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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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47058885 No.47058885 [Reply] [Original]


This was an awful idea it's just stirring the drama and literally added ZERO new info. No receipts just "muh they were burnt out and wouldn't work with management! why dont u trust le company?? >:3"

all this stream is just her dragging gen 3 through the mud with them not being able to defend themselves.

>> No.47059001

first time encountering corporate bullshit?

>> No.47059128

I think it says a lot that they burnt out such a new gen in a short amount of time.

>> No.47059434

>nooo I don't want transparency just post a notice on twitter and pretend they never existed like my holos do!

>> No.47059435

Gen 3 was nothing but lazy whores, nothing wrong with dragging them through the mud.

>> No.47059448

They are so burnt out that they are already back to streaming again. Weird.

>> No.47059587

Reina is extremely emotional and loves to show her feelings, she would've done this stream even if management didn't allow her to

>> No.47059631

I do want transparency. This isn't the way to do it. She stated nothing different from the post on twitter and the video on Charzu's channel. It's needless drama stirring without any context/info from gen 3's side. It doesn't come across as genuine.

>> No.47059790

roru you didn't have to cancel your stream today just to make this thread sava

>> No.47060107

>lazy whores
>two big earners

>> No.47060316

Why not? I found it relatable and interesting.

I'm suspending judgement until I hear Gen 3's motives. I kind of wish Miryu had stayed behind, because she probably had the least to do with it. But she was shaken by IRL problems and she probably had to choose which bridge to burn. In which case I can see her considering her genmates better friends than her seniors.

All in all this feels like a lack of shared company culture. I'm not blaming anyone in particular.

>> No.47060382

Blame the whores - on both sides. This shit doesn't happen with men

>> No.47060416

I hope she joins Phase so she can reunite with Tenma

>> No.47060449

This is Reina being transparent about her feelings on the matter, not the company being transparent in regards to what actually happened.

>> No.47060464

>if you make a lot of money (from people just giving it to you, no less), that means you’re a hard worker

>> No.47060564

Shut up ‘Sava’, shouldn’t you be worrying how you are gonna get that 4k for your new model now that you are disabling chat and running away already?

>> No.47060920

that is literally what this business is about
not about talent but about marketing
if her product was good enough that people were willing to buy it, she deserves it
gura or ayame still make a fuckton of money despite showing up maybe once a month
blame the game, it's rigged

>> No.47061089

feeling the burn gaokek? Youre lazy traitor number whore keeps getting exposed

>> No.47061381

Ok, but none of that is relates to working HARD. What you’re talking about is working SMART. The two are not synonymous.

>> No.47061553

kawaii is a black company that always slanders talents that leave and can't defend themselves because of ndas. kawaii and the remaining talents are all trash.

>> No.47061617

This is the 9th graduation from the same company. When are people going to stop blaming the talents and start blaming the company?

>> No.47061643

>Youre lazy traitor number whore keeps getting exposed
No receipts have been provided and nothing has been proven, but keep sucking on Kawaii's dick. I'm sure you'll get a shoutout!

>> No.47061784


>> No.47061813

I know Neena and especially Oceane got shit on for leaving but I don't remember what happened with Hana and Aruru

>> No.47061878

you are aware that one of them streamed twice a day, almost every day, right?

>> No.47061894

Work smarter, not harder

>> No.47061993
File: 10 KB, 355x93, 1681145658837965.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>already taking a break
where is your stream, KEKzu, weren't you going to stream everyday now? Don't get burned out too much.

>> No.47062033

i know it's hard for you to actually watch streams, but no new info was provided at all.

>> No.47062101

>Already leaving
Maybe if you guys donate thousands more she might start streaming normally again!

>> No.47062136

that's the issue, there is no new info.

>> No.47062153

oh no no no she is getting her back blown out by norwegians again lmaoook

>> No.47062160


Oh, ONE of them. Of a five-person gen. I didn't realize one person working hard somehow translated to the entire gen also being exhausted from that single person's hard work. Putting that aside, nobody told her, "You need to be streaming twice daily." Talents have already outlined that they must only do three to four streams a week. You can't pick up a burden of your volition and then complain about it, just don't do it in the first place.

>> No.47062177

remember you can't ever quit your job for better opportunities
you must always suffer for the sake of the benevolent corporation's profits

>> No.47062200

>Gen 3 was nothing but lazy whores
>w-well, it was only one of them so it doesn't count!

>> No.47062207

If you do it under false pretenses then people are justified in shitting on you.

>> No.47062229

I accept your concession.

>> No.47062233

>"but you will never quit sucking my cock"
t. PrussianBot

>> No.47062255


>> No.47062257

what false pretenses? quote them for me or don't reply at all

>> No.47062302

You are either too invested in the company that you won't budge unless it's probably your oshi or you are already blaming the company. WACTOR people blame WACTOR, Tsunderia people blamed Tsun, but not Kawaii.

>> No.47062336

Calling it "drama" or "rrat" doesn’t magically make it a drama.
Reina said nothing. Not even one bit of sentence or explanation that is drama-worthy.

If she did you would’ve already clipped it and made 20 threads about it.

>> No.47062356

burned out already?

>> No.47062473


>> No.47062501

Reina is right. Everyone, in gen 1 and 2 is working in or was (Nene) working in corporate bullshit jobs, they know how the world works and gen 3 were all entitled zoomers working their first real job.

TLDR Kawaii will only hire hags going forward.

>> No.47062612

>no new info
>btw i'm gonna ignore that after some convincing, some of them wanted to stay, and on new day they wanted to leave again, that totally not sounding like there was pressure on those who didn't want to leave

>> No.47062643

When any of the hags leave, which they haven't. Kawaii has a zoomer problem.

>> No.47062700

They left on good terms, there's no bad blood there.

>> No.47062767

People bitch about their jobs no matter what it is. The thing is the longer you're there you get complacent and comfortable even though shit still sucks, or at least isn't ideal. I imagine the older girls are complacent and comfortable knowing how bad it used to be. Stockholmed even. New girls did not have that perspective and dipped when the management/company wasn't as great as they thought it would be.

>> No.47062885
File: 315 KB, 1907x1067, Kawaii Gen 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.47062939

cuckbuds... what are you gonna do now

>> No.47063072
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>> No.47063274

Looks like leaving Kawaii didn’t resolve her ‘burnout’ issues kek

>> No.47063451

how long did daily streams last?

>> No.47063575
File: 105 KB, 434x241, 1660916627862240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

48 hours.

>> No.47063594

I would say dodging harassment isn't burning out

>> No.47063642

Do you know Gawr Gura? Laziest bitch of them all and her merch still tops all other holos.

>> No.47063830
File: 50 KB, 360x420, 1681143165128398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she got oneguy'd by this retard, give her a break

>> No.47063899

>I won't stick my nose into someone else's business
>but here's me making assertions based on my assumptions (which are based on nothing but my pre-determined views)

>> No.47063968

Classic Holo anti copes

>> No.47064177

>I can use inductive, abductive, and deductive reasoning to establish prepositions
Who the fuck talks like this, he sounds like a retard who thinks that using bigger words is an automatic win button for internet arguments

>> No.47064314
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important context

>> No.47064329
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Autists like this should be old yeller'd.

>> No.47064400

>>47064329 (me)
And of fucking course I was right. And so is the cure.

>> No.47064670
File: 274 KB, 650x418, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I hope I'm not reprimanded for coming into Gezu's chat and committing verbal onanism."
The more I read it, the worse it gets.

>> No.47065220

>better opportunities
Yeah, now they can cancel streams as indies and never have 3d models
The suffering of playing video games for money

>> No.47069428

Qrd cause I tabbed out of her stream after 30min of her saying the same fucking thing without any new info

>> No.47069658

holy shit why did your mama let you make this post?
This was an awful idea it's just stirring the drama and literally added ZERO new info.

>> No.47069809

>I tried to convince them and they were all nice to me, I don't know why they left
that's not drama anon

>> No.47070268

You mean they have a zoomer management problem. Yes, that might be the main issue.

Phase was the same, until they hired an extremely competent manager (@HasekuraMuumi) who doubles as a counselor for the troubled girls. Her being Japanese is not a coincidence to their success, because some of the girls will message or call her at all times of the day and the night (of all time zones!) with the most inane requests / complaints / fears / delusions, and not many westerners would handle such a job with the dedication of a Japanese office worker.

>> No.47070428

Yes, I noticed that line too.
Now we have confirmation that there are 1 or 2 charismatic ringleaders and the rest are pushovers. Which shouldn't be any surprise, since we already suspected whom is whom.

>> No.47070792

I just hope Sava wasn't dumb enough to think she had a chance at getting into Idol because she knows the ghost.

>> No.47071300

Muumi is a god damn saint, literally carrying phase on her back. I agree, all of these vtuber startups could use a person like her.

>> No.47071370

bet she did probably shitting herself after they came out and said not gonna happen

>> No.47071909

Is Kawaii not a Japanese company, that's normal in their culture. A game lead I respect named Mortdog recently talked about how he never really saw people leave when he worked at Nintendo, but he always sees new faces at Riot.

>> No.47074455

So far it sounds like a grass is greener situation not unlike Rosemi ditching Tsunderia for Niji

>> No.47074912

Like, being and indie is better than being in Kawaii? How so? Or do you think they were snatched by someone else and this PL stint is a diversion?

>> No.47075205


Sounds like Tumblr fanfiction of Benedict Cumberbatch's Sherlock.

>> No.47075249

We still don't know their side for leaving, but one of the reasons is probably that they don't have to split 50% with Kawaii.

>> No.47075318

why should I trust the cunt saying this? what gives her more credibility than the others?

>> No.47075674

She'll be a forever indie likely wasting her artistic and singing talents.

>> No.47075771

Except they went to becoming an indie not joining another corp. Generally, this type of behaviour gets you blacklisted from every company except Vshojo.

>> No.47076033

>being and indie is better than being in Kawaii?

Unironically, yes

>> No.47078486

Average gen 3 anti

>> No.47079176

many such cases

>> No.47079933

Why can't people just mind their business, Vtuber fans need to chill out somehow people manage to be even more embarrassing than being a fan of underage anime women in the first place. These people didn't harm you, leave them be if you don't like them, and go on enjoying your company Vtubers.

>> No.47080155

Stop hiring whorish, zoomers, from the west.

>> No.47080588

I completely agree, but this is 4chan we are talking about.

>> No.47080597

>one and half hour
Can someone just give me a TLDR instead?

>> No.47080780

She provided no receipts. Just the same talking points from the charzu video of "le girls were burnt out" and shit talking them while going on about "why does no one trust our company??"

>> No.47081139

This is a human thing and it'll stay

>> No.47081369

ok gaokek

>> No.47083796

Seriously rent free nijinigger. Was sana and coco full graduation stream not enough? Gen 3 and Gen 5 apology statement? Or maybe you’re so new you don’t know about the biggest vtuber stream of all time

>> No.47084246

The only real difference was that 2 of the graduating members she talked to without telling anyone and they decided to stay. She texted them the next day about it and those two went back to wanting to graduate. Which means 2 of them didn’t have any real problems and are what you called easily influenced.

>> No.47084562

It’s more accurate to say they’re not leaving unless they think the job is guaranteed to be better. This means more pay or less pay in exchange for not being a black company.

>> No.47084800

If they're easily influenced then why couldn't Reina easily influence them?

>> No.47085009

Sava threatened to kill herself.

>> No.47085178

Same as the statement but added that 2 of them almost changed their mind but overnight they wanted to graduate again. Why you think they’d flip flop you can make your own decisions Reina said she wont speculate

>> No.47085329

I’m sorry I guess my words were too complicated for you let me try less words and all caps

REINA CONVINCE THEM NOT TO. NEXT DAY THEY WERE BACK TO GRADUATING. Are you still confused or should i draw a map

>> No.47086613

So she didn't convince them?

>> No.47086717

Just because Reina claimed this doesn't make it true. But go off I guess.

>> No.47087991
File: 372 KB, 1080x1063, 1647489947605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My minding a vtuber's business is none of your business.

>> No.47088005

menace should kill herself for this

>> No.47088235

you good anon?

>> No.47088847

>Kawaii has a new gen
>New talents sign nda
>New talents realize how shitty the company is
>Talents want to leave
>Sorry you're under contract. You can't leave this shitshow until 1 year
>Talent does everything they can do to get fired/terminated
>Gets shittalked by Reine, Nami, and Nene and labelled as a BETRAYER without being able to defend themselves
This is why gen 3 graduated as a group. Kawaii is the worst small corpo black company

>> No.47090649

And yet you can't provide a single examble of them shittalking. We accept your concession.

>> No.47090877

Reina is one of the good ones. I would be very inclined to believe her.

>> No.47090953

Nice try SEA dog, but you do realize the first example is literally linked in the OP? I know you're ESL, but please try to read.

>> No.47091033

Reina is the one that collabs with males all the time

>> No.47092787

>discusses her opinions on an issue she was involved in
>doesn't name drop
>doesn't call anyone out
>at worst expresses frustration without crying
You have no proof of the NDA even existing since no one on either side has even mentioned such a thing existing. And even if it did, Kawaii is not some Mega Corpo with bottomless pockets. They aren't going to pursue legal action against faceless personas on the other side of the world because they made a few vague statements regarding the company they worked for. Even holomems have openly expressed dissatisfaction and frustrations with their jobs and faced no real repercussions (Mori's meltdown and streams on her PL last year). The fact of the matter is that gen 3 left without citing any real reasons, if it was burnout, it was obviously false since 3/4 have already begun streaming on their PLs. The only legitimate speculated reason could be the 50/50 profit split and lack of promotion but this wasn't introduced recently, every corpo has a profit split. If they wanted to maximize profit they should've stayed indie. They weren't forced to stream against their will or participate in numerous company events, Sava herself even mentioned management encouraging her to take a break before her 5 day donothon (which was her idea btw). Aletta, Miryu, and Peony were also making vague sadposts leading up to the big announcement, Miryu even had a stream planned on the exact day and cancelled it last minute. There is an overwhelming amount of evidence supporting the fact that there is an instigator within gen 3 that wanted to fuck the rest of Kawaii by encouraging a mass graduation out of the blue. This wouldn't be the first time Gen 3 has threatened management with an ultimatum either. They did the same with the Oceane situation, telling management that if she wasn't terminated they would leave. Gen 3 has always had it's controversial moments and this right here was the icing on the cake. In conclusion, kill yourself tourist and don't speak on things you have very little understanding of.

>> No.47093586

>discusses her opinions on an issue she was involved in.
Yeah and I'm saying she shouldn't talk about it unless she is going to drop some actual proof and not just fuel the drama.
>The fact of the matter is that gen 3 left without citing any real reasons.
They were not given a chance to cite anything before they graduated.
>They weren't forced to stream against their will or participate in numerous company events.
Except in Reina's video she literally complains about "omg why did they join if they didnt want to be apart of the Idol project??" when the auditions stated it was optional.
>There is an overwhelming amount of evidence supporting the fact that there is an instigator within gen 3 that wanted to fuck the rest of Kawaii by encouraging a mass graduation out of the blue.
Source: It came to me in a dream.
Got any actual proof there?
>This wouldn't be the first time Gen 3 has threatened management with an ultimatum either. They did the same with the Oceane situation
Oceane doxxed them and they were completely justified in demanding her graduation. Are you defending Oceane now?

>> No.47093698

>You have no proof of the NDA even existing
Anon, a lot of time NDAs will contain a part about not mentionning the existence of the NDA itself.
Also nobody is reading the rest of whatever shit you wrote.

>> No.47094233

based thread reader

>> No.47094578

I can’t fix stupid use google to find the definition of convinced
I never said it was true someone asked for a qrd of the video. Take 10 seconds to read make you seem like less of an idiot

>> No.47094721

>They were not given a chance to cite anything before they graduated.
They literally went on a ten day streaming strike without saying a word. They weren't spontaneously terminated they left on their own terms. They've had plenty of chances to say something to management or their senpai. Literally no one knows their real reasons for leaving which makes it seem suspicious. There's also nothing stopping them from addressing the situation on their PLs, the closest any of them have gotten was notSava's "there's so much I wish I could say rn but I can't." The same notSava that streamed right after her graduation and began begging for 4k for a model and rigging (she is a professional artist and rigger) This makes gen 3 as a whole look incredibly untrustworthy so I'm not inclined to believe her pity baiting about not being able to speak.
>Except in Reina's video she literally complains about "omg why did they join if they didnt want to be apart of the Idol project??" when the auditions stated it was optional.
Kawaii is a virtual idol company retard. If anything this makes gen 3 look even more retarded. It's like applying to work at McDonald's to be cashier and then getting mad when your boss tells you have to learn how to flip burgers too.
>Got any actual proof there?
Peony's members posts before the announcement. Miryu's cancelled stream and pre-chat before the anouncement. Reina literally says in her video that she was able to convince two of them to stay before they changed their mind again. It doesn't look like everyone was 100% on board.
>Oceane doxxed them and they were completely justified in demanding her graduation. Are you defending Oceane now?
No, the point I was trying to make was that Gen 3 was capable of threatening management with an ultimatum, showing that using their leverage as a group against management wasn't something foreign to them. Also to this day there is no physical evidence of the doxxing that Oceane did, so we just have to take gen 3 at their word on that one.

>> No.47094791

Then your word is as good as mine. It's Schrödinger's NDA.

>> No.47094793

Nta but did the auditions say it was optional fr? Everything else you’re arguing is semantics and can’t be proved by either side

>> No.47094809

Reina tells me to like the video, i like the video, simple as.

>> No.47095742

>They literally went on a ten day streaming strike without saying a word.
>Kawaii is a virtual idol company retard. If anything this makes gen 3 look even more retarded.
I'll have to look for the timestamp to link, but they said that the idol project stuff was optional when the gen 3 girls auditioned. It's more like being hired to McDonald's as a cashier and being told "the burger flipping is optional because we already have cooks for that" and then being forced to do that anyways. You can say "w.. well they should have expected that!!!" Still makes kawaii look like a black company
>Peony's members posts before the announcement. Miryu's cancelled stream and pre-chat before the anouncement.
Gonna actually link any of that?
>showing that using their leverage as a group against management wasn't something foreign to them.
Is that supposed to be a gotcha? The gen can't act as a group even if they all agree on it? You can claim they didn't agree but post some evidence.

>> No.47097618

>They literally went on a ten day streaming strike without saying a word.
Mainly referring to Sava who didn't stream at all and was completely radio silent. I worded that poorly. This doesn't change the fact that they DID have opportunities to voice concerns and instead let the issue marinate without saying anything. They surprised management with a sudden emergency meeting and completely caught everyone off guard.
> It's more like being hired to McDonald's as a cashier and being told "the burger flipping is optional because we already have cooks for that" and then being forced to do that anyways. You can say "w.. well they should have expected that!!!" Still makes kawaii look like a black company
You've clearly never held a job in your life. 100% of the time you will have to do things outside of your job description, even if your boss say it's "optional" at first. If you don't want to deal with the possibility of doing idol work don't join an idol company. That doesn't make Kawaii a "black company" they're just upholding their brand image by encouraging the talents to do idol work. Even still, no one has mentioned that gen 3's reason for leaving was their reluctance to participate in idol activities.
>Gonna actually link any of that?
I hate spoonfeeding.
>Is that supposed to be a gotcha? The gen can't act as a group even if they all agree on it?
Gen 3 was the one pressuring management not the other way around, the Oceane situation was my evidence for that. The argument that Kawaii is some black company puppet master doesn't hold up if Gen 3 is able to influence management's decisions when it came to one their most successful employees. If Kawaii was a black company, they would've kept her around for profit and made the rest of gen 3 deal with it.
The girls mention in this video that they all agreed that the best course of action was termination and that the statements in the video are made without the input of management. Nami also discussed the issue in a zatsudan but I can't be bothered to find it.

>> No.47097882

>If Kawaii was a black company, they would've kept her around for profit and made the rest of gen 3 deal with it.
Yeah, and they said right there in the video that she was warned/reprimanded *multiple times* before management finally gave her the boot. Clearly, they were intent on keeping her around until she proved that that was simply not going to be possible, black company or not.

Go back to your Oceane discord.

>> No.47098396

>Yeah, and they said right there in the video that she was warned/reprimanded *multiple times* before management finally gave her the boot. Clearly, they were intent on keeping her around until she proved that that was simply not going to be possible, black company or not.
You typically need to build a case against someone before you fire them. If they fired her without warning that would be a bad look for management and the rest of the talents in gen 3 when they made their statement. Their handling of the Oceane situation proves they aren't a black company by firing her thanks to the input from their employees. Gen 3 was able to convince management that Oceane needed to be fired. This shows that management is responsive and willing to accommodate the wellbeing of their employees even if it means sacrificing profit. I don't know why you're trying to strawman and say I'm defending Oceane. That was never the point of my argument.

>> No.47099091

does nobody here wanted to talk about that at one point Reina said : "the management agreeing to gen 3 demand to postpone their live3d idol project until they're ready and even allowing anyone who felt burnout to take a hiatus to recover. and yet they're still decide to graduate"

the whole thing is like saying that they have 4 apples and then they ate 2 of it but they still have 4 apples. what the hell is going on here?

>> No.47099438

Only a braindead would think this is not genuine, you fucking retards have so little braincells, they told you what happened, the members come out to tell you what happened, and some even say "y'know me every hour for me is shitting on management hour" and you fucking mouthbreathers still go
>duuurh this is so dumb, this no transparent duuurh, they're not letting gen 3 speak

Retarrd they all have their own twitter and had said nothing about it and they're hiding their incompetence with fucking " burn out" this how you know when someone hasn't had a real job.

>> No.47099471

I think >>47082203 covered that pretty well

>> No.47099591

Yeah because they hired retarded zoomers with no patience or work ethic

>> No.47099809

no it doesn't

>> No.47099814

Literal headcanon

>> No.47099927

Most of this post is speculation but at least it's somewhat rational. It seems more like gen 3 had made up their mind to leave and there was no convincing them otherwise. The meeting was just a formality, not an actual attempt to address issues that needed to fixing.

>> No.47099943

He didn't cover shit. He just speculated a lot. For us regular fans of both gen3 and gen 1 and 2, nothing ever indicated that there was an issue.
Sava had a meltdown over 600$ and shortly after started doom spiralling which made others cancel their streams in order to "support" her. Then she tweeted how she is grateful that her gen mates are so supportive and that is when the strike began. Lazy whore that barely streamed gaslit her entire gen that they are being left out or exploited by the company. She saw these new corps and some talents blowing up while she was stuck around 100+ ccv. She was the one that was freaking out about numbers the most while constantly taking breaks and making up shit just to not stream. Also didn't fulfill some of her dono goal rewards.
Sava is fucking scam artist. She was a scam artist when she was an indie, when she joined kawaii, and even now after all that money that she made, she is asking AGAIN for 4k for a new model.
People are just retarded and will keep falling for this shit over and over and over again. In some regard, she unironically reminds me of Nekomata Mel with that shit.

>> No.47100062

>huh? whaaaaaaa? i didnt become insanely popular just for existing in a company? better graduate and try again.
average /wvt/ mindset. if they dont blow up during their debut buff period, its over.
i dont remember who was the girl that redubuted for the 3rd time and said how after 3-4 months numbers started to go down, subs stagnated and that started her depression arc that made her stream less and less.
entitled whores.

>> No.47100097

>He didn't cover shit. He just speculated a lot.
>proceeds to speculate a lot.
Every time.

>> No.47100181

they have all essentially confirmed it too even reina shat on them and she never ever does that so you know they fucked up

>> No.47100225

that literally all happened though retard

>> No.47100249

His post is like 75% speculation. She did freakout over losing $600 and even went into Peony's stream to talk about it. She had a wildly inconsistent stream schedule and would complain about losing ccv in member's posts. She's even cancelling streams under her new PL after posting a full schedule barely 48 hours ago. She is unironically a menhera.

>> No.47100660

It clearly talks about the topic of why despite management agreeing to their demands gen3 might have still wanted to graduate as management had either proven themselves untrustworthy or severely misunderstood them.
Or are you saying that your issue with Reina's point was that it's too illogical to be true or something in which case you're right, it doesn't cover that.

>> No.47101059

i'm not saying Reina is lying. I'm sure she's telling the truth because she herself said the whole thing just makes no sense.

my question is what's the point of that meeting,

giving a whole ass speech about vtuber company isn't for anyone and speculating about management miscommunication is just unrelated rambling.

>> No.47101159

I to am perplexed you would think they would want to leave this in the dust and focus on the bigger upcoming things and ignore weirdos instead of trying to reason with them when they will never listen anyway.

>> No.47101760

>Quitting over something any member could make back in a single stream
Raging faggots like you with an obvious hateboner over one person are the best, there's zero shame in the depths of retardation you'll spout. How long did it take for you to type that? Just the idea that one person existing has fucked you up this much, that you retain so many autistic details of the great crimes of a literal 2view is worth losing my precious horse shorts

>> No.47102079

You do not understand the mentality of doom spiral mindset. Sava literally threatened to delete VODs on her tweet because she felt like she got scammed by tokyo treat box. Don't you see the irrationality in that way of thinking? Auto-sub renewal is a grimey practice, but not a scam technically. She want to delete stream contents because she feels the need to lash out and destroy something barely relevant to her own frustration. That kind of mentality is very dangerous and can cause of harms to people around her, even when she doesn't to. Her bad mood simply escalate her to make worse and worse decisions. That's the doom spiral

>> No.47102619

Meds. Now.

>> No.47102708

>Who the fuck talks like this
Indos. We have a term for that, it's called "Vickinisasi" (Vickinization)

>> No.47102743

Tell me where I am wrong?
Do you think it's rational to wanting to delete a bunch of VODs because you are late to cancel a subscription and auto charge? Remind you that those VODs still have values and can gain views in the future to bring more people to the channel
Are you not aware that Sava can make mountain out of a mole hill would readily detonate a nuke to try to destroy it? We saw all this happened before many times. I defended Sava many many times and even I have to accept this fact.

>> No.47102956

You're right, deleting videos may be a sign of a severe mental disorder.
What auto renewal are you even going on about, you just sound insane

>> No.47103081

He's talking about the $600. She lost $600 because of the tokyo snackbox auto renewal

>> No.47103100

The Tokyo Treats subscription, obviously. Did you even watch her streams?

>> No.47103127

I'm just talking about the subscription box. If you don't cancel them before the next year subscription is due, they auto-renew and automatically charge your card for the whole next year, no refund. It's grimey practice but virtually all subscription services work that way nowaday.

>> No.47103136

the 4 whores doxxed themselves and blamed it on oceane

>> No.47103697

You could watch every Sava stream and never learn this because it wasn't on a Sava stream.

>> No.47104122

The auto-renewal itself wasn't mentioned on that stream because it didn't happen yet, but her getting charged for that for another year due to the auto-renewal isn't a secret.

>> No.47104222

Unless she has 2 renewals worst she could have been charged is around $384 going by prices

>> No.47104385

Menace herself confirmed that it was $600 in her own tweet because she also missed the cancel window kek. I think shipping cost and tax is not included in the price.

>> No.47104386

>get charged for yearly chocolate subscription because you were too retarded to cancel it
>try to bring down the company you work with
In what world does this make any sense to anyone?

>> No.47104441

Confirmed what? There are no subscriptions that cost $600. https://tokyotreat.com/subscribe
Also Menace is Sava's friend and a terrible person.

>> No.47104509

Well no shit I know Menace is Sava's buttbuddy. That's why I brought it up. The 12 months plan total comes out to be $390 but that price doesn't include tax, import fees, and shipping cost.

>> No.47104535

It's $390 for the yearly subscription and in Sava's stream she herself said that shipping was $200.

>> No.47104725

>Sava had a meltdown over 600$

>> No.47106550

it makes sense for women

>> No.47107618

Menace isnt a terrible person

>> No.47107808

Zaion flashbacks

>> No.47108855
File: 326 KB, 1600x900, 16727267272.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily reminder that Aletta stole 70k from her fans and ran away with the money

>> No.47113072

I hope they end up suing KAWAII for defamation as these are their talents and they represent them, which will be the killing blow for this shitty black corpo. Especially considering the japanese law for defamation, should be very easy lawsuit.

>> No.47113882

A yearly subscription to chocolate? Do women really.

>> No.47114283

Sava is fat

>> No.47114476

Please look at any male streamer group on twitch and you will find drama 10x the size of this shit flinging

>> No.47114860

Not to mention the sexual grooming and gaslighting of their fans/mods/collab partners

>> No.47115125

Where's the lie though?

>> No.47115203


>> No.47115843

Aren't the fans getting refunded by Kawaii? Also, the corporations usually hold onto the money for a bit, so the money might not have reached Aletta's hands before graduating, so the refunds might be comming out of her cut as well.
In any case, at worst the people who got fucked are kawai, not the fans.

>> No.47116052

A company that makes you sign a contract and then expects to to adhere to it? Holy shit

>> No.47116432

Even if that's true for alleta, and past evidence says they get their share very fast as seen by their funding streams, they are refunding Sava donothon money too, that happened 4 months ago, she definitely got the money and kawaii is paying from their own pocket. Alettas is recent enough for them to wait until all refunds are issued before paying her but i speculate that she got paid and agreed to return her portion of the refunds if needed.

>> No.47116744

If you think someone that pity for donos so much and says she has to choose between buying food or heating while making a shit ton of money would quit without getting her cut you are retarded.
The other one also had 4 months to deliver the rewards too and didn't, this one even sold a voice pack saying it would have a specific scenario on it, it didn't have, she said she would release it for free as an apology later but also didn't do it. I'll take the words of the chuubas that have been great for their fans for two years instead of the ones that lied multiple times and scammed their fanbase.

>> No.47117000

Ogey, Aletta

>> No.47118262

Sorry your oshi is too smooth brain to read a contract and too much of an entitled bitch to leave a company on amicable terms.

>> No.47119362

project harder sea cunt, you have no example and you couldn't provide the simplest bit of info
