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47148496 No.47148496 [Reply] [Original]

Why are the nijifags talking about low numbers today when...

>> No.47148547

rent free

>> No.47148624

Deflection threads, Pomu's cucking her fanbase still hurts them

>> No.47148654

same with holo to you nijifag

>> No.47148803

Selen had like 7k earlier today. What HoloEN sheep just can't grasp is that when you stream multiple times per day you will have some weak streams too.

>> No.47148858
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luca's cocksleeve deflection thread
Ina and Gura MIA deflection thread

>> No.47148880

Jesas 300

>> No.47149006

Kronii is now at 9k anon, is that the best you nijifags have to offer today?
and also that 7k is from the anticipated tourney apex scrim with the homos, but nice argument.

>> No.47149041

7k sandwiched between two Holococks. She could never on her own.

>> No.47149199

yeah, she mostly only get those numbers when its a big event or collab but nijifags preach at as some achievement.
When the holo girls just need to play minecraft or holocure or any horror game to get that.
KEK my sides.

>> No.47149625

>solo stream 1k+
>collab/event stream 7k
uh huh

>> No.47150005

I'm positive that when it's time to Cull the NijiEN Iluna will be the first off the Chopping block lol

>> No.47150125

>Kronii 9k on Minecraft
Wow the male collabs really hurt her. She used to get 15k

>> No.47150192

is she not the only one in nijiEN with those kind of numbers?

>> No.47150263

>Minecraft comeback stream vs normal minecraft stream
wow indeed anon.

idk why you still fight with me when you should worry about your niji going from 7k to 1k.

>> No.47150360

Aren't all of Fauna's MC streams >10k?

>> No.47150523

Alot of Iluna has the same numbers as her, as well as Xsoleil

>> No.47150722

NijiEN's numbers have imploded recently. Everyone is down by half or more.

>> No.47150732

Ren might be kept for musical reasons, same with Maria. But for the most part, you aren't wrong. Aia isn't a heavy hitter and Scarle, while a donation champ could easily achieve more indie. Kyo is a self-hating white and is also getting close to Offline TV, planting his seeds. Aster exists

>> No.47150776

Cover's IPO still isn't doing too hot huh

>> No.47151019

Yep, fauna is the go to for mc streams in EN.
She was the one that kept their server alive.

>> No.47151081

wait rly? anyone got a chart/stats to compare?

>> No.47151205

Bruh Cover ain't Nijisanji, HoloBros look forward to more Mind-blowing shit than just Numbers lol

>> No.47151438
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It's more that Luxiem cratered, but pretty much all of them have declined
Excluding the shit gens that have already hit rock bottom (maybe), the only gen across holo/niji that's been holding kinda steady for the past months is Council
Myth is fucked due to Gura/Ina MIA and Mori/Kiara JRPGs

>> No.47151748

didn't know that myth peaked more in 2022 with their offcollab than 2021, pretty insteresting.

>> No.47152051

IIRC those 2022 heights were reached by the combo of off-collabs followed by first holocure arc then Rust arc, along with Gura/Ina still being active

>> No.47152122

This is the final cope. The truth is that Nijisanji is vastly more successful than cover. More talent higher revenue better numbers. Now it shouldn't matter what the numbers actually are, but holofags can't even watch streams with how infrequent their talent is so they crawl around proclaiming how good their brand is without anything to back it. At the end of the day nijisanji fans are vastly happier with their company and aren't compelled to scream autsitic rrats because they actually watch streams. Thankfully with the way things are going cover is going to crater soon and this board will hardly ever have to hear about quite possibly one of the most overrated chuuba companys ever.

>> No.47152394

>posts luca's cocksleeve

>> No.47152685

They seethe when you bring up low niji numbers and cry about wanting /#/ banned but celebrate when they get big numbers.

>> No.47153677 [SPOILER] 
File: 302 KB, 798x798, niji_sisters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those poor, poor Niji livers.

>> No.47157185

>actually show up for work
>girls don't go out of their way to shit on their fanbases (Kronii might be a bitch but she's mild compared to NijiEN post-2022)
Yeah it makes sense to me.

>> No.47157309

lol The absolute state. Time for some graduations, methinks.

>> No.47157330

It’s been over for awhile now

>> No.47158163


>> No.47158330

i watch both faggot, so you are the schizo that has a company he hates living rent free
