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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46938904 No.46938904 [Reply] [Original]

Spending forever getting it done, getting everything in order, rather than rushing out a model every month like a certain other pink woman.


>> No.46938947

those minecraft walmarts don't stand a chance

>> No.46938998
File: 933 KB, 1140x1048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're all getting bombed by shipkin shippa.....in minecraft

>> No.46939112

Counterpoint: She could have dragged it out for more numbers (I usually don't care, but she has a stream to dethrone from number 1).

>> No.46939135

why is she an azur lane character

>> No.46939189

She had like 6-7k at the start for this.
Because she always wanted to have a shipgirl model.

>> No.46939271

Mori's reveal was pretty funny though, it didn't feel that long

>> No.46939295


>> No.46939367


>> No.46939433

If you hadn't said it was a new model, I wouldn't have even thought of it

>> No.46939584

How is it in motion? Can't lie looks a lot better than recent big corpo models.

>> No.46939699

Not nearly slutty enough to be from azur lane.

>> No.46939748

She could have, but she didnt want too because she hates when outfit reveals drag shit out too long.

>> No.46939754
File: 519 KB, 905x546, ironlung picked.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was more on about Ironlung than Mori.

>> No.46939840

She ripped off Kantai Collection? LMAO the "4chan VTuber" with a gacha model. This is what 4chan is. LMFAO

>> No.46939939

what appeal does Pippa have in 2023 besides numberfagging? she sold out and became a soulless clickbait vtuber

>> No.46939944

Pretty sure OP was shitting on ironmouse because she yells at people that complain about constant model changes

>> No.46939986

That's Kiki. Pippa is a /pcg/ vtuber.

>> No.46940028

KanColle is just shittier Strike Witches. Eat my half-chub cock.

>> No.46940138

She is still the female zatsu queen, kiara and nina are close behind her but those two don't completely derail their game streams for unhinged zatsu's

>> No.46940144

maybe if you weren't a full chub you could still get it up, fatty.

>> No.46940217

why is she an azur lane character now?

>> No.46940220

>Unhinged zatsu
>Hey guys!!! did you hear about x drama???? KEK!!!

>> No.46940309

Why aren't you?

>> No.46940651

Nina Kiara and Pippa the female zatzu queens wow. I hope you mean under 3k

>> No.46940666

pickme collection (pickcolle)

>> No.46940751

>rather than rushing out a model every month like a certain other pink woman.
>/vt/rannies are so ass ravaged they think vtubers investing in models is bad...
Btw that model looks like trash, it will barely look any different when she streams regularly with the avatar in the lower corner. But I guess that's what Shill Connect does... shill trash.

>> No.46941945

Anon, there are plenty of ways to anti pippa that are way higher effort than that, I'm referring to suicide baiting in the wow stream
Kiara gets high numbers any time she has interesting streams, so does Pippa
Nina has been blacklisted by the nijisisters so she no longer gets event numbers

Either way, these three all are the zatsu queens, Vesper is the zatsu king

>> No.46942029

Anon she has a black haired version of the model with 3 different haircuts

>> No.46942182
File: 290 KB, 507x583, 1681004753709772.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure about that?

>> No.46942221

>rather than rushing out a model every month like a certain other pink woman.
Doesnt even matter who you are referring to cause either have better models than this

>> No.46942447

Cope, cuckbeat

>> No.46942673
File: 1.15 MB, 1426x1328, 1681005239218022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ironmouse having a better model than anyone

>> No.46943048

shes definitely getting scammed but shes still putting in more money than anyone else cause shes autistic lol

>> No.46943488

I think it's just that ironmouse doesn't like how many people liked her cheapo original model compared to how much she's spent on all the garbage ones she's paid for

It's gotta be sunken cost fallacy at this point, she keeps saying she's uplifting starving artists by doing this but that's like saying you want to stay subscribed to world of warcraft so blizzard doesn't die

>> No.46943629

Some of those artists should stay starving with how many shit models she has.

>> No.46943892
File: 87 KB, 640x640, coffeemerchant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy some coffee and the mug

>> No.46944183

Sorry, can't, out of stock

>> No.46944227
File: 515 KB, 757x427, rurumouse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She likes having so many models but the way she rushes them out get ridiculous. Yeah models take forever to get drawn and rigged and all that but she is creating unrealistic expectations for how vtubers should be presented.
See pic related - this will be one of the new models she is getting (Rurumi's was actually the first pick from her too), but she's picked a lot more to be made too.

>> No.46944327

got to milk it for as long as possible because hololive and niji are dying

>> No.46944467

she loves azur lane.

>> No.46944487

Honestly I'm starting to think ironmouse doesn't think she can keep people watching her without the new outfits either, she's felt creatively bankrupt for way too long now so maybe there is some truth in that

>> No.46944938
File: 126 KB, 268x303, ironlung text.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's too busy right now going after clipfags making clips of her about Connor and her medical issues. >>46925327

>> No.46945139

I like pippa but there are better girls at zatsu even in her own company

>> No.46945384

How many does she even have? Unironically every time youtube suggests me a video of her, it's a different model

>> No.46945481

In the future she may make a partnership with some Gacha game

>> No.46945515
File: 403 KB, 990x1078, Screenshot_20230408_234252_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is too cute in this outfit

>> No.46945876


>> No.46947054

There aren't, I enjoy lia but pippa is leagues beyond any of the girls you are thinking when it comes to purely going into unhinged tangents that derail the stream and in a lot of cases angers the audience for ruining gameplay

>> No.46949580

You dont watch her, kill yourself.

>> No.46949774

Not watching your slut Phaseshill, nd don't bother ever disrespecting Iron Mouse ever again

>> No.46949828

Should've been the St. Louis dress but keeping the same chest size so it sags

>> No.46950140

iron who

>> No.46950254
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I'm sorry your whoreoshi has aids anon

>> No.46950450
File: 1.28 MB, 4672x3172, 1681010093685672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Spending forever getting it done, getting everything in order, rather than rushing out a model
the pink version wasn't even meant to exist, it was a last minute addition because pippa knew people would be mad if there were an only black haired version

>> No.46950483

That’s dumb, the outfit doesn’t match her aesthetics or personality.

>> No.46950883

>too much of a coward to lose her pink card

>> No.46950957

You can tweak the colors on each individual element in live2d and set your own toggles.

>> No.46951500

Yes but she specifically did not show the original model for some reason
The black outfit is the original, the pink outfit is a fake, you can tell here >>46951230
Someone untalented did the pink outfit and black hair and pippa is refusing to show the original hair with original outfit

No one knows what's going on

>> No.46951734

the only one disrespecting ironmouse is herself when she false DMCA strikes small channels

>> No.46951842
File: 206 KB, 900x900, 38A85126-B858-4BBC-BBD9-57CBBA891F25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She must have seen the /pink/ thread

>> No.46951933

Downgrade honestly

>> No.46951981

Oh, are you one of those SEA clippers?
Maybe you shouldn’t post clips from her streams and including the parts where she asked YOU specifically to not post them

>> No.46952403

Does Pippa have ship autism

>> No.46952482
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0/10 The designer didnt commit to the bit and just tacked on guns.

>> No.46952768

Heavily. She wanted to debut in Phase Connect as a boat girl but fishman got scared by the amount of lore autism she was making and said no, her hunbando is the bismarck, and she's a big Azure Lane fag (doesn't play it on stream though because she doesn't want to be a gacha streamer and knows her fans won't like it).

>> No.46952792

She said she's going to keep updating the model for some time, maybe a more detailed rigging is in the plans.

>> No.46952879

>maybe a more detailed rigging is in the plans.
I have no hopes but i'm not against being proven wrong either.

>> No.46953145

Pink woman bad, it is known

>> No.46953524
File: 359 KB, 742x1200, AEAE3F9D-915F-4CFB-924D-FD658E700E29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up you white bitch, pink women are the best in the business

>> No.46953745

She's going to be the first vtuber to shoot up a school on stream.

>> No.46954939
File: 719 KB, 2362x1476, 1678988346453353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean 7 Eleven. She's even already found one and has been making late night trips to scope it out. The first night they run out of hotdogs before she gets there she's making the morning news.

>> No.46958445


>> No.46958816

I would watch her more if she makes a full pivot to naval military history and starts discussing ship classifications and naval engagements.

>> No.46958902


>> No.46960206

I love this pic I can just smell it through the screen

>> No.46960332

Is there a difference between Azur Lane and Kancolle or even Ars Nova?

>> No.46961430

>spending forever
>doesn't even have full rigging
If you aren't going to commit to the shipgirl bit why even do it in the first place?

>> No.46962155

Because people would sperg out over it. She was aware of it and even mentioned it on stream.
All for naught, though, as evidenced by the catalog threads

>> No.46964239

seethe more

>> No.46964527

That rigging is pretty bad compared to even the worst of the original Azur Lane girls. It's straight up Kancolle tier garbage

>> No.46964609

She's never going to be good as even the halfway competent military Youtubers. She won't be in radar range of the high end ones.
At best you'll just get regurgitated pop history/propaganda trash or worse shit flavored by World of Washits
