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4670649 No.4670649 [Reply] [Original]

now THIS is holobased

>> No.4670695

Fuck that guy. I’m just sad Haachama probably can’t play Smol Ame now.

>> No.4670744

glad the stream helped animals and exposed a snake at the same time

>> No.4670763

my favorite part about this live rendition is when she can't keep up at 1:30

>> No.4670811

music will be swapped out in the next patch i can guarantee

>> No.4670872

honestly ame can just put out a new pop on rocks if she wants. just get another track with a similar beat. calli could probably have a friend whip something up in a few hours

>> No.4670932

I wonder if EN is gonna steer clear of fan song content after this fiasco.

>> No.4671024


>> No.4671040

Fanworks will still going to be used regardless.

>> No.4671071

Another Holo-related 'artist' forgot to take their meds and ruined their reputation with single stupid decision?

>> No.4671073

Shame he pussied out, instead of going full nuclear

>> No.4671086

This hysterical fit is entirely of his own doing, and he literally only hurt himself. No fiasco for EN, if anything, he got promotion yet again.

>> No.4671098


>> No.4671113

Why would you remove it though? It's not like the faggot can threaten legal action or anything, who gives a fuck?

>> No.4671116

Let's just hope that Walfie doesn't pull this same shizo shit. Probably won't, as he is well versed with doujin culture and knows his place.

>> No.4671128

pop on rocks guy mad that his song got taken down on spotify with no response from cover so he threw a fit and threatened to take down Ame's charity stream (but he won't because he has a 'conscience' apparently)
as you can assume no one took this well

>> No.4671129

Pretty much nailed it. He was upset that he hadn't heard from Cover and had a meltdown where he floated the idea he would be within his rights to strike Ame's charity stream.

>> No.4671132

Nuclear retard? Sure, it would provide some lulz just from his getting BTFOd again.

>> No.4671137

>retard uses Ame's voice and royalty free generic music to make a song
>Ame sings it on stream
>retard spergs out because he thinks he should be getting paid royalties for having "his" song sung
>entire community is aware retard is retarded, calls him out
>retard nukes his entire social media and will probably kill himself

>> No.4671143

BGM is his

>> No.4671174

He legit makes good tracks at least. But this fit of his is laughable.

>> No.4671212

he told smol ame creator that he was free to use the music.

>> No.4671229

s/should be getting paid/should be getting attention from Cover/
that's it. All they had to do was talk to him.

>> No.4671254

Some yt channel is reuploading all his music. I guess it's public domain now.

>> No.4671281

Is he a teenager with a deep voice or is he genuinely retarded? Because I fail to understand how an actual adult could not see how uploading those tracks to Spotify would be an issue.

>> No.4671283

why should Cover care about some foreign content creator who rips samples from your videos for profit?

>> No.4671293

Kind of shame. His music was actually pretty nice. Guess it just confirms that you can't be good artist without being mentaly ill in the first place.

>> No.4671296

For what? Rules are public, he burned himself.

>> No.4671298

Holo Bass: The guidelines were merely too vague for me to understand I couldn't leech off hololive content. I will spend hours arguing semantics "from a certain point of view" to defend myself. No, I haven't taken my meds. Why do you ask?

I know some guy floated the idea that he'll come back to do the same but with Nijisanji. Kind of want to see it since he'll probably hit the same thing and sperg out again. Any reason why he couldn't talk to Ame if Cover was stonewalling him supposedly?

That was before the sperg out. Remember that permissions could change in hololive.

>> No.4671321

because his shit was good, popular, and used on streams?
the fan content situation is "you piss in the ocean, now the ocean owns your piss"
he thought it was "you piss in the ocean, you can now bottle that part of the ocean and put on streaming platforms so people stop bugging you about that"
he got emotionally invested in Cover talking to him and they never did and now he's gone.

>> No.4671342

COVER needs to be more transparent with fan creators going forward.

>> No.4671343

take it slowly now this song is gibberish

>> No.4671346

Are there any Holo artists who monetize their music and haven't had issues? It would be kind of fucked if he got singled out while others still get to benefit from their music.

>> No.4671353

>made a remix that sampled a Holos sound clips
>Holo uses this remix as her intro for a time and played it on some of her streams
>artist didn't get mad or sperg out over it
It's not that hard to not be a faggot

>> No.4671395

Anyone can look up their fanworks guidelines

>> No.4671464

Doesn't Cover basically own any piece of fan-created media and can use it as they please though? Also, I would imagine, getting your creation featured in the actual stream is a dream come true if you're a fan.

>> No.4671474
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Dude knew it was going to come around and bite him on his ass but uploaded it anyway. I guess he just wanted Cover to acknowledge him and maybe offer him some kind of deal for his music, which honestly isn't bad at all, his Ina lo-fi track is great.

>> No.4671479

Cover is quite passive when it comes to this kind of stuff and usually the vtubers themselves have to take care of it. See Marine for example who pays for all the music and thumbnail images etc. she uses in her stream out of her own pocket.

>> No.4671495

>be Ame
>use songs without getting permission and not acknowledging the artist
>be Haachama
>use sings after getting permission and acknowledging the artist
Haachama is just a better vtuber and entertainer.

>> No.4671513

Better be safe. Fag is a narcissistic mental.

>> No.4671535

ame got the okay from management, supposedly

>> No.4671548

His music was well produced for a diy project, I'll give you that. It was pretty generic otherwise though.

>> No.4671576

So as long as shit is good, popular and usable, you can break any law? Faggot literally said "I might get flagged, but I don't care." Grow the fuck up.

>> No.4671578

sour taste in mouth is the reason I assume it'll be taken out

>> No.4671579

It was better than anything Mori could produce.

>> No.4671594

>some schizos will push this narrative unironically

>> No.4671610

I was under impression that somebody else produced her tracks?

>> No.4671625

Mori? Some of it.

>> No.4671627


>> No.4671632

Ame is a thiefing cunt, Mori doesn't care about vtubing, Ina is a boring doormat, Gura is an alcoholic. When are you ready to admit that EN was a mistake, anon?

>> No.4671654

t. ESL falseflagger

>> No.4671662

You could fart into a microphone, put some reverb on top and it would sound better than any of her tracks

>> No.4671680
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lmao holo bass is pathetic
hello holobass

>> No.4671681

What about Kiara?

>> No.4671716

I still think that Cover is a faggots, they could at least reply to him with a letter, and tell him to go fuck himself in plain text, and not ignore him for 2 months, and now everyone turned out to be assholes, plus schizo on emotions deleted his channel, all this could easily be avoided with just one email.

>> No.4671729

Has a boyfriend (me).

>> No.4671741

She is now a vshow hire and does not count as EN.

>> No.4671764

And Cover should care about some faceless schizo nobody why exactly?

>> No.4671769

This was a good wake-up call for the normalfag community. Before they they just treated permissions as no different from a one-liner answer to why they couldn't see Snake or Muse Dash on stream. Now they're dealing with a meltdown from a content creator in their own community over permissions in real time, over something they've themselves been pestering Ame for months to do while just assuming there was nothing to worry about.

>> No.4671770

Hey holobass just give up and an hero already.

>> No.4671777

Um you know. This story is just what the fag says with no evidence at all. For all we know he never even tried to contact cover at all.

>> No.4671795

because >>4671321

>> No.4671823

very accurate

>> No.4671824

To be fair, everything he needed to know was stated in the fan guidelines. Also, since he turned out to be a faggot (which I always thought was the case simply because of the kind of music he produced) it's better that they dodged that bullet

>> No.4671833

Expecting normie scum to understand anything? Seriously?

>> No.4671842

How could he even contact Ame? Her DMs are closed.
And yeah, another case of Cover's management being retarded and incompetent fucks.

>> No.4671843

From what I heard, he actually works with a distributor and they both tried to contact Cover but got no response. After this meltdown, I wouldn't be surprised if his distributor cut ties with him.

>> No.4671854

>the kind of music he produced
his other channel has MLP music.
that he's a faggot is without doubt.

>> No.4671864

They were the first to send him an email with contacts after deleting the music from Spotify, he contacted them to find out what can be done to return the music, they eventually ignore him for 2 months. I think this is unfair, why did they bother with such a letter for communication at all, since they did not even plan to respond to it.

>> No.4671865

The thread on r*ddit is already at 800 comments, they're in full-swing happening mode.

>> No.4671866

We would know if Cover actually replied back.

>> No.4671872

Ahahahaha holy shit.

>> No.4671875

How do I get a Shuten gf?

>> No.4671876

>use songs
>use sings

>> No.4671880

ought to have known that thieving is spelled with a 'v' - was there anything else that gave me away

>> No.4671885

use THAT

>> No.4671896

Getting no response could also mean you fucked up and did not send your request to the right person. Plus the fact that the fag had to come here on /vt/ to solicit help by asking for a harassment campaign in his name, makes it dubious that he ever tried to go through the proper channels.

>> No.4671897

I hope they ignored him on purpose and laughed at his emails during lunch breaks

>> No.4671905

>ame just finds a generic royalty free rap beat
>reads dr seuss over it
There, new pop on rocks without HoloBass.

>> No.4671909

Now that's based.

>> No.4671910

>was there anything else that gave me away
The smell

>> No.4671911

Artists pour in hours, days, even, to draw fanarts, and the talents just slap them on their thumbnails with no credits, and you don't see any sperging about it. Face it, you are a narcissist, hobobass.

>> No.4671913

wait till he copyright strike those too, he apparently setup a topic channel for his "songs"

>> No.4671926

It's called getting a lawyer and having shit certified and served properly. But of course his shit is not worth the time and effort to go that far so he never did either.

>> No.4671927

>Haachama is just a better vtuber and entertainer
yeah she has been part of hololive for way longer and knows how things work in terms of fan content

>> No.4671929

The Cover fan guidelines explicitly state that monetized Youtube videos and the like fall within their acceptable guidelines. And they didn't even take down all of his music from Spotify. His reaction to the whole thing was grade A schizo but I don't see how he's in the wrong here.

>> No.4671939


>> No.4671945

Most clippers actually do reference the artist, with exception of the russians, but I am working on it.

>> No.4671951

>with no credits
That's false though

>> No.4671961

more like the final yab

>> No.4671969

Don't be a bum, my post quality improving is in your interest as well

>> No.4671975

Impersonating people seems like it could end badly

>> No.4671976
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about smol ame

>> No.4672008

There's 2 specific instances that we know off that something like this happened. Cover can continue to ignore shit like this and it will continue to happen again and again, or Cover can hire a lawyer and have shit like this covered up.

>> No.4672014

There was no need to respond to him, everything he needed to know was already public.

>> No.4672026

Wow. This is too nice. I would've cut all my ties with shit like this and just copyright strike any game quietly.

>> No.4672034

but they either literally go around asking for permission publicly or at the very least crediting the original art

so Cover got permission from Dr. Seuss? this keeps getting brought up for holobass but it is equally as retarded or even worse for Cover to use the song then

>> No.4672058
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You fucking off from 4channel forever is in my best interest, now scram

>> No.4672080

I know that at least Aki used a fan mix by HoloFan Lee for her intro and she hasn't credited him on her descriptions, yet the author hasn't sperged about it.

>> No.4672091


>> No.4672117

How would you know? You don't even know japanese.

>> No.4672129

sir, this is 4channel dot org

>> No.4672152

You obvious you don't understand what getting served means. It means x person have been documented to have received your communication in a legally recordable way. That's why the next step is getting a lawyer for this if the party you are trying to contact does not respond.

>> No.4672228

The bit that paints him as a real shitter here is (paraphrasing):
>I can't continue supporting Hololive if I can't make money off of it
Like, get the fuck over yourself.

>> No.4672238

kek, does he lurk here

>> No.4672241

based but true

>> No.4672249

As I said. Two instances of artist not getting any shit from cover has already happened. They need a lawyer asap or shit like this will happen again.

>> No.4672284

BREAKING : content creator live streams suicide after vtuber Amelia Watson uses his work without consent
follow up story : is the vtubing industry taking advantage of small content creators?

>> No.4672296

I am late for the party, so who's at wrong??

Cover or HoloBase?

>> No.4672325

Sperg that went into a fit is wrong.

>> No.4672334

History is written by the survivors.

>> No.4672336

I actaually want this to happen. I want all of this vtubing shit to burn down or maybe even have the government introduce some actual regulation for this shit.

>> No.4672350

It's usually the one that throws a tantrum that's wrong. This case is no exception.

>> No.4672358


>> No.4672363

Another thing to add on the list of why we can never have nice things.

>> No.4672367

Seeing you faggots breach containment in his comment section disgusts me

>> No.4672368

Man acts like he owns Ame reading Pop on Rocks. His "song" is just her reading to a beat. Does the Subaru sits guy own Subura sitting at all times now? He calls his shit "fan-work" buts it's not completely divorced from the work like a doujin, it's literally Ame's voice.

>> No.4672381

Government should regulate your breathing until you suffocate, chang

>> No.4672411

>another content creator who nukes his own career and becomes universally despised because he decides to throw a temper tantrum against Cover when ironically he is 100% in the wrong
Mizuryu Kei 2.0

>> No.4672420

I want to see you doing an original fanwork if it was that easy. Oh wait you can't.

>> No.4672422

HoloBass is wrong, knows he's wrong, and says he's wrong. He just got frustrated from nobody talking to him, and he's no longer doing Hololive stuff.
Cover and Ame were in the position of "we can obviously use this thing, it's a fan work and those are basically donations to us", but they still could have kept this slave on the plantation making more content for them as easily as talking to him, so they're also in the wrong.
HoloBass: error by spergout.
Cover: error by inattention.

>> No.4672442

What was worse, this or Hololive Moments?

>> No.4672454

>hololive is built off of monetizing derivative works
>can't monetize derivative works

>> No.4672455

I don't need to know Japanese to look for the guy's name or any of his links in her descriptions, the guy also speaks English so if he had sperged it would be on his Twitter/YouTube. I wanted to find the source of her intro and searched on pretty much every video starting from when she first used it and couldn't find it, had to go digging in twitter.

>> No.4672463

Eh, we'll get more of this shit. Faggots can't learn until it's too late.

>> No.4672477

Sure can't, but plenty of others can and do without sperging out. Plenty of artist draw fanwork but they don't take the 2D model, modify it, and then try to make money off it.

>> No.4672487

there's this as well. Taking a hard line on permissions just means that you approve of Cover's interminable permissions arc, which sucks.

>> No.4672489

What's that corporate cocksucker? You don't want the for profit corporation to suffer? What a shame.

>> No.4672497

give me a rundown

>> No.4672508


Cover honestly doesn't care. And that's precisely why this will not be the last artist drama we'll see (e.g. Mizuryu Kei). I know many will instinctively defend Cover and say the artists have personality problems (which is also true), and that there will be other artists to replace them etc. But in the realms of art and viral content, people are not fungible assets. Just like you can't swap Gura with just any vtuber, you do not know which artist can come up with the next viral content.

As examples, the docchi docchi song and pop on rocks song are things that absolutely can not be predicted, or churned out on command. And they became unique to the identity of Ayame and Ame. I have talked to new fans who got to know Ayame just because of the adorable docchi docchi song.

>> No.4672560

But what if ame plays the game on stream again, will he go nuclear then? Seems like a big risk if smal Ame guy wants to keep getting his game streamed

>> No.4672571

It's different with Mizuryu. He was actually contracted by Cover to make manga, but when Cover asked him to take down his R-18 doujins (probably to avoid confusion about them being official works), he flipped his shit and asked for more money despite the contract. Cover said no, Mizuryu sperged out.

>> No.4672586

guys was well-verse in Touhou doujin circle for certain years already , he know what nip usually does the things.

>> No.4672587

Seems like he was completely in the right

>> No.4672596
File: 50 KB, 536x550, sfSjALb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are people in this thread sperging out? he says that he won't take actions against her stream. anything else doesn't matter
take your meds

>> No.4672615

>Mizuryu Kei
Stranger things have happened, but contracting notorious hentai artist will have repercussions by defaut, I believe.

>> No.4672626

Pop on rocks is a shitty song anyway and I dont get why it's so popular

>> No.4672629

wouldve been funnier if he did desu senpai

>> No.4672631

sperging out is always wrong, anon.
Mizuryu went from making something to not making it, and from making some amount of money to making no money. No matter how justified your position is, you can betray your own position with your actions.

>> No.4672637

dramafags should be shot

>> No.4672643

>projections the post
>believing the schizo sperg in the first place

Hi there holobass.

>> No.4672645

>I can't continue supporting Hololive if I can't make money off of it

>means that he doesn't care of Hololive outside of making money

"Yeah HoloEN is popular and could generate a ton of money for content creators, so why can't I also get the piece of the cake ?"
Cmon man, the lyrics are from Dr.Seuss, not from you. Stop thinking about getting money from sucking success of others.

>> No.4672651

He asked for more compensations than the agreed amount months after the contract had been signed, dipshit. Do your reps or stfu.

>> No.4672656

Dude sounds like a sperg, his main problem is social medias, not Cover.

He knows he was wrong for his autistic fit, but instead of smoothing things over he got scared by the backlash and deleted everything.
He digged himself in a hole.

>> No.4672698
File: 96 KB, 683x733, Dirty Faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just found out about this guy earlier this week and really liked the pepeloni song he did. I get wanting to distance yourself from cover after getting your songs taken down by them but to delete all your work without providing a backup for others is a faggot move, I hate it when artists, especially JP artists do this. luckily someone else already downloaded and is reposting his songs right now. I'd say download it before its gone, this shit happens way too often to things I like so I don't give a fuck about "stealing" someone else's work now.

>> No.4672703

I hole with this, Cover will even be more strict with the permission stuff. Knowing that one little thing can set off someone/something will have them be constantly on edge. I love it. I hope more of stuff like this happen. Actual drama is always better than rrats.

>> No.4672704

Mizuryu was a retard for thinking it was okay to continue making doujins revolved around IPs from the company he works for. It was a blessing that he outted himself as a deranged autist that no company will touch now.

>> No.4672711

Anon, your reading reps....

Yes and no. I think he was right to ask for more money, but shouldn't have cut contract with them are chimping out on twitter. Unlike Bass, he was actually making total unique content, not a remix of someones actual voice.

>> No.4672723

ok you keyboard warrior pussy

>> No.4672733

>HoloBass: error by spergout.
>Cover: error by inattention.
the only intelligent thing said in this thread

>> No.4672737

I agree, it's a bad look to google "Mizuryu Kei Hololive" and find an original manga and then a bunch of doujins. He should have used a pen name or something.

>> No.4672748

No one really knows why he sperged out, that stuff is all handled behind closed doors. Getting asked to take down his r-18 stuff is just a rrat.
Also it doesn't make sense because he took them down anyway during his sperg out.

>> No.4672757

how are people that are intentionally looking for drama any better than discord doxfags?

>> No.4672758

Even if you love drama you shouldn't love this. Cover being more strict means less stuff that can happen in the future. Same reason why there's no swimsuit streams.

>> No.4672766

Deleting everything and apologizing was probably his best form of damage control

>> No.4672772

>shouldn't have cut contract with them are chimping out on twitter.
It is in his best interest to do that. He have his standards and just because a popular company is shitting him, he should not just give in.

>> No.4672789

Guy is a sperg, he would have had a meltdown sooner or later, it's better for that meltdown to happen while he is in no way officially associated with hololive, I fell like the suits knew that and decided to stay clear, they've been dealing all kinds of schizos after all.

>> No.4672802

how is doxfag drama remotely the same as company level drama, retardchama?

>> No.4672819

he panicked. admitting that he has been acting out of line would've sufficed. i think the community is generally forgiving anyway.

>> No.4672826

No habla espanol.

>> No.4672841

How do they do it? Does Cover have an army of schizo autists that can smell another schizos?

>> No.4672846

>Cover being more strict means less stuff that can happen in the future
No it doesn't. It would mean they will be extra cautious and the girls will make more mistakes. The next step would be Cover finally filtering the stuff the hologirls post on twitter. This is the next drama goal. Twitter drama.

>> No.4672864

When you deal with people long enough you get a feel for this shit.

>> No.4672871

Reddit would forgive him. Schizos and 4chan wouldn't.

>> No.4672886

There is already so much less permissions drama after the holocaust, it used to be a weekly thing. You will never get another "nijiniggers harass Korone over subnautica/nintendo" incident again. History doesn't bear you out.

>> No.4672890

> i think the community is generally forgiving anyway
Yes, the same community that was sending death threats and doxxing some faggot who sent Rushia a superchat saying he was going to stop watching her streams

>> No.4672917

membering Rushia is asking for death anyway. No point in whining about death threats after that.

>> No.4672918

He should have lawyered up before signing the contract, and then pressured the company instead of going public since then there's no way out but to quit.

>> No.4672919

Twitter will be ground zero for the Final Yab when one of the inevitably talents pulls a Holobass

>> No.4672938

one thing threatens the girls career, the other threatens the girls safety
both pretty bad in my opinion

>> No.4672939

With the way he he writes, cover probably got his request and said who is this sperg and deleted the email. Learn to communicate anons, don't be a sperg

>> No.4672944

My goal isn't more drama. My goal is bigger drama. I want the drama to become bigger and bigger until finally Cover become as sterilize as any other idol company.

>> No.4672950

common point: they will be forgotten 2 days later

>> No.4672951

Both leave a bad taste in one's mouth, but to shit on Ame's charity stream which she wanted to do from the very start makes me wanna punch him.
He should be thrilled that his work was used on a official stream, not cry for I don't even know what.

>> No.4672959

Never forget never forgive.

>> No.4672992

That's not going to happen because Cover is fundamentally not an idol company, they're a tech company, which is why they have so many babby's first missteps. They couldn't even if they wanted to, same way Microsoft couldn't turn a division into a streaming company. They just don't have the correct foundation for it.

>> No.4672993

Really? What did he do after that?

>> No.4672997

Sterilize yourself, seafag.

>> No.4673001

Retard wanted to make a buck on all this and actually could have after all the free promotion he got from Ame. But he is a retard.

>> No.4673012
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>> No.4673038

Lol buttblasted zipperhead, keep seething.

>> No.4673041

>That's not going to happen
But it is already happening anon. They are learning from their mistakes and there are a lot of new rules they introduce to be more idol like. The yab is upon us. The drama will be glorious.

>> No.4673061

>They are learning

>> No.4673073

out of all retarded things he did, deleting his social media presence was the most intelligent thing he could do. he fucked up by making that implication in his tweet and now he has realized his mistake and fucked off before the mob could come after him. he did this to himself. he could have just calmed his autism for 5 minutes and everything would have stayed the same.

>> No.4673086


>> No.4673091

Nobody wants to be paid with exposure forever. Even starving artist have to eat sometimes.

>> No.4673140

He should just have put intrumental versions up there or let someone else voice them and would most likely have been fine

>> No.4673142

"Starving artist" is working fulltime with a distributor of some kind. Or was working before the retarded outbreak at least. Now he will eat dick.

>> No.4673186

He could have produced original tracks that he could profit from. Since he had amassed a following from his Hololive fanworks, he could have easily had an audience for his original works.

>> No.4673201

this is what happens when you mix ego with autism.

>> No.4673215

>Or was working before the retarded outbreak at least. Now he will eat dick
Now this just justifies and humanize him even more. Some poor schmuck that barely able to pass the day without starving will now die because the millionaire Ame refuses to acknowledge his song in a charity stream. Damn. What the fuck did you do Ame? You know how it felt to be not popular, poor and desperate right? Now you doom someone to the same shit you went through. Heh

>> No.4673235

okay guys, answer me this:
why is it wrong for holobass to want to monetize his fan made content by uploading it to Spotify, but it's totally okay for YouTube clippers to monetize the 1 minute click bait clips?

>> No.4673248

It's been proven time and time again that followers gain from hololive does not turn to become your fans. They don't watch anything besides hololive stuff.

>> No.4673249

Rather sad spin attempt, try again. And Ame is quite far from being a millionaire. Yet.

>> No.4673271

Dr Seuss is not gonna like that, you homo.

>> No.4673275

spotify is retarded, youtube is retarded
next question

>> No.4673276

Who's to say that talent themselves could not hire him to do something? As far as I know, they are free to do so.

>> No.4673298

Just set up a tip jar. You won't make big bucks easily with derivative works.

>> No.4673307

Then she should start making some original content where he is the sole copyright holder. Simp as.

>> No.4673317

But they sent him contact details where he could talk with them and then proceeded to ignore him completely. Honestly, I just wish Cover would get at least some competent social media managers who can actually communicate with fans and creators on a surface level. A simple e-mail exchange could have stopped this from happening.

>> No.4673321

>try to profit off of someone elses song you remixed
>threaten to shut down a charity stream
>nuke your social media when you get called out


>> No.4673322

This applies to every fanbase though and is a way of life.

>> No.4673330

So, she's like almost 80% to become a millionaire? Does that really make any difference? She got lucky with hololive. That guy too but only because Ame was feeling generous enough to let him until Ame doesn't let him anymore. Sad.

>> No.4673344

> Commissioning a sperg

The last time Cover did that, it didn't end well.

>> No.4673348

Hololive is making MILLIONS while scamming poor artists and content creators...

>> No.4673366

Which is what he tells you. Nobody knows what actually happened between the schizo and the corpo, but his actions are telling lots.

>> No.4673377
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Mizryu Kei
>Simps hardcore for Marine for months
>Gets to do the Marine chapter of the manga for HoloALT
>Sees the HoloALT trailer blowing the fuck up
>Demands more money and royalties
>Cover says no because they have a contract already and Mizuryu should've done due diligence in valuing his stake in the project.
>Starts rallying chinks against Cover claiming he was wronged on Billibilli
>Kagainikki dig up a 2hu doujin he did where he implied that Nanking is an "illusion of humanity", which is enough to lose him bugmen support because Bugmen.
>Meltdown on Twitter then self-nukes everything, including his r-18 Hololive content.

Holo Bass
>Makes free content with samples from Hololive
>Community basically browbeats him into putting it on streaming services
>Cover swoops in and silently disables all but one of the tracks with no explanation given to Holo Bass.
>Cover refuses to respond to any contact from Holo Bass trying to negotiate
>Holo Bass has a meltdown on Twitter and deletes everything off of his YT channel after vageuly threatening to copystrike a charity stream with $150k+ on the line if he could claim copyright the charity would be forced to give most, if not all, of that money to him, even if only temporarily, although it is entangled a bit thanks to multiple entities being involved. At best the money would still go in limbo until conflict is resolved.

I don't think Holo Bass is as bad as Kei by a long shot. This was a mutual issue: Cover should've contacted Holo Bass (which they have for others) and Holo Bass shouldn't have sperged out in public.
As far as Yabs go, I give this one a C grade: An important lesson for everybody, but not anything worth losing sleep over.

>> No.4673384

Seeing that he is sperging out, none of them even tried to contact him. Even Ame. Hoping for something to happen won't get you shit.

>> No.4673389

Guessing is even more sad. You would not last a day in the spinroom.

>> No.4673390

>no permission to use Ame's voice in a song
>no permission to use Dr Seusses text in said song
>no effort to pay said copyright holders royalties for their works.
Fair use only goes so far anon.

>> No.4673432

He could run ads on his youtube vids, the issue is that he tried to put it on spotify

>> No.4673438

Clippers don't try to reach directly into the hornets nest. And cover might yet pull the plug on them once they hire their own clippers

>> No.4673455

So in the end it was greed in both cases. Serves them right.

>> No.4673480

His Youtube was fine. Cover left it untouched and it would've been okay to monetize per Cover's rules. It wasn't until he put it on Spotify that he ran into trouble.
I'm under the sneaking suspicion that this was an automated takedown, not Cover themselves.

>> No.4673486

Take anything posted here with a grain of salt, it's all just conjecture

>> No.4673493

Of course you don't contact an obvious sperg in a meltdown, lol. Point is, with a little more patience he could have actually made something tangible for himself instead of a shitshow.

>> No.4673496

No one forced him to put his shit on spotify, dudes just a leech

>> No.4673505

Doesn't matter. The point is the rich person is oppressing the poor person. Ame is bad for this.

>> No.4673516

I always do, or at least try to.

>> No.4673532

>no permission to use Ame's stream in a video
>no permission to use pixiv/twitter fanart in said video
>no effort to pay said copyright holders royalties for their works.

>> No.4673550

Then maybe you should try to make said point on a level higher than a typical tumblr spin.

>> No.4673551

He unironically doesn't need to. Archivefags, from /mlp/ or not, cover everything and work fast. Everything you're given may be taken away from you, so save what you can and don't complain when you don't.

>> No.4673558

Does anyone knows how was HoloBass first channel called? He said in the comments that he is going back to that one

>> No.4673568

6/10, you have to really get into a mindset of a 14-year old before writing a post like this.

>> No.4673593

Not just greed, greed is fine. Complete lack of patience and professionalism.
Especially in Kei's case, he threw a giant public shitfit immediately.
He should have taken longer to renegotiate for a bit more money with Cover but even if that failed he should have just done his job (clearly he was getting paid enough if he was willing to do it to begin with), kept strong relations with the company and Marine which would have kept the door open for further better paid work with them.

>> No.4673611

Ah, that's incredibly disappointing. I enjoyed that stuff. I guess I still could, but you know how it goes, when you find out something you enjoyed was created by a fucking idiot. Alas.

>> No.4673617

Spikey Wikey is the channel he used for his "self-collab" with 300 Nuts Per Minute.

>> No.4673646

Not to mention most media companies will add in a clause barring artist doing official work from making doujin material in the first place, and Kei of all people would know this.
Kind of shows how inexpirienced Cover is with this stuff still, in the end.

>> No.4673655

based retard

>> No.4673672

>Take Amelia's content
>Put shitty zoomer beat over it

>> No.4673675
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Thank you!!!

>> No.4673687

Shut the fuck up you commie shit bag.

>> No.4673692

You people obviously aren't aware of how this work. First it isn't a spin as that is what literally happened. Second, I only need to post a general idea and other anons or maybe even I myself can improve on it. Third, this is all done anonymously. Meaning no one would know who said what.

>> No.4673700

Holy shit that's the fakest deep voice I've ever heard

>> No.4673706

In the end, it all belongs to Dr. Seuss though?

>> No.4673709

Ya, but Cover actually takes down stuff that they no longer have rights to and don't try to continue to monetize. Stop being a retard.

>> No.4673710

>with a little more patience
For how much longer? Did Kiara contact him? Did Ina contact him? Did Mori? Did Ame? None. Literally no one contacted him.

>> No.4673715

We don't need your excuses. Produce proper spin or shut up.

>> No.4673718

If I understand copyright correctly, he didn't really have a right to monetize his songs in the first place, so cover taking them down from Spotify is fine. That being said, what Ame played on stream was just the music portion without vocals, which he created solely by himself and likely owns the copyright for. While he clearly put himself in a bad position, I do think he has a point.

Ultimately though just a huge disappointment this happened. I liked his music and it's too bad we won't be getting anything more from him.

>> No.4673734

Yeah, if Cover was more experienced, Kei would have had to pain huge fines for breaking the contract.

>> No.4673735
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>> No.4673736


>> No.4673739

I, for one, know that you're a dirty ESL faggot, probably a spic

>> No.4673746

Cover is not entirely without blame, it's true that they're hard to contact. Even if the answer is just "No, get fucked" fancontent creators should still be able to get that answer.
Ame or someone on her behalf should probably have contacted him about using the track too, just to be safe.

>> No.4673747

Nah, he will resurface in a couple of weeks. He obviously likes attention.

>> No.4673754
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I'm just trying to ignore the obvious /pol/ baiting of this post and will just ask this
how is Ame oppressing him in any way? he could have just not said anything about her singing it and everything would have run it's course
pic related, it's Holobass

>> No.4673757

Stop being so entitled and gtfo from this thread, Holobass

>> No.4673758

The song wouldn't have been popular without Ame's "vocals". If it was a really popular instrumental that she took and sang over, it'd be more understandable.

>> No.4673767

Dr. Seuss should come back from the dead to do battle with Watson

>> No.4673774

I don't really follow Bass, how did Ame get a karaoke version of Pop on Rocks? Did he upload one on his channel or did he send her one at some point?

>> No.4673777

The only issue is that he created the instrumental track for the sole purpose of allowing others to cover it, like when Mori sang it for her karaoke. He gave his okays for this when he posted it. Pedaling back on this would make him look even more like a retard.

>> No.4673784

For some time I was under the impression that was exactly what they did while she was streaming. Remember her saying she needs to check first?

>> No.4673785

I'm not interested in listening to mlp related shit, even if it sounds good.

Does popularity have anything to do with it? I don't see why it would.

>> No.4673801

Lmao this sounds like Bass wanted a date with Amelia or something

>> No.4673802

Wait Mori sang it for karaoke? Why didn't he get grumpy dumpies then?

>> No.4673803

Oh, it will be hololive-related somehow, I can promise you that.

>> No.4673807

Ame didn't acknowledge him at all in the stream. Kind of sad

>> No.4673811

Cover wasn't dicking him up the ass then.

>> No.4673812

Did he hire a Lawyer, did he get his communications with cover certified and served? You know stuff that normal people who do business does. No just sperg on social media about his onside sob story with no proof of anything he claims.

>> No.4673814

he had a version without vocals on his channel

>> No.4673820


>> No.4673825

that's still not oppression

>> No.4673833

it was before Cover took out his songs from Spotify

>> No.4673841

>hire a lawyer for fancontent
That's retarded

>> No.4673844

>just wait them to contact you bro
>lol what a loser for actually waiting them to contact you

>> No.4673853

The base tempo are not even his , it's came from royalty-free bgm then mixed with Ame voicebank.

Nothing from the works can be called "Originals" at all.

>> No.4673856

Yes, it has everything to do with it. If I write some basic ass song, but then throw in a sample from Dr. Dre that runs over the whole track, obviously the songs popularity and success is tied directly to the sample, not my basic instrumentals. It's hard to differentiate sometimes, but I feel it would be impossible to win, legally.

>> No.4673863

he could control his autism before but yesterday he sperged out because he felt like he deserved some recognition from Ame

>> No.4673867

He already gave permission for her to use it in previous Ame streams and obviously did not contact cover that they no longer can us it.

>> No.4673869

cry more bass

>> No.4673878

Cover wronged this man...

>> No.4673886

Obviously they all have to be careful who they mention and shout out. Imagine being on a stage that huge and fragile, you're not just gonna give fistbumps to every cunt that does something for you. The odds of them coming out being a baby rapist are way to fucking high.

>> No.4673891

Obviously, if you sperg out like a retard, nobody will contact you. What is so hard to understand here?

The moment he started bitching out, he closed that door. By himself.

>> No.4673920

This is like writing fanfiction then getting upset you can't publish it and make money. Oh wait that shit happens all the fucking time

>> No.4673922

Sure but that's too much of an expensive for any normal person to consider for basically no gain. The 0.003$ per play is not worth going through a lawyer for.

>> No.4673932

But if someone just uses the actual music part of your creation does that even matter? That's what I'm not sure about. Yes, your song was only popular because of the Dre samples, but that shouldn't limit your ownership of the music you created yourself.

>> No.4673946

yep, he definitely tried to diddle some kids before

>> No.4673967

Fan content is one thing, but his whole complaint is based on not being allowed to monetize it on Spotify. And when money and legal issues are involved, Lawyers or get fucked basically. Someone should learn the difference.

>> No.4673970

Most music is made using royalty-free stuff these days. The act of layering multiple sound sources over each other is itself considered a legally transformative work. I think Holo Bass is retarded for sperging out on Twitter and threatening a charity stream, but saying "it's all royalty free sources so he doesn't have a copyright claim" is being flagrantly ignorant of copyright law and the music-making process.

>> No.4673978

These bitches set me up

>> No.4673980

It's not about the money it's about a man who was betrayed by people he tought were his friends

>> No.4673999
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>not giving shoutouts to the side project of someone who makes mlp fan music
Ame based

>> No.4674039

You know that virtually no artists create the sound sources they use for their music? They all come in packages that were produced by someone else. Using your logic, no digital music produced today is original.

>> No.4674054

I wonder if Cover did a background check on him, found out that he is a ponyfag and moonwalked right out of this yab

>> No.4674055

Exactly, his content is not worth the time and effort to fight a copywrite strike. Aka he has no case. And no one cares about it since there is no money to be made here. He should have just let it go and continue to make new content that wont have this problem. But instead decides to rant about it and /vt/ to be his personal army.

>> No.4674056

With the shitty current laws around music, the whole song would just be Dre's if I used a sample like that. It's definitely not a simple question, and honestly I'd agree with you that anything created by the author belongs to them. It just doesn't work out that way. At that point we get into talking about music patents in general which is already a fucking mess.

>> No.4674083

He could not have been betrayed if they were never his friends in the first place. Being delusional is not a excuse.

>> No.4674084

Imagine trying to play the copyright card when you've burned it yourself https://web.archive.org/web/20210419122841if_/https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=42QhdIradBc

>> No.4674092

woudln't surprise me
they seem to be more smart about this kind of stuff than people assume

>> No.4674103

He won't sperg out if Cover did actually contact him. They didn't. What don't you get about this anon?

>> No.4674120

But he worked hard to make content for them and they betrayed him
He just wanted to do something for Amelia and she broke his heart

>> No.4674128

Anon. . .Ame didn't like the song in the first place and would rather not acknowledge it had it not been for spergs in chat bringing it up every karaoke stream. If you think the girl portraying the virtual character on screen are your friends, you need help and to go outside.

>> No.4674133

You go to court for that, but since ame use it for a charity and didn't monetize her stream, holobass doesn't really have a foot to hold on court. Ultimately fair use always come down to issue of profit.

>> No.4674137

They didn't.. please cite source which is not just him saying it. Again this is all according to him with no evidence that he contacted cover or that cover received his contact.

>> No.4674139

They ignored him cause he's a creep and clearly they were proven right

>> No.4674149

Burning bridges with people who refuse to work with you, even to give a yes or no is an entirely neutral act unworthy of moral evaluation.

>> No.4674157

Reread the post you are replying to. Keep doing it until you understand how neuronormative minds work.

>> No.4674173

But they never asked for his content to be made in the first place.

>> No.4674178

Ame is my friends she speaks to me and reads my supachas

>> No.4674179

Ame literally did nothing wrong

>> No.4674192

I always ask how "going outside" would help anon psychologically. Does he compare himself to others, see deficiencies and start working on them or what?

>> No.4674212

If Cover was experienced they would have never touched him with a ten foot pole given Kei's history of publicly sperging out.

>> No.4674213

Yup pretty much this. I don't know why SEA nigs don't understand this concept.

>> No.4674225

Looking at his sperg out on twitter, won't be surprised his contact letter to cover is rude and unprofessional which is a big no no to japanese and got blacklisted instantly lol

>> No.4674233

He needs to do something other than sit inside all day and watch Vtubers, clearly.

>> No.4674257

Based turboautist

>> No.4674275

So there was a history of such behaviors for him?
Tell me more, I love me a good doujin drama.

>> No.4674277

Because SEAnigs definition of fair use is pulled from shit they've read off social media or some artists' tweet about it. Hence why they are always heavily skewed towards "muh poor starving artists"

>> No.4674292

The question is legit for me though, as this is what I am trying to do myself. Lots of deficiencies to fix still.

>> No.4674295

Guess which one that is not monetized & safe from the creator going schizo?

>> No.4674296

But then you guys get mad at me for missing a stream and a yab and a rrat and i get called a new fag
What gives?

>> No.4674318

Way I see it "Go outside" is just the meme phrase. The broader concept is to find other things. Disassociate yourself from what you're obsessed about, fully or at least partially.

>> No.4674320

Since Holobass collabed with other artists in the past, I wonder what the state of those works are in.

>> No.4674341

You can watch the stream on your phone, *gasp* OUT SIDE!

>> No.4674354

If you come in assuming shit or posting rrats without doing your archive reps then that's on you for being a newfag. But if you post like >>4674178 then you clearly need to do something else other than watching chuubas.

>> No.4674359

What is the point of going out side if my mind stays in side...

>> No.4674365

Oh. Well, I am trying to actually associate myself with some creative activity instead, as the life just feels to empty otherwise. Vtubers just don't fill the niche to full, as this is still consumption with only a dash of interactivity, but I will end my blogpost here.
And here my blog ends.

>> No.4674370


>> No.4674375

Holobass is straight up radioactive cancer atm. No one in their right mind would risk working with this retard.

>> No.4674381

Routine exposure to fresh air and sunlight has been scientifically proven to aid in stress relief both physical and mental. It's not much (think of it like a -5~10 on a pressure scale of 0-100), but usually you don't really need much. Taking breaks from your routine and changing your immediate scenery also both contribute to alleviating mental fatigue, which helps reduce stress levels as well.
"Go outside and touch grass" is, in fact, legitimate advice for getting over your immediate issues.

>> No.4674420

You'll be surprised what fresh air and sunlight can do for your mood. It's already too late for your mind if your posting here. At least you can have a healthier body.

>> No.4674464

>Working with an asshole who considered striking a charity stream

He's getting ghosted for sure

>> No.4674469

I guess
But then there's the issue of the possibility of someone seeing me watch vtubers and thinking i'm an incel

>> No.4674477

the absolute state of this board. How about you go back to twitter where you belong, faggot

>> No.4674476

Hah, so I was doing this every working day unknowingly, ignoring the bus and walking there. Cool.

Can confirm out of my own experience, body really likes it. Just make sure to get good insoles and put them in new shoes if you are an obese faggot first.

>> No.4674485

Considering holobass literally admitted himself going schizo & the doggies still getting their squeaky toys, I'd say yes.

>> No.4674525

What are you gonna do about it big boy

>> No.4674536

I can assure you, they will think this even without you brazenly watching vtubers in public.

>> No.4674547

Seems weird. Pochi didn't have to take down her hentai stuff, did she?

>> No.4674564
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Read that thread in the pic, Kei's pissed off other fanbases before because he's an emotional retard.

>> No.4674575

I don't look like an incel i look like a cool mysterious guy with a dark past and nothing to lose

>> No.4674584

Told ya!

>> No.4674597

Pochi is also mentally stable.

>> No.4674607

How about you learn to add imagery to your posts? But I guess ESL's can't into shit posting.

>> No.4674676

I agree. You need to put your energy into something other than consumption. But I was more refering to the aspect of becoming addicted to the parasocial side of Vtubers where you think because you supacha alot or comment alot on their posts, they are somehow your friends instead of viewing them as entertainers whom you enjoy the content of.

>> No.4674688
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twitterfags like you are subhuman. You deserve to hang on a 50 ft pole

>> No.4674692

It was part of his sperg out. I'm pretty sure he wasn't actually asked to take down his r-18 work because it makes no sense for cover to demand it other than being petty, but honestly I know about as much as you do.

>> No.4674736

Yes, totally. Personally I drew the line at membership, but absolutely no SC ever. If they heart my comment or something it is really nice, but that's all. Just treat it like you would any other subscription service, even if it is hard to.

>> No.4674762

And i asked what you're going to do about it
Besides seethe

>> No.4674801

Kei took it down himself, but most companies have a clause where you're not allowed to make porn of the IPs belonging to the company you're working with, at least while working with them. So Kei couldn't put out an r-18 Marine doujin while also doing HoloALT. This is fairly standard and accepted within doujin circles as How Things Are.
As far as I'm aware PLEASE prove me wrong if I am, with sauce of course Pochi has no Hololive R-18 works, let alone ones of Reine. There's nothing to take down and having a background in smut is generally considered a fact of life in illustration. It's not like she's at risk of being "found out" over it; everyone already knows that she likes it when a shota gets his lights fucked out by some 10/10 girl twice his age.

>> No.4674815

It comes down to money, I think. If said work brings in more than official one, I can understand not wanting to hide it. But what the fuck was he hoping for in the first place when it is a standard industry practice? In animoo they will specifically commission hentai artists to do ED screens and things like that with the stipulation that they can't make doujins on the property later.

>> No.4674845

You will never have a fulfilling life, tranny

>> No.4674848

oh the amount I would pay to see a Reine doujin by Pochi

>> No.4675004

he is back boys

>> No.4675019


>> No.4675077


>> No.4675113

What else

>> No.4675227


>> No.4675228

Cover could have handled things better
Ame did nothing wrong
Bass is a greedy retard

>> No.4675262

Hololive Moments by far

>> No.4675285

Nevertheless, there are rules and if you create fan content you accept these rules. Besides even if an artist managed to create one viral song does not mean they will manage to create another. Senzawa, for example, never had any song be as popular as "OK, Boomer", despite being quite prolific in making meme songs. But most of her songs stuck with her own audience (or the audience of Belle), with the Boomer song the only one that swapped over to mainstream through tiktok.

>> No.4675336

Considering Senzawa, she was growing subs till the end, so broader popularity would have happened eventually, especially is she would continue the ok boomer trend.

I am not complaining how it turned out in the end, her karaoke effortposting is completely adorable.

>> No.4675426

Scizo-radar is literally the most powerful capability any entertainment company can have.
Cover knows they're one major slip-up from The Big Yab, and they know the vtuber bubble will pop eventually. Even assuming they maintain the popularity they currently have, the girls are eventually going to age and tire and not be able to do 3~5 multi-hour streams a week, or just want to retire in general.
The ability to maintain strong goodwill with the fans relies heavily on maintaining the trust that the fans have with the content Cover promotes, including the quality and attitude of its talents. This is why the Taiwan incident is so impactful (yes, "Is", not "was"). A single utterance by two vtubers sent an entire regional branch careening over the edge and permanently affected the company's ability to hold position in a market that is now completely lost to them forever. Sure, in that particular instance they lucked out and found a stronger market elsewhere, but just because you get a damn good prosthetic replacement doesn't mean your arm wasn't cut off, even if it's arguably better than the original limb.
Schizos are the enemy of all entertainment. That's why cancel culture is so strong nowadays: it's scizos hunting people.

>> No.4675529

Cover already handled it in the best way possible by not interacting with that pedo at all

>> No.4675530

I have this idea that Taiwan thing was not just some schizos losing it but very deliberate policy surfacing. Chinese are not stupid, they understand that media is always a battleground, especially this new interactive breed. Japan is still occupied by US and has no political subjectivity, ditto Taiwan.

>> No.4675591
File: 32 KB, 576x576, 1613940025279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the political climate of this age
I just want to enjoy things

>> No.4675632

It was always like this, anon. US is descending into hell, Eurasia is ascending, conflicts are bound to happen. Just hope cooler minds prevail and we don't spiral into another world war.

>> No.4675775

It's a combination of a couple of factors, the main one being that the tensions between taiwan and bugland were flaring up around that time, and also the result of a concerted misinformation effort on the chinese side.

>> No.4675835

Didn’t Cover buy the rights to the docchi docchi song?
They included it in banquet I thought.

>> No.4675875

This reminds me, do South Koreans have vtubers? Considering their recent semi manufacturing spat with Japan, and what is happening with semis now.

>> No.4675955

kill yourself communist.

>> No.4675995

Reminder this mother fucker was making enough money on YouTube that he could buy holoen merch with, as well as help pay for student loans (his own admittance) and instead of just being quiet and dealing with it he decided to take a double barrel to his foot and get rid of it entirely. Like there was no real need for him to even have it on Spotify but he insists he should have been able to.

>> No.4676065

Did Cover hire you to be a corpo defence force, or is it just a conservatard/libshit kneejerk I see?

I wonder how much was he able to pay off.

>> No.4676083

Artists are often egoists, especially the subpar. He thought piecing together clips with some background music made him an artist worthy of respect and official recognition. He thought he had enough prestige in the fanbase to be able to fight against it and win. He then realize he wasn't and all his work was the equivalent of cutting and pasting, and fucked off. though he's probably still high on the fumes of his own farts and believes he's been wrongfully attacked by simps and "muh evil corporation" and thinks his shit is gold

>> No.4676164

>dropped boring game so her viewers would be always entertained
>raised 200k for animals
>mogged brony and his shitty mix
I love this gremlin so much bros.

>> No.4676221

Same Haachama that got a bunch of her western music covers nuked? Hmmmmm

>> No.4676305

Didn't Calli do pop on rocks in a karaoke stream too at some point? There wasn't a spergout then so does anyone know if he was contacted for that?

>> No.4676682

>can I just have the music on spotify and you guys take all the money, all the money goes to cover

sounds like money isnt the issue here

>> No.4676727

...is what schizo would like you to believe.

>> No.4678876

>One spergs out then DFE
>The other is unbothered, hasn't and wont be addressing it and likely is unaware of this whole thing

>> No.4680029

come on bros give him 99 likes, he's a starving artist making a mere thousands of dollars a month

>> No.4680829

This is more akin to copy and pasting the original text, making a few minor changes in wording and bitching when you can't monetise it.

>> No.4681295

He's just salty that nobody contacted him giving him an in with cover which would ultimately result in him sliding into Ame's DMs. Cover and Ame did good.

>> No.4681398

Chopped and screwed mixes, lo-fi remixes, and covers have been proven to be worth less than a dime a dozen. Holobass fits in the dime a dozen category.

>> No.4682324

The EN girls usually credit fanartists, and Japan has a different culture with fanwork in general.
