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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 476 KB, 1179x818, A55656D0-E16B-4935-9D54-6C0CEFE89531.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47163146 No.47163146 [Reply] [Original]

What did she mean by this?

>> No.47163220

it's not racist because she's asian.

>> No.47163234

It literally takes 0.6 seconds to find the original meme you Neanderthal

>> No.47163237

She likes racist 4chan memes.

>> No.47163278

She got lots of Gift subs than Supas today and it's all 50 gs too

>> No.47163295

Nigga stole my meme. It's not racist because as long it's a meme.

>> No.47163301

I don't want this to happen at all because it feeds into the cancel culture/sensitivity culture bullshit, but it'd be funny if Cover had to speak up in defense of her again. Then I'd be slightly depressed if that happens.

>> No.47163315

>They paid in columbian money

>> No.47163319

Lurk more

>> No.47163381

Should have wrote HomeRyS

>> No.47163769

"please do not use memberships to harass our talents"

>> No.47163777

this is kinda funny. ok clock woman.

>> No.47164370

Anon, take off the MAGA hat... those 50 subs in Narco Pesos are still 105$~ the pop.
The US subsidies that shit currency since the 90s.

>> No.47164443
File: 41 KB, 688x299, kro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47164663

holy shit wtf happened

>> No.47164670

>Attempts to be forced
>Deleted everytime
So where did this actually start?

>> No.47164690
File: 108 KB, 1262x376, 1681280957580321.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the context is that /inf/ got into a fanbase war with her mod discord

>> No.47164716

wow just over 20% of the actual cost in a real country! Big boy money now

>> No.47164750

you're bad at math

>> No.47164775

Notice how she says YOU are homeress, not WE like in the original meme. Meaning she knows you are homeress for giving her money, but she wont give it back and will keep it all to herself.
What a fucking bitch.

>> No.47164803

>17 minutes ago no likes shown
Nigga you wrote that.

>> No.47164806

Lmao a cuckfight.

>> No.47164863

Useless thread #492858262037 but good one Kronii, unironically. I exhaled out of my nose a little bit.

>> No.47164867

so the solution is to shit up the fanbase even more? surely this will have no negative repercussions towards the streamer

>> No.47164873

Mods deleted it right away, they can't handle criticism.

>> No.47164898
File: 22 KB, 548x104, 1681276656428803.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more context >>47158942
you can see hidwid is the guy who gifted most of the membership

no, i grabbed it from /inf/ here >>47161789

>> No.47164948

she is sooo fucking /here/ lmao

>> No.47164950

These are the same autists who threw a fit over males and forced her to get mods in the first place, do you honestly think they care what she wants?

>> No.47164997

People complaining are just poor ESL from sea, no one is forcing you to gift member if the mods wanna have a pissing contest pre-chat that’s them. Do you want high #’s or not?

>> No.47165013

lol Homeress sounds like a racial slur for a female Homer Simpson.

>> No.47165014

i thought those people left

>> No.47165024

The poor just staying poor as usual

>> No.47165052

They hate watch her, unicorns are truly in the end cucks

>> No.47165056

They did. He is lying. These are Kroniis now: petty and tribal.

>> No.47165079

Hello fancord niggers, you're a fucking joke.

>> No.47165090

Its an american thing

>> No.47165150

i am more inclined to believe this comment after what they pulled this time

>> No.47165155

I want the mods to stay out of her chat. Discordronies raiding her stream, because they're obsessed with /vt/ is bad, yes.

Why can't they stop being attention whores? They're the reason the fanbase gets a bad rep.

>> No.47165171

Tell me, do the retards gifting to spite people on lebasketweaving forum cares about what she wants ?
Does the nigger gifting 500 sub because he doesn't like the ASMR being member even tho that asmr stream is happening because of a previous memgen cares about what she wants?

>> No.47165197

tldr because I'm bored
>kronii has mods
>mods this past week have been typing in chat 120+ times per stream for some reason
>their new thing is begging for gift subs in pre chat
>gift subs start coming in
>some older kronies complain, theres a members asmr stream in a few days and they dont want shitters
>kronii fancord takes notice
>they start mass gifting supas in columbian pesos (the guy that got 500 of the 1.3k admitted to this and encouraged it)
>this guy also said he did it because he just didnt like the fact the asmr stream was members (kronii had a poll)
>chat full of minecraft tourists spams and begs for more
>mods also doing it
>spirals out of control, 1.3k gifted subs total
>kronii is just confused and concerned
>makes a meme to cope like she does with everything
>fancordfags are now raving about owning parasocials again for some reason

>> No.47165200
File: 203 KB, 527x383, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon go look how old that post is and for god's sake learn to google

>> No.47165312

Why the fuck would they care about her or what she wants? That be parasocial and icky.

>> No.47165378

>how dare the mods collect thousands in donations for kronii? REAL fans want to keep her poor and exclusive to a handful of paypigs!

>> No.47165391

I don't believe that unicorns are this persistent. They usually have a tantrum for a bit then move on to another talent or drop the hobby. They must be shitposters falseflagging as one just for the sake of making "idol culture is toxic" a significant thing.

>> No.47165438

This reminds me of debut Kronii where she farmed SC's hard by being a human text to speech machine, just reading all SC's and doing any requested voices, impressions, or memes etc. and people complained about her doing her job and making money back then too.

>> No.47165454

>MAGA hat

>> No.47165473

Ok mods went overboard a bit but why the fuck are some kronies gatekeeping and grays complaining about free shit?

>> No.47165481

They did it in columbian pesos, retard. Read. She made maybe 300 total, what she makes in an average fucking stream

>> No.47165529

Somewhat making fun of some discord fags trying to get her attention it seems.

Remember, Kronies were the ones who from the outset paid her like $500 to recite stale memes and go araara. Something about them, I guess there being an overlap of FGO fans used to paying money for nothing and coomer subhumans, combines to make them the worst EN fanbase by a country mile.

>> No.47165549

>why do fans of a vtuber not want 1.3k minecraft tourists in a members asmr stream in 2 days
grays werent complaining about it, they were egging it along alongside mods

>> No.47165551

>gifting 1k subs out of spite
If this isnt proof that Kroniifags are clinically retarded

>> No.47165555

Not him but that's dickish if you think about it. She barely makes any money, and it also proves that they'd rather win their pissing match than help Kronii

>> No.47165554


>> No.47165573

literally why do you care about who gets to see her asmr stream? i doubt she's sad about getting a fuckton of new members, why are you?

>> No.47165577

They didn't do it to get her money, just to spite people trying to gatekeep member content. It's kinda paradoxical actually because inviting like 1000 minecraft kids to a members ASMR isn't actually helpful to anyone.

>> No.47165594

they're minecraft kids of whom 99% won't renew it and 90% won't even notice they were gifted one. they won't give a half a shit about an ASMR.

>> No.47165607

Are you watching her for her or for her fanbase?No offense i close any vtuber chat i watched even if i am a member.

>> No.47165631
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>> No.47165651

so what's the problem then

>> No.47165652

Kronii has said tons of times in members streams how she likes how chat is slower and she can relax a bit and talk about offhand shit. Shes even gone out of her way to mention how busy its gotten in recent ones.
Members streams were always a cool thing hololive did to have smaller streams with more "dedicated" fans of a vtuber. Everyone likes them because of that, including the vtubers themselves

>> No.47165663

>muh racism
stfu amerimutt

>> No.47165700

She's had >10k members ever since she opened memberships

>> No.47165733

Why is Kronii always in the middle of a shitstorm?

>> No.47165759


>> No.47165767

Gura doesnt even have that many, anon. What the fuck are you talking about? Hell, you could even see how many there were on mobile youtube like 6 months ago. She had like 500 max during viewerbaity shit.

>> No.47165805

Only a small percentage is going to actually show up to the live member stream

>> No.47165808

Kronii relies on her chat alot for her content. They're unavoidable even if I close the chat.

>> No.47165810

>unironically seething because of chat
Just close the chat if you don't like it lmao

>> No.47165820

Her membership posts get up to 2k+ likes anon

>> No.47165829


>> No.47165837

So about $100 more or less after yt and cover's cut?
lmao great "fans"

>> No.47165842

Shitty discord fanbase.

>> No.47165864

Fans gatekeeping people from their streamer is the weirdest shit i have seen.

>> No.47165906

Just Kronies. And you wonder why they have the worst fanbase reputation around here.

>> No.47165919

Hello Zectry

>> No.47165923

I do, but she doesn't and that's a problem.

>> No.47165953

Who? I am just a tourist.

>> No.47165955

Zectry isn't that what your discord does?

>> No.47165956

They did it out of some petty vendetta that some kronies wanted to gatekeep her member ASMR and act like it was a win to hijack a stream with some shitty drama to own le incels.

Come to think of it I bet they're the casual vesperonii fans and/or nijiEN transplants trying to exploit anything they can do battle le evil idol culture.

>> No.47166027

Oh, sweet! Enjoy your gift sub and all the vods where kronii drops the heckin subway memes you love and actually opens up and other garbage you dont wanna see.

>> No.47166053

Its not even gatekeeping. Kronii held a poll to ask if the asmr and handcam streams would be members or not, the members voted fucking members, and the fancord got mad about it. Its fucking insanity.

>> No.47166078

wtf is this retardation lmaooooooooo

>> No.47166204

noooo i paid $5 she belongs to ME you can't do this

>> No.47166289

I am now going to enjoy your wife for free

Thanks kroniebros

>> No.47166330

>queer weaboo posting 4channel memes on Twitter
she is just like me fr fr

>> No.47166365


>> No.47166411

Is there anything worse than fans who feel so entitled to you that they see growth and popularity as something negative? You know "oshi" comes from "push", as in you are supposed to "push" them towards success. Instead you are acting in the exact opposite way, as a weight dragging them down.

>> No.47166544

Kronii is just a streamer, it doesn't apply

>> No.47166697

>thousands in donations
Thousands in monopoly money lol

>> No.47166781

>mori dad memes, kronii subway memes, inaff memes, and membering/donating in ARS is good actually because of... popularity... I guess...

>> No.47166832

kronii comes out
as a racist

>> No.47166949

The subway memes are funny though

>> No.47167068

worried about you

>> No.47167124

It's not that bad. Just slightly worse than Canadian or Australian dollars

>> No.47167130


>> No.47167302

she also only get a third of that after the other parties get their cut
real "fans"

>> No.47167327

>Even streams have jannies


>> No.47167366

So what? The only better way of sending her money would be to do it through her roommate's patreon

>> No.47167369

>the anti parasocials are now the most parasocial
Kek what a Korean gook bitch
You get what you ficking deserve

>> No.47167407

i guess they don't care about kronii's opinions after all

>> No.47167484

I know in my heart, that Brazilians are behind this.

>> No.47167509

Did they not pay for member lmao

>> No.47167526

>So what?
the fag used a vpn to get access to a cheaper currency in order to "own teh incel!!". they didn't even use their own currency therefore kronii gets less than they would've if they hadn't used the vpn

>> No.47167593

How do you know he's using a VPN and he's not from Columbia?

>> No.47167926

Some people are obsessed with le evil unicorn incel bad no good no good no good. IDK probably some jealousy over fanbase in hololive being like fraternity or something like that and they need to express it some way, exactly like the other SJW can't handle good art and have to find problematic thing about it or disrespect it because it is an eternal remember of their mediocrity and ugliness.

>> No.47168097
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, anyer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every time...

>> No.47168406

Well i guess there no point membership to her anymore, you got this "columbian" dude funding her.

>> No.47168620

It's a meme. "Husband, you spend too much money, now we are homeless..."
I guess non-native english speakers don't always pick-up on memes like this huh.

>> No.47169062

Youtube already patched that

>> No.47169176

It's always fucking d*scord

>> No.47169419

>entertainer manages to entertain a lot of people
>this is bad for some reason

>> No.47169876

I had never seen that meme before. I guess it's too recent

>> No.47172086

She should kill herself like the girl from the original meme

>> No.47172257

Because Columbia is not a country. Colombia is though.

>> No.47172533

It's a meme from /biz/ making fun of /biz/tards going all in at the top right as bitcoin took a fat shit downwards because they thought it was going to 100,000 but it hit 69,000 and then died.

>> No.47172639

Wait, doesn't this mean she's /here/?

>> No.47172651

Kronii is... actually kinda funny?!

>> No.47172798

Whatever. It's spelled differently in different languages and I couldn't be bothered to look up the proper English spelling
Kronii gets her memes from Discord/Twitter so it must have been popular there at some point

>> No.47174677

Just because you saw it on biz doesn't mean it originated there. That retarded board couldn't make anything original of it tried.
Read the link in the post that anon was replying to ffs.

>> No.47175057

well some of them are her irl male friends and she has a lot of them. so of course they would go schizo with them always hanging around in chat and getting read by kronii often.

>> No.47175104

kronies get a bad rep because of vt dumbass

>> No.47175229

she wanted it to be public but the members kept pushing and voting for it to be member's only because "they won it" through the fall guys bet. so they started gate keeping her, which discordkronies didn't enjoy

>> No.47175297

This has to be the most retarded thread of the week, imagine being not happy that your oshi got money, trying to slowing her down her grow up because "muh 5$ USD dollars" and when she does something to attract new people you only act like fucking retards. I hope you never work in a company because you fags will literally crash them with that thinking.

>> No.47175299

Nah, it's a common enough meme. I've already seen it do the rounds on Facebook when it was still popular
>inb4 go back to Facebook

>> No.47175595

now her memebers stream will be shit up
good good
death to kroniies !

>> No.47175641

This post HAS to be a falseflag holy shit

>> No.47175649

you're welcome, sharing is caring anon

>> No.47175780

and you should kys too anon, add your mother too

>> No.47175817
File: 68 KB, 1051x720, 76340926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"""Fan""" discord can't even support the chuuba they are a fan of with a proper currency?

>> No.47176619

>she wanted it to be public
>which is why she left it up to a members poll to decide whether it was public or not
How's that one work? Looks to me like it's just your typical discordniggers being salty they didn't get what they wanted.

>> No.47176929

didn't that meme girl suicide because of bullying?

>> No.47177113

>kronii makes a funny meme and advises fiscal responsibility to her supporters
Stop the presses! We need to find a reason to be angry about this!

>> No.47177782

You know how back in the day Miko hated being called a baby and Subaru wanted people to stop calling her a duck? Now they are one of the most popular members, arguably the top of their gens now despite not really having a strong start to their careers.

>> No.47178230
File: 215 KB, 512x422, beating-a-dead-horse.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>See a sheep
>"It's Watame!!!"
>See a Chicken
>"It's Kiara!!!"
>See a dog
>"It's Korone!!!"
>See a wall
>"It's Rushia!!"
>See a cow
>"It's Mori!!!"
>See a duck
>"It's Subaru!!!"
Funniest shit i ever seen, surely this is the reason behind their popularity.

>> No.47178495

>>See a cow
>>"It's Mori!!!"
>Not Noel

>> No.47178774


>> No.47180692

No they didn't

>> No.47184620


>> No.47185709

I told you Kronii was a /v/edditor but you didn’t listen.
I bet she probably got the meme off r/4chan too...

>> No.47186161

>he doesn't know about THAT supacha

>> No.47186248
File: 1.65 MB, 1512x1070, 236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funniest part of this is Kronii's general has always been a small group of emasculated betas in a discord clique. Now you can watch them cry and seethe that another discord clique is cucking them and gets to speak to Kronii directly.

>> No.47186977

>h1b's managed by troons effective at anything

>> No.47187334

If everyone who buys giftsubs ends up homeless I would be so happy

>> No.47187364

>speaking to kronii directly
its not some private discord retard its just the main hololive one with 8k people in it including cover jannies

>> No.47187380

so it's a fight between her internet orbiters and her IRL orbiters? lmao

>> No.47187443

>gets to speak to Kronii directly
Mods could always do that, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.47187550

We're all just pretending not to know the original meme right?

>> No.47192136

Can’t you read?

>> No.47194508

Heh imagine wasting your time on this whore, could never be me! I have awaken to the truth anon BELIEVE IN JESUS CHRIST and you shall be saved from hell, believe on his death, burial and resurrection and you shall be saved, and I quote JESUS CHRIST:

John 14:6 KJV
>Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

John 6:35 KJV
>And Jesus said unto them, I am the bread of life: he that cometh to me shall never hunger; and he that believeth on me shall never thirst.

John 3:16 KJV
>For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

John 6:29 KJV
>Jesus answered and said unto them, This is the work of God, that ye believe on him whom he hath sent.

>John 1:29 KJV
The next day John seeth Jesus coming unto him, and saith, Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
