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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46860723 No.46860723 [Reply] [Original]

Tell me about a time you stopped watching a chuuba because they were revealed to have a partner.

>> No.46860767

Kronii when she revealed her relationship with vesper.

>> No.46860936

If I ever get a boyfriend I promise to stop streaming

>> No.46861041


>> No.46861418

I hate on stream male interaction more than an unacknowledged boyfriend behind the scenes to be honest. I'd rather they not have them, but it hasn't been an absolute deal breaker for me.

>> No.46861446

when Vesper kept collabing with Kronii, I thought he was for me

>> No.46861691

One of my 3 oshi is openly married. It doesn't bother me but sometimes she brings him on stream and I don't watch those. But to be fair, I don't watch any kind of collabs anymore.

However, if a chuuba ever starts talking about being woefully single and/or a virgin I drop them then and there. It's like a guy out of nowhere talking about being straight. dyrbi?

>> No.46861788
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I think it was mentioned that shylily had started seeing someone. I thought it was a joke but she gets weirdly defensive about it, so it's probably real.
I only watch her youtube uploads but just the idea that she's getting dick behind the scenes makes me feel sick when watching her.
Was a damn shame too, I was really enjoying this dumb German fish.

>> No.46861863

A chuuba I used to follow got married, easy drop

>> No.46862003

I only watch her on YT as well. I saw a clip of her talking to her boyfriend because she forgot to mute or something. Doesn't bother me because from the beginning I thought of her as a kinder, less digusting, more adorable version of Veibae and went from there.

>> No.46862155

a recent forgot to mute male on stream incident has got me thinking. why do we do this to ourselves?

>> No.46862442

We're here eating scraps of fake love while the ones doling out that fake love get to experience both the fake love we give back and real love behind the scenes. We don't get to experience real live behind the scenes. We don't have girlfriends that barge in while we're watching a stream.

Eat shit and pound sand. That's us.

>> No.46862504

Unironically Shondo.
Bounced right off as soon as I learned about it. Even if I try to watch her now, it will not be the same.
I hoped that at least one (uno) Western vtuber can get to early 20s without having a boyfriend or, at least, not putting evidence of having said boyfriend on the internet. No such luck, apparently.

>but they didn’t fuck
>she dumped him right after the trip
>shondo is too much of a schizo to lie
I do not believe her and do not care for any excuses.

>> No.46862705
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I'm not bothered too much by past boyfriends but current boyfriends is another matter.

>> No.46862959

Fauna, Mumei and Pekora

>> No.46862969

>I hoped that at least one (uno) Western vtuber can get to early 20s without having a boyfriend
Why? Why would you want someone to deny having relationships in the prime of their life, just because you're a loney fuck up? That's just pathetic, and probably why you're alone in the first place.

>> No.46863230

>Why would you want someone to deny having relationships in the prime of their life, just because you're a loney fuck up?
Yes how DARE he try to aim for someone that's just like him.

>> No.46863242


>> No.46863309


>> No.46863768

Lol, when has a female chuuba ever dated their fans?

>> No.46863803

The more money you dump on a inheritable slut, the more chances of you getting hurt.
If she's wholesome, you should be happy for her when the time comes, otherwise you're just a cunt expecting schadenfreude on others for you not working to get your own gf.

>> No.46863853

Cus were autistic and incapable of forming real human relationships.
I'm too old to delude myself into thinking I can connect with real humans, so I'll take a girl who's half my age pretending to be an anime character any day of the week.
The only mistake you make in this sphere though, is thinking you've got her for me than a year before you have to move on.

>> No.46863891
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vtubers are a distraction from the Ancient Ways.
Either embrace the Ascetic sage way of abstinence from love affairs, or follow the ancient teachings of /a/ (2D>3DPD) and wait for AI waifus, or dive into /x/ occult path of Succubus summoning and tulpamancy.
I've had a waifu since 2006 so I'm impervious to late stage gosling.

>> No.46863924

Never. I don't form emotional bonds with streamers whom I will never meet.

>> No.46863954

>before you have to move on
More like before she moves on. vtubers have very short lifespans. They're like fairies.

>> No.46863970

he’s joking

>> No.46863979

I am pathetic, there's no hiding that. I'm just happier with more crabs in this bucket of mine.

>> No.46864003

Vera dated a lot of her fans.

>> No.46864025

i don’t think people should do GFE is they have boyfriends in general, not saying that lily is a GFE tho

>> No.46864041

>True waifu connoisseur
Kinda cringe

>> No.46864174

I’ve been trying to detach myself from chuubas regardless of their partner status, because the rational side of my mind keeps reminding me that this isn’t real intimacy. So far I have not been successful is escaping

>> No.46864212

wait, how long ago was this

>> No.46864228
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tulpas and lucid dreaming are just a few of many possibilities in the waifufag toolkit. If you truly love your waifu, you won't succumb to schizo or demons.

>> No.46864252

Do you even know what it's like being a weeaboo for almost 20 years and never once finding a waifu in all that time?

>> No.46864343

That seems like a quick way to end up in someones basement

>> No.46864399

Can't relate, must be horrible not to find your waifu for that long. Maybe meditate on what traits absolutely click with your inner self, and go from there. Normally it's the opposite +the story and characterization makes it click, but maybe need to try reverse engineering it.

>> No.46864506

You're supposed to take the Otaku Way as required to get waifu knowledge, not just a mere weeb path.

>> No.46864664

Based tulpachad

>> No.46864739

I'll tell you what it's like. The waifu is a Jungian anima, a manifestation of your own ability to self-love. Because you're capable of imagining an imaginary girl that's capable of being in love with you. You're capable of imagining loving yourself.

Those without self-love cannot manifest love, not even imaginary love from imaginary girls.

>> No.46864748

and just like that I am now a Vera fan. when does the sex start?

>> No.46864770

>guy talking about being straight
2/10 I replied lmao

>> No.46864797

In her discord, of course

>> No.46864846

that's so romantic. it reminds me of my...

>> No.46864854

I'm straight. Do you believe me?

>> No.46864911


>> No.46865047

*sucks your dick*

>> No.46865183

Anon no, straight men don't do that

>> No.46865296
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That's right. I've actually read most of Jung's books (Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious, Psychological Types, Red Book etc etc). I've also talked about waifus under a Jungian perspective in /a/ many years ago.
That said, since I never was in that situation, I never thought of the impossibility to find a waifu and thus the implications of not being able to love yourself. That was an interesting train of thought.

What do you think then of the old ones who waifued Misaki? They couldn't love themselves but hoped a Misaki would come to save them one day. I guess contemplating the possibility of Being Saved meant they didn't lose all hope on themselves.

>> No.46865536

on the same topic, does anyone have a list of all "normie" chuubas ?

>> No.46865568


>> No.46865747

I find funny how fauna managed to attract a lot of unicorns and parasocials even though she has a boyfriend. Are people ok with a chuuba having a sex partner off-screen as long as she doesn’t collab with any male friends on stream? Legit question

>> No.46865790

I'm not mentally ill

>> No.46865899

She literally talks about her experiences getting dicked on stream lmao

>> No.46865939

It also happens if you don't love anyone. If you've never missed anyone, or "wanted to see" someone. If you have never done anything out of the ordinary to meet anyone ever.
Basically you are good with yourself but aren't attached to anyone.
It's another way to never find a waifu.
You can see yourself being loved by an imaginary wife but you can't possibly imagine yourself giving back any % of that love back.

>> No.46866137

I like kind whores

>> No.46866264

you mean sexhaver chuubas?

>> No.46866285

>I guess contemplating the possibility of Being Saved meant they didn't lose all hope on themselves.
Exactly this. It's the mirror of the
>I can save her
meme, where they're drawn to broken girls because they believe they can fix the girl. They believe they can fix themselves.

For me it's more like
>she would never love me
>she would be creeped out and disgusted by me
>she's already in love with [male protagonist of show you're supposed to self-insert into except I never do]
>I, a 3DPD human, am a higher-dimensional monster peering through a twisted machine of metal and electricity that she, a 2D human, cannot even comprehend; seeing escape from the torment of my realm by reaching through this thin window into her world, what horrors would she feel to behold my hand crossing the barrier?

That kind of stuff.

>> No.46866371
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Same anon as this post, I'll elaborate my waifuism further:
Mankind is like a massive tree, each branch a person, that being the evolutionary algorithm of life, exploring all possibilities, all branches, growing further. It doesn't matter if you personally don't achieve a normalfag life, since most people/branches are heading that way anyways so that pathing of discovery is secured. Other branches may grow in different directions, most of them being pruned eventually, but regardless, this realization gives you freedom. The freedom to pursue an eccentric path to its ultimate consequences, your purpose engraved into the depths of your very soul. Maybe you'll be a branch that finds the sunlight, who knows! And if you don't, that's ok too, there are a trillion branches so don't take life that seriously!

tl;dr: Instead of failing to try being a normalfag, or wallow in your sadness and damnation, abandon all common sense and dedicate yourself beyond all limits to an eccentric/unexplored path. If you die, die smiling like a absolute mad lad! It's being working for me for 17 years so I must be doing something right!.

>> No.46866391

Pretty much all of VShojo

>> No.46866548

Chikafuji Lisa is the most normalfag normie that ever norm'd.

>> No.46866621

Congratulations. Do you expect an award?

>> No.46866639

Just go to Twitch and type "vtuber"

>> No.46866641

She has her moments where she's funny and she never mentions the sexual themes without a innocent approach.
Dishonest, but a good illusion, and personally I just enjoy watching, not chatting nor donating.

>> No.46867654

Sounds kinda similar to schizoid, maybe. I assume it shouldn't bother you though, since if the need is alien to you then the craving should be alien too, other than a vague sense of missing something out. Kinda like a blind man by birth, who cannot miss colors because those are alien to him.
Not even worrying to be honest, as we also just happen to be humans and therefore we're missing on other possible senses and experiences (flying, echolocation, and so on). A figure is defined as much by its filler as it is by its background. A choice is as much defined by the single "yes" as the infinite alternate options you implicitly said "no" to. The qualities of every thing are constituted by their limits.

Your options are hoping for isekai, or practicing spiritual alchemy and inner work, or hoping for eastern style reincarnation, or mental work +hoping for a "choose your avatar" afterlife I guess. Regardless, forms are transient, even your body replaces its cells. Never think that the most you can be is what you currently are. You should always think of yourself as the ever-future madlad version of yourself that will beat the shit of this faggy current-you.

>> No.46867738

>Your options are hoping for isekai, or practicing spiritual alchemy and inner work, or hoping for eastern style reincarnation, or mental work +hoping for a "choose your avatar" afterlife I guess
That's the most roundabout way I've ever been told to kill myself.

>> No.46867750

I stopped watching Kiki the rabbit when I found out about her discord boyfriend.

>> No.46867883

I thought /pyon/ was trying to groom her, did they fail like the faggots they are?

>> No.46867920

The only vtubers without boyfriends are 2views. Think about it. The popular ones' personalities attract real men just as strongly as they attract viewers

>> No.46868209


>> No.46868258

I watch an 8 ccv with a husband who comes on stream sometimes ;_;

>> No.46868466

Anon has screencaps of weird Discord sex.
Other anon says they're fake.
Anon says other anon is a cuck.
Other anon says anon is a schizo.

>> No.46868518

>tfw found a 2view autist chuuba

>> No.46868520

Well yeah there's no guarantees either way. I'm just saying the probability of a bf increases as ccv rises to the point that basically every 4view has or has had one.

>> No.46868736
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top kek, that made me laugh honestly.
The spiritual alchemy or the mental self-development don't require that though .
Anyways I won't sugarcoat it, most people going into these kind of eccentric paths either go schizo, end up content and deluded believing shitty spiritual fast food garbage (or lost because it's quite hard to dive into the garbage with no idea and find the actual good shit), or cave eventually against the huge weight of their own suffering. Seen a few of these happen personally.
But regardless, it's an option for someone who will never be a normalfag.

Anyways practice mediation, self-introspection, therapy if you luckshit the fuck out of an actually good therapist (rare but possible), exercise if you can, see where that puts you and re-evaluate from there.

>> No.46869872

many screenshots and shit about her having a discord/mod bf that make a lot of sense, despite what some might say

>> No.46870139

>sometimes she brings him on stream and I don't watch those
She is German. They are very libertine with sexuality and it'd be no surprise if her body count was higher than 20. She took a purity test and complained about losing a point over being on birth control pills. Said all young girls should be using them virgin or not.

>> No.46870479

She sounds like a whore

>> No.46870489

Don't do it mori

>> No.46870787

Nope. I won't mention her name because I don't want her getting that kind of attention.

>> No.46872190

>complained about losing a point over being on birth control pills. Said all young girls should be using them virgin or not.
pretty medically ignorant of her
that stuff increases cancer risk, for one

>> No.46872191

Why would I want to watch someone mentally healthy or happy. I could just talk to a starbucks barista

>> No.46872384

>starbucks barista
>mentally healthy or happy
this is bait, isn't it?

>> No.46872422

I don't know I don't go outside much

>> No.46872716
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>> No.46873261

Truly commendable how TTGL delivers this message in an entertaining and awesome way.

>> No.46873467

>wait for AI waifus
No vtuber can beat how genuine AI is.
The future looks bright.

>> No.46873471

Someone please save us.

>> No.46873981

You and your discord server?

>> No.46874885
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If we are to use the Eva cosmology then the people who never find a 'waifu' are the children of Adam. They are the Angels. They like the angels are complete, self-sufficient, and far and few between. They do not find anyone because they do not need. They are singular, the sole members of their respective species. I do not need you, I am not you.
The more common people who have a 'waifu' are the children of Lillith. The Lilim desire to be nullified in the Other or their 'waifu' and return to the LCL plasma-scene as shown in the finale of the NGE cinematic. I need you, I am you.

>> No.46875048

She also said she wasn’t a virgin and had sex in a car. Most chuubas aren’t very open about their sex lives like she is. Probably so they don’t upset their audiences.

>> No.46876120

>Most streamers aren’t very open about their sex lives like she is
I cannot imagine any flesh streamer I watch male or female to start talking in the middle of a stream about how they fucked in a car

>> No.46877442

Yup, fucks with hormones too(but doc lie and tell girls it normalizes hormone levels). Also decreases overall fertility in women.

>> No.46877812

Every streamer is parasocial. It comes with the territory. It is not inherently romantic in connotation. But to answer your question it hasn't happened yet. There are a few rrats about my oshi having one but since she doesn't make any mention of it at all in her streams all is well. To me, a chuuba having a partner wouldn't make me stop watching her. What would make me stop is if she won't shut up about her partner every stream.

>> No.46877892

Man, she'd have to be retarded (literally) or 1/10. I've seen women who look like cave trolls from LOTR who are married.

She's alright though. Her voice is soothing.

>> No.46878056

Neuro is the perfect Vtuber. Yab is literally impossible

>> No.46878190

If only she'd stop collabing with e-thots

>> No.46878256

She’s dating Vedal, there are multiple yabbadabbadoos

>> No.46878263

I stopped watching Nyanners, but I sometimes watch Aethel clips and watch his FFX VODs, fuckin' wild. Also I dropped Yuzu when she revealed she got DPed, somehow that's worse than having a boyfriend for me.

>> No.46878281

Not true, hate how her dev tries to self insert himself into Neuro's streams. Just code her bts and shut up

>> No.46878303
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> Dropping Chuuba because they fuck someone

>> No.46878380

t. proud cuck

>> No.46878483

>Not true, hate how her dev tries to self insert himself into Neuro's streams.
Twitch literally demanded him. Also he only show up like twice a week, clipfag.
Can't be cucked if I don't have romantic feelings for them.

>> No.46878642

Ren Zotto is pretty normie if you know his rm.

>> No.46878844

Twice a week is two times too many.
>Can't be cucked if I don't have romantic feelings for them.
Ok. You are not a cuck you just a faggot with awful taste in vtubers. Literally the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.46879336

after watching her for more than a year, i cannot do anything more than wish for her happiness, if that relationship is what has made her less bitter and unstable, then she is free to cuck every champyon on the face of the earth

>> No.46879585

For the longest time, I was raised by a single mother until I learned that I had a real dad somewhere out there. I cut that whore out of my life immediately.

>> No.46880453

I don't care if they have boyfriend/husband/fwb, whatever, JUST DON'T BRING IT UP WHEN STREAMING. It's that too much to ask?

>> No.46880725

I’m amazed you haven’t been banned for this post

>> No.46881619

I wouldn't even say I watched her at all really. Only that one minecraft carnival stream she did. But I blocked every ounce of Mori out of my YouTube and twitter the moment she took TT's side

>> No.46881963
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I know about the obvious shit, but the moment connor started to leech his way into every fucking clip and stream moment I dropped mousey.
Looking back at it now I only made the right choice because that cunt is insufferable to Vtubing and needs to fuck off already

>> No.46884303

I don't even really have a parasocial attachment to many vtubers, I don't even really watch a lot of them, but I stopped listening to Moona's music

>> No.46886548


>> No.46886666

this, I watch guys who are married and never bring that up

>> No.46887193

I didn't drop them but Riifu, It wasn't the partner thing that was the biggest part but pretending to be Scottish and making up this whole family thing really bothered me. I hated myself for being bothered by it and hated myself more for feeling hurt. Vtubers are at best heavily curated versions of the person playing them. If you donate you're donating for an actor to continue a performance, there isn't anything wrong with that unless you end up believing that the actor is the character.

>> No.46888122

I don't care if a chuuba has a partner IRL, but I do care if they collab with males on stream. I don't want to see that shit.

>> No.46888787

I know this is 4cheng and there's a lot of schizos here, but holy shit you motherfuckers are truly pathetic

You watch these vtubers because they're FUN, that's all

>> No.46889215

>Normal vtubers
Don't care if they have partners, just don't mention and do your cute girls doing cute things thing.

>GFE vtubers
If they have a partner and is open about it, drop.
If they have a partner and try to keep it a secret, become an anti of them.

As simple as that, if you're trying to form a romantic connection with your chat, don't do it while backstabbing them. If you aren't then just do your thing and be entertaining, and don't leech off males for your content.

>> No.46889268

>She is German. They are very libertine with sexuality
The Jews really did a number on them huh

>> No.46890592

>She is German. They are very libertine with sexuality
Most central and north european whores are.
Did you actually find him?

>> No.46891095

That's her father you retard

>> No.46891188

not mutually exclusive.

>> No.46892454


>> No.46892557

I know she's small but the minute Takako Takamura accidentally went live and ousted herself for having a boyfriend, I stopped watching. Mentally ill cunt can't stick to one schedule anyway without having to take a two month fucking break. Pathetic.

>> No.46892973

Sounds wild, you got a link? I want to see how she ousted herself.

>> No.46893039

I don't think it's ever happened actually, because I only watch 3-views or more who've already been around long enough for 4chan autists to have dug up everything there is to find, and then I've made a habit of doing archive reps on any new chuuba I pick up before I allow any parasocialism to develop.
The only ones I can think of where I found out about a partner after already watching them for a while were Fauna and Mumei, but I only watched them very casually, and I don't find the GFE of holos stimulating enough to develop any parasocial feelings anyway.
The one I dropped that hurt the most was Nene Amano, but that was for different reasons, not because of a partner.

>> No.46893101

I guess I have good tastes in chuubas cause it never happened to me before and I'm not even into GFE/parasocial shit

>> No.46893107

No link as it was a while back. She went live, stream had her model laying fucking sideways. You could hear her in the background talking to a man with an EXTREMELY deep voice and she clearly said "I love you" as she walked back to her desk talking about how she had to get to work. She noticed she was live, said oops, and ended the stream. VOD was purged. Whole thing lasted like 45 seconds.

>> No.46893175

My condolences.

>> No.46893272

Eh no big deal, given how she can't stick to a schedule at all and keeps taking ridiculously long breaks for no reason I'm convinced she's going to quit soon anyway. I've moved on to better streamers. Out of chuchubu the only ones worth even watching are KK and Picky. Kyun is just as dead as Takako and Mimi is fat, ugly, AND has a boyfriend she talks about regularly.

>> No.46893429
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She probably doesn't have a boyfriend right now, and I haven't stopped watching her completely, but after the rock climbing incident I went full menhera and my love for her gradually faded away.

>> No.46893581

My understanding of the situation is that about a year ago, she dated one of her Discord mods for about a week. I'm also pretty sure they dated online and never even met IRL. And they actually broke up because he tried to get her to stop doing GFE and she refused.
But I believe our only source on all of this is Discord screenshots from someone claiming to be a friend of another mod named Seisshirou, who was later discovered to be a batshit insane schizo who doxxed several chuubas and spammed gore in threads, and then wrote literal chunibyou-tier cringey edgelord essays about how "powerful" it made him feel.
So idk if I believe any of it. And even if it was true, it wasn't that bad at all.
But feel free to correct me if I got any of that wrong.

>> No.46893657

she had a boyfriend a couple years ago, which she tweeted about and shit in her past account.
Nothing about her current "marital status" so believe what you like

>> No.46893664

Watching 2 views is dangerous tho because if there are any skeletons in the closet, they aren't well known enough for 4chan autists to be motivated to dig them up. So if you ever find out about them, you'll already be attached to her by then.

>> No.46893758

>twice a week
fuck off retard. it went from "rare dev stream" to fucking twice a godamn week. now have to deal with his shitty triangle with twitch whores.

>> No.46893814

>broke up because [alleged BF] tried to get her to stop doing GFE and she refused
yeah no thats pretty shitty, in addition to how shitty it already was to have one

>> No.46893852

How did people not see that coming a mile away? Did people really think a dude was just gonna let his creation become famous without any shine on himself? No amount of power is too small to go to someone's head.

>> No.46893931

whats worse is when they did, they encouraged it. i fucking hate twitch cucks seriously. they are also hypocrites that defend whores then leave when they ARE whores.

>> No.46893978

I started watching her BECAUSE she has a boyfriend.
dicks cure the menhera you know

>> No.46894031

How is that shitty? At least from the perspective of her viewers. Because what that essentially means is that she chose her viewers over her BF.
Sure, you can say she shouldn't have tried to do both at all, but they only dated for about a week, so there weren't really any expectations yet, and they broke up as soon as she realized a relationship is incompatible with her content.
So I don't think there was really any harm done. It kinda got nipped in the bud.

>> No.46894060

what's with people starting to date straight off the bat? are they collecting exes?

>> No.46894078

Does she have a BF currently? I thought it was all just about an ex? Or has something new come out very recently?

>> No.46894122

it started before turtle avatar
femboy faggot vrchatter compiled a huge harem and ruined neuro

>> No.46894158

Well if you believe the Discord leaks, it is also claimed in the same leaks that they were both underage at the time (17 I think?). So that would explain a lot of the weirdness about it.

>> No.46894213

I could never get invested in a vtuber that confirmed they weren't single, or worse, talked about their partner.

These social media parasites make money by being fake internet friends. In the case of females in this space, fake girlfriends. They're probably getting fucked by le chad irl but I'm not trying to date them, they're not real. It's fake girlfriend entertainment. As you can guess that's why I only watch hololive. The wafer-thin act of being an idol makes all the difference. I don't watch calli or kronii, they're friends of gura and mumei to me. I mostly watch jp clips in general though.

>"wow, how pathetic", says the public slut streamer and their devoted cuckold fans, "...what are you an incel?"

Kinda, yeah? I'm on the wagey grind in a very male field and every partner I dated in the last few years was horrifying and I have no idea how to meet new women....I dunno how to put this...organically? Naturally?

Some people have shit lives and appreciate the GFE. Or at the very least someone who doesn't outright take a diarrhea dump all over it. They're shitty comedians, they're shitty gamers, as far as song and dance go its mostly shitty but some of them are mid to good tier. The act of being girlfriend material is the job. It's where their bread and luxury vacations come from. I'm not gonna get mad an anti-gfe vtuber, everyone should be allowed to do what they want. But don't get outraged in my interests when it comes to youtubers when I gravitate towards the kind I just described specifically. If that streamer thinks my take is irrational or is evil then I'm glad to hear their life is going so much better than mine that they can't even comprehend it.

>> No.46894232

A single person had full control over her and a captive audience. Someway somehow he was going to fuck it up even with the best intentions.

>> No.46894240

Shiina from phase
Fuyo from idol
And now Yuko, also from idol

>> No.46894445

Yuko is probably the worst one I've seen. Literally proved the retarded cuckposters right.
I'm so glad I found out about it before watching her.

>> No.46894537


>> No.46894656

Why is that moment so iconic? I watched the original clip and it's...okay I guess? Not the first time someone exposed themself on stream

>> No.46894688

Kiwi schizo is obsessed with spamming it.

>> No.46894837

It was one of the few legit "oh shit, I just... fuck, oh well, that's it then" moments that actually happened live on stream

>> No.46894867

seething buttercuckie

>> No.46894892

Imagine feeling cucked by a literal chat bot
jesus christ

>> No.46895394

Pipa, mostly from clips i fell for the "i dislike people" and "im a virgin" i didnt get too invested before i found out but still stung a bit.

>> No.46895447
File: 47 KB, 596x340, shirara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hilarious that this was even tweeted

>> No.46895457
File: 122 KB, 680x674, 1630215941902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nta, but for me its the context that made it funny

>> No.46895882


>> No.46895897

when was this?

>> No.46895955

he's not joking

>> No.46895969


>> No.46896061

Ascended master tier

>> No.46896080

>AI waifus
this is the way

>> No.46896088

i dont follow linear time, to me it was 3 weeks ago

>> No.46896244
File: 53 KB, 739x1024, 1671145514209769m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's actually over for 99% of vtubers when people can customize a qt anime waifu and run it on their phone, talk to her about your day, discuss any topic to any depth, play vidya together, whatever. Looking over the current state of ML and LLMs this is unironically probably less than a year away. We are gonna make it bros, no more temptations of the 3d flesh, the future is bright.

>> No.46896340

>lucid dreaming
I figured out how to lucid dream when I was a kid and it's overrated af on the internet for some reason. After the novelty wears off normal dreams are just better.

>> No.46896453
File: 316 KB, 1920x1080, joshiko stalin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.46896455

Screenshots I saw were from this January.

>> No.46896543

>what is gfe

>> No.46896559

Its your choice anon. Either find something more healthy to do or be like me and watch entertaining chuuba over gfe.

>> No.46896771

>Tell me about a time you stopped watching a chuuba because they were revealed to have a partner.
I get emotionally attached to things easily, it's why I have to avoid ASMR streamers. I know that the person they are on stream and the person they are in real life are mostly not the same, but if you just play shit like CSGO with an avatar I don't think people will really care about you having a boyfriend or anything, in that case you being single or or not does not feed into your persona or content. It's when you do GFE stuff or ASMR you start intentionally preying on lonely people. You are exploiting their delusions for superchats and that's what feels wrong to me.

>> No.46896829

I deserve to be exploited

>> No.46897455

I honestly don't understand GFEfags. Do you honestly believe someone who's good at flirting with their audience and making them feel like they're in a relationship, doesn't have prior, or current experience? Do you guys think that these girls are prodigies at dating and are born with dating expertise?

>> No.46897621

If you mean shondo then no, that mod shit was around 2019 and she's openly talked about it on stream several times. It's thoroughly documented old news. She has very dedicated gosling autists over analyzing everything she does, that shit wouldn't go unnoticed nowadays.

>> No.46897651

I really don't think prior experience is what people care about here, it's more that she's "two timing" by having a current boyfriend. That's all it takes for GFE to become NTR Cuckholdry.

>> No.46897712

this is one of the most disgusting examples, because she'd post about how she would be "single forever" and that she felt lonely and shit, obviously to bait people into donating. i don't care if they have a partner irl AS LONG AS THEY'RE NOT FUCKING MANIPULATING THEIR AUDIENCE. i love that they can't even see anything wrong with this. some of these vtubers are unironically sociopathic.

>> No.46897786

How is this thread still alive lmfao

>> No.46898000

There are degrees of lucid dreaming. Some of mine's are like the Matrix. I've had lucid dreams where shit was so real I was stuck touching a stone column for the whole dream, because I was aware it was a dream, yet the rocky grainy texture was indistinguishable from a real one, no matter what I did to try to prove it Not Real.

>> No.46898007

Why not? 2000 years ago Lucian wrote the first known fictionalized account of travelling to the moon. In 1969 humans finally made it. Why shouldn't we dream of something better? Even if it's not possible in my lifetime I believe one day a woman who's not a whore, not gay, and not ugly will be born.

>> No.46898168

>a man in 2023 thinks having a relationship with a woman is as far fetched as space travel was to ancient Greeks
There is actually no hope left.

>> No.46898534

Whew, rollercoaster there. I laughed, I felt sad, then I just laughed way harder. I love this place sometimes.

>> No.46898541

And she's doing that exact same stuff now she's shiina

>> No.46898550

he's not wrong though. there is no dating market anymore and it becomes exponentially harder with age to find anyone, especially as someone with our interests. single anons in their 30s will die alone, guaranteed.

>> No.46898563

Wait QRD? Or at least when it happened so I can read boo bros cope

>> No.46898643

>rock climbing incident

>> No.46898688

>rock climbing incident

>> No.46898817

She really tripled down on it

>> No.46898925

It's not as interesting as the wontons and as far as I know most Yukimins didn't read too deeply into it, so I'm not saying she's a grifter and they should leave her but what happened was last year during a superchat reading or zatsudan Lamy started talking excitedly about her past experience with indoor wall climbing. A viewer innocently asks how she got into it and suddenly she says she doesn't remember and immediately changes the subject. Indoor wall climbing is a very common date activity for Jap normies, and I find it unlikely that she was doing it all on her own. Well, you have to be pretty deep in schizo territory to take this seriously but here I am.

>> No.46898980

I wonder if it's exhausting for them to have to constantly maintain vigilance so they can keep sucking up simpbucks.

>> No.46899043

Groomed by /k/ then cucked a /k/ namefag for a nigger. Happend like 2 weeks ago

>> No.46899087

This is unironically what it feels like. I can't even imagine a situation these days where a woman would be interested enough in me to be in a relationship with me. I'm already 30 and still a virgin

>> No.46899100

>no matter what I did to try to prove it Not Real
you can't control/change/create all objects in your dreams? I have seen a lot of people say that they had a lucid dream and yet there were objects they couldn't control which is kinda bizarre for me. Are you sure that wasn't just another "prerecorded" shit your brain came up with?

>> No.46899148

I look forward to wontons 2.0

>> No.46899177

not the worst thing people have done for money

>> No.46899193

newfag here, wontons?

>> No.46899233

Protip: If somebody says something that makes zero sense and has no logical correlation to the discussion, they mean "her boyfriend".

>> No.46899287

Exactly. Expecting vtubers to stay single forever is absurd, but then don't bait lonely mentally ill men to donate by pretending to be this poor lonely girl who loves them.
To top it all off, she's doing the same exact thing post-reincarnation, very successfully to a brand new audience and any criticism towards her instantly gets deflected just because some former groomer of hers that she rejected went apeshit /here/.
A normal person would have an heroed from guilt by now, but since she's a sociopath, she's living the best life possible for someone like her. She got her cake, the cream, even the cherry on top and ate it all. Such is life.

>> No.46899291

she’s kind of a yab machine to be fair. She got cancelled a while back for spouting racial slurs on stream

>> No.46899304

I was more interested in testing the reality of the dream rather than creating things, so I spent it all interacting with the building, mostly the pillar. Like hugging it, testing the feel of density of the rock, the little details of the texture, hitting it to see how it behaves under impact, things like that. There wasn't anything that made me go "yeah that can't be realistic"

>> No.46899334

I have trouble limiting your description to "sociopaths", since it seems to apply to "all women" equally well.

>> No.46899346

Wait what? QRD please

>> No.46899371

>racial slurs
no~, it was because of holocaust denial

>> No.46899405

>a time you stopped watching a chuuba because they were revealed to have a partner
Never happened to me. I've dropped a few chuubas, but mostly just for taking their content in a direction I no longer enjoyed, especially if they stopped displaying their intelligence and got a very slutty model.
>So who have you dropped?
Amano Nene
Kaneko Lumi

>> No.46899457

im trying to drop my current oshi for that reason but i feel guilt-tripped into staying. god i hate women

>> No.46899634

Wontons is referring to Shiina from phase connect

>> No.46899654

Do you faggots even watch her?
Nowadays she's more of a GRE, Grandma Experience, larping as a boomer eventhough she's still in her 30s or perhaps 40s

Kinda makes me cringe tho

>> No.46899666

Here you go newfag

>> No.46899738

Every popular vtuber has double or triple digit bodycount.

For me it was obvious that ones that are popular are not social recluses in real life, it just doesn't work like that.

>> No.46899882

My favorite part of this is how she's trying to act nonchalant about it but you can tell her mouth has completely fucking dried up and her throat is constricting from the panic response.

>> No.46899929

You should see the kinda shit she types on twitter and discord

>> No.46900094

>That chat
fucking yikes

>> No.46900114

That's a big a cope as a thinking they're all virgins. The reality is the vast majority of people will have a few bfs / gfs throughout their lives, and maybe a few trysts.

Unless you're a fag, it's unlikely you'll hit high double digits, let alone triple. Unless you're counting making out and giving bjs.

>> No.46900159 [SPOILER] 

Pipkin Pippa

>> No.46900216

not all women lack feelings and empathy, incel-chama

>> No.46900221

Why are the mods so worried about people talking about vtubers having bfs anyway?

>> No.46900253
File: 1.88 MB, 1600x900, shiina 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grandma Experience
>Did a bath stream with chat
>The valentines date stream + the live maid GFE ASMR after where she calls you darling, dear and opens up to you, something shes always struggled doing since the beginning
>Her tweets gushing about how much buttercookies mean to her almost daily at times
She does do the granny jokes/larp but you can't ignore these

>> No.46900310

if the person I watch now got a partner and it bothered me I'd probably stop watching vtubers altogether
I know that feeling isn't healthy and it is a sign that I need to go touch grass. Talk to some hoes at a bar. thankfully I am capable of leaving my house and talking to 3d women

>> No.46900345

Men will have a relationship, get out of one, and then have to recover and make a conscious effort to go out and get a chance with another woman. This slows down how frequently they get chances to have relationships throughout their life. A woman will literally have 5-10 men trying to woo her as a constant throughout her life, the second she breaks up with one she's got another lined up and ready to go that afternoon, which means she gets several orders of magnitude more opportunities to start a relationship.

Because /vt/ has extremely draconian and strict rules about "doxing", and any discussion of anything that's not a live stream is forbidden. People get banned for doxxing as well as for posting clips of past live streams, links to tweets the vtuber themselves made.

>> No.46900439


>> No.46900440

>if the person I watch now got a partner and it bothered me I'd probably stop watching vtubers altogether
You're here forever, you'll come crawling back and find someone else to watch and start the whole clown show over again thinking
>this time it's different
Maybe there'll be an anti story arc somewhere in there too, maybe not.

>> No.46900557

Incels are the most oppressed group in the history of mankind

>> No.46900705

We actually have it pretty fuckin' good right now. In the past we would have been rounded up and forced to be peasant cannon fodder in some Jew's war, slaughtered by the thousands to gratify the egos of a few generals and politicians. War has basically been civilization's built-in incel-cleaning mechanism since pre-history. Today at worst we're made fun of on the internet, but mostly we're just left alone to suffer in the void by ourselves with no hope.

>> No.46900748

sad fact of idol industry is that if you run an idol company you attract people that want to be idols which means hiring narcissistic psychopaths
I'm into crazy but still don't watch anyone who does something they know will actually hurt their viewers if revealed. Doing GFE and then cucking goslings is cruel.

>> No.46900779

You cant help people who refuse to change. And besides Incels have never been as monetizable as they are now

>> No.46900889

>You cant help people who refuse to change
Successful people didn't have to change. They were just successful naturally. The correct response is to kill incels, because they are not naturally successful. Correct on an evolutionary scale, correct for the fitness of the human race.

>> No.46900931

Yeah, but it doesn't exactly work that way. Most women will go for a few months after a break, she may or may not have sex with someone or some people during that time, but it's not like your average woman is in bed with one her suitors that same day. Thats also to say nothing of the fact most relationships last at least a few months, if not a year or two.

Historically, most incels probably died in between 0 - 12 years of age. I can't really speak for modern zoomers, but most of the millennial incels are people with high mutational loads. Look at any old cemetary and you'll see plenty of 5 year olds buried there.

>> No.46900945

not to mention whenever you see anons mentioning her in /pcg/ its always goslings being wildly in love with her and wanting to marry her
you don't get that kind of an audience without doing gfe. she's a literal sociopath

>> No.46901088

>Most women will go for a few months after a break, she may or may not have sex with someone or some people during that time, but it's not like your average woman is in bed with one her suitors that same day
No, but that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about the opportunity. If she takes a few months off that's because she's chosen to do so, not because she just couldn't find any opportunities to hop back on. The opportunities are constantly present for women, but for men opportunities do not exist unless the man creates them himself. This is why it's possible for women who basically sit at home all day on the internet browsing social media and playing video games to get a boyfriend and find love; and why it's straight impossible on a cosmic scale for men who sit at home all day on the internet browsing social media and playing video games to ever find love.

>> No.46901541

Not saying it's anything, but Shondo has been playing up the NTR, cucking and male jokes on stream ever since her simulacra stream, or at least that's what I noticed. And in her latest stream, she finally got annoyed or some might even say defensive about the male on stream "jokes" and told chat that it's kind of cringe.
She also said I think 2-3 streams ago that she did think that the male on stream thing is totally a joke and that it's only because of her own values and not chat's wants that she doesn't stream with males. A very clueless take.

>> No.46901643

nta, but everyone overestimates how sexed up other people are. ime the ones having the most sex are fucking eachother in an endless shitty "who's fucking who" loop full of drama and bs to the point even if you are high up enough on the scale to get laid that way it isn't worth it.

>> No.46901762

The only dishonest thing is that she tries to say it's not because of chat, it's "her own values" or whatever. Everybody knows that's a lie. The single biggest "rule" of vtubing, streaming, idol'ing, is not to do anything that might reduce the cashflow from your audience. If your audience evaporates because you stream with males, you don't stream with males, because you want your audience's money.

Like you can cultivate an audience of unironic cucks who give you money for bringing males on stream and ignoring them, and if that's the case you probably don't want to do things like regularly streaming solo and producing interesting content, since that's gonna put off the cucks and your cashflow will seek out other sources of NTR.

>> No.46901788

but again, it's not about what you do, it's about what you CAN do if you wanted to. it's about opportunity.

>> No.46901853

no, it wasn't 2019. every time someone talks about this they're putting the year further and further back as a coping mechanism. they were still together in early 2021 and he was still a mod and active in her discord for over a year after that. he only recently left her discord so i'm guessing something happened behind the scenes because he has always been there.

>> No.46901877


>> No.46901886

i bet it will be from Irys

>> No.46902300

It's 2019 because that's the year she literally said it happened, afterwards she said they broke up on the new years, so 2020.
He was still a mod and is still in the discord because he's been there for so long she feels a sense of obligation to keep him there and not kick him. Same as what she does with all the other "mods to vtuber" mods, and even the ones that hit on her after becoming a vtuber himself. All of them are still in the discord.

>he only recently left her discord
By the way, he's still in her discord.

>> No.46902391

Man, she's truly a professional for this GFE shit. Good for her.
literally nothingburger lol

tfw I'm not even a buttercookie (I unfollowed her and several PC girls because now I only want to follow vtubers that I regularly watch) yet seeing y'all using the word "sociopath" liberally ITT kinda irks me

>> No.46902407

Oh and I forgot to add
>active in her discord for over a year after that
False, he hasn't said a thing in the discord since 2022 (the creation of her current discord server), which doesn't match your description of their relationship ending in 2021.

>> No.46902443

bro, the famous monkey tweet is literally from march 2020. stop being retarded. it doesn't matter what she said when i have the receipts right in front of me, lol. she has brain fog from her anti-psychotics and is bad with time, which she even mentioned in her previous stream.
>By the way, he's still in her discord.
no, he's not. if you think he is you've got the wrong person. i have his discord id.
>False, he hasn't said a thing in the discord since 2022 (the creation of her current discord server), which doesn't match your description of their relationship ending in 2021.
i don't know how bad your math is, but from 2021 to 2022 is 1 year. stay in school, kids.

>> No.46902552

oh, and he has talked in her current server btw. you've definitely got the wrong guy.

>> No.46902563

IMO the average anon is higher up on the real scale than they think.
if ur a butt ugly mole man then that's that but even that one anon got laid by a big tiddy goth woman who was into that

>> No.46902604

oh it's you. would've expected you to be in this thread I guess.
anyone in the current discord can check your falsified information my dude. everyone knows his name.

>but from 2021 to 2022 is 1 year
>over a year
I guess you weren't the best at english

>> No.46902637

his name isn't pyro on her discord, you absolute retard. it was rebelfriend.

>> No.46902695

You're still not really grok'ing the point. For males opportunity is not passive. "Higher on the scale" in terms of attractiveness is meaningless for male opportunity, because women will never ever not ever approach said male and initiate first contact. The most 10/10 6'5" chad will still have zero opportunities if he never leaves his room and actively creates them. This contrasts with what we're seeing in women, where sub average 5/10 women with mental illness that stay inside all day long are still getting enough opportunities to land boyfriends.

>> No.46902792

>be incel
>watch vtubers to forget the reality of no gf
i wonder why people get upset

>> No.46902836

And the more
>she's just like me fr fr
the vtuber is, the worse it hurts when you realize she's still found love and acceptance while you have not.

>> No.46902860

Well, that anon IS right. A woman can just dl a dating app, post a few pictures, and get at least some likes, even if she's kinda meh. Unlike a guy, her staying home and playing vidya will attract a certain % of guys who want a gamer / homebody / introvert GF.

Even if she doesn't dl a dating app, even just playing vidya a girl can get a certain % of guys interested in her. Hell, I went to high school with a guy who's step mother met her father on the old Star Wars MMO and this was a decade ago.

>> No.46902902

go ahead and spout your bs, but i'd rather trust her detailed reaccounts of the entire situation over your make believe situation.
You're probably even more mentally ill than her 0-and extrapolated all of that over a single twitter image you saw

>> No.46902948

lmao, there are tons of mentions of him in deleted tweets that you can look up on the wayback machine. stop talking shit when you clearly know nothing about her, you fucking newfag.

>> No.46903001

>truly a professional for this GFE shit
The moment you fuck up and let the cat out of the bag, is the moment you can no longer be considered a professional. She just changed models and tried again, which worked so good for her, but there's nothing professional about it.
>using the word "sociopath"
What word would you use to describe a person who knowingly exploits the mentally ill in order to get rich, without having even a shred of remorse? Because last time I checked that's exactly what sociopath is defined as.
Post discarded.

>> No.46903043

I don't think what you're saying contributes to the conversation the way you think it does, either you're having an episode or this is your constant mental state. Either ways, seek help, or create another shondo anti thread, we all know that's the reason you're in this thread anyways.

>> No.46903113
File: 29 KB, 387x567, pyro.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry, i have a LOT of receipts so it took me a while to find the screenshot, but here he is. notice the role that says pyro?

>> No.46903326

Why don't you just confront her about it in her stream later today then, this isn't a shondo thread.

>> No.46903427

why would i do that? i'm correcting a fag spreading misinformation about her and calling me a liar. i'm not an anti, lol. correcting someone when they're being wrong and calling you out for lying isn't being an anti. what the fuck is wrong with this board?
