only some MsPaint masterpieces sprinkled in, I actually wanted to follow him for more pics.

>> No.47249207
File: 17 KB, 599x124, 2023-04-13 171230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Airi and her daily escapades

>> No.47249906

Ah she is going the Remilia Nephys route of making up shit every day to make her life sound interesting

>> No.47249977

You wouldn't know this because you just stay in your room every day, but moderately interesting things actually do happen to you when you go out regularly. You should try it sometime.

>> No.47250508

>fell asleep in public
she definitely got raped

>> No.47250524
File: 1.08 MB, 4096x3072, 1668952076894520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47250687

I remember this retarded take from /pkg/
Glad you're still around, retardbro

>> No.47250748

>this shaky handwriting
is this a small child that has written this?

>> No.47250830

Unironically, I think Gezu has the most sane fanbase right now.

>> No.47250885

Tbf my handwriting is even worse, and I'm in my 30's.

>> No.47250897


>> No.47251003

not after that prechat
Spicalings most based forever and always

>> No.47251051

Spics doesn't have fans lmao

>> No.47251082

Already infighting... unity is but a bygone dream...

>> No.47251372

That was just one guy tho, he just was that much of a turboautist. I remember seeing him in other girls' chats back in the day too.

>> No.47251443

You can't claim the average man eats 8 spiders a year just because a schizo living in a cave eats 250k spiders a day

>> No.47252019

A reminder:
Morrowind with Mozumi in 100 minutes
Movie watchalong with Airi in about 6 hours

>> No.47252106

Does spica actually have fans though? Elia's fanbase is everywhere so it doesn't count

>> No.47252152

>Morrowind with Mozumi in 100 minutes

>> No.47252241

I mean she had PL fans that followed her to Miryu and will presumably follow her back to Spica, as well as a good amount of more casual fans that prob never made the connection to Miryu and are just glad to have her back.

>> No.47252316

that was just a dramafag who thinks idols and japanese culture is bad. Even if he's planning to stay around he'll leave after hearing her opinions on certain things

>> No.47252408

I haven't seen him in the next stream, so I assume he got banned entirely.

>> No.47252524

Anti-idol and anti- jp corpo made up most of /sage/ though

>> No.47252560

anti-jp people shouldn't be on 4chan, let alone /vt/

>> No.47252716

>spica shitting publicly on the artist that made her previous model
>still having fans
Clearly you lot are anti-jp

>> No.47252735

that didnt happen

>> No.47252819


>> No.47252849

>having personal preferences is... LE BAD!

>> No.47252867

what am I supposed to see here

>> No.47253156

She doesn't want to be a tit cow? Dropped

>> No.47253229

>Ecchi Tag: # PichiPits
So no hardcore porn now?

>> No.47253311

She goes by the japanese meaning so it includes porn

>> No.47253415

she tried straight up asking for porn and nobody used it
she tried coyness and nobody used it
now she's trying to make it look more innocent than it is to lure people in
spoiler, nobody is going to use it and she's going to redebut again by the end of the year

>> No.47253443

don't even need to check on this tweet to know that you're a retard

>> No.47253444

I thought Ecchi meant only nudity and implied sexual content

>> No.47253520

>things that never happened that just made up for twitter engagement

>> No.47253586

You do know that "ecchi suru" means to have sex? In general it is context dependent

>> No.47253619

In Japanese it can mean hentai, literally. Knowing her, I'm sure she wants to see lewd stuff.

>> No.47253681

>nobody has EVER fallen asleep in the train
>specially not college students with non-existent circadian rhythm

>> No.47254282

hi wemi
have a nice day at school :]

>> No.47254780

That's much better than my hand writing.

>> No.47254939
File: 3.02 MB, 3990x5000, Sketch (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this design is bad

>> No.47254961

this design is good

>> No.47255057

don't like the half skirt but everything else is fine
top part which is what we'll see 95% of the time is quite nice

>> No.47255091

Look at this little devil, hehe

>> No.47255125

she is the one doing the raping now

>> No.47255167

> don't worry, no way the girls will choose a twitch whore design for their mo.....

>> No.47255247

>voice like thin porcelain
>total slut design
lmao this is the future you chose sagecucks

>> No.47255298

>talent freedom immediately leads to Twitch zoomer men-whore-a design

>> No.47255309

The anon who called Nimuhe design as the reference was right, just not for Elia but for Airi.

>> No.47255336

the gap moe is good you retard
and it's not even totally slutty, everyone's angel, Nene has much lewder designs

>> No.47255346

what are you doing here? honest question

>> No.47255373

it really is a twitch whore design

>> No.47255379

She just needs a transparent condom holder (or I like to call it a condom magazine) like Nihmune and she is ready to go to farm some streamlabs donations

>> No.47255414

she would fit in with phase connect's whore lumi and yuri with their cheap chinese gacha redesign

>> No.47255495

It's truly like watching a corruption arc

>> No.47255513

Where is this from tho?

>> No.47255528

where did she post this

>> No.47255554

kangel arc when?

>> No.47255562

secret discord

>> No.47255578

she wanted to showcase it to her core audience first

>> No.47255607
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>> No.47255670

thank god this abomination is gone

>> No.47255726
File: 3.04 MB, 2500x1406, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since apparently Airi is a retard (not surprisingly since she threw away her golden ticket) here is a design that you can steal from that would fit your voice as well. You need to lean into girl next door vibe and not twitchthot with prolapsed anus
>that design isnt girl next door
closest i can name on the top of my head

>> No.47255734

any gezufags here? what are the strips on her legs supposed to be? looks like cutting scars

>> No.47255747


>> No.47255785

Please read more manga and watch more anime

>> No.47255799

Mio has really great taste on sexy outfit

>> No.47255833

Peach of a stream schedule b.

>> No.47255845

no seriously, where is this from

>> No.47255858

>third persona
>same problems
at this point it's not a bug, it's a feature

>> No.47255891

Like tiger stripes but on skin, I guess.

>> No.47255897

it's Airi herself posting

>> No.47255899

Evil Kawaii destroying her sleep, what lengths doesnt that black company go to

>> No.47255918

she probably sent this to her inner circle and someone leaked it here

>> No.47255934
File: 151 KB, 340x585, Sketch (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

secret discord.

>> No.47255933

A seer!!

>> No.47255945

If you're going for ex tsun designs, then something like Meru would be more appropriate. She is also a little devil.

>> No.47256031


>> No.47256041
File: 14 KB, 232x100, 1658233909895000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

average gezu fag

>> No.47256062

Give her the capital to start a vtubing company and she could whip something out that would instantly put it at parity or above Phase and Idol due to great fucking models

>> No.47256080

most sane fanbase

>> No.47256124

gezu is a globohomo hohol supporter

>> No.47256135

Don't me call me sane ever again

>> No.47256337

She's too menhera to be head of a corpo

>> No.47256393

I'm a sucker for twintails but this is a downgrade from her original. Still gonna watch her though

>> No.47256498

I have a feeling Spics redesign will be a troon prince like Rin

>> No.47256516

>troon prince
Read manga

>> No.47256610

t owa...

>> No.47256645

not idol or feminine enough
just check her dragon streams assets, always feminine stuff

>> No.47256778

idk how many "still gonna watch her though"s i got left in me bros...

>> No.47256786

Hi, Airi's dentist. Thanks for posting the new design.

>> No.47256818

not him but name one (good) manga character who looks like her. otokoyaku characters like oscar are still feminine looking despite being androgynous
spica likes feminine stuff though, so it's not going to happen

>> No.47256843

i like the design but not for her makes me realize there zero chance she not getting dicked down by college chads

>> No.47256918

yeah, me, unconsensually

>> No.47256950

It’s entmt industry murder mystery. Big idol rules is no dating, meeting people after dark, underage drinking, sharing pics that can share your location etc (the epitome of slavery for girls between 14-23) and some of them breaks these rules leading to bad things happening namely the pregnant 16yr old ‘main character’ dying first episode 4 years after giving birth. Different arcs bring of different industries like game shows, movies, dramas, adaptations, and vtubers/cosplayers. It tries to give both sides of the argument but the business side is always wrong and if it’s two businesses the bigger one is wrong.

>The main plot is the kids try to achieve their idol mom’s dream and find out who’s behind the galvanizing of that crazy fan.
People take this as anti idol, unicorn, and japanese hollywood but if you read it literally every problem or issue that happens is because they ignore the rules that were put in place to protect them.


>> No.47257049

>People take this as anti idol, unicorn, and japanese hollywood but if you read it literally every problem or issue that happens is because they ignore the rules that were put in place to protect them.
you don't know Aka, all of his manga are about pissing off the otaku and purity fags. He has no self-awareness and everything he wrote is shit

>> No.47257148

EU girls get dicked down very young regardless of them being "sluts" or not. There is less stigma towards children sexuality overall

>> No.47257208

This should be an example as to why you should let a professional design your chuuba

>> No.47257256

yeah, by me

>> No.47257267
File: 4 KB, 270x71, 1662573072368793.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47257392

>very good at k-pop slut-dancing
>"I'm shy demo demo..."

>> No.47257393

Mozu..It's 6pm..

>> No.47257431

New look, same old me

>> No.47257584

she also is active on twitter at like 7am

>> No.47257734

i hate women i think ill stick with hags now

>> No.47257851
File: 74 KB, 800x680, original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the best of her game series
>consistently cancelled or delayed

>> No.47257938
File: 39 KB, 431x295, chrome_zayBFCPVFY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Democracy has failed

>> No.47257958

be the change you want to see in the word

>> No.47258146

its talf

>> No.47258276

>Actually isnt anywhere not even in the servers Im in
Secret discord being true is a massive downer why bother supporting if Im only allowed half the journey?

>> No.47258426

it's gezu posting it, retardo

>> No.47258435

Somebody was making some porn, based on what little Mozzu has said and drawn of her new design.
I guess they got more to go on now and a place to post it.

>> No.47258533

I'd like to think they aren't that retarded, it's probably one of the girls posting it for feedback

>> No.47258598

Both wrong.

>> No.47258610

>tfw you called airi a twitch whore to her face

>> No.47258635


>> No.47258691

the girls should let us pick their new names and appearances, they lack good taste

>> No.47258744

the amount of faggots saying they hate the imp design should be proof that people here are no better

>> No.47258814

being /here/ is much worse

>> No.47258834

Does she unironically have an onlyfans?

>> No.47258847

go back to discord

>> No.47258870

Looks like a femboy

>> No.47259041

I want to give some feedback just in case it's actually airi or gezu posting this but I can't even tell why it looks so bad. I'd say cover the midriff and give her a normal skirt but that would make it too boring
also I think covering an eye with the hair is a mistake. It could be good if it's rigged well but it can make the model less expressive

>> No.47259219


>> No.47259265

now I know why Akane stopped donating to Peony a few weeks ago

>> No.47259510

>already fucking up her debut buff

>> No.47259543

>Airi tries to be sexy for (You)
>You call her mean names
Let her be sexy. It's gap moe

>> No.47259582

theres too many asymmetrical elements, make the skirt into a normal skirt and not a half and make both fishnets the same length and change them into normal stockings and cover the midriff, the hair is fine as is, Airi's voice does not fit a slut model and you should go for a more gnd vibe

>> No.47259642

Morrowind? Bros? Sis?

>> No.47259679

You can look sexy without looking like a whore

>> No.47259707

First time?

>> No.47259742

I think it's bad, but I don't think this design is unsalvageable.

the half-skirt + high waisted panties are probably the biggest issue IMO. I would just go swap it for a full skirt, but if you're really committed to the half skirt thing, at least opt for high waist shorts or something. you could literally fill in the cap between the garter and the panties and it would look better.

>> No.47259747

the balance is all fucked up. her right side has
>longer hair
>long fishnet
give her a normal skirt or make the left fishnet the long one, or do both

>> No.47259769

Also tits too big but she's probably trying to make them match her irl

>> No.47259853

>Airi big tits

>> No.47259893 [DELETED] 

When she offcollabed with Elia a few months ago she made a complaint of them being too small

>> No.47259943

When she offcollabed with Elia a few months ago she tried on some of her clothes had made a complaint of them being too small

>> No.47260063

I actually agree with this, the design of >>47254939 doesn't seem to have taken into consideration her mannerisms or interests at all. If you argue at a stretch that suits her yandere character, a sheltered appearance would be much better for the gap moe. Airi should be as far way from tits and middrifts as possible even if they are concentrated sex. If need sexy at least go cute and sexy route like a sweater. Bangs over the eye aren't even trying to avoid the Fauna parallels and grey is a shit contrast to green hair.
For the love of god stop coming here Gezu you're too fucking menhara and second-guess your shit enough as it is

>> No.47260077

elia looks like an hungry skeleton though

>> No.47260109

Clearly has a degradation fetish so she's just being given what she wants.

>> No.47260157

Gezu designed that abomination that is her own model, she has zero taste when it comes to good character design

>> No.47260247

There's just no coherency in it.
>No proper alternating light dark pattern from up to down
>Wrong kind of green for that pink
>Lower part is asymmetric, torso is symmetric along with arms and hair besides the part covering her other eye
>The bat/devil/demon motif is is barely there besides like one or two accessories
>Random belts
This is a trope though, love or hate type of deal
>Random crowns everywhere
>Shape balance is very top heavy.
Meaning the bulbous tits and big ass sleeves don't have anything to balance them in the lower portion, could be fixed with adding wider hips, thighs or maybe those "rūzu sokkusu" kogal love, just more volume to the lower portion so it doesn't look like a pear on a stick.
>Same shape balance problem with the hair
She has those two triangles (hair? Second ears?) On the top but the twintails are really thin, easily fixed by making them have more volume so it balances out
>Half skirt, panties visible
Come the fuck on, obviously they should be kuma panties. Especially when you consider how she sounds, cute girl slutting it out but not completely getting it is perfect unrealised potential as of now.

That being said the idea for coomslut is there. But the execution so far is subpar and easily improved if they just do it. I really hope she gets issues fixed before going forward.

>> No.47260335

>was going to pay 4k bucks for it

>> No.47260343

Also to add, I don't think the hair over the eye is a bad idea, especially if it's a cost saving measure since it's a thing that has been unironically proven in studies to be attractive to men.

>> No.47260503


>> No.47260633

looks like a worse version of Shee's idol outfit, and I didn't like Shee's idol outfit

>> No.47260726

>>Shape balance is very top heavy.
true but it doesn't really matter, it's not like the whole model is going to be on screen most of the time.

>> No.47260850
File: 3.45 MB, 3990x5000, slight fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

edited somewhat fixing what i found to be most egregious

>> No.47260916

True, but it's going to rear it's head in most art she gets and it'll just look dumb, especially considering how of an easy of an fix it is at this point.

>> No.47260924

faggot alert

>> No.47261014

I still don't get what exactly is she even supposed to be exactly? Devil? Bat? Succubus? Queen? Some kind of princess? Just a fashionable slut?
The theme of the design is really, really unclear.

>> No.47261033

dumb tits are two big still

>> No.47261091

Slut succubus princess

>> No.47261102

>"rūzu sokkusu"
very based
and it would match the loose arm sleeves thing she has

>> No.47261208

Any idea what version of holy grail I need? Are there different versions?

>> No.47261274

>and it would match the loose arm sleeves thing she has
Exactly, I really hope this is a preliminary design and she still has 2-3 drafts she can ask to be drawn up. Because it's almost infuriating to look at with its unrealised potential and easy to make improvements, at least to a design art fag like me.

>> No.47261349

I think there's only 1 version of it.

>> No.47261420

>already clogging the catalog with this
we're hitting big time lads

>> No.47261479

roru, rumao even

>> No.47261508

>more lewd content
>better cut
so it really was just a matter of creative difference

>> No.47261558

They thought idol = GFE like all western whores

>> No.47261610

Which makes it obvious as to why the singing machine Oceane decided to bully the shit out of them

>> No.47261683

Why are Kawaiifags still shitting up the thread lmao. Don't you guys have streams to watch? Or is Reina too boring?

>> No.47261731

Why even join Kawaii if you don't want to be GFE?

>> No.47261736

>New IP
>dogshit post

>> No.47261816


>> No.47262039

just few days ago there was talk of possible discord now there rumours secret discord and secret secret discord and and OF

>> No.47262079

Don't really like it, a shame she is into this whorish shit.

>> No.47262092

God imagine hearing peony cumming her brains out
I would pay for that

>> No.47262149

Gee, I wonder who could be behind those posts.

>> No.47262475

It usually doesn’t even get read. Anonymous off-stream streamlabs/elements is the least attention whoring dono you can do.

>> No.47262591

Kawaii has more not gfes than gfes now lmao
Stop thinking. Gen 3 bad because... they just are. Kawaii girls said so.
Never mind the real unspoken crime being the same as Neenas. They dared to leave with their fanbases which makes the numberfagging black company seethe more than anything

>> No.47262599

Not being able to say thanks will stress her out, the best thing to do is leave a super thanks comment so she can write a short thank you

>> No.47262662

Nene is the only GFE in Kawaii. Even Lua's "GFE" is mostly just roleplay ASMR

>> No.47262698

>Lua, Shee, Nene, Reina
>Charzu, Nami, Isla

>> No.47262746

this retard thinks
girl being nice to me = GFE

>> No.47262786

that's it, the top doesn't match with the rest of the outfit, specially the dumb detached sleeves
it's like every part is going for a different style and nothing matches

>> No.47262791

You think that the nice cashier is flirting with you right?

>> No.47262862

>hey sava your asmr streams are doing great, you should do more! maybe a short video like peony does here and there?
>oooh, sure, thanks for the info manager san!
never change sagecucks

>> No.47262870


>> No.47262964

I like the face and hair (heart eyes are cringe but fine, and why does she have cat ears?). I don’t really like the outfit. The sleeves with little demon wings are cute but the generic huge tits with boob window is overdone. Doesn’t have to be flat either but she’s going pure coomer/fanservice. Would like a full skirt to the slutty half skirt. I need a little more devil vibes/accessories.

>> No.47263046

why is gezu not streaming?

>> No.47263074

>He thinks Shee isn't the most powerful mindbreaker with her GFE in kawaii
>He doesn't know Lua drove SEAnig florist van driver into a debt with her kisses
>He thinks Reina's secret CNBT sessions are a rumour
Shut up, our love is true, she just doesn't know it yet.

>> No.47263078

"cat ears" is probably the Genshin Keqing "cat ears"
same with Zeta and Zaion
totally inspired by chink gacha this design

>> No.47263096

are you too retarded to read

>> No.47263121

Mercury and Saturn are in alignment so this phase of the moon is amplified and making her period cramps worse and her throat hurt and her stummy is upset

>> No.47263159

This is significantly sexier. Leaves a little to the imagination and less slutty. If you’re into sluts that is cool but Peony never gave me that vibe. This character seems to be functionally the same as peony but that could still change.

>> No.47263258

You should have expected this when these girls courted a former holofag fanbase before. Reminds me about how people sought out that one indie panda getting a redesign just to get mad at her.

>> No.47263419


>> No.47263490
File: 3.31 MB, 3990x5000, slight fix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47263614

now give her a white dress make tits small and it perfect

>> No.47263652

needs fishnet mesh over her cleavage window and on her arms just above the sleeves connecting to the ribbons on her arms

>> No.47263692


>> No.47263773

just say you want Lia

>> No.47263808

This is pretty good. I can live with the comically large tits

>> No.47263861

I mean, she's perfection, so yes.

>> No.47263860

Mozzumite b cool

>> No.47263882

Why do you guys not like tummies

>> No.47263900
File: 804 KB, 1000x765, monsterhigh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

better but now it just looks like one of these

>> No.47263945
File: 1.82 MB, 3990x5000, maybegoodenough.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a big fan of the uneven skirt and uneven fishnet combo honestly.

>> No.47263947

I do, but open shoulder + boob window + tummy is too much

>> No.47263983

how does a longer fishnet make her look more naked?

>> No.47264058
File: 1.28 MB, 884x932, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

speaking of new looks

>> No.47264075

that's way better

>> No.47264095

I like the look, it has the same vibes as a Gaogetter, but it doesn't look like it at all

>> No.47264152

Nice to see that she also decided to try out an Omori-style model, I honestly like them.

>> No.47264160

I-I like the tummy...

>> No.47264174

The voices in her head told her not to

>> No.47264214

+halfskirt +fishnets +pantsu…

>> No.47264267

she really likes those short twintails huh

>> No.47264289

Not slutty enough

>> No.47264323

where are the I cup tits, you wont get supas without them

>> No.47264395
File: 3.33 MB, 3990x5000, slight fix3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47264402

now you are speaking like a manager

>> No.47264419

Another critter to model

>> No.47264438

you know what this lacks? Tattoos and piercings

>> No.47264461


>> No.47264486

I love tummies, but peony is not a tummy personality

>> No.47264544

that shoulder to hip ratio is atrocious

>> No.47264650

most EU girls have tattoos and piercings, could be a nice irl reference

>> No.47264661

>It's by the Kaguya-sama writer
eww. why would anyone watch this shit?

>> No.47264699

Pre-chat is open boys and girls

>> No.47264795

why did sava change her name to something so retarded

>> No.47264811

>wants to stream at a different time
which time lads?
in a perfect setting we should be able to watch the girls back to back to back to back, with raids and all

>> No.47264883

she can't stream any later so provably morning east coast

>> No.47265059

I need you clothes, your boots and you in the new thread:

>> No.47265059,1 [INTERNAL] 

Remember to be nice you guys. = 1

These people are our friends. <3
