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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.47242916
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>> No.47242922
File: 245 KB, 640x480, 1667800578485919.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shalt not override the discussion of thy neighbour.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys’ numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. Did you see what /catalogue/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>6. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. Hey guess what I heard from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thy words do not belong in this temple.
>8. You guys should split the thr—
Thou shalt not.

Therefore I declare this thread, sanctified.

>> No.47242934
File: 20 KB, 402x402, 20230224_061037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This reminds me too much of the early customs days. I know that going silent is Axel's version of thinking back on what's been done and how to do better, but his decisions have been getting hit a lot. I know he needs the critique, and I know he wants it so he can get better, but he needs some praise mixed in too. It's been a rough start, but I do want to shine light on his planning and pushing Selen and leader to put their own inputs in about what to do or where they could play. It's great to make sure everyone knows and states any information they have, and allows them, but especially Axel, to make a mental map of where each team is. Good luck Axel.

>> No.47242981
File: 596 KB, 3500x3500, FtgH9ewX0AMOY5j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make sure to do your playlist reps and leave a like on VODS! *chu*

>April fools merch/voice packs are live! (On sale until May 8th 18:00 JST)

>HQ/VG Acrylic Stands still live! (On sale until out of stock!)

>Fes Chibi pop stands are still live (on sale until out of stock!) (all HQ boys keychains are now sold out! good job everyone!)

>Valentine's Situation Voice Packs still available!

>> No.47242994

Damn, today is being awful after some very good days. Hope it doesn't affect them too much

>> No.47243014


>> No.47243047

Poor Axel... these have been rough zones for him.

>> No.47243058

axel if you do well for the next round I promise I won't shit on your bed later tonight

>> No.47243069

leader hiding close to selen under the bridge in the middle of a battle...

>> No.47243109


>> No.47243151

why are they being cute…

>> No.47243182

Selen and Altare are flirting...

>> No.47243263

Rat game rat game rat game rat game

>> No.47243344

yumes you need to drain axel more

>> No.47243361

its a solo

>> No.47243410

they're foxhole buddies...

>> No.47243440

Axel I know you're here, so you can try detaching from Valk and leading the team. If it doesn't work is all on you instead of having Leader trying to follow your last second decisions

>> No.47243455

There are so many shots happening my brain

>> No.47243468

Sorry there wasn't enough time after WoW

>> No.47243472

they're so lucky there's a NC wall there

>> No.47243642

That wasn't too bad of a game

>> No.47243710

Yes it was lol, the fact that Selen and Altare managed to hide under a bridge until they got 6th doesn't change that

>> No.47243731

need mental image of altare laying on top of a prone selen as they synchronize their sniper shot

>> No.47243771

Jwu why wow VODs got deleted wtf?

>> No.47243821

If Axel didn't get picked off and they secured that spot it would've been good, before the ratting

>> No.47243820

hopefully they play the full 7 today

>> No.47243826

That's Apex, they could've been hidden under a bridge or holding a building, it doesn't change.

>> No.47243860

Vesper dropped a hard R

>> No.47243875

Selenfags this is your oshi???

>> No.47243911

Magni got his holes filled at Goldshire Inn.

>> No.47243916

>Snake in the streets, rats in the sheets

>> No.47243924

management being a pussy like always

>> No.47243930

>Axel IQ giving out commands when he's alive: 10
>Axel IQ giving out commands when he's dead: 200
It really is the fact that he get too horny when he see a potential kill.

>> No.47243986

Altare the real yab machine

>> No.47243997

It’s usually easier to IGL when dead

>> No.47243996

jobbing the last day of scrims is actually their 200 iq plan so that they don't job the actual tournament

>> No.47244001

Hello /mans/!!! Just got back from a 3 day seminar what did I miss? How's today's scrims?

>> No.47244015

He really needs an onahole attached to his dick at all times to stop that horny build up

>> No.47244041


>> No.47244049

the past couple of days were fantastic but everyone is kinda down today

>> No.47244050
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>> No.47244053
File: 136 KB, 400x400, Selen Ryona.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you liking the Apex arc so far anontachi?

>> No.47244056

i'd imagine having to juggle commands, positioning, zone prediction, and actually staying alive and fighting wears out his dog brain
it'd wear me out

>> No.47244058

Just jack off bruh

>> No.47244063

He's had a month to fix this but he's still retarded

>> No.47244065

TSB is a sporst anime

>> No.47244066

Watching the wow collab. Was the trick to make Machi tolerable in collabs just to have Vesper there?? He is actually funny

>> No.47244102


>> No.47244136 [SPOILER] 
File: 10 KB, 248x35, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't open.

>> No.47244238 [SPOILER] 
File: 116 KB, 951x951, 1674289465748337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That oneahole? Magni

>> No.47244249


>> No.47244281

Selen Ratsuki is a DISGUSTING FUJOSHI who wants to see Altare in a cheerleader outfit!!!!

>> No.47244286

Flay is more comfortable around his fellow autists which makes him less awkward I love them both

>> No.47244298

Put cute girl voice filter on him

>> No.47244325

she's just like me fr fr

>> No.47244345

Imagine not wanting to see Altare in a cheerleader outfit

>> No.47244342

the chree

>> No.47244390

I don't want to see Altare, Axel or Vesper in any female coded outfits thanks

>> No.47244398

how is one a fujo just because they want to see a cute twink in a cute outfit?

>> No.47244436

... so I've heard that there was hard erp on the WoW stream. Is that correct or what the fuck has happened this early morning/night?

>> No.47244451
File: 166 KB, 1000x967, 1675062948632485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're welcome

>> No.47244501
File: 183 KB, 1344x2016, 1669688790852100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but he looks so good

>> No.47244527

flayon started ovulating and couldn't help it plus bettel had a heated gamer moment and said the n word

>> No.47244537


>> No.47244552

Go back to Twitter

>> No.47244570

show selen this to instantly improve her gameplay

>> No.47244598

in case anyone needed more proof

>> No.47244611

I mean on their models, you can do whatever you want with your fanart
I don't have one dude

>> No.47244618

bait selen with watchable gay sex to secure the #TSBWIN

>> No.47244629

So... boys will be boys I suppose

>> No.47244665

nice save

>> No.47244685
File: 36 KB, 510x346, 1680205873552819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>draw a short-haired girl
>call it a boy

>> No.47244768

yeah that bulge is definitely female

>> No.47244776

Magni had a bunch of Tauren Druids surround him in a circle and got them to "heal his wounds"

>> No.47244785

Brutal games today.

>> No.47244832

God damnit TSB

>> No.47244880

This is just the part of the sports anime where they experience a downfall before pulling it all together in the finale.

>> No.47244905

Is this game 5?

>> No.47244904


>> No.47244910


>> No.47244914

startend tier cope

>> No.47244916

At least they'll get top 10, their original goal

>> No.47244921

true, it's the last scrim day after all

>> No.47244928

I believe in this.

>> No.47244933

This is the part in Slam Dunk where Sakuragi gets depressed because of his performance

>> No.47244963


>> No.47244968

they didn't win in slam dunk though...

>> No.47244983


>> No.47244989

today's scrims is just to humble them because they were getting too cocky in the last 2 days

>> No.47244996

wouldn't be surprised from this point on towards the tournament, they will he jobbing.

>> No.47244999

The victory are the friendships we made along the way

>> No.47245007
File: 10 KB, 275x183, getterteam.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Believe in the heart of the SnakeBite

>> No.47245018

If TSB finishes 2nd I'll take it.

>> No.47245020

Altare stop himself from saying bangalore skin...

>> No.47245059

thanks to today they finally learned that valk ult in endgame might not be the best idea

>> No.47245071


>> No.47245081

Not gonna lie, we needed this, imagine if they had 5 days of scrims like the first days, just to get hit with this in the actual day, is good they are getting this experience

>> No.47245136

RATLEN will carry to a top 10. I BELIEVE.

>> No.47245219

better to lose in scrims than win as long as it doesn’t torch their confidence. can learn way more from losses than wins

>> No.47245222

TSB rocketing to Top 5 on the promise of Shiny Spicy rawdogging with guest star Noct

>> No.47245238


>> No.47245264


>> No.47245297

So is Selen /ourgirl/?

>> No.47245322

very nice kek

>> No.47245413

selen is absolutely /ourgirl/.

>> No.47245434

The 9th member of Tempus (part 4)

>> No.47245467


>> No.47245478

holy shit we've got tempus3 already

>> No.47245512
File: 312 KB, 1957x1833, FtlLiENaUAEUAe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47245536

B A S e D

>> No.47245562

Have all the others worn maid outfits? kek

>> No.47245586

Yeah I prefer the genderbend tomboy variation more

>> No.47245591

based and same

>> No.47245599
File: 198 KB, 1762x2048, FtlAvWuWIAEnXXu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this reverse-psychology? Because if so it's working.

>> No.47245637

Noct is right. Axel needs to play for endgame spots more and trust his zonereading.

>> No.47245639

Look, it could be worse, we could've ended sandwiched between Pakael's and Kanae's teams in a corner of the map and getting last place more than half of the games.

>> No.47245664

when are we gonna get Tempus boys drawn in SS guard uniforms? that'd be pretty based

>> No.47245694

Spoiler that shit

>> No.47245757

matsuri... rpr...

>> No.47245776
File: 357 KB, 673x611, 1675799874241285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47245784

HQ in princely outfits please

>> No.47245797


>> No.47245818


>> No.47245835


>> No.47245840 [SPOILER] 
File: 426 KB, 1536x2048, Ftf6eu0agAUyINX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got this Axel! Look at this ecchi na nee-chan and be healed!

>> No.47245841
File: 54 KB, 230x278, chrome_jdE47gqSJL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based altare also doing blackface

>> No.47245842


>> No.47245847

Holy kek

>> No.47245854

loud Altare hot

>> No.47245859
File: 158 KB, 488x481, 1668696148547121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no need to spoiler male nipples

>> No.47245862


>> No.47245873


>> No.47245880

His raised voice is hot

>> No.47245881


>> No.47245885

Blue vox....

>> No.47245890


>> No.47245899

magni is a woman

>> No.47245905


>> No.47245904

>oh my god he’s blue vox

>> No.47245913


>> No.47245939

altare giving asmr bjs

>> No.47245941

Dude matsuris team literally almost 20th everyday took a huge toll on their mental, we are literally in the best time line where tsb enjoyed multiple top5

>> No.47245947
File: 203 KB, 291x354, 1681134956076353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47245949

Altare is in pain now lmao

>> No.47245960


>> No.47245982

fucking stop. he doesn't have time to jerk off and you're gonna make him worse

>> No.47245987

>blue selen is like the best thing you can be!

>> No.47245993

selen's invite to the group orgy shredded for wounding leader's ego

>> No.47246003

thats a man

>> No.47246033

No hips, not Axel approved

>> No.47246040
File: 10 KB, 128x128, B3DC11CB-BBFB-4A2E-B25D-29D3A6A8251D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47246060

my eyes.. that's a man with a small pp.. where are the curves and titties..

>> No.47246077

What's going on tomorrow, just more scrims but they call it pre event instead of day 6?

>> No.47246078

Is this Axel's way to counter Vox mention by Selen?

>> No.47246089

Selen is not a person, she is just a dragon.

>> No.47246100

I assure you, it’s not. Was confused at first too though

>> No.47246104 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.42 MB, 897x884, 1680987469883960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are those for the champions or is this just merch?

>> No.47246126


>> No.47246136

They have minigames like a team shuffle event or the Apex Musume, which is a race around Olympus.

>> No.47246159

there's a love triangle going on in match chat...

>> No.47246162
File: 104 KB, 382x157, 1677300008273252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47246199

So we need Magni and Bettel then

>> No.47246246


>> No.47246248

unless theres a vagina scan thats a fucking man

>> No.47246282

>Kuga Leo was found dead outside his home. The body showed extensive signs of sexual assault.

>> No.47246284

TSB is dropping the ball super hard today

>> No.47246297

It's good that they have strong mental after such horrible games.

>> No.47246323

merch https://shibuyahal-store.jp/products/sh-vbl001

>> No.47246325

alright who you got to take the day TSN or MNB?

>> No.47246330
File: 2 KB, 125x117, 4D98655F-A2A8-4864-9B8C-EEF82B7ED8BB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47246337

Donmai anon, the good thing about scrims is that they don't matter. A month of solid practice and good results isn't erased by one bad day. Tooooh!!

>> No.47246347

The already reach acceptance stage

>> No.47246352

competition getting serious

>> No.47246356

Donkey Kong.

>> No.47246391
File: 32 KB, 150x150, Axel29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Team Snakebite with a 30 bomb.

>> No.47246400
File: 118 KB, 320x320, D111B5CE-8F5E-4A12-9413-B6FA9E1F11CD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but our mental is chilling and we are getting hit with how the actual day will be like

>> No.47246402

TSB speedrunning cope to achieve enlightenment as fast as possible, so that they may predict and scan all teams with 100% accuracy

>> No.47246401

I can't tell what's real and what isn't regarding the WoW vods being privated.
For anyone who saw it, do you think they'll be back up sometime or was the whole thing fucked?

>> No.47246426

STFU fetishist

>> No.47246428 [SPOILER] 
File: 394 KB, 2048x2048, Ftj3-XXagAEOFLQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pregnant axelotl

>> No.47246442

dude what the FUCK

>> No.47246447

vesper said the vods will be back

>> No.47246453
File: 235 KB, 364x445, 1671258257139352.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they will not job this

>> No.47246472
File: 271 KB, 749x699, CE4079B6-B1F7-48BA-9A05-C242E86BE835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nigs ITT so mind broken they insist a boxy, flat tomboy looking nip girl must be a man

>> No.47246504

They don't wanna admit but it's definitely because of Nowa, they then took all vods to make it not look suspicious under the assumption they wanted to check the game's chat.
Let's wait and see what happens

>> No.47246505

thank you berry much, anon.

>> No.47246506

no axel...

>> No.47246519

That was almost bad

>> No.47246534

Christ this is a scary game

>> No.47246540
File: 403 KB, 390x454, 1680865444459353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chop this dingo's balls now

>> No.47246551

i miss 'would you kiss tempus pilot' anon... where did they go

>> No.47246549

What the fuck was that team doing? Axel was just standing there shredding them.

>> No.47246564

why, what happened in vesper's stream

>> No.47246576

This is MANS tradition, ok? And traditions should be respected and followed even if you don't agree with it.

>> No.47246582

i ate him

>> No.47246597

Thank you for your response but it kinda raises more questions for me.
I'll just wait and see.

>> No.47246610


>> No.47246615

Did Altare and Axel use dildo as a callout?

>> No.47246623

>they’re kissing the cute Holostars pilot
>they got the chance

>> No.47246628

He had 3ish mods running, for all his paranoia and whining about not wanting to get in trouble he's a fucking retard.

>> No.47246637

They need to figure out where to go and move, they're surrounded

>> No.47246688

I saw the ping diff there

>> No.47246691
File: 81 KB, 261x364, 1662901838030391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47246709

MANS tradition is jobbing and fag porn anonchama

>> No.47246721

ah the consequences of using axelotls as an onahole

>> No.47246732

There's a 30pt difference between TSB and 1st

>> No.47246736
File: 228 KB, 402x266, rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

selen ratsuki

>> No.47246750
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>> No.47246751
File: 30 KB, 150x150, 1681028752899862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i will kill the child

>> No.47246761

His game didn't feel vanilla, knowing him I would think he installed some add-ons to make the game more playable as everyone does in MMOs but even if Blizzard don't cares they're taking precautions because SE for example absolutely HATES them so they'll probably hold the vods until they can get the perms. Probably an overlook from management since everyone* knows not to mod FFXIV which was until now the only MMO Holopro played

*Aside from Nowa

>> No.47246762

Is he actually fucking retarded? They’re never playing WOW again.

>> No.47246780

i shitpost that every biological woman posted has a peepee because its funny and half the users itt will believe it

>> No.47246781


>> No.47246810
File: 46 KB, 200x200, 1680402238300412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47246816

Holy fuck you’re right… what happened…>>47246623
godspeed kiss anon… godspeed…

>> No.47246818

No, no, we also always make sure to doubt that a woman is really a woman.

>> No.47246841


>> No.47246865


>> No.47246870


>> No.47246875

I'm pretty sure Nowa didn't intend on streaming his PoV initially so he pre-installed them then forgot when he decided to stream after his internet killed his zatsu.

>> No.47246882


>> No.47246891


>> No.47246927
File: 156 KB, 922x2048, 54101BB9-865C-4C0C-8175-E129B75F2332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47246929

is altare using his preferred scope?

>> No.47246961

Wait that makes so much sense actually. Jobber...

>> No.47246982

First he ruins the podcast and Soulink, then 6month anniversary and full 8 tempus collab and now weekly WOW collabs, fuck this retard

>> No.47246990

he could had zatsu in twitter space with 5g on.

>> No.47247031

thought it was holding hands with the opposite gender?

>> No.47247035

my ass is clenched

>> No.47247070

you nigs do realize that would only mean his vod should have been taken down right

>> No.47247094


>> No.47247098

It's over...

>> No.47247134

Is this the last game?

>> No.47247146

Last scored game, yes

>> No.47247148

today was awful...

>> No.47247156

They won't even place in top 10 at the actual match

>> No.47247160

stop biting bait lmao

>> No.47247171

vod review is gonna suck for them

>> No.47247174

The last one that counts

>> No.47247182


>> No.47247186

Rough day today, we still get one last scrim day tomorrow and minigame to chill, and then the actual day, lets hope for the best

>> No.47247190

>noct talking about zipping across and being in the open
>tower's team zips across and dies in the open

>> No.47247192

It's gonna be really good actually, lots of things to learn from

>> No.47247198

eventhough it was his internet but he still missed a stream when he claims he wont unless he is dying.

>> No.47247214

I would rather they have a shit day than do great 4 days in a row and go in with overconfidence.

>> No.47247239

nvm i'm blind as hell

>> No.47247298
File: 2 KB, 125x119, 1675948373256746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today has been a rough few rounds of scrims. And that's ok. It's already been mentioned, but times like this are needed sometimes, they hurt, they hurt a lot in the moment, but it's a necessity and helps in the longrun. Axel, you are strong and I know tonight will become something that you'll eat and use to make yourself stronger. I heard it in you already, and I want to applaud you. Shaking off the earlier games to push through. You've continued to fight for TSB and act as an IGL to provide Selen or leader with directions, information, or plays. Along side taking time to go over the last plays and what could be done better. I love this guy man, I've seen him improve and evolve as a player; his aim, his leadership, his zone skills, his calls. The Axel from the first days of unofficial customs is a total different man from today's Axel. And honestly? He's change a bit emotionally as well- positively. His experience as an IGL up to this point have guided him well, and I'd once again want to extend gratitude to everyone who helped Axel thus far. He's grown stronger, and will continue to do so. I'm, and so many other axelotls, are so very proud of how far Axel's come- it's really amazing for just a month's worth of practice and training. Your dedication to the game and leading TSB to glory is not in vain, and never will be. You've been amazing and beloved. TSB will be remembered fondly. I love you and I love TSB! You're an amazing guy Axel! It's not over yet!!! I know you have it in you!!! I wish you luck going forwards and I'll be cheering you on!

>> No.47247304

B-bros... there's no VODs for the WoW stream yesturday.. i-is there a link somewhere else?

>> No.47247331

noct was watching him play valorant cute

>> No.47247349

who streamed wow?

>> No.47247358

only two more days of this arc left

>> No.47247371

Not my link.

>> No.47247372

oh noc has his model already?

>> No.47247373

noct likes him…

>> No.47247385

no one

>> No.47247407

Noct is the only white guy in vsai and he’s a coach. Let that sink in

>> No.47247412

there was no wow stream anon, they're gaslighting you

>> No.47247420

forever love anon axelotl. chu chu. stay safe and enjoy your day.

>> No.47247426

Everyone was watching him play yesterday

>> No.47247447

RPR is Asian now?

>> No.47247452

They got shat on and its a good frame of reference of what worst case scenarios can look like and how the stronger teams play. Now, they have a better understanding on how to engage in difficult situations.

>> No.47247462

Cover took they all down under the premise it was the chat, otherwise it would single out a person and raise concerns from the general public or even the publisher.

>> No.47247468

Why does selen keep wanting to go for these meme comps and strats? Also WHERE THE FUCK ARE THE WOW VODS WHAT DID THEY DO

>> No.47247507

Seems that WoW VoDs were removed because someone went to do erp

>> No.47247511

He’s slav. They lost their white status 30 years ago

>> No.47247525

I love you and I love Axel but this reads like a funeral speech lmao. Hope you are having a good day! Chu chu~

>> No.47247526

RPR... you're black...

>> No.47247540

>we’re gonna make noct an alcoholic
>he’s already an alcoholic!

>> No.47247558

You didn't know? The only white people in the world are the ones born in burgerland, even though their natives were black

>> No.47247566

if i see another person asking about the wow vods im actually gonna lose it

>> No.47247586

keffy papa cute

>> No.47247599


>> No.47247605

You’re a newfag if you don’t know how autistic cover is with mods

>> No.47247618

jwu what happened to the wow vods?

>> No.47247632

I like how she pronounces his name.

>> No.47247639

selen needs swift dicking, she's getting too uppity

>> No.47247643
File: 586 KB, 1901x1499, 1658710329413803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, king

>> No.47247646

Was it something that can be edited out or are we never seeing them again? Also something tells me this was Bettels fault

>> No.47247654

Selen should join tempus 3

>> No.47247676

Bettel the most competent guy?

>> No.47247697

tempus 3 lore should be ragus kidnapped them into the guild

>> No.47247701

>someone went to do erp
magni, you whore...

>> No.47247705

Altare's about to start talking about slave ship layouts...

>> No.47247714

selen should replace flayon in tempus 2

>> No.47247715

You can't edit out Flayon because he never stops talking or typing

>> No.47247717

Why are magmites like this

>> No.47247725

Maybe, if they trim his vod a lot. And as the other anon pointed out, Nowa wasn't originally going to stream his POV so it was probably an overlook from him.

>> No.47247730

sorry guys i just woke up are the scored scrims over?

>> No.47247733

>thank you for the kidnappings lets goooo we need more kidnappings out here chat
this is how the main villain of monsters inc got defeated....

>> No.47247739

tempus should join nijisanji

>> No.47247784


>> No.47247798

I'm so ready for this arc to be over
more weekly tempus collabs

>> No.47247803


>> No.47247810


>> No.47247813


>> No.47247821

The anons on this thread aren’t funny ngl. Their jokes are kinda lame. Dare I say it, even lamer than Altare’s

>> No.47247829

>pathfinder and horizon

>> No.47247833

we are never getting weekly tempus collabs again

>> No.47247845

We are in time for villains desu. Tempus 3 could be just the dark side of Elysium or some sorts of regulators or whatever

>> No.47247847
File: 235 KB, 1920x1080, 1677717357530003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Say something nice about him...
...that isn't about his whorish body.

>> No.47247852

It's already canon that Bettel and Flay went to Xenokuni and kidnapped a random spic with the help of a passing bara

>> No.47247865

Yeah Axelotls are the worst

>> No.47247869

>more weekly tempus collabs

>> No.47247875

not the time machiroon

>> No.47247878

That's already technically the lore for Hakka, only it was Bettel and Shinri that kidnapped him...

>> No.47247898

>more weekly tempus collabs
least delusional tempura

>> No.47247903

I find his autism cute and relatable

>> No.47247905

We just had a 5 man Tempus collab less then 12 hours ago...

>> No.47247912
File: 115 KB, 710x815, Altare02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, all the Tempus collabs we had before vsaikyo.

>> No.47247923

D-did I just put desu again by nature? Help...

>> No.47247929

so many memberships...

>> No.47247926

at least altare's jokes get a pity laugh out of me sometimes

>> No.47247939

There's no evidence of that

>> No.47247941

Magni would unironically dominate if he joins nijiEN. Charisma aside if he utilize his art skills there he’d gain a huge following considering the lack of good artists there.

>> No.47247944
File: 35 KB, 288x230, 1673141208509712.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah with Leader Aniki Dez and Selen, HQ Tempus les go

>> No.47247953

His sweet personality! Also how cracked he is in voice acting. And how cute he is when he goes autism mode...

>> No.47247963

I'm hoping TSB has a relaxed collab after vsaikyo. I really like their energy and how they bounce off each other, it's very fun.

>> No.47247972


>> No.47247996

They're planning on sending the whole thing off with Payday 2.

>> No.47248002

i’m fine with this. selentare banter gives me life

>> No.47248005


>> No.47248032

He seems very inclusive in collabs, he loves and supports the boys, he's a voice demon, he is creative

>> No.47248033

is this supposed to be like the pregnant sapling image?

>> No.47248037
File: 8 KB, 326x339, i love my husband.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he makes me happy and stopped me from dropping tempus

>> No.47248051

coomer, alcoholic, kidnapper and enabler are a strangely entertaining dynamic.

>> No.47248057

Yeah because he would immediately fujobait with box and luxium the moment he's announced to debut

>> No.47248093

Who is who?

>> No.47248119

Imagine a Selen x Bettel collab though. Competent girl and pathetic man

>> No.47248125

Pretty sure it's a direct reference to that

>> No.47248140
File: 161 KB, 258x254, 1679326028009196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love you too! And I hope you have a good rest of your day! Chu!!!

Yeah, it's not a bad thing, and I know that will make them all stronger for it. They've experienced something like this before, and in comparison from that time. Axel's handled tonight's much better. Of course we won't know until tomorrow's scrims, but I think Axel's going to be studying over his plays to grow from them right after this. You get a kiss too, because I know you're supporting him as well, chu~

Oh. I meant for it to be like, a culmination of all their work from way back. I guess I got too serious in the middle there- sorry!! I'll do better to make it brighter next time! Thank you for supporting Axel, and I hope your day's been good too! CHU!

>> No.47248154


>> No.47248177


>> No.47248203

Nah. Magni strikes me more as a yumebaiter than a fujobaiter

>> No.47248217
File: 521 KB, 1500x1500, FthRbZeXgAE_2Se.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is a really good way to recover the mood from the bad games

>> No.47248230

axel = coomer
noct = alcoholic
ragus = kidnapper
selen = enabler

>> No.47248254

There is nothing stopping him from fujobaiting as he is now, Altare would be open to it. Probably Bettel as well

>> No.47248284

Imagine the sex between them

>> No.47248293

He's both.

>> No.47248322

shibuyahal will never invite gaijin ever again

>> No.47248326

if he got the big bucks from the fujo chinks he would be doing blowjob asmr, he has nothing to gain from fujobaiting now

>> No.47248352

I love these idiots

>> No.47248377


>> No.47248382


>> No.47248399

he doesn't have the patience lol

>> No.47248434

vtuber apex tournament is serious business

>> No.47248438

that was one of the more painful awkward silences after a bad altare joke i have ever seen lmao

>> No.47248444

The man who cringed and was embarrassed about his valentine's rp? I dunno man

>> No.47248467

>leader quoting my post word for word from yesterday
h-he's /here/?

>> No.47248473

>fujo chinks
They can’t watch any of holo. They have to go to a specific site and look for a specific account for a restreM

>> No.47248487

you guys are starting to sound like the holobeggars in the boys chats now

>> No.47248495

Honesty, blowing off steam like this after today is probably for the best, release some of the pressure before the big day

>> No.47248498

everyone's /here/ anon

>> No.47248507

always have been

>> No.47248518

I stepped away, why is axel gone?

>> No.47248550

Aww... Axel...

>> No.47248562

The scrims are over, sleep time

>> No.47248570

He is gonna practice some off stream.

>> No.47248575

tempus 3
selen, girldm, rpr, and shrek

>> No.47248576

he got too horny and needs to fap it out

>> No.47248577

that was their last game, also tilt

>> No.47248586

jerk off time

>> No.47248592


>> No.47248595

Gartic phone?

>> No.47248622

wow axel didn't last long huh. guess he doesn't have that stamina

>> No.47248631


>> No.47248639

>Well, you'd ask Dez, of course
He really likes poking that

>> No.47248644

>You get a kiss too, because I know you're supporting him as well, chu~
Thanks anon

>> No.47248651

He was edging the whole time, he just needed to bust off stream

>> No.47248682

I love Axel and all of TSB. But I don’t think he has the right to act like a bitch to his team when hey evidently the weakest link

>> No.47248692
File: 85 KB, 1113x803, 1669491151369344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47248693


>> No.47248704

he just had a bad day anon. he'll come back.

>> No.47248707

Perhaps there is too much sex posting on /MANS/

>> No.47248709
File: 87 KB, 273x295, 1675992583981012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can't believe TSB got so fed up with each other that they started screaming and had to abruptly end the stream

>> No.47248721

Axel doesn't know that Altare is leaving for a vacation next week...

>> No.47248729
File: 1.06 MB, 911x513, 1681393183318710.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47248771

Axel doesn't know that Altare is dying of cancer...

>> No.47248787

>that’s why i’ve always related to naruto, naruto is always the class clown who makes himself look bad just to make people smile

>> No.47248796

That team Mayumi-do Shiroan Set are THE jobbers, I kinda feel sorry for them.

>> No.47248834

So true sister, but the team is his

>> No.47248851

his team can't do rotation, can't fight, can't support him so the only way to get high placement is to rat which is the opposite of his playstyle.

>> No.47248872

Looks like laplus in top 5 is gonna be guaranteed. Sad for Matsuri’s team though. Jk I hope they lose i want to see her cry again

>> No.47248907

I actually feel really bad about them too, thats gotta be rough on mental

>> No.47248923

so true sister, but he only got in because a couple of the invited leaders declined to play with their friends

>> No.47248928

so do these points actually mean anything in the end? or was it just for fun?

>> No.47248933

Which one more powerful, Towa or Lap team?

>> No.47248960

That’s not an excuse to start acting like a bitch in front of your friends. Also they are all equals as said by Axel himself

>> No.47248971

Lap team, her teammate are cracked as fuck, towa’s team is a coin flip, they can get top 5 or top 15

>> No.47248982

Laplus. Sumire is clutch rat queen.

>> No.47249003

towa's team kind of sucks

>> No.47249010

20th, 17th, 19th, 11th and 19th overall for each day. It's rough.

>> No.47249026

It's basically tournament rehearsal. They don't actually mean anything, but it's in the sense of that's where they'd place if they played like that on the real day.

>> No.47249028

Lap is more consistent

>> No.47249043

for fun, the real thing is in two days

>> No.47249044

Raided the Italian man, huh...

>> No.47249049

They're going to job on the actual day, b-but at least they'll have fun right?

>> No.47249067

These are just for fun, but it's a good way to see how you could do in the actual thing. Like remember how TSB were jobbing in the first few rounds and then got champs later? And how that brought them to top 5? It's nice to see how placing high can save you.

>> No.47249077

G-General Altare ToT

>> No.47249084

It’s sad but that’s how competition works. Someone has to be the last. Just be happy it aint us

>> No.47249090

they've been jobbing their endgame and valks ult since forever. they're gonna do the reverse on the tourney day and fuck some dudes.

>> No.47249097

Can wait for Apex arc to be over just to get rid of some of the axelschizos

>> No.47249099

Nah, they already jobbed today so cooldown is reset

>> No.47249151

man i fucking love this arc, can't help i love sports anime, we literally see them grow everyday

>> No.47249154
File: 329 KB, 1327x1872, 1681184164203482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ahh alright! thank you for the rundown anons!

>> No.47249185

in a normal tournament these scrims would be the main team practice, but since Hal announced the teams a month in advance for numbers and a bunch of the regular attendees are autistic tryhards and can host their own customs it kind of forced everybody to play every day for a month or risk being left behind

>> No.47249188
File: 55 KB, 486x571, 1667873706391543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think i will actually cry when they part ways i don't want this anime to end

>> No.47249198

Axel said he was glad to be the igl because all the negativity would be focused on him when they do bad instead of Altare or Selen. That's pretty much the way it's playing out. It's just how competitions work.

>> No.47249241

Alright, I'm out, see you faggot and bitchy women tomorrow
(You) women will never understand a man

>> No.47249243

I am glad they are finally learning that valk ult in endgame is shit. Hope Axel gets better tomorrow.

>> No.47249252

Which team did Altare grief on the valk ult?

>> No.47249273

When's Nowa's next stream

>> No.47249287

Tourist from /haha/ here, glad to see tempus boys having good chemistry with Selen, hope Axel isn't too tilted after that last game, it looked like he alt+f4'd hard

>> No.47249292

When is Magni's next stream

>> No.47249321

Thanks anon, he will bounce back, tomorrow lets hope for champions of top 5 to get morale back up

>> No.47249324

When is Morf's next stream

>> No.47249339

They will job extra hard tomorrow, get last place, and collect all that luck to shoot up to first place on the real tourney day, I believe! please leader's ult bad luck, please work like this for once...

>> No.47249346

Axel is pretty tough mentally. He can walk it off.

>> No.47249347

>Decent at scrims
>Jobs hard the final day
This is just gonna be startend 2.0 and you know it.

>> No.47249350

me too dragoon tourist, hope he feels better when he wakes up in the morning

>> No.47249354

Naw he was fine and laughing

>> No.47249363

He had already recovered for the most part when he was talking to chat right afterwards. Anyone who has seen his solo Apex streams knows he's been holding back his salt very well compared to normal.

>> No.47249381
File: 739 KB, 2000x3200, FtbTxQVagAEIzrj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when will i get the morf bettel off collab i deserve

>> No.47249380

soon, about 3 hours.

>> No.47249400

I'm so sorry anon...

>> No.47249420

stop posting this picture it's making me horny ToT

>> No.47249428

When's Axel's next stream

>> No.47249436
File: 82 KB, 520x520, FmApYqNWQAYXJHM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what am i supposed to do for 8 hours until my husband streams

>> No.47249455
File: 68 KB, 500x283, 1486608907170.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No WOW archive? What happened

>> No.47249460

axel did it, he successfully turned his team into shitposting australians in the last stretch of the tournament. now nothing can stop the #TSBWIN

>> No.47249465

Eh, as long as their mental dont break on the day they'll be fine.

>> No.47249490


>> No.47249502


>> No.47249508

Drawing, exercise, read, better yourself for your hubby

>> No.47249515

That wont work, because the other shitposting Ozzie with another shitposting team name exists.

>> No.47249517

I love how Magni disagreed with others about Axel being a callofduty lobby kid, saying that he isn't toxic enough or something. Magni just sees Axel as a puppy

>> No.47249528


>> No.47249535

9 member of Tempus I KNEEL

>> No.47249560

what will happen when the two meet?

>> No.47249573

You know what they say. Love is blind

>> No.47249578

it's 10 am...
based, gotta keep working hard for him

>> No.47249635

>Magni sees Axel as puppy
Is this count as YJK situation?

>> No.47249658
File: 289 KB, 433x828, 1677136381490751.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It truly is

>> No.47249687

Apex "experts" and backseat coaches, what should tsb do to get back to top 10/top 5?

>> No.47249694

The win the tourney through pure gaijin shitpost. Unfortunately they are on different teams.

>> No.47249734

I love how Axel didn't understand the word vitriol and responded with something completely unrelated. My favorite type of axmag interaction

>> No.47249759
File: 1.51 MB, 1226x1574, 1678746070368459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47249772

the dingo knot...

>> No.47249771

Honhima, but they didn't die on the spot. The other two ratted it out

>> No.47249814

very nice!

>> No.47249826

They literally don't understand each other most of the time, I love them kek

>> No.47249898

Altare retweeted this kino comic again,

>> No.47249903

Don’t make mistakes. The thing about Apex is it’s not about who makes the right decisions first but rather who makes mistakes first. Rarely do you ever outskill anyone in the game mechanically

>> No.47249935

Maybe look back at the earlier vods and not just the most recent one.They've gotten feedback before on the many things they're fucking up on this scrim, but they legit just don't retain any of the stuff. IPN would be disappointed.

>> No.47249964

last night Bettel alluded to being groomed by a 40 year old when he was 11 and /MANS/ just memoryholed it...

>> No.47250016

IPN is a pajeet who isn’t even a pro. No one cares about him

>> No.47250035

Altare and Axel need to learn how to play for their live. Selen's ratting is good because she knows when a situation is fucked and she will run. Both Altare and Axel will stay and die with the team even in a hopeless situation.

>> No.47250046

she will make bettel into her bitch with her massive cock

>> No.47250050

Yeah, a lot of mistakes slip through the cracks because they just forget kek

>> No.47250057
File: 202 KB, 1200x1000, FtmdM0GaIAAk0vy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more morf/bettel (shipname is motel)

>> No.47250068

he truly was made for all the disgusting things the fujos put him through

>> No.47250091

Altare has been trained to just follow orders and Axel did fine ratting honestly.

>> No.47250104

Easy for you to say, Selen uses Banga kek
There's a reason she stays alive.

>> No.47250111

Listen to Selen more often. I know Axel is IGL, but she's their best player. That and Selen doesn't speak up often so when the few time she does speak up, it's because she very confident in her decision.
Also probably switch Axel & Altare characters so Axel play Valk instead but it's too late to change now.

>> No.47250113

Apparently the vtuber balloon is bursting. Lots of vtubers are now going back to being fleshtubers. Let’s see how this will affect tempus

>> No.47250139

This is really cool

>> No.47250141

I didn't think I would like wow collab as much as I did, kinda just though wow is trash so it's going to be boring. But these boys are so fun together, this might be my favourite mixed tempus collab so far

>> No.47250142

>When Altare was recounting his chuuni backstory and Selen just called him a Vox ripoff
I don't think I've ever heard him raise his voice so quickly in protest kek.

>> No.47250191

I am here for this ship

>> No.47250201

Why did Flay link this in his free chat

>> No.47250218

Guess is all about liking the method rather than following the trend like everything il life. WHO WOULD'VE THOUGHT?!

>> No.47250259

Valk's movement is a different ball game, Axel would be handicapped for a long while. He's also not wrong that Valk is good for snipers, Altare just doesn't utilize her height advantage a lot

>> No.47250267

Lots of anons are already forgetting about the raft kino huh?

>> No.47250274


>> No.47250283

Safest bet is that Machiroons are like MacaBuns

>> No.47250298

You weren’t kidding.

>> No.47250330

same..possessive Bettel is underused in fanart

>> No.47250337

I love this a lot

>> No.47250344
File: 267 KB, 2048x2048, FthQTN9WIAI97Ub.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

machiroons abuse...

>> No.47250360

Sounds like a prime opportunity for the remaining vtubers to absorb fans from those leaving the hobby.

>> No.47250381

NTA, but clinging to past glories is just sad anon.
That anon was just talking about his prejudice regarding WoW streams too.

>> No.47250404


>> No.47250407

pretty much all of them are happier now in stars, why would this mean anything to them?

>> No.47250425

>flip artist
You know I noticed that most the good artists for tempus are flips. How big are they there because last time I heard niji was actually more popular than holo there?

>> No.47250439


>> No.47250445

nice. all the clout chasers are starting to be filtered out of the hobby

>> No.47250499


>> No.47250518


>> No.47250538

No no. My point is the boys can make any game fun as long as they are together. Like seriously, you all still worried it’s gonna be a boring collab because of the game choice when they literally made their raft playthroughs one of the most fun back then?

>> No.47250539
File: 6 KB, 363x57, 1679690610878789.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47250550

Oi she's my wife

>> No.47250556

Sorry, I know it's way after the fact, so I don't want to interrupt the thread or anything, but I will die if I don't shout into the void somewhere. So feel free to ignore this. I just want to wish Axel a good refresh, to get the adrenaline out of his system, and regain a clear mind. I know he'll bounce back 2x as strong and work 2x as hard, but I hope he is kind to himself as well. Good luck once again, and I wish you well in everything.

>> No.47250570

>Grifters leaving

>> No.47250593


>> No.47250595

That's a spicy combo.

>> No.47250631

>Enter stream to check that out
>See in chat "Regis Kanaeru"
>Close stream
My god indofans are tourists

>> No.47250646

Magrisu bros… Not like this…

>> No.47250657

This is pretty good.

>> No.47250666

Sykkuno just became a vtuber though, so a new wave is definitely coming
I don't think it will affect them much at all.

>> No.47250683

Full HQ sure, but this was with a different group I wasn't sure about

>> No.47250690

altare hates woman but he might fear this one

>> No.47250700

100% sure most anons here during dead hours are flips

>> No.47250704

Strange bait.

>> No.47250733

I still wish Altare ran with just being a demon than the possession bit.

>> No.47250762

I mean, the nijiboys in general are definitely more popular than the stars in general, but there is a sizable flip (and SEA) stars fanbase.

>> No.47250811

They made wolf quest, ranch sim, and fallguys worked too anon. I usually say lower your expectations for collabs but not for Tempus. I can confidently say they are one of the most entertaining and lovable groups and together they are amazing

>> No.47250812

Honestly, I got bored of Raft after the second stream.

>> No.47250855
File: 159 KB, 448x448, altpat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's my leader!! Such a good kouhai.

>> No.47250889

Depends. Luxiem sure but Tempus I’d say are on par with Noctyx in terms of popularity

>> No.47250907

Yes sir, glory to the tempus guild

>> No.47250910


>> No.47250954

My favorite tempus comic

>> No.47250957

Lmao that awkward air at the end though

>> No.47251006

arenei clipped that nasty mid air snipe https://twitter.com/sarahnizzle/status/1646516628841197572?s=20

>> No.47251015

Wolfquest is unhinged enough that it's always kino. Ranchsim wasn't really entertaining other than Hakka yelling at the chickens. Fallguys was kinda boring too even if it eas a nice tempurple zatsu time. I was prepared that Flay and Bettel were going to be too cringe and loud to be enjoyable but it was oddly balanced

>> No.47251036

Looks like its my time to be a vtuber LETS GO

>> No.47251038


>> No.47251065

pretty hot

>> No.47251110

Air snipes always impress me

>> No.47251127


>> No.47251160


>> No.47251170

How are begni sisters doing? They have been very quiet.

>> No.47251210


>> No.47251223

They switched to Motel >>47250057

>> No.47251228

magniwars timeloop incoming

>> No.47251259

So how’s everyone enjoying this season’s animes?

>> No.47251307

TSB has me hooked ngl, I like how it keeps me guessing. Feels like it might end a little abruptly though.

>> No.47251321

Tempus Fall Guys has a space in my heart just because of this iconic jobbing

>> No.47251343

can't believe morf won the bettelbowl....

>> No.47251351

>end abruptly
>they all die or kill themselves from the stress

>> No.47251389


>> No.47251421

Alttel can't win because their ship names suck

>> No.47251423

so vesper ruined another collab? classic

>> No.47251475


>> No.47251493

Why does oil baron feel the need to clip tho? Can she just pay someone to do it?

>> No.47251515

It's really cute how Vesper made sure that Axel was safe in wow

>> No.47251557

I keep thinking about Selen groping Altare while he’s wearing a cheerleader outfit ToT

>> No.47251577

I wish she linked the timestamp aiya

>> No.47251584

wow classic

>> No.47251619

2:12:41 in the vod chu

>> No.47251622

wau classic

>> No.47251632

Near half of comments under the vod timestamp that moment bruh

>> No.47251643


>> No.47251699
File: 255 KB, 1200x1200, FtmjTUcaAAEwTEh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47251833

That’s money she could use on our funny little nignogs

>> No.47251886

Sorry I don't use twitter

>> No.47251954

anon please... i have my hands full with my main ship... but this is so hot i want to draw it...

>> No.47251978

Altare snuck up on me and became my oshi without me realizing until now

>> No.47252022

I mean his youtube vod

>> No.47252027

kinda same, i haven't even spent any money on him yet...
