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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 175 KB, 1400x1400, bubble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4716754 No.4716754 [Reply] [Original]

The real bubble wasn't Hololive. It was the annoying vocal minority of fans who freak out at the sight of something unfamiliar.

>> No.4716827

I hope this meltdown continues all week. ENTERTAIN ME FREAKS

>> No.4718004

Actually this is quite familiar. People who don't give a shit about popular things aside from how they can utilize it to better their careers are very common.

>> No.4718074

Same. I hope there’s multiple threads on Mori everyday this week just to see cuckbeats seethe. It’s been fun

>> No.4718842

The real bubble were the like 7 gajins she associates with in Japan. Like imagine getting a job where you have 4 other english speaking coworkers who think the world of you and desperately try to be your friend, as well as several japanese girls who want to get to know you and form new friendships and you stick to the 5-6 clout chasers who abandoned you before and all of a sudden get back in touch when you get famous.

>> No.4718921
File: 25 KB, 400x400, Its me Pekora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda refreshing after countless anti Kiara threads.
Im still waiting for a takodachi Yab tho.

>> No.4719000

>something unfamiliar
Entitled, ungrateful roasties are very familiar to us. That's why we hate Mori.

>> No.4719024

It's incredibly common for Gaijin, because Japanese are basically awful at making friends. Most of all with Gaijins.

>> No.4719238

Do you even know the meaning of the phrase in this context? The real bubble was the annoying vocal minority, what? Hololive bubble means there are community members that watch nothing but hololive and do it out of principle which results it them being tribal and ignorant about anything outside the bubble

>> No.4719417

And she got a perfect opportunity to cut ties and start fresh with people who aren't looking for handouts. She still goes back like a battered housewife Oshi's reflect fans I guess

>> No.4719456

A takodachi yab would be hilarious, I’d love to see that

>> No.4719734

I can't wait for a collab between Calli and Connor, I want to see schizos crying here

>> No.4719830

It's gonna happen during the Mouse collab, screencap this.

>> No.4722805

unironically this

>> No.4724479

The real bubble was the one Mori created with her juvenile disdain for idol culture and her coworkers.

>> No.4724525

problem with that is that the majority of people complaining about
are doing so because he's all too familiar.

>> No.4724578

The sad truth is that, watching deadbraps try to sudoku themselves in knots with their endless excuses is more entertaining than every Mori stream put together ever will.

>> No.4725302

the real bubbles are mori‘s farts in the bathtub

>> No.4725337

touch grass incel freaks

>> No.4725378

She's a fake bitch who can't even set up a proper collab unless it with someone fake like her.She can't be bother to learn Japanese after living in Japan for 5 fucking years.She's just the typical white bitch that fell for the Japan is great meme and when she isn't animating for that Gook she's simping for she's obessing over that chicken legged poo poo pee pee man cringey fuck Critikal.

>> No.4725505
File: 220 KB, 1200x1031, Entryism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's all too familiar. That's why people care.

>> No.4725549

touch grass incel freaks

>> No.4725643

I'd want to see a tako yab just because I cannot fathom what event could actually set the takos off

>> No.4725668 [DELETED] 


I don't think Ina has a yab in her unless she somehow leans into her conservative Korean upbringing and says something racist.

>> No.4725817

I just wonder why Mori is such a fucking jobber.

>> No.4726579

Its a good jobber tho, at least I find her 1v1 matches fun to watch, except the tag ones when she doesn't do shit

>> No.4730278

>The real bubble wasn't Hololive.
It was the voices in her head

>> No.4735152

I don't care about e-celeb faggots being "unfamiliar" the issue is that they're a cancerous tumour of cringe

>> No.4735185

You can stop anyone from being upset. You're powerless.

>> No.4735449

It would be sad to see Ina make similar yab. But at the same time her fans on here definitely deserve something like it and the shitstorm that would follow. Takos are by far the worst posters on this board.

>> No.4735539

I could see some china-related company her roommate does work for crediting Ina as an artist and kicking off another zhangfest

>> No.4735601

lol the jps just want her for her numbers and are little different frpm clout chasers on anituber side.Otherwise they would be all over Kiara since she actually knows japanese

>> No.4735673

>takodachi Yab
Never happening

>> No.4735754

3D E-celebs have no place in vtubing. We watch this shit specifically because they aren't in it. Forcing them on the fans isn't brave or inspiring or trying to be fresh. It's an attack and attempt to change the hobby they love. But it's okay because none of the JP are retarded enough to do this and we can just watch them.

>> No.4735814

>Western 3D E-celebs have no place in vtubing.

>> No.4735859

No. 3D E-celebs. ESPECIALLY westerners.

>> No.4735885

You obviously don't watch Kiara or the JP girls, because Kiara is constantly doing collabs with her JP senpais.

>> No.4735945

I wonder what JP bros think about Mori now. They are the ones that actually go
>"reeeeeeee my pure oshi is near a man."

>> No.4736083

I'm super familiar with anitubers. It's why I hate them

>> No.4736119

>But it's okay because none of the JP are retarded enough to do this

>> No.4736657

You're right that Gigguk is a leech and Mori is a retard, but this collab is a net positive for Hololive. Vtubing is inclining while anime is not. All it takes is a taste of Live2D technology to convert fans who are tired of anime and want something more parasocial. Mori lacks confidence and talent, but at least she makes up for it by autistically rocking her avatar back and forth in streams and collabs. Just as it has since her debut, the big pink goth titties will lure in new viewers, who will then quickly branch out to other holos.

>> No.4736825

>convert fans who are tired of anime
I don't think wanting more normalfags to come floodong here is a good idea

>> No.4737909

It's next level wishful thinking to hope Ina would be any kind of conservative, as pleasant as it would be. Realistically she's probably some sort of center-left, optimistically she just wants to krill.

>> No.4741366

>EOP thinks he's not the outsider in this

>> No.4742363

>Ina goes full-tilt rooftop Korean
Sounds based.

>> No.4742398

muh dick

>> No.4742531

I don't believe anyone thought the wigger was pure. They likely thought she would keep it off stream. Poor dumb deadbeats.

>> No.4742625

>something unfamiliar.
anons know who the fuck are these leaches, e-celebs, faggots, whores and so on, that's why they are gatekeeping, your post is retarded, kill yourself.

>> No.4743631
File: 527 KB, 1364x1426, big guy for you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some translated tweets

>> No.4747389

Same, brapbeats having to grovel every thread made it all worthwhile

>> No.4747745

This is the first time I've actually seen anyone badmouth Cr1tikal here, most of the time it's just mentioning his name. Not surprised it's a schizo like you. You must have green eyes because you're sounding like a real envious bitch right now.

>> No.4747802

Now do 5ch

>> No.4747849

Newfag chama.... The outsiders were the idolfags.. after Idol Club imploded thousands of them flocked to Hololive and demanded changes to make Hololive into what they wanted

>> No.4747878

The most "yab" takodachis did recently was buying ad space in new york time square or something, and had a slideshow of terrible Ina fan art, also those takos present were a bunch of creaturas

>> No.4751655 [DELETED] 

90% of critikal's humor is saying piss, cum, pussy, etc. he is a literal normie magnet.

>> No.4751749

The real bubbles are in Calli's bong before every collab.

>> No.4756530


>> No.4756799

the real bubbles are making their way through Mori's intestines

>> No.4764461

Not that bad, was expecting worse reactions

>> No.4765534

>replied to a male holo on twitter
>overslept her stream
>boring birthday stream with shitty merch
>flirted with the translator in the pixiv stream
>no real 1m celebration
All in the matter of a few days.
Tacucks are just as pathetic as deadbraps.

>> No.4769920

>replied to a male holo on twitter
social media reps. good for him and for the company
>overslept her stream
mild yab but produced a great kiara stream
>boring birthday stream with shitty merch
merch is ok + takogram creativity points. just wait til the shipments arrive
>flirted with the translator in the pixiv stream
very kino if you were actually in the thread. also, unironically one of the best external collab opportunities ever offered to a holo
>no real 1m celebration
numberfags get out. she's korean so she can no-sell spicy noodles. JP holos were sleeping so no omedetous unfortunately, but all of myth called in and made egg jokes

>> No.4771507

>wanting shipjumpers in your fandom
