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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 487 KB, 1000x1000, 1676387684886646.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47136099 No.47136099 [Reply] [Original]

Dabing at the midget edition

【This is a thread dedicated to WACTOR talents past and present.】

WACTOR is also known as:

"META-MUSIC" as a musical project
"VV-Gamers" as an E-Sports project
"E-STELLA" as a Spanish language project
"noVas" as an English language project
"Starship Research" as a Chinese language project

Previous thread >>47088049


(Wait for the /g/ larper to run his scam python file)

Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.47136158

Shitter thread

>> No.47136192


>> No.47136417

All creative anons left ages ago.
Only chronic shitposters remain, so uncreative they can't even come up with original or funny ritual posts.

>> No.47136549
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>> No.47136600

I lost all interest in Meica...

>> No.47136682

argie shills and twitch is ruinning her for me as well...

>> No.47136726

Has she reacted to Kira sensei yet?

>> No.47136742

Why anon? What did she do to make you lose all interest in her?

>> No.47136835

She became a react streamer

>> No.47136871

>the japanese living in the inaka is not japanese neither lives in the inaka
wonder why

>> No.47136889


>> No.47137592

dracucklones and nishadows put up with the jokes and things you say about Himea and Nisha
meicafags are the whiniest faggots in this thread, they report anything they don't like where their whore is mentioned no matter how harmless it may be

>> No.47137703

there your (You), now fuck off to the other thread, uou shitter.

>> No.47137709

Shit OP

>> No.47137844 [DELETED] 
File: 37 KB, 417x317, c83.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You misspeleed choripaneros retard, those are the ones who report the smallest thing against their brown whore that they had to create their own containment thread

>> No.47137862

heh, and I still remember how hard they tried to damage control for their lying whore when people stated pointing out that she was actually in argieland

>> No.47137943

>OP is shit cause he didn't run a shitty scam python file

do it yourself then fag

>> No.47137952

like this general, it's time to move to the better general and you know it.

>> No.47137967

>le epic and funne anti posts
go back underage tards

>> No.47137975


>> No.47137999

go shill your shit on the choripaneros thread

>> No.47138141

>who report the smallest thing
The only thing related to Himea I've seen being deleted is doxshit.

>> No.47138240

>shitter crying cause people don't let use the thread to doxxshit
fuck off tard.

>> No.47138272

Meica being a liar traitorous whore is the truth tho.

>> No.47138343

>t. failed groomer

>> No.47138581
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>> No.47138754

I remember a fag seething for days just because I said "meicaca"

>> No.47138788


>> No.47140254

when is this brainlet coming back?

>> No.47140464

>He doesn't know...

>> No.47140517

please no, she said she's not tweeting because she doesn't have internet access

>> No.47140547

wait are you implying that...

>> No.47140546

Did you eat a bait that was so evident? Poor anon

>> No.47140757


>> No.47140889 [SPOILER] 
File: 406 KB, 982x982, 1675378452774443.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47141280

When she announced that she was going independent, I only commented that she would now be an easier target for grommers and a butthurt meicafag report my comment and it was deleted

>> No.47141475

>dom outfits
yes please

>> No.47141528

>ahahaha spam
i can't belive that you fucking faggots managed to brainwash me, now i feel like all she do is fake...

>> No.47141593 [DELETED] 

don't worry anon, now that we know Mai's brother is her boyfriend her grommers are going to stop bothering her

>> No.47141664

why is baby so bratty

>> No.47141722

> a korean in chat

>> No.47141995

>sukeban babu and miku miu
they are cosplaying as sezia and himea

>> No.47142027


>> No.47142290

The best Taka

>> No.47142903

>(Wait for the /g/ larper to run his scam python file)
Wait, you niggas don't even have a script anymore? kek the absolute state of this general

>> No.47143596

He's just a faggot afraid of some Python lines.

>> No.47143673



Miu Hizuki


Mireille Kuuma
【Graduation】Thank you for the past year【MireilleKuuma | WACTOR】

【The Quarry】Apaguen las luces 【Meica】

Nisha Nixyeva
【 RESIDENT EVIL 4 REMAKE 】 De misión a Españita olee los caracoleee【 Nisha Nixyeva Ch. 】

>> No.47143751


>> No.47143818

You stopped using the web helper?

>> No.47144168

Anon-chama, the owner of the site we used to put in the OP, said he didn't want to be involved any more so I don't know if the web helper is still up. I always use the python script that you run locally. I don't have the url to the pastebin where you could find it.

>> No.47144311
File: 366 KB, 1920x1080, m5646.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Miu always chooses this position in collab, it makes her look like a pervert

>> No.47144409

>Wactor was created in order to let Miu to groom girls, specially big oppai ones

>> No.47144426
File: 289 KB, 455x379, j.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that model has very good pervert expressions for some reason

>> No.47145223


>> No.47145372

fuck off anti

>> No.47145734

My daughter and her mom

>> No.47145863
File: 356 KB, 504x504, 1649091305647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2 can play that game
Himali ;_;

>> No.47145927

y Reyu?

>> No.47146009


Based man-hating dyke

>> No.47146121

She isn't part of this ex 2nd gen reunion

>> No.47146191

probably thinking of faking her suicide again

>> No.47146196

yeah but why, they're not on bad terms

>> No.47146199

>that mother-like title
she secretly wants to be a mother, doesnt she

>> No.47146291

that's Lia dude

>> No.47146294

And Suzu?

>> No.47146368

Second gen reunion

>> No.47146399

Graduation when?

>> No.47146559

Not allowed by contract, and she cares about that shit. She was never close to them anyway.

>> No.47146702

Suzu knows the truth and will never meet with them

>> No.47146718

ching chong nip nong yuan dicks ching nip pon chang chong

>> No.47146854

reminder that laylahater was right

>> No.47146875 [DELETED] 
File: 172 KB, 478x554, FAGGOT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fag know what his doing

>> No.47147354

Merun ccv: 250 (her regulars)
Eileen ccv: 140 (-100 users)
Meica ccv: 800 (big debuff to her 1,7K)
well what it tells you

>> No.47147398
File: 29 KB, 471x141, 163202215412021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what's Nisha's obsession with that leftist choripanero retard.
It's the second time she likes one of his post that didn't even tag her.

>> No.47147684

Because she egosearchs her name and it still shows. Everyone does that

>> No.47147706

that spics don't cares about taka speak? the same for thais seems to don't like japanese, about Merun well is the language she offers to her public so is normal.

>> No.47147835

bc he's argie and younger than her if you know what that means...

>> No.47147888

Yeah but she did that with everyone or only him?

>> No.47147922

But Nisha has brocon...

>> No.47148001

Post something mentioning her without directly tagging her and find out.

>> No.47148004


>> No.47148043

Overwatch is an ultradebuff game, also Meica has been neglecting her youtube audience lately

>> No.47148048

is THE retard again trying again to shit the thread ignore him.

>> No.47148115
File: 37 KB, 543x161, tw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She liked this tweet without the @ to her.

>> No.47148169

wow, anon her public don't understand a shit of japanese, so is obvious thay her numbers wiull drop big.

>> No.47148280

And how does that prove wrong the things I said?, you know that's also true

>> No.47148282 [DELETED] 
File: 341 KB, 595x742, Sin título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OH NONO NOT LIKE THIS NISHADKEKS (fuck lomicucks sounds a lot better than that shitty faname)

>> No.47148354

I fucking despise those two disgusting vultures....


>> No.47148609

She's stealing him from Himea

>> No.47148613

Fuck off Akira

>> No.47148621

Well, that fag browses /here/, and he was one of the first ones to follow Nisha and Eru in all her accounts right after the info was dropped here, so he must have been grooming her since that time.

>> No.47148862
File: 286 KB, 611x258, 16320212554120214120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But that fag is a literal choripanero leftist, he and his political views present everything what Himea despises.

>> No.47148922

Nisha doesn't know that.

>> No.47148936

>Merun and Eileen donn't say a shit in spanish

Nice panderers you have there...

>> No.47149008

himea is choripanegra too she votes for allverso

>> No.47149059


Himea is right winged?

>> No.47149071

>brown choripanera despise choripaneros

Turboracist whore

>> No.47149083

The point is that she's not stealing anything of value.

>> No.47149163
File: 940 KB, 1024x1024, 1679542944423656.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they don't know

>> No.47149177

>the subhuman is back at it and the retards eat the bait
really anons? he is even trying to drag Himea to his faggotry.

>> No.47149183

I want Nisha to verbally abuse me...

>> No.47149233
File: 444 KB, 2048x1662, EpUHNSwXIAIkiYl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

himea have rape fantasies, i bet she would love a choripanero leftist forcing her to submission

>> No.47149301

I see there's a lot of newfags in the thread

>> No.47149324
File: 50 KB, 464x512, Randowis_91cda8_6109376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47149354

Good night, i dont watch choripaneras

>> No.47149401

Fuck off Fer.
One of these days me and Himea will put you in the trunk of our falcon verde and drop you straight into the gas chamber.

>> No.47149450

That's such a good image of la choripanegra nazi

>> No.47149508

Reminder Nisha had a Juan Ramon Rallo video on her recommendations. She's no leftist either.

>> No.47149535

Not brown enough

>> No.47149596

Nisha knows as mush about politics as Himea knows about economy.

>> No.47149598


>> No.47149722
File: 1.03 MB, 960x960, 1678472294065243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been requesting more SS Himeas, but the AI fag is lazy af lately.

>> No.47149741

he is implying she needs the brown shirt btw.

>> No.47149801

Women don't like politics. You're dumb to think Himea has any interest in it other than to try to be edgy.

>> No.47149935


>> No.47149973

Women usually don't like fulbo either, but there you have her.

>> No.47149978

>es este el famoso copium?

>> No.47150094

>sexia is reading rn
mating press

>> No.47150105

Motherfucker tweets too much, and because people keep reacting to his shit, Twitter keeps promoting his tweets. Elon published the algorythm the other day.

>> No.47150110

neither the majority of the population care about much politics, in fact people despise politicians and that shit.

>> No.47150248

Fuck off Akira

>> No.47150514

>wonders what sezia could find ironic
KEK who's telling him?

>> No.47150582

oh no no no no Sezia don't look!

>> No.47150670

She’s laughing though she’s very confident lol

>> No.47150777
File: 105 KB, 1078x1331, 143535.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine not liking morbidly obese woman

>> No.47150801

Sezia is slightly chubby at worst. And she's pure sex as she is.

>> No.47150909

Her face is real pretty

>> No.47151024

The disgusting vultures are gone, the stream is watchable finaly...

>> No.47151127

Suzu have dignidad

>> No.47151216

Fuck off meicagoo

>> No.47151336

It is clear that Cyan won with the Spanish studies and Kaichou forgot his Spanish

>> No.47151396

Also fuck off cuckstavo

>> No.47151403

hahaha, well, well, so the shiters are these faggots kek

>> No.47151405

>Meica praising poli

>> No.47151584

I wish Meica would stream like this more often. A little bit less "childish crazy humor" and she's talking more serious.

>> No.47151669

Yeah, stream is comfy at the moment

>> No.47151836

>nunca me dejaron jugar esto

This fucking midget...

>> No.47151863


>> No.47151985

How often did she use to do these kinds of streams when she was sopa?

>> No.47151993

Meica, I beg you, return full time to jewtibe please...

>> No.47152014

I want himea to say Viva la libertad carajo

>> No.47152141

Also Himea: Viva Peron sos el primer trabajador!

>> No.47152163

she shat on banks and shitcoins though

>> No.47152167

why you act like you care?

>> No.47152173


>> No.47152260

What's the rey de voxed doing there?

>> No.47152360

Nisha just followed Fuyo, wonder when she'll follow Riro, she's literally just a few hours away.

>> No.47152574

When Nisha and Meica finally meet in person they're going to do that Barbie dogs dance, aren't they.

>> No.47152582

that fer is a voxtard

>> No.47152673

Never, not until Ucrania is free of Russian agression

>> No.47152696

All libertarians shit on bankers tho
bitcoin aligns more with big state too nowadays too

>> No.47152767

This!!! Ukraine is hosting one of the great epics of this century. We are Harry Potter and William Wallace, the Na’vi and Han Solo. We’re escaping from Shawshank and blowing up the Death Star. We are fighting with the Harkonnens and challenging Thanos.

>> No.47152796

Good night, i don't watch exWactor whores

>> No.47153034

but nisha account was revealed by meica not here, eru is another story

>> No.47153492

The only way he could find out that quickly is by checking Meica's follows.
I have all the fags that followed meica on that time in my excel, alongside him, and a couple of other fags

>> No.47153611

> excel
Fucking cringe.

>> No.47153621

Like salaverde, the fag was literally on meica twitter account even before we discover it

>> No.47153664

what a cancerus faggots, fuck off back to your discord.

>> No.47153923

That guy is the valles salas guy?
That fag is creep.

>> No.47153930

>>47152574 (me)
I was searching for this reel but couldn't find it. This is how I imagine Nisha and Meica if they ever meet in person: https://www.instagram.com/p/CpjkAAls7PA/

>> No.47154052

STFU groomer bitch. I will hunt you down and I will make your nightmares look like sweet dreams if you mess with my oshi.

>> No.47154091

Based but stop using excel. Use flat text files so they can be searched more easily.

>> No.47154098

>offtopic trash, twitter tranies, etc
nice thread, the fuck are the jannies doing

>> No.47154177

sorry but Eru is already mine ;^)

>> No.47154277

Fuckoff Fer putofil you will never be eru's bf

>> No.47155826

Did everyone get banned or what

>> No.47155979

Groomers got scared and fucked off.

>> No.47156062

thread is dead only the 3 shitters samefag here and some random thread lurkers maybe decide tro post, just a dead shithole.

>> No.47156120

Why do you care if its dead or not. You seem obsessed with the thread

>> No.47156625
File: 827 KB, 2731x4096, 1681273710583.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yumi is the superior Manolita

>> No.47157221

Any news about Lia?

>> No.47157424

Akira decided to plant her in the garden with the other vegetables.

>> No.47157633 [SPOILER] 
File: 817 KB, 1336x751, 1661191423625412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47158112

coming soon

>> No.47158162

Akira decided to plant his vegetable in her garden.

>> No.47158284

You are a shameless midget, Akira

>> No.47158301

this voice is sex

>> No.47158540

So that's her real voice? First time I hear it

>> No.47159585 [DELETED] 

Nisha loves fer purafil

>> No.47160169

meica is coprophilic

>> No.47160221

The facetards is still here? KEK

>> No.47160324

Sometimes I wonder how Miu feels about having a whole ass corpo collapse all around her.

>> No.47160924


>> No.47161061

I went to take a look at the collab with babu and there were only 120 people watching, really sad

>> No.47161169

My dear Miu has been having a hard time because of Akira

>> No.47161243 [DELETED] 

There was around 120 when I checked.

>> No.47162819

190 ccv

>> No.47164536


>> No.47165004


>> No.47165696


>> No.47167192


>> No.47167310

KEK bruhtecito and meicaschizo fighting in the middle of the night,how pathetic

>> No.47167412


>> No.47167438


>> No.47168950

Te amo Meica

>> No.47171319
File: 199 KB, 1377x1377, FsSoa5BXsAEeeHn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47172826 [DELETED] 


>> No.47173391 [DELETED] 

Hazme un hijo NISHA

>> No.47173889

Meicaca la mas burraca.

>> No.47174482 [DELETED] 

vete a la verga fer purafil

>> No.47178355 [DELETED] 


>> No.47179793
File: 91 KB, 811x807, FrXxmfRXoAESBQe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47179924 [DELETED] 

Nisha se quiere follar a fer purafil

>> No.47180349

that fag is just another wannabe groomer, he's harmless

>> No.47180545

He's a black argentinian, 0 chance for him and his ARS akasupas.

>> No.47180723

Nice try Fer, I'm watching you motherfucker.

>> No.47180920 [DELETED] 

Ustedes solo fíjense en el trato que le da nisha. casi todos los comentarios que le escribe tienen un like de ella y a veces le da like a comentarios que el hace en su twitter sin que la haya mencionado (lo siento no puedo escribir en ingles insultenme si quieren)

>> No.47181001
File: 16 KB, 474x266, 162256923550125.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47181079

>he doesn't know

>> No.47181218 [DELETED] 

The one from a decade ago was white and selfhating (considered himself spanish and lived in spain),fer has that indio look with brown skin and no money

>> No.47181234

Good morning, I don't watch choripaneras™

>> No.47181248
File: 11 KB, 470x65, 1602521254215021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meeting with the manlet?

>> No.47181252

Don't be jealous Merol

>> No.47181280

Fer Peragil gives off massive gay vibes.
I don't know how to explain it, but I wouldn't be surprised since his kind is used to sucking dick to get ahead in life

>> No.47181349

No, it's about her irl job

>> No.47181474


Seethe,fer purafil is cooler than all of (You)

>> No.47181695

lol, that fag lives in Argentina (Africa-tier shithole)
there is absolutely nothing to seethe over

>> No.47181755

kek, cuckeados por un gordo voxero.

>> No.47181787 [DELETED] 

Lo peor de todo es que fer es tan retrasado que ni se da cuenta de que nisha esta enamorada de el

>> No.47181807

sure akira sure fucking manlet

>> No.47181911

This guy might be the biggest schizo here since the girl that made a 2 page long fanfiction of Akira/Lia/Miu and how they were all related to each other and hina.

>> No.47182004

Oh, my bad then, yeah, there' s nothing to seethe about an argensimian

>> No.47182052 [DELETED] 

Tu solo ten paciencia la verdad pronto saldra a la luz... retrasado

>> No.47182124

Fuck off fer purafil

>> No.47182218

he doesn't even write it in english
must be a desperate schizo

>> No.47182246

I wonder how schizo would this thread get if Goki wasn't a girl.

>> No.47182338

>obsessed over community fags

>> No.47182352

At least the other shitter used Google translate to post

>> No.47182503

Why Meica decided to go there then?

>> No.47182598

she being beyond retarded as always, nothing new

>> No.47182640

Ozuni post

>> No.47182711

I'll be worried when every comment from Fer Porojoto gets an instant and enthusiastic reply from Nisha, but at that point it will already be over.
Either way, I don't give a damn about some random argie dicksucker

>> No.47182811

I sent a request to add Nisha's channel to be listed on Holodex. I hope they read it.

>> No.47182853 [DELETED] 

la vagina rosada de nisha sera penetrada por una polla argentina negra y rancia

>> No.47182854

Your oshi wil live a happy life in la villa with prieto-kun and you will like it.

>> No.47182905

In what category?

>> No.47182968

There are categories? I sent a request for her channel to be listed as an independent vtuber.

>> No.47182974

She says it literally down in a response, retard.

>> No.47183058
File: 71 KB, 560x559, 1673619951537981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another tweet
Another short
Another stream
Another day I fall more and more for Sezia

>> No.47183203

>I sent a request for her channel to be listed as an independent vtuber.
That's fine then.

>> No.47183315

stupid threadwatcher

>> No.47183347

Goslingo i thought you fell for Eru

>> No.47183590
File: 172 KB, 645x773, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sezia's stinky ass and farts are just irresistible...

>> No.47183997
File: 280 KB, 600x612, 1673806618646592.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goslingos are a state of the mind, we don't share a common oshi, push the right buttons and another one will be born

>> No.47184737

Streams update


Mahiru Kumaboshi


Ageha Himeragi

Charo Nemurime


Mireille Kuuma

Sezia Haruma

>> No.47185001

Meica doesn't have a last name
This represent her daddy issues
I can be her daddy

>> No.47185096
File: 511 KB, 454x640, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Ageha a pic related knock off?

>> No.47185154

Ageha is a Ninofag so probably yes

>> No.47186370
File: 689 KB, 1511x2114, 1681319017726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/Wactor/ sex simbol

>> No.47186619

Did something happen? Why are tourists checking the general again?

>> No.47186661

>Remember that we're still experiencing the effects of the recent influx of tourists who were sent here by Twitter users. Do not eat baits and do not feed the trolls, lest you end up looking like a fool.

>> No.47186825

The thread is the shitter one, so he's keeping alive the thread via baits, even if there's no one alive in wactor, he will create the thread so the wactofags give him free (You)s just like all the anons from small corpos threads

>> No.47187163 [DELETED] 

Nisha loves fer purafil

>> No.47187192

>t. fer purafil

>> No.47187282

Just a reminder that the girls (and the fags) can't keep or buy their models from the manlet and Lia was an exception for obvious reasons

>> No.47187360

Keep seething, fag. Since you splitniggers left, this thread has been much comfier.

>> No.47187402


>> No.47187536

The other one is also comfy
That just means something... Choripaneros

>> No.47187565

Touch a nerve? You're so easy to bait my friend

>> No.47187655

And I remember the Liatard psyops asking fags to spare Lia because it was diverting the attention on attacking the manlet. In the end she ended up being Akira's biggest weak point and managed to hit him hard enough to make him stfu, at least for now.

>> No.47187816
File: 1.96 MB, 347x200, pretends-to-be-shocked-gif-282276043.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>choripaneros are the shitters
no fucking way...

>> No.47188058

The fact that the new homos and other are starting with the "indefinitive rest" shit again, it seems that Akira lost control, so is free for all to leave, meaning the ones streaming right now is contract autism or they're thinking that Akira is going to pay them.

>> No.47189083
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Did your send your "questions" (;

>> No.47189333

YUMI!!! <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3

>> No.47189395
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She's coming back to take your balls

>> No.47189492
File: 349 KB, 1238x1958, 20230412_120234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Back into action

>> No.47191087


>> No.47193585

The people endlessly shitting on Himea are by far more annoying than her fans themselves. How many times are you going to do your shitty ritual post? Are you too autistic to tell when a joke has become stale and lame?

>> No.47194096

Anthology sex with Lia , Luna , Yue , Suzu and ...
Piyoko hehe

>> No.47194831 [DELETED] 

Nisha estuvo teniendo sexo por video llamada con fer purafil

>> No.47194849

I'm fer purafil btw

>> No.47195452

No matter how much you want to meme yourself you won't become a character here fer.

>> No.47195460

Wow I wish Sezia would release a cover in 2 hours…

>> No.47195938

Nisha + Ferpurafil = Love

>> No.47196344

those niggers are chispakeks/another_cancerous_spic_imageboard tourists, indeed fucking anoying retards, guess that is time to not give (You)s and report so we can merge threads

>> No.47197504

Eru should debut now to take advantage of Nisha and Meica debuts before the hipe is gone, more over how that there is not big corpo event or debut right now

>> No.47197624

I feel like she doesn't even want to be a regular vtuber anymore and just wants to be a vsinger, but even with that, she should forget about the full model and go the png way

>> No.47197955

it's not a big change to, she can focus on karaoke and covers and also do some collabs some times

>> No.47198397

i understand why, she found about how autistic vtuber fans can be and maybe changed her mind about it... fucking groomers, schizos, and retards

>> No.47198508

You can see Neon trying to be Suisei or Azki, which for her? It's the best route, also she saw how insane the small corpo world is, so going at her own pace is way better than just attaching yourself to a corpo for now.

>> No.47198811

How things can change in a matter of days...

>> No.47199144


>> No.47199310
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>> No.47199912

I can fix her

>> No.47200012
File: 43 KB, 376x135, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is he?

>> No.47200310


>> No.47200395

>Nisha at 4:00 MEX
>Meica at 6:00 MEX

Are they still syncing their periods like in the good old times?

Lily is streaming earlier btw, is she afraid of the 2 queens?

>> No.47200493

Meica is streaming on yt? man i fucking hate twitch

>> No.47200629

Today, yes

>> No.47200739
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>> No.47200761

How you know?

>> No.47200776

I don't watch chuchumecas

>> No.47200796

I think that's Lily's usual time to stream because she has to go work later.

>> No.47200828


>> No.47200866

What about the landwhale? Why isn't she there either?

>> No.47200892

>Lily is streaming earlier btw, is she afraid of the 2 queens?
Who ?

>> No.47200897

>Todos saben quien manda en esta school
>Porque nosotras somos gente cool
>Gente que siente con sangre caliente
>Que quiere hacerse oír
>Sea como sea, aquí no entran 2views
>Pa' que lo veas te voy a mostrar
>Mira esa 2view, aquí hay otra 2view
>Aquí no pueden entrar

>Nadie pasa de esta esquina
>Aquí mandan las divinas
>Porque somos gasolina
>Gasolina de verdad

>> No.47200926


>> No.47200932

Because the landwhale is something more than just a friend...

>> No.47200975

Fuck of spanglish fag

>> No.47201084

It's a meme song you dumbfuck

>> No.47201285

>Fags so new don't even recognize MTF signature posts

>> No.47201336

no one cares about your thread "celebrities" faggot.

>> No.47201390

Says how you don't give a fuck about the thread's culture.
/WACTOR/ is truly dead.

>> No.47201503

>Muh anon culture
You will never be gringo

>> No.47201584

this is not fb underage shitter, fuck off to your circlejerk group.

>> No.47201736

Well then, make this place like your spic boards so it gets shut down like all of them have in the past.

>> No.47201815

>muh board culture
this is the least expected place to go expect that, >we're reddit or worse, twitter all the fucking time

>> No.47201907

since when one attentionwhore retard is /vt/ culture? neck yourself faggot.

>> No.47201942

REIMU YOU WILL NEVER BE GRING...ups sorry, that was not mean for you this time

>> No.47202144
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>> No.47202172


>> No.47202191
File: 613 KB, 849x1200, cute sopa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47202262
File: 443 KB, 706x1200, cutejksoup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47202299

> spamming when we're at post 296
Fucking retard. Consider killing yourself tonight.

>> No.47202302

Hina Misora™...

>> No.47202323
File: 622 KB, 982x1200, Hina2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47202566
File: 352 KB, 1195x1200, lunaa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47202616

Rurine Luna™...

>> No.47202634
File: 646 KB, 1173x1200, lunasopa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47202696
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>> No.47202761
File: 761 KB, 1141x1200, palpalpal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47202771


>> No.47202787

whats next for las divinas?

>> No.47202827
File: 954 KB, 1200x675, Itomama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47202906

>Spam images are all from graduated girls
The absolute state

>> No.47202928
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>> No.47202974

became, I'm not a regular but wasn't most of her content reacting to memes from her discord?

>> No.47202983

As it should be, that's the WACTOR I loved.

>> No.47203004


Hopefully she touched enough grass by now...

>> No.47203032

Tarde de manolitas

>> No.47203061



>> No.47203128

Not really, she barely did those reaction streams. It was like once a month.

>> No.47203156

>This is her first resident evil ever
I'm dissapointed...

>> No.47203385

Spic vtubing has become just a big collection of groomer races.
I'm sick of it.

>> No.47203457

>t. failed groomer

>> No.47203530



>> No.47203557

Grooming is a very stressful and time consuming endeavour, I don't partake in such activities.

>> No.47203633

don't make another thread let this die

>> No.47203651

I've played the shit out of OG RE4 but I'm too poorfag to buy RE4 remake rn, should I refrain myself from watching Nisha to avoid spoilers?, or both games are the same shit story wise?

>> No.47203753

They're the same, the characters act a bit different but pretty much the same

>> No.47203948

Modern games are so fucking boring, holy shit. Just roam the map until you find the spot that triggers the next cut scene. Zzzzzz

>> No.47203995

>repeating lines with her spanish accent
manolitas evening

>> No.47204145
File: 53 KB, 297x131, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>yumi talking about euros
>chat en su linea de retaso mental

>> No.47204156

>80 personas viendo
Yumi. . . .

>> No.47204161

Same, how do they have the energy for that shit?

>> No.47204193

I fucking hate yellow fever elitists

>> No.47204222

she is of asian descent

>> No.47204226

the superior manolita is streaming rn

>> No.47204249

next thread
>next thread
next thread
>next thread

>> No.47204290

fuck off facetard

>> No.47204301

Fuck off already.

>> No.47204320
File: 222 KB, 720x962, Screenshot_20230412_173734_Samsung Notes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun fac

>> No.47204337

Kill yourlself splitnigger, go split you rmother legs instead

>> No.47204379

Yumi relies a lot on Sezia, my heart

>> No.47204402

Holy shit source?

>> No.47204495

Retard. Hana just changed her last name from her previous persona. And like her previous persona, her design is based on flowers. Hana means flower. Kill yourself.

>> No.47204542
File: 49 KB, 513x449, 1622857692675.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>constant barrage of assblasted messages about the residente maldito dub
If she was Luna she would be using the english or latino dub, but I guess she's trying to filter retards as soon as possible

>> No.47204604

>Se que la escena vtuber en latinoamerica no ha sido buena este año

Is she refering to Wactor shitfest?

>> No.47204660

>playing re4 in any other language than spain spanish. Especially when she is a spaniard herself
This is the correct way

>> No.47204782
File: 1.02 MB, 1920x1920, yoursavior.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't make a new thread

>> No.47204839

You dont know marketing

>> No.47204945

Damn, you're really desperate.

Anyway new thread:

>> No.47204997


>> No.47205016
File: 92 KB, 199x250, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, i've just created a new thread, but well, lets use yours

>> No.47205036


>> No.47205049

Ye, she was referring to that

>> No.47205084

>keep unnecessarily extending the life of something that is already dead

>> No.47205141
File: 1.10 MB, 1750x1750, 1670608247951997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that it makes you seethe so much is the main reason I keep making them.

>> No.47205514

There was a guy who sent invitations to Yumi over and over again, I wonder who he is.

>> No.47205926

Nisha + Ferpurafil = Love
