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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47092908 No.47092908 [Reply] [Original]

Vtuber Fefe has stated that when she hits 500k followers on twitter she will give one random follower a blowjob. What is (You)r opinion?

>> No.47093042
File: 53 KB, 666x666, 1678076522213845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

random whore on twitter acting like a whore, shocking

>> No.47093088

500K STDs for that one random follower

>> No.47093124

>Not giving every boy in the school a BlowJ
She's not going to win prom queen like that.

>> No.47093128

I hope she streams it.

>> No.47093136

Free virtual herpes for (you)

>> No.47093179

Whore needs to get off twitter and go outside.

>> No.47093201

This is the only board faggy enough to complain about a free blowjob.

>> No.47093229

I did my part

>> No.47093238


>> No.47093254

disgusting whore

>> No.47093286

A free blowie's a free blowie. I bookmarked the tweet so I can temporarily follow when she's nearing 500k.

>> No.47093368

at least she knows she's only good for 1 thing only

>> No.47093391
File: 1.37 MB, 2000x2000, 1667129715293114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good morning sir! Do not redeem the blowjob!!!! NO! NO NOONONO

>> No.47093469

>for 500k
Big deal, Nyanners did it at conventions for free.

>> No.47093519

I think you're confusing her with Marine.

>> No.47093549


>> No.47093915

>thousand dollar plane ticket for a blowjob

>> No.47093977

>He wants guaranteed herpes
You do you anon, personally I'd rather stick to my hygienic toy that outperforms most women to begin with and remain free from stds.

>> No.47094345

99% of the population has Herpes Zoster, so it's fine.

>> No.47094360

But what if she included one month free to her fansly? Or she even calls you the correct name when you get a blow job. https://twitter.com/CovfefeChan/status/1645508702252720129

>> No.47094425


>> No.47094475

god I hate women

>> No.47094477

I think it's hilarious that people believe her and that I'm going to follow her in case she isn't joking. A blowjob is a blowjob, man.

>> No.47094500

That's almost as believable as giving 1 dollar for every like a tweet gets to a charity for trans kids

>> No.47094526

that's not a fair exchange, but let the woman whore herself

>> No.47094570

I had to block this talentless cunt from my YouTube recommendations.
All she does is post shitty anime coomerbait and ends every single one of those clips with the unfunniest punchline possible.
Well that's all I know about her

>> No.47094597

>not members or any other more manageable milestone, followers so the pool is half a million unidentifiable pseudonym accounts
Yeah not going to happen.

>> No.47094634

this sound like such a fucking retarded scam that i have to follow and see it for myself

>> No.47094642

>my whole persona is based around a random Trump tweet
What a sad state of affairs.

>> No.47094908

So a 1 in 500,000 chance of getting a bj or 499,999 in 500,000 of getting ntr'd. Yeah... I don't like those odds.

>> No.47094936

She'll never pay out.

>> No.47094953

I unironically fucking despise this piece of shit "vtuber" for being the lowest bottom of the barrel "vtuber" out there by a longshot. All of her content with no exaggeration is just "le cutoff hentai XD" or being a vtweeter talking about sexual things. Faggots on this board think VShojo is the worst thing that EN vtubing has to offer but compared to Fefe they're literal fucking angels, not to mention this girl is related to Nux too which shouldn't even be a surprise. Fuck this whore.

>> No.47094959

BJ probably stands for something else

>> No.47095107

I wouldn't put it pass this whore. She's a coombaiter so when the time comes and she hits 500k she will probably say "oh BJ? That means Bread and Jelly teehee" or some shit like that. Either way its obvious that shes playing up to her coombaiting whore act.

>> No.47095144

She's a troon defender so I'm keeping my peepee away from her.

>> No.47095284

I'm following her on 300k different accounts.

>> No.47095285

she probably gonna blowjob his boyfriend because he follow her twitter

>> No.47095359

It's not going to be random, one of her sex friends, ex or bf is going to be that "random" person.

>> No.47095365


>> No.47095431

covfefe XD

>> No.47095558

Typical english vtuber.

>> No.47096396


>> No.47096515

Thats the biggest leech in the vtuber community and the BJ will probably randomly go to her BF who is also a follower. You going to fall for this shit just like Froot was totally going to donate $100k to charity? Lmao

>> No.47096648

Followed, wish me luck anons!

>> No.47096747

This whore tried to leech off Sana of all people so I’m inclined to hate her

>> No.47096999

There is no such thing as trans kids

>> No.47097228

Followed, hope she comes through for one of her pathetic fans.

>> No.47097542


>> No.47097707

Lol. Indeed

>> No.47097769

Is she going to come to South East Asia and fuck me?

>> No.47097913

If I win a free blowjob, i will let you know by saying the codeword: jibblesquaf

>> No.47098121

based. I kneel.

>> No.47098134

I am now following Fefe.

>> No.47098383

this board often calls vtubers whores but fefe is the biggest whore in vtubing, no one matchs her whore levels

>> No.47098826

I wouldn't even say that I'd say her entire persona is based around the unfunny joke of
>Haha what if sex but in taco bell parking lot?!!!!
She literally doesn't even stream she just calls herself a vtuber and sells signed onaholes

>> No.47099050

She posted her ass on Twitter once and honestly I'll let you be the judge

>> No.47099069


>> No.47099114

I didn't want my opinion to influence that of others. But it's very flat and unappealing

>> No.47099241

>check this whores channel
>literally just clickbait hentai videos
There should be a option to report and get channels like this deleted.

>> No.47099279

I have to agree with you on that. There's nothing special about her ass. Considering she's also a used up whore doesn't make it any better.

>> No.47099708
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>> No.47100129

She never was a vtuber to begin with. She had a "radio" show which was just playing copyrighted music all day on twitch to some 4 people
then melody shilled her and she blew up even though that's literally all she ever did was play music
I remember there was some valentines video she did that featured comdost and everyone thought she was also a tranny since comdost used his real voice which sounded like a man pretending to be a woman

>> No.47100438

All she uploads is clips of hentai

>> No.47100534

True GFE material. It's okay as long as it's to another fan, that lucky fellow represents (Us).

>> No.47101172

Man, what a downhill crash into irrelevance.
I remember when Fefe was cool - bit whoreish but cool with her little radio show thingie and connections to various indies. She even organized everybody to release an album. But then V-Shojo was created and Fefe was left out of the obvious circle of V-Shojo girls and she got desperate so amped up her act of overly sexual girl and completely dropped any actual activities to instead become side bitch of a Nuxtaku but even he left her. It's a damn tragic experience.

>> No.47101303
File: 8 KB, 595x146, indog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad this whore blocked in my country
t. indog

>> No.47101776

rare indog W

>> No.47101863

man that is flat

>> No.47101908

he will just choose his bf and pretends it is a rando

>> No.47103434

Vtubing should never have left Japan

>> No.47104003

if you look through her entire history every tweet is just a coomerbaiting lie

if we're being generous its erotic roleplaying

>> No.47105190

at least with erotic roleplay i get to personally engage with whoever I'm erping with. This is just coombait grifting.

>> No.47105250

incel-kun stop it
get some help

>> No.47105392
File: 426 KB, 640x480, 1678720407781.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish whore-enablers would at least have some standards about them instead of letting any grifter shake them down with minimal effort. twitter thots don't even caption coherent sentences anymore

>> No.47106164

Can we rig this somehow? Make her give a blowjob to whoever is the ugliest anon with at least an 8 inch cock. Make her choke on ugly bastard IRL.

>> No.47107527

Ima be honest, I would vote for a prom queen who took this tactic

>> No.47107604

>unikeks ultimatly want this
>get mad when a vtuber actually does it

Is there anything more crazy than the unikek?

>> No.47108968

1 in 500.000 is a higher chance of getting a blowjob than I've ever had in my life, I'm in

>> No.47109061


>> No.47109265
File: 23 KB, 128x128, worryschlock.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I followed her, bros. Best of luck. Reminder to secretly film it and catbox it here if ever it actually happens.
Though, I'd expect her to be fine with filming it anyway.

>> No.47109409

unicorns want moe, sex isnt moe

>> No.47109441

This isn't a vtuber.

>> No.47109723

Ewwww... sucks being that one random follower, he's gonna get cooties! with a side dish of STDs!

>> No.47109806
File: 17 KB, 250x250, 793195fb875e23f533bc8467bb086ab881577ee4e30199d39f5f6ce9f6d85fb2_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's bullshit but I believe her.

>> No.47110608

I honestly will respect her if she goes through with this.
No trolling if she really does hit 500k and give a random follower or sub or whatever a blowjob in real life. She will have earned my respect. I think there's like a 1% chance she actually would go through with it.

>> No.47110667

Holy shit bro, is this the first time you've ever had a win because of being and indonesian?
Good lad, enjoy it. God speed anon.

>> No.47111845

Not everyone delivers like the pink bunny rabbit

>> No.47115267

1 in 500k, and you have to meet up somehow despite probably being far apart. I have no interest in something that isn't going to happen. Blowjob first, then sub. Always make the woman pay up first.

>> No.47120320

>excuses to suck dick

why women are like this

>> No.47120648

Unicorns are not upset at this because its not their oshi and its a whoretuber.
If you get mad at an honest whoretuber about being a whore then you are a 70 iq driveling moron.
Unicorns just hope her ilk doesnt infect their wholesometubers

>> No.47120668

She's made promises like this and never followed through. It's just bait to keep the numbers rising and it's pathetic that it keeps working, considering how long she's been around doing this
Honestly, even if she DOES do it, nobody but the winner knows so the optics remain the same.

>> No.47120875

I don't understand how it would work. Would she print a large picture of her 2d model and cut a hole in it?

>> No.47121259

If she doesnt meet a follower IRL and suck them off she is a dishonest whore worthy of no attention.
>No doubt the guy will have to pay for the trip one way or another but that wouldnt bother me at all.

>> No.47122032

This. Go to her account and search the word "followers" and you'll see how many times she's done this in the past

>> No.47123267

She's most likely filled with stds because she's a whore. It's not worth the medical bills and it be a deterrent for a potential partner if you disclose it

>> No.47123341

I fucking hate her with passion like seriously since 2 years ago

>> No.47123345

Opinion about what? She's openly a whore

>> No.47123391

I remember she also post her underboobs(?) 2 years ago, i forgot

>> No.47123412

I thought she's a vtweeter

>> No.47123476

>and it's pathetic that it keeps working
People just forget that she's done it before, and there's a sucker born every minute.

>> No.47124800
File: 758 KB, 640x947, 1660296881512931.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women moment
Wow I can't believe she did this

>> No.47125074

if you already developed some connection to the girl it might be worth it, only one chance, only one fan, you get to cuck everyone else

>> No.47127138

yeah, does she have a membership with discord 1-on-1? I want to paypig until she reaches 500k so the disappointment is even more crushing.

>> No.47127299

BJ will mean something else because everyone expects a real blow job. Oldest bait trick in the book.

>> No.47128115

>Vtuber Fefe has stated that when she hits 500k followers on twitter she will give one random follower a blowjob. What is (You)r opinion?
Cute slut.

>> No.47128272

>>thousand dollar plane ticket for a blowjob
VRChat is fine, too

>> No.47128281

Oh shit, I completely forgot about that

>> No.47128383

That's actually a pretty good idea and I'm shocked someone hasn't done it already. Seems like a natural offshoot of gloryhold genre

>> No.47128605

So, a regular monday for her?

>> No.47128967

It'll probably be the saddest head ever.

>> No.47133267

Rushed finish, no swallow

>> No.47134148

Intentionally bad, jaw hurts, sorry that's all you get.

>> No.47134619

All these people /here/ thinking they're above a free blowjob, most gay thread I ever seen. Guess I'll have to create a Twitter now...

>> No.47134663

not interested in stds, if I want my cock sucked i'll just do it myself

>> No.47134748

Were they any better than her ass

>> No.47137182

what kind of name is that

>> No.47137391

donald trump reference

>> No.47137634

>Nux's sloppy seconds
No thanks

>> No.47142266

What if they're a woman?

>> No.47142389

making 500k twitter accounts to guarantee a bj. CHECKMATE WHORE

>> No.47145087

Um based?

>> No.47151972

Enjoy aids

>> No.47157498

she's barely a streamer she's not a vtuber
