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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 77 KB, 719x719, 20230410_121350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
47060388 No.47060388 [Reply] [Original]

Reina Love edition.

Please check the official statements regarding Gen 3:


Kawaii Idol Project Original Song:

All song covers:


>Gen 1
【Charlotte Suzu シャーロット・スズ】

【Isla Coleman アイラ・コールマン】

【Nene Amano 天野寧々】

【Reina Sun レイナ・サン】

>Gen 2
【Lua Asuka 飛鳥瑠藍】

【Namiji Freesia ナミジ・フリージア】

【Shee Icho 銀杏しい 】

【Hana Flores ハナ・フローレス 】

【Aruru Gray アルル・グレイ 】

【Aletta Sky アレッタ スカイ】

【Miryu Kotofuji 琴藤みりゅう】

【Peony Aeria ピオニー・エリア】

【Sava Safari サヴァ・サファリ】

▼Kawaii """Friends"""
Prism >>>/vt//ppg+/
Phase Connect >>>/vt//pcg/
Tsunderia >>>/vt//tsunx/
AkioAIR and Not-Not-CyberLive >>>/vt//aa/
V&U >>>/vt/vnug/
Reina's pet crustacean Ebi - https://twitter.com/ushioebi
Nene's pet crustacean Kani - https://twitter.com/Kanikanizawa
Rei Tadano - https://twitter.com/zinseifunTai
Shabel Tonya -https://twitter.com/ShabelTonya
Mogu Muge - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCKj-DqyMpHgYNB3-9lZq8-w
and (You), the viewer!

Previous thread: >>47050506

>> No.47060467

Black company.

>> No.47060481

I like to think nami is one of the people here calling gen 3 retarded zoomers

>> No.47060495

Nami's sweaty smelly armpits.

>> No.47060499

Charzu company

>> No.47060572
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>> No.47060595

Talking about Sava, wasn't her the runt of the gen with Peony? Her view numbers were never good despite the donations right?

>> No.47060627

>gen3 still not removed

>> No.47060636


>> No.47060698
File: 1.18 MB, 498x498, reina.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Reina

>> No.47060718

Sava the true great betrayer

>> No.47060763

She's average but her dono number is very good. Peony and miryu had slightly lower number, and much less dono.

>> No.47060774

Why'd you take out the idol concert tweet from the OP

>> No.47060783


>> No.47060784
File: 1.28 MB, 1280x720, 8904765098704389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss you, Nami.


Slim Namiji




Normal Nami

Clothed Nami

>> No.47060821

Betrayer 2.0
It's the anti,-idol again.

>> No.47060831

namijiroo my beloved

>> No.47060869
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>> No.47060905

That's a lot of Nami.

>> No.47060924
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I Love Lua

>> No.47060945

This is probably why gen1/2 is stirring up drama instead of just moving on.

>> No.47061005

I find the way gen3 handled this situation appalling as well, but since they weren't terminated and the rest of the girls bid them goodbye in a relatively friendly manner, even thought they don't deserve it, I think its fine to leave them there for now
If they somehow escalade the situation however, I'm looking at you Sava, then I'd also want them gone from the general

>> No.47061070

They should stop after the announcement instead of putting out streams after streams to slander gen3.

>> No.47061073

All of gen 3 is guilty, no exceptions

>> No.47061121

Go back to your containment thread retard-chama >>47058885
You're not gonna get any (You)s here. And stop replying to yourself, its embarrassing.

>> No.47061187

Put Yuyu back in the OP, we can't let them take her away from us too.

>> No.47061216

Give me a reason why the gen 1/2 girls shouldn't be allowed to express their emotions on stream when they are effected by this?

>> No.47061225

Except for Oceane. I believe she is a good girl who dindu nuffin.

>> No.47061284

Put Kani, Ebi and Yuyu as honorary gen3, Shee friends too if they are good

>> No.47061294


>> No.47061321

They are needlessly drama stirring. Intentionally or not, it still only fans the flames and makes things worse. Especially when they provide 0 receipts.

>> No.47061355

It's affected
Effect is a noun
Affect is a verb, which means to have an effect on
The more you know!

>> No.47061374

You clearly don't watch Production Kawaii.

>> No.47061404

i love my very cute and very professional imouto

>> No.47061411

I never watched Oceane at all, but unironically if the other gen 3 girls were leaving anyways, it seems like having Oceane kicked out was pointless

>> No.47061457

Reina delivered her promise of not crying on stream. I'm impressed
she's probably crying right now

>> No.47061474

This. Unban Kevin then Ban Spartan and all Gen 3 betrayers. Still can’t believe that guy was in Reina’s chat today after popping up in that NotGen 3 stream. What a jerk

>> No.47061526

She doxxed everyone, had she only fucked up gen3 I would be calling her a hero and a prophet right now.
Sadly she went full menhera schizodoxxers.

>> No.47061535
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>> No.47061540

Couldn't watch, what did she say?

>> No.47061542

Nene is covering something big

>> No.47061564

yeah, my penis

>> No.47061573

>gen 1/2, management slandered as a black company across the vtubing community
>they should really let this happen and not do address it. It would be mean to the girls that created this situation.
t. retard

>> No.47061616

her ass, she should show it

>> No.47061631

how long until we can finally move on? i just want everything to get back to business as usual.

>> No.47061648
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>> No.47061662

>She doxxed everyone
No she did not.

>> No.47061689

sava slapped nene in front of koshita

>> No.47061698

Charlotte estimated 2 weeks, and that sounds about right.

>> No.47061758

you can start right now. We probably leave the OP as-is for another day or 2 to ctach stragglers. But we should be getting back to normal now. post about the girls, post your plans for the concert, talk about streams or vods.

>> No.47061768

i think that's my post kek

>> No.47061769

why do we have 2 generals up?

>> No.47061792

Since you are a tourist who only came here to stir drama and never watched or know who Reina is, you should know that it does matter that it came from her, even if there is no new information like you claimed, which is a lie. Reina is someone who earned our trust and for her to say this, makes things more clear and stops further speculations, at least from people who aren't here just for the sake of drama, like what you're doing.
She had every right to express her feelings and calm her audience after gen 3 just up and left with no explanation to her or us, their audience, who might I remind you, they kept saying they love on every stream.

>> No.47061795

based larper still baiting people days after the post

>> No.47061843

Professionalism is fine but it isn't unfair to the many fans that want closure or more information.
>needlessly drama stirring
Please stop having emotions.
Thank you.

>> No.47061846

how new are you?

>> No.47061865


>> No.47061883

that one hit bump limit and is on page 10

>> No.47061888

Reina sounds a mix of Pomu and Kiara

>> No.47061942
File: 55 KB, 1649x380, neneamano2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since you are a tourist who only came here to stir drama and never watched or know who Reina is
try again

>> No.47061998

It's not slander when it's true. You can't cite "stream burnout" as a reason to leave and then start streaming again on the side, that makes you a fucking liar. Cope.

>> No.47062010

>post is about Reina
>check out my Nene membership that I've posted several times now

>> No.47062032

This, treasonkeks have no place in Kawaii chats

>> No.47062040

i don't even care about the tourists. there's a post on the catalog right now so it's bait season. however, like Reina said she's sure the girls are watching the stream for sure. i am happy knowing that this stream, all of this coming from her, must have been more impactful to the girls. i hope they dwell on this shit. the people who i want to be affected by her stream are getting affected. that's all that matters to me.

>> No.47062064

>cloudtomo white knighting for traitors that hurt Nene and made her feel terrible

>> No.47062066

To be fair, one of them already hit a snag in regards to streaming

>> No.47062084
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I am older and I still think you are a faggot.

>> No.47062096

Retardchama you really think someone membered that long doesn't know the other talents in the company? Especially the same gen?

>> No.47062166

I love Sava but you have to be actually evil to shit on Reina

>> No.47062285

>Didn't move Ebi up.

>> No.47062372

holy ESL

>> No.47062410

They still interact because that is all they have left. Whether they are happy with it or not, the bridge is burned. They acted in a way that is disgraceful in hindsight and makes them persona non grata for any other corpo, and for what? This was such a grievous miscalculation and lack of foresight that I genuinely feel bad for them. Some may be able to find success solo, but I don’t think they all will.

If I were one of the followers/on the fence people in this situation, I would seriously reflect on your future and consider trying to rebuild your bridge to PK and its talents. In a few months, do you really think Sava will have your back if and when things get tough? Aletta?

>> No.47062468
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>> No.47062560

i like how this numberfag summarized the situation

DongusPie would be proud

>> No.47062725

>No! 8/15 employees leaving isn’t a problem with the company! They just happened to hire zoomers who have no work ethic, just like all the other companies that lost over half their talents in a couple months!

>> No.47062752
File: 308 KB, 424x753, 1679326671015689.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder if those two pudgy faggots actually met up on Long Island and had a fistfight like they said they would

>> No.47062812

incredibly kino if true

>> No.47062815
File: 50 KB, 360x420, 1681143165128398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one of you niggas?
good anti job, I'm impressed. She nuked prechats because of this

>> No.47062882

> At minimum 5 members get filtered by the aspect of idol and 3d live alone.
How is this possible? Just go dance and sing on stage in a 3d motion tracking suit. You don't even have to be good.

>> No.47062886

i read all those shitty posts stonefaced just to cope with the drama. unreal.

>> No.47062893


>> No.47062948

no anti could ever compete with well-intentioned retards

>> No.47062960

Lmao she actually get triggered by idol.... truly betrayer 2.0 but even more retarded

>> No.47063010

Would lua enjoy fist fight videos of birblings.

>> No.47063032

Wasn't one of them a euro? I actually believe the other one was being genuine because fucking New Yorkers will ALWAYS find some way to tell you they're from there, holy shit. Can't go a week on the internet without being informed of someone's residence in NY against my will.

>> No.47063056

Yeah I’m sure that’s what filtered them. It’s not like those left in PK would lie or be ignorant of details only management knows.

>> No.47063076

She enjoys videos of me wrestling with her

>> No.47063094

Yea she would do her adorable warbly laugh and then give them both light first aid aftercare

>> No.47063118

> because fucking New Yorkers will ALWAYS find some way to tell you they're from there, holy shit
you have no idea how happy i am reading this post.
you can't fucking stop saying this shit every time NY is brought up either

>> No.47063151

you already posted this multiple times

>> No.47063166

I'd heem you stiff in the first round.

>> No.47063252

You're so right it's unreal.
t. Bostonian, fuck NY

>> No.47063318

i wish I lived somewhere I could be proud of.

>> No.47063337
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ok for real why does Shee eat so many tacos? like 5 ouf of 5 times I've heard her talk about food it's tacos

>> No.47063342

at least you don't live in Ohio

>> No.47063385

Shee is latina

>> No.47063431

She becomes hyper focused on one type of food. last year it was Caesar salad and fish.

>> No.47063440

I think the most reasonable speculation from the available is that gen 3 wants the company to not make their 3d money and use that money to buy ads and shills instead. I can see their reasoning for it because they are eager for immediate growth and the 3d costumes can wait until they have good number.
Kawaii disagree with proposition. Perhaps the fund is partially from the kickstarter and it would be dishonest to use the fund for something else. Most likely, Koshita simply refuse because he wants 3d costume first and he has the final call in how the corpo invest the money. Koshita prefers to promote the company and gain growths through special events such as 3d debut and 3d live rather than ads. In his eyes, such events can both promote growths while rewarding existing fans while ads only promote growth. Remember that Koshita is a vtuber fan himself and it was the major motivation for him to create kawaii. He preders a fan-first approach for his company.
I can see both sides of the argument at this point. However, gen 3 action is still retarded and unprofessional.

>> No.47063442
File: 62 KB, 602x579, marko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change, Marko. Good luck on your grooming journey!
Gen3 fucking off is taking a lot of retarded chatters out, good stuff.

>> No.47063610


>> No.47063640

she would enjoy watching birblings get fisted

>> No.47063647

Open season for groomers with no management holding them back. I hope Akane is in Peony's DMs already. He'll be too late otherwise with all the groomers setting up shop.

>> No.47063727

>Their statements all contradict each other
But I thought all the remaining talents were forced to recite the same script written by management?

>> No.47063755

Fucking yikes big man

>> No.47063762

Thank god Pina banned him

>> No.47063771

they already have a discord for all of them, invite only of course

>> No.47063809

>If you don't have time to stream you shouldn't join any corporation, it will be better for you to do it on your own time and pace
>don't join kawaii expecting to get famous or rich, maybe one day we can all get there together if you are willing to put the work for it with us
>also don't join if you think everything will be about you, it's about everyone
I already can imagine how fucking angry two specific people were while listening to this without being able to do anything because it's true.

>> No.47063875

gezushit and the horsewhore on suicide watch

>> No.47063916

antis called this out months ago, exactly these reasons for exactly those people

>> No.47063920

why does new england hate new york so much?

>> No.47063974

they deserve it for being the gate that let in all the browns

>> No.47064053

asking for a timecode
holy kek

>> No.47064073

Why can Sava suddenly stream every day

>> No.47064105

she can't lol

>> No.47064111


>> No.47064119

>stream every day

>> No.47064155

>already on break

>> No.47064158
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>> No.47064162

Gen 3 seemed too unreasonable. It reminds me of people who think once they get into vtubing they will instantly be the next gura or at minimum at holoEN's number but they never recognize that holo wasn't always that big. They had to build up slowly starting from Sora.
gen 3 wanted the glory fast and it was either do what they wanted that instant or they leave.
Just imagine a person doing what they did at any workplace in person. The new hire coming in with "great" ideas and everyone needs to listen to them. No one else matters and only their opinions are valuable.

>> No.47064176

Feels good to have always been a whorse anti, holy shit. Though on the flipside I was a big fan of Sava and usually gave her the benefit of the doubt whenever she gave a bullshit excuse for not streaming. Big fuck-up on my part but it evens out

>> No.47064186

I'll never forget what they took from us

>> No.47064240

>The new hire coming in with "great" ideas and everyone needs to listen to them. No one else matters and only their opinions are valuable.
Nothing Reina said suggests this is what happened

>> No.47064259
File: 1021 KB, 1120x1680, Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It is time to coom!
>We can come back here with post-nut clarity to continue debating in 10 minutes!

>> No.47064265

Gonna edge for Nami's stream on this

>> No.47064264

She tried

>> No.47064466

Yeah so I’m a casual pk viewer Former Hana, current Charzu, and current/former Miryu fan and just got through the Reina stream. I still don’t know who’s fault it is. From what I got from her stream gen3 had a massive >women momento, but on the other hand, yet another Japanese entertainment company could be exploiting their talents, possibility both . Not sure which one is more believable. Reina is the type to wear her heart on her sleeve and these type of unfiltered rants make me believe I can trust her, or at least her perspective, on these issues. But also doesn’t feel right accepting her/pk’s side wholesale without giving gen3 a chance to give their perspective. Not sure what to say /pkg/bros

>> No.47064499

>>women momento
thats what happened

>> No.47064507

What I don't get is why they cried about burnout, even though management greenlit them taking a break or hiatus only to then set up schedules right after graduating? Was it a lie?

>> No.47064519

About 1h and 7 mins in

>> No.47064575

What actually makes me mad about everything is the fact that gen 3 were supposedly fans of Kawaii.
I'll never forget when Miryu showed up in Nene's chat, I think it was during an ASMR, and asked for a kiss from Nene and Nene was surprised because none of her other coworkers had ever asked for a kiss before, but that was all a lie.

>> No.47064599

It's okay. notSava already " burnt out " again lol

>> No.47064605

>lua's good boy
ahhh stop.

>> No.47064705

i already found but thx

>> No.47064722

Why would Charzu stay if it was bad? i don't think the idol dream is THAT strong for her.

>> No.47064726

Why does Reina say 'axed' instead of 'asked'?

>> No.47064785

My chocolate goddess Reina...

>> No.47064793

Jersey girl.

>> No.47064830

Charzu is a huge idolfag and she is extremely loyal to Kawaii even though she constantly complains about the management

>> No.47065000

Serious Reina is kinda scary.
Didn't she just post a full week streaming schedule?

>> No.47065088

She will take one food and eat it for two months and then not touch it again for a year or two.

>> No.47065116

Being an idolfan and being an idol are different. My point is Charzu wouldn't put up with a black company just to sing and dance on stage.

>> No.47065143

Sorry AIanon I need to let something out and it's not cum.

>> No.47065151

No clue, Charzu’s irl job is a soul draining desk wagie. She may have just be gaslighted into believing at least management isn’t as bad as her irl management.
>t. fellow desk wagie

>> No.47065264

She just canceled her stream today and said she's going to take a break
Also close her pre-chat
Retards in other threads are trying to sens dm and maro to make her feel better but personally, I think they are retard because they all think they know what to say even when they don't

>> No.47065309

Imagine what a retard you need to be for PINA to ban you, one of the most wholesome vtubers ever. lmao. Marko is a creepy faggot.

>> No.47065480
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Understandable. You can go to the main page whenever you feel like it. It will be linked there and I'll spam it a few more times anyway.

>> No.47065703
File: 45 KB, 236x210, 1660175011913394.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Leaves from the vineryu
Falling so slowryu
Like fragile tiny shellsryu
Drifting in the foamryu

Lua's good boyryu
Come marching homeryu
Lua's brave boyryu
Come marching homeryu

Ash in the snowryu
Falling so slowryu
Like fragile broken heartsryu
With no place to goryu

Lua's good boyryu
Taken from homeryu
Forced to fight a warryu
That was not her ownryu

Lua's good boyryu
Cold and aloneryu
Lua's brave boyryu
Never made it homeryu

Leaves from the vineryu
Changing so slowryu
Like empty fallen soulsryu
Looking for a homeryu

Lua's good boyryu
Thought she could soarryu
Lua's brave boyryu
Fallen in the warryu

My good little boyryu
I need you homeryu
Brave little boyryu
Come marching homeryu

Remember what they took from ryu.
Remember the futureryu that never was.
The destiny they plundered.
The reality ryu were robbed of.

>> No.47065732

let it go already

>> No.47065738
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>> No.47065747

If it isn't a shitpost, the retard sent one that wouldn't have helped at all. It was an empty message and she wouldn't want constant reminders about this shit even if schizos are somehow right about Kawaii being a black corpo.

>> No.47065771

[Yab Alert]
Lua is going to have FIVE GUYS with her sister tmr.

>> No.47065810

in a row?

>> No.47065832

all five of those guys are me btw

>> No.47065833

This imbecile had several grooming victims and they all basically told him to fuck off. I thought it's some retarded kid but it's a grown ass man.

>> No.47065844


>> No.47065879

all me

>> No.47065911

Gotta start a grooming tips school for these retards and charge them for it.

>> No.47066090

alright bros, what do you want; pussy, ass, mouth, left hand, or right hand?

>> No.47066126


dunno why so many queers fetishize every other hole when the feature-complete option is right there

>> No.47066132

i'm sticking my 1.5inch monster in her nostrils

>> No.47066236

i bet a good blowjob feels better than pussy

>> No.47066242

This guy is a proper schizo.

Here’s what he had to say about Pina of all people: https://twitter.com/MarkoInGaming/status/1631543557336055811?cxt=HHwWhoC-qZOOtKQtAAAA

>> No.47066356

he also has a 7hr rant about the kawaii graduation on his channel he is a groomer through and through

>> No.47066454

Bro, pina is like a fucking perpetual 2 views. You have to be extra special retard for needing superchar to get her attention.

>> No.47066460

It's a bit debatable, cumming from a BJ is actually harder on average but if the girl knows what she's doing or is listening to you well then it's the best orgasm a man can have.

>> No.47066472

It's insane to me that people this genuinely deranged actually exist and aren't just works of fiction. What the fuck needs to go wrong in someone's life to end up like this

>> No.47066495

Hell no, I need to be at least one day on edge to cum from a blowjob, (jerking you off with the dick in their mouth doesn't count) pussy is just made to forcefully squeeze you cum out like nothing else.

>> No.47066509

I feel kinda bad for Peony. Her chat's gonna be 90% groomers now, up from the 50% she had before. I hope she bleeds them dry

>> No.47066519

holy schizo. It's funny knowing he won't abandon "gen 3". kek

>> No.47066523

Yeah I saw that. He tweeted at Nami too lol.
Just the fact that he said all that about Pina, and is now trying to virtue signal about Kawaii is absolutely hilarious.

>> No.47066525
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>> No.47066530

Isn't Pina married anyways?

>> No.47066577

Idk, I don't look into RM stuffs that much

>> No.47066613

Then you've probably never just had a good one, my ex once sucked off me so well that I actually lost feeling in my hands and arms because I came so hard.

>> No.47066616

>One of the likes is NeoPeony
What did she mean by this.

>> No.47066649


>> No.47066676

>Go see it if you're joking
>It's real

>> No.47066752

And to think that his rant about Sava was justified. He was the good guy all along

>> No.47066778

y'all loyal lmoa


>> No.47066799

If I ever end up like im going to just kill myself and get it over with.

>> No.47066800

Thanks charzu.

>> No.47066842

I still hate women, Nami

>> No.47066922

After listening to Reina talk about things, I'm wholly convinced that one (or two?) of the gen 3 girls went into kawaii with the intention of leaving. Get in, get the corpo visibility buff, dip to go indie and retain a larger audience than if she stayed a nameless indie streamer. Millennials and Zoomers do this shit to companies all the time, of course it'll happen to a vtuber agency. They likely convinced the rest of gen 3 to leave with them, with bogus manipulative horseshit, so that it was less obvious and not look as bad for leaving so early.

Kawaii did nothing wrong and anyone who supports these indies are just dooming small corpos ti be taken advantage of and prevent other small indies from ever having the chance to succeed.

>> No.47066929

Make sure that from now on only 25+ women are hired and they had a job before.

>> No.47066973

2 options
> forget about miryu for now and wait to see if she find finds her old path back or at least take the right path forward
> go full groomer mode to attempt to steer her in the right path.

>> No.47066993

>Guys think of the company!

>> No.47067030

If you go full groomer you will be fighting against the other 3 girls who will push her to whatever they feel like.

>> No.47067031
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>> No.47067070

get ready to fight against que then

>> No.47067077

what are you doing here, gezu? didn't you have a stream schedules?

>> No.47067158

Didn't you see the messages she posted in her chat? She's too busy reflecting over her shitty impulse decision to stream right now

>> No.47067160

Anyone who posts that the girls from Gen 1 or Gen 2 are being disingenuous they are an astroturfing ex-Gen 3 member.

>> No.47067184

If what Reina said is true that she managed to convince some of them to stay but they ended up deciding to leave the next day anyway, if it was Miryu, there's a high chance someone else is in her ears doing some unreal gaslighting so good luck.

>> No.47067225
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Can't you guys just forget Gen 3 ever happened and support the girls we have?

>> No.47067564

I only watch Charzu but I've enjoyed seeing how Sava went from the Christmas stream, to all that Norway schizophrenia, to this.

>> No.47067589

>check out kawaiis webpage
>full of spelling errors
>lacks updates
>in general feels like a scam website
power of japs

>> No.47067627

The faggot who posted about Miryu being Suisei-like triggered me, got me thinking what could've been again. I guess she can still achieve it solo, but it would be an arduous task plus from my own perspective this stain about gen 3 blowing up won't ever be removed from her career. At least her new fans won't have this view.

>> No.47067668

So were the Sava schizo rrats about her staying with some eurofag oil baron true in the end?

>> No.47067677

Fryla sex btw

>> No.47067924

I noticed that too because I checked the site to look for some way to contact kawaii and get my Gen 3 merch orders refunded. The site looks really amateurish and is hardly even updated, I'm surprised that they even bothered to add the ex Gen 3 members under "graduated"

>> No.47068022

Post your vindicated posts about the traitors.
For me, it's

>> No.47068387

not mine but this was posted like 1 day before the day of the betrayal about KEKletta

>> No.47068412

I just watched reina video about what happened and I now like both sides a bit less. Reina probably didn’t mean it but she chose the 2 most emotional and easily manipulatable members to try to win back and she almost did. Which also means they’re being manipulated by the 2 other girls to follow them. Anyone feels sad for the pushovers

>> No.47068454

option 2 is the moral choice

>> No.47068621

I was the one who posted it and you are lucky I didn't ritual post it again in this thread for (you).
As a Hoshiyomi, I knew that the event completely change her fate. In vtubing, music/singing vtuber is very saturated in jp and maybe started to be saturated in EN as well. It's a very very hard niche to have a break out and incline. You need stand out streaming content on top of singing, exposure, AND somehow get your cover out there (which cost money as well). It's going to be very unlikely for Miryu to get anywhere now and she probably just gonna have a bit of fun until she's gone. She's too undeveloped and lack technical skills such as mixing and tuning. Unlike suisei, she's too shy to reach out aggressively and feel contented clinging to the friends she already have. Even Yuyu is not following her PL atm....The ones who reach out to her would not really help her in the indie scene because they are usually in an even worse position. Her chance of going into a big corpo is slim hecause the incidence of gen 3 is not a good mark on her history from an employer/recruiter POV. Even if she was in Kawaii, there is still only a small chance for her to get big because kawaii is still and small corpo, but at least kawaii can provide everything for her to thrive. Music focused vtubers are like the slow and steady projects of every corpo. They are rarely the first to break out, but when they do, they become the flagship of the company.

>> No.47068733

fuck this timeline, I am mad about Miryu again

>> No.47068795
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february 16th

>> No.47068933

Hey, Olympic village in China had stores with the sign 404 translate server error or whatever it was.
This is one of the biggest sporting events in the world btw.
Engrish is hardo.

>> No.47069028
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>> No.47069046

i dont know they had that in china

>> No.47069116

literally is a small indie company, please understand

>> No.47069203

I can't believe Peony and Miryu didn't want to sing and dance so much that they made everyone graduate in disgrace.

Blacked company

>> No.47069311

Reina is black...

>> No.47069316

I feel like it would be more likely that she joins as an actual talent, because right now Eien is in a lot of people's mind just "Vshojo+". The only exception seems to be Kilia who leans more in the GFE direction. If Eien wants to be more than just the porn chuuba company, adding more girls like Miryu that stay away from that stuff might not be the worst idea.

I doubt that was ever really her plan though. Miryu doesn't strike me as a Machiavellian, scheming mastermind.
But now, it might be the only option she has left. I doubt she will see much growth as an indie, especially as ex-Gen3 inevitably drifts apart, and I would expect other corpos to stay away from them at least for quite a while.

>> No.47069319
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even the code has typos
full of sovl

>> No.47069341

>Blacked company
Yet Aletta didn't stay...

>> No.47069370

nami let me sniff your tits

>> No.47069521

Spicy Latina Company

>> No.47069528

I'm not

>> No.47069534

So for touristposting but do the talents get input on what model they get?

>> No.47069536
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>> No.47069610

kinda, they usually let them choose their outfits but Sava wanted to make a custom model for herself and the management didn't let her do it because it would be disrespectful to the artist or some shit like that

>> No.47069696

Yea they get to name their pick. If two girls have the same pick, they had to battle each other out in a mud wrestling match for dominance. For gen 1, both charzu and nene had to battle it out for nene's model. Nene btfo'ed charzu by pinning charzu under her fat ass and got her model of choice and charzu had to settle for her 2nd choice.

>> No.47069705
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>> No.47069721

sex btw

>> No.47069732

Hope they force them to have big tits at least, and I kinda get that type of autism of not disrespecting the artist. It is also beneficial to keep artists happy, they usually do a bit of free work

>> No.47069798

cunny hate corpo

>> No.47069838

Production Oppai does, indeed, force big tiddies on their talents. Charzu is smallest afaik and she's at least a C, though it's more pronounced on her 3d model than 2d.

>> No.47069851

Big tits are for real blue collar men who do real work
Cunny is for the faggy white collar office worker
Simple as

>> No.47069882

Koshita's oshi is Noel

>> No.47069884

I like Charlotte.

>> No.47069938

More than that, standard jp vtuber culture tries to keep the same artist for the same character as much as possible because it's like the identity or "DNA" if the character. Even when there's a drastic appearance change in case of Irys, they still use Redjuice as the artist for the design. When twitch culture adopted vtubing, they don't really honor that autistic tradition much and basically just have multiple models/costume designed by completely different artists.

>> No.47069940
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>> No.47069950

I hope for the concert they turn the tits physics down just a bit so it doesn't look ridiculous.

>> No.47069990

i hope they turn up the tiddy physics, give those girls a mind of their own

>> No.47070014

Shut the fuck up. Isla is a cute princess that shouldn't be lewded in any circumstance

>> No.47070069

Just going from what I remember of the debut, but wasn't Nene the only one with absurd jiggle physics? The others were all fine.

>> No.47070159

ive never thought of this and it makes so much sense

>> No.47070160

she's LITERALLY on my dick right now

>> No.47070217

What she says is that kawaii is a failed corpo that doesn't do what corpos are supposed to do. It doesn't even qualify as a circle, because in circles people are usually passionate about their hobby, and not lethargic sloths who are fine with spending several years on a project that can be done in a month.

>> No.47070248

same but Lua

>> No.47070265

I made this post

>> No.47070290

im samefagging

>> No.47070296

this but Charzu

>> No.47070306
File: 333 KB, 480x480, 1673296748620128.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Reina: Do you think that Charlotte or Nami would stay in this company if they were being mistreated?
They would team up and beat up Kinoshita.

>> No.47070335

>corpo visibility buff

>> No.47070402

I had an ex-coworker who jumped from a 0view tech company that is constantly on a path of self-destruction to working at Google.

>> No.47070580

all me

>> No.47070594

> manage to incline
> manage to get merch out
> manage to get 3d outfit
> manage to get a 3d live planned out

>> No.47070745

Adding to this I think that all the girls are 3views by now so that puts them firmly in the top 1% of streamers even if from their perspective it might not look like much.

I don't know, this reeks of zoomers getting a taste of money and a swollen head from the donothons and expecting to get Holo numbers just from existing.

>> No.47070824

I won't forgive her for besmirching the good name of my beloved Sava...

>> No.47070904

>actually more competent than NijiEN management
>quicker than HoloEN management to get a live concert
Talent may be 3 views but management seems like the best in the business (if you disregard that you might have different opinion on their stance on digital promotion)

>> No.47070910

And how often does it work? Literally none.
You rarely get long term buff from just joining and jumping ship, especially jumping on bad term. At minimum, you have to ride out the contract. If you jump ship, you HAVE to be recruited aka poached by a bigger corpo
Look at who is actually successful at trying to pump and dump a small corpo? No one. However the ones who actually ride it out EVEN in shitty corpo are maintaining their buff IF they work hard for it. Sometimes, a corpo is so shitty that you have jump ship, but aware that you gonna start from scratch again.

>> No.47071064

To be fair, I don't expect kawaii concert to be as good as niji or Holo 3d live. However, it's nice that they attempt to deliver something for the fans.

>> No.47071167

as Reina said, kawaii is a small and humble company. It's not trying to be one of the big corpos and it's not the place for you if you want to be super popular

>> No.47071178

I think they made a new general for your whore and her trash "fans" like you. Go.

>> No.47071215


>> No.47071688

funnily enough the whorse was well on her way to becoming popular, but she threw it all away because...woman brain I guess?

>> No.47071823

Did shaaang also deserted or is he still around?

>> No.47071914

shaang dropped Aletta a few weeks ago to become a full turdling, she kept all her paypigs though

>> No.47071917

She only cares about making enough money as full time vtuber to prove her parents wrong. She doesn't want to have to take singing/dancing lesson and perform because that's extra work. She just wants to stream and enough paypig to sustain her living cost.

>> No.47071940

American Football

>> No.47072018

There's no limit to how low you dramatrannies go to stir shit up. Neck yourself.

>> No.47072134

I love how the janny clean-up up crew killed it. A great post, especially in retrospect.

>> No.47072170

I think it's funny, and the site is actually dogshit. That's endearing JP being ESL and stuck in the early 2000 when it comes to web design

>> No.47072175

if she’s a pro maybe but penetration is always better in my book

>> No.47072230

Yeah, they all seem to be pretty normal. Reina's was maaaaaaybe a touch too energetic.
I'm mostly ticked that the VR one-on-ones had major league gimping of the Gainaxing.

>> No.47072285

I don't even think that guy is trying to start shit because the site reeks of amateur web design and has ESL written all over it. They don't even update it for major events

>> No.47072289

>NotPeony is a demon
>Reina is a demon

>> No.47072336

meant to respond to >>47072018 lmao

>> No.47072340

and baseball

>> No.47072420

Wasn't she boasting about dropping out of school for this? Man I really hope her parents find out and shit on her for it.

>> No.47072425

Holy shit. That was my post, forgot I made it but it aged even better than I could have imagined it would have.

>> No.47072474

There were a few good schizopost analyzing her irl stories, like the one where she was still seething at getting the short end of the stick in some elementary school project.
She always seemed very spiteful and selfish to those who had eyes to see.

>> No.47072622

Orange is the new black

>> No.47072827

How long did it take Myth to get their 3D? They had to do it themselves in a VR chat first. Biggers vtubing agency btw.

>> No.47073060

Bloody hell atleast take poopman with you Aletta

>> No.47073078

> however I can use inductive, abductive and deductive reasoning to establish prepositions.
Holy fuck! LOL
This guy is nowhere neat as smart as he thinks he thinks he's really, really smart.

>> No.47073291

i thought he was being a troll, he can't really be unironic about that, there's just no way, it's just too over the top
but I guess poe's law is a thing

>> No.47073590

Man... I went for a beach weekend and when I come back the whole gen 3 is gone, just wow. Sad that things went this way. I guess contract renovation negotiations failed.
Wonder if the horse will be picked by niji, maybe the entire gen too? would you be mad if she or some of the girls reincarnate there? would you follow them? or would you be mad that the niji faggots took them away into their cuck corp?

>> No.47073665

I saw him in some chats before, and no, he's just a turbo autist for real

>> No.47073751
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>> No.47073889

What gen3? Kawaii only has 2 gens. Go ask your questions about others in /saga/ or whatever.

>> No.47073932

I only watched Peony and I want nothing to do with the swarm of groomers already circling. Might watch from a distance but I kinda doubt it

>> No.47073978

Ah fuck I ESL'd the shit out of this sentence. My pure English bloodline, forgive me.
It's possible he's a troll but I've met a few people like that before. It's a tell-tale sign that somebody is super self-conscious about their own intelligence. I'm no dummy, I've tested in the 98th percentile but even I used to be like that a little bit myself until I met some actual super high IQ people and realized that it doesn't matter how hard I try to fake being a genius. being above above average versus being a true shining light are as far apart as the the east is from the west and it taught me to be content where I'm at since it's more than allot of people get.
But I had to learn that lesson, I could have gone all my days as a smarmy know-it-all fuck ass if left to my own devices.

>> No.47074015

>Wonder if the horse will be picked by niji, maybe the entire gen too?
peony and sava will be irrelevant indie 2views
aletta, who knows. maybe miryu joins eien after some time

>> No.47074024

No, the way they left kawaii put a mark against them for corpo scout. Even when a talent is being poached, they usually give a proper head up for the corpo currently working and go out on good term publicly, like the case when Niji poached rosemi from Tsunderia. Niji EN gives so little shit about their female hire now a day and they are also huge number fag when it come to their candidate choice.

>> No.47074065

>case when Niji poached rosemi from Tsunderia
No one in tsunderia even knew it was happeneing except slugma

>> No.47074122

Hero shit was nothing compared to rev drama desu. Did not watch the whole video yet so I have no idea what he says but expect more tourist.

>> No.47074206

No matter who you are or how smart you are, humility is an attribute you want to have. If not solely for the fact people will like you more.
Glad you matured out of it.

>> No.47074271

Yes, but she left tsunderia properly with a graduation stream right? She simply put in resignation letter, and stream the rest of her time there. There was no streaming strike and negotiation break down. You don't want a high profile event.

>> No.47074300

however, humility is annoying when you're genuinely someone amazing/exceptional
own it

>> No.47074348

>company bad

>> No.47074428

More like be able to accept compliments. Humble in victory and in defeat.

>> No.47074469

>No, the way they left kawaii put a mark against them for corpo scout.
Is not like they doxxed and mobilized individuals to harass the other girls

>> No.47074504

If the harassed girls were other members on Gen 3 they deserved it.

>> No.47074541

you can own it while still being humble, but the important part is to never brag, have your work be evident enough. You shouldn't need to say anything

>> No.47074543

Would you hire them? Peony or Miryu, maybe? Sava is a hard no and Aletta is a risk even when pulling numbers. This will absolutely count against them if they try to go back to a corpo.

>> No.47074560

Half of it is Japanese company austim and the other half is copyright bullshit, when you hire an artist to design and do the illustration for a model you can't just let any other illustrator make outfits, as it usually includes an exclusivity contract with such illustrator.

>> No.47074567

Doubt this company will be getting any new vtubers for a veeeeerrrry long time. No one wants to join a company that more than half get terminated or graduate

>> No.47074570


>> No.47074626

I'd hire them to hold my cock inside them, but I don't trust them enough to polish my knob so long as they have teeth.

>> No.47074658

That just sounds like an opportunity to me

>> No.47074662

> production cow-ee
How the fuck can you watch anime and not know how to pronounce kawaii.
> this individual ra-eena

He does empathize with Nami's statements and talks about how he also feels for the fans who were left behind. He comes out refreshingly sympathetic to the situations Kawaii was put in by the graduation.

Rev is a faggot but he took a solid position on this subject.

>> No.47074719

vaginas don't have teeth retard

swear to god

>> No.47074766

I believe the gentleman was making reference to an act of fellatio, my good man.

>> No.47074781


>> No.47074837
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>> No.47074982

It's not that hard for any tourist. If gen 3 wanted sympathy they would have to voice any actual grievances which they so far failed to do.

>> No.47075075

>Took a few hours away and started listening to Reina's stream again.
What really gets me is that Kawaii management seems to push a lot of utaite-style covers even providing budgets to create covers and do voice training. Why aren't any of them actively trying to like... make that kind of content? I don't expect Shee to make vocal covers because she sings like a hag but Lua? Nami?

>> No.47075087

I like how they are all going back to being vtubers.
If it was me, I would never look back. Why would anyone want to entertain a bunch of creepy guys and literal special needs freaks. Not to mention are the groomers.
But I'm a guy, maybe women think get wet to the idea, idk

>> No.47075161

waaaay too much work bro, rather just play some garbage game for an hour and then shoot the breeze for another few hours and then get paid the same

>> No.47075282

This is the big tell. The idea of an NDA keeps getting thrown around but there's no evidence of one what-so-ever and it's not a violation of an NDA to reveal that you're under one. Or at least I've never heard of such a circumstance. It would be a knock-out move for Gen 3 to just come out and say "we're under NDA about this and we're being smeared while they run their mouths".
The pivot that everything turns on the assertion that management was willing to meet all of Gen 3's demands to satisfy their grievances and Gen 3 still bailed. They could come forward and say that this is false, that management did not make any effort or willingness to make effort to meet their demands.
So long as it is true that management was ready to negotiate generously with them Gen 3 has no leg to stand on.

>> No.47075387

Because it’s easy. A lot of zoomers see streamers and content creators making big money for relatively little effort. Instead of a real job or career they do this.

>> No.47075422

>They could come forward and say that this is false, that management did not make any effort or willingness to make effort to meet their demands.
NDA is something. Slander is even worse. They won't lie like that.

>> No.47075508

I guess I'm just a wuss. I don't think I have the capacity to handle someone, say, like megagamer or those whale groomers. I'd just feel uncomfortable all the time.

>> No.47075601

Yeah and Kawaii has all the receipts if they start lying about it.

>> No.47075618

>it's not a violation of an NDA to reveal that you're under one. Or at least I've never heard of such a circumstance.
I think it's a common clause in NDAs. Regardless, I can't see gen 3 being able to spin things in their favor even if management is partially at fault. Better let retards go "corpo BAD" for them while staying silent.

>> No.47075656

>They just went up and left when it was convenient to them

>> No.47075734

Aletta said she had multiple jobs, from retail to developer. Has a Master in computer science. She left everything to become a Vtuber and actually made it.
Then fucking leaves in the worst way possible that is not getting fired.
At least as menhera as Sava.

>> No.47075785

Aletta honestly just could not handle real work

>> No.47075850

then she abandoned the one job she was actually successful at lmao

>> No.47075887

I saw the Visual Novel she made, I find it difficult to believe she had a masters in CS. If she truly did, she ditched a 6 stable figure job for a extremely unstable 5 figure job

>> No.47075902

If I was a girl id be a vtuber. Easy money

>> No.47075916

It's a real problem. Some people have a really bad habit of jumping around jobs all the time. Could be from a lot of reasons.

>> No.47075973

Only way it makes sense to me is if she's going to a bigger corpo, she's delusional, or giving up on seriously vtubing and intends to get a real job.

>> No.47076002

She's in Europe. European CS salaries are garbage.

>> No.47076017

>Aletta said
She said a lot of things, a majority of them for pity donos. You're gonna believe she had the constitution to hold any kind of job?

>> No.47076090

Garbage compared to devs in other places or garbage compared to other jobs in europe?

>> No.47076107

Not America tier for most, but far from garbage. If you're capable and know how to play the game you can remotely work for an American company and earn 6 figures even in a shithole that's not in the EU.

>> No.47076296

don't insult megaGOD, he stood by the good girls instead of the whores

>> No.47076324

How would you know? nerd

>> No.47076400

yeah and while we're making shit up girls fart too

>> No.47076538

>actually made it
yeah, I don't think she understands how much of a miracle any vtuber not from the big leagues hitting 100k is in current times. And in just 8 months.
I think she became the pionner of the shorts meta for small corpos, only the jew troon prince was able to beat her after learning her craft.

>> No.47076547

It's not slander if it's true.
Which means, going only by true facts, the company wasn't malicious at all. Because if the company were malicious, they could tell the truth about it.

>> No.47076603

Congrats on having a soul, I guess.

>> No.47076610

The girls have said numerous times that they have receipts for every point stated, I don't think they are lying and too many things line up for it to all be lies.

>> No.47076672
File: 1.76 MB, 2000x2000, DBCDD510-78BC-4622-A1C3-AAFFA5D47F8F.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shee love

>> No.47076730

Shee SEX

>> No.47076815
File: 563 KB, 2048x3072, 00035-4131913430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You just had to do me like this, anon. Ok, here's my revenge!

>> No.47076834

troonstar's used goods

>> No.47076885

>Would you hire them?
Sure, but it all comes down to the contract and maybe the corp that is hiring, as I see it they probably left because they wanted more, management didn't offer enough and they left (that's just my rrat and I have nothing to back it up), which is fine, it's still a business after all and imo employees are entitled to ask for a rise if the corp wants to keep them under a new contract

>> No.47076910

my cute latina wife

>> No.47076991

hapa brain in action

>> No.47077026

>as I see it they probably left because they wanted more
genius, really. at least half of them will rot in 2view hell.

>> No.47077221
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>> No.47077367

We should help them get there by striking their names from the OP and directing any and all talk about them to their faggot-ass traitor split.

I'm tired of this shit and the Gen1/2 girls have said their peace. I say we don't give these whores even an ounce more oxygen.

>> No.47077380

i really believe rrat that one of the grou convinced them they could get picked by other company but instead they getting blacklisted

>> No.47077441

If you hire them you are crazy and just want to be a sucker, imagine saying (they are free to get out at any time if they get something better) as the employer, that's a recipe for wasting your time and Money and working based on the random chance that they never find anything better, laughable business skills there bossman

>> No.47077466
File: 112 KB, 1035x993, 20230410_104219.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shee cute

>> No.47077514

Anyone able to request for a refund on booth before?

>> No.47077581

Anon, people are free to leave any job. The problem is that any future employers will contact their old company to ask about the "reason for departure" and that's when they shit on them.

>> No.47077614

>all comes down to the contract
why would this matter when they bailed on their contract with kawaii? you think a corpo is going to look at them ditching their last corpo months before their contract was up and think they should hire them? they are a liability with nothing about them making the risk worth it. if one of them makes it big as an indie some corpos would probably be willing to take a risk with them, but if they make it big as indies i doubt they would be applying to corpos again anyway.

>> No.47077665

but what if she says she's very sorry gomen ne~

>> No.47077675

Yes they can but the more you leave your job, the more you will find trouble finding another job, employers want nothing to do with quitters. They need people they can rely on. So if you quit your job make sure its for a damn good reason.

>> No.47077695

and the NDA prevents the gen 3 girls from saying their peace. Not like you even care about that in the first place.

>> No.47077699

Booth just sends you to Buyee and Buyee doesn't allow refunds unless you force them to by contacting your bank. We're going to have to hope kawaii issues refunds for merch like they're doing donations

>> No.47077799

what kind of latina?
I like Colombian girls

>> No.47077807

>kawaii issues refunds for merch like they're doing donations
not happening. they are refunding donations because now that the girls quit they can't fulfil their donation goals. not offering refunds could potentially open them up to a lawsuit. they can still deliver on the merch, so they don't need to offer refunds.

>> No.47077816

Miryu come back, you are the last thunderling.

>> No.47077824

NDA doesn't prevent them from telling the remaining girls their problem, they are under the same NDA, and their talk don't have to be public, at least then if their reason were good their senpai could say "we cant say the reason but we understand their decision" instead of "we feel lied to"

>> No.47077832

prove there's an NDA

>> No.47077924
File: 335 KB, 933x1081, 1673503645426089.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>said their peace
>saying their piece
God you're both retarded but one is more retarded than the other. The NDA isn't stopping gen 3 from addressing the situation in the same way that gens 1/2 did. The 5 employees in the Kawaii office in Japan aren't going to pursue legal action across continents just because they wanted to "say their peace".

>> No.47078024

And they can't lie tho because the company has receipts for everything so I guess the best thing they can do is to just shut up.

>> No.47078110

What if they aren't speaking out because everything said has been truthful and it wouldn't help their case to do so. You need to let it go and get the fuck out of this thread.

>> No.47078194

Rolling for next graduation. 1-7 as ordered in the OP.
8, 9, 0 means no graduation for a long while.

>> No.47078203

>The problem is that any future employers will contact their old company to ask about the "reason for departure" and that's when they shit on them.
>interviewer: "have you worked for any vtuber company before"
>I haven't worked for anyone tee hee~
Just lie in your interview bro, it works for the nijis

>> No.47078211

Colobianas are trouble, anon. Don't stick your dick in crazy.

>> No.47078285

What's crazy to me is that these savaniggers can't understand is that there is no way gen3 could be right in this situation. Extreme example, say koshita was killing people in the backyard, and they quit from horror, leaving their coworkers senpais with a killer without warning them of anything.
What the fuck? Its your moral obligation to save your senpais or at least give them a heads up.

>> No.47078372

You are missing the part that the remaining girls are taking part or encouraging the killings

>> No.47078424

You and I both know the given reasons make no sense. It's obvious the gen 3 girls were unwilling to say everything, and same with management.

>> No.47078435

Colombian? Anon are you into CBT or
humiliation by any chance?

>> No.47078451

What an active imagination you have. You should try writing a novel or something more productive than arguing about vtubers.

>> No.47078465
File: 5 KB, 371x58, nda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sounds an awful lot like an NDA to me

>> No.47078466
File: 337 KB, 720x1060, stabbed.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.47078482

If that's the case, you don't trust the remaining girls at all and are calling them liars. Bravo, mask off Savanigger.

>> No.47078513

I guess we support 7 witnesses and 5 killers.

>> No.47078537

I don't trust her for a second

>> No.47078560

>tfw Aletta and Peony were the masterminds, with Sava and Miryu wanting to stay

>> No.47078578

it's a whole lot more likely that she doesn't want to 'officially' link herself to her kawaii persona or just realizes how stupid her decision was and doesn't WANT to talk about it
what the fuck is a Japanese NDA going to do to someone who (allegedly) lives in Norway anyway?

>> No.47078580

I don't trust Kawaii for a second.

>> No.47078601

No it doesn't.

>> No.47078602

It's also a perfectly vague way to keep the attention of the sympathizers without having to commit to any sort of statement. You are being actively swindled, go do something else with your time.

>> No.47078648

Nah, fuck them. Supporting NotSava at this point? You deserve to get your wallet sucked dry.

>> No.47078650

Sounds an awful lot like "I can't because then all twittubers will jump on me for being a whore directly attacking another vtuber for a stupid reason and all my followers will leave me and I will spend my days with only 10 viewers so I will shut up and see how far I can take it this time by slowly removing one stream/week until we get to only one then say I'll move off to france for 3 months"

>> No.47078692

but what if I don't donate and just watch streams

>> No.47078792

>No evidence of any lie
>Multiple confirmed lies and broken promises

Nice judgement there son

>> No.47078793

and then you come here to talk about them when she is not streaming? just go the fuck off to your thread

>> No.47078795

Still fine by me. Waste your time watching some bitch who pretends to care but doesn't give a shit about you.
Traitor supporters don't deserve genuine entertainment.

>> No.47078801

Your mistake is seeing this as if they are waiting to be pouched after leaving the corp, when they could have been pouched way before that and it probably that could be one of the reasons they left to begin with, I expected the horse to leave this way a long ago because of her relationship with the niji faggots but I didn't expect her to take the rest of her gen with her. Fucking nijis man, if it becomes true I'll be mad.

>> No.47078870

Namijiroo's warm marsupial pouch beckons them...

>> No.47078970

namijiroo my beloved

>> No.47078982

kek. I wouldn't mind being pouched...

>> No.47079047

biscuits with strawberry jam

>> No.47079094

>ywn be stabbed by Nami for telling her she's cute
stop the world I want off

>> No.47079131

she just can't say anything because she never streams

>> No.47079173

Niji scout are retard but not that retard. Kawaii isn't some micro corpo in bumfuck SEAland. It's a jp corpo and has attention of a lot of corpo, including large ones. They are well aware of all PL, RMz and reincarnate of each girls

>> No.47079209

if the jew at idol threw them under the bus for breaking contract i doubt other corpos are going to be positive on the idea

>> No.47079281

You can realistically lie about the skill set, but not identity. You can bs and say you play an instrument well or took voice lesson and didn't do jack shit. Some niji probably lied about fluency in certain language. You aren't getting away with identity even as vtuber.

>> No.47079574

>uses the im sad excuse and goes on break after collecting more money

>> No.47080223

Kawaii is still bigger than 99.9% of indies. It's name alone gets you out of the sea of vroid indies

>> No.47080399

You're right, but you're assuming arrogant, retarded zoomer girls who let a little attention and money get to their head to figure that out. Or for arrogant, self-absorbed zoomers to realize their jump-ship strategy is a bad idea if it was planned from the start

>> No.47080762

Zoomers are retarded and think being successful as a content creator is easy and getting rich simple. They always ignore the stats that show how few actually make it.
So Aletta is retarded?

>> No.47081548

> So Aletta is retarded?
You can't be retarded and get a CS degree. Assuming she isn't lying outright, it does demonstrate poor decision making and poor planning for the future.
