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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46763902 No.46763902 [Reply] [Original]

wtf i thought the mommy jokes were... jokes????

>> No.46764017

Honestly, this has more to do with an retarded development of the fanbase itself, it has nothing to do with Fauna.

>> No.46764127

Duh, it's a meme. Of course everybody will use meme answer instead of actual answer

>> No.46764329

and who is a best answer ?

>> No.46764452

You should see her JP fans, they call her exclusively Mama instead of Fauna.

>> No.46764460

Dumb meme
but so true

>> No.46764486

Uuuu mommy fauna...

>> No.46764858

I wonder how this makes FauFau feel.

>> No.46764873

She probably started lactating as soon as she saw it

>> No.46764945

True but be honest, there is no one else in EN who even comes close. Though for me I always saw Fauna as a comfy older sister.

>> No.46765043

Really? Memes aside I thought Bae was proven the most mom-like. Maybe not in personality but she literally was literally the mommy on the Japan trip and coddled the other girls

>> No.46765087

Who else would you fucking pick out of these people

>> No.46765239
File: 689 KB, 3000x2500, 1670782931005151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

apart from the obvious 1st place, what makes kiara so mommylike?

>> No.46765515

One time is not enough, Fauna is “motherly” every stream.

>> No.46765572
File: 413 KB, 1682x3500, C4F8986C-6C55-475A-9076-7D6BDFFF6BAB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What does Fauna milk taste like?

>> No.46765591

tree sap

>> No.46765596

Huge european milkers big bird that scolds her smaller wageslave birds

>> No.46765630

She can cook, clean, and sew, is Tard Wrangler of Myth and mommy to Kobo.

>> No.46765631

this is confirmation that twitter does not watch streams

>> No.46765778

Blame every "Uuuuu, where's mommy" catalogue thread. Somehow there's always that thread at least one every day few months ago and most tourist and vt dweller latch on that

>> No.46765828

She's not, though. It's just a stupid meme made by anons who can only get off to milf porn

>> No.46766009

She is!

>> No.46766044
File: 196 KB, 1080x1080, 1673459253656104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FAUFAUU I need breakfast cereal is Captain Crunch vegan?
*learned helplessness intensifies*

>> No.46766062

she is mother nature, technically all our mom.

>> No.46766082

kronii is too high

>> No.46766111

Well... what are the other strong candidates?
Not voting at all in the poll wasnt an option

>> No.46766122

>Not Kiara or Bae

>> No.46766172

This is the actual answer if you're not a retard sapling who catalogshits like >>46766044

>> No.46766799

How is she motherly at all unless having a soft voice is enough for you. Everything she talks bout makes her sound a teenager who spends too much time on the internet.

>> No.46767313

same thread still not death you know >>46728606

>> No.46767656

stop this gay ass meme
fauna is the biggest bottom in all of holo
acts and talks like a 14 year old white girl shes the literal antithesis of a mommy

>> No.46768468

dumb and forced meme
same level with anything that shows up on steams
deez nuts
>>mother nature
even though she has nothing "mommy" like about her

>> No.46768677

Are Gura and Mumei the daugthers of EN?

>> No.46768882

Gura is the alcoholic stranger who broke drunkenly into your house thinking it was hers and ate all the food in your fridge before passing out in a puddle of vomit

>> No.46769167

>2nd best choice as a mom
Who the FUCK thinks this is a good idea??

>> No.46769546

I think captain crunch is actually not vegan

>> No.46770542
File: 37 KB, 146x248, 1657033118637edit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cause incest is best

>> No.46770714
File: 112 KB, 798x1010, 1668138125943428.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly feel like Mori is more mom-like, or at least she's the one I'd want most to be my mom. She feels like she'd actually be super good with kids. Fauna feels like while she's a very kind person she wouldn't do well raising a family.

>> No.46770795

Hm... I think I agree.

>> No.46770873

The one that confuses me most is Kronii. Dear god no. I'd rather have Ina as my mom than Kronii.
Bae is definitely underrated though, she will make a good mother. I kinda feel like Ame should be represented in the running too.

>> No.46770894
File: 177 KB, 500x500, 1675545814955250.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*fuckin dies from accidentally eating non vegan cereal*
Faufau I turned myself into an angel. Funniest shit I've ever seen!
Uuuuuuuuuu reincarnate me quick Faufau god looks an awful lot like Risu!

>> No.46770914

In this sense, Gura is the one closest to my real mother.

>> No.46771127

I feel like both Ame and Baelz smell like sawdust and if either of them sense danger they'll just eat their kids.
Would not trust.

>> No.46771695
File: 11 KB, 903x58, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori taught english to kids in japan for several years and has mentioned many times she loves kids and elderly people. She apparently also likes taking people out to do things and in Kiara's own words, pic related. I think she just really likes taking care of other people

>> No.46771786

>taught english
The JET program is not teaching english. You're in a classroom with a licensed teacher and you act as a translator for what they say. That's why the program has absolutely no qualifications

>> No.46771868

ok "helped teach kids english" doesn't change the post in anyway.

>> No.46771988

Yes the fuck it does. Your entire point was saying that her "teaching english" was evidence of her competency. Your entire previous post falls apart without it, you retard. She doesn't even "help teach" either. JETs are notorious for their nicknames as human tape recorders. They are considered a waste of Japanese tax money

>> No.46772049

ah you are a morischizo, i'll ignore you now.

>> No.46772082

Birch or Maple?

>> No.46773230

fourth fucking thread on this image.
saplings are cancer.

>> No.46773361

hate us cuz you ain't us

>> No.46773675

Is fauna milk vegan?

>> No.46773763

If she lactates she bursts into flames

>> No.46775025

this image is gonna be reposted until the day fauna retires

>> No.46775165

faggots don't realize having fauna as mom mean she will force you to go vegan.

>> No.46775166
File: 52 KB, 480x480, 1679781570052545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can confirm. Touched Faufau tiddy milk and my internal temperature is now at 1147 C.

>> No.46775231

It's a shame the mother nature meme is so overpowering.
Fauna's definitely more of a big sister type, or possibly a nurturing little sister. In all cases though her breast milk is probably like almond milk.

>> No.46775355

/vt/ doesn't watch streams.
Please understando!

>> No.46775458

Having a vegan as your mother sounds miserable

>> No.46775645

You have to have some level of people skills to do a job like that

>> No.46775841

You clearly have no knowledge of the program then. It's famous for hiring loser weaboo failures who only want a free ride to animeland

>> No.46776662
File: 88 KB, 844x845, 1611191328299.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine having to suck on Fauna's breasts every night until you're an adult to get necessary vitamins...

>> No.46777742

I put Fauna because she seemed the best option for a nursing handjob

>> No.46778519

Memes aside, Fauna seems pretty patient and easygoing. I can't imagine her getting seriously angry at children or failing to take care of them. I'm sure all the others would make fine moms too but based purely on streams Fauna is the most plausible choice.

>> No.46779170

All jokes have basis in some form of truth

>> No.46779377

>wanting an alcoholic wigger or demigendered gook as your mother
niggas see fat titties and automatically assume a bitch is qualified for motherhood.

>> No.46782921

the only bad thing

>> No.46785331

Her doing frequent ASMR streams is rather big bonus for that.

>> No.46787350

i would rather kill myself than have to listen to kiara talk if she were my mother

>> No.46787466

Do hardcore vegans even allow their children to drink their breast milk? I feel like they would use some vegan alternative bullshit formula instead.

>> No.46788022

KFP mindslaves

>> No.46788842

Doubtful. These are the same people who go on tv and brag about how their dog loves salad

>> No.46793201

no, she's not.

>> No.46793400

They're probably not healthy enough to produce breast milk. Also these days formula is all made of their favorite shit, onions.

>> No.46796898


>> No.46799218

KFP are insane

>> No.46800948

but is it mom as in "I want this girl as a parental figure" or "I want to get a comfy handjob from this girl as I lay on her lap with her tit in my mouth while she calls me a good boy"?

>> No.46801317

It’s both.

>> No.46803068

Just look at the competition.
>MEMEMEME, will neglect her child
>Whore, too depressed to care for a child
>Will die in a few years from heart disease
>Whore, workaholic, you will never see her
>Most likely to leave you in a hot cat
>Second most likely to leave you in a hot car, but only because she's retarded
>Actually might be a good option
>Emotionally unstable, 5 seconds away from calling her kid a fucking bitch at any given second
>Can't even take care of herself

>> No.46803662

fauna is aware of sapling memes

>> No.46806311

It gets invalidated by her being a zoomer

>> No.46806368

Nothing, she just happened to be the only one who played along with it out of Myth

>> No.46806751


>> No.46806923

Where is this from ? Link please.

>> No.46807346
File: 2.96 MB, 4193x3020, 1679195121262297.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's smart, understanding, and gentle and loves her saps a lot. Watching her streams makes me feel warm and taken care of. Why is that so unbelievable? Also I wanna suck on her tits.

>> No.46807434

Hololive english twitter did a survey a few weeks ago, then the results were presented in the "the concert is still happening" video on the main channel.

>> No.46807679


agreed. her fawning over the kid’s drawing in the Papers Please streams was really cute.
