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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46965522 No.46965522 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.46965537

I can't! Her design keeps getting me too turned on Even her new model didn't help me!

>> No.46965582
File: 75 KB, 203x203, 1662367491591723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes. I find her very cute and endearing. I just don't get the pulling heartstrings feeling anymore though after the male stuff. Fauna replaced her in that sense. Whenever Fauna streams I feel like I need to find a woman just like her and reproduce.

>> No.46965606

No and I don't care, I'm not interested in her at all and her personality only further turns me off

>> No.46965614

Doesn't matter. If you don't forgive her, it means you're out of step with the company's forced homo direction, and you should consider ditching Homolive entirely anyway.

>> No.46965666

Forgive her for what?

>> No.46965821

I am not a schizo so there is nothing to forgive in the first place

>> No.46965837

Unless she personally gives me a paizuri i will never forgive this slut.

>> No.46965865

>if you dislike her stance on idol culture you're a schizo

>> No.46965880


>> No.46965911


>> No.46965933

I don't care about drama, I only watch her when she plays Minecraft

>> No.46966121

no, you are if you think she has no right to her own opinion and you feel the need to shit on her every given time

>> No.46966126

Only if she goes back to the CGDCT faction

>> No.46966638

I will never forgive her for today's collab.

>> No.46967306

Lately, I've been angrier at management for not swapping Irys and Kronii's models. That could have been incredible.

>> No.46967590

I'll forgive her for being a talentless hack when she starts using some of her talents.
Cover hired someone with a showcase of skills and abilities and she's used none of them since.
She's decided she's 'made it' now she's in Hololive and just phones it in.

>> No.46967596

how is it even possible to have such a shitty opinion

>> No.46967715
File: 1.09 MB, 1123x1296, me shitposting on ∕int∕ about comfort woman in Seoul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nah, she deserves the hate

>> No.46967817
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I forgive her

>> No.46967953
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Only if she fulfills this promise

>> No.46968059

Forgive her for what? She hasn't apologized.

>> No.46968235

Fuck no. I never had a problem with her deciding to occassionally collab with the two tempus members she collabs with, but the lying to her fanbase the way she did is not the sort of thing I ever forget or forgive. Dishonesty is the absolute worst.

>> No.46968507
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>> No.46968791
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For this, you mean? No.

>> No.46968908
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>> No.46968935

She never was a member of this faction

>> No.46969143

Imagine crafting the most sexo design of all time only for all that effort to be wasted on this ungrateful, lazy bitch. Sexy doko indeed.

>> No.46969245 [DELETED] 

The new ugly hair and outfit should help. Good chance she will never use her default again unless Cover demands it for promotional purposes

>> No.46969315

I won't forgive someone who isn't sorry. Just because she gives me sad puppy dog eyes doesn't change the fact that she still collabs with guys

>> No.46969367

What are her skills and abilities?

>> No.46969473

There was nothing to forgive to begin with.

>> No.46969598

She is a bad person. She can't be forgiven.

>> No.46969803

she still alive never knew.

>> No.46969928

I want to see Kronii become more and more slobbier
I want her to completely pig out, become a smellmonster

>> No.46970093

Clock hate

>> No.46970272

Never have, never will. The tempus stuff is whatever, I could have ignored that. But lying to your fans, mocking them, then running away and coming back hiding behind management's skirt....yeah fuck that. It's so satisfying to see her channel growth die and her merch sales wither.

>> No.46970392

She's a scumbag whore, nothing she could do would ever make me watch her again.

>> No.46970577

No because she never apologized.

>> No.46970621

We got it, no need to samefag that hard

>> No.46971734

God will forgive.

>> No.46972294

For what? Being fucking boring?

>> No.46972468
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We got double megane kino. I forgive her.

>> No.46973858

Her only mistake was giving the benefit of the doubt to the schizos instead of just ignoring them from the beginning.

>> No.46974091

shes a literal 4/10 gremlin, the holo pirates doxfags got actual rms of her, shes has all the dogshit korean genetics, flat ass flat face no tits, terrible chin, i see now why she actually chopped her face up in her 20s lmao sorry for all the ppl that thought the korean supermodels that seanigs would link as kronii were actually never her.

>> No.46974100


>> No.46974138

forgot to add dyke 45 year old single auntie haircut

>> No.46974161

>The old "she hates idol culture" rrat

>> No.46974340
File: 637 KB, 520x1053, KroniiModel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>most sexo design of all time

>> No.46975978
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>> No.46976143

>Doesn't like a double standard in shipping
>Hates idols
At least you posted the screenshot do now you can't blatantly misquote with "unfortunately idol culture is a thing"

>> No.46976264

I pity the kronies who still cling into the old Kronii. She's gone but they endure....

>> No.46976871

Let’s try to do a simple surface level analysis of the author’s intentions when writing this text.
She is arguing with people that claim she is being a hypocrite when she’s ok with ships between her and other girls, but not ok with ships between her and men. She accepts that she’s applying two different standards, but argues that it’s ok in this circumstance, since due to idol culture, people take ships between men and women more seriously, and get more heated about them.
Now, if you thought about her comment for longer than a second, you might also wonder why someone that hates idols would even bring up idol culture as an argument. If Kronii didn’t consider herself an idol, then the argument wouldn’t even apply in her case, right? So the mere fact that Kronii refers to idol culture in this way means that she identifies as an idol.

>> No.46977258

>unfortunately is because idol culture is a thing
that's enough for me
I'm not reading anymore than that, she hates idol culture

>> No.46977355

There's nothing to forgive. I love her.

>> No.46977372

Sounds about right ESL-kun
Reading IS hard isn't it?

>> No.46977405

I couldn't give less of a shit about Idol culture.

>> No.46977408

just admit that you're wrong
there's a reason she collabs with men all the time

>> No.46977452

I watch streams to feel better. Not to watch some depressed cunt dragging out her words and acting like she's streaming while sitting on Juda's cradle. Ohhhhh live is hard, everything sucks...yeah, that act gets old fast.

>> No.46977470

I don't care

>> No.46977486

Because she support her coworkers who are also idols?

>> No.46977549

"Western" or "westernized" women can't separate vtubing from real life. They, for whatever reason think that if their model is slutty, it reflects how they must be in real life too. So they debuff themselves with some bulldyke horseshit designs that doesn't "degrade" them. Unironical mental illness.

>> No.46977563

Because she's based.

>> No.46977574

Kronii did nothing except but make incels sad. I will lose no sleep over that.

>> No.46977625

I'm sorry, is she a slutty whore or isn't she?
I'm getting mixed messages.

>> No.46977646

>coworkers who are also idols?
KEK do you really see vesper as an idol¡

>> No.46977667

Boob fanservice= pure virgin
Male collab= strumpet, harlot

>> No.46977702


Way to out yourself twice

>> No.46977790

Kronii has none. She's coasting on her design and the novelty of being the first to use a deeper voice.

The person Cover hired was Senzawa lite. Meme music and vids galore, several proper high-quality covers, and a massive log of videos showing how cracked at voice-acting she was, capable of many different kinds of characters in different situations.
She even had several viral successes with millions of views and experience as a vtuber with a very different voice. An easy hire with that pedigree.

Cover, and by extension us, were betrayed by how she threw all of that out as soon as her contract was signed. She worked to get here and now has thrown in the towel and retired.

>> No.46977831

>these things I hate are part of idol culture
>but I totally don't hate idol culture lol
The second line is something you've deluded yourself into believing btw.

>> No.46977868

You must be conflating 2 completely different things. Or you probably think that I am the same person as someone else from this thread. Her original model is sexy. Using her original design does not make her a slut in my opinion.
You must be one of those trannies from /MANS/. They always flock to these kind of threads to virtue signal. Sora and Suisei collab with males and they are not sluts because they don't act like it. Matsuri is a good example of what a slutty behavior is on stream.

>> No.46977985

I accept your concession
Let’s be clear, she did not say that she hates any part of idol culture. And even if she did, hating some part of idol culture wouldn’t mean she hates idols as a whole. And again, the only way her argument about idol culture would even apply to the argument about double-standards in shipping, is if she identified herself and her coworkers as idols.

>> No.46978038

She basically said what people here say on a daily basis and was shit on for the sole reason that she was the one who said it.

>> No.46978072

The word "unfortunately" means she does not like it.

>> No.46978134

It could mean that, but in this context it clearly does not.

>> No.46978182

You avoing the elephant in the room.

>> No.46978194

NTA but no it does not, especially if you take into consideration the words she said before and after unfortunately. If you are going to get into a semantics argument, at least come with a loaded gun.

>> No.46978200

>Kronii is coasting on this design

>> No.46978212


>> No.46978239

Wait, how does Kronii act like a slut again according to you?

>> No.46978246

People will just through so many hurdles to counter this statement

>> No.46978248

It clearly does. You're delusional.

>> No.46978282

No. She wants to play both sides of the fence. Maybe if Vesper actually gave her the dicking down she so desperately wants, she'd mellow out.

>> No.46978306

>If she does not like one aspect of something she hates all of it
You kind of sound like a retard right now

>> No.46978328

She has never indicated that she likes any aspect of it and has only ever displayed displeasure with it.

>> No.46978402

When the argument is lost, resort to calling your opponent delusional. This lack of analytical skills is further evidence that Kronii antis are low IQ. Tell me, how would you feel if you didn't have breakfast this morning?

>> No.46978447

>Likes singing
>Excited about holofes
>Loves her fans
I'm sorry, what exactly do you think being an idol is other than "no males"?

>> No.46978545

I’m aware you guys are tunnelvisioning on the least charitable view of what she’s saying, but please consider the context of what she is arguing. In the comment thread, she was saying that she doesn’t mind ships one way or the other, but due to idol culture being a thing, she would like to not be shipped with men. It’s not even a condemnation of that aspect of the culture, it’s just a matter of fact statement that due to circumstance A, I’d prefer you not to do action B.
You can definitely say that Kronii should’ve chosen her words more carefully to avoid this kind of misunderstanding though.

>> No.46978552

>calling something unfortunate does not mean she dislikes it
You are quite literally delusional, and I don't mean this is as an exaggeration.

>> No.46978580

better yet, she shouldn't have said anything at all, especially on a clipper's channel

>> No.46978605

The first thing you have to learn is that nobody argues in good faith here.
They aren't picking out the least charitable and most misrepresented interpretation of her comments by accident.

>> No.46978621

She forced her doctor to remove her jaw stitches two weeks ahead of schedule so that she could fly to Japan for Holofes.
What actions has she taken that make you think she hates idols, other than the comment you misunderstood?

>> No.46978631

She didn't call it unfortunate. The post is linked earlier in the thread. Read. I'm not going to read it for you. No where in that post does she call idol culture unfortunate.

>> No.46978673

It's the biggest event of the year. She needs to participate to stay relevant.
She called the things associated with it unfortunate. There is no functional difference.

>> No.46978690

>calling one aspect of something unfortunate means she called all of it unfortunate
Why are reading and comprehension skills so difficult for you?

>> No.46978721

It's just the one thing actually.

>> No.46978793

Reminder to report her mods to Cover for disrupting streams constantly

>> No.46978826

You still haven't answered what you think idols are supposed to do anon.

>> No.46978869

Are you going to answer the question about what other things she’s done that made you think she hates idols?

>> No.46978885

The same surgery that made her cancel all streams for 2 weeks to heal, and spontaneously wasn't a problem when it was collab time?

>> No.46978904

>She called the things associated with it unfortunate. There is no functional difference.
My patience with you is at an end. I'm not debating a person who can only resort to bad faith arguments while moving the goalposts when called out on them. I notice this is a trend among Kronii antis, you should probably get that fixed.

>> No.46978941

Not seethe about things integral to idol culture.
One is enough. You have not debunked it and have resorted to samefagging and deflection.

>> No.46978979

you are subhuman and without value or human rights, you are not smart or debating you are just retarded trash that needs to be thrown out

>> No.46978980

Never liked her and her reddit personality
The way she treated Kronies furthered my dislike
Waste of a slot
Waste of a model
Wish she would graduate

>> No.46978984

You mean the one that got the collab rescheduled with Ame because mori did not even bother to get in contact with her co-worker who was in the hospital?
That surgery?

>> No.46978986

She had three solo streams before the collab. Four if you count the spontaneous karaoke stream she did last week. Cope.

>> No.46979025

We used to put people like you in camps in the 30s.

>> No.46979059

You can’t possibly be arguing that she faked her surgery, right? You realise we girls describing meeting Kronii in Japan after her surgery? Like Kiara describing how she cut tiny pieces of turkey for Kronii at USJ that she could swallow without biting. And we can hear how her voice still hasn’t recovered in her recent streams.

>> No.46979065

this I don't know why is this so difficult to understand
>fortunately is because idol culture is a thing
she likes idol culture

>unfortunately is because idol culture is a thing
she doesn't

>> No.46979070

>no males
>integral to idol culture
>even though idols interact with males all the time
She wasn't seething, she was expressing disappointment in other's seething about it.

>> No.46979115

Anon, I think you might be retarded.
It's all very sad.

>> No.46979146

You should probably attack his argument instead of name-calling, like was said before.
Unfortunately is a negative outlook applied to the noun of idol culture. If she said certain aspects of idol culture then it would be fine, but she didn't specify certain parts and thus applied it to idol culture as a whole.

>> No.46979188

It's ok anon
just admit that kronii hates idols, move on and get a better oshi

>> No.46979199

>nice voice
>good singer
>good voice actor
that's already better than most of EN

>> No.46979239

talking to yourself is not healthy

>> No.46979248

>One is enough. You have not debunked it and have resorted to samefagging and deflection.
It’s been debunked plenty of times in this thread actually, but you haven’t addressed any of it, and I doubt you ever will. How about expanding on your statement about the multiple different things she’s done that indicate hatred of idols though? Surely you couldn’t have made that one up?

>> No.46979254

And this is the reason dramaniggers never post the screenshot when they do their whole "leunfortunate idol culture"
Kronii is an hololive idol, she performed at the fest, retard will cope and seethe about it

>> No.46979296

Your only argument was that the word "unfortunately" somehow does not have negative connotations. Needless to say that's completely ridiculous.

>> No.46979306

I'm not doing something so clearly retarded.

>> No.46979374


>> No.46979417

Anon, you were going to provide us with examples.
Is this it?
She doesn't like the double standard of female/female and male/female shipping?
Is this the sole reason she hates idol culture according to you?

>> No.46979450

I'm not providing more examples until you refute the one that has been brought forward.

>> No.46979502

>You should probably attack his argument
I did. Multiple times. He lost when he shifted the goalposts.
>Unfortunately is a negative outlook applied to the noun of idol culture.
Cool, she never said idol culture was unfortunate. Read the post linked above.
>She didn't specify certain parts and thus applied it to idol culture as a whole.
Again, if you read the post, you would see that she did in fact specify. Read everything before the word unfortunately and you have your specification. Again, bad faith.

>> No.46979506

Yes, in this context, “unfortunately” clearly does not mean she hates idol culture as a whole, and you can find the reasoning in one of the posts above. If that was what she was saying, she would be contradicting herself, since if she didn’t consider herself and her genmates and friends idols, the idol culture argument wouldn’t even apply in her case. Add in the context of the argument, which has already been discussed in the posts above, and it should be pretty easy to see what the intention behind the sentence was, even if it’s easily taken out of context.

>> No.46979582

Lots of ESLs in this thread hyper focusing on the particular words she used and the definition of "idol" outside of the context of what's happening. The simple fact of the matter is she doesn't collab with males, she collabs with Vesper, if she didn't want to cross gender shipping to happen she shouldn't give him special treatment. As it stands all of her "male collabs" feature him and all of her attention is focused on him

>> No.46979635

I did read the whole thing, unfortunately is in connection with idol culture.
She's painting the entirety of idol culture with that, not just some negative aspects. She chose her words poorly. Of course you are just going to say "but I debunked that" and no I read the whole thread and you're argument against this was "no". You're not arguing in good faith and I assume you are not from this site. I would recommend you go back to where you came from.

>> No.46979695

It doesn’t really seem like cross gender shipping is a thing at all for her though. Vesperonii is only even mentioned as a shitpost here, it gets no fan art, fan fics, or anything really.

>> No.46979746

i'm pretty sure that those two anons having an intense argument are the same person, just on different devices

>> No.46979786

It could be that yeah, grammar and language really activate my autism so I could fall for that bait.

>> No.46979848

This is a very roundabout way of admitting you can’t do high school level literature interpretation.

>> No.46979856

I don't watch her because she isn't what I imagine hololive to be and what watch it for. I would be watching other corpos/platforms otherwise.

>> No.46979867

We established that she was not happy with the double standard of constant female/female shipping being welcome but people who shipped female/male were getting shit on.
However she accepted it because that is what it takes to be an idol.
Is that it?
Is that all you got?

>> No.46979907

If you are trying to assume something from what she wrote, then you are inventing your own argument from thin air.

>> No.46979913

>I did read the whole thing
Then apparently you can't read.
>She's painting the entirety of idol culture with that
Further proof you couldn't even read the first sentence.
>Of course you are just going to say "but I debunked that"
Yes, because I did.
>You're not arguing in good faith
Ah, so you have resorted to "no u." This is embarrassing. May as well admit your defeat now.
>I assume you are not from this site
You assume wrong. I am declaring Totaler Krieg on you.

>> No.46979923

Please learn English.
Unfortunate is clearly being applied to "the double standard in shipping"
We can't help you if you can't even comprehend English.

>> No.46979970

>there exists an unfortunate thing
>said unfortunate thing exists because of idol culture
>therefore I actually like idol culture (???)

>> No.46980016

If that was the case she should not have put the words idol culture at all. Stop ignoring the words that are clearly there.

>> No.46980057

>It's impossible to like something unless you like all parts of it.
Why are you such a retard?
Do you dislike all of hololive because Kronii is in it?
Do you dislike all of vtubing because hololive is in it?
Do you dislike /vt/ because I'm here, calling you blathering retard?
Please get your head out of your ass anon, it's embarrassing.

>> No.46980099

The double standard that is unfortunate is part of idol culture.
Why is it so hard for you to comprehend the written word?

>> No.46980131

The thing is that Kronii is not like most hololive moeblobs because she's smart af
she realizes that the true nature of "idol culture" is just misogyny and patriarchy. That's why collabs between girls are ok because it makes men hard and why collabs with men are bad because they lose control of their "waifu"

>> No.46980151

I am OP. These 2 fags are not me.

>> No.46980152

The context of words matters as much, and often more, than the words themselves. This is not inventing arguments, this is considering the situation, in which the words were written, and the intention of the author when writing them.

>> No.46980163

She only spoke negatively about it so there is no reason to assume she secretly likes it.

>> No.46980194

>Do you dislike all of hololive because Kronii is in it?
yes I'm starting to hate hololive because it's not catering to me anymore
>Do you dislike all of vtubing because hololive is in it?
I always hated other vtubers like nijis or vshoujo whores
>Do you dislike /vt/ because I'm here, calling you blathering retard?
/vt/ is ok sometimes, I just hate simps like you

>> No.46980234

> She only spoke negatively about
Blatantly false.

>> No.46980242

If you can infer that she is not attacking the noun idol culture then I can infer that she is. Assumptions and interpretations of words goes both ways and is meaningless when it can change due to the reader. Which means we should only go off of the raw words.

>> No.46980267

rest assured OP. you might be autistic but these 2 are way worse.

>> No.46980342

Lmao no i haven’t, now stop fucking asking, i see this exact thread once a week

>> No.46980508

> If you can infer that she is not attacking the noun idol culture then I can infer that she is
Indeed, that’s part of analysing literature. I’m arguing your interpretation of the text is wrong considering the context, and the inherent contradictions that your interpretation would add to the original text.
> Which means we should only go off of the raw words
You could do that, but you’d have a very hard time in society if you did. As an example, it is customary for the Japanese to refuse gifts at all times, despite being ready to accept them. The Japanese people understand from context that they should still insist on giving that gift, and the person would eventually accept it. Going by your logic you would fumble this interaction because you’re unable to understand that the refusal is just them being humble.

>> No.46980630

So your argument about her not attaching a negative connotation to idol culture is "because I don't think she did that" meaning that there is no basis in hard facts.

>> No.46980652


>> No.46980677

>If you can infer that she is not attacking the noun idol culture then I can infer that she is.
NTA but we aren't inferring that she is not attacking idol culture. We are basing our argument on the fact that she isn't because of context provided in the words prior and after the word "unfortunately." Words which you are ignoring.
>Which means we should only go off the raw words.
Which you aren't even doing yourself. Your entire argument is based upon ignoring entire swaths of words. You have created a whole different statement entirely which has been used to justify your stance. Meanwhile, the pro-Kronii stance is based upon all the words she actually wrote.

>> No.46980778

That’s clearly not my argument. You can scroll up if you’d like to read it again, but I don’t really have faith you’ll understand it at this point.

>> No.46980921

>have an environment where women can go from being literalwhos to having legions of men under their thumbs just by merit of being a desirable single women
>this is mysogyny
You are so dumb it's unreal. No wonder women have no spaces where they have power, femcels probably destroyed them all out of jealousy.

>> No.46981019

I'm just going to stop replying to you people because you don't want to actually discuss this and instead want to white knight. You're also definitely from reddit and are trying to play it off as if you aren't. Regardless, my problems aren't with her post but how she treated the situation as a whole and the fact that if she wanted to have male collabs since the start then she could have just as easily collabed with a male indie. If memory serves she can speak Japanese too so ignoring jp stars for over a year also doesn't make any sense.

>> No.46981478

>/vt/ is ok sometimes, I just hate simps like you
No anon, if you dislike some parts of something you hate all of it now.
It's the law

>> No.46981525

>don't want to actually discuss this and instead want to white knight.
What a pathetically predicable way of saying "don't agree with me"

>> No.46981592

>I'm going to stop replying to you people because you don't want to actually discuss this and instead want to white knight.
So in other words, you have ran out of arguments and are running to save face. Coward.
>You're also definitely from redditt
Actually I am from StormFront but nice try.
>Regardless, my problems aren't with her posts
That's funny, since every single one of your posts was in regards to your problems with her post.
>but how she treated the situation as a whole
Goalposts are on the move, I repeat, goalposts are on the move!
>If she wanted to have male collabs since the start then she could have just as easily collabed with a male indie.
That would have been worse, at least she is collabing within the company. Do you seriously see her collabing with some rando indie as an improvement?
>If memory serves she can speak Japanese too so ignoring JP stars for over a year also doesn't make any sense.
She can speak some Japanese, she isn't totally fluent and definitely wasn't as good as she is now a year ago.
But go ahead, run boy, run.

>> No.46981735 [DELETED] 

>you have ran out of arguments
He ran out of patience trying to explain the and only argument you have even tried to bring up.

>> No.46981753

If she collabed with males soon after debut and showed her intention to do so like Bae did then yes, it would be an improvement. I literally don't care about "within the corporation" (notice how you used company implying that they are part of hololive), she had the ability to set those boundaries from the start but didn't.

>> No.46981788

>Collab with indie
>Collab with a JP while not speaking JP
Confirmed for retard.

>> No.46981818

As much as Ame is

>> No.46981924

She felt fairly confused about the whole outrage, so chances are she didn’t understand that it would even be a big deal. She had also seen ID members collabing with stars without any outrage so it’s easy to see why.

>> No.46981932

Kek, retard

>> No.46981985

Then she needed to research the industry better

>> No.46982034

Are you or have you ever been a Kronie? I am. Been a Kronie since debut. Been a member since it opened. Am I talking to an actual person who feels slighted here or am I talking to someone stirring shit? If you are or were a Kronii, surely you would be able to tell me the words she uttered before showing us her large clock for the first time?

>> No.46982088

I believe this is a "no true scotsman" argument

>> No.46982121

Holy crap. So many incels seething in here

>> No.46982129

shut up Gabe

>> No.46982162

It isn't, I just wanted to know whether you were one or not. I want to know who I am arguing with. I gave you a very simple task. If you can't recite the words, that tells me you either weren't or you were super casual.

>> No.46982276

I dont watch kronii, but from an outside perspective it seems fucked up. Also for the record I have nothing against streamers doing whatever content they want, but to string along a fanbase with one expectation and then rugpull is for sure mean, maybe not intentional but mean.

>> No.46982368

She has the personality of a wet rag. Her depression act gets old when you realize she’s rich from Holo money

>> No.46982419

Alright, fair. Anyhow, I can't debate any longer, I have Easter festivities to attend. I disagree with you, but have a good day.

>> No.46982485

Ok enjoy zombie chocolate day

>> No.46982995

No she doesnt. Im just annoyed a little bit about that great Wada model that she tossed aside.

>> No.46983093

she's already on the mori path, becoming a land whale is 50% complete

>> No.46983224

>For those saying there's a way to die from falling from a high place. Yes, there unfortunately is because gravity is a thing, and some animals live in trees.
>"Omg, I can't believe Kronii hates gravity!"
Holy shit. I've never payed much attention to her, but now I know why I never see the source of "Unfortunately, idol culture is a thing" posted when people are bitching about her. It's a lie on at least two levels.

>> No.46983225

It's either you were never an actual Kronie or were a complete autistic retard to think Kronii was ever unicorn friendly.

>> No.46983266

Meant to quote >>46975978

>> No.46983344

>stick limbs
>no ass
>no hips
>proportions of a clamp character
>comically oversized bolted on tits
She has a model a 13 year old boy would imagine is a perfect woman.
It's unironically the worst in EN, probably all of hololive.
You can pretend it's not shit if the camera is tit height or higher but that's just hiding the truth.
The actual model is horrendous.

>> No.46983753

>She has a model a 13 year old boy would imagine is a perfect woman.
Let's be real. A lot of vtuber fans, especially gachis, are still 13 year old boys deep down.

>> No.46983985

It's literally the body of a gangly 13-yeal old boy but with giant tits stuck on it.

>> No.46984653

Never, I won't watch any stream with her on it.

>> No.46984704

If it does end that way then I'll be ditching hololive indeed.
Its my entertainment that needs to cater to me, not the other way around.

>> No.46984717
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>> No.46985118

>Don't ship me with guys please. it gets weird.

>> No.46985425

I think you are missing the video where she says that shipping with coworkers is in general is creepy. This is all just walking back what she said previously.

>> No.46985655

she doesn't want to get shipped because she wants to collab with men, the thing is that most people find their SO in their workplace

>> No.46986289

Nope she is boring, and quite ugly.

>> No.46986626

>citation needed

>> No.46986728

You're /here/, sorry anon but that applies to you too.

>> No.46986758

She went from "don't ship coworkers" to "don't ship opposite-sex coworkers" to "stop freaking out about shipping" to "fuck it, I don't care, you people are nuts" in a few days.
I can honestly say she had a pretty high opinion of the fanbase before all this and it is still recovering from the reputation hit it got.

>> No.46986773

Samefag accusations are always the pathetic last gasp of idiots with no argument.

>> No.46986883

The fan base had a high opinion of her too. Which she shidded and pissed all over and ruined just as bad. Any remaining kronies deserve their lunatic whore oshi.

>> No.46987221

People aren't perfect shockingly enough. She will always carry the stigma of lying directly to her diehard fans. That doesn't mean I don't like her, I just treat her like any other woman and never trust her.

>> No.46987346


>> No.46987519

>fan base opinion based entirely on if she collabs with males or not
that opinion is tossed immediately in the trash

>> No.46987564

>lying directly to her diehard fans
example please

>> No.46987911

Kronii is great. Member for about a year and don’t regret a thing.

>> No.46988138

Dottovu is obviously on this thread

>> No.46988541

Well yeah, we mostly see the upper half and that part looks great. Majestic looking keeper of time, that is in reality a huge dork. I loved that contrast. New outfit makes her look like a angsty teen stoner that just got into nirvana.

>> No.46988635

>Won't interact much on Twitter with dudes-lie
>Wont initiate collabs-lie
>Won't have collabs on her channel-lie
>Mocked fans for not having female friends
>Mocked idol culture
>Hides her tits
>Cries to management and makes Cover put out a statement to be nice to her
it goes on and on endlessly

>> No.46988690

I'm with you until the final two points, hiding tits isn't what you're saying it is and there is no proof that she asked management to say anything

>> No.46988699

Kinda dumb saying a model is pure sex when all you see is the face.
When you see the rest it's pure absurdity.
I will admit that the face is very nice with a lot of gap moe for the personality.
Still not letting wada off the hook though.

>> No.46988717

That's not why she's hated, people still like Bae and the JP homo sympathizers. It's everything else.

>> No.46988772

Of course there is, she went on hiatus hiding from her shitstorm, then the day she comes back Cover released that statement.

>> No.46988799

That is not proof, that is an assumption

>> No.46988811

Retracting commitment you made cause the other side is full or actual retard who can't keep their end of the deal is not "lying".
She did not lie. She gave terms and then clearly and publicly revoked them when it was clear comprising with unicorns is a fruitless exercise.
That is not lying.

>> No.46988848

The what exactly?

>> No.46989060

Anon already gave you examples though most are just anti delusions
>Won't interact much on Twitter with dudes-lie
This is true and hilariously she couldn't even last half a day without doing it.
>Wont initiate collabs-lie
I don't think we have evidence of her initiating a collab with males unless I missed something. Kronii is actually pretty famous for being an easy woman that will do any collab anyone askes her to do. Mori signed her up for that uno collab without asking her right after Kronii had her surgery and had to get Ame to fill in for her at the last second.
>Won't have collabs on her channel-lie
True and just did it again.
>Mocked fans for not having female friends
That wasn't mocking. Shes a woman that had an easy life and unironically couldn't believe other people don't have friends. I'm sure our anti friend will have alot to say on the matter how I'm wrong though.
>Mocked idol culture
Unfortunately this isn't true and has already been covered in the rest of the thread.
>Hides her tits
I like the boob tent look but I can see why others wouldn't. It is always funny when a vtuber is embarrassed by their hyper sexualized model though.
>Cries to management and makes Cover put out a statement to be nice to her
True and Kronii can't handle her own retarded fanbase.

>> No.46989138

>Won't interact much on Twitter with dudes-lie
>Wont initiate collabs-lie
>Won't have collabs on her channel-lie
Made that statement, followed up on it. Got shit on regardless.
Publicly revoked the statement before doing any of the above, which consisted of a single stream btw until the last uno collab.
That's not lying.

>Mocked fans for not having female friends
actual retard. She simply had more faith in her fans than was warranted, there was zero malice.

>Mocked idol culture
Again, retarded. Her single misquoted statement about it has been debunked in this very thread.

>Hides her tits
I don't even know how the fuck that is relevant.

>Cries to management and makes Cover put out a statement to be nice to her
rrat, she would not be the one trying to get management involved. This was the first real blowout between EN and stars and cover wanted to lay down rules because EN is obviously even more autistic about it than JP is somehow.

So basically you are full of shit

>> No.46989211

What Kronii did to her fans was unbelievably shitty. The best defense people can come up with is "Oh she didn't realize the impact she would have or the way she came off" but that's not giving her a lot of credit and infantilizing her. She had streamed for a year at that point. She's a grown woman, and she knew what she was doing, which is why she also had Cover issue that statement at the exact same time since she knew there would be blowback. She is manipulative and cold, and is doing this for the paycheck, because otherwise she'd be a waitress.

>> No.46989267

Terms? What was the deal? Pleas elaborate.

>> No.46989303

And instead of doing that all she does is speak in monotone, eats sandwiches, collab with Vesper and lies.
We got gypped.

>> No.46989878
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The deal was she would not initiate collabs or have them on her channel and kronies would settle the fuck down.
Then the lineup for the worms tournament was reveled, which she did not initiate and was not going to be on her channel, and kronies did not, in fact, settle the fuck down.
So she went and made this tweet and pretty much walked the deal back.
The upshot of that in seven months she has had, so far, 2(two)! collabs on her channel.

Horrifying stuff.

There is also the twitter stuff where she retweeted vesper's batsu tweet with his underwear, which she probably found funny.
This would still fall under "not interacting much" and as far as I can tell hasn't tweeted anything since except maybe some event retweets?
This was also too much for the unicorns and they also haven't shut up about it.

Essentially she has pretty much honored the terms she et out, even after she publicly walked them back and this is fine for kronies.

The ones making these threads are not, and probably have never been kronies but antis, shit-stirrers and angry unicorns fighting more about their ideology than what actually happened.

>> No.46990098
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As a former Day 1 Kronie, you're full of shit.

>> No.46990227

That's why I said "probably". Always going to be a few retards like you who are still incapable of moving on seven months later.

>> No.46990422

I'm no longer watching her, that counts as moved on. The real retards are people like Soren who still watch and complain. But just cause I'm no longer watching her doesn't mean I'll forget what she did. Or that I won't tell other people what she did when they ask or the topic comes up. She's a liar and a shitty person.

>> No.46990539
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I don't hate her but I won't ever watch her. She lied to her fans and then had the gall to antagonize them and that's the worst thing you could do.
If she wanted to homo collab so much then she should have been clear from the very beginning.
This is the same reason I will never watch Ame either.
They are not funny or entertaining and I do not feel any attraction to liars.

I would rather give Bae a watch even if she's a zimzamzoomzoom at least she is genuine.
Hell even M*RI with her spaghetti flying everywhere is better at this point that's how bad it is.

>> No.46990577

>t.dummi that never wathces streams and believes every bait she sees

>> No.46990610

The funny thing is, the "people" still watching Kronii see her as perfect, but she's just corrupted by big bad pink woman, it's all Mori's fault, Kronii would never Homocollab on her own if not for Mori, ignoring of course that Kronii HAS done that.

>> No.46990775

No I actually hate her even more

>> No.46990849

He didn't say anything that wasn't true, and I was there and saw all with my own eyes, still got the member stream saved here.

>> No.46990903

>doesn't mean I'll forget what she did
You coming into her threads to shit on her means you haven't moved on.

>what she did
What exactly did she do then? She never promised to be a no-male streamer.

>> No.46990949

>never watch her
>but have strong opinions of her based on bait threads he frequents
many such cases

>> No.46990994

Did you save this tweet too? >>46989878

>> No.46991039

Forgive her? no reason to, i just dont want her, its really that simple

>> No.46991228

Do we need to have these threads any time she streams or ? This is tiring

>> No.46991407

They always hit bump limit so yes. Everyone needs an easy punching bag.

>> No.46991486

Look, antis gotta anti

>> No.46993976


>> No.46996849

Just goes to show how much people liked her before she shit on them. I've dropped tons of streamers over the years for various reasons, but she's the only one I want to take pot shots at and actively despise.
