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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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46695914 No.46695914 [Reply] [Original]

Something something to talk about spanish v-tubers, from indies, to small corpos, and some w-words ones.

Previous thread >>46570888

>> No.46696720

Oh hey i forgot last night to make the OP, but yeah, best way to start the day. Watch Russian Spanish baba

>> No.46698016

Pink haired girls are cool

>> No.46698226

what are some spanish chuubas with zero zoomer "humor"?

>> No.46698273

Define zoomer humor

>> No.46698288


>> No.46700930
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Post cute girls

>> No.46703254
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>> No.46703995
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>> No.46705327

La espantaexistencias

>> No.46706179


>> No.46706543

I would like to see a collaboration with Nisha and her

>> No.46706675 [SPOILER] 
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best manola vtuber

>> No.46706876

Your wrong she >>46700930 is better

>> No.46707082

Change her voice and maybe she could have the third place

>> No.46707442

A collaboration between Eris, Nisha and Yumi

>> No.46707514
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I don't want to watch ironic weebs or meme-spouting retards, just someone genuine. I'm not an unicorn btw, I already watch a spic guy(male) but he barely streams nowadays.

>> No.46707572

Diler is your choice, she's as genuine as it gets.

>> No.46707772

who is this cute girl?

>> No.46707879


>> No.46708079


>> No.46708290

She sounds like she masturbates a lot

>> No.46708294

>React Andy

>> No.46708646

ama Eris

>> No.46710388

If (you) keep shilling her /here/ I'll groom her into graduating

>> No.46710452

This is not even /wactor/ tf is your problem?

>> No.46710589

You're making me anti her unironically

>> No.46711057

You're a braindead contrarianfag, I don't even post her that much.

>> No.46711099

Ok Mr. Casanova

>> No.46711685

She's not the brightest, easy groom. I'll just give her money and that's it

>> No.46711993

Recommend me chuubas who play nice videogames

>> No.46712233

Why are you like this, Gonza?

>> No.46712393

Kirino Kiaran, la giramiga.

>> No.46714779

Wactor fans scared of people finding out there are more chuubas out there so they spam Sezia, Himea and Yumi here.

>> No.46715050

Spanish please, your English doesn't make sense.

>> No.46715505

>T. Tourist

>> No.46715565

Does she has any good lews?

>> No.46715849

Oh the horror kek

>> No.46718933
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Any good Cunny chuba apart from Nisha?

>> No.46722890


>> No.46723400

Aisu, Karuna and idk

>> No.46723664

You don't know what cunny means

>> No.46723789

Spoonfeed me on LyraStella

>> No.46724774

Maybe Kana Imeru? She has a cunny model as far as i know. She wasn't that good last time i checked, but is cunny

>> No.46726854
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YadiDoll LOVE

>> No.46727482

Sorry bro i just watch Nisha

>> No.46732672


>> No.46734880

Damn bros, we don't do enough reps to keep these threads relevant
I assume youtube chuubas are not so known

>> No.46735841


>> No.46737189
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has la cosa rosa made streams in spanish or did she abandon us totally for money and bbd?

>> No.46738404

Let me get inside idol and I'll come back with her. I promise.

>> No.46739101

>good ES cunny
That doesn't exist anonchama but here are the closest to good options you'll find
Nateyo until she graduated
Riro Ron from idol-EN so you won't hear her talk in Spanish too much
everyone else is hot garbage

>> No.46739188

The only thing cunny about Nateyo is her rm

>> No.46739972

Her rm is really cute

>> No.46740010

my headcanon tells me that only loli Nateyo exists, her adult model isn't real

>> No.46741814


>> No.46742057


>> No.46742365

Ýou gotta talk about twitch chuubas and you'll get more replies and shitflinging

>> No.46745267
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Back up you go

>> No.46746173


>> No.46747402
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>> No.46748300


>> No.46751325


>> No.46751430

At least discuss other chuubas instead of the same 3 insipidas

>> No.46751628

No one watches anything else

>> No.46751780

premarital unprotected sex with Aisu!!!

>> No.46754160


>> No.46755937
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>> No.46756231

She says interesting things

>> No.46760594
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>> No.46763824
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>> No.46764317
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>> No.46764469

She's funny

>> No.46764835

And cute

>> No.46765614

T o T

>> No.46766790

>Implying ESP people actually watch streams
doing a quick research in social media, ESP people has the lowest rate of actually watching stream but also just being clipwatchers.

>> No.46766875

Nice information

>> No.46767005

From the last 4 ex-natamos, i think she has the biggest chance to breakthrough

>> No.46767397

Rossiya Manolita streaming

>> No.46768048

They should be banned, they already have 2 generals

>> No.46768064


>> No.46768152

isnt that hoe korean?

>> No.46770176

She has the biggest chance to get dicked down by a normie too

>> No.46770305

Anon the chances of that are 100% and its the same chance for all women

>> No.46770474

I mean, the chance is higher with groomed chuubas like her

>> No.46771467

Anon she doesn't target unicorns nor gachis.
She's just an entertainer/comedian/singer.

>> No.46772569

stfu the queen is streaming

>> No.46773020

>that plate
lmao is the same i have, so Reimu is living here, mmm

>> No.46774290

human having sex? oh the horror

>> No.46774344

If you give money to a girl with a bf, you're a cuck. That's her boyfriend's responsibility.

>> No.46774465

S-so i'm a cuck for giving money to my mom... oh...

>> No.46774477

Agreed, don't be a fag and give money to your gf anons. Even if they say no, they'll be very subtle about what they want, don't be an autist and pay attention.
women are women

>> No.46774556

>give money to your sister
>she has a bf
>now you're a cuck
what kind of mental illness do you have to think like that? Y especialmente en Latam donde las turras se abren contigo hasta gratis lmao

>> No.46774723

Chuubas who are playing or played Half life? I wanna get nostalgic

>> No.46774775

I swear to go i saw a argentinian doing that like 1 month ago

>> No.46774855

Family excluded you autists, they're your responsibility as a man.

>> No.46775147

i think you don't know what responsability mean anon

>> No.46775169

At least until she gets married.

>> No.46775324

and she sucks at all three, why see her?

>> No.46775335

Poor incels, they can't have sex without paying

>> No.46775377

You have to take care of your mom because she brought you to the world and took care of you growing up.
You have to take care of your sisters until they get married because they're women.
You don't have to take care of a non related woman that already has her boyfriend/husband, father and brothers to take care for her, unless you're the boyfriend or she's single and you're courting her.

>> No.46775433

Keep paying condoms for other men.

>> No.46775470

>You have to take care of your sisters until they get married

Where are you from? South Asia?

>> No.46775546

Only your argie shithole got degenerated by western progre shit.
The rest of LATAM has conservative family values.

>> No.46775556

>You have to take care of your mom because she brought you to the world and took care of you growing up.
lol no, she wants me to be indepedent like everyone should be, she should never become the reason why are you living, but the reason to keep living on
>You have to take care of your sisters until they get married because they're women.
my sister is a grow up woman, she can do whatever she wants, if she need help, the family will help her, but she's not a charge when she's on her own.
>You don't have to take care of a non related woman that already has her boyfriend/husband, father and brothers to take care for her, unless you're the boyfriend or she's single and you're courting her.
correct, so what is the issue? you fag have a control issue, what a loser lmao

>> No.46775721

nobody think like that unless you're a evangelist retard or catholicuck. you twisted the conversative ways with a modern US protestant value that makes no sense, old cons from North Mexico or Patagonia/Chile never had issues with this, they didn't give a fuck about the vatican, or religion, they only think about the family, not the genre or the pov, hence the formation of the traditional Latam family so promintent in those regions, who ironically, are the most advances societies in Latam, Uruguay, Chile, Argentina and Nothern Mexico.

>> No.46775762

Ah... No, I'm not from choripanland
I guess you're from a little farm town because there's no other form you think that's normal

>> No.46775936
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I really doubt it, his way of thinking is the modern "conservative", copypasted from the US boomers without understanding how and why the US is so powerful.

Anyway, Eru pretty

>> No.46776108

>correct, so what is the issue? you fag have a control issue, what a loser lmao
So we agree you're a cuck if you give money to a non family girl with a bf.

>> No.46776162

Catholicism is strong in my country.

>> No.46776190

then why are you watching v-tubers in the first place? this place is cuck central by that logic
>b-but they don't have bf
rumao rumao
roru roru

>> No.46776256

Dude latinx chicks get knocked up before theyre old enough to drive, whatre you watching them for if youre a unicorn

>> No.46776277

Hence, that is the answer on why your country is a shithole

>> No.46776307

My country is totally fine. I'm proud of it.

>> No.46776360

>he lies as he naturally breaths

>> No.46776403
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>> No.46776440

Cmn guys, this isn't /pol/

>> No.46776516

this is the most confusing thing for me, unless you're trying to be a bad caricature of a japanese unicorn (not an a idolfag, literally get more into idols pleb), in Latam, there's no way to reinforce any of that shit, everyone before college has enough sexual experience to satisfy anyone from the opposide gender.

>> No.46776553
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>> No.46776656

Unlike Japanese unicorns, I don't care about past relationships, I only care if the girl in question is currently in a relationship. If she is won't give her a single cent.

>> No.46776698

>I don't care if she's used good
what a cuck

>> No.46776909

Unless you go for a 13yo you won't get a virgin, and I'm not a pedo. Bad luck for you if you missed on it when you were that age.

>> No.46776961

>Bad luck for you if you missed on it when you were that age.
holy projection batman

>> No.46777091

>no u

>> No.46777172

i accept your consecion then como te pones a llorar por una v-tuber, si todas tienen novio, quien lo oculta mejor es la que gana

>> No.46777303

All vtubers are hiding their bf, or the guy she thinks is her bf while shes actually just a side bitch

>> No.46777354

true, the fastest you accept it, then less mentall issues you will have

>> No.46777487

what a subhuman infested thread lmao

>> No.46777519

you can keep it bumping it bro, it's free

>> No.46777724

Seethe, subhumans are cooler (and more virgin) than you

>> No.46777837

>IP didn't change

>> No.46778247

Tortilla my beloved

>> No.46778659


>> No.46779369

Nateyo was the squirrel?

>> No.46779589

Misora wanted to collab with Nateyo.
Would have Meica collabed with her if Nateyo were still a vtuber?

>> No.46780180

probably yes

>> No.46780754

español jajaj

>> No.46781252

Tell me more about Aisu, sell me her

>> No.46783778

she's fun, she doesn't do GE content she just likes to have fun, she quickly understands memes and jergas from other countries, she knows about sex jokes and stuff but she is not depraved nor does go to the extreme like twitchwhores she knows when it's time and when to stop
she's a legal loli irl, 155 48kg b34 cup that perfectly matches her voice

>> No.46784077


>> No.46785171

Too dumb to understand, do you have any reference?
Also how you know that?

>> No.46787688

T o T

>> No.46789915

What you think of Pirañita?

>> No.46790364

She’s the most tolerable Argie chuba, although that’s not saying much.

>> No.46792897

Where is everyone?

>> No.46793692

I'm having dinner

>> No.46793911
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I miss my wife...

>> No.46794978

She really was studying spanish... instead the scammer three years and barely a complete sentence

>> No.46795157

How does she do it? fucking larpera con acentito how come her CCV is higher than my favorites

>> No.46795210

even Leo Valentino (RIP) learned more spanish in 2 hours than Miu in 2 years

>> No.46795268

Can I have some?

>> No.46795340

setthe Lily Endou is cooler than (You)

>> No.46795374

Yome is doing a karoke of anime song


>> No.46795410

>He didn't block her channel

>> No.46795493

Sorry bro i'm finished it

>> No.46795527

>still being this butthurt

lol nico
lmao nico

>> No.46796817


>> No.46797532

literal cancer.

>> No.46798151


>> No.46798355

Dead. Post about your girls here or perish

>> No.46798673

>shilling anoter shitty choripanera

>> No.46798842

stop crying and watch more chuubas

>> No.46798883
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come home

>> No.46799092

>ccv: 180

>> No.46799175

who are (you) quoting

>> No.46800391

I've already reached the limit, wait until tomorrow faggot

>> No.46800597

In my bed
Even /WACTOR/ is cucking you

>> No.46800802

What are those numbers?
I thought they got at least 1k

>> No.46801207

So Aisu is 155 cm, how tall is Pirañita?

>> No.46802471


Merun tetris

>> No.46803657


another takataka who after almost two years can't articulate a simple sentence in spanish and can't even pronounce the fucking words she reads every day from the fucking translator properly

>> No.46803735

I starting to fall for Aisu

>> No.46803753

What's the attractive of that game? I think it's boring, at least for a stream

>> No.46803827

in an off stream they mentioned that she is only a little taller ~160-162

>> No.46803905

I starting to hate Aisu, may even go anti

>> No.46803908

I think a Holo was very good at it, so was memed has entertaining, I think was a blue one, Lami?

>> No.46803929

Zoomers really have shitty taste

>> No.46804062

Good night anons
Recommend chuubas who do good asmr but no +18

>> No.46804381

Iana Ignosis
She's a KR vtuber
Yes. Just a passing KR anon bumping. I did the same for /warkop/ in the past.

>> No.46804994

What a nice guy

>> No.46806749

I'll hardcore shill her just to annoy you.

>> No.46807809


>> No.46808215

Anon i was having a shitty night and this made me laugh, thanks

>> No.46808330


>> No.46808362

She's a veneca, this is expected

>> No.46808791

Poor girl

>> No.46809575

why? she is pink and very cute

>> No.46811083

Aisu sex

>> No.46815909


>> No.46818097


>> No.46819732


>> No.46822296


>> No.46823708

Shill your chuba, let's make a list

>> No.46823872


>> No.46823950

Aisu Kirimu
Akami Chiyo

>> No.46824196


>> No.46824940


>> No.46825327

Sad Meica, best Meica

>> No.46826606
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>> No.46826762

YuniePix my beloved is live

>> No.46826768

Post your best twitch chuubas

>> No.46826807

Link doko?

>> No.46826908


>> No.46826978
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Nice dead thread fags

>> No.46827036

Dead chuba

>> No.46827534

More like freed chuuba

>> No.46827632

She dead

>> No.46828623


>> No.46830050

Post more Aisu please

>> No.46831861
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>> No.46832859


>> No.46833991


>> No.46834473

Wife stream later

>> No.46836842

shit shit shit

no percibo ni miro choripaneras

green tea bitch

red tea bitch

>> No.46837153


>> No.46837382

What do you even watch?

>> No.46837649


>> No.46837970


>> No.46838199

/lig/, waiting for the true ES breakthrough.

>> No.46839002

I know that all latinas are whore but I'm looking for a vtuber who does GFE, any recommend?

>> No.46839101


>> No.46839464

Nymphaaea, Shion Rosental, Giftschlangen, Pookyboo

>> No.46839536
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>> No.46840198

I'll check them out thanks

>> No.46841155

Can I get some recs on good ES singers?
As well as ES Gamers? (actual gamers not just reaction stacys or charla libre)

>> No.46841595

Sezia is pretty good too
Reimu they say
Nisha when she feels like it
Can someone provide more examples?

>> No.46841758

Singers: Keri Ikehana, Eru Nabura, Sezia Haruma.

>> No.46842042

Eru is good, great even
Reimu is OK, I'd say Eru is better than her
Sezia is quite mid, her PL/RM is heavily dependant on mixing and editing
Keri needs a better mic, but her range is good

>> No.46842595

Do you know of any vtuber who sang some old rock song from bands like heroes del silencio or Soda stereo?

>> No.46842610

Sezia is pretty good at karaokes, but she’s insecure about her voice

>> No.46842678

Sezia did a 2000’s karaoke yesterday and often sings songs like that

>> No.46842775

>Soda stereo

>> No.46842777

>insecure of her voice


>> No.46844953

She actually wants to have Eru's voice

>> No.46845091

I like Ayaka Zaphir

>> No.46845302

Thank for the recommend, that karaoke was really good, her voice is cute and as this anon said >>46842610 she sounds kinda insecure but I'm sure she will improve in the future, Ill sub to her
what happened to her? is she from wactor?

>> No.46845569

She was from wactor, she attempted suicide due to harassment.

>> No.46845599


>> No.46845617

Keri ikehana sings like a dog howling. I recommend the other two

>> No.46845754

If you like cars, old tokukatsu and old japanese songs. I recommend Meka she is a mechanic and is pretty chill.

>> No.46845898

Fuck off, she's a good singer. You just have a hateboner for ex natamos

>> No.46845912

Damn fuck wactor, i hope the few vtubers that are left from there can free themselves from that shit corpo

>> No.46846085

that's a babi

>> No.46846159

you just don't like carraspeo and it's certainly something that she could train herself to avoid to be honest

>> No.46846314

Anon are you by any chances deaf

>> No.46846902

get in

>> No.46847026

She has two singing voices, one the "Keri Ikehana" voice and the "real" one. She doesn't uses that much the real one because it sounds too different from her usual voice. But on some Karaokes you can hear it.

>> No.46847400

You shared it when it was already ending papu

>> No.46848559

My lil sis is doing an extensible stream (up to 48 hours)

>> No.46848703

no one cares, fuck off.

>> No.46848779

hi wacturd

>> No.46848810

No one cares, fuck off with your groomeadita lil sis

>> No.46848911


>> No.46848958


>> No.46849207

>mexinigger think that people want to see his trash
fuck off back to FB clown
we already decided that Natamoputas and amais are banned, only decent chuubas like Kyria or the Sedai girls are alowed here.

>> No.46849291

>implying I am mexichango
look at where you are, weon

>> No.46849345

Nice, keep the thread bumped

>> No.46849599
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>> No.46849708

> she attempted suicide due to harassment
no she didn't, that was just to act as a distraction and gain sympathy among a few morons like you
Also as a dirty move to "scare away" other companies that want to enter the Latin market
>muh the bad Latinos bullied us look we just wanted to denounce that they don't fulfill their contracts and one of our talents tried to commit suicide we don't put evidence but believe in us
>muh look they despise companies and their bosses

>> No.46849800

First time I see her, is she good at gaming, singing or zatsu?

>> No.46849831

Anon, she's a vegetable now. You're scum justifying your harassment and lying to outsiders of the facts.

>> No.46849940

Zatsu, she's a talking machine. She's also good at Minecraft and did weird stuff like playing it with her feet and upside down.

>> No.46850016
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>> No.46850052

>t. Ozuni
Go back to Twitter.

>> No.46850110
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i love this chimera

>> No.46850225

the definition of wasted potential

>> No.46850397

her voice is pure SEX

>> No.46850656
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She's playing Metal Slug btw

>> No.46850688

fk off liatard there is nothing for you here your oshi graduated and now she dedicates herself 100% to being a housewife, sucking Akira's dick and preparing to be a mother

>> No.46850911

her manager and mod team are very anti-viewer

>> No.46850969

She's good at being dumb too. Try it

>> No.46851315

Dumb and cute. (She got really angry for being called dumb with a stronger word, kek)

>> No.46852116


>> No.46852312

They just hate ex-Natamo girls for being related to Nateyo Rakai. /WACTOR/ insider drama, don't mind it.

>> No.46852442

Kek so it's literally a nothingburger then, I'll keep watching this cutie

>> No.46853148

Nah I just hate them for what they are, one is a whore and the other is giga groomed by her server

>> No.46853472

Don't pretend, you already hated Natamo ever since before gen2 debuts.

>> No.46853566

Some chuuba who likes RPGs?

>> No.46853809

Sadly she is afraid chat will get bored if she plays them, even tho she really loves the genre.

>> No.46854157

vivifellow on twitch I enjoy her indie rpg streams

>> No.46854275

she have pretty good horror content too

>> No.46854358

eriniwatori on twitch too, she mixes horror sometimes as well

>> No.46854457

Nisha is a Final Fantasy fan but I doubt she'll ever stream that.

>> No.46855842

Aimi Hada is good at singing, better than Eru, I would say
But she does not do that many karaokes and that’s why I stopped watching her

>> No.46855876

More like she ran away like a coward

>> No.46856130
File: 200 KB, 1229x2048, DC42EE53-C783-411F-A2F0-2CF46F27F836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok her last stream made me like her
why were anons shitting on her that much?
she is fun to watch and her english voice is pure sex
do you think that’s her real voice?

>> No.46856374

Honestly, i like her asmr roleplay but only because was that, a roleplay stream. I don't like her normal streams bc she sounds too false to me

>> No.46856449

Some people don't like her because of what she did in the past in her PL, other people think she's too fake. About her voice, I think it's real.

>> No.46856888

What's her name

>> No.46857408

Why is my wife the OP pic

>> No.46857871

Aimi is good but she doesnt have stamina for it, Eru have a very natural tone (sex) and a wide range, both are good desu

>> No.46857968

la larpera sidosa

>> No.46858051

lily endou

>> No.46859872

I want to have sex with Aisu Kurimu and I willing to fight anyone in my path to accomplish that

>> No.46860237

Fuck you Gonza you twink ass argie scum

>> No.46860401

You can stop from having lovely dobely child making sex with Aisu

>> No.46862926


>> No.46863650

I just want to protect Aisu for the rest of my life

>> No.46864093

Then hunt down Gonza

>> No.46865174

I just way to impregnate Aisu

>> No.46867082


>> No.46867153

finally, this thread will die
long live /WACTOR/

>> No.46867733

Good night anon
Don't forget to brush your teeth

>> No.46871303

Thread doesn't die

>> No.46871314


I like her but the static of her mic is driving me nuts.

>> No.46873191

/WACTOR/ is dead too

>> No.46873476

Final message: Aisu sex!!!

>> No.46875222

real final message
Aisu impregnation!!!

>> No.46876096

the real final final message

ask for Aisu's hand from her parents, get married in the orthodox Christian church, make love only for reproductive purposes, love her and respect her for the rest of our lives!!!

>> No.46876211

Fuck that

>> No.46877423

New thread now or tomorrow?

>> No.46877574


>> No.46878229

we will discuss Nisha /here/ or in /Wactor/

>> No.46878268

La puta madre, vengo dedicándome a la joda y los memes 100% en inglés desde hace 20 años y no le sé al chitpost en ñ. How tf am i supposed to take advantage of this general to groom me a 0.5 view spañish chuba now? :c

>> No.46878296


>> No.46878325

Honestly you can find them if these guys talked more about NEW chuubas

>> No.46878436

recuerden unirse a Holopapus :v

tenemos momasos y waifus

>> No.46878498

holopapus is dead you retard

>> No.46878580

Fucking simian facetards return to your shithole

>> No.46878692

Aisu Impregnation and abandonment

>> No.46878875

>momazos. Papus.
Is the fucking gordo puto and his following still alive? Last i heard of him he couldn't return to his country because he was wanted by several people.

>> No.46879080

this instead >>46876096

>> No.46879085

Who the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.46879213

I will forget tomorrow so there is it

>> No.46879265

go to sleep anon you need it

>> No.46879372

Google translate anon. . .

>> No.46879563

Am sou cul sonuvabitch

>> No.46879913

Final message: Aisu Impregnation and abandonment

>> No.46880151

Other guy said "join holopapus". Papus, writing meme as momo/momazo, using :v and worse, all at the same time, are slang specific to a notorious online group known as (sdlg). They started in tadinga, as followers of a certain fat fuck who played it up for laughs and used translated 4chan memes instead of having a personality. They've been involved in illegal porn, harassing, brigading, scamming and other crap. Every time they claim it was just an offshoot group and they deny all responsibility, however that's just a strat used for plausible deniability. The guy atop it all himself is a massive lolcow with an unchecked ego who has hosted fake mass among other cult like activities. Tldl: avoid grasosos at all costs.

>> No.46880274

Nice information anon

>> No.46881195

Again final message: Aisu Impregnation and abandonment

>> No.46881659

Final final final message

>> No.46881738

Someone's lil sis is playing with her groomers on stream...

>> No.46881862

was expected

>> No.46881974


>> No.46882055


>> No.46882434

She moved onto doing something else but not so long ago she was playong with her groomers on stream

>> No.46884268

Aisu Impregnation and abandonment
