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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 793 KB, 1400x1080, Civia.full.3032166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4705172 No.4705172 [Reply] [Original]

I would've MUCH rather kept CN and lost Coco desu.

>> No.4705261

Nah, fuck CN.

They should’ve transferred Yogiri and Spade Echo to HololiveTW however.

>> No.4705263

I would've MUCH rather had you kill yourself instead of posting this desu

>> No.4705282
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>> No.4705301

why would they move mainlanders to a Taiwan branch?

>> No.4705387

>do business with china
>must pander to china in every field, even outside of CN
>don't do business with chine
>lose only CN

which one is the least trouble

>> No.4705401

Wasn’t there a rrat about Yogiri being Taiwanese and Artia blowing her shit up in Minecraft because of Yogiri being Taiwanese?

>> No.4705426


>> No.4705449

Chang here. I don't.

>> No.4705506
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Honestly OP, hololive dodged a fucking bullet. The CCP introduced all these fucking regulations that curtailed the creative freedom of all chuubas and basically forces them to be CCP mouthpieces. Chuubas that used to make bank on billiblli (like for example Kagura Nana) came crawling back to youtube after that happened. Everyone is giving up on China.

>> No.4705560


>> No.4705652

Exterminate yourself zhang.

>> No.4705711
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Nope, not even close Artia, even Civia wasn't worth it, had she grew her YT channel more then maybe I would agree with you but she squandered her time on Bilibili with the rest of the filth and I couldn't begin the separate her from them any longer

Your fight is over wolf warrior the hunters have come its for you to lie down and take it

>> No.4705726
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>> No.4705727

China had the money and the opportunity to do amazing things, but as usual everything is destroyed thanks to politics. Even their games are being smashed because stupid censorship. Nobody needs to do anything against China because China will eventually destroy itself.

>> No.4705756

fuck china

>> No.4705851
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>> No.4705953


And here we have the Cocofags proving to the rest of the world that they're no different than the zhangs they crusade against.

>> No.4706059

If Hololive sucked CN cock whole branch wouldn't exist from outrage of JOPs.

>> No.4706282

Lol, no one cared about HoloCN, not even the Zhangs themselves.

>> No.4706864
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Zhang hands typed this.

>> No.4706932

based and truthpilled, china is a cargo cult and is going to implode in a few decades

>> No.4711054

>Anons replying to a post.
>Hurr durrr proving they're no diff. from zhangs
Shut the fuck up.

>> No.4711204

Is removing both an option?

>> No.4711459

Yes, if Cover hates money

>> No.4711541

Half of the JPs would have quit if they sacked Coco

>> No.4711693

Then you are a dirty zhang /thread

>> No.4711775

China cares more about Aqua than they ever have a branch that spoke their own language

>> No.4712218

Zhangs are cancer that should kill themselves so we don't have to waste the ammo on it ourselves. Don't want the replies? Don't make the post dumbass.

>> No.4712302

Do regular chinese people even take offense to what Coco did or is outrage like that always astro-turfed shit by people paid pennies to be mad?

>> No.4712362

It is not confirmed whether Yogiri is Taiwanese, but her roommate regularly travels to Taiwan to visit family.

>> No.4712379


No they wouldn't have.

>> No.4712482

>need VPN to access JewTube
>nearest server is TW
>get mad when top views come from Taiwan

What did Zhangs mean by this?

>> No.4712557 [DELETED] 

It's all a rrat. The yab was never the reason for HoloCN's death, it was literally because the Chinese investors tried to rip away the rights to Bilibili streaming from Cover by manufacturing drama. Cover called their bluff and just cut all ties with them.
The chuubas were left in the dust for no fault of their own, but if later tales are to be believed, nothing of value was lost anyways.

>> No.4712684
File: 520 KB, 960x600, Pizza [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fony6m1.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Civia and Yogurt were worth 20 Coco's. The retards here will call you a zhang though since Coco panders to redditors which make up a majority of the newfags that came here after EN was established. Coco is okay but nothing compared to Civias GFE which was far beyond the likes of even Rushia and the absolute power unit that was Yogiri's singing. Coco has her fun moments but losing multiple holos over it? It wasnt a worthy trade off. Especially following the influx of redditniggers afterwards

>> No.4712726

Removing coco would've made Fubuki leave and since Fubuki nuked her billibilli despite making a decent amount of money from it we see how loyal she is to coco. If Fubuki leaves then basically everyone knows not to trust hololive anymore

>> No.4712882

Do you belieb that what you would've prefered is what would've been best for hololive? (You) are free to like Yogurt or Civia more than Coco, but saying they should've stayed instead of her is delusional.

>> No.4713036

Even Artia discord want Artia dead

>> No.4713342

> Andy are mastermind who attack Hololive until today
> Andy is Artia discord member
> Artia discord mod decide to cover and protect Andy.
> They use Artia as weapon and disposeable trash for their nationlist goal.
> Artia is killed by her own discord not otherwise.
>Whitell just change his name in Artia discord and still attack Hololive until today.
> Artiafag are fucking lair and should be burn in hell.

>> No.4717413

Zhang here, shut the fuck up you retarded niggerchink faggot

>> No.4718202

I would have rather kept all of them and would hope people stop trying to turn Vtubers into some political hill to die on.

They are entertainers trying to entertain. Yogiri, Civia, Rosalyn, Artia, and Spades have all moved on and are continuing to be entertainers. Coco has moved on and is continuing to be an entertainer. Fucking get over yourselves.

>> No.4718548
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>> No.4718833

Learn English

>> No.4718940

Im with you for simply losing Civia and Yogurt was a big flop. They should've handle it better than just cut them all. Both of them are superior talent that was wasted for some stupid drama and for leddit groomers to take over the fanbase.

>> No.4719021

falseflagging with yogiri is a new level of low

>> No.4719309

Stay in your feces colored board that NGA is, OP. HoloCN was doomed to fail and you know that.
Next time try a different bait

>> No.4719366

we lost very valuable ally that day

>> No.4719428

hail Taiwan.

>> No.4719543

hail Tiawana.

>> No.4719557

shut up zhang

>> No.4719687

Funny to see zhang supporters think it's okay to show up on the board again just because someone else is being hated, only for this board to tell them to btfo again.

>> No.4719827
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>Coco was never a Holo

>> No.4720579
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>> No.4721267

would've liked to see civia stay
even if she shilled for the ccp

>> No.4721402

i think their servers are hk/macau to sg

>> No.4721486

How would we have ever known how truly awful the Chinese are if it didn't happen? This was a mass redpilling event and that's priceless.

>> No.4724489

Same. Fuck Coco for making Civia stopping to speak english.

>> No.4724554
File: 77 KB, 500x571, Chinkco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>last post was 1 hour 30 minutes ago
>thread was on page 9 and dying
>bump with esl nonsense

>> No.4724663
File: 256 KB, 800x800, 1614124028812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Coco is useful because she has a 9000$ bed to lend to holos

So far it's the only perk i can think of

>> No.4724710

Hello Tchang from Malaysia

>> No.4727285

CN management told her a couple weeks before the whole thing happened that she wasn't allowed to stream on YT because of the Taiwanese nationalists that kept pestering her streams and on twitter

>> No.4728477 [DELETED] 
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i miss her

>> No.4728520

Wasn't Civia the biggest cunt of them all according to the rrats

>> No.4728774

Explain the chinks screeching at her in her chat right now for not leaving hololive
>500+ dislikes already

>> No.4729112 [DELETED] 

anon from september has a point

>> No.4729143
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anon from september has a point

>> No.4729262

civia did nothing wrong

>> No.4730208

Nope. That was Artia but she a rat too so fuck her.

>> No.4730233

Whatever you say ching chong cha ching

>> No.4730441

Consider: We are not Chinese.
I'd say we have a lot going for us in that regard.

>> No.4731087

Based Reddit Dragon. Fuck HoloCN, they're worth nothing, and should just suck Xi Jinping's dick.
